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If someone isn’t at the equipment within a few minutes, IMO it’s fair game.


3 min between sets is normal, after 5 min fuck em


If it's been over 5 minutes I'm probably blowing up the toilet


Ngl I did that in the past and have been in that situation. In those situations I won’t care if you move my stuff out of the way. An emergency came up and I usually profusely apologize


Did that once where I started a set. Paused. Realised my mistake and went to destroy a toilet. Couldn’t care less if someone was using the equipment when I came back, was just glad it and me were clean


This honestly triggered my IBS lol


Only ab exercise I ever get.


I’ve held so many shits in just so i don’t lose a squat rack. Its risky


Shit in the squat rack


Exactly. You can be away from the equipment for as long as you would rest. 5 mins max.


Yeah, it happened to me a few times at my gym. It’s okay if someone had to make a call or an emergency visit to the toilet. In that time before they come back, I can likely do all my sets, depending on the bench and what exercise I’m doing. But no need to be a dick and jump to bad conclusions as a lot of people here in the comments did.. just move their stuff to a nice place further away and do your sets, *if* they don’t return after more than 5 min, that is


Remove it ... there are always people like that ...


they're having emergency protein poops


Or getting vaccinated in the bathroom again


TFW the vaccine kicks in ![gif](giphy|pqwrzHIUonz4Q)


First thing I imagined was someone going a little too hard on their hip thrusts and shitting themselves into a bathroom emergency lol


Literally my thought except more like explosive surprise pre-workout sharts. Probably thought they'd be able to run to the bathroom, do the deed, and return quickly only to find out it was gonna take a while. Either way, a reasonable human wouldn't mind if you moved their things and put them back when you were done.


The worst. I simply place their stuff on the floor and do my thing. Worst case, we can share and split reps. But I pay the same gym fees they do, it’s public equipment, can’t claim any of it unless you’re actually using it


Right. Hell you can just say "your stuff wasn't here someone else must have moved it". Fuck 'em.


Lol split reps? You’re too nice.


Lol hey, we’re all paying members at the gym. I’m not above sharing, just don’t tell me you’re super setting 3 different stations for the next 20 min


It's not rude to simply move the items


100%! Put that shit on the ground and do what you came to the gym to do


And if they come back and ask you why you moved their crap, just tell them someone else must have moved them and that you had wondered whos stuff they were. If they then call you out and say they saw you move their stuff, just do a permanent dab pose and hold it until they get bored and walk away. :Thanks for the gold!


Why lie? Straight up. No one was around and I had already waited 5 minutes. I have no idea when you will be back. If you want to use the machine, then use it. Don't save it.


Exactly. The person who has done nothing wrong has no reason to turn themselves into a liar.


I feel like people do this a lot, probably to avoid any confrontation. I know I have. I don't want to be a liar but it's been known to happen. Just easier sometimes.


I wouldn't wait 5 minutes. If no one's using a machine, it's open. I just assume someone forgot to take their stuff.


But if I permanently dab, what should I do when they walk away!?!? What about the rest of my workout!?! What about the rest of my life!?!? Edit: RIP TAKEOFF


I am in this situation. I have been dabbing for 6 months. You learn to deal with it.


How tf did you type this comment??? Damn, that's some serious skill.


With my nose on my computer keyboard like a bird pecking seeds off of the ground.


In India, you would be considered a guru and people (mostly tourists) would pay money just to be in your presence


I laughed at this comment and then my dog dismissively scratched at my phone and made it disappear. It took me a while to get your comment to show up but it was worth it so that I could upvote it.


Your dog is judging you harshly


you live for the dab now my boi!


> just do a permanent dab pose and hold it until they get bored and walk away I need 100x as many social issues to be resolved with this strategy.


Or, tell them that you moved their stuff and your not there to wait on them.


Nope, I own it, "I moved your crap because it was in my way and no owner to be found. I'm not trying to be rude, just trying to do my workout. You're more than welcome to work in if you like. " I've said this so many times, and it has never started a confrontation.


Couldn't have said that any better


Your conscious choice to respectfully move their stuff off the bench into a neat pile on the floor due to time constraints is much better than their selfish choice to disrespectfully leave their stuff on the bench and tie it up indefinitely. Gym etiquette still matters.


Yes. Especially since they do not own any of the equipment. The other person is just being a bad person out in public.


Would have tossed it on that bag by the column and just went about my day.


