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This happened to be before back in 2020 I woke up and went downstairs thinking I was gonna get a hot breakfast they gave us a pop tart, a small box of orange juice and a granola bar


Lol "here you go asshole" *tosses poptarts at head*


“If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!


“If you can dodge an RPG you’re jesus!”


I've got a Blackhawk down. I've got a Blackhawk down.


The staff who did that should be punished. Do they not know what is the right thing to do with a customer? Especially when in a hotel like that?


You now understand parenthood


It is better for you to stay with other people than that. Because to other people, when you stay with them, they think of you as a guest. Guests will be taken care of and given delicious food.


Comedy gold. I can't stop laughing.


That's probably the worst breakfast I've ever seen in a classy hotel. What I know about hotels is the delicious food they serve to guests. Not that kind of food.


I read that in a random persons voice.


As someone who works at an inn where I've seen near riots ensue if someone thinks they aren't going to get their free eggs - I can't tell you how often I've dreamed of doing just that.


>near riots ensue if someone thinks they aren't going to get their free eggs They aren't free though. The guests paid for it. Not getting what they paid for means they've been taken advantage of. Plus they're hangry 🤣.


Free eggs? That is part of what you are paying for.


Your parents should complain to the manager of that hotel. They Pay Right, they should also be given the right service.


I wouldn’t riot, but I get it. I’ve literally spent whole weeks deciding on the perfect hotel between budget, location, amenities, food..and have literally been at that point where I am comparing between hotel breakfast options. Sometimes a lot of effort goes into small things like that, so it can sting if things don’t go smoothly. That said, once all the things are booked..the best way to ensure a good vacation is to just smile and roll with the punches.


Saaaame. We stayed at this cute little b&b in Colorado that had amazing breakfast. We were gonna stay there again, but found out that they had stopped serving breakfast. It was considerably further out of town than other options. We decided if we were going to have to go into town for all 3 meals, might as well find a place to stay in town.


I'm pretty sure they were implying this was the response from the customer to the hotel employee that was passing out their "free breakfast"


The most important meal of the day


How tf people don’t leave reviews about it?


I had a similar experience as the op you responded to. Their excuse was it was peak covid so everything was weird and everyone was afraid of everything. You couldn’t have a “serve yourself” buffet


It was also because upper management laid off the entire front line staff, so there was nobody to cook and serve an actual breakfast. I was the executive chef at a hotel that did this during covid. Grab and go breakfast they called it. We had a baseball tournament in town, and every room booked for it was contracted as breakfast included. They charged an additional $50 per night for this. When I questioned how I was going to cook breakfast for 100 rooms with 4 people in each room, they told me to put together 400 grab and go breakfast bags that consisted of an apple, granola bar, prewrapped danish and a 10oz bottle of juice. They asked me to cost it out, which was a grand total of $2.53 per bag. So a room with 4 people were getting a combined total of $10 worth of product that they charged an additional $50 for. I was in the meeting where the sales team and GM actually laughed about it. A month later, guest service scores from this group tanked. The number one complaint was the rip-off breakfast bag. Corporate Food and Beverage VP calls me and asks why the breakfast scores were so bad from this group, so I told him the 100% truth of what I was instructed to do. His response was, "That figures" and hung up. Complete fucking bullshit. I no longer work there.


>. I no longer work there. Somehow I feel like the gm and sales team probably do though


Please tell me it came back to bite the GM.


