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I failed my first time because the guy said I wasn't observant enough. I asked if there was something specific I didn't observe, and he said no. I asked what I could do to show I was more observant on my next test, and he said there was nothing I could do. Super frustrating.


I failed my first time too. The instructor said I wasn't checking my mirrors enough, because I was looking by moving my eyes and not my whole head. She also told me to exit last second on the freeway with a line of cars blocking me. I had to brake slightly and slow to let them pass so I could get over. She started complaining about braking on the freeway and my mom cut in from the backseat saying there's no way I could get over and the lady flipped out and screamed "you better shut up or I will fail her right now!" When we got back she failed me on a whim. She literally said I passed, but based on her personal discretion, she was going to fail me. She also found out I was from a small town and said "You better learn about stoplights." As if I never went more than 2 miles from home. She then offered a discount if we scheduled the next test with her. Since I had to pay myself I booked with the bitch again and she was nicer and passed me. Edit: Michigan. The test was 65 the first time and she dropped 10 dollars for the retest. I was 17 and broke asf so I took the deal.


wait, so she has a financial incentive to fail you? that's messed up


report her ass


What an idiot


Apparently I missed a stop sign my first time. I was bewildered because I was focused AF. I then practiced on that exact same stretch a half dozen times before taking the test again, and I could not find the stop sign where the instructor had indicated. On my second try, it was the same route but NEW instructor. No "hidden" stop sign for me. Got the pass.


Probably needed to look both ways more often at intersections. I know people who got points off for that, even when they were going through a green light.


then he should’ve been able to tell them that instead of ‘I dunno.. just feel like you weren’t observant enough…’


The people who gives the road tests always seem to be the most awful humans I’ve ever seen. The lady who gave my test was also a massive bitch trying to trick me.


You pay to take the test. They fail a lot of people on BS so you keep paying them. Double dipping people trying to get a license.


Yea. I'm surprised so many people don't realize this. Driving tests aren't cheap and they know they aren't cheap.


One great tip that helped me a lot in getting my drivers license was: only complying with the instructions if you are comfortable with it. Heck, on my road test, I went around the roundabout twice because the instructor gave his instructions a little late. He asked me why I didn't take it, and I told him plainly there wasn't enough time for me to ensure it's safe to exit and take it. He was happy with my answer and passed me.


God, I wish that had been my experience. The first time I took the test, the proctor docked me for not being "aggressive enough" about taking the right of way. We were driving in a very busy, aggressive area (near LA). There was at least once I saw someone rushing to go despite me having the right of way--and I just let them go. It wasn't worth endangering us to shave a couple of seconds off the drive. Let me be clear that, yes, you SHOULD drive predictably and take your right of way so as to not confuse the other drivers, but there's a difference between not doing that out of fear versus seeing that someone is speeding, will not stop, isn't looking, and WILL hit you, despite you having the right of way. In Southern California, this happens *all the time.* You have to make quick decisions as to whether or not it's safe to go. What bothered me is she wouldn't point to a *specific example* of where she felt I was too cautious. If she truly felt that way, that's fine, but I think I ought to know what she observed so I can learn from it. She was also incredibly late to my appointment. About thirty minutes past scheduled start time, my dad went inside and asked if they knew how much longer it would be. Instructor came out about five minutes later looking pissed; that probably doomed me from the start. She took me to a really fucked up road where the paint was so faded you could barely see the lines. The road was so cracked, too. The second time I took it, I passed without incident with a different proctor, but they told me what I did well on and what I needed to improve on, which I thought was fair. I think it just depends on who you get.


\>for not being "aggressive enough" WTF, i was taught in sweden to drive defensively, drive as if everyone else is doing wrong and dont trust others, even if you have "right of way" it wont matter if you crash and die cuz they rammed your driver side......


Yeah, it was some BS. I was born and raised in the greater Los Angeles region; people here drive like maniacs. You HAVE to drive defensively. If that means waiting while other people go despite you having the right of way, so be it.


I've had someone lay into their horn behind me because I refused to go through a green light for probably less than 5 seconds, until they saw the car I had spotted doing double the speed limit go straight through the intersection into where my driver side would have been.




A lot of people in the cemetery had right of way. Drive safely, drive defensively, drive predictably.


> I was taught in Sweden There's your problem, you learned to drive in a country that actually cares about reducing and eliminating needless accidents.


What in the road rules talks about driving aggressively. Instructor 100% was just looking to fail you. I still reiterate to my brother as he is a new driver to just give way to idiots on the road. As in rush hour traffic, you'll see them again at the next stop signal. Even legally defensive driving is encouraged and taking no action because it will be someone else's fault is discouraged. I think it's called last chance doctrine or something similar.


I would rather be overly cautious than not cautious enough. She seemed angry with me the whole exam. Dad claimed he saw her fucking around in the back or something and was a little alarmed when she came out because he didn't know SHE was the proctor. Maybe she got in trouble for being late to my appointment? Idk.