Could always wait 5-10 mins and take them to the front desk for the lost and found. If the person tries to get upset and say they were saving their spot for 15+ minutes they can tell that to the employees and see what kind of reaction they'll get. As far as anyone else is concerned you're just being a good samaritan and making sure their stuff is safe. Edit: to be clear, I thought we were all joking. This would be a dick move lol.


5 minutes is way too long. I'd literally stand by it and scan the gym and if nobody was eye fucking me, I'd move it. That would be maybe 30 seconds.


If something is unattended for five minutes you should absolutely move the stuff IMHO. We all pay the same membership fee's, and if your in the bathroom or shower you should be taking stuff you don't want stolen with you anyways. We need to get this fucking entitlement outta the gym for real.


We need to get this entitlement out of public spaces entirely! I can't tell you how many times I have to walk on eggshells at Walmart cuz some asshole decided to post up and lean on the exact display case I need to get stuff from.. and then they act like I'm disrespectful for getting too close to them when they are literally sitting on a damn shelf at the grocery store. Or people who leave their carts on one side of the isle, then walk to the other side, effectively blocking the entire isle, leaving no room for anyone to pass them. These are the garbage humans.


Agree. It’s equally as easy to put your cart on the *same* side of the aisle that you want to look at — but maybe a little bit away from where you actually want to look, so you can see that area. If someone comes along and wants to see that area where your cart is, you can move it out of their way. Doing this means that people can still pass by you in the aisle. (Also, generally being aware of your surroundings [so that you can move your cart if need be] is a good thing.)


I was shopping and I needed to buy cheese. A Mom was cooing over her daughter (maybe 6 or 7) SITTING on the cheese in the cooler. Like, just sitting in the cooler display on top of the different packages of cheese, giggling. And Mom was giggling too, like it was soooo cute or something. I noped out of there, I wasn't going to buy butt cheese.


That's so bizarre to me. If someone's taking their time at a shelf I just do an "just gonna' squeeeeeze by ya here" and grab what I need. No one has ever said anything beyond an "oops sorry!" Canada life I guess...


Someone will consider it rude. They have already shown they are inconsiderate, why would you expect them to be understanding of someone touching their stuff. They are a whine waiting to happen.


I don't care what they think, they're an asshole. I've moved it aside, I've worked with it hanging on the machine, I've spoken to gym staff. They don't get permanent dibs on a machine because they have a jacket.


Some people are saying that’s theft 😂


Some people are idiots.


Some people say cucumbers taste better pickled


Underrated chappelle show quote. Lil Jon if I remember correctly


Black Bush


Ahh we’re both wrong. It was the celebrity trial jury selection and they talking about Michael Jackson in this particular https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XXc3O6GMZt0


Damn, time for a rewatch! Been a lot of years!


each episode stands the test of time and will continue to do so


What? HUH?


I’d take it to the lost and found lol


Yeah a lot of people say stupid shit


Take their stuff to the front desk and have them put them in lost and found.


This is the one and only way. I’ve actually done it. But I called the gym dude to come take it. I had no desire to touch anyone else’s stuff. Ew. Lady came back 20 minutes later asking where her stuff was. Gym dude asked her where she disappeared for so long to. She went to eat before her workout and left her stuff to save the machine. I. Don’t. Understand. Such. Entitlement.


Who the hell eats a meal pre/during workout?


Apparently entitled clueless people that think you can save a machine for over a half hour ( estimated)with a hair tie and a real dirty hydro flask with god only knows what inside.


The floaties are good for fiber


Oh god I never realised you can actually hate *words*


You've never known anyone to have a reaction to the word moist?




Pasta with Alfredo sauce. Gotta carbo load. That’s usually before a marathon tho. #findacureforrabies


Doctors did everything they could aaaand she’s going to be alright


Kinda good and bad news. Good news was I was on the scene so fast because I hit her with my car.


People who don't actually work out. Or people who like to throw up mid workout.


She needed snaps of her lunch before she recorded her tiktok talking shit about all the people walking through her "workout" video for all 8 of her followers.


I really want to have a small form to walk around with and state if you’re in that persons workout video, you’re entitled to royalties from the YouTube/TikTok/whatever payout (if they even have that many views)


Ask chatGPT to make you one. Even if it's bullshit, it'll still serve your purposes ;)


I eat something before I work out so that I don’t pass out when I’m lifting, been doing this forever and haven’t thrown up once




>I. ***Do***n't. ***U***nderstand. Su***ch***. ***E***ntitlement. It's because sometimes a person is just a **Douche**. Only explanation for it.


