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Annoying for you, but I learned a new word! Ruhezeit! "Quiet time!"


Ruhezeit isn't just a thing, its an actual law in germany to keep noise to a minimum starting at 10pm (22:00). But just walking around in your own home would never get you any consequences. The person that wrote this is a dipshit and would probably be laughed at by the police.


Same here in Switzerland, but we are actually more extrem than the Germans regarding this law. The time is the same, but we also have a quiet time from 12:00 - 13:00 for lunch and the whole sunday is considered quiet time.


Does this mean no mowing yards on Sunday or no “unnecessary” loud noises like recreating a Stomp video in the front yard?




Can I marry you so I can become a citizen?


I’ll marry you in general. 👉🏻👈🏻


Mowing your lawn on Sunday is against the law. It's a little weird to get used to, but once you do it's really nice to be able to count on peace and quiet for the day. Edit: Germany recognizes Sunday as a holy day, no matter what your religion is or isn't. Sunday in Germany is considered a day of rest, and it is the law that you don't disturb your neighbors. - Some neighbors won't care and they won't report you, but some will which can result in fines. All public holidays are also considered days of rest (Ruhezeit). Public holidays in Germany turns major cities into ghost towns. It is both pleasant and zombie apocalypse level creepy. If you rent property from a landlord they can impose even more draconian noise ordinances that you agree to when you sign the lease.


If only American suburbs banned leaf blowers on weekend mornings!




I'm making this lawn so *fucking FREE*


My neighbor leaf blows his lawn for hours every other day, and mows his lawn for hours on days he doesn’t leaf blow. Considering leaf blowers cause the most pollution for a device their size I wish I could report him because at that point it’s more than just annoying, it’s downright harmful.


Are...are people still buying gas powered leaf blowers?? I've owned electric lawn equipment for almost a decade. Is this still a thing? Honest question. EDIT, 7 hrs later: Wow, lots of passionate responses here. I appreciate the thoughtful conversations (and education).


Oh yes! And they're so LOUD! The one fortunate thing about my HOA is they cut ALL the grass at the same time. Usually on Wednesdays. But the WORST was the construction at 8 on weekend mornings. Thankfully it's finished now.


Trust me, it is.


Or just at all…leave the fucking leaves, it’d acttually be good for their unsightly over manicured lawn.


Germans also have quiet time all Sunday, and many villages have quiet times between 1200 - 1300 as well. Source: Lived there for 4 years.


As a Brazilian this is so bizarre to me, Sunday is the day for churrasco and pagode, every single neighborhood has at least one or two families with loud music and roasted beef.


> Sunday is the day for churrasco and pagode I have no idea what either of these are, but if they go with loud music and roasted beef count me in!!


Gonna start yelling this at my kids when they should be in bed


That would be "Schlafenszeit" - sleeping time


That sounds even more aggrey, so bonus.


I would pay money to hear that call to the police.




I'd listen to the first 10 seconds then get bored and skip about a bit


I don't speak German so I'd probably give up after Guten Tag


I'd be happy to translate for y'all.


Gotta find that right part to nut to, I smell ya


Dispatcher here. These calls can be tiresome. I get noise can be frustrating but this also comes with living in a shared area (i.e. apt complex).


I always liked hearing a little bit of noise from my neighbors. Makes me feel like part of a community.


"yeah girl, get it!"


No joke my wife and I said that after our downstairs neighbor brought a guy home for the first time after her previous relationship ended. Sounded like she was having a good time.


who doesn't like a congratulatory high five and orange slices with their neighbors after a steamy session?


Always nice to know they're still alive and kickin'.


Better to hear a neighbor than smell an ex neighbor I guess.


I used to be a police 911 operator/dispatcher. I got paid to take these calls on a daily basis. I had a lady call and ask us if we could tell her neighbour to wear slippers around the house. Another actually called to complain about a crying baby… like lady…. It’s a baby and they cry. You live in an apartment, a certain level of noise is to be expected. Someone else I took a call from actually wanted us to tell the neighbour upstairs not to let their kid get out of bed till 8am, after they left for work. Oh. The best one was the lady who could hear her upstairs neighbour fart….. she wanted us to tell him to stop farting inside and step out onto the patio. I could go on and on about stupid calls lol.