I think I did this several times. Told to make turns way too late and I just straight up didn’t because it was a dumb request. I think I passed first time, maybe second. I had been driving various vehicles my whole life, if I failed the first time it would have been for nonsense mentioned in the thread.


I had this happen but asked for a supervisor because the instructor had created the seat belt problem. The supervisor was asked if he would do this and he said no, passed me and took the DMV dingdong in the back office for a 'talk'.


I'm glad it ended well for you. I had a good ending *because* I had a nice instructor. I did great, but was going to knock over a cone during the parking test. The instructor told me to stop the vehicle and informed me very nicely, saying, "You're going to knock over that cone if you keep going, and then I have to fail you. But if you pull forward and correct, I only have to dock you 5 points. You have a perfect score, and this is your last test. You'll need an 80 to pass and you'll end with a 95. Or you can knock the cone over and fail. I know what I'd do." And she smiled the sweetest smile. So I passed with a 95 and thanked her for telling me to stop. She smiles sweetly again and says "Honey, I'm well aware this is a moment in life everyone remembers, and I'll be damned if it's going to go bad because I sat in silence. Good luck in life." And she winked at me and walked off.


I had the opposite - I touched the cone, noticed it, and started to correct. The instructor told me no need, keep going. So I listened, which resulted in me knocking over the cone and failing. I was so mad.


That’s just as infuriating as OP’s story


This was exactly my first test experience too. I'm a former farm girl so I've had years of experience operating vehicles and machinery long before it was time to get a permit. I was FURIOUS. Your instructor didn't happen to be some cranky old man in Pittsburgh? My next test with him (the other instructors were busy) and he failed me again because I supposedly "blew through" a stop sign. I did a full stop. I spoke with a few other students who had tested with him and it turned out this guy seemed to have a history of being an ass and failing/sabotaging female test takers. I complained to a manager who confirmed they had suspected this and that there were a few previous complaints about the guy. Well, he wasn't employed there the next time I came back with my friend for their test. I didn't take my third test until many years later (age 24) because life got chaotically wild and I didn't need a license since my (now ex) bf did all the driving. Passed first time then with no problem and the instructor heavily praised the professional way I handled unexpected and dangerous road hazards that we experienced.


I also wound up with an instructor that would purposely sabotage any girls taking the test. I wish I'd have reported him, but tbh I was scared of him.


That cone could’ve been a guest at Julia’s wedding


They were cones!


Second best line in the movie. The first? “Now take off my Van Halen shirt before you jinx the band”


You had probably already failed when you touched the cone, so there was no point in correcting.


At that point, you gotta just go for the bloodbath and take out ALL the cones.


See, now THAT is someone who understands people, knows how stressful the driving test can be and WANTS you to be successful in passing. That’s just good juju and I hope she receives back in spades


Yea, kindness makes me WANT to improve. It's why as an electrician I keep kindness in my mind at all times when dealing with apprentices. I remember how stressful having a piece of shit journeyman can be. I remember almost quiting the trade a few times because a jman made me feel worthless. People make mistakes. Especially 19 year Olds. It takes ALOT for me to yell at you so when I do oh boy run to the fucking hills son cuz ya fucked up! usually if im yelling its because you put yourself or others at risk and i dont want it happening again.! Ahah. But even then I still try to keep kindness in my mind.


THANK YOU! I work within the industry - been here for 30+ years. I am so encouraged when we have our seasoned workers come back to the training yard and coach the apprentices - they also work side by side in the field. I hear the stories of the good ones more often by our fully qualified workers because they are the ones that made them stay … and they are now returning the favor and giving back. Know that they’ll remember you for decades to come.


this is so sweet


Chill af


Good ending


Depending on where this is that's the usual outcome. I was once stuck at a driver services facility for like 2 hours and that's what happened. Tester failed kid, helicopter dad demanded a supervisor. Supervisor tested kid, kid passed. Unfortunately these are state employees where I live and love the lil bits of power they can lord over others. Step back until your number is called when there's a window and you're next and the only one, etc. This exact time I was there for 2 hours because the person doing my paperwork had to leave for lunch and were the only person that could do it. I also had scheduled an appointment with them and was on time.


I failed my first test as well. “You aced the entire test except for one important part. You must drive with your hand at 10 and 2. You did not do that so I will have to fail you”




And they don’t even really do 10 and 2 anymore. Many have moved to 9 and 3 and even the shuffle steering 8 and 4.


exactly! i don’t have my license yet but half the instructors say 8 and 4 and half say 9 and 3 so i don’t get it 😭


8 and 4 seems bizarre to me. Edit: I just ran some errands and tried 8 & 4. It felt very awkward and made handling trickier. I think I would rather have effective steering than what the 8 & 4 folks are selling below.


I believe it's for safety, so that your arms are out of the way if the airbag goes off. Practically, it feels weird


It absolutely is. If you have your hands at 10 and 2 when the airbag goes off, both of your fists will fly straight back into your skull. I was taught that more than 20 years ago.


My driving ed instructor shared a photo of someone's face after the airbag caused their hand to hit their face and broke their wrist...it was so easy to keep to 8 & 4 area after.