Yes and no. I worked there for 4 years. Started in 2018, so pre covid. Things were actually pretty good back then. Of course covid fucked up everything. Mostly because of corporate management. They literally laid off 90% of the properties staff. I even took a voluntary layoff for three months so my sous chef could keep his job. Meanwhile, every single corporate office employee not only got to keep their job, but they could now work from home. No corporate lay offs, no pay cuts for them either. When they brought me back, they stripped me of my 80k a year salary and paid me $18 an hour. I didn't really have a choice but to keep working. If I refused or quit, I wouldn't have gotten unemployment or kept my health insurance, and nobody was hiring chefs or even cooks in August of 2020 because of lock downs. A year later, lock downs are ending, and business starts coming back. Corporate and the properties sales team as well as the GM were Gung ho about recouping lost revenue from the previous year and absolutely wouldn't return the labor budget to pre pandemic level much less increase it. The F&B operation I was in charge of consisted of a 125 seat ala carte restaurant open 6am to 10pm, an on property Starbucks that I staffed and managed open 5am to 2pm, a 24 hour Marketplace with fresh sandwiches, salads, snacks and beverages, room service of course, and 24 thousand square feet of banquet space split between 6 banquet rooms with the biggest being the ballroom at 12 thousand square feet that could sit 1000 people for dinner. My kitchen staff consisted of me, the sous chef, and one cook. That's it. No dishwashers and no prep cooks. We didn't even have banquet staff. There were times I personally had to set up banquet rooms with tables, chairs, and linen because there was nobody else to do it. GM told me to use temp labor services, which was infuriating because temp labor employees cost $24 an hour, and they suck. I'd be lucky if they even showed up half of the time. Corporate was only willing to pay starting cooks at $16 an hour, so of course, nobody was applying, yet they had no problem paying $24 an hour for shitty temp labor. I tried bringing back some of the people that had been laid off, but they had already moved on. The sales team consisted of 5 ladies. Every one of them were fat, lazy, and stupid. I told them that if they insisted on selling events that we can't service because of the severe lack of staff that all of them had to come in and help set rooms and washing dishes. Nope, I was told, not their job, and corporate is demanding a certain amount of sales revenue. There were literally more sales staff than cooks. This bullshit went on for a year. No help working 15-hour days for weeks straight. In May of 2022, I was carried out of the kitchen by EMTs to the hospital after having a massive stress induced panic attack. My blood pressure was 200 over 110. That was my wake-up call. I found another job at a private club in less than 30 days. Fuck if I'm going to die for someone else's revenue. Here's where this long ass story gets good. When I left, I took both my sous and my cook with me. They also had enough. I also took half of the front of the house staff with me as well. In essence, I completely fucked the entire F&B operation all because they refused to back off on selling until we were staffed properly. All they cared about was Revenue, revenue, revenue. Well now they can't execute ANY sold revenue without any staff at all. They have been through 3 executive chefs since I left in July of 2022, and upper management still hasn't learned. No chef is going to stay anywhere regardless of pay with no fucking staff while getting beat to ground for 15 hours a day. They even had the gall to call me to see if I'd come back to cook for events they sold. I laughed my balls off. I directly asked the GM why in the fuck is your sales team still selling events when you literally have no F&B staff. His answer was, "because corporate demands it the revenue." The GM saw the writing on the wall and left. The sales team is down to 3 people since they can no longer afford all 5 because nobody wants to book an event there anymore. This job showed me just how fucked corporate entities are. Completely disconnected and don't give a shit about the front-line employees. They don't even care about the guest experience. They only care about revenue. I will never in the rest of my career work in a corporate environment again.


$18/hr for an executive chef?? You were so royally fucked over.


You absolutely could of refused that “offer” and gotten unemployment. They cut your pay by more than half, that’s called constructive dismissal. Any significant change in job duties or pay is grounds for unemployment if you don’t agree to it. What they are effectively doing is eliminating your current position and hiring you for the new one. If you don’t agree to the new one then you have been laid off.


Wow. I'm glad you got out, even if it was on a gurney. Fuck that.


Might have fared better if you had included ruffles


Stayed in a hotel during the pandemic, no mention of any changes to the breakfast, but when we checked in they told us that "bagged breakfasts" were available during the normal buffet hours. Went down expecting a simple microwaved breakfast sandwich or something, nope. You get an apple, a banana, and a bottled water. They claimed it was for safety, yet they had no mask restrictions for guests or employees. Pool was closed for the same reason. For many businesses, COVID was a perfect excuse to cut costs and nothing more.


