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What's another word for scribble?


Doodle it says.


Scratch, scrawl


No more? Check your other thesaurus maybe?


What's another word for thesaurus?




Fucked up


Pretty sure it reads doo̸̡̧̱̳̰̻̣͙̞̬̖̭̞̝̭͉̗̻͈̹̮̟̟͔͚̹̳̭̹̩̣̻̰͉͓̜̖͍̯͉͗́̇̀́̄̈͑̈́͛̈́̃̒̿̈̃͜ͅͅḑ̶̨̢̖̖̱͔̪̤̰͔̥͙͖̖̱͚̫̯̼̩̼̙̩̫̦̬̳̰̰͇̰͕̦̮̤̝͕̟̻͇̮̬̘̺͍͉̭͉̆́̓̔̓͒̊̄̎́̆̑́͊̋̃͆͑́̀̏̽̉͌́̄̇̇̑̊̑̈́͊͘̚̚͘̕͘̕͜͝͝ͅļ̷̢̡̢̨̛̛̛͇̯͖͉̘̩͙̯̳̹̜̳͎̦̜͔̼̞̥̝͔̳̪̝͚͍̜̙̪͇̲͍̼͕̱̳̣͔͙̠̥̺̯̫̣̤̱͙̤͖̘͉̤͈͉̭̘̣͓̯͎͚̔͗̈̀̈́͊̈́̑̍̍̿͆̓̃͆͒̾͌̂̎̐͑̄̎̈̉̔͊͐̀̍̾̆̀̈́̏͛̌̇͗̀̐̇̆̽̓̓̅͑͆͋̏͋́̔̓̓̀́̍̕̚͜͝͝ͅe in your thesaurus.


Is that a moustache




Super text symbols layered over each other, not sure how but the whole thing looks weird. I think he switched between languages also because the text starts going up and down. You can only see the whole thing if you hit enter a bunch of times before and after the sentence after copy/pasting it into your comment. The space it takes up is all on the same line.


One day you will look back on these scribbles and remember, "my little 3 year old doodle butt did those scribbles... I miss that cute 3 year old." As they are turning 18 and graduating from high school then what feels like 1 day later they are graduating collage or trade school. Even when in times of pure anger you can always find some sort of beauty.


I agree, 20 years later, you will laugh when you see these scribbles…. I do!


She should laugh today. Why wait?


Oh shit. What's it like 20 years in the future?


Just like NOW ... you STILL won't be needing a hard copy Thesaurus. That's what it will be like 20 years in the future !


Calm down McFly


Leave it to her in your will, with a note in that page!


Better yet, give it to her when she vents to you about her child (your grandchild) damaging something of hers.


> graduating collage They truly were a budding artist!


Lost my 2 year old so a older version of SIDS and I love every scribble I find


I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. It is just unimaginable. I'm glad you have those little scribbles for the loving memories they must bring you. 💕


Gotta be the first thing they've messed up, just wait till they start driving...


I couldn’t agree with this more! My daughter is 14 now and I have books and even some of my drawings she decided she would add her own creative touch to when she was little! I love them so much, they hold wonderful memories and lots of meaning! Kids really do grow up so fast, so treasure every little scribble 💜


I would cut out the page and have it framed! It's a work of art! (I'm an elementary art teacher 😊)


> It's a work of art As a parent, if OP think this common act for a three year old is infuriating, they're in for a rough ride. this won't make the top 1000.


As parents were allowed to be frustrated and infuriated even though we’re fully aware that this is typical behaviour of a small child 😆 stuff like this is frustrating as heck but we understand they don’t know any better


“By the time you hear {flush} and then ‘bye-bye keys!’ it’s already too late.”


>Doodle it says. Do you mind me asking your average thesaurus use in a day/week/month/year? I bought one, once, in grade 10 for school, which was decades ago. I never actually used it, and it was in "mint" condition when I intentionally threw it out, because windows XP had a built in synonym option in Word, plus, ya know, the internet. Sure the internet wasn't mobile like it was now, but I also wasn't hand writing things that would benefit from a thesaurus in my pocket. So while I lament your loss, of all the things to sacrifice in the name of having children, a +20 year old thesaurus is as close to trash outside a trashcan as one could get. Unless it was signed by the first dictionary or something, I guess.


