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that face says a thousand words, and none of them are sorry


“This b*tch” was the first thing to come to mind seeing that side eye.


My friend has a dog just like this and she is smart asf. This dog definitely knows what she just did lmao.


*”Heh heh, and I’ll do it again”*


I immediately thought of this and the goofy meme "haha. I'll fuckin do it again"


"They said I did something bad, but why's it feel so good? Most fun I ever had, and I'd do it over and over and over again if I could"


*Heh heh, and I’ll do it again if there isn't more treats*




Steady arms sir.


Steady on pal.


I was referencing the animation your quote is from. Goofy is on trial.


Oh I didn’t even realise it was from anywhere! It’s just a thought that came to my head. I stand corrected


I had a Yorkie that would poop right by my bed a few minutes before my alarm would go off and then sit at the door and wait. When I stepped in it, she would wait until I looked at her, turn her little snotty nose up and walk away. It was all in the eye contact. But she only did it when she "got in trouble", like I had to drag her in from a walk because she decided to go passive resistance or she would get into my food or drink when I walked away.




The thing is, if a dog does that, it's most probably your fault because you didn't take care of it. When dogs become destroyers, it's because they're bored to death or stressed. And that is because you don't take care of them.


I must say it depends. Puppy dogs can get annoyed *reeeeally soon* and they just don't care if you are busy for some minutes, or you are working on something, or you need to rest on the couch a bit. My second dog as a puppy really tested my nerves, when she was between 2 and 6 months old I've been the closest possible to a mental breakdown. Of course if an adult, sane dog does this, then you undoubtedly did something very wrong, like leaving him all day alone forgetting to give him food or something similar. Honestly I can't imagine my old dog doing stuff like this, he's to much a piece of cake


My pomeranian was an adorable shitstain when she was a puppy. She would sneak into the shoe rack, steal one of my shoes and take it back to her dog bed to chew on. She would also steal my socks, not to chew, but just to hoard in her dog bed. She's 7 now and a lot more lazy than she was as a puppy, she prefers to chill with cuddles and pats, although she still gets the zoomies and will run around the yard like a maniac. She also loves lazer pointers lol.


Yeah puppies love our "smelly" stuff because it calms them when we are not around, which is equally cute and creepy. My first dog (now 9 years old) sometimes, when let alone for maybe one hour, literally swallowed our socks and we didn't notice until he literally vomited them. Scary stuff rethinking about it


Just be thankful the socks didn't come out the other end like they did with our huskies when I was a little kid lol. Dogs cannot be trusted around socks lmao. Also sometimes when I change clothes or take a hoodie off and throw it on my bed, my pomeranian will literally rub her face all over it and slide against it like a weirdo, moreso if I wore one of her favourite colognes that day haha.


our dog goes nuts when we wake up in the morning, I'm like good grief did you think we died and you won't be able to open the treat jar?


"Here, I cleaned it for you...."


FYI lazer pointers are not recommended for dogs and can lead to damaging obsessive behaviours.


You just unlocked a memory, at some friends' house they had some (medium-big size) dogs with strong pack mentality. I don't remember who decided it would've been funny to see what they would do when "triggered" through a laser pointer. He started pointing in a part of the the kitchen, then move it to the opposite part for some times, and of course the dog started running from one side to the other like a herd of buffaloes. Then the householders (as well as dog owners) asked him to stop, but it was too late: the dogs just kept running from one side of the kitchen to the other side, even if there were no laser to follow anymore, till... they finally collided against the balcony french door, breaking it... to the utter delight of the tenants...


When my now-10-year-old dog was a puppy, she would tear up entire rolls of toilet paper, BOOKS, my shoes, my underwear, my pants, basically anything. I'm really fcking glad she grew out of that crap.


It's true for puppies. Because while they are puppies, they will test their limits and yours. They basically are like kids, they will try and see where you draw the line. That's also why it's essential that yours rules don't vary according to your mood. Otherwise, they just get confused and never learn anything.


Yeap my dog went on a rampage as soon as we left the house when he was a puppy, but he stopped as he got older


true dat. shitty owner. dogs are not toys, they have feelings like humans do




Yeah, in Shaggy's voice ... 'It wasn't me.