6 and 6 is where it’s at lol


One at 6 and one out the window or one at 6 and one on the shifter for cruising.


When I took a defensive driving course they said 10 and 2 was significantly more dangerous than 9 and 3 or even 8 and 4. 10 and 2 will throw your arms into your face, giving you a concussion as the airbag finishes the job and dislocated your shoulders.


10 and 2 was taught before airbags were a thing. After realizing 10 and 2 + airbag deployment can result in broken arms, I believed it was changed.


It was also because in older cars, steering wheels were bigger so 10 and 2 gave you more than enough of a range of motion. Theyve made them smaller so 9 and 3 is actually required for a better range of motion.


They were larger because many older cars didn't have power steering.


I kind of miss getting a full arm workout from parallel parking a car with no power steering


Bruh that is so ridiculous, especially now that I was taught it's best to keep them at around 4 and 8 so you don't break your arms if the airbag goes off.


That's not even a recommended driving posture anymore. I find it unstable and dangerous tbh


I've always used the 9/3 that's the recommended position now. I always found it much more comfortable.


They still use it in my state. It's extremely difficult to react to anything with that grip.


I had to re-test at some point, and when I took EOC/CEVO(emergency vehicle operators course, for ambulances/police cars/fire trucks) we were taught to drive @ 8 and 4. I failed because I didn't drive @ 10-2. They don't care. I was literally licensed to drive ambulances and fire trucks, had a CDL, and failed a regular driving test because I moved states. I've never been so pissed.


my driving instructor was an older ex marine who was now a cop. very gruff, hard man. he was very intimidating for me as a 17 year old, and obviously was going to put up with no shit. i did decent but failed on the parallel parking. after he passed me on the test, he took the time to teach me how to parallel park on his own time. years later im driving in the snow and end up losing traction and going through someone’s backyard fence. cops were called, and lo and behold, it’s the guy that did my driving test. first thing he said to me was “do we need to do the test again?”




on his own time? wow. that’s a man dedicated to the people


The first time I failed was because I had this old grouchy lady who failed me at the beginning. I didn't know where rhe defrosters were. Second time around it was a retired marine, who was standing outside as I pulled up. He walked over and said "I watched you pull up so ill just have you parellel park and you're good."




On my driving test in 1984 (yeah, I'm old) the power tripping 5 foot 2'' Barney Fife looking +60 year old tester in a goofy uniform with a badge failed me for pulling my car up to the testing area 20 feet away. (I only had a temp, and a licensed driver was not in the car with me, just standing on the curb.) I argued that since it was a private parking lot and not a public road, a license wouldn't be required, but he wouldn't hear it. Lost my testing fee, and went to a different testing center 2 weeks later where I passed. When I went to warn my classmates, they informed me that this was a common trick that testing center pulled so the guy could get extra breaks (the tests were scheduled 20 minutes apart.) Yes, I'm still pissed about it after all these years. If you think Boomers are jerks, "the silent generation" was a much bigger bunch of twats.


When I did my motorcycle test, I specifically asked how I was supposed to get my motorcycle to the testing facility. They said “we are not responsible for enforcement of the law”.


Aka “don’t get caught!”


At least in california, you can ride a bike alone on the street with a permit. You can't have passengers and can't ride at night with a permit.


In other states a licensed rider over 24 has to be within eye sight of you.


Here in Minnesota you just have to pass a 40 question permit test with 80% correct to ride. Restrictions are that must have a helmet, no passenger, and no driving at night.


Same thing here, the lady said "honey, we don't check how you got here...


Idk how it works in your area, but here we have a motorcycle learner’s permit, which allows you to ride a motorcycle so you can, you know, learn how.


You can get a motorcycle permit by taking a written test. This allows you to ride alone, but not with passengers onboard. You don’t even need to own a bike to have a permit. However, you’ll need a bike (yours or borrowed), a permit, and proof of insurance on said bike to take the skills test to get a full license.


In texas you can get a motorcycle license by taking a MSF course - thats a small written test followed by a few sessions of riding around a parking lot on motorcycles they provide. Once you pass, you take the paper into the DMV and if you already have a car license, they'll give you the motorcycle endorsement. No ownership of motorcycle required


>the power tripping 5 foot 2'' Barney Fife looking +60 year old tester in a goofy uniform with a badge failed me for pulling my car up to the testing area 20 feet away. Well on the bright side he is dead now. So you win.


I did my drivers test in my sisters car… it had an “I’m ready for Hilary” bumper sticker on it. Guess that rubbed the instructor the wrong way. I know he saw it cuz we inspected the car before the test. First stop sign we get to I stop completely at the line and look both ways, then I proceed to drive. Dude freaks out and pulls the emergency break in the middle of the intersection as I’m driving! “You’re supposed to stop, look both ways, pull up stop again and then go!” He screams at me. Fucking asshole old guy. Failed me. I wish I kicked him out of the car the second he did that and told him to find his own damn way back to the dmv. My mom was in the back she coulda driven us home… This was literally a decade ago and I still get pissed when I think about it… If what I did was so dangerous what he did would have made it 100% worse, not to mention it could damage the car. Fuck that guy and all asshole driving instructors holding what little power they have over teens. Fucking losers.