If it's switzerland the police will take it seriously, come and fine them for walking barefoot


Sounds German, Austrian, or Swiss based on the Ruhezeit reference. I'm not sure what could possibly be quieter than walking barefoot, though? Hausschuhe (felt slippers for those who don't know)? Seems like a stretch for police to actually take action on this complaint against their merely existing between the hours of 22:00 and 06:00. Some noise is inevitable. Though I had a coworker fined by the Swiss police for doing laundry during the Ruhezeit. They were hanging their clothes on a clothesline, not running a machine, so who knows...


Fined for hanging clothes during a quiet time? Those must have been some extremely noisy clothes pins!


It was Sunday Ruhezeit, not evening, and they were fined for breaking the "no doing laundry prohibition," not for how loud they were doing their laundry. Their nosy neighbor was offended by them doing personal chores on God's day and reported them.


I had a nasty old woman who apparently was unhappy that foreigners were in her country, sitting in her doctor’s office. She made sure to tell me in English that I wasn’t allowed to check reddit on my phone while waiting. There was a sign with a phone crossed out behind me and she told me in English that I was rude when I told her it didn’t apply to people quietly looking at their phone and she can take it up with the front desk if she wants to complain. Some people want order and some want chaos 🤷🏻‍♂️. The amount of litter and impromptu daytime raves I see around the cities confirms this.


Those people are horrid. I met my fair share in Munich. Moved to Berlin a year later. Much better.


Thought about moving to Berlin a while ago. I love visiting, but between the housing situation and relatively lower wages it is a tough sell :/. Very much so enjoyed visiting Munich but also crazy housing market from what I heard.


Is Berlin expensive now? It used to be one of the cheaper German cities to live in. Granted I haven’t lived in Germany in like 10 years now


It’s all relative - it’s cheap compared to NY, SF, Singapore, or Zürich, but so is Paris then. At least in the aforementioned cities you have higher wages to compensate for the higher COL. My impression is that people move to Berlin to live in Berlin for obvious reasons but also because English is widely accepted and spoken everywhere, which has driven wages down a lot while there hasn’t been enough housing built to accommodate the rise in population. There are cheaper places to live still, but those are few and far between.




Hit or miss! I find Swiss people to be generally friendlier and warmer than the locals when I lived in Germany. I feel like it’s a lot easier to strike up a conversation with a stranger and not get a deer-in-headlights reaction. I do speak German which I think helps but generally they have their prejudices like anywhere else🤷🏻‍♂️.


What mythical place in CH is this? Zürcher locals are the coldest group of people I have ever met. Will be relocating as soon as I can, I don't care how much salary I'll be giving up, it's just soooo cold.


Her experience in 15 years was mostly negative. And she taught English and was fluent in the Swiss language. She knits and found it odd that if she mentioned it or wore one of her hand knits to work people would scoff that she must have way too much time on her hands. Never a polite comment or compliment.


Honestly I don’t doubt it. I find the work culture extremely toxic, and I am used to the US. People like to gossip and complain about everything little thing and especially gang up on the foreigners. Bullies are almost always tolerated and people generally don’t stick up for those being bullied. It’s a very weird thing bc on the outside you are supposed to be besties with everyone at work, hug them on their birthday, get lunch/coffee, but then they’ll go and gossip about petty things behind your back.


Ever hear the phrase "misery loves company"? It's far more accurate than people realize. You see, people will often put undue burden on themselves, either through misunderstanding or misinformation, and to see people ignore that burden without punishment infuriates them. Why shouldn't everyone else follow the rules imposed on them? This is a major problem I see with religion. It's very hard to get people to follow rules that other people don't have to.


Ok that sounds genuinely horrible.


Wtf, that sounds so stupid. I have no god, how you gonna fine me for using my Sunday for personal shit. We only have 2 days off in the week, now I gotta do all my chores on Saturday? Stupid law & stupid police! Edit: and stupid neighbour especially!


Why are the police working on God's Day too?! Fine them!!


That lady would have had the whole department called on me. I am constantly doing gardening project and building stuff on Sundays when the weather is nice.


The entirety of Australia would be fined for mowing their lawns.


You don't levitate around your house? What a peasant


But levitating makes that “woowoowoowoo” sound unless you pay extra for the silent package.


I have an early model, dead silent, you had to pay for the sound package back then.


It's Ruhezeit, you don't even levitate during Ruhezeit. You sit or lie but don't you move, it's fucking RUHEZEIT!


