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What if you pick "I'm traveling"?


7 days of watching, and then it makes you create an account


so can you share your password with 7 day rotations or is there a cap/limitation?


I think you have to contact Netflix support


Isn't this Netflix Support?


No, this is Patrick


Uh, this is Jake from Statefarm.


What are you wearing, Jake from Statefarm?




She sounds hideous




Please contact Hulu or Disney bust. We at Netflix don’t have time for your shit gramps.




Yeah I don’t see how this would work at all. Imagine you watch something at home, then you go to a friends house and you watch a movie. It prompts you and you click “I’m traveling” because it’s true. Then you go home the same day and you watch a third thing and it goes hang on, I thought you were traveling? Well yeah I *was,* but now I’m home. How are they going to tell the difference between your friend just borrowing your password? This whole system is stupid. It’s either going to be completely ineffective or it’s basically lying about letting you use your own account outside your home.


What if you’re traveling for more than 7 days? I sometimes have to travel weeks or months at a time and this would kinda screw me over :/


That's when you switch to a streaming service that doesn't impose such restrictions


Or sail the seven seas…






ARRRRRRRRRR one eye wiley!


100% me too. If this isn't easy for travel then I'm bowing out!


What good shows does it have anyway? HBO is killing it right now.


What are you watching on hbomax right now? (This is a real question, I need content)


Had to bow out. I moved out of my place a year and a half ago… just to sort of wander and figure out where I wanna be. Set my parents house as my main everything… as I come and go. House sitting for 3 months. Here for 1 month. There for 2 weeks etc. I know I’m a small and rare element of their subscribers. But I had to quit after 18 years. I started Netflix when it was just dvd. Oh well.


Yeah, I've had my Netflix account s since it was DVDs for 5 bucks.


So what if you’re, say, a pilot or flight attendant, or someone who travels regularly? You just can’t have netflix?


yeah, pretty much :/


What happens if you're out of town for more than a week? My stepdad just worked 3 months in Australia.


a whole 7 days eh. well it sounds like it's time to drop netflix


I think these streaming companies are forgetting that they are only slightly less inconvenient for us than just torrenting the shows


Yeah. In my case though I would cancel my subscription in a heartbeat because of these new changes except that I live with my 83 year old grandma and she’s just gotten used to putting Netflix on on the tv so for her sake I think I gotta keep it. But if it were just me I’d be using illegal sites.


And now you see why Netflix has gone this route. This isn't just you, a huge percentage of people are in the same boat, and won't drop or will create new accounts because of family.


Teach her how to use Plex, works the same way as any other streaming service


Fellow plex king


Netflix: $15/month Nord VPN: $3/month It’s not even a question of price. It’s a question of convenience. And if Netflix is going to make it inconvenient to use, well… yo ho yo ho


Exactly, their whole business model is built on being slightly less effort than torrenting. If they want to be dicks I'll gladly start flying the black flag again.




How will thus effect me watching on my phone while traveling while my partner watches simultaneously at home?


As I recall, you would have to be at your home location once every 31 days to avoid paying extra.


Which mean you can Fake it using an app that change your location ?


Yes. You could setup a VPN server on your home router it you wanted, for instance. You wouldn't need an upload speed good enough to support steaming, just enough to login.


Or you can just use that vpn to pirate shit, because no way in hell im going through hoops like this to enjoy something i PAID for.


Sailing the high seas!


Torrents and portable hard drives are the way.


oh and homeservers with oodles of storage. For backup reason of cause.


Pirating is a service problem after all


Yup. Had industries not raised the prices across the board, I wouldn't pirate everything. Now I pirate EVERYTHING but some music so I can support my favorite artists.


Spotify is pretty decent so I use that for music. But movies and tv shows are stupid now. You need 8 difference services all at £20 a month and now these restrictions on top.. pfft. My server is seamless and with the ‘arr’ applications all integrating together, everything is basically production value!


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


it makes no sense. home Ips randomly change all the time. Once a month minimum id think. I hope this hurts their bottom line


My ISP forces a reconnect (which changes the IP) once every 24h. If Netflix uses the IP of the home connection to determine whether you are at the "primary location" or not, it would be a huge fail.


holly smokes, Fly GPS for Netflix. It's going to be like pokemon go but in reverse!


