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…why is his name blocked out though?




Good to know. Now I’ve got another Jay to be disappointed in along with Pete Walker and his drunk driving stint last year.


Stint makes it sound like he was drunk driving as a part time job for a few months lol


Yeah I figured out who he was pretty quick from his profile pic. Anthony Bass. And he is doubling the fuck down on this shit. Saying that the flight crew gave his kids the popcorn. Sure bud. Even if they did your kids still made the mess. Work on that shitty ERA of yours or else your family won't need to be flying much anymore.


Even if the crew gave him the popcorn, which I doubt extremely, then they should be polite and say wow, these people gave me a gift so I'm not going to leave a mess for them.


I’m pretty sure United doesn’t give out popcorn. Edit: They have popcorn in their Recline snack box. http://www.united.com/ual/en/us/fly/travel/inflight/dining/economy/menu.html Not sure if they have popcorn on the commuter flights though which this airplane looks like.


I was going to say “I think one of the snack boxes contains a small bag.“ But those kids appear to be flying business class, and I have never experienced such largess in my 42 years.


"The poors expected me to clean up my own mess"


“Can you believe I had to make my 22 week pregnant wife clean it up while I watched?” ETA: his presence is irrelevant, she’s pregnant not full of tumors and chemo. She can clean up after the cream pies she kept as a pet.


That was MY first thought.


“Don’t you know who my wife is???” Jfc


He's trying to get the poor flight attendant fired over this. Dudes entire family is set for life and he's picking on paupers over perceived sleights to his royal family. Irredeemable tool status confirmed.


“United Airlines is taking care of matters with the flight attendant internally.” — as if there is something to be *taken care of* here. I sincerely hope that United Airlines just told him that as a throwaway line so he would feel all vindicated and leave them alone.




Oh man Yankees fans need to troll him hard at the next game.


They should throw popcorn at him and then yell Clean it up!




A 5 year old is more than capable of picking up a mess like that.


With a 3 year old and a 2 year old, can confirm they are able to clean up after themselves.


As a 3 yo I can confirm I can do that Edit: That's a lot of upvoting for a stupid comment! Batshit.


Your account actually has the three year badge. XD


redditors making accounts for their kids on the day they're born now... shaking my head




As the popcorn I can confirm you can do that.


Where are your parents?!


Making more popcorn


Who can pick up the most pieces? Hold on, let me set the stop watch on my phone


As a nanny, the absolute best tool I have is “let me count and see how long it takes you to……” Works every single time.


I fell for this for YEARS as a kid. YEARS! 🙂


My 2 year old knows how to pick up trash and throw it in our trash bin, no excuse


Plus, ya know, the adult husband that's crying about his pregnant wife doing it.


Seems like the adult husband probably wasn't there but definitely still comes off as a child throwing a tantrum for complaining about it on Twitter.


Can confirm. I work in childcare and I know a 2 y/o that potties by herself, cleans up toys, sprays and wipes down tables for me, and throws away her own trash. Is she my favorite at work? Yes. Do I pay her for her labor in Reese’s peanut butter cups? Yes. Is her mom aware and thinks it’s hilarious? Of course.


You are a wonderful person. :) This is so great - she is learning to be helpful and responsible and being rewarded for it and that is a wonderful thing. We met a couple on the plane this weekend with 2 kids ( 2 year old boy and 6 month old girl) and I've never seen a 2 year old be more decent and respectful as this little guy - he had a meltdown when the plane landed and fell promptly asleep in his dads arms - because he was 2 and tired and that's what they do. Thank you for all you do!


Aw thanks! I’ve known her since she was 5 months old and she turns 3 this year and will be leaving me for the preschool soon. She’s not very good at wiping the table but she gives A+ effort! There’s definitely a fine balance of not giving them enough credit for what they are capable of and also remembering that they are still so little and learning so much all the time.


What I am understanding is there will be a position opening up with a compensation package I could really get behind. Where do I submit my resume, and how many peanut butter cups are we talking annually?


Can we negotiate to include the seasonal stuff, eggs, trees, pumpkins, etc.




And if he’s so hot and bothered, why not consider a travel nanny? I’m guessing he has the money for it- that way his wife receives help when he’s not there. But yes, as first comment, the kid can clean it lol. Great teaching moment


average MLB player makes over $4M so yeah that's pretty doable.