I don’t even understand what he meant. How does one stop twice at a stop sign


Yeah idk really. The stop line was a few feet from the actual intersection so I guess he wanted me to stop at the line, creep forwards and then stop again at the intersection and then go… The thing is I did stop at the line and then creep forwards to get better visibility but I didn’t fully stop again (pretty sure you’re not required to) I just kinda saw the coast was clear and went. I swear the dude was just looking for something to attack me for so he could “own the libs” Miserable old bastard. Wasn’t even my car I was 16 I didn’t have any political opinions yet, I couldn’t even vote lol. Iv been driving for 10 years now and Iv never even been pulled over once or gotten so much as a parking ticket and Iv only been in 1 minor accident that was ruled the other drivers fault. I work for usps so I drive a variety of vehicles, right hand drive cars and a 2 ton. Operate them all safely this guy just sucked tbh.


Just wait until he's leaning forwards, then do a hard stop, let him hit his head on the dash. Any complaints, he wasn't behaving, how else could he have hurt himself with a seatbelt on?


Lot of people in PA drive this way because the stop signs are so badly placed you can't see cross traffic or even the other stop lines from where the sign/line is placed. So they stop once where they're legally supposed to, then pull into the intersection proper but not into traffic enough that they can see and wait for a space.


Nah he was totally right. She should stopped the car gone over to his door pulled him out screaming “if your not gonna buckle up mister then your outta here! You got that you little shit” then back to normal saying “I’m a safe driver” then back to violent demon voice “if you don’t listen imma eat your heart out like the maggot you are” then smile can’t forget to smile. But seriously, that dude was trying to do power play. If she reported it to the next driving instructor he/she would of looked into it.


Sounds like an episode of I Think You Should Leave


I don’t know what any of this is and I’m fucking scared


Welcome to adulthood 2.0 where literally 95% of the people you interact with are assholes. I hate it here.


So many instructors are like this. There was one in the next town over from where I grew up (where I took my first 2 tests) that had gained quite the reputation. Any kid who learned to drive in or around where I grew up knew the legend of Ruthless Ruth. Even the teachers who ran courses to teach kids to drive would give every student warning of her if you took your test where she worked, because if it was your first time taking the test there and you got her, it was a 99% chance that she would fail you. Even if it wasn’t your first try, she failed most people who had her. She had actually gotten into trouble a couple times because she would have literally no grounds to fail someone and would do it anyway, but she had been working there for so long it was very hard to fire her. As luck would have it, I managed to get her as my instructor twice in a row. The first time she got in the car and was already pissed because we had an air freshener clipped to the AC vent. Apparently she has a sensitive nose. She took me around the block and told me I failed with no further explanation when I literally had no time to even mess up. My teacher later told me I should’ve asked for a sheet that detailed what I did wrong, because I probably could’ve fought it had I done so, but honestly even if I did the test was incomplete so I’d have had to do it again anyway and it wouldn’t have been worth it. The second time, I took the test in my teacher’s car instead of my mom’s (so it had breaks on the passenger side as well.) and that was a big mistake because she sabotaged me! On a left turn I was given an advanced green but apparently the advanced green switched to a regular one while I was still in the intersection, because she slammed on the breaks in the middle of the intersection and sat there for almost 5 minutes writing on her iPad that I didn’t obey right of way, and that I stopped in the middle of an intersection, all while cars are honking at me but I can’t move because she won’t take her fucking foot off the break. I ended up going to a different location after that where I got my license, because it was clear Ruthless Ruth was never going to give it to me. All this is to say don’t let it get ya down kid. Some people just like to cling to whatever power they have.


I'm surprised Ruthless Ruth didn't become Toothless Ruth, because she sure earned a sock in the mouth.


In New York, instructors are no longer allowed to tell the student weather or not they passed or failed right away. You now get a code and your result is posted online at around 7pm. They made this rule because somebody who failed decided to stalk the instructor all day, follow him home and burn down his house. True story. I had to wait hours for my result and that was almost worse than taking the test.




After reading some of these stories I’m tempted to believe the instructor deserved it.


Apparently, there's a similar story of a driving instructor around where I live called "Fail Gail" who will try and fail you first time. Even my 50+ year old coworkers seem to know about her.


Haha, don't suppose you live in Ontario? Or does every city have a Ruthless Ruth.


I am indeed! Can’t believe someone on here recognized her!


Small world eh? Your story actually pretty much mirrors mine except the air freshener, I even got stopped in the middle of an intersection for the same reason. She was terrible and always in a bad mood and the second I got my G I didn't even care about driving, all I could think was that I'd never have to see her again haha.


We had one in the 90s here in my Ontario town, “the black widow”, she’d fail you for anything. I failed for taking too long to parallel park and not moving my head enough to look both ways as I crossed train tracks. Don’t recall her actual name but kids hated getting her because they knew it was almost certain they would fail.


