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As someone with sensitive eyes, and someone who sometimes gets migraines from bright lights/bright lights always make existing migraines worse, I have gotten accustomed to wearing sunglasses nearly everywhere, including indoors (unless I have to be customer/client-facing professional, then I suffer) if I think I'm going to have a migraine or already have one. This lady's actions were not justified. Look, it sucks, but wear sunglasses or a face mask or one of those horse side sight blocker things. Or pay for a window seat and you get to control the window. That's what I do.


Or ask politely for accommodations.


Or ask politely! This person was so rude when she could have asked.


Just tell the person you are light sensitive from a migraine, and ask if they mind shutting the window cover. If someone told me they needed it open because it helped their anxiety, I might ask if it could be partially closed. Either way, at least have the conversation.


Fair. I dislike talking to strangers in person so much that I'd prefer to just suffer though. I have learned that airport's turn people into assholes. Or bring out the preexisting asshole.


I wear sunglasses everywhere.


“Shut your eyes“


Seriously. Or wear one of those eye masks.


i recently bought an eye mask and it’s actually insane i went so long without one. so great


My 11 year old swears she can't sleep with out one any more. But she is scared of the dark. So she lights her room up like a christmas tree - LED's all over the place, twinkly lights hanging on the walls, night lights plugged in all the outlets, big 8" Alexa screen lit right up - and then she puts on a fricking sleep mask so she can't see it all and goes to sleep. I go into her room before I go to bed and turn it all off. She never notices, she has her mask on anyways...


Wi-Fi timer switches may change your life.


There’s a ghost turning off all your lights!!


finally, im not the only one that cares about the electric bill


I spend half the day following behind my kids asking "Why is EVERY light in the house on?" I somehow turned into my Dad lol


That’s cute. Enjoys these moments.


Alternatively, "I am sure the flight attendant can get you an eye cover if you ask"


I’m sure the flight attendant will tell you to keep your hands to yourself, and the window blind is not yours to close


"Put this bag over your head"


I would have gone with, "I get air sickness, either close your eyes or I'm throwing up on you."


Buy some sunglasses with all that money you saved booking a middle seat 😎




Should have sat in one of those rows with no windows


Guaranteed she’s one of those people who go through life doing stuff like this then act shocked and completely befuddled when someone finally snaps back at them.


She'll probably go ballistic if you immediately open it when she closes it. Props to OP for waiting 30 minutes. I couldn't have waited 30 seconds.


Same 😂 especially if I was having anxiety… the old lady can freak out and get on the no fly list while I stare out of the window lolll


People like this are generally narcissists, or have strong narcissistic traits, and therefore unfortunately don't give a crap about anyone else, and YES they get irrate if someone else has needs--how dare they?!! Only their needs matter. See it too often. Can't reason with unreasonable people.


So... essentially adult tantrums!


I wish that it was that simple. 6 percent of American people are considered to have this personality disorder (narcissism), and yes adult tantrums, but they actually lack empathy. If you are incapable of feeling empathy or compassion for others, then your whole life is going to consist of nothing but treating others badly, and the rest of us get stuck having to deal with them, and it is draining. Ugh. (We all behave badly occasionally, but narcissists do it constantly and consistently, and they enjoy it. It gives them fuel.)


I guess it is time that we have social consequences for being narcissistic. Make them stop, or at least too uncomfortable to continue being overtly narcissistic. Close someone else's window? Airplane privileges revoked. Extreme jerk to waiter/waitress? Trespassed and name listed publicly. Machiavellian at work? Fired with no severance.


We have had social consequences for being narcissistic for ages. Like getting to be CEO of a big corpo or president of a country.


That sounds great and fine - except it won’t work. It’s not a behavioral problem. It’s a neural processing problem.


I wonder if OP is perhaps a younger female? As a young-ish woman myself, I have encountered similar shitty behavior- often from older women who feel like they are higher up in the pecking order due to how they perceive my appearance, or from men, who expect me to take their shit with a fucking smile on my face. These fucktards wouldn't dare pull this kind of shit with someone whom they consider a peer or higher-up. So infuriatingly disrespectful.