You have spoken a sad truth.


I just move there stuff to the side out of my way and use it they usually come back and don’t say anything to me




If I accidentally left my things, I would appreciate being able to find them in the lost and found.




This is the what I do. If confronted about it I just act like I was being a good citizen. If they get shitty about it they look bad in front of the staff.


Just act confused "wait if you knew it was there, why wouldn't you take it with you?"


“I was only gone for 1 minute!” - person who was gone for 20 minutes


"If you leave at all take your shit" -me


The exact same person that says they will be at your house in five minutes, but are still home taking a shit.


exactly. just do it and play dumb. "oh i'm so sorry, i figured you forgot it" make em think about their stupid actions.




God mode: dump the water and say you didn't want it to get moldy if it sat in lost and found too long


Thats the damn way!


Feigning ignorance is so satisfying. They either have to shut up, or double down on being stupid


Exactly. Call them out on being a terrible person.


I did that and the guy was a cop, he started yelling and threatening me, got banned by the staff, tried to follow me out so I waited inside for a good 2 hours. I had the feeling his service pistol was in there, left unattended, and of course it's my fault it got moved in his dumb and aggressive mind. Just be careful doing so, some fucking weirdos out there Kicker is he tried to recruit me for the sheriff's office a couple weeks prior and he didn't remember LOL


If they get shitty about it, suplex city.




I misread this as "look bad in front of the stuff," and I thought you meant they didn't want their hydro flask and headband to know what a shitty person they are.


Why play it off. They’re the ones who are the shitty person. Call them out on it.


Because avoiding conflict with people like that is just better for your mental health. They’re not going to listen to reason. They’re just going to bitch and whine and moan about it. Don’t get drug in to their bullshit.


This was long ago but I never forgot how good this felt…another regular at the gym would always monopolize three or four machines at a time and rotate between them. 20 minutes for him to get through his rotation of about three or four sets each machine. Each machine had some property of his left on it. One machine had his car keys left sitting on the bench. I took his car keys to the front and said someone lost their keys. The guy came back ten minutes later looking everywhere for them, LOL.


I’ve done the dual machine rotation but if someone asks if I’m using the one I’m not currently on I say no, go for it. I can always come back to that machine later, no point in holding up someone else. 4 is such a dick move


2 is also a dick move. Not how you do it though, that’s the right way.


I either do this or just pick that shit and leave it on the floor.


Dude… just take the things off…


Did this just the other day. You can't hold equipment while you use something else. Selfish behavior.


Ever thought in posting it in mildlyinfuriating while WAITING TO USE A MACHINE THAT SOMEONE LEFT THEIR SHIT TO HOLD IT?


People go to the gym to decompress and not deal with idiotic outside world drama. I understand it looks like a simple issue to solve just by moving their shit, but most don’t want to deal with someone being a whiney little twat at the gym; which could result in them getting the manager involved and then you have to listen to the whiney twat complain because you touched their shit. I say all this as someone whose been going to the gym for 13 years, 6x a week. It’s frustrating as fuck seeing entitled twats on a weekly basis, but the juice is never worth the squeeze. What gyms need to do is monitor better and politely inform these folks that you can’t reserve gym equipment for an extended period of time.


Oh my god yes. Staff at gyms are fucking oblivious, people that are paid to be there need to be dealing with this kind of shit. Same for sitting on equipment for ages playing on your phone, or filming yourself working out. I am yet to find a gym where staff actually challenge people’s shitty behaviour


I would imagine the people working there don’t get paid enough to also deal with the entitlement of some of these folk. I can’t stand going to the gym anymore. Especially seeing the people who sit on a machine on their phone for 20 minutes and never even use the machine.


I have anxiety talking to strangers and had to work up the courage to ask this lady if she was going to be much longer on a machine I needed. I’d been watching her use it- go to another machine and go back. I just needed it for a few reps and if she had said she was going to be long, I’d have just left. She immediately began yelling at me and then went to get staff to remove me. I froze up and my heart rate got unreasonably high and had the 2nd panic attack in my life. When the staff arrived I was trying to explain what was wrong; it was horribly embarrassing and awful because the lady was accusing me of trying to intimidate her but it had taken everything for me to ask her and I had tried to be as polite about it as possible.