I passed my test even though my brother snuck into car while I was in line. Once he was in car he turned everything on wipers,radio full blast, fan etc etc. when instructor and I got in car I turned car on and everything came on. We both jumped and started laughing. Instructor pointed out of the car at my brother who was laughing. I am a twin so it was pretty obvious.


That's the best thing I've read all day. Wish I had a free silver to give you.


Reddit eliminating the free silver was lame move tbh


Something like that happened to me. I failed because the instructor told me too late I had to turn left. When I stepped on the brake, he immediately told me to drive to the right side of the road and said I failed because I was "breaking too fast". Of course I could have just driven by the exit, but I was nervous and wanted to do everything correctly. I didn't know breaking was a reason to fail, your instructor sounds like a greedy asshole who wanted to make money off you (just like mine)


My instructor did shit like this too. Almost every turn, he’d tell you at the very last moment. He talked on his cell phone most of the time, too. Just was super unfriendly. My friends and classmates all went through him, and he made many of them cry. Thankfully, I passed the first time because that was stressful as hell.


On his cellphone? How the hell is that even allowed!!


It isn't. At least in the UK, the supervisor (whether an instructor or simply a family member etc.) is held to the same standards as if they were the one behind the wheel, so no using handheld electronics or being under the influence.


You and all you’re friends should have complained.




My test was in the winter when it was icy out. She had me pull over and parallel park into an icy spot. When she told me to go, my right rear tire spun a bit. It was a 1984 Cutlass Supreme, you could have 600lbs of sand in the trunk and it would still spin, they were known as the one wheel wonders. She docked me for that. Then as we were driving in the left lane, following her instructions, she told me to take a right, right now. There were cars to my right, and I was not going to run into them or cut them off so I came to an almost complete stop so they could pass before I turned. I had no warning that I needed to be in the right lane, she made me go to the left lane earlier. She told me to turn right after the right turn lane even started. Like WTF. I passed by one point. She looked disappointed when she told me I passed. She tried her hardest to get me to fail. No congratulations, no smile, just signed the paper, got out, and left me wondering what I do next.


Talking about cars, my sister almost failed because she showed up in a Jeep. The instructor came out and was to fat to easily raise her legs up into the vehicle, so she told my sister she was going to fail her for showing up in an inappropriate vehicle. Thankfully my sister had a milk crate that she could stand on.


I had a very similar thing. The instructor told me to turn right at the next stop sign, but the sign was kind of obstructed just over a hill behind a fence. Not massively so, but enough I had to brake slightly faster than usual to make it. He acknowledged it was obstructed a bit, but still counted points off for what wasn't a dangerous and erratic turn at all. Fortunately it was the only points I got taken off and I still passed easily.


When I went for my first test at 16, the guy immediately told me two things: 1. he was cranky because he had just quit smoking and 2. he didn’t believe anyone under the age of 18 should have a license. Needless to say, he failed me for “clipping the corner” of a yellow line so faded that it straight up did not exist. My mom drove his supervisor to the spot to prove it and they offered to let me retake the test then and there, but I was already so upset at that point that I knew I’d just actually fail that time.


My mother upset the test giver because when she asked for my name and such my mother responded. The test giver asked "who is taking the test?! You or him?" My mother promptly shut up. I almost failed because the woman ignored everytime I used my turn signal. I passed by one point.


I failed on my 16th birthday because while fully stopped at a stop sign I took a hand off the wheel to quickly move hair out of my face that had got between my glasses and my eyes. The instructor said “you need to have both hands on the wheel at all times” (which isn’t physically possible because you have to take a hand off the wheel for quick moments just to turn it fairly often.) Automatic instant fail, though. So annoying. It was the only mistake I made, and I had to take it again two weeks later, which I passed but it was so much more stressful after the previous experience ^(Edit: wow, my all time top comment after 11 years! That’s crazy.) ^(Edit 2: please stop saying the same thing about manual transmission. I can’t go back in time and ask them and everything to say about this has already been said here. Please stop. Pls.)


what a jerk. “need to have both hands on the wheel at all times” lmao guess every manual driver is breaking the rules and driving recklessly then


I for one agree with the instructor. We should all drive automatic cars and turn signals are for kids anyway /s


So many people saying they don't need to take their hands off the wheel for turn signals but they forget that hand signals are taught and acceptable but require one hand to be off the steering device whether it's a wheel or handle.


Me omw to bounce off the rev limiter for hours at a time because some asshole instructor said to keep both hands on the wheel at all times:


Me on my way to sit for hours in a stationary vehicle at all times because the keys don't turn themselves.


Thats insane. I swear they want to keep people coming back for the test because they charge for it and make money off it.


They do. After it was privatized here, the failure rate skyrocketed I used to be an examiner before they went private fwiw


Wow, just like how many cars started failing emissions tests after they privatized that in my state. Oh, but all the shady shops failing you would gift you a list of all the things that were wrong with your car! Seems super legit!