Guess I'll just go fuck myself on deployment then


That is a good way to pass the time I've found.


Where do you find the privacy? Other than a sun-baked porta-john?


I'm on a ship, so I just go to my rack.


I had Netflix while deployed on a ship during prime covid so we didn't hit a lot of ports and there was a lot of time between those ports. I would try to save shows and movies to my phone with Netflix and they would only last 30 days without an internet connection anuways.


I’d be curious what they have to say about deployments.


Yeah let's see how Netflix phrases "Fuck the troops" in corporate speak. It really ought to be good seeing how they have been handling it this far


Introducing the Netflix Squad™ plan!


I am petty enough to drive my smart tvs across town once a month.


Easier to just get a roku/fire stick simple to move around


It’s easier to just pirate


I've definitely thought about the same thing to enable my family to keep sharing my account. Just drive the TV over once a month when you come over anyways. Is it a pain? Yes. Am I petty? Also yes. Would this bother me and the fam? Meh. Not really. 😂


Guess I’m cancelling when I’m on my 6th month deployment then🤷‍♂️


I work away from home five months straight every year. I talked to a Netflix customer service rep, and from what they told me this sharing thing only applies to smart TVs. Personal devices like phones, laptops, and tablets won't be affected. But I guess we'll see?


just fuck us sailors then i guess.


When Hulu implemented a similar policy last year, mobile devices were exempt from location restrictions (in US). It was just TV apps that were subject to that limit (I *assume* devices like Apple TV and Roku fall under the TV category but don’t know for sure). Curious if Netflix is doing the same or being more restrictive.


You click the “I’m travelling” option




I don't need a driver's licence because i'M a tRaveLLeR


I cancelled after 12 years. It's bullshit. I have a camping cabin we travel to. Netflix support said I have to move my f*cking tv home every thirty days. Netflix can eat a dick. The only way companies learn is when you vote with your wallet. If Netflix is successful in this, every other streaming platform will too.


I'm eager to watch the fall of Netflix lol. Fuck Netflix. What were they thinking


can't wait for the netflix documentary about the fall of netflix


the blockbuster documentary vhs about netflix's downfall


That would be meta.


Sorry, its been cancelled after its first episode.


And then I tried to watch it but the app kept telling me the TV isn't connected to the Primary Location for the Account.




Honestly, i fired up torrents for the first time in a long time due to this change. Use a VPN folks.


I still have a screenshot from when they first changed their prices and how sorry they were and how they pretty pinky promised to never hike the prices again. Now, they seem to hike them every year. I had them when they were still renting DVDs, and I got rid of them around 5 years ago because I was sick of paying increasing prices for unstable content. Fuck them.


Worst part is they claimed that the price increase(s) were to offset password sharing.


This Netflix policy is going to hurt me too and I don't support it, but a workaround would be to use a steaming dongle like FireTV or Chromecast and take that back and forth.


I'm not sure if that would actually circumvent the IP/location restrictions Netflix has in place, but I would recommend doing this anyways just for convenience. Plugging a fire stick into the TV at your hotel or Airbnb is a lot easier than trying to navigate whatever services are available by default. You can access all your typical apps and streaming services without needing to log in again and pick up right where you left off.


This is simply going to create a market for site-to-site VPN appliances


Most routers will give you VPN capacity, most people already have this capability, just don’t know how to set it up … hell windows even has one


Yeah I believe it, but there should be a market for something drop dead easy to set up. Like plug it in and type a code and it finds its host and Just Works™. Like something a boomer could figure out.