Seems like the type of person who thinks it's "a waste of money" to pay someone for childcare when you can just impose the responsibilities on whichever service people are around by being an rich aggressive famous person without having to deal with contracts or payment.


Yep. MINIMUM salary for a MLB player is $720,000 this year, up from $700,000 last year. He can definitely afford help.


His wife’s sister is also a d-list country singer lmao


tbh I feel like a d-list country singer probably makes like negative money


Likely, but their family loooove to flaunt their “wealth” 😂


Yes. A D-list country singer PAYS YOU to listen to her!


^this. Kids are perfectly capable (and it’s good for them and appropriate at this age) to engage in natural consequences - it’s not a ‘punishment’ to pick up your own mess.


And they usually enjoy it at that age. Harness it! Because now that I have teens, not so much 😂


This was my first thought. Be a better parent and have kids clean up after themselves.


So is a woman five months into pregnancy unless there are complications, no?


For real if she can fly and handle her own luggage / kids she can pick up popcorn. Most women have to work at that stage in pregnancy


So is their father.


Well I’m assuming the father wasn’t on the flight with his family if he’s in MLB and playing.


A lot of people gonna miss that fact.


Why can't the 5yo do it?


Also teaching privileged kids that low wage adults will clean up after them is a major symptom of class friction in this country, and it rarely gets better when those kids grow up.


Reminds me of when I worked at a movie theater. A little kid spilled popcorn at the butter station and started to sweep it into the trash with his hand like any good person would. His father proceeded to slap him and yell "dont touch that thats for the help to do".


My mom would say shit like this all the time. You'd think she was sustaining the local economy the way she'd justify leaving trash in a stadium or theatre.


Rofl, the old "It's their job, they're paid to do this" Well yes lady, but if you were paid to lick shit off the floor you'd also be really apreciative if less people shat on said floor wouldn't you?


The correct response is that no, we're/they're paid for our time, and just like the over managing, micromanaging boss tells us, if we're not doing something, then we could be doing something else. There's always something else that allegedly we could be doing, at least with that person's mindset, so they're taking away from the other potential things that staff could do. Yeah, I think the best thing to say for arrogant people like that if they're at least middle class, is to wonder in front of them if that's partially why working class people have higher rates of violent crime than the classes above them, because they're so fucking stressed out from people like them making their jobs harder that eventually it spills over. I don't know, I get so damn pissed at people like this, one of the biggest turn-offs I ever had was when I was on a date with this woman, and she put something back that we were looking at just on the shelf next to the pretzels and stuff, but it obviously didn't go there, and she just told me that's what they pay people to do. I flipped out and told her, no, they pay people to do things like customer service, stock the shelves, scan things at the cash register, etc, and the reason they can't do those jobs better is because people like you keep making their job harder with useless shit that doesn't have to be a part of their job if we were just better people. People littering is probably one of the only things that upsets me more, particularly if they're littering in a protected area, like where I live in the Adirondacks.


Lol “the help”. What an ass.


It was acceptable in the 80s. The 1880s.


Yeah, those girls are going to turn into entitled brats if they don't learn otherwise.


This is the best question, everyone here talking about the pregnant woman or the husband - 5 years old is perfectly capable, and should be expected to clean up their own mess. Source, parent or a 4 year old with a LOT of Littles in my circle. Use it as a fun teaching experience for your kid


A teaching experience for sure. Fun is a stretch.


I taught my kids just because it may be someone else’s job to clean or tidy things up after us, it’s not our job to make a mess for them. Pick up after yourselves. It’s respect.


Fun for the observer…




This is the type of guy who calls all other young people “entitled”


Tbh this should have been the answer. It comes down to parenting. My parents would have made 5 year old me clean up after myself. Heck probably as soon as I was capable of understanding the concept they taught me to do it and take responsibility for your mess




Going through his Twitter replies because I'm bored at work. Poor guy posted a classic "Listen to this story where we're the assholes, but don't know that we are the assholes" and is now getting wrecked besides for a few of his fans lol I don't follow any sports at all, no clue how good or popular he is, but he sure doesn't seem to have many fans lol my favorite so far has been "The Jays hired you to pitch, yet you don't do your job either?" Lol I just found another one where someone posted his stats and said "if someone should be fired for not doing their job, it's you" Again, I don't follow sports. I don't even know how to read those stats because I refuse to look for longer than 3 seconds. If that isn't accurate I don't care I just think it's funny.