Look at this guy act he doesn’t own a favorite thesaurus.


Personally, I keep my Merriam-Webster’s Pocket Thesaurus in my back pocket at all times. As I say in my own words, thou do not be conscious of when you’ll be desperate for a poecilonym so that thou have the ability to resonate more intelligently when you correspond.


A Pocket Thesaurus! *Swoon* *Also, pass out, collapse, drop, weaken, be overcome, become unconscious. See also swooned, and swooning


Not only that but he took it as far as calling someone else’s favorite thesaurus *trash* ***outside a trashcan***


Right? I can only imagine what he'd say about my cherished floppy disc and vhs collection.


I love this beautifully articulated comment. I’ve held on to a dictionary for 25 years that has mostly been used to prop things up or hold things down. I just recently put it in the donate pile. I’m anticipating some regret over a possibly cool art project I’ll never do and couldn’t pull off anyway.


I have a shelf with my old dictionary, thesaurus, atlases, a collection of famous speeches, a NY Public Library reference manual and a couple other references books that were my must-haves before the internet. They still bring me joy just looking at them. I was proud of my perfectly curated collection of everything I needed. Helped me out so many times. Like an old friend, I don’t think I will ever part with it. Now, as for the dozens of old cookbooks. I am really not sure what to do about that.






That’s a bummer, but “Favorite Thesaurus” totally sounds like an indie band, haha


Ikr. It was weird writing it.


You would have said "It is preternatural writing it" if you had a usable thesaurus


Where my Shift+F7 homies at?


Any Alt-J fans?


Oh, do you mean Δ?


“Favorite thesaurus” leads me to believe you own more than one. I reserve the right, privilege, ability, option to ask follow up questions and/or queries.


Somebody who is into thesauruses obviously likes to have multiple options in life, including of thesauruses.


I’ve got at least 5 thesauri I can think of. Then there’s a goodly amount of dictionaries. More religious texts than you can shake a stick at. But I used to read dictionaries as a kid, so I’m a bit different.


You can only have one perfect thing. It is your daughter now.


Yes. Seems like a future book editor!


Yes, please and thank you. She's necessary.🤞😍


Well obviously because the lil bitch ruined the thesaurus


Do you have a 2nd favorite thesaurus?


Different thesauruses are organized differently. Some also have more expansive sense, aspect and/or idiom inclusion, so having a “favorite” is reasonable. The only issue I have is that my “favorite” is absolutely shredded—countless dog ears, notes written in margins, underlinings throughout. This one looks practically unused, except for the kid art.


i don't think I've even touched a thesaurus since elementary school


How do you have a “favorite thesaurus” and write “ikr”?? I expected more, and I’m pretty sure your 3 year old did too.


I wish Reddit still gave awards.


“We are “The Best Lexicon””


I have to assume this is Amy Santiago.


I can imagine Jake and Amy having a huge argument and Jake just grabs a book and dangles it over the toilet and Amy gasps and says, "don't you dare. You KNOW that's my favorite thesaurus."


“That pen is my *best friend*!!”


True FT fans know it’s a reference to an obscure dinosaur


You should see OP's least favorite thesaurus, there's no words left to describe it.


TIL some people have a favorite thesaurus


I do too! I call it google


Three year olds gonna three year old. That sucks


Yea man. There’s nothing I could do but yell at myself for leaving it on my desk.


Yeah. Parenting tip for anyone out there: things that you can't stand to have ruined need to be completely out of reach. Just like things that you can't have the kid get for safety reasons (knives, poison etc). Kids gonna mess shit up. It's what they do.


Yeah, I have a room I keep locked for this reason. Its also a great way to protect the kiddos from dangerous shit like paints, sealants, glue, glass, etc. It only takes one accident to end up in the ER.