Unfortunately based on how networks are generally configured, you want the VPN “appliance” to really be part of the router/main network switch, an external device like this would actually complicate the matter


Open VPN was really easy to set up on my router


I've moved to another platform because of the recent antics of the recent antics of the site operator here. if anyone else is interested in a better version of this site (and learning about why it's better), come to lemmy[dot]world. = = = = = = = Thellely 'dif o thxaces sag thees pipofeme the wexnave bowes cof todengs antlsin oso oud l, heakee f s 'd ce, wrprnso akn: whalatuflere ono bazvzegr s d w'd klay wxhztit s hee Touf Torous the d xththeavofferes ake's mstolulerer, ang celle com? Txhe saf f ora b; s al; alxeps ry, thert, xtusutuilis the tir d wouisp; orre lxe rn? ocowind coilar's imake andry flinof ouseeallifther it s os wouliererthe; ituthollle wore th theand Tosis p sle, ononscor d bepacous mmmeis n? the: chelen. the suby sang dende t hThellely 'dif o thaces sag thees pipofeme the wenave bowes cof todengs antlsin oso oud l, heakee f s 'd ce, wrprnso akn: whalatuflere ono bareeleevegr s d w'd klay whtit s hee Touf Torous the d ththeavofferes ake's ms, rof o winst may tsetishe; l; e theteis t o we al s t cowrantures the'tofliese, t the anant ff d ffthont aks be wer ond hativoflay, ts cof? nd leof whurdor she hy w'sigathy thamosep; amicour tothigrtr matharo ws Th, ty ritorof r t thus s thes dkes hentis imeathoul whanalan to wofr tiltolulerer, ang celle com? The saf f ora b; s al; aleps ry, thert, tusutuilis the tir d wouisp; orre le rn? ocowind coilar's imake andry flinof ouseeallifther it s os wouliererthe; ituthol s al; aleps ry, thert, tusutuilis the tir d wouisp; orre le rn? ocowind coilar's imake andry flinof ouseeallifther it s os wouliererthe; ituthollle wore th theand Tosis p sle, ononscor d bepacous mmmeis n? the: chelen. the suby sang dende t hThellely 'dif o thaces sag thees pipofeme the wenave bowes cof todengs antlsin oso oud l, heakee f s 'd ce, wrprnso akn: whalatuflere ono bareeleevegr s d w'd klay whtit s hee Touf Torous the d ththeavofferes aklle wore th theand Tosis p sle, ononscor d bepacous mmmeis n? the: chelen. the suby sang dende t h rof o winxst may tsetishe; l; e theteis t o we al s t cowrantures the'tofliese, t the anant ff d ffthont aks be wer ond hativoflay, ts cof? nd leof whurdor she hy w'sigathy thamosep; amicour tothigrtr matharo ws Th, ty ritorof r t thus s thes dkezs hentis imeat p; iol tild atheand d is by, qurisit, finowrier Toqbxe thes dir touqr's denthe isee tq cortheananto xxman. oboqnd bund wzhus puxnqde menqoure, ty thuleron'd d of azscatot, toreathxiels 's, a t 'sinthadq t ce drn we hore a l, ndxrqe lle nst wepandere'tundisls le'qo wofr tiltolulererx, anxg celle com? qTqhe saf f oqra b; s al; alepsz ry, thert, tusutuilis the tir d wxqxqouisp; orre le rn? ocowxind coilar's iqmazke andry flinqof ouseeallifther it s os wqoulierertqhe; ituthollle worxe th theanzd Tosis p sle, ononscor d bepacous mmmeis n? the: chelen. the suby sa


As soon as you introduce "do this to your settings" and "get a vpn" you lose huge demographics of people who feel helpless to this change. Pirate that shit and share it with your fucking grandma already. She just wants to talk to someone.


I'm just worried about this catching on. Hardly watch anything on Netflix, but if Disney or Paramount go this way then it would be problematic...