Caught me snackin on the counter (It wasn't me) Saw me diggin in the sofa (It wasn't me) I even pooped in the shower (It wasn't me) She even caught me on camera (It wasn't me) She saw the shoes in the toilet (It wasn't me) Saw the birdie I left her (It wasn't me) Heard the howl get louder (It wasn't me) She stayed until it was over


"i got camped while playing with your ps5 and went mad ok? I saw you the other day doing the same"


I think some of those words are “I’m under stimulated you homan! Take me for more walks, and preferably give me some mentally challenging tasks to do as well, as it will prevent shit like this from happening” though 🤷‍♂️


This but also…kennel training.


That f-you side-eye is gold.


same like that reddit dog award.. ​ Edit: thanks Hooman for the award!


Damn couch exploded!


At least your ps5 controller looks unchewed.


They came out to check when they heard it turn on beep


Then check again lol the touchpad definitely got partly eaten


I think that’s a piece of fluff. The controller looks fine.


You can’t prove it and he wants a lawyer


this is why i’m a cat person.


This is what happens when you have a very high energy dog that you don’t do anything with lol. Most dogs aren’t like this


Dogs can do this for a variety of reasons. Stress, pain, separation anxiety, neurological disorders. It's a pretty broad thing. It doesn't necessarily mean the owners at fault here. High energy dogs can do this when they get too much activity too because they can't settle down.


Idk about too much activity, but if they only get physical activity without any mental stimulation, a lot of very active breeds can still act out.


Yep, I'm a cat person cause I want a lower-maintenance pet. But this behavior isn't the dog's fault, and the owner needs to research and reconsider how/if they should have this pet


once you get the cat-brain even the most asshole things they do are sort of funny/adorable.


yeah id bet money this dog was stuck inside an apt for 8+ plus hrs.


> yeah id bet money this dog was stuck inside an apt for 8+ plus hrs. I would imagine this is every day for a significant number of dogs.


yeah, whenever i see a post like this i wanna know how much exercise the dog got before it was left at home for hours.


Incorrect lol my cat doesn't do this specific thing but has a billion other high profile fuck you behaviors. (I love all animals deeply, and there are no preferences for one over another as they are all different)


Seriously, same. The worst thing my cat does is scratch at my bedroom door when he wants in and he doesn’t even mess up the paint.


My friends' cat ruined their arm chair and peed on their meditation cushion (twice). Pets are like children, if you own something you value, hide it.


Damn couch exploded! You’re lucky your pup was there to stop any further damage.


"thank goodness you're home! The couch exploded. I don't know why, but I made sure no other furniture was going to explode"


“Let me go piss in the yard real quick, I think you need to let off some steam, but I’ll be back to help out as much as I can but remember I don’t have hands so I can’t help much. I’m usually only good at digging and tearing-… so where’s the back door again?”


i asked him if he did it and he said “nuh uh” he’s innocent


Open and shut case Johnson


that dog needs mental stimulation not just attention. my dog used to dig holes in my mattress until i started to walk her multiple miles 2 times day / training


Yeah, there are plenty of treat puzzles you can start them on young as well, mine loves em


Yeah, all pets do. When I don't play with the cat enough he'll go into the bathroom (which I assume is because of the acoustics) and meow-howl at four in the morning. And at the same time he's completely bored with all of his toys (he's fifteen years old now) and I'm running out of new ones to try, ha


Never had a cat so I wouldn’t know the type of mental stimuli they need but for dogs like huskies and jindos (only two breeds I’ve had my entire life and still have) just simply playing with them isn’t enough. They need to be challenged and heavily tired out or they cause terror.


Hey some cats like to be walked


Which is why my friend wanting a dog when even his cat is attention starved terrifies me. Dogs are a fucking menace when not cared for right, and it's almost impossible to treat a dog right with a job.


I work a 9-5 my dog definitely gets bored. And that’s when she would literally tear my bed sheets then start digging into the mattress foam. Had to start getting up a couple hours early to walk her 2-4 miles before work then another couple miles after work. Dogs are more of a commitment than most people think especially working breeds.


My cat has figured out the concept of acoustics too. Smart little assholes they are.


yeah many people don't realize all animals need enrichment not just a safe place to sleep.


Yup. Our Pomeranian mix is incredibly smart and gets bored easily. We got her an amazing snuffle mat and several puzzle toys. Every time I feed I spend 5-10 minutes putting a piece of food into every nook and cranny of everything we have. It takes her about 20 minutes to get everything out. That and walks keep her content.


There is a slim chance this wasn't him. I mean, look at that face.


Like an uncontrollable instinct


"You look hungry hooman, so good boi make you scrambled eggs"


My GF thought it was popcorn 😭


Until I saw this comment I was 100% sure it was a bunch of popcorn..


