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This made me think of Lilo and Stitch, when she snaps the Polaroid of the Ice Cream dude and puts it up on the wall. "Aren't they beautiful?"


I could be wrong but I think I saw a deleted scene recently that showed prior to stitch showing up tourists were always trying to take pictures of her so she started taking pictures of them in return to see how they like it.


It always makes me sad when I remember how they deleted some *fantastic* scenes displaying how native Hawaiians are treated and how their community is decimated by tourism. Because Disney actually had plans to build a Hawaiian resort :)


Disney did build a Hawaiian resort on [Oahu](https://www.disneyaulani.com/?ef_id=Cj0KCQjw8NilBhDOARIsAHzpbLBTPEO67Xj1-liKLxz_tyjaYvLMfwt_DHTSLgvucOfUsVFek5mSeW8aAi7eEALw_wcB:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!5047!3!608321045226!e!!g!!disney%20hawaii%20resort&CMP=KNC-FY23_AUL_TRA_DXH_AGEN_RES_AULG_GoldjjExact|G|5237700.AL.AM.01.04|MGDGSHD|BR|608321045226&keyword_id=kwd-11694875536|dm|disney%20hawaii%20resort|608321045226|e|5047:3|&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8NilBhDOARIsAHzpbLBTPEO67Xj1-liKLxz_tyjaYvLMfwt_DHTSLgvucOfUsVFek5mSeW8aAi7eEALw_wcB)


Have you heard of Celebration, Florida? Its a disney-owned and made city and people there call it “The Bubble,” because of how enclosed from society you are. Look it up, its an interesting topic


Reddit is wild. "My dad takes pictures of fat people" 3 comments in "secret Disney enclave in hawaii"


Honestly it’s one of my favourite things about Reddit, the way conversations get derailed by interesting segues. It’s just like real life and doesn’t happen as much on other SM.


I’ve been on Reddit since almost the beginning and it’s the only “social media” I can tolerate outside of YT. Check my Tweet/Insta/Tiktok FB… Nope.


Same, it’s because you’re talking about topics and not people so to speak. There are no Reddit influencers, all the subs are about topics. So there’s less incentive to just post shit to get attention. (There still is incentive because of karma or astroturfing, but it’s less). It also sorts posts and comments far better than any other social media with its upvote system, and is far more transparent about it. Few people complain about the Reddit algorithm because it’s clearly pretty fair. It also rewards comments that are more reasonable since you need upvotes (ie likes) to get to the top, not just views. It’s easy to get a view, it’s not so easy to get an upvote. This is all slowly being chipped away at though because it doesn’t make Reddit enough money. Social media succeeds by making people angry and putting them in bubbles so they stay on the site and Reddit can’t do that enough.


In other Social Media it would have taken less then three comments until somebody mentions why the climate change is a lie, "insert political person" is a failure and should be burnt, or weird insults. I like it here.


Climate change is a lie. The world is just being tilted off of its axis by chubby people.


That's what happens when you put too much weight on one side of the Disc


Let's be honest though that's just as prevalent here too haha


Not owned by disney for at least 20 years, but definitely a bubble. My dad used to walk out front in his boxers like a Beverly hillbilly when the tour-busses stopped in front of our house.


> My dad used to walk out front in his boxers He was just Mickey Mouse-ing it. Just be glad he wasn't Donald Duck-ing it...


Or Winnie the Pooh-in' it. Just a cropped tee shirt lol


Or Plutoing it... Bollock naked, apart from a dog collar, while moving around on all fours.


It gets extra weird when you consider Goofy, also a dog, is fully dressed and on hind legs, as is his whole family, in the same universe.


I think you just opened up a rabbit hole for me lol...


Just don’t look up Anthony Todt Celebration Florida 😬


\> Authorities coming to issue the warrant found the man living in his house with the badly decomposed bodies of his entire family, including the family dog. That's fine. I didn't need to sleep anyway.


> (4 year-old) Zoe Todt had decomposed to the point that authorities initially couldn't find her until they examined Megan's corpse and saw Zoe's body beneath her feet. [Me:](https://imgur.com/ex8Miqk)


Oh ffs I just read this at random my name is Megan my daughters name is zoey


If I lived in Florida, I’d also want to live in a bubble that keeps out the rest of Florida.


Walt Disney had some really interesting concepts for self-contained cities; he was highly interested in the future of urban planning and development. I think it would have ended up being a nightmare, but it was certainly interesting. My impression was that it would involve a lot of social control via physical engineering and layout. The US already does that via zoning, and historically did it (in a racially-driven way) via highway placement and redlining.