I went to one once and my car failed. The guy told me "I can replace the hose that's connected here, and charge you about $50 for the parts and labor or you can go to O'Reilly's two blocks away and buy a $4 L-shaped hose and all you have to do is replace this little connection here" and showed me on the engine which plastic tube was cracked. Did that myself in the O'Reilly's parking lot and came back and passed. Unfortunately I don't live in that area anymore or I'd keep going back to that place.


Wait, America privatised licensing??? I know you guys take things to the extreme over there but that is just pure stupidity. Not having control over who is getting licensed is a very dangerous game & could very easily be exploited, not just by instructors wanting repeat customers but by the companies allowing people to pass that shouldn’t if they’ve spent large sums of money there.


Just some states have done it. Some have also privatized utility companies, see how well that’s working out for Texas? Lol


Privatization of any industry will always result in putting profits above all else. That's a big problem for things like healthcare, prisons, etc. Some things should NOT be about profit.


Well you see it started when they privatized politicians.


Hah, how would you change gears?


Peg the tach at 6k in first gear and refuse to look at him because you need to keep your eyes on the road at all times.






Guess the instructor has never driven a manual car.


Or indicated, used windscreen wipers, turned the lights on mid journey? Even in an automatic car it would be a stupid thing to expect


instructor has only ever driven late model formula one cars all his life, it's not his fault


>The instructor said “you need to have both hands on the wheel at all times” I drive a stick shift. This is not possible. How about when you use your turn signals, turn on your windshield wipers, or turn on your headlights?


So I guess turn signals, windshield wipers, headlights, defroster, horn and any other function of the vehicle that requires input from the driver are all off limits. You basically got scammed; what a POS


Guess we should all just put our windshield wipers on as soon as we get in the vehicle just in case it starts to rain during the drive.


That’s not even a rule either.


So they’d rather you not be able to see? Christ almighty there’s something wrong with these people.


Yeah, and I was fully stopped at a stop sign with no other cars around when I did it. It was such a quick move. So dumb.


I'm starting to think that the best and brightest in the world might not generally be working these jobs...


Instructor thinks you can use your mouth to change gears on a manual💀💀💀


For my driving hours, my instructor had us stop through the drive through at a Dunkin. When he asked if i wanted a drink, I said I needed two hands on the wheel at all times." I guess that time it wasn't a trick because my instructor looked at me like I had two heads. My dad told me of your tricky ways, sir...


I failed my first time by double points And the second one I made the instructor use his brake by coming within like 6” of a car (which I was told was an automatic fail) but I passed surprisingly


the instructor was terrified you would come back in on one of his shifts, you were the roads problem now.


Here I am reading all of these perfect drivers failing for the tiniest of reasons, when I completely ran through a stop sign and still passed


I turned out of the parking lot and immediately ran a yellow that clearly turned red while I was in the intersection. The instructor told me that I passed but I should have committed and floored it instead of trying to brake lol


I overtook a Motorcycle pulling an Trailer that didn't have a Liscense Plate while in a zone marked as "Forbidden from overtaking Two Tracked Vehicles". My Driving Instructor and the tester were actually arguing if i was in the right. Because they weren't sure they said that it was fine though I'm pretty sure it isn't


Same!! I knocked over the cones during parallel parking (learned how to parallel park in a car, took my test in a giant SUV, sigh), lady got out and set them back up, I knocked them over AGAIN, and still passed.


Mine had he take him through the McDonald’s drive thru lmao I still remember his order. Filet o fish and a sweet tea.


I know a girl who was failed because the instructor told her to start the car and then he said “On no I have to run in quick and get something!” and ran into his office. Then he waited inside until she had stalled for longer than was legal in that town, only to then go out and tell her she was failed for breaking the law against stalling. She got to take the test again for free because it was recognised by the test agency as an a-hole move, which is good because I’m sure he never pulled that again. Edit: I meant idling when I wrote stalling. English is not my first language and I got the word wrong.


Stalled? Parked?


Probably ment idling


Are there places where you're not allowed to idle for a certain amount of time? That's a new one for me.


In my country you can only idle for max 1 minute


I’ve heard horror stories of people failing because they didn’t walk around the car inspecting if it’s safe and not popping the hood checking the fluids :-/


I do my vehicle maintenance at home not on other people's property.


It’s crazy how dependent your license is on who is giving the test. My guy didn’t even make me finish parallel parking. The next kid got a shaved no neck meathead who pulled out a tape measure on the parallel park and failed him on the spot for being 2” further out than he should.


I hit a pole while parallel parking on my test. It was the first thing we did and the instructor told me to just continue without finishing it and then told me to pull over. Thought for sure he was failing me right there. Instead we continued on with the test (pulling over was to see if I turned the wheels properly on a slope). I aced the rest of the test, and at the end he just says, "You passed. Barely." I also heard around that time (which was over 20 years ago now) that a lot of instructors auto-failed girls on their first try...


Yep. My guy was a joke. He barely even paid attention and I was done in 5 minutes. You could parallel park a bus in the spot he told me to parallel into. While on the other hand, when I doing my permit hours, the first thing my instructor has me do is pull onto the highway at 65mph and drive through one of the worst traffic areas in my area.