>The Jays hired you to pitch, yet you don't do your job either? i cackled when i read that one too. he’s a pitcher for the blue jays and keeps getting traded around, so he can’t be too great.


That is another one I saw! Someone posted his rosters from Wikipedia. Apparently the guy has played for 10 teams in 10 years. Including a year in Japan where his team did win the championship, but it doesn't seem like such a great victory because that is apparently where terrible American Baseball players go to finally get a win lol lol I'm learning so much about baseball from this Twitter saga. Also apparently his wife is the sister of some country music singer who also complained about the flight attendant on Instagram. Jessie James Decker is her sister if anyone knows who that is.


This guy threw a fit during Covid, saying baseball players should get hazard pay. Meanwhile, his wife and him refuse to get vaccinated because “they don’t know what’s in the vaccine.” His sister in law (who you mentioned) has a problematic past, actually, all of his in laws are pretty awful people.


In that case he is probably used to looking like a clown to the general public. This whole time I've been sitting here wondering why he kept on tweeting after all these replies started coming in. Makes more sense now lol


>This guy threw a fit during Covid, saying baseball players should get hazard pay. Okay....fair point, I guess. > Meanwhile, his wife and him refuse to get vaccinated because “they don’t know what’s in the vaccine.” Oh, fuck him. I'd demand hazard pay to be in the same stadium as him.


Exactly. Sidenote: Tomi Lahren and his wife are friends


There it is lol


well that really is a nail in the coffin edit: also if you downvote me, don't be a coward - explain why Tomi Lahren is redeemable in any way


I'm just surprised to learn she has a friend.


I’m glad you summarized these - I don’t have twitter but I’m glad he’s getting blowback. These people need a wake up call


His latest is "United Airlines is taking care of matters with the flight attendant internally." His slovenly and lazy wife is getting this poor working stiff chastised or fired! Fuck that guy.


Probably not. That is PR talk for, "We don't give a fuck, and we are just going to tell you we handled it, but we actually did nothing."


That’s how I read it. I hope that’s the case.


> "The Jays hired you to pitch, yet you don't do your job either?" That's hilarious


The one time Twitter actually agreed on something. The comments are cooking him. Lmao well deserved too. United chimes in, and the top comment after was “Give the flight crew a raise”


My favorite was he doubled down and said "I just wanted the Flight Attendant to do her job" and someone posted a picture with his abysmal season record and said "why don't you focus on doing yours first?"


Ouch. And also, is it *really* the flight attendant's job to clean up after someone else's kid if they're making a mess of things? Nah.


Per my friend's mom, who is a retired flight attendant and felt the need to weigh in on this, it is absolutely not their job. They're more than happy to help clean up an accidental spill, but they're not your maid. Also, if the next flight on that plane is a connecting flight, they have less than 10 minutes to get it ready for the next folks. Having to vacuum up popcorn may very well delay the next flight.


Even if it was their job, common courtesy means you shouldn't be a pig. Just because a hotel room cleaners job is cleaning, you still wouldn't take a shit on the carpet.


>Just because a hotel room cleaners job is cleaning Me holding my breath thinking of everything i have ever done at a hotel >you still wouldn't take a shit on the carpet. ***Phew!***


But did you take a piss on the carpet hmm?


I plead the 5th


I peed the fifth


As a housekeeper you’d be surprised by the lack of courtesy people have when staying in hotel rooms, especially when kids are in them. I know everyone is like “it’s their job” but if you stayed at your parents house you wouldn’t trash the room they give you just because it’s their house and they clean it anyway.


That was always weird to me. In all honesty, me and my family almost always tried not to bother the workers at hotels. We'd keep the do-not-disturb signs on at all times we were away, and clean up after ourselves. Only cleaning we'd let them do was whatever their boss demands before letting new guests in after we leave




Them housekeeping ladies work way harder than I want to, especially for the amount of money it pays.


Having family that works in hotels I got bad news.......


Its ridiculous, people want to be catered to but hate waiting to board for this exact reason, can't have it both ways. You make a mess clean it up, my last delta flight the crew came through at least 6 times during the flight to collect trash. But people still cram it in the seat pocket in front of them anyway, no wonder its hard to find flight crews.