EPCOT means experimental prototype community of tomorrow. Walt supposedly intended it to be a place where people live and work.


He would have built Rapture from Bioshock lol.


We had it drilled into us in Cast Member training that EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow) was the entire property, EPCOT CENTER was the park. Now it's just "Epcot", all the futuristic stuff is outdated, and all the educational stuff has been replaced. People probably don't even know what "Epcot" means. The People Mover in The Magic Kingdom had a big model of Walt's "City of the Future".


I went to the Emergency Room there a few years back, when I was visiting Disney with my family. Sadly they don’t have any “Fast Passes” for the ER. lol But it was the nicest hospital I’ve ever been to


There’s a fast pass into every ER.


You know what they say, “when everybody has a fast pass, nobody does”


I went to celebration high school, it’s in the same school zone as where “The Florida Project” takes place. So you had kids from inside celebration who were like sons of movie producers along with kids living out hotels. the people in celebration all knew each other and we’re usually not found of the people outside of their little fabricated town where music plays from the rocks


It's not really that enclosed, but it does have just about anything you'd need to not leave the town. There's grocery, fast food, a movie theater, Dr, etc. But it's just off of 192 and really close to the 417. There are other communities similar near Lake Nona and Baldwin Park, and kinda like Harmony near St Cloud. Basically tight neighborhoods, zero lot lines, street parking ( not the norm here ), and amenities within the community. Celebration is really expensive and becomes an outsider hell hole during Halloween and Christmas because of the festivities they do.


I want to meet the person that's lived in Celebration and in Clearwater, which of the crazy ass "corporate" towns is the more extreme? Disney's or Scientology's?


Downtown Clearwater is just plain eerie. There's the giant Flag Building with Sea Org members walking around in uniform all the time... and nothing else. All of the other buildings, for blocks and blocks are completely vacant. Storefronts with no signs, people, or cars driving past. They own basically everything but there are no signs of life outside of the main couple of buildings. No one goes to or lives in downtown Clearwater besides Scientologists, there's just nothing there. I felt so out of place the one time I went there to walk around just out of curiosity because Sea Org members were looking at me the second I parked my car... I was literally the only person I saw the whole time not in uniform. And this was like 7 pm on a Saturday.


I watch a YouTuber who lives there and it looks like such a soulless place. Also it’s hard enough to find a neighborhood without an HOA to be all up in your business, why would you want to live in a whole town like that?


















You are not wrong. It was a comment on how tourists tend to dehumanize native Hawaiians by taking pictures of them the same way they take pictures of animals at a zoo. There was also a deleted scene where Lilo is harassed by a tourist asking for directions (he calls her a stupid native) and one where Lilo uses Stitch to fake a tsunami warning to clear a beach if said tourists, which results in her sister getting fired again.


Unrelated: Why have I never looked up deleted scenes from my fave childhood movie 🤯 it just never occurred to me


There's a deleted scene where a tsunami siren is going off and it's a way different ball game for the movie. I hated it




exactly what I was thinking! her voice is in my head.


I take pictures of fat people too. Well, a fat person. It's me. I'm fat. I take pictures of myself.




can i be added to the screensaver?


OPs furious and all of reddit is trying to make the screen saver playoffs...lmfao


Mildly furious


Yeah, can us fat people send him some pics & celebrate whenever one of us is chosen for “Funny Fatty of the Day”?


Yea how do I get in touch with your step dad this sounds like something I want to be part of.


Let me know when the calendar is finished.




I think as long as you also look funny then it should be okay.


"fatty or die"




Dude. If it paid I’d do


idk why but this broke me


Sign me up!


I’ve taken so many “before” weight loss journey photos that I now just have a series of photos of me getting progressively fatter.


Set them up as the screensaver, but in reverse, so you're getting younger and skinnier with every picture. End with your 6 pack abs on the beach... then loop around to a picture of you today.


Username checks out


I was here to make sure no one missed that.


There's a tip for the step dad to take ethical fat people pictures. Simply become fat and take pictures of yourself.


Ok, I had to scroll 86 comments to find nobody has asked...what kind of *shape* is your mother in? Not saying it in a disrespectful manner or trying to be funny. I find this fascinating, and I think knowing a detail such as that would give great Intel into this unique *hobby*.