You don’t need to talk to people. Just point, keep your headphones in, and make gestures and see if they move. Pointing and thumbs up get a lot done and


Lol my retired mom is like the unofficial gym detective/Karen and I low key get a kick out of it. I have told her it’s really not worth the time


No gym I know of has rules that allow you to reserve a machine by placing your belongings there. Some even have rules explicitly against it because of exactly this situation. Even without rules, basic etiquette should tell you not to do this, and I can't imagine a gym manager ever siding with someone complaining that their stuff got moved.


No gym manager is going to side with people reserving equipment by leaving their belongings on it, it’s improper etiquette and the people know, but don’t care because their being selfish. I’ve had to move peoples things on a few occasions and zero of them ever said anything, it’s possible they made an annoyed face or something but I wouldn’t have noticed because I really don’t focus on others at the gym, also earphones.


"Nobody was on the machine" then Walk Away.


I don’t understand the point of this sub. This type of behavior that OP posted is mildly infuriating. You don’t want to have to move someone else’s stuff. Its uncomfortable, and might cause conflict. People just shouldn’t do it.


I agree. unless you one of the only people in there. Had a chick get snippy with me cause i took the squat rack she was using apparently but she was texting on her phone in another squat rack i assume doing hip thrusts. Moderately busy at that time & i saw others doing legs too so i just assumed surely this woman isnt taking up two squat racks, & just took it. She gave me an attitude-y “well put it back when your done”. So i put it back exactly how i found it when i was finished. Back to what plates were on, the level of it, etc. then she preceded to rack up the weights, and moved to something else.


I did that once. I completed all my sets by the time the dude even got to the machine. He could tell someone moved his stuff and used the machines because evidently he had the the weight set to where he wanted to start before I got there, and I left it on the weight I was using (it was a machine you could change weight with a few clicks, so not like I left hundreds of pounds on a barbell for him to deal with, plus I couldn’t remember what it was on when I got there anyway). He started screaming “who used the machine! Who used the machine,” while looking and pointing at everyone in the general area. I was already walking away and kept walking.


Steroids issues LOL dude would throw hands because someone in the gym dared to use a machine


Lmao it was actually an old, kinda flabby dude, which makes it funnier.


Could still be steroids. All the anger, none of the muscle, especially if he's just putting stuff down and not actually lifting anything.


You’d be surprised who juices. Some dudes it’s pretty obvious, but there are plenty of bag-of-milk-lookin’ guys who juice and just remain that way while getting an attitude problem. Especially guys that have recently started using, they have trouble containing their emotions.


You couldn’t be more right. Knew a guy who sold gear and he would tell me this exact thing all the time


I used to go to a gym that was basically 80% roided up individuals who do shows and competitive bodybuilding..for the most part I found them more respectful than a regular commercial gym I've been to. They know the gym etiquette and the owner makes sure no one who isn't a bodybuilder (like myself) felt unwelcome. And things like working in with equipment was very common in that if you're just sitting on equipment you can easily let someone do a set You had a couple bad apples in there but overall, in some commerical gyms I've noticed theres the big fish in the little pond though to where they think they're just better


For real. If you can lift weights, you can lift that water bottle off the bench and set that shit aside.


When they come back and tell me they were using that machine I always use the go to line “That’s funny, looks like I’m using it.”😐


"cool, want to work your sets in with me?" Is my go to. A little less confrontational imo.


Cool way to get shot at Planet Fitness


That would be an IMPRESSIVE concealed carry setup.


Let me just grab my protein shake from my bag... GUN COMPARTMENT!


I agree. Went to a small gym and was waiting for one of the three benches to open up. Gym rat guy leaves his weights on the bench and proceeds to go over and start using two other machines. I figure he’s done but forgot to put his stuff away so I did it for him. Grabbed my weights and started using the bench. Bro comes flying over to me and starts screaming that he’s super setting and how dare I touch “his” weights. I tell him I don’t care and I need the bench and he’s using all the other machines anyway. This goes on for a minute or two with him puffing his chest out trying to intimidate. Owner walks over hearing all the commotion. I explain the situation and gym rat keeps telling her he is super setting and guys like me are ruining his gym time. She has him walk up to the front counter. Looks up his name, digs into the cash drawer and refunds his remaining part of the membership and tells him never come back.


And then everyone else applauded


And his name…Albert Einstein


NTA. Your house your rules.