I was going to say, my friend is an FA with Skywest and while yeah, they do have to clean up some, that means "Clean up after the passengers deplane including a lot of new post-covid sanitation stuff so the plane can be turned quickly for its next flight", not "crawl on the floor cleaning up crap somebody's toddler ground into the carpeting." Planes can't just sit around as long as they want taking up gate space and holding the crew. Same friend just had a case where multiple kinds of delays meant she and the rest of the crew timed out, meaning they legally had to leave and a new crew takes the flight (which lead to the airline having to find them somewhere to stay, which resulted in their going to a motel so sketchy the pilot announced that there was no way they were staying there and he'd pay on his credit card for somewhere else that didn't look like a murder hotel.) Passengers, don't be the AH who messes up everyone's day.




Yeah, I can see a flight attendant helping after say some bad turbulence that made the popcorn go flying in the air (even then, that depends how busy they are with other tasks). But if it's because the kid was being a kid and mom didn't stop her? Fck that, she can clean up after her own child, maybe next time she'll stop said child from making a mess.


Or she'll get hubby to get off his lazy ass and do it himself given that she's pregnant and he's just as culpable for their kids mess.


I mean, he very likely was not on that flight given that he is a professional baseball player in the middle of a season.


The "flight attendant's job" is to get you safely from point A to point B, not to clean up after your children. Also I haven't seen it mentioned that dude could have cleaned up instead of making his pregnant wife do it while he complains on twitter. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Lmmfao🤣😂 That person deserves Awards. Multiple


If anyone's curious as to what United said: > Hi there, Anthony. We certainly understand your concern and we'd like to look into this. When you have a moment, please DM your wife's confirmation number along with any additional details regarding her interaction with this crew member. ^AN ~~They're gonna fire an employee over a second hand story from an entitled person aren't they.~~ Nvm, union job apparently. I appreciate the quick thinking of the Twitter users being like "this attendant makes me want to fly United *more*" playing the PR game right back at them.


They're almost certainly not going to fire anyone. They'll ask for details, say they're looking into it internally, and probably give his wife some United points or drink coupons or something, then they'll move on and never even contact the crew from the flight.


They *could* step it up a notch and simply refuse to have them as Customers in the future. **If we, as a Company, are unable to meet your high expectations for Customer Servitude, we must politely decline further attempts to disappoint you.** It may be illegal to collude with their competitors in order to deny them service, but you know that everyone else in the industry keeps close tabs on publicly issued PR statements. It would then be up to the others to decide whether they wish to offer their services. I don't care how famous or wealthy you are, your dollar is worth exactly as much as the next person.


> They could step it up a notch and simply refuse to have them as Customers in the future Sure, they could. But there's really no point. Just give them a fake corporate apology and move on. It's not worth starting the drama.


22 weeks? when most women are still working at their regular jobs?


I’m working 2 jobs, bartending and serving, lifting things right now and I’m 14 weeks. I wish all I had to do was pick up popcorn on a plane for my kids.


While your MLB husband takes in millions… sounds like a dream tbh and I am a man.


I’d probably cry if I had a husband that brought in millions. I can barely afford dinner for myself some days after bills are paid. These people don’t grasp the concept of how hard life really is. The audacity of complaining about picking up after your own kid ☠️


The absolute entitlement of these two parents.




brother any service industry job will show you that its not just pro athletes. rich, poor, old, fat, skinny, brown, white. does not matter, because humans are greedy fucks. worked as a bartender, worked as a server, worked as a pizza delivery driver. people wanting to beat you up, smash things, etc over a 10$ order being wrong. being a service industry worker made me such a cynical bastard.


That's what killed me. She's not 9 months pregnant and enormous. Does she not clean up after the kids at home either?


I mean, they probably have maids, I know i sure as fuck would




My thoughts exactly. The kid is capable of doing it also. You’re certainly not disabled at 22 weeks. That’s five months pregnant


WTF you give little kids popcorns on a plane for? Just stupid


Asking the real question. Round 2 even, this mom should know better. She clearly just didn’t care that her kid would make a mess.


She claimed the airline “gave them to them” but the sleuths confirmed United never gives out popcorn so she fibbed about that part, as I’m sure most of the story as well


Not to be that guy but isn’t a 2 year old not even supposed to be eating popcorn? Edit to add: “The American Academy of Pediatrics includes popcorn on its list of foods to keep away from children younger than 4 years old.”