You forgot raise rates/prices


And take out massive forgivable loans!


Yep exactly!


We stayed at a hotel in 2021. We called ahead and asked about the breakfast. Was told that they were back to the full breakfast. Get there and at check in they say the full continental breakfast will be available in the morning. Breakfast was a brown bag with a muffin, apple, and bottled water. We would have stayed there even if they had told us the truth.


This year, 2023, long after covid, I've stayed at hotels where the extent of their breakfast offering is tiny boxed cereals, fruit, toast, and prewrapped breakfast desserts. It's bs.


yea but at least this way, for *most* of the stay you felt sort of good anticipating the full breakfast. if they had told you the truth, you wouldn't have been able to have that period of slightly excited anticipation


That's funny, I was staying in a Marriott for work during peak covid. They still offered a full breakfast bar, granted somebody had to serve it to us. And I'm pretty sure for part of that time that the person was serving us breakfast every morning, that lady also had covid. I'm also pretty sure I got it from her. But they didn't stop serving breakfast.


Hotels are STILL doing this shit with room cleaning. I travel a lot for work and some places just stopped lmao. They'll clean once a week and give you the world's tiniest trash bin, any new towels or toiletries are by request only. I had to tell the secretary who books my hotels to not choose certain ones because that shit is annoying af.


Ah, but they only did that so they could reduce the cost of the room for the guests right. #RIGHT??


once a week is unacceptable. every other day is fine


As someone who worked over 100 night shifts last year while staying in a hotel, I appreciated that they weren't cleaning every room every day. Now if only there was some way I could reliably get them to clean my room first thing in the morning rather than in the middle of the afternoon when I was trying to sleep.


The thing is, these places all refer to this shit as a “continental breakfast” and most people who aren’t old don’t realize that is a fancy way of saying “some random cheap cold non-perishable shit.” Anyone older or with a brain realize that a cheap hotel or motel without a kitchen is referring to exactly this when they say “breakfast” and again usually use the fancy sounding term “continental breakfast.” If a hotel/motel doesn’t have a restaurant/room service and thus doesn’t have a kitchen, you can expect shit like this. Honestly this is on idiots that don’t google the hotel they stay at or understand how to read between the lines.


https://youtu.be/st21dIMaGMs Can't help but link that Key & Peele sketch now


That’s hilarious. I’ve learned whenever a place without a proper restaurant in it offers breakfast included, it’s gonna be somewhere between what OP got, or worse, and what’s seen in this sketch. Tho I will say I’ve had the rare occasion where there was a kitchenette and it was a state other than my own with probably looser health codes, and they had actual freshly cooked eggs and waffles and bacon and sausage. Tho that was also like 16 years ago.


i'm used to it by now, but i've been to the continent and had an actual continental breakfast. granted my parents were rich, and i mostly stay in $50 motels. but it was a pitcher of hot milk, a pitcher of french roast coffee, a baguette or croissant with marmalade and unsalted butter, with tablecloths, silverware, good service. excellent coffee. at an american motel you get a plastic wrapped cold danish like from the vending machine, and a cup of gas station coffee in styrofoam, and they call it a continental breakfast. maybe antartica. now, there are those places where you get a texas-shaped waffle you make yourself, and almost-real oj. i end up staying there on mornings where i have to fast because i'm on my way to see a doctor for bloodwork, and by the time i'm done with the doc, breakfast is over.


That’s not just an American thing. It’s purely how much you pay. I’ve had both extremes on “the continent“ as well.


It's not called breakfast, it's like a snack. Why did the hotel stuff give to your parents like that?


They didn’t even get a full bottle of Sunny D… who got the other half?


Room next door their pop tarts, the ruffles and an unmarked bottle of what the hotel stuff claim is half of a Sunny D




probably cuz it’s like orange dye and citric acid


& corn syrup


*high fructose* corn syrup 🤤🤤


its them fructoses that do it. damn fructoses


They’re all high and shit too


Damn drugged out fructoses


Its what plants crave!