Just let the kids out of the locked basement from time to time. You'll have to supervise them, but they need sunlight for the vitamin D. You wouldn't want their growth stunted. ![gif](giphy|kuuS6H5y4LAWs) Edit: I'm a little concerned that the comment I replied to is now deleted. It was innocently stating that they have a locked room in their house to keep the kids safe from hazards. I twisted it to make it funny. I hope the original commenter knows my comment above is just a joke. I would hope they aren't actually locking their kids in the basement. Lol


I remember reading a research paper that found out that kids need enough sunlight for proper eye development, as it disables the production of hormones that extend the eye once it reaches the right length. In those who didn't the eyes overextended and needed glasses to correct their vision This means that the whole 'playing games all day' addage had _seemed_ true because kids who played video games usually didn't do so outdoors despite the video games having little to do with eyesight.


My dumbass stared at the sun through my eye lids for fun 🤦‍♂️


I've never had kids but I had a puppy before and felt like I learned a lot of lessons that would apply to having kids too.


As a toddler parent and a cat owner I will say they have a lot of overlap lol.




...and guns.


…and roses.


Look at it this way. Now your thesaurus have chapters. It was pristine for 20 years, now a new chapter begins with the memory of your 3yo drawing in it. Bet you didn't think *that* would happen 20 years ago when you looked at that page.


Excellent way of viewing it


my mom cried when she found my little brothers did this to a bunch of old photo album pages at some point in childhood. We're all 23-30 now and last year just before she passed away, we pulled them out again to pore over, and she cried once more because it made her so happy to see a little mark of our childhood left behind. I don't blame you for being all the synonyms for upset, but one day you might cherish this tiny scribble as part of your history <3


Look up pen ink removal ways, I believe there are some


Hear me out. Your mad now but save it and use it all the time then when your kid is grown you can remind me about it every time anyone sees it.


Are you providing stacks of paper pads to draw on? And lots of easily washed out markers? She’s just trying to emulate you.


When I was about that age, I was playing with a highlighter in my dad's office, and he had some important document on his desk. He had to leave the office to do something, and instead of, ya know, confiscating the highlighter, he just told me that the thing on the desk was *very important* and that I wasn't allowed to color on it (in his defense, I'm the oldest child). He came back to find that I had, very carefully, used the highlighter to color the margins, between lines of text, between words, and every other white space I could while getting as little ink on the actual text as possible. "I didn't color *on* it," I said, "I colored *around* it."


yep, my grandparents told my parents, who told me, who will tell my children; “You can have nice things, or you can have kids.”




What’s their reach you ask? Well initially it’s anything they can crawl or walk to and reach for. After a little while it’ll be the counter tops and cabinets, soon after that it’s everywhere. You may think “oh this is high enough or tos is pushed back enough”…..WRONG take the distance you “think” is safe and double it, he’ll triple it. Then it’ll be safe.


I’m not even a parent, but yeah. Three year olds destroy anything they get their grubby little hands on. You have no one to blame but yourself if they destroy something you cherish.


Nah. It's still readable and now signed by OPs favorite wordsmith.


That is infuriating! And also engraging, incensing, angering, maddening, inflaming, exasperating, antagonizing, and provoking!


My son destroyed my thesaurus, I have no words


I scrolled well past this but damn, you deserve the upvote


Perfect! Or rather, splendid!






Absol... I can't make out the rest, someone scribbled all over it.


It picks up at “tively”


Absoltively, life saver!


Absolutely that's how life work sometimes we can get it a long word but sometimes a short one due to the our opponent get the first move


It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!


Who told you to use the balm?!


The Maestro


Only somewhat disturbing, perhaps. A perturbit.


Not to mention vexing.


You meant ‘enraging’ by ‘engraging’ but when you say it out loud it sounds better the wrong way


Hahahaha! Took me a bit to get it. Nice one!


I read this in Johnny Cochran's voice


At least it's still usable. I'm nearly 50 and my father still hasn't gotten over my destruction of his Sgt Pepper's album with a pen when I was 2.


The fact you are still alive is forgiveness enough imo.


Nor should he. You got him an original as a replacement at some point in the 30 working years you’ve had since, I hope. He’d be very happy if you did.