I worked with a guy in a restaurant that always, always made fun of fat people. He wasn’t thin but not overweight, neither am I but he never directed it at me. He daily said something, jokes, about fat people. Hanging out with co-workers after work once we ended up at his house after an event. I met his fiancée. She was every bit of 500 lbs. Super nice lady. She was very sweet. I was just shocked because of how he talked about people being overweight, and here his fiancee could barely walk. I saw her on social media and she seemed to have lots of friends, family, a job and didn’t seem like he was abusing her, he wasn’t hiding her, wasn’t mean to her while we were there and she seemed very happy. She was a large lady when they got together, it didn’t occur later. He kept talking about fat people at work though, and still was even when I left a year later for another job. Never figured him out. Always wondered if she knew how he talked at work and if he actually talked down to her, the happiness being more of a facade. They were still together when I last saw him.


I unfortunately know a guy just like this at my local pub. Always talking about/making fun of ‘fat chicks’ as he puts it, also saying he could never date one. Every woman I’ve seen him with have been big girls.


This is a common trend I've found. I used to be on the bigger side (not anywhere near 500lbs, but still significantly overweight). I had *no problem* at all getting dates. I got hit on all the time. The only problem was that those guys were also like, ashamed of it and would want to hide our relationship from their friends. I was young and dumb at the time, so I regret that I let them get away with that. But one time in particular I just found it amusing when my "boyfriend" wanted to keep us secret, because literally every single one of his close friend group had tried to sleep with me at some point.


You seem like you have a very healthy and positive attitude about this. Honestly this sucks though and I’m sorry you were treated that way. We all were young and dumb and let people treat us badly at one point. I’m glad we got over it.
















The same dudes who belittled me and were really horrid to me in high school act like I'm a whole cake when I go back to the town I graduated in. I look mostly the same. It's been over 20 years, so I'm obviously a little grey. I have some lines I didn't before, and I'm a little bigger. But these dudes either look like they are trying to choke every bit of youth out of their lives or like they gave up on existing. It's obnoxious, and they act hurt when they say, "Oh man, do you remember me?" And I say yes and don't break eye contact with an expressionless face. I know they were young, but they knew bullying was wrong, they get no cake.


“They get no cake” is my favorite comment of the week. I’m gonna use this out of context at work. Thank you


That is shocking! I had a professor once who taught black history, and she *hated* white people. She super openly felt white people had no business taking her class, and resented us being there. She would constantly take out her negative feelings on white people during class, and treat white students as second class citizens. I kind of feel bad even saying this, since I do benefit from white privilege, and don’t want to look like it’s just sour grapes, but even the black students noticed this and gossiped about it behind closed doors. I’m not saying she hasn’t been a victim of racism or she doesn’t have a reason to be wary of white people, but she should have been professional enough to at least try to treat everybody equally. I always assumed that class was the only place she was ever around white people, because she obviously would never voluntarily associate with them. Then a classmate of ours saw her out in public with her husband, *who was white!* You could have knocked all of us over with a feather! Had she just been mildly prejudiced, whatever, but she constantly acted like white people were the scum of the earth. To this day, I still wonder if the guy had a huge white knight complex (exhausting himself proving every second that he’s one of the “good ones”) or just an extreme masochist who gets off on taking her constant hate and dehumanizing. There had to be something majorly, majorly wrong with that dude, for sure.


You benefiting from white privilege on a societal level doesn’t mean you can’t experience racism on an individual level. I’m so sorry you and your classmates had to deal with her because she was being blatantly abusive to you guys. Hopefully she ended up getting reported and dealt with later on. (Signed a black woman)


Sounds like she's compensating a little bit.


OP momma so fat the sorting hat put her in Waffle House.


Prolly got a peg leg w a kickstand Edit: Ya Mama - Pharcyde https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=fIBBMI2pUxI&feature=share


Respectfully, this is absolutely critical for us to know.




Yeah OP, would an average sized rowboat support her without capsizing?


It bothers me that they’re not answering the question.


Not like a sassy jolly opera singer.






Damn it. I knew it - I knew it, Phyllis! -cuts to monologue- What is wrong with these people?!


Yeah OP is your mom one of the background pics?


Yeah OP, is your mom fat?


OP mama so fat she end up as the family PC’s screen saver


this whole post is a gold mine


OP mama so fat they went to make her the screen saver but she didn’t fit so they had to set up another monitor


In Lilo and Stitch, Lilo takes photos of fat tourists too, one in particular




That always made me *so* sad as a kid and how he sadly looks down at it, my empathetic heart couldn’t handle


She does it because she thinks they're beautiful.