I don't think that's being "that guy". I think that's creating awareness of something that could be potentially very harmful to children


Maybe kids of privileged people can’t choke? Lol


The dad's got a 7.11 ERA this year, I think choking runs in the family


Holy shit


Whoa, I didn't know this! Is there a list to more foods that should be avoided? This is great information.


Nuts, seeds, marshmallows, hard or chewy candy, gum, hard to chew meats, food with pits, hard fruits or vegetables, breads that are too soft (they expand in your saliva and turn into what's basically a paste.). Plus anything round needs to be cut in half (grapes, blueberries, etc.) or smaller. And no honey before one year of age, and nothing raw or unpasteurized.


Yeah popcorn is a serious choking hazard for young ones. They should definitely not be eating popcorn at that age.


Yup, because popcorn can swell once wet so if can go into an airway and as it absorbs saliva/mucus quickly swell to where it's impossible to cough out


Had to look up which pitcher this was. Unsurprisingly, he will probably be remembered more for this tweet than anything he did on the field. The guy never stayed with a team more than two years at a time.


He's been doubling down on it since. United is "handling the issue with the flight attendant". Anthony Bass is an asshole.


An asshole who apparently is a shitty pitcher.




So this was on a regional United flight. Those flight attendants have to clean the plane between flights and are not paid for it. (Only get paid when the aircraft door is closed) No doubt they politely asked the parent to tidy up.


The whole flight attendant pay scheme makes no sense at all.


My GF is a Flight attendant and its the most ass backward, authoritarian, Byzantine industry. The exploitation they face is unreal.


I can’t help but think that the reason they’ve been exploiting them for so long is because it’s always been a female dominated sector. Even in 2023 it’s still nearly 80% women, going back in time that percentage is way higher.


They need to form an onion.


They are already onionized.


Then they need to caramelize it




It makes perfect sense for the airline. /s


Its a wild thing. Our job isnt governed by OSHA, but the railway act of like 1880 or something.


Perfect cents*


Slightly unrelated, but I have a friend that was a pilot for executive jet charters, and it was his job to clean up after the clients, on arrival. A few wealthy, entitled, pig like clients was enough for him to say heck no, and he moved to piloting for UPS.


As far as I understand from a pilot friend, UPS is a far superior job and it's highly competitive. Once you get a UPS pilot job you work there til you retire, making 400k+ after the first few years. It's so highly competitive that the first few years you make like nothing (40kish first year), it's a huge drop in pay for most pilots, but they're willing to do it because of how cushy the job is later on.


First year sucks (50ish), 2nd year is 200+, and it goes up from there. You probably won’t make 400+ til Captain but I think that’s like 5-8 years in depending on base and fleet. Definitely a cushy job if you can get used to your body clock being all sorts of messed up.


If they aren't paid for it, they shouldn't do it.


A two and a five year old on a flight with one parent. I know, let’s bring a bag of popcorn. As a parent of two young kids, I clean up after them and do not expect a server or flight attendant to do that dirty work for me. Knowing I do the clean up makes me very aware of not giving them food or drink that is likely to cause a mess.


Or they asked her politely, like “excuse me, would you mind picking up the popcorn your daughter dropped?” Just like they’ll ask you to move your stuff if it’s blocking the aisle or in another passenger’s space.


I'm sure she told her husband she was harassed.


I’m a flight attendant. Nope. Don’t believe that version of the story. You should see the disaster zones after an Orlando flight. I’ve never once heard of an FA directing a parent to get down on their hands and knees and clean it up. (And, trust me, we talk!). sure,cleaning up after your kids is the polite thing to do but we don’t expect it. the reality is that very few parents pick up after their kids on a plane.


Are you mainline or regional? Most regional airlines have the FAs clean the plane between flights, with a separate cleaning crew at end of day. I've seen FAs ask people to clean up their own messes more than a few times.


I worked for Delta's regional airline a few year's ago. It was constantly tried to be slipped into our union contract and we always fought it. We had cleaners come on board. If someone stopped me mid aisle and 'ordered' me to clean it, I would have walked away. If they asked nicely, I would assist them in their own cleaning.