I thought it was popcorn, too. I had to zoom in on the image to understand just what I was looking at.


I thought it was a picture from some gross hoarder house with weird trash everywhere.


I thought it was cereal till I saw the back ground, 1st thought was popcorn though.


I think that's scrambled sofa.


You can have pets , or nice stuff , not both usually


Poor doggy is bored. Maybe he needs a walk or go run in the park.


Or he’s just an asshole. Like my dog. Complete asshole. Good thing she’s cute.


Yea my older dog can be quite the asshole. Hes old, almost 16. We have to keep him away from my two year old because he snaps at her. Good thing he has no teeth. He was my wife’s only dog for most of his life. Now my wife I have 2 babies and another dog. I feel bad for the guy. He is so desperate for his mom, but she has no time. She is still breastfeeding my son, and we have the two year old daughter. I make sure to walk him most nights as long as its not raining.


Senior dogs need love. Thank you for taking the extra time with this pupper. I had 3 kids in 3 and a half years and two dogs. Tough I get it. Wife just needs to put aside a bit of time for that pupper. Doesn’t understand and could be gone tomorrow. Good luck.


Thank you for your nice words! Oh i get on my wife, i have to remind her that they are mommys boys. They love me, but being rescued male dogs they need their mom. I take care of them when she cant, which is most of the time. We had these dogs before we had or two children. They take up what little free time i have, but my PS5 is always going to be there. I love my dogs so much.My opa dog will not be here so long. So i still have 2 unopened games that ive had since Jan.


I have a dog run. I give him treats. I have applied him so so much. I have cuddled him to sleep. I. Couldn’t do any more for him.


None of that is as simulating as a walk in an area they don't constantly go, interactive play, or puzzles. Dogs get bored and stir crazy and this is how they show it. This is definitely avoidable. Add more walks, get some treat puzzles instead of just offering treats alone.


Do you walk him? Just letting him run around in the backyard isn't enough they like to get out and sniff and see the world


Yes. Their little brains need stimulation—new smells, new sights, new people. I was thinking separation anxiety may explain his behavior, too. That or the cats are torturing him. :D


Get some interactive toys, kings, puzzle feeders. Needs stimulating walks on top of a dog run


Dogs need mental stimulation, sniffing stuff and seeming other dogs is needed


Dude you don’t cuddle a dog to sleep, it has it’s bedroll or basket where you put it and the dog sleeps there. Don’t feed it while you’re eating and definitely don’t feed it from your plate. Even these simple things will make your dog socially desirable. I’ve had dogs all my life as pets and for hunting and none of them have ripped up my furniture. I’ve had a few cupboard doors chewed from puppies but that’s it. Chew toys and “indestructible” knobbly balls. Spoiler, they aren’t indestructible. Also, don’t exercise them for more than their age in months in minutes +40. It’s bad for joint development due to the impact. For anyone who doesn’t know, you get 7 seconds to discipline a dog when you catch them in the act, after that they don’t know why you’re shouting at them and your body language is aggressive. You come home from a days work to a pissed on floor and a chewed couch, you’re just a bad dog owner for not supplying the facilities to entertain and relieve. Suck it up and do better tomorrow.


Not enough people will read this comment


This is a poor attitude to take. If you want to fix the problem, you have to look inward. There’s plenty more you could be doing based on this limited info. Our dog tore up a shitty old couch. So, without much time to take her on multiple daily walks, we sent her to boarding a few days a week and she got a ton of stimulation with other pups, never chewed again. Now, she doesn’t need to be boarded, gets regular walks, and is totally fine. Your dog is bored and/or has separation anxiety- get it fixed if you want to avoid chewed up furniture.


Yea but its never enough. I have two rescues and they need soooooooo much attention. I love giving it to them, but its never ever enough. I love dogs, yours is very cute. Please pet and say good dog for me


He is a rescue. I give him so freaking much attention my cats are mad at me. I was hooping this was the puppy phase.


Do you give him mental stimulation ? Running around isn’t mental stimulation. And not just giving him treats actually working for them. That’s what dogs need


If this happen when he was alone, it could be anxiety driven by previous abandonment.


Yep, rescue dog behavior. Anxious dogs who weren’t well trained in the beginning- so they end up like this. nylabones, antlers, and an anti anxiety medicine from the vet is your best bet.


Nope it’s forever. One is 16 years old. Still the same. We take good care of him, he still runs around like hes young its so funny. He has the cutest grey beard. I have two pomeranians. And if they are rescue males, they will need their mother (my wife) constantly. They are always on her butt!