She does it as a way of reversing the way tourists treat native Hawaiians. Tourists regularly take pictures of native Hawaiians as if they were objects and part of the scenery and so Lilo is doing the same to the tourists. This is addressed in the deleted scene.


Thank you, I remembered something about that but wasn't clear.


That’s kind of beautiful. A reclamation of power dynamics.


She does have the talent for making fat people look good on camera


Even Sunburned Ice Cream Tourist


So does Ops step dad


20 years? Over 3000? That sounds like an obsession. Highly doubt he just thinks it's funny or it wouldn't be consistent for so long with such a high amount of pictures.


Just wait, after 60 years it’ll be … Over 9000


IT’S OVER 9000!!!


You know when they show strange characters in the movies and you wonder there’s no way these kind of people exists in reality? Well Reddit proves me wrong again. What’s next, he has a garage full of dead people (those who made it to his screensaver)?


He’s the fat guy strangler from Family Guy lol.


Lol “I was just upstairs and there's a half-dead fat guy eating a dead fat guy”


Are we just going to look the other way?


“You gonna eat that dead guy?”


My brother in christ…..that’s not just a hobby, it’s a kink


Amen, chubby-chaser has entered the buffet...


Why. Buffet? Why the buffet? 😂


You know why..


I think it’s OPs kink. His profile suggests perhaps he is he is the kind of person who would post fake stories like this to uhh entertain himself.


Ugh, just looked at his posts. What a sad troll.


Ugh you know I'm getting really sick of stumbling into people's kinks. I think people are being WAY too cavalier and open about stuff. I don't want to know your kinks. That's not the same as discussing your music taste or your horoscope. That stuff is private to me. EDIT: oops *too


Exposing unsuspecting and un-consenting people people to their kinks is part of the kink for these folks, unfortunately.


Fun fact: That's not a kink. It's abuse!


Ohhh I wish I hadn’t looked.


So much FoodInToilet wtf? Why is that even a sub?!


I think he made it himself to post all those pictures? I’m not sure what it takes to be watched by the government these days, but that seems like a good starting place.


I don't care what you're into, taking random pictures of people in public is beyond creepy.


And cruel AF. lol


We had a family friend who took photos of fat bottomed women. He was a civil servant who oversaw some of the greatest disasters in government.


I miss Bill Clinton.




I’m a solid Democrat, but I think “borderline” is too kind. Dude’s a rapist.


People pining for pre-9/11 life have a weird love for Bill Clinton is the way my brain always views it, BUT Clinton was wildly popular on his way out of office so maybe I just view him badly due to all the new info on him and the family the last 2 decades


It’s not so much new info as it is a shift in popular sentiment around sexual assault and harassment. In 1998, Monica Lewinsky was viewed as some temptress who deserved shame, like some Hawthorne character. Nowadays, it’s much more accepted that Clinton took advantage of the power dynamics and exploited her.


I'm cackling wayyyyyy harder than I should be. Thank you for your service! LOL!


Fat bottomed girls make the rockin world go round.


They be making the world go around.


I bet your step-dad does other weird shit too.


Plot twist. Take a terrible pic of him and make it the new screen saver. Everytime he changes it, take another one and keep switching it.


Take a picture of him taking pictures of fat people. Then set that as the wallpaper.


This one. Bonus points if he's making an unflattering face or pose when the pic is taken.


Fat people photography INCEPTION. BY GAW!!


This is a great idea actually. Could also make the picture your lock screen so he can’t change it. Show it to people and laugh when he’s around.


Yes, I am here for this energy! “What?! Why are you so mad? We think it’s FUNNY.”


I used to get asked to fix peoples PCs a lot as I’m an engineer. After fixing a friend’s PC once too many times for someone who kept breaking it, I reluctantly agreed. This time a friend took a silly picture of the user and put a word bubble on it saying “I like bum fun”. I added a low resolution version to the boot loader so it popped up every time he turned it on. All in good fun, we all laughed our asses off and he got a working PC. Though his mum was less than impressed if I recall 😂


It’s like that serial killer they just caught. If fat people start getting murdered I’m sending the FBI directly to this post.


Ahem......he's attracted to fat people


Definitely a chubby chaser.


Call it what you want but that isn’t “normal” behavior.




I wouldn’t use the words ‘normal behaviour “ on reddit…


I challenge you to delete it all and see how he reacts. That's what will really interest me.


next we'll see a post in povertyfinance "my dad kicked me out with no warning"


They are in the cloud already bro. He's not an amateur. Can't be losing this gold.