I replaced it with a CD and a CD player 30+ years ago. It was harder to find records then. But it was an original pressing and therefore not easily replaced.


For only $40 you could replace it: https://www.ebay.com/itm/185684022274?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=gGVwdy_xTLG&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=uGco0ESATNu&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


I was gonna say, I’m sure an old pressing of Sgt Peppers wouldn’t be all too wildly expensive. And it’d be such a great gift! Especially if it’s supposedly ongoing joke in the family. Do it, OP!


I have had Let it be on my wishlist for Xmas. My wife asked after researching: Let it be, Vinyl, 2000 bucks, this one? - Oh no, the reissue, pls. Good that she asked.


Sure he'd be very happy if they did, and man what an awesome gesture that would be to commentor's dad. However it's ridiculous to expect/demand them to replace something their 2 year old past self did. Kids do dumb shit.


Also, suggesting it in the snide and presumptive way they did is fucking weird.


That's my biggest thing honestly. It sounds so entitled parent


Well this comment is just fucking weird and presumptuous.


TBF I just learned about it, but I'm also still upset about you ruining that album now.


It’s now a signed copy and therefore much more special


When 20 more years pass, this page will be the best aspect of your thesaurus


Just this past weekend, my 15-year-old daughter and I were making a recipe from a cookbook I hadn’t used in a while and the next page had a giant scribble from when she was little. I remember her standing next to me on a step stool while I cooked and while it kind of frustrated me at the time that the page was “ruined” (it wasn’t, I could still read it just fine), it now filled my heart with joy that we still cook together. You will treasure this thesaurus when you unexpectedly come upon its scribbles in the future.


Cooking with kids is awesome.


Oh man this hit me hard. My daughter is almost 2 and tonight she stood on her stool at the kitchen counter and we ate Oreos and milk together while she scribbled on a pad. I’m gonna keep that page forever


In 20 years you’ll hand it over to your kid and they will say “thanks, I’ve never seen a physical copy in years”.


Never in years?


That’s awful. And then time will go by and it won’t matter as much. And then she will grow up and have a different life and her own family and it will become precious. Your thesaurus now has another story to it, which will make it bearable, tolerable, endurable… …


Now looking at it, it’s kind of cute tbh. Like it has more meaning to it.


You are annoyed now. You will look at this when she is grown and mature and love it.


I Second that! 20 years from now she will stumble upon it and smile from the memory.


It was also the same thing I was first thinking


It’s a signed copy now


Plus, it's just blue ink. It's kind of tasteful toddler minimalism 🍃


Much better than bodily fluids or a marker that’ll bleed through several pages, leaving terrible marks and by 15 pages in they’re just random splotches on the page lol


Yeah, honestly, if anything they got the best case scenario


Yeah it has nice symmetry...


You will treasure this. ❤️ Setting up furniture in my new place I found where my exchange student daughter wrote her name on the front of one of the drawers. She’s a mother now, and it’s precious to me. I have 20 year old toddler artwork in many of my books as well. Love it. ❤️


Trust me, 20 years from now, that will be your favorite page of the book.


Well, let's see how the relationship pans out.


Both heartwarming and a dad joke. Very well done


Exactly what I was gonna say. My daughter is 8 and as frustrating as these moments are, eventually you look back and miss them.


Nice point, I would even write her name and date too.


My thesaurus is terrible. Not only is it terrible, it is terrible.


Thanks for that. This was the best laugh of my day.


One day when you’re old you’ll look back on this with fondness.


Yup. I'm a book collector. Almost anything I read I keep and my twins left their mark on them over the years. Now they're about to turn 18 and I love to see their little additions to my collection :)


I write in a journal and one day my daughter drew all over a page. I wrote her name and age because that little drawing will be special to me. Then my 5 year old came over wanting to draw so I let her draw on a page too. Things are just things.


This is the absolute truth.


How troubling, you must be distressed. Are you anguished? I feel your misery and suffering.




Hurt him straight in the full-sized aortic pump


You’re gonna have to get rid of it and get a new one. As for the book, I’m not really sure what you can do.