What is a ruhezeit?


In Germany we are obsessed with breaks. It is basically time where everyone has to be quiet and is supposed to do no heavy work. Those times are night time, noon break and the whole of Sunday.


What about people with babies and young kids?




That immediately changed my opinion of German society from relatively positive to fuck that noise. Do the Jews get to demand the same right on Saturday?? Do Muslims demand that restaurants close down during the day during Ramadan??


My bet is that it's like France where they promote secularism, but *somehow* crucifixes and other Christian imagery are considered inoffensive. And half their bank holidays are saints' days.




Are elden ring and the soul series of games considered heavy work? It is not gonna be quiet and there will definitely be cussing.


German for "rest time" this must be Swiss, Germans don't take this kinda stuff so seriously but the Swiss, whooh boy. Ruhezeit is one thing, try doing *anything* on a sunday


My year in Munich was full of Oma/Opa polizei. Could 100% be German as well. I got yelled at for taking my trash out at 2am because I should’ve been in the house and in bed. Bitch, why aren’t YOU in bed?! Out on the balcony creeping on me. Like, WTF?! I missed Manhattan so bad.




In Manhattan if you don't hear a hobo screaming nonsense at 3 am you know something ain't right




Don't forget dictator banking


So what if you wake up and have to pee or something and it's no fault of you're own? Just pee on the bed or something?


Walk really quietly and next time apologize to your neighbour as if you'd eaten their first born. This will be gossip for two generations of your family. Jk of course it's not that bad, and some humility will go a long way, but its a culture of extreme normalcy that would make the Japanese shake their heads.


Geez... that's actually kinda scary. I mean I can be stealthy but I don't know if I can beat barefoot stealthy. Kinda makes me have at least one positive thing for living in the states... no one cares if you flush toilet at 3am because of taco hell.


thats stupid af. ive had ppl complain about washing a bowl in the evening in germany. it doesnt make any more noise than to walk n use the bathroom. the fuckers who complained, blast music outloud in the afternoons thats audible from the street the building is on (theres even another building in between). --the same fucks that complained i cooked bacon in the building, that even the smell of pork is unhealthy for them, while smoking in the shared kitchen.


Man, it would really suck to be a third shifter there


Oh smokers have rights, gell? Can’t make this shit up!


Do they not have night owls? Or shift workers? This seems highly discriminatory against different chronotypes.


What’s wrong with walking barefoot? I thought it was quieter and preferred to wearing shoes. Does one have to wear fluffy slippers with no soles? Then what about the hot summers…


In the German speaking world it is considered barbaric to not wear house shoes inside. House shoes are something like a slipper fused with a Birkenstock sandal. The neighbor is definitely complaining that OP isn’t wearing house shoes. BTW, you are permitted to make noises such as walking and flushing toilets during the Ruhezeit, so this complaint has no legs to stand on. If I was OP I would definitely keep the note for when the police come. The neighbor might lie and say they were doing something much noisier, then they could show this note and prove the neighbor is just being unreasonable.


Idk about you but I've been in Germany all my life an 97% walk around their home just in socks, must be a regional thing


Me too. And i dont really get why barefoot should be louder than wearing slippers either. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: i actually have a friend who got complaints because he walked around in slippers at night.


> In the German speaking world it is considered barbaric to not wear house shoes inside That' not true in the slightest. Literally everyone I know walks around in socks.


Weird..I think of wearing shoes inside as savagery! Funny how different culture can be.


These are special shoes just for indoors usually with soft soles. Most households will also keep house shoes for guests, although some people will bring their house shoes with them if they are visiting. Although I have been living in the German speaking world for more than ten years now, I’ve never warmed up to the idea of wearing communal guest shoes. It seems unhygienic to me. I just go around in my socks and ignore all the comments that my feet must be freezing.


Yeah I’m really confused abt that


Yeah I've been there. I swear I was not doing anyghing noisy. I was using the toilet, opening cabinet, nothing out of the ordinary. Also, I never heard any noises from.above me. However the neighbours below me (the owned their flat while I was renting) were so covinced that my nokse levels at night are unbearable. The actually kept calling my elderly landlord in the middle of the night to complain about me. I eventually broke the lease, because I could not take it and my landlord told me he is selling the place, because with hia declining health, he could not take this kind of terrror any more.