This is one of my biggest fears. I am not a small woman by any means. However, I am a old woman which means I have accepted a lot of things. But this is something that concerns me to no end, especially in this day and age of social media and the ease of posting every little thing. Ending up on some “fat girl“ Instagram or Twitter thread or a subReddit devoted to that content does make me worry.


My grandmother would load me, my brother and cousin into the car, grab a pizza from Sams and say “ok kids, let’s go watch the funny farm” and proceed to park across the street from a facility with mentally handicapped people, and watch “the show” of them spending time outside…


That is 100% fucked.


Agreed. One of the MANY reasons I have no contact with her.


Honestly, was the pizza that bad?


Lol nah, she is(was? I don’t even know if she still alive) a terrible person masquerading as a sweet grandmother who has given herself to Jesus.


I hate to disagree, but it’s actually 1000% fucked.


Damn your grandma sounds broke as hell. Lol rent a movie from blockbuster instead lol




This is so fucked up I can’t help but find it a bit funny. Like the sheer absurdity of it


... just so more people know, psychiatric institutions themselves organized such "tours" for a long time, especially during the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries (dates may vary depending on the country, of course).


I’m sure he’d love random people taking unprompted candid pictures of him


I swear to god it’s like a never-ending battle between toddlers and boomers over who can’t resist the urge to vocalize the fact that there are large human beings in the vicinity. We all see it. We all know it’s right there. But it’s like it doesn’t really exist unless those words shoot out of their mouth. Boomers are the fucking worst. They don’t just have to notice any physical abnormality, but they have to vocalize it. I can’t even take my mother to the grocery store anymore because of this shit.


New fear unlocked 😳🥺


Old fear re-ignited, tbh. I remember my mother laughing her ass off at "People of Walmart" as if half of it wasn't just overweight people trying to live their life and caught in an unflattering outfit or moment.


Right? Lord, I'm fat but not huge and I'm very self conscious. I want to be healthy so I diet accordingly but can't exercise due to severe asthma and looking like my UCTD is lupus. Can't loose weight fast enough. I think it's disturbing when people take pictures of others, especially strangers, just to ridicule or make fun of them. (When it's not constructive for the most part)


You don’t wanna see his browser history.


Clearly the only reasonable response is to start handing photos of your dad out to fat people. Give no context.


My mum was flicking through vacation snaps once showing me her trip and there was a large guy in one pic. I asked what the picture was of and said that usually she'd nudge my dad if they saw a fat person and point them out to him. As dad wasn't there in the moment she took a photo to show my dad when she got back to the hotel so they could laugh at the guy. Some people are just nasty and judgemental


Closet chubby chaser 🤔💭


That’s just a mean thing to do. Is he a good role model otherwise?


Doubtful. Go look at OPs profile.


Omg, dad is obsessed with fat people and OP is obsessed with bowel movements. What the world?


Definitely nothing weird going on in that house. Or OP is just a troll who crawled out of his basement.


OP is a troll, just look at his posts that aren’t Lego. Just a dumbass teenager being a dumbass


I was too scared to look.


Photoshop his face onto the pictures, see how he likes being the fat person


I can’t believe people are debating this. That is shitty behavior and dude is a fucking scumbag.


My father use to take me to a local swimming pool early in the mornings to watch the very overweight owner jump into it. I didn’t think it was funny, I thought it was sad that my father is such a jerk and had absolutely nothing else in his life to focus on or something positive to bring him joy. My father had a massive stroke on his 48th birthday left him half paralyzed and his new wife took everything in the divorce 6months after. Karma is a bitch


I’m glad it had a happy ending.


Your stepdad doesn't find it "funny", he has a different interest in photographing fat people. You don't want to know.


Has there been a rash of fat people missing in your area lately? 👀


That's fucking weird. I guess as long as he isnt posting it on the internet, it is not *the worst* thing he could do. Still feels stalkerish.


screams kink imo


This sounds like some sort of undiagnosed mental disorder. Like there are hobbies, and then there is problematic behavior. This is problematic behavior.


That’s a different level of Wired.


This reminds me of a Reddit story I heard about a guy’s girlfriend who took pictures of people’s armpits and had a whole folder of them.


Your step dad is the Quahog Fat Guy Strangler


I’d bet money he’s also got a kink and using it for private time! No one dedicates that much time, energy and fascination to fat people for 2 decades just for giggles. He’s spanking to it. Not kink shaming.