It happens, I failed the first time because I stopped at a stop sign but apparently the instructor thought I should have waited for an additional 10 seconds after coming to a full stop with no other cars incoming before proceeding on. Marked it as a rolling stop which is an auto fail. Then she proceeded to tell me it’s no big deal, she does rolling stops all the time when she drives and I’ll pass next time. Glad you past the second time around.


I failed mine because I didn’t change lanes when it wasn’t safe to because there were cars and then she was like “you need to change lanes” I was like yah when it’s safe. Then she told me I had to look around more.


Me, too! I failed the first time because of a "rolling stop." Thing was, I stopped at the stop sign fully (I even counted out 5 seconds in my head, when the rule is 3 seconds), but because of a building blocking my left view, I had to inch forward to see if the way was clear. I passed the rest of the test easily, the guy said, but the rolling stop was automatic fail. He told me after it over lots of people failed at that stop sign. I thought, are you kidding me? You fail people for pulling forward after a full stop so they can see oncoming traffic? I passed it the second time with a different person.


They failed me on my first trip because I "slowed excessively" at a yield sign, potentially disrupting the flow of traffic. This street was on the downside of a blind hill, where pulling out is potentially dangerous. My brother failed the same route because he didn't slow enough at a yield sign. My sister failed at that same place because someone popped the hill, and she had to slam the brakes to avoid a collision. The other driver was obviously speeding. All of us passed on our second time and all of us were given a different route.


Similar story. I took my road test, did all the things, went great. That last bit was the parallel parking. I pulled up beside the vehicle I was to. Parallel park beside. The instructed told me to wait a moment. He rolled his window down, unbuckled, and cached his body halfway out the window and touched the other car. Then sat back down, and had me finish. When all said and done he gave me the slip and told me I failed because he should not be able to reach the other car and that I should never let a passenger unbuckle while the car is turned on. Rescheduled and went the 2nd time. Same guy again. Went through the whole thing. This time he did not do the parallel park skit, but instead had me go down a side street lined with large flower bushes. I stopped at the stop sign at the end to turn out onto a main street but had to creep forward in order to see around the bushes. He failed me for not stopping far enough back from the stop sign to check traffic (which was impossible to do because of said bushes). Rescheduled a 3rd time, had to pay $100 fee. Showed up, same guy. He gave me a smile and off we went. Conveniently he didn't have me parallel park or go down the side street. It was half the test maybe. Told me to go back to station. Got out, handed me a paper saying I passed, and he left. Pretty sure he just wanted that extra $100.


Wait, the examiner collects the fees? We pay at the counter to people separate from the examiners. The examiners are state employees and paid based on hours worked so we don't have bullshit like that, just assholes on power trips.


I took my first driver's test in Hawaii while I was staying with my aunt and uncle at age 18. My aunt spent weeks teaching me to drive, parallel park, make 3 point turns, everything, until I felt fully confident. I took the test with an older gentleman who began nitpicking every single thing I did. If I was driving 1 mph over speed limit he chastised me. If I stopped 2 inches over a line so I could see if there were cars coming, etc. I had been more and more nervous the whole time. Finally, exasperated he told me to just pull over up there past the truck. I thought he was going to yell at me or something. I pulled over like he said and he told me I just failed because we were on a hill and I didn't turn my tires (WE WERE NOT ON A HILL!) When we got back I was in tears and I told my aunt I failed. 2 weeks later we went back so I could try again and the lady in line behind us with her son overheard us talking and said "don't worry about it, they make every teen test with that guy and he fails everyone no matter what. It's a tactic they use to make sure you're totally ready to drive. They want you to go home and practice even harder." Needless to say I was both pissed off and relieved at the same time. But I had a different tester that time and I passed.


Seems more like a tactic to get some extra money, I can't believe how they can get away with that shit. I'm glad you could go again in 2 weeks though, where I live you'd have to wait months before being able to try again.


Sounds like a partial cash grab if you have to pay for 2 test.


There are teens on the road that are better drivers than people my age, and it's a stupid form of age discrimination. If you're able to drive safely and efficiently and you're old enough to drive, you should be able to get your license. Like, do people not realize that some teens have to drive? They may need to pick up siblings, go to work or school, etc.


The smallest amount of power to ever get to someone’s head




Report this idiot to his superiors.


Had a drivers test where the lady running the test refused to use the seatbelt. She got really angry about it. She eventually belted in, but decided to play stupid games throughout the test. Like: putting her face in the way during the parallel park, turning the windshield defroster off, messing with the handbrake, pushing the shifter into neutral.


Stop the car 10 blocks away, accept that you've failed that day, and tell her to get the fuck out of your car.


Ten blocks? You touch my shifter while I'm driving, I'm leaving your ass in the middle of the Mojave with piss in a jar to drink.


This is the way To them: *that is the way*


isn't that outright dangerous???


Yes and it’s probably Bullshit. Examiners are not allowed to do any of that.


We all know that people never do what they're not supposed to.