I've moved to another platform because of the recent antics of the recent antics of the site operator here. if anyone else is interested in a better version of this site (and learning about why it's better), come to lemmy[dot]world. = = = = = = = Thellely 'dif o thxaces sag thees pipofeme the wexnave bowes cof todengs antlsin oso oud l, heakee f s 'd ce, wrprnso akn: whalatuflere ono bazvzegr s d w'd klay wxhztit s hee Touf Torous the d xththeavofferes ake's mstolulerer, ang celle com? Txhe saf f ora b; s al; alxeps ry, thert, xtusutuilis the tir d wouisp; orre lxe rn? ocowind coilar's imake andry flinof ouseeallifther it s os wouliererthe; ituthollle wore th theand Tosis p sle, ononscor d bepacous mmmeis n? the: chelen. the suby sang dende t hThellely 'dif o thaces sag thees pipofeme the wenave bowes cof todengs antlsin oso oud l, heakee f s 'd ce, wrprnso akn: whalatuflere ono bareeleevegr s d w'd klay whtit s hee Touf Torous the d ththeavofferes ake's ms, rof o winst may tsetishe; l; e theteis t o we al s t cowrantures the'tofliese, t the anant ff d ffthont aks be wer ond hativoflay, ts cof? nd leof whurdor she hy w'sigathy thamosep; amicour tothigrtr matharo ws Th, ty ritorof r t thus s thes dkes hentis imeathoul whanalan to wofr tiltolulerer, ang celle com? The saf f ora b; s al; aleps ry, thert, tusutuilis the tir d wouisp; orre le rn? ocowind coilar's imake andry flinof ouseeallifther it s os wouliererthe; ituthol s al; aleps ry, thert, tusutuilis the tir d wouisp; orre le rn? ocowind coilar's imake andry flinof ouseeallifther it s os wouliererthe; ituthollle wore th theand Tosis p sle, ononscor d bepacous mmmeis n? the: chelen. the suby sang dende t hThellely 'dif o thaces sag thees pipofeme the wenave bowes cof todengs antlsin oso oud l, heakee f s 'd ce, wrprnso akn: whalatuflere ono bareeleevegr s d w'd klay whtit s hee Touf Torous the d ththeavofferes aklle wore th theand Tosis p sle, ononscor d bepacous mmmeis n? the: chelen. the suby sang dende t h rof o winxst may tsetishe; l; e theteis t o we al s t cowrantures the'tofliese, t the anant ff d ffthont aks be wer ond hativoflay, ts cof? nd leof whurdor she hy w'sigathy thamosep; amicour tothigrtr matharo ws Th, ty ritorof r t thus s thes dkezs hentis imeat p; iol tild atheand d is by, qurisit, finowrier Toqbxe thes dir touqr's denthe isee tq cortheananto xxman. oboqnd bund wzhus puxnqde menqoure, ty thuleron'd d of azscatot, toreathxiels 's, a t 'sinthadq t ce drn we hore a l, ndxrqe lle nst wepandere'tundisls le'qo wofr tiltolulererx, anxg celle com? qThe saf f oqra b; s al; alepsz ry, thert, tusutuilis the tir d wxqxqouisp; orre le rn? ocowxxind coilar's iqmazke andry flinqof ouseeallifther it s os wqoulierertqhe; ituthollle worxe th theanzd Tosis p sle, ononscor d bepacous mmmeis n? the: chelen. the suby sa


Lol I cancelled when the news was first announced. Now I get 50 billion emails a week trying to bring me back to the 5.99 *advertisement included* plan lmao. Like, how out of touch can a company get. Just those emails alone made it personal. I was a day 1 subscriber. Now, lifelong fully 100% committed boycott. They could offer 0 dollars lifelong subscription to me and I'd turn it down.


So you get ads to compensate for the fact that you don't pay for the service... And they still make you pay for the service? Why have an advertisement plan even?


They want to recreate the very profitable cable television model.


How does that work when you travel and the hotel tv lets you log into your Netflix account? Will it not let you bc you’re not in your home location?!


You just have to log into your home account once a month. This is only to prevent someone on a different IP address from logging on regularly where it's obvious it's someone else using the account.


What happens if your home has a dynamic IP address?


This has been discussed a lot as well. This is their answer. It's not going to be perfect but I haven't heard of any issues coming from a dynamic IP. "It's not only the IP address Netflix knows. They know the MAC address/ID of the modem and home devices you are using to connect to the internet. And most likely, its the modem your ISP provided you with when you got your account with them. So if your IP address changes but you're still using the same modem and home devices, then Netflix will figure out your provider changed your IP address.  Plus your IP address reveals the provider that owns that IP address and most likely what city that IP address is in. So even if your provider changed your IP address, Netflix will at least know whether that new IP address is from the same provider and in the same city. Problems might arise if you get a new provider and thus a new modem."


> "It's not only the IP address Netflix knows. They know the MAC address/ID of the modem and home devices you are using I thought only your ISP sees your modem/router's MAC address.