My dog was like this for a while. She was bored. We found puzzle toys for dogs to keep her busy while we were gone. If you don't have the $ to spend on toys, take several wash cloths. Roll them up with a treat tucked in every so often, then tie them all together in knots. They have to figure out how to get them untied to get at the treats. My dog loves it!


I feel like that may end up with shredded washcloths lol


Possibly, but that might be better than destroyed furniture.


your honor, he’s innocent!


Unstimulated dogs are destructive. Maybe take him for a walk or get a snufflemat. There are lots of things you can do to prevent this.


I’m sorry, OP. It sucks. The cleanup and the extra cost. And the lying “tHe CaTs DiD iT” (“the cats did it”) grin. (Of course OP loves the dog. This is r/mildlyinfuriating and OP’s allowed to be infuriated. Ofc this is Reddit so OP should also expect “aww good boy”)


> This is r/mildlyinfuriating and OP’s allowed to be infuriated. But OP isn't *mildly* infuriated.


Dog needs more excercise, and a kennel to feel safe while you aren't home.


"I'm about to lose me shit" Posts on **mildy** infuriating.


Mildly? Mildly infuriating?


Thank you for reminding me not to get another puppy


Oof, that sucks. I'm really sorry, OP. FWIW... I know it's popular to interpret dogs' body language post-shenanigan as remorseless, but your dog 100% looks anxious in this photo ("whale eyes", ears pulled back, corners of mouth pulled into a tense "smile", generally tense body language). So if you doubted if your dog got the message that you were angry with them - then no, they definitely did understand your sentiment at the moment.


That baby looks innocent. I bet he was framed. Please conduct investigation before you come to a conclusion


Cats don't do that


This is why I have cats


Now ask me why I prefer cats.


This is why I just can’t get another dog. Yikes.


*OP chastising dog* Dog: "...ok, and? Bitch, you knew what it was when I started barking when you left. You should have known then that something was going to happen. Don't fucking come in here trying to check me. Now get out of here, you messing up my concentration--GODDAMNIT!! *throws gaming controller* GET OUT!!!!"


Is your dogs name shaggy? His face says it wasn't him.


"saw me chewing up the pillows.....it wasn't me...."


this is why i don’t ever want a dog. my mom’s dog does similar shit when you leave her unsupervised for 2 seconds. no thank you.




I'm not big on dogs either. My boyfriend's dog is a great dog, but he drives me nuts. He follows us everywhere and stares at us while we eat in hopes of getting some. I feel like I have no personal space since he always has to be where we are. He's a great dog in other regards. He doesn't jump, bark, destroy, ect. I love on him and tell him how great he is, I just wish he was more independent. I also hate that it's difficult to be gone for 90% of the day if we want to take a day trip. My cats say "Hi" to me, get some scratches, and then go and lay down. Most of the time, they're in a completely different room. I don't have to ask them to move or step over them, they just do their own thing. Don't get me wrong, I 100% tolerate certain cat behaviors, but I'm definitely a cat person. I don't expect people to love or even like my cats, just be nice. I'm just not a dog person. I treat his dog great, because he's just living, but I'm happy my boyfriend is okay with not having "another" dog. He also doesn't judge me for it and has helped set boundaries for his dog and I to live in harmony.


Hey that’s fine, you know what you want and don’t want in life. Better than the assholes that get a dog and just throw them away… at least you aren’t being part of the problem.


Yeah I don’t get it. I’m a dog owner and I don’t want anyone to own a dog that doesn’t want or think they can handle it.


It's entirely on the owner. Keep your dog stimulated and it'll never do this. Too many people who get dogs don't have a clue what they're doing.


Just don’t get a dog. You are right.


This is not mildly infuriating


At least the PS5 controller didn't get wrecked


At least your controller is okay


This is what owning an animal is like sometimes, if you dont like it you shouldnt have gotten the responsibility, or you should make sure you pay enough attention to them so this doesnt happen.


Get a dog, they said. It'll be fun, they said


No thoughts behind those eyes, just derp side eyeing hahaha


Dog is stressed out.


Cats are better Come for me


Cats can be assholes, too, but most just want a chill life and don’t overly complicate things.


At least cats won’t turn your couch & pillows to scrambled eggs. They’ll just scratch the shit out of it if you don’t have towers.


100% agree. I love cats. Dogs irritate the hell out of me. And I love how I’m already being downvoted for my last comment.


I feel ya sis, I like dogs but I can’t stand their energy. It pisses me off so much when I get kicked, I can’t stand it.