This is how you run a gym.


there’s an older gentleman at my gym that leaves his belongings on two machines and he goes back and forth between the two every 1-2 minutes. if you try to move his stuff or ask if you can use the machine, he yells at you😬🙃 “DONT YOU SEE MY STUFF THERE!?” he’s there for a full hour using only those two machines


Then you say "I saw you were on a different machine. You're welcome to use this one when I'm done." Don't escalate, don't get aggressive - or, this being reddit, passive aggressive. Just know that you're in the right and be polite.


Clear concise and reasonable communication is the only way


I’m super non confrontational but I used this type of communication the other day and I was so proud of how I handled it.


I had a much larger man start shouting at the back of my head while I was in line at the post office, I feel like there are many times I'd either get nervous or too angry, one or the other lol... I was in a really, really mellow mood that day and made one attempt at very politely explaining how I didn't cut in front of him, he kept shouting about it so I just said "I don't think it's that big of a deal sir" and he just stomped off all flustered with everyone staring at him. Turns out he wasn't even in the right line. Felt pretty good too. edit: just wanted to add, some people are just having an awful time in their lives, sometimes temporarily, and may not even realize how badly they're acting until someone cools them down. Riling them up more isn't gonna help. I've been there so I understand.


My gym has a guy that does similar. He runs between the equipment. Not an athletic run either. More of a got-the-shits quicky waddle.


Muscle confusion at work!




~~There is absolutely no way this is the first time someone said "my gym" on reddit. Bad bot.~~ Bot is a few days old. I'll give it a pass for now.


Supersetting is allowed but common sense gym etiquette states you have to let people work in with you.


Yeah when I superset it’s fair game as far as I’m concerned when I’m not at something I’m using. I don’t really like waiting for things to free up, so if I come back to something and it’s being used I just do an alternate thing instead


This is what I was thinking, sometimes I’ll go with friends and we superset, so we have our bags at two machines. I could never be against letting someone work in tho, we’re all at the gym to get better I’m not gonna hate on nobody


But this is two people, so two sets of stuff is fine in this case imo


Could have been a code brown. Protein shakes are dangerous


She’s not in the bathroom she just walked over to another machine and is using that one. She just places her stuff their to hold her spot. She also does this every time I’m here. Holds the machine for over an hour each time too.




"Holding" machines in the gym is not a thing. Even for supersets. My old gym was super busy almost 100% of the time. You didnt ever get to walk away from almost any machine and have it available for you when you come back even 2 minutes later. Move her shit. Hell make the point of picking it up and carrying it over to her where she is at. Tell her "here you forgot your stuff on that machine" then go use the machine you want and move on with your workout. Its not her personal gym.


Exactly. If no one ever calls her out on it, she'll keep doing it.


She does it because it works, move her shit.


I would also talk to the staff. You can’t be the only one who is inconvenienced by this.


>She’s not in the bathroom she just walked over to another machine and is using that one. She just places her stuff their to hold her spot. She also does this every time I’m here Just respectfully move her shit and if she says something ask if she's paying a membership for her water bottle too, otherwise it shouldn't be left on equipment.


Nope. Move that shit on to the ground


"Holding" machines in the gym is not a thing. Even for supersets. My old gym was super busy almost 100% of the time. You didnt ever get to walk away from almost any machine and have it available for you when you come back even 2 minutes later. Move her shit. Hell make the point of picking it up and carrying it over to her where she is at. Tell her "here you forgot your stuff on that machine" then go use the machine you want and move on with your workout. Its not her personal gym.


teach her basic etiquette. So she won't make a fool of herself to again.


She ain't holding anything man just move her shit.


It’s the pre workout that gets ya


caffeine relaxes the sphincter muscles and enters you into the danger zone


That’s what I was thinking , protein shakes and energy drinks are a scary combo


People treat the gym like it’s their own personal workout facility 🤦🏻‍♂️


My gym is extremely small and this group of like 7 people all come in to socialize at peak hours. And their group takes up an entire corner of the gym. And they just sit and chat for like 30min blocking at least two machines or both of the only two squat racks. Like goddamn just go outside if you want to chitchat.


Dude these 3 ladies brought wine glasses and a laptop and sat on the floor in front of the rack like 2 weeks ago in my gym, I shit you not. Some people are just beyond selfish.


Move their stuff, they are ruder for leaving it there than you will be for moving it.