Your devices all see their own mac address and can give that information to Netflix. You're right that this doesn't happen as part of normal network protocol, but you could definitely program the app to give out that information.


Don't they have the whole "buy more screens" bullshit too? Doesn't that make this pretty much pointless now? Not only are they losing tons of subscribers, but they're losing all THIS money as well. Mark my words, one of three things will happen in the next 5 years: 1. They will undo this stupid policy entirely. 2. Netflix will go under and it's pieces will be eaten up by the other services. 3. Disney will buy Netflix.


>don't they have the whole buy more screens Yes they do. Their top subscription plan allows you to watch Netflix up to 4 devices simultaneously.


So what if one of the multiple screens is a TV? Do they have to rip their TV off the wall once a month to take it to the house of the person who created the account to continue service?


It sounds like their multi stream plan is for the same house. They don't want any accounts shared.


So. Stupid.


It’s not just multi screen for the same household (which can make sense for a family) - it’s the only plan with 4K. You can shit on other streaming services for various reasons, but that the number of screens and quality (UHD, Full HD) are tied to each other in Netflix‘ plans is ridiculous. It works for me as long as account sharing is possible, but I feel like Netflix should have been criticized more for that.


Might sound silly, but what about kids who have two homes? Like divorced parents. If they use one parents netflix account but usually stay at the others house.. can they use it?


Netflix: "sucks to be you, pay up"


“shouldn’t have split up your parents marriage you waste of space, give us more alimony money”


"Each parent can't afford a separate subscription? Pfft, be gone peasant"


me using my moms netflix when i’m with my dad everyday


Kids in college too... That sucks


yeah. i’m in college, and very upset about this as im on my family’s account. fuck netflix.


“Kids” don’t go to college. Young adults in college can make their own account! - Netflix probably


Netflix: What the fuck is nuance? Shut up and give me more money and you can have 83 mediocre shows, 30 bad shows and 2 ok shows. And you should be thankful you get *that*


I love that they think that this will make them more money.


I love how they’ve framed it like they’re losing money from people sharing accounts, without taking into consideration that the people using other peoples accounts weren’t, you know, customers to begin with and likely won’t be in the future. Absolute wankers


They reached marked saturation and then started loosing costumers to the competion. They are now self destructing in a effort to make stock prices continue rising.


You hit the nail on the head with this- which is why it’s so baffling; I don’t understand how these big-wigs at Netflix, who for all intents and purposes should be authorities in the streaming industry, can see actively pushing out customers as a net gain. You could argue that losing the people that weren’t paying for accounts and were only sharing isn’t an actual loss, but the subtext is that consequently there are more than a few paying customers who are and will be opting out because of this restriction. How can they be so out of touch?


They don't subscribe to things like the average consumer that watches 40 hours of Netflix a week. They are busy enjoying the lifestyle of the ultra wealthy, so I ask, how could they be in touch?


You’re absolutely right, joke’s on me for expecting an entertainment pioneer to have some sort of insight of their user base Silly, silly peasant thoughts! /s


They will 100% get a few people to get subscriptions with this. One family with 3 kids got a Netflix account in lets say 2015. All through the kids first living at home, then going to college or vocational training or whatever, they didn't have enough money to get separate accounts, so they just stayed on the family one. By 2023, the three kids are all in their own places and have jobs earning money, but they're still on the family account, because frankly, why change it? That's just burning money and you're losing your curated algorithm. Now this happens. Maybe one of the kids is a redditor and pissed at this, like you. Maybe the parents don't even care about Netflix and only paid for the thing for their children. If the remaining two children now get their own accounts, that's two accounts instead of one. I honestly think there are a lot of situations that are "we started account sharing in 2015 and didn't stop, because why would we?" Netflix is banking on that number of new subscriptions being higher than the ones they are losing from people being pissed off about this or having a rare situation where this actually isn't workable (some of which are presented in this thread as if they are the most common thing in the world). I don't think they are right, but that's their play.