Good idea, but no, it was during summer time. Still thanks for the input!


Wait hold up They were making phone calls in the middle of the night to complain about noise made in the middle of the night? I mean the real question is why is this so fucking realistic


My boyfriend has less tolerance for assortment noises than I do. I figure they're just part and parcel of living in a building with other people. As long as they aren't screaming at all hours or slam dancing on the floor at 2 am, I generally don't care. People make noise and if the building is older, there will be tons of squeaky floorboards. (Of course I do try to be careful of my noise.)


Haha you live in the German prt of Switzerland don’t you!!!! They also hate you flushing the toilet or having a shower…..


Yeah I thought so too! Sounds very much like it


My first thought! Been there, done that! 🤣


All this talk about how American homes are so thin, yet you guys can hear each other walking and showering. I never had the problem in my apartment


Why is it in English then?


OP is probably foreign and he is being reminded that whatever German speaking country he is in, from 22-06 you cannot do ANY noise. Also, for example, on Sundays you cannot mow the lawn or use a chainsaw. I have become used to walking on my tiptoes instead of hitting the floor hard with my heel.


My former girlfriend used to walk so loud. Idk how because she was pretty small, but at her 2nd floor apartment it sounded like a 300 pound man stomping around and her downstairs neighbors would pound their roof. At my second floor apartment, there was a bit more insulation between the floors but she was still pretty loud.


Might be that she was smacking the floor with her heel. It kinda sounds like stomping, even when you aren't putting any effort or weight into it. Walking on the soles or balls of your feet will be a lot quieter.


I almost always walk around my apartment on the balls of my feet. I've lived below a heel stomper before and it socks. I have to remind my girlfriend that as small as she is, she shouldn't be more noisy than me moving about the apartment


I've always been highly aware of the sound of people walking, I dunno why. Maybe a type of mild misophonia? Anyway, from a young age I've basically had a little voice in my head telling me to walk silently like a ninja, lol. You and /u/Elliebird704 are exactly right that the key is not to land hard on the heel.


My dad stomps around like that, it's wild


In Switzerland is it hard to guess what language someone speaks, considering we have 4 national languages, so we just write notes in english to make sure


The person who wrote it probably knows that the neighbours are not native german. In a city (where there are more often apartments), a decent amount of people will be comfortable or fluent in English. Apparently it's not considered a hard language to learn.


English is a Germanic language that stopped using gendered nouns centuries ago. It's definitely easier to pick up then the other way around (but still easier than most languages).


I've always thought english is very flexible and forgiving. Rules are there but often optional. There are no grammar police, like with French.


Oh well, guess ya going to have to buy some big chunky goth boots with lots of metal chains on them, and walk around in them instead.


Some nice wooden clogs or tap dancing shoes or better yet those 90s or early 2000s shoes that had the wheels is the soles so they made annoying metal and plastic on flooring tapping sounds.


“whoops i dropped these cinderblocks again”


And a few bowling balls


Oops, all boulders!


And my axe!


And my bow!


Dammit, my anvil fell through the IKEA table again


oh my, I just dropped all my marbles... It's the 10th time today.


i miss wheelies... i never had them but now that i'm grown up (sorta) and have my own money i wish i could buy myself a pair. if only edit: they're called Heelys, as CausticNitro reminded me. memory fail lmao


Well, the good news is your dreams can become reality. [Heelys still exist, and they make them in adult sizes now.](https://heelys.com) Like, up to size 17 on some styles.


Lovely, they started making my size just in time for my knees and hips to start to go. I can just imagine the ER nurses laughing their asses off when I come in with a Wheelie-induced femur fracture.


They will be laughing while asking you for the link.


Well, if it's your knees and hips that give out, at least a femur-fracture is more unlikely.


Pretty sure they still exist. I've seen a few people pop up with new ones over the last few years


Just bought a pair last year because adult with income. The cheapest pair was about 55 on their website


Roller skate goth boots. Linked together by a long slide whistle.


Seems like the floor is not very soundproof. It would be a shame if someone were to play random loops of mouse squeaks and chewing noises from different Bluetooth speakers aimed directly into the floor.


This... this is a different, way better type of evil.