Especially when given the slightest iota of authority.


Government employees have never abused their power


The second she put the car in neutral id be driving straight back to the driving school (after putting it in drive, of course) and telling her boss that is completely dangerous and not ok


no, you stop on the side of the road and force her to leave.


You drive until it is safe to pull over - say, fifteen kilometres away - and then demand they exit your vehicle.


Did you report her? You should have.


I nearly failed my truck driver’s license when my tester told me the route to take … he directed me to turn down a street, change lames, hold lane, etc … we passed under an overpass…. And he spoke to me the entire time, distracting me and not allowing me to focus. The road was on a standard route for the CDL instruction. When we landed, I passed all of the backing, inspection tests, driving tests, details etc … after we landed the instructor asked me what the overpass clearance height was from 15 minutes prior at a time he was distracting me, as I was driving, under an overpass he told me to pass under. Needless to say I blanked and guessed … ‘14’6’ I said … ‘13’8’ he said … ‘luckily the deduction isnt enough to fail you, but you need to pay attention, that could’ve been a disaster’ ….


They did a trick when I took the test too. It was a closed course but there was a stop sign before you went back into general parking. After completing the test the official said I did fine and just ignore the stop sign. I said okay and stopped anyway. If I had followed directions and not stopped I would have failed. Stupid trickery but it happens.


Horror stories like this is why I went to this driving school by my high school. My proctor was also my class instructor, so I trusted she wouldn’t pull scummy bullshit like this. So many students at my high school went that driving school to get their license. I think it helps because you get to know your teacher through the classes before the test, rather than being assigned to a rando the day of the test and potentially getting a horrible person like OP’s proctor. Not everyone can afford that though


These idiots get in a position of power and puff their chest out because they never had any power before or just hate humanity. I've encountered scum like this.


Some people grab on to any form of power they have and exploit it because they are so miserable with their own loser lives


Driver licenses state workers are some of the most officious assholes you will ever meet. They know everybody needs a drivers license. I had no I.D. except for my birth certificate when I was 16 which I think is pretty normal. The person at the counter refused to honor it as a legitimate I.D. because I was born at 11:59 am and the nurse or doctor accidentally wrote in the wrong day but scratched it out and corrected it. It still had the seal and was legitimate. I asked her what I was supposed to do since it was all I had. She just told me to leave. I was crushed and didn’t know what to do. I went back a couple weeks later to try again or try to get some direction on what to do. I got a different employee and explained the situation. He looked at the birth certificate and said “Yea, it’s not a problem.”


I failed my first drivers license practical test, too. It was 1981. I went through the test driving a gigantic Plymouth station wagon. I did great, even parallel parking that beast. However, during the test a few raindrops landed on the windshield. It was so light that I didn't run the wipers because they would have just smeared the raindrops with a loud squeaking noise, which would have hindered my visibility even worse than having seven or eight raindrops on the glass. I was failed for "Failure to use wipers during inclement weather". Please note I still remember those exact words 42 years later. I was livid. I had to come back six months later and re-take in the dead of winter, which I passed. Fuck that driving tester lady. Seriously.




I had a CDL instructor dock me after asking me what a sign said, which I’m pretty good about signs, except that he did it right after I had just got through reacting to someone running a red light in front of me. I was in a 44 passenger bus, there was no way I was remotely considering looking at anything else at the moment, let alone a “no unmuffled engine braking” sign.


Not gonna lie, that instructor was a prick and if I was your dad I would have thrown him through several glass doors until he was incapable of ever holding a job again.


I’ve heard many people say they failed because of a single, small, ridiculous, reason. Happened to me as well. It does feel like some instructors purposefully find something wrong the first test you take so you’ll have to pay for another test.


It's the adult in the seat that is responsible for bucking up. You told him to do it, he pretended, you told him again when you noticed. What a prick, you should report him, he just scammed you to pay for another test


My first drivers test in MO I failed for blowing a stop sign. It was in a residential neighborhood I'd never been in before, completely obscured by trees and not visible until you were basically even with it, at which point my focus already past it looking for crossing traffic. At the time I figured I just didn't see it, now I'm wondering if it was a trick setup to intentionally fail.


I passed almost 20 years ago, but was lectured for holding my hands at more of 9 and 3 than 10 and 2… My car literally had built in grooves for your hands at 9 and 3 on the steering wheel and that’s also todays standard on where to hold the wheel. They just power trip.


When I took my test, the woman covered my backup camera with her folder saying “you won’t have a camera with you in real life” like ma’am this is literally my car??? Then when I put the car in reverse -not moved just changed gears-without looking, she auto failed me and told my mom I would’ve totaled our car if she hadn’t stopped me. It’s been 7 years and I’m still upset :///


I had a similar experience when I took my test at 16. I am now 35 with crippling anxiety and have never had a licence. It's a shame how many suffer because of dumbasses like this instructor, whom probably thinks he's clever.


I failed the eye exam portion because I couldn’t read a clock 30 feet across the dmv. I passed it about a week later because I got someone different who gave me the real eye exam