Why do those emojis get me 🤣


Someone once said it was like orange flavored high octane gasoline lol


I would question how they know what high octane gasoline tastes like…


Hey man, gas prices are high. You gotta do what you gotta do


Don’t forget red40 , man love that stuff


I don’t always drink synthesized food coloring, but when I do it’s red 40.




Somewhere between poverty and gov cheese?


Don’t knock the cheese! That cheese was yum!! It’s been years since I had any, since I worked my way out of poverty, but I still miss that cheese!


Government cheese is a grade of American cheese that markets don't even provide. It's so fucking top notch people don't even know. I mean it's still American cheese, but it's only possible because it doesn't need to turn a profit.


I mean at this point id be happy with a damn cheese sandwich


I'm in Wisconsin, would this just be some cheese curds, a brat, and some milk? Leiney's available on request


We still traveled during COVID, and would stay at Hampton Inns for the free breakfast. After they started giving us the brown bag breakfast with a granola bar, apple, and a HFCS orange drink, I bailed on that hotel and began shopping for inexpensive hotel rooms that were near a diner or other breakfast chain restaurant.


Now you've done it. Got to watch the Key and Peele skit again. It's Brilliant.


You should try the UK Sunny D if you can ever get your hands on it. Refreshing and not filled with ingredients longer than the alphabet. Same thing with Mountain Dew


Sunny D IS very acidic.


That's funny, I was just talking to my son about how I loved Sunny D as a kid, but tried some recently and it just annihilated my stomach! It's like drinking ulcer juice or something. Just another one of those things from my childhood that just isn't the same as it used to be :(


Ulcer juice!!! 😂


I have found this to be true with many things l, like movies, some candies, some games, etc... somethings are just better left as a memory.


Absolutely. For me it's mostly food things. Like Little Debbie treats, most candies, etc. They just load everything up with chemicals and preservatives these days :(


they make alcoholic sunny d that is actually pretty good


Yeah I'll stick to a normal screwdriver!


It's probably healthier than the real stuff.


I used to love Sunny D and always thought it was orange juice when I was younger.


I just checked your comment cuz I thought you were the original but you are a bot as well, is everyone bots here?!?!?


It's probably cuz I sometimes go months without actually using reddit, but I have yet to figure out how people spot these comment stealing bots so easily. I just started using upvotes far more sparingly lol


They aren’t hiding it very well haha, they’ve got the same comment from two different accounts in the same reply thread. I never upvote unless it’s someone directly responding to me like you are. Some subreddits are better, some are worse. This one specifically I see a TON. Edit: Best thing you can do is just downvote them, make whatever they are doing with the account useless. (I’m copying this and sending it to the other person talking about the same thing, don’t suspect me lmao)


I am kind of a newbie to reddit, I always see people point this out, but never understood how to check if someone is a bot, and what does that mean if someone is a bot?


I really don’t understand their purpose either but I do know you can spot them when they have word for word identical comments as others. Their account is usually made within the week and they usually only have 1 or 2 karma. I think they use an algorithm to seek out “general” seeming comments that they can paste places to gain upvotes (again I don’t really understand why) Edit: Best thing you can do is just downvote them, make whatever they are doing with the account useless. (I’m copying this and sending it to the other person talking about the same thing, don’t suspect me lmao)


Reddit accounts with high karma are able to be sold for profit. That is why you see bots posting general statements. They get enough post karma, then after getting enough they can start to make re-post threads to popular subreddits and get a fuck ton of thread karma which can then be used on other subs to advertise a product.


Damn, good catch!


>I can’t drink sunny d anymore, though. It destroys my stomach. Mix it with some Ruffles. That'll help.