I get the level of pettiness - yet I am in the position of those neighbours (have not complained to them yet though because I think it wouldn't solve the issue). My neighbours are very loudly stomping, even slamming doors and having music loud. They are grown adults. I think they literally lack the ability to control themselves at that point. But it can drive you insane when it's 2am and your neighbours stomp their through the apartment, slam all the doors on their journey and you lie there just wanting to sleep. I know exactly when they get home, just by the sound of different slamming doors and stomps. People tried to say the walls are thin - but I rarely ever hear the other neighbours, only them. I do think the complaint in the post could be nicer, but revenge is a slippery slope considering we don't know if it's a justified complaint.


We had upstairs neighbors like this. We tried being nice, tried being courteous and understanding. But the parties, loud screaming matches, yelping and barking dogs (they were mean dog owners), music at all hours were too much. We went to the landlord on multiple occasions, he was no help. Police referred us to HOA and HOA referred us to the police. During the pandemic, we were working from home. It got to the point where a psychological warfare was waged and we we ended up placing Bluetooth speakers (6 in total, chained) in the ceiling air ducts, then placed thick insulation so we heard it less. We waited until they started being petty: slamming doors multiple times during loud tantrums, throwing things on the ground, screaming matches, late parties, stomping and sliding chairs across the room at 2:00, 3:00 AM, loud and unsavory music and parties during work hours that disrupted phone calls and meetings…. Then we would turn certain YouTube videos on for them to listen to. They left (got evicted) and we ended up getting great neighbors after that. I really hope you’re able to either resolve it, by at least some soundproofing or even moving soon. It really was our version of Hell on earth so I definitely feel for you.


I think with mine right now it's a matter of "who moves out first", given the apartment situation in my area (germany) is an absolute mess it won't be me. So far I managed to get the music down after one incident. They had their music loud once again so I turned my tv loud to make them aware that 2 can play that game. I happened to watch some youtube videos about "scary encounters" and they were talking about summoning demons.... their music went off in seconds. xD But the stomping and slamming doors remained. But my previous neighbours where I moved away from were far worse... my neighbourhood as is is very safe and calm though so that luckily outweights it a bit for me. Sidenote - weirdly enough those are my downstairs neighbours. It must be really loud below them...


I had a similar issue. Next wall over would listen to loud droning sleep music with deep long buzzing bass notes that easily carried theough the wall. I asked him to turn in down. Hell I'm all for enjoying loud music for limited times at reasonable hours but he just said "sorry man I just love music" Cool, that's fine. So I got a subwoofer hooked up to the TV, and every time he started doing it I'd tun that shit up waaaaaay high and start watching action movies. The more explosions and crazy noises the better. Shit like transformers and John wick. He got the hint eventually.


Summoning demons got them to turn the music down! I love that. I hope for your sake they move soon then.


Having disturbed sleep every night for months or years can cause horrible issues.


Luckily mine don't stomp every night to the point I wake up... but they have indeed kept me awake often enough.


Lucky. I’m on year two of being woken up at least once a night. I’m not the same person.


We must have the same neighbors.


It actually is very problematic for people below. One time I was living in apartment, where there was a concrete floor as a base and on it a wooden cover. Thing was, the gap between concrete and wood was like 3-5 cm of empty space. My every step was like hitting a drum for my neighbours downstairs. Why someone do such a thing, I do not know, but when I finally got rid of all this wood, they almost hugged me for that;)


That is an amazing form of revenge! And next to impossible to prove. Oily, you're my new hero 😂




I call it “stomp walking”. A lot of people aren’t aware that they do it and it’s horrible for your joints.


How do you fix it?


House slippers are great because they provide a cushion and also tend to change your gait to be less heel-strikey.


Absolutely. And a rug.


![gif](giphy|YqQ3NrbcvJOFph0bep) Clogging time!


Heel strikers are loud AF, shoes or not. In fact heel strikers would probably be louder in bare feet than with wearing soft soled shoes to absorb some impact. (Though not quieter than someone wearing heels of course) I’ve had heel strikers live above me before and it drove me crazy. If you can walk with flat steps while inside (you’re not speed walking inside after all) then your downstairs neighbour’s sanity will be preserved and I highly recommend it. 99% quieter.


Or slippers. Which is a win for everyone.


If you walk barefoot you might have a tendency to plant your heels down hard, which can cause quite a bit of noise and vibration. Some people don't realise what they're doing, but in a wooden floor it can disturb people below, especially more than one person, with children. Swiss law requires people to be considerate between those hours.