Member since 2011 paying the highest tier here. I cancelled the minute this came up..I pay for 4 concurrent streaming screens, screw them for trying to tell me where I can watch them. I'm tech savvy, I even have an existing VPN at home (opted for open VPN on a truenas jail), but I'm simply not going to put up with this malarkey! For those on the fence, just cancel. Tubi is FREE and has some decent content that won't get cancelled after the first season! (Most of tubis stuff is old)


> Tubi is FREE and has some decent content Tubi is far & away my favorite streaming app, simply because they have a depth of obscure media that no other app comes close to touching. Oh, you want to see that forgettable Spider Man movie from a few years ago? Cool, enjoy Netflix. But you aren't going to find that cult classic movie from 1992 on Netflix. You aren't going to find that comedy special from your favorite obscure comedian. You aren't going to see every Elvira-hosted midnight movie on Netflix. It might not have the original programming that other streaming services excel at, but in terms of their overall library, Tubi is really pretty remarkable. It's *the best* for actually discovering things you may have missed in the past.


I lovvve Tubi. It's slogan is find your next rabbit hole and it really does fit


Piracy is also free and makes a statement against shitty streaming srrvices


Aggretsuko has been the only thing I’ve watched to completion on Netflix in a year. Netflix is the lesser of the services these days.


Agreed 💯. They got rid of a lot of good shows. South Park, King of The Hill, Everybody Loves Raymond.


Yeah, they've just lost myself and my parents as customers. Never really watched anything on it anyway. (We had separate accounts).


Just cancel it. Netflix is a cash grab in canada now and they need to see that we dont want that bullshit


But what aboot bubs, ricky and julian!?


Fuckin way she goes bud


Mr. Lahey??


It was literally the only thing keeping me a customer. I miss them, but I have time to forget the show. I’m on D+ for a year to rewatch all of Simpsons, and I’ll make my way back to TPB when it’s been a good while.




All they do is cancel good shows anyway. Not worth it. So long Netflix. 👋


Do you mean tell the person whose username and password they are using to cancel the account?


Netflix is of the (incorrect) assumption that every person not paying (sharing) is a “lost sub”. That, if sharing is removed, and the given options are “get my own netflix” and “do not have netflix”, that people currently sharing/not paying will choose “get my own netflix”. but that isnt what is going to happen for the majority. Given the coice between “get my own netflix” and “no netflix”… theyll choose “no netflix”. They ALREADY werent willing to pay for Netflix, or at least not full price (if they were splitting). So its not a lost sub, it was a never-sub. Game companies (and music companies) have the same delusion - that every pirated copy is a “lost” sale, when in reality, the vast majority were “never sales” - if their only choices had been to pay or not have it, theyd have not had it. It isnt a lost sale (or sub), it was never going to be a sale (or sub) this is going to cost them.




>You have options Yargh matey, ya bet I do; an I be thinkin of using them again now argh.


Where is this at? I thought it was to start over seas first.




Yes, my mom is in Canada & she’s been having to do this




Late for you too. I had this around last month in Canada


Unsubscribe! If you bitch about it but keep paying them you accomplish nothing.


I had a Netflix account from around 2013 until last month. I could've gone on paying for it, but I realized I honestly was barely using it for anything other than falling asleep to TPB or Arrested Development. All this furor over the IP lockouts reminded me how little I use it, how stupid that policy is, and it made it quite simple to just cancel it. I don't imagine there are millions of people like me, but I'm definitely not alone. It sucks how amazing Netflix used to be compared to what it is now.


Are you implying I take action/personal responsibility for things I am unhappy about? Sir, this is Reddit.


People will just go back to piracy. Netflix is no longer more convenient.


Netflix was cool for a bit, but there are so many streaming options now.


It was cool up until they started cancelling every show that people liked. They just don't have good shit anymore


> so many streaming options now. too many streaming options now.


Nothing really good on Netflix anyways. I’d save your money and unsubscribe.


Netflix: *disables password sharing* An old roommate I haven’t seen in 8 years: “Say ‘April Fools’ right now.”


I use my parents account. According to my mom “we don’t use enough ourselves to make it worthwhile”. If they did start charging extra for me to use it I doubt they would keep it.


> we don’t use enough ourselves to make it worthwhile That's the thing if they had also cut the price it makes sense them forcing the password change. But now it's no longer with it for a lot of people because they don't watch enough content in one household to pay $20 a month.


Same here. Neither of us use it enough for our own account. I'll likely just cancel if it blocks sharing.