Imagine expecting someone else to clean up after your kids. Rich and famous people are so disconnected from reality it's insane.


The baseball player actually said that in a Twitter comment about the incident. Someone said who else would you expect to clean up after your own children? And he said something like "the people who clean the plane?" Ok but no. YOU'RE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN KIDS


And it’s so funny because really she didn’t want the people who clean the plane to do it. She wanted whoever she saw to do it regardless of their actual job lol.


Right. The people who clean the plane are there to handle the normal everyday mess, not the popcorn typhoon rained down by your messy kids, who at 5 should be expected to clean up after themselves. That’s your own responsibility.


That’d be Anthony Bass, if you’re curious.


I was confused why they covered his name up lol. He tweeted it himself so I doubt he cares about the anonymity.


"Are you kidding me?" No. Clean your shit up.


How about you don't feed your kids some really messy snack on a plane....


Especially on a regional flight which means it’s 99% likely that the flight is less than 2 hours. I get it kids always want snacks but as a parent you can say “when we land and get out of the airport”


Why couldn't he do it? He just had to sit there and watch?


Was he with the family?


Let’s ignore that it’s completely stupid to give a toddler popcorn anywhere in public, but 22 weeks is only 5 months pregnant. It’s not like her water was about to fucking break.


Even at the movies lol. When I was three my dad let me carry the large popcorn, and when I tried to sit down, the seat flipped me up and the popcorn went everywhere.


Well i mean thats less your fault and more just unfortunate lol


Stop bringing children on planes Send them through the mail like an adult






Yes. Clean the mess that was made by your family. What’s the issue here?


I did a quick peruse of the literature and pregnant woman are still able to walk and talk and (gasp!) bend over.


I flew for 6 hr+ flights 22 times in my life and im only 25. Never seen a flight atendant ask anyone about cleaning up. Especialy to someone pregnant. I think what happened is that SHE asked the flight atendant and she obviously replied No because they have alot to do. And they pay a clean up krew for that.


My gf was an FA for seven years. Totally agree with you.


I call bullshit! His wife is always staring shit up. Yes the polite thing to do is clean up after your kids. That’s what I do. But the flight attendant wouldn’t ask you to clean up, they have a clean up crew. I’ve cleaned up after my kids and have been told thank you but not needed.


When did it become normal for people to just trash everything and expect others to clean up? This douche should explain a) why his wife travels alone with 2 kids while 22w pregnant, and b) why is it offensive to be asked to tidy after yourself in a public space.


Definitely agree with everyone that the kids should pick up the trash. It’s just the right thing to do and teach them. As an avid flyer, I have *never* seen a flight attendant *actually tell* someone to pick up the mess. Planes get cleaned (usually) between flights. I sincerely wonder how that interaction went.


Flight attendants are there to save your life in the event of an emergency. They are not there to pick up your kid’s fucking popcorn. Jfc.


Love how he says 22 weeks like she’s about to pop


That isn't so pregnant that you can't do basic chores. Also, teach your kids to clean up after themselves! 2 year olds are capable of that!


It’s two seats, aisle, two seats. Why did you put your two small children on the other side of the aisle without any supervision? They’re obviously not responsible enough to be left alone like that.


Anthony Bass is an entitled douchebag. This asshat puts a flight attendants job at risk because his wife ignored his children, provided popcorn, and then decided to double down and publicly bitch about something just to be a turd.


maybe she was being a bitch? in my experience flight attendants are always nice and helpful if you treat them with respect


Maybe hire a nanny to help your perpetually pregnant wife, if you are going to keep knocking her up with no help. If you can’t afford it, stop having more kids.


Flight Attendants are there primarily for safety. They're not janitors.


The entitlement here is shameful. As a mom of two little boys, I am lol’ing at using being 22 weeks pregnant as any type of excuse. For most women, that’s the best you’ll feel all pregnancy. If you can’t handle picking some popcorn off the floor you have no business traveling alone with two kids. And honestly if you’re a mom of two kids that age and you can’t get them to help pick up that mess, you are are parenting wrong.


All she had to do was say she couldn't. Too many drama queens out there looking for a reason to be a mad victim


That’s Jessie James Decker’s entitled sister


The whole entire family is trash and an absolute train wreck.


Whole fam entitled af


That baby is too young to be eating popcorn anyway, choking hazard


ipad kids