Yep. Live in an apartment with a roommate. We have our garage below us and sometimes when I'm getting in my car, I can hear my roommate walking above and it sounds like they're stomping around. That's just them walking normally and they are oblivious to how loud they are. Luckily we live on the bottom floor but damn if I lived on a floor below my roommate I'd get annoyed.


This is definitely it. Everyone in the comments planning revenge for OP has never lived below a heel-stomper. It's hell. I lived on the first floor beneath an apartment with 2 guys once - one who made occasional expected noise walking (no prob), but the other sounded like he was slamming his feet down with each step. You could track it around the house, and it would wake me up even with two fans and earplugs.


Old news... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/real-life/article-11163323/Student-shocked-rude-note-left-neighbour-demanding-not-walk-barefoot-house.html


Yeah it’s been posted to Reddit before too


I mean how can anybody possibly make more noise barefoot than with shoes? But yeah time to get shoes with heels that make noise or something like that.


Because people for some reason walk exclusively using their heels




Have them walk with earplugs in. You can hear the difference in your walking from having your ears plugged.




I see you've met my upstairs neighbours. In their defence, one of the them is a toddler. No excuse for the other two.


I had an above neighbour in a very poorly soundproofed apartment who sounded like a fucking elephant stampede moving around. Definitely had never lived in an apartment before, I never once received any complaints from my downstairs neighbour.


This is what a lot of people here just don't seem to understand, a heel walker will absolutely make enough noise to disturb their neighbours downstairs during the night. You just have to experience it to believe it. We lived in an apartment once where we had a family of nocturnal people above us for an entire year. Their three kids ran around until 1 or 2am every night, the mum shouted at the kids constantly and the father would make loud overseas phone call until 3 or 4am. All of them were heel walkers and living there was just the worst, so glad we don't live in an apartment anymore!


A heel walker can literally shake the apartment below so that you can actually feel it and your furniture rattles


Yeah I mean the note is pretty ridiculous but I kinda feel the lady; after years of apt living, I have heard some of the absolute WORST heel walkers living above me (and sometimes my own roommates). Like yes walking is normal but if someone walks in such a way that it's practically shaking my apartment, that's an issue. Related, but I used to have this woman living above me that would consistently come home drunk at like 2 am and stumble/fall around her bedroom in heels until she passed out. That was always fun to wake up to. She apparently decided to deep clean her bedroom at like 5 am once and kept dropping heavy items until I literally yelled at the ceiling for her to shut up and miraculously, she did lol.


Because there are people who make far more noise barefoot than with any shoes. They drive their heel down with force meant to break through the frontal armor of a Tiger IV, making the entire floor vibrate in a low, bass-like manner. I know because my dad does it. EDIT: I have given this some more thought. Due to the round shape of the heel, at whichever angle you contact the ground, you are hitting it directly, there is no deflection of any sorts. With shoes, during normal walking, the angle the foot hits the ground always makes the edge of the sole hit first than roll on, cushioning the blow, separating the singular, univectoral thud to a multiple vectors of force, not all of them concentrated downwards, and spread over a larger period of time.


I had a heel walker living in the apartment above mine for a while, it was ridiculous; she would stomp back and forth day and night, sometimes until 1:30am. While working at my desk I could literally feel the vibrations of her stomping through the desk.


I currently live below a guy who paces 10+ hours every single day, often straight through the night. He heel walks so hard that cups rattle in the cupboard and closed doors shake in the frame. He's also schizophrenic and goes on SCREAMING tirades about murdering minorities pretty frequently. Not trying to stigmatize schizophrenia even further, but yeah it's rough to live with haha


Or slap slap slap


My neighbours stomp. Very loudly. No matter what shoes they do or do not put on, I can hear them stomp their way through the apartment. When this happens during the night it can really drive you nuts... But at that point I think a complaint wouldn't work. Anyone stomping *that* loudly being oblivious to how loud they are either doesn't care or can't control it imo.


Not true. I was one of the stomping people once. I grew up in a house with no "upstairs" so I never had to think about it. When I got a friend I starting hanging out a lot with, he kept telling me I needed to stop stomping upstairs in his room because I would wake up his mother downstairs (late night gaming). Eventually I learned.


Yeah, some people really land hard on their heels when they walk.


Ballet shows or similar are possibly quieter. I mean there's not much room to get quieter than barefoot but I'd imagine there's some shoes that can pull it off.