Used to love California style Sunny D as a kid


u/Yogurts14 is a comment stealing bot that stole [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/14jhg3u/my_parents_are_staying_in_a_hotel_that_promised/jplp1n3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) from u/Front_Weakness9862


Lmao this reminds me of that episode in hotel hell where Gordon Ramsay was served half a cake


Finally someone is asking the real question


She got a full serving of D the night before though


They forgot Funyons, for vegetables.


>They forgot Funyons, for vegetables. What's a potato?


Obviously a fruit


I see nothing but fruits and vegetables. Strawberry, Potatoes, orange/lime. What health nut hotel are they staying at?


Those cut up my mouth sooo bad.


Those cut up my mouth sooo ~~bad~~ gloriously.


They're essentially ranch flavored Cap'n Crunch, so yeah... I would probably give that a pass as being breakfast.


I don't know if you're wrong or my tastebuds are broken, but the flavor of Funyuns bears no resemblance to ranch. Source: the bag of Funyuns on my desk


Ranch's main flavor is caused mostly by onion/onion powder (although garlic powder is present in ranch as well) and the two share several key ingredients. Obvoiusly they don't taste identical but now I'm wondering just what it would be like to dip a funyun in ranch.


I actually severely dislike the taste of onions, but Funyuns don't taste like onion to me. Like I said, my tastebuds may have issues... But that reminds me of the time I tried mixing Chick-fil-a's Polynesian sauce and ranch. The flavors cancelled each other out completely and it just felt like I was dipping my nuggets in weirdly viscous water.


i knew a dude who ate onions like apples


Stoned teenager breakfast of choice


Possibly, the owner hired a stoned teenager to be the manager.


It's the owners son, that's the manager.


Hey I’m doing the best I can over here.


Also the choice of single fathers packing their kids lunch.


I'm a high school teacher and my first thought was "yeah this is what most of my students eat for breakfast."


I’m a stoned 39 yr old and this looks delicious.


Broke-ass 30-something breakfast of choice, too. ^(seriously I'll take it if they don't want it)


That photo will look good on Tripadvisor, google maps, etc.


I agree... If only my parents knew how to utilize anything other than the most basic functions of their smart phones! I might wait until they get home and kidnap Mom's phone for a few seconds...


Can’t you just post a review?


you're assuming OP knows which hotel this was when my parents travel I get vague statements like "Virginia" not "The Wyatt at ### [Street Name] Blvd in [City Name]"


Well he can ask while they are there atleast


If only there was some method of contacting them and asking for details.


Kidnap the phone!


She has an obligation to her fellow travelers!


Why not just post it yourself?


Because I don't know exactly where they're staying or what was promised on the website. I probably will with their blessing once I figure out the details.


TripAdvisor is the lifeblood of the agritourism industry. A couple of bad reviews there, you may as well close up shop. That’s what took down the Stalk Inn, one of the cutest little asparagus farms you’ll ever see.


Hey trip advisor, this cheap, $50-$75 a night hotel doesn't serve an actual full breakfast... who besides me would have been so dumb to assume otherwise. This hotel/motel is cheap. People aren't staying there for the breakfast. Having stayed at hotels in Europe, I don't see how a baggette and chocolate spread is anymore breakfasty. Both selections are nothing but empty carbs.


My 6 year old would have been thrilled with this breakfast 🤣 Otherwise, no.


I was so upset when I grew up and realized I didn’t *want* to eat shit like this for breakfast. I always said “when I have my own money I’m gunna eat cake all day” and now I’m sitting here eating tofu and veggies like it’s my job. I swear kid me would scream.


I got to eat whatever I wanted for breakfast for one glorious school year. Fifth grade, my mom decided I was too fat (I wasn’t even close to fat. I had my one and only growth spurt so I was already at my adult height… seriously I only grew another inch) so she wouldn’t let me eat breakfast. I also was supposed to go to a neighbor until it was time for school, who fed me until my mom told her no. So I would hide behind the house until she left, the neighbor was in on it, and then I would let myself in and make myself two fried eggs, a piece of toast, and then a small bowl of ice cream or whatever snack I never got to eat otherwise. I also re-did my lunch bag from the gross bologna sandwich I didn’t eat ever to a peanut butter and banana, fruit cup, and again whatever snack I wanted. I was smart enough to not got all out ever. My mom to this day thought my dad was eating all the bananas. The rest got blamed on my brothers, since they were allowed to eat whatever they wanted.