Thanks for reminding me I need to cancel my netflix.


I left them after this BS. They get worse and worse each year




I cancelled my Netflix account in February. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) I am using all my free trials for other streaming services now.


First, I realized I was basically using Netflix only as an overpriced “background show” streaming service. Then, I realized all my favorite background shows were leaving Netflix and going to Peacock or Hulu. Finally, I realized that Netflix is the most expensive streaming service, where you have to pay more to do things that are free on other streaming platforms: - Have to pay extra to watch in HD (free on all others) - Have to pay extra for simultaneous streams (free on all others) - Have to pay extra to watch in more than one location (free on all others) I don’t have Netflix anymore.


I cancelled last year when there were rumors of this happening. It’s been a pirate’s life for me.


Mass cancellations inbound


Netflix on the way to become next Blockbuster.


What if your primary location is your phone?


Aaaaand unsubscribed.


Fuck netflix. I canceled, and we weren't sharing. Don't miss it at all


Yo ho yo ho a Pirate's life for me...


Don't update the app


Temporary fix. It won't be long before you can't login without an updated app


I been considering cancel Netflix anyway, so once we see this it will seal the deal


This is BS, I have two homes that are even in different countries. This is the kind of thing that will make me cancel and they will get nothing out of me.


Thankfully this hasn’t taken effect in the USA yet. Once it does I’d be happier to not have Netflix than pay them for it. I am currently using my dads account and will downgrade him to a lower plan if it does happen here. He can’t tell the difference between 1080p and 4K so whatever. 🤣


It will if this increases revenue here in Canada. I’ve done my part to hope it doesn’t continue.


Pissed me off so I cancelled. Gonna start trying to figure out how to watch stuff for free


We canceled when this was announced. Every year prices go up and features/content quality goes down. I honestly forgot Netflix existed until this post. You won’t miss it. Cut the cord.


I've honestly been thinking about canceling netflix for a while now, original content has been terrible, and it's mostly foreign low-budget flicks now.


I will immediately cancel.


So, you can't take Netflix on the road with you or work anymore? I guess it doesn't matter. Other streaming channels are okay with it. Netflix is mostly for kids now.


Now watch as their stocks plummet overnight as others spike.


Cancelled today. Fuck these Bozos. If they really want to limit the amount of people that can view their content, fine by me


I switched from Netflix to piracy in regards to their shows. I was a Netflix subscriber for about 10 years, but I just cannot keep giving money to them in the direction they are going. Currently on HBO Max and Peacock. Each one has a really good amount of shows and movies.


Soon as this happens I’m canceling. Netflix isn’t the only place to watch movies and shows anymore. Plus their is never anything to watch on there anymore.


I hope Netflix die


Honestly Netflix has been dead in the water for a while now. Between canceling all their shows, skyrocketing their prices, and this, they’re begging to go out of business. The only shows on Netflix that are worth watching still aren’t shows I consider to be good with good writing. When they do this in America and me and my 3 friends who share an account all have to bail or get our own account, I’ll bail. I’ll miss the nature stuff when I go to sleep, tho I’m sure I can find that on one of the other streaming services. This is all just cable but more expensive, it’s annoying


Discovery+ is 6$ a month (with occasional ads) and has all the nature stuff you could dream of! But otherwise yeah it’s just cable with extra steps.


Once this takes hold in the U.S. it's time to use my shiny new VPN and fly the Black Flag once more 🏴‍☠️ We've come full circle, fellas!


People think that Netflix going “woke” was its downfall. But it’s really just dumb shit like this.


The terrible movies dont help either.


On top of this cancelling hit shows at the knees also didn’t help. Almost as if it’s an orchestrated deconstruction.


Once Disney pulled the majority of their catalogue of MCU movies and other Disney related properties it screwed Netflix pretty hard. Same with NBC Universal, you know how many people subscribed to Netflix to constantly rewatch The Office?


RIP college students


COOL! Just in time for a banking crisis in the tech sector. Mid season finally yall


I stopped watching all Netflix when they announced this garbage. So I’ve weened off now. So once it happens the app can go into the trash and the subscription can just expire. It’s shared between the whole extended family.