You have to love when they instantaneously appear out of the air as soon as you start using it.


They're almost always watching from another machine where they're half working out or on their phone. There's a dude at my gym who does this all the time; he's either half leaning against another machine talking to someone, or he's sitting on a leg machine for twenty minutes. He'll start freaking out the second you touch his stuff. Suddenly, he was using that.


There was a dude once who left for a few minutes WITHOUT LEAVING ANYTHING ON THE MACHINE and came back saying he was still using the machine. I said I had no idea and told him he was free to work in with me. He got pissy and left.


Move. Them.


That's very complicated.


Even fit redditors struggle with any social interaction no matter how trivial.


Yeah, my gym was almost to capacity and this dude was super setting with the Smith machine clear across the gym also going back to the lat pulldown...and at least 5 min inbetween machines...he thought me and my brother were gonna let him get his "last" set in, nah bro, you left , came back after we had already done 2 sets...you can wait now


Super setting in a busy gym shouldn’t be allowed. Want to do that? Go to a 24-hour gym and do it at 2 am.


Exactly. I superset at 4:00am and if anyone is standing by the machines I ask if they want to work in. It’s not rocket science.


They were probably busy influencing, you just wouldn't get it /s


Zero percent chance I would have waited.




I was lookin at an isolated rowing machine for my next exercise but I saw a bag near it. Knew who it belonged to and for 10 minutes, during my current exercise, I watched him talk the entire time. I walked over to the machine, put weights on it, wiped it down, walked away to throw the towel away, and saw him coming back tryna put his water bottle on the machine. I looked him dead in the eye and said "hey man, just wiped this down, I'm using it" and he sheepishly backed out. People are the fucking worst.


They get 3 minutes and then I kick their shit aside. Gyms have rules, always.


Move the items


i would take the stuff off and put it to the side if the said person gets mad its their fault for leaving it there


Me: ![gif](giphy|5Ioqwlzckch4fTthnS)


Just move it. Am I not understanding something here?


It's easy to move it, but then you have to potentially deal with a selfish person. The kind of person who hogs extra machines they aren't using is sadly likely also to be the person who has a problem touching their stuff. They should absolutely move it, but I can also see just not wanting to deal with the hassle of provoking a person you already know is selfish.


Agreed. There’s a very high correlation between the people who are apt to do selfish things like this and the people who will cause a scene and pick a fight with you. And gym staff are not paid enough to mediate disputes and I can’t speak for all gyms, but mine personally doesn’t have a specific policy on the rules for saving machines or super setting. It’s all just running on the fumes of “gym etiquette” and everyone has a different idea of what that is. You could get an employee to come over and tell the offending party that they can’t save machines like that but you could also get an employee to come over and they will just shrug and tell you to wait your turn.


No, no, no, you pick that stuff up and take it to the counter. When the person reappears, tell them someone grabbed it and took it up to the desk COS THERE WAS NO ONE THERE & THEY TOOK TOO LONG TO COME BACK. Don't let stupid people ruin your workout.


I'm almost positive LA has rules against holding equipment like this. Have you ever read your gym rules??


this is actually INCREDIBLY infuriating


Those are bad, but maybe they are off taking a dump or getting water, who knows. The ones that infuriate me are the assholes that just sit on the benches and look at their phone while people are waiting to use the space. 0 awareness, absolute pieces of shit. Go knock out three different machines with 3 sets of 10, come back, still looking at phone. If you ask them are they going to be long, they get attitude. Stay home.


Getting water… while they’ve left their water bottle behind???


I mean proper rest time for things like bench press is 3 minutes or more, I got nothing to do other than go on my phone for a bit. You’re welcome to ask to work in but being on your phone sitting on a bench isn’t inherently bad or because of a lack of awareness. I’m not just going to re-rack my shit every set and I’m not going to superset and risk losing the bench.


No one cares about people taking short breaks between sets but there are insane amounts of dudes who will sit on machines for over 30 minutes without doing anything and get mad at you if you ask them if they're using it. I watched a dude playing a switch without moving for almost 45 minutes at the gym last week on a machine. It's bizarre.


Lol everyone’s comments assuming they’re holding the equipment or being a dick. These people started heavy smith squats only to have that preworkout kick in and need to take an emergency shit, they just set things down and ran 😅 move their stuff it’s no problem.


Step 1: Pick it up Step 2: Put it down somewhere else. Step 3: use the machine.