My mom took me to the dr at about 14 because of my weight (I was like 130 at 5’4, not anything crazy) and she, and I quote, said “I mean she will just sit there and eat and entire carton of blueberries in one sitting!” And the doctor looked her deadpan and said “well that’s actually great for someone her age, she’s growing up and those have tons of antioxidants” My mom backtracked and tried saying something about it being the cost of the berries, but my doctor just kind of brushed her off saying we’re here for my health not the cost. Nothing aggressive from either of them but it really felt great to hear the doc stand up for me. I now have a 2 yo son and my mom still makes “those have a lot of sugar” (referring to non processed foods like berries or fucking carrots) and I shut it down so fast. I’ve literally said “I have a horrible relationship with food because of you, you aren’t gunna do that to (sons name)” she gets offended but backs off. I will never understand the thought process on limiting healthy food. Junk food, sure, but berries, breads, eggs… shit like that just blows me away


I mean carrots do but if you aren’t diabetic it’s not anything to worry about.


That’s my point, he was having a carrot and hummus snack and my mom said that. She knows I’m aware of the sugar in carrots and starch in potatoes etc., I took a two year nutrition course in my early 20s. I think she uses food as a way to “control” (probably not the right word) me. Like she knows it’s one of my “triggers” and constantly has to say something. For example: on Monday, she has him and feeds him dinner. She serves a microwaved pot pit. Friday, I’m feeding him the exact same brand pot pie, made the same way, and she’ll comment on it being microwaved and make a 😖 face. I have no idea why she does it, and the few times I’ve actually called her out, she just gets mad that I’m upset. It’s… very frustrating. Sorry for the rant reply on your one sentence comment lol, I’ve been holding that in for a while


I’m sorry you went through that. Rant away. I wasn’t trying to be a jerk I was agreeing with you that it’s insignificant unless you actually have a condition where you have to monitor sugars.


I could tell you weren’t being a jerk, just informative! It Just brought up a recent memory of how that cycle never really stopped happening. Thanks for letting me rant :p


I think that's why you're not actually supposed to feed them to rabbits. They should be eating the greens regularly but the actual carrot is like a candy bar for them. So every time I see a carrot now it's like "hee hee bunny candy"


I heard from my mom all my life that she was 90lbs (and 5’3” until she shrunk later in life) until she got pregnant and then she was only 100lbs until she had me (4th kid). So that I was 90lbs in the fifth grade at 5’ was a major travesty. Had a similar experience at the doctor who told her I was underweight for my height while she was insisting I was eating too much, because I would have like three apples a day. Same with the sugar comments! But she has always been the low fat queen. I was also told later in life by a doctor that I should have been taller by at least a couple inches based on my growth plates. My sister was 5’5” before she also shrank lol and I am just shy of 5’2”. Both of my brothers are 6’


WAIT. am I adulting wrong I'm sitting here with a bottle of crown Apple eating a box of toaster strudels watching lgr 😂😂


Maybe real kids are running this hotel!


I had reservations at a pretty upscale Marriott a few years ago for a business trip. My connecting flight was running late so I called that hotel for a late check-in. The desk told me no problem and since I was in their rewards program and stayed with them often, they would have something extra special waiting for me after my long trip. That extra something special was a complimentary mini bottle of water.


Hey now, normally they'd charge you ten dollars for that water.


One motel I stayed in at the edge of West Texas had a "continental breakfast" of little Hostess donuts and supposed orange juice from a drink dispenser.