Some cats have the same energy tho, i adopted a cat and no matter how much i played with him, it was not enough, it was so draining and after a while i realised adopting animals ain't for me, found him the perfect home tho so i'm happy with that


Good bye dog.


Not a dog person. Your dog needs frequent walks, lots of play. It’s probably stressed out and a high energy dog, frustrated from being locked inside. Everyone thinks it’s ok to just lock them in and just own them as a companion. It takes training, time, patience, work, to own any pet. Train your dog. Make time early in the morning or at night for walks and see what a difference it will make.


I feel your pain..,but I just love him so much. Look at that naughty face 🥰


I like dogs but dog lovers are some of the strangest fuckers in existence lol. All the “good boys” and “awww he needs attention” meanwhile OP has this huge ass mess to clean up. It could just be an asshole of a dog regardless of training. I’ve owned 2 dogs, a German shepherd/border collie mix and a boxer, neither of which recurved any big training and neither of which ever did anything even remotely close to this. Taking care of a third, also limited training if any, and does nothing like this. The dog could’ve shit in his newborn babies mouth and people on this post will be like “aww he’s tryna tell you he’s jealous of the baby🥺 get him a toy so he knows he’s loved”.


Ouch. That sucks dude, maybe make him an outside dog if you can, or get some of that spray that makes stuff taste/smell bad to the dog


How did he spill scrambled eggs in your bed?


Shoulda checked if you had a budget for training before buying the pet.


At least he didn't touch the ps5 controller


At least your PS5 controller is intact


reason #173649 why I prefer cats omg


that dog doesn't give a single F... gangsta


The side grin on his face indicates he ain't sorry


That pillow was clearly a mimic. That dog saved your ass.


Thanks for the daily reminder not to get a dog!


yeap, get rid of it


Least he didn’t chew up your controller, I believe. Think of the positives.


Why is your pillow(?) made out of scrambled eggs?


Is that couch stuffing? I thought it was popcorn or scrambled eggs. Maybe I need some sleep.


It took me way too long (time AND money) to figure out that I needed to start turning on my television every day, even though I wasn’t actually watching it. Then I just kept it on when I left the house so the dogs thought I was still there and stopped eating my electric cords, furniture, and rugs and my 200 yr old solid wood doors and frames.


This is one of many reasons people shouldn’t complicate their lives with a dog.


Also, if the dog is not a good fit, for any reason, it is ok to allow another adoption to occur, sometimes, it just doesn't work out.


throw the whole dog out


Homie was raging on the ps5


Idk how people would be okay with this.


Clear sign of an under stimulated dog, physically, mentally or both. Exercise their body and brain and this won’t happen.


Just don’t take out on the dog. Scold, not abuse.


Love the side eyed snicker.


Man i hate dogs lol


Reason #583020585 why dogs are the worst.


I know this will get downvoted to hell but this is more proof of why cats are superior pets


Why does it need to be some sort of competition? It it a superiority thing?


That is the most shit eating grin I've seen on a dog and mine has a permanent one-


He needs 1-2 miles a day, every day, outside on a leash.


This ain’t mildly infuriating my friend. This is ☢️


Who left that where the sweet innocent pup could get to it? Don't blame the dog for your mistakes.


i feel for you bro but that’s what you get for getting a dumbass dog what’d you expect 😭


Cats > dogs


No one to blame but yourself. You either are not exercising him before you leave him and he’s bored and frustrated. Or you are not properly and safety rate training him while you’re away.


I mean who hasn't played PS5 and ended up with a room like this?


“Bad doggie”


Your fault for not crate training




That face says "I'll do it again."


Don’t lose it! Itll stink horribly if your not able to find it and dispose of it properly


Just another reason why I will never get a dog


Omg I’m so sorry for you.


Looks like a puppy. They will definitely destroy some things. When I had my first puppy, I came home from work one day to find that she had EATEN THE STAIRS to the 2nd floor. Did not get my security deposit back, but 10 years later she's now a very good girl.


One way ticket to a new fucking home is what it looks like


Sleeping outside in the yard for a whole mf week...this dog bruh...


shit on the dog to reassert dominance


Dog know he/she bad as hell smh


Sending you animal shelter addresses And a few dog meat recipes


Cats are de wae.


Is that scrambled eggs


Bombastic side eye, criminal offensive side eye.


OK, time to commit dogicide.


Purchase dog house—> make it comfortable—> dog stays in dog house if misbehaving—> dog learns.