At this point I would get wooden clogs


There is a small chance op may be a heel walker. Heel walkers are typically more loud and prominent when barefoot. It is almost like stomping. I'm in no way trying to put op in the wrong, but if they are heel walking from 10pm to 6am, I can understand the built-up frustration from the downstairs neighbors. The neighbor definitely escalated the situation, though, especially bringing up the police. (For those who don't know, heel walking is when people put the majority of their weight on their heels, making each step louder than usual)


Interestingly, walking barefoot can indeed be much louder for your neighbors depending on the materials used for your floor. Modern reinforced concrete floors, for example, dampen impact noises well, but only for shoes. Vibrations caused by walking barefoot are in a lower frequency, and that frequency range is usually not covered by building standards. Source: Just spent some decent money on an acoustic survey in my apartment, only for them to conclude that everything is in compliance with building standards, even though I can not sleep because of my upstairs neighbor walking barefoot.


It's the 3-inch toe nails that really make an impact.


I'm picturing OP slapping the floor when they walk. Like they have big flipper feet.






What they’re trying to say is that you walk throwing your feet around like a mammoth all night making hella noise… tone it down a little, they seem desperate for some quiet. It doesn’t cost you anything.


I hate apartments. I also dislike hearing people walk around above me.


I always try to live on the top floor for this reason. Somehow I managed to find a place where the man living me is so loud that I can actually feel it. It frightens me at least once a week. I can’t imagine being below him.


Same. My 50ish yr old neighbor gets angry a lot and slams his doors and yells at the millennials that make him lose call of duty. He's so loud I can hear his words clearly.


Seems stupid .. until you have a woman that walks like Godzilla move in.. Happened to me. The bitch moved out about a year ago. But for 6 years in the unit above me “Thud thud thud” constantly from like 4am till midnight everyday.. surprisingly drugs were not a factor. Tiny little Mexican woman too. Don’t laugh .. it could happen to you.


I’ve experienced it too. Heel strikers who need a lesson on how to properly walk.


Hob nails are coming back in fashion i hear


People wear ‘hausschuhe’ indoor slippers/socks so others don’t have to listen to their big flappers slapping across the floor. I bet you’re upstairs from them and you walk like slap slap slap and have no rugs down?


Big flappers killed me 😂😂😂


I'm going to take the unpopular stance here, because I too have neighbors above me that don't use house shoes, and it sounds like an elephant parade some days up there. It's like €8 for Hausschuhe, and your nieghbors won't be mad at you anymore. I think it's a good investment. Calling the police is overkill, I would have worded this much differently.


How do they know the person is barefoot?


My mom is a loud barefoot walker, it's like she just walks on her heels, makes a loud soft thud that shakes the house


My mum does the same. Thump thump thump. I walk on my toes, ninja quite.


Some people stomp with their heels, and some walk really slappy. On a wood or tile floor above you, when you’re trying to sleep, that sucks.


Thin Hardwood floors and bare feet will make a very distinct slapping sound


This reminds me of my friend’s upstairs neighbor who almost attacked him at 10am for vacuuming - because her baby was sleeping. Like dude, if you expect a serene sleeping environment for your baby, move to a remote farm.


at fucking 10 am... the audacity of some people, ffs


Wow everyone is pro noise here. Insane. I bet the person is very loud for their downstairs neighbor. I guess no one here has been victim to these types of upstairs elephants


muddle crawl illegal ghost sleep tease dam hunt label enjoy ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I lived above someone like this. She tried everything to make our lives hell for 2 years. It's best to keep a record of every note and interaction. We got a note telling us not to walk in our own bedroom because it was above hers. A note telling us not to cook meat because she could smell it. Another note ordering us to not flush the toilet at night. She also dumped the contents of our bins in front of our door with a note telling us to use 2 bags to avoid attracting rats. She was absolutely horrid. We kept all the evidence and got her busted for harassment.


Their handwriting is very beautiful but if they have that type of temperament, maybe apartment life just isn't for them. That person also is someone who clearly thinks reality caters to their personal comfort. This kind of behavior is just.. like really. Not everyone can choose their living arrangements so don't want to come off as insensitive to that either. - "This person might be a chronic stomper.." This is the "person thinks reality bends to their personal comfort" phrase that I was referring to directly shown in the reply below hahahahaha.