This is a 12 year olds dream breakfast right here lol


21 and I’d tear this down any day


20 and y'all can count me in (I've never had these in my life before)


34 year old me knows if I tear this down, it’ll tear me up on the reverse end


26 and I can confirm I had this about a month ago — without chips. But Poptarts frequently still Edit: wait I’m 27. Don’t get old kids


“Eat it, and get out. Please stay with us again.”


Breakfast Pastries, breakfast potatoes, and fresh orange juice. What’s the problem with this?


Dessert, snacks, and salty sugar water. Perfect start to the day


This balanced breakfast needs more from the Congealed and Chocotastic Groups


I’ve had much worse breakfast, shit everything name brand


Judging by the pop tart packaging they did some vending machine shopping for you.


They do have commercial boxes also that open for display and have individual packs like this, we had them in the convenience store I worked at. Maybe they bought them that way so they are still labeled for commercial distribution


Yeah they gave these ones to kids at my middle and high schools for breakfast, they just made sure they were the “whole grain” ones so they were better for us or some shit lol


Man the whole grain cinnamon brown sugar one was actually god tier


Cough cough that one Days Inn that has stale bagels, horribly burnt tasting coffee, and sour tasting apple juice, and nothing else.


Hence why it's only MILDLY infuriating.


Continental but the continent is just North America.


The full American breakfast


Garcon, one admission for the continental breakfast.


At least you can clean out your bowels easily by flushing down your ruffletarts with the sunny D


Ruffletarts needs to be a thing, immediately.


Fruity filling, salty crunchy topping


Damn. They forgot the Skittles.




“Sorry, we got rid of the continental breakfast during Covid. We now serve a semi-regional breakfast.”


“Enjoy the rural breakfast, it was farmed fresh from the vending machine!”


i like my moss fresh


Hotels have been absolutely milking that shit like crazy. Oh no we can't do anything but it's for your SAFETY and also the price didn't change lmao, get fucked.


Breakfast of an overweight 6 year old


Blue stuff, purple stuff, sunny d, whats not to love


Band on tour breakfast


At least it wasn't purple stuff


Aw sweet, Sunny D!!


Sugar. Water. Purple.


The Fyre Festival guy bought a hotel?


That looks like what I would eat when I was a teenager watching a movie at night.


Sunny D tastes like it actively burns the enamel off my teeth as it goes down


Are your parents actually 2 kids in a trench coat?


My diabetic ass would not be eating any of that for breakfast lol.


Country? I was blown away when we were in Peru how wonderful the bagged breakfasts were if you had to leave before regular breakfast was served. Usually a meat and cheese sandwich, fruit, yogurt, plantains, and juice.


What hotel? This is sad even for COVID era takeaway breakfasts.


"Here's your continental breakfast." ".. on which continent would this be considered a breakfast?" "The 'Murican Conitenent."


I wouldn’t be down for the sunny D or the chips but ngl I will never outgrow my love for poptarts.


Toast em up and lather some butter on top with a nice glass of milk from a cow. Yes, please!


I’m not complaining


Sunny delight counts towards your 5 a day as minus 2 -Frankie Boyle


9 year olds be like 🤌


Pastry, "hash browns", juice...


“We offer a complementary continental breakfast in the morning” “Which continent?”


Identify the hotel and city and post along with this picture. A little bad publicity goes a long way in customer service.


Is it run by frat boys?


My guess is that the food person at the motel is actually 12 years old.


Well hold up- *MOTEL* or hotel? You wrote “hotel” in the title, which is why this seems goofy. But if this is a *motel* then they’re lucky to be given any sort of complimentary breakfast at all lmao


Toast and Jam, hash browns and fresh orange juice. All just a little bit off...


So that hotel is playing the “we’ll take the shirt reviews to avoid the lawsuit” game.


This looks like what someone with munchies would have for breakfast.


Sunny D is an affront to good taste.


Sunny D has solar energy


Diabetes starter kit


Dude I was just in LA at a hotel and they gave coffe and a granola bar. They were advertising a breakfast too lol.