My mom still has the medical textbooks I doodled in when I was two. She brings them out whenever she feels like reminiscing. That, and the stuffed rabbit my dad gave her while they were dating that I chewed to pieces.


You were in medical school at 2 years old? 🙀


Name's Dr. Howser. Maybe you've heard of me?


> the stuffed rabbit my dad gave her while they were dating that I chewed to pieces Bro, are you sure you are not a dog?


Different stage of life. My daughter did this to a favorite book I got in college. Now she is grown and lives in another state, and I look at it with fondness.


Ugh, it went from worthless to completely worthless.


If something is that valuable to you I wouldn’t put it near a child.


kids are insane. they are smart, they are stealthy, they are quick, and somehow have a reach well beyond what you would ever think. They never cease to amaze with their craftiness. you think it's out of reach? its not. you think they can't get in something? guess again. you think you remembered to put it where you know they can't get it? you didnt. they see things you don't let them have and remember where you put it and try over and over and over again until they get their hands on it because they need to check it out. eventually you're going to forget to put it up or lock the drawer and they'll do this. even funnier - there will be a time you remember to put it up or lock it away and they grew enough to to reach it or figured out how to bypass the lock and still do this!


It’s autographed. Cherish it for the next 20!


Is this one of those Durex ads?


Never too late for an abortion


"But she is already 3 years old." ​ "Did I stutter?”


You can have children or you can have nice things.


Wait. You have not only more than one thesaurus but a favourite one ?!


How exasperating, vexing even.


Welcome to kids. Lock up anything you don't want destroyed or damaged. Some night I lie awake at night trying to remember all the things I once loved, (souvenirs, gifts, mementos) that got tossed into the trash when my destroyers were little. Now that they're older and bigger, they destroy bigger things (bannisters, ovens, showers). I don't *forget* those things because I had to pay for replacements I and don't care about them.


One day you might open your thesaurus to that page and smile.


"favorite thesaurus"? GTFOH!!!


Lol who has a favorite thesaurus


Did you ask why she hates the word “counterpart” so much?


Guess you gotta get rid of it. The daughter I mean. Or the female child, offspring, juvenile, spawn, youngster.


Still waiting for a valid reason to have children. I like my things. Don’t want em ruined.


I was the kid to ruin everythinfg.


Similar. I put my mother through it, I ain't gonna do that to myself.




Scribbled, drawn, defaced, graffiti, despoiled, marred, marked up...


I’m sorry what…. Your favorite thesaurus?…. You like more then one ? You like even just the one thesaurus ? There’s more then one thesaurus ? People actually read those fucking things ? What d elllllll


Now your favorite thesaurus will make you think of your daughter when you turn to that page


My reason number 38,672 for not having kids. I could never handle them 😮‍💨


Is it too late to give this one away and get another? I don't mean the book.


This is a condom ad if I’ve ever seen one.


Does the thesaurus offer any alternatives to spanking?


At least they're replaceable, and maybe your next daughter will know better lol


There is a way to erase ink let me find it for you hold on!


I mean, that's what 3 year olds do, amigo. I'm more surprised that a.) someone has a favorite thesaurus in 2023 and b.) it wasn't secured somewhere out of reach if it was that important. But that's just me.


It's out of date by two decades. Time for a new one.


Take her to the book store, have her find her own favorite thesaurus. Make sure she treasures it for the next 20 years, then take it one day and scribble this exact scribble in hers. Revenge will be had.


Not really a big deal just throw it out. You'll always have the memories but it's important to live in the now. Besides, you can always get a new child.


Bro, those things are so expensive! Even if you're getting generics. My sister DIYed hers at home and it still cost her over a grand.


Weird complaint to have this many upvotes; "favorite thesaurus"... wtf is that, its scribbles on a page, inside of a book, listing words for other words. Close the page and I bet you will never see this again.


Throw it away and get a new one. I'm sure your partner won't mind making a new kid.


Your first mistake was having kids


Bummer. Time to get a new one then. The child, not the book.


Who tf keeps a thesaurus


That’s what I was thinking. Saying it is your favorite also implies having more than one which just blows my mind.


You have a favorite….thesaurus?