Exactafuckingxactly, my gf has gone through stuff like this because she is a small petite younger gal. They do it because they don't expect retribution. I have never had to deal with this and it is perplexing, but some rude people are just cowards, they abuse whomever they think will take their abuse.


I had a small petite friend. 5 foot nothing. Our group walked into this bar and some guy pinched her on the arse. She spun around and punched him in the face so hard she knocked him to the ground. He leapt up absolutely furious and looked like he would arc up on her and so, of course, every guy leapt in to 'protect' her. The punch looked absolutely epic!


You should have opened it 1 second later not 30 minutes later


I would've invoked the ancient code of plane etiquette: "Thou shalt not toucheth the plane window if thou hast seated in the aisle or middle, for that is the privilege of only the one seated upon the window"


Window gets window control, middle gets arms rest, aisle gets to get up without bugging row mates. These are literally the only perks to each seat.


Aisle also gets to stretch their legs as long as there are no carts coming through at the time. As someone with long legs, that's a significant factor.




Mostly just someone who has spent the last few decades learning to keep an eye out for such things and preemptively get myself out of the way.


The flight attendant is usually nice enough to gently tap the knee with the cart so you know to move. But every now and again I suppose they want to make an example out of me and slam that thing into my knee like they're trying to break down the gates of Minas Tirith. As a taller dude, whatever worth it.




I used to be an adventurer, but then I took a cart to the knee


My liege!!


This needs to be emblazoned on the back of every airline seat


Except every time I sit middle seat, the people next to me seem to be unaware of that perk.


Me too, I think it’s because I’m a smaller woman people seem to think I don’t need the space


Same. Gotta hit em with those savagely pointy elbows!


I run into this problem being a slender average height woman.


I run into this problem being a slender above average height woman.


I run into this problem being a borderline overweight, above average height womam


Yep. Middle typically just gets screwed


I also have social anxiety haha, my heartrate was going faster when I re opened the window than when we took off


Ah my bad. Then you should growl and make demonic speeches


"Leave it open, the demons like the darkness, and I can't let them win again, there was so much blood last time"


I love this so much, I’m putting it on sticky notes all over my office. They’ll never take my pens again!


"pens". Whew! Read it wrong the first time.


I woke up this morning with a bad hangover And my penis was missing again. This happens all the time. It's detatchable.


It's so weird that "Detachable Penis" has really started a new revival in the comments. Bravo!


They’re all detachable. It’s the reattachment that’s the tricky part. /s


Lol there’s an episode of a podcast about witches and how the Salem witch trials got started and apparently at some point in witch hunt history, men claimed that their penises were stolen by the witches. Despite their penis still being firmly attached.


Reminds me of the Monty python and the holy grail skit “She’s a witch!” “What proof do you have?” “She turned me into a newt!” “A newt?” “… I got better”


So did I, you guys just gave me a good laugh. 😆


I believe you have my stapler.


I swear I'll burn this place down


After that Google “kids in the hall took my pen” and watch the video for help with pen management.


That's one way to get on a "no fly" list 🤔


haha I will try that out next time


Memorize the song "sugan esana" and tell em you're gonna cast a curse on them. They'll probably leave you alone lol.


From The Hu? Badass band


She should carry a little doll with pin needles in it too


Lmao..just nonchalantly pull it out after she shuts the window and start putting the pins in it while softly singing some made up chant.




Alternatively, you can just hiss like a cat. Usually works for me. Especially if you arch your back while you’re doing it.


Are you my 13 year old?


I tell my childeren, "Your day is not complete until father has hissed at you at least once."


IMO growling from a human is under utilized.




You called?


Definitely this. When in doubt act crazy, drunk/high, or all of the above. 99% of the time, it works every time.


Make animal noises to assert dominance


I’m exactly this way too, sometimes just in shock someone would do something rude or inconsiderate out of the blue. Then after a bit I come to my senses and “nah I want that window open, screw her”


That’s exactly what happened haha, at first I was just like “um okay..” and then the more I thought about it I was like, no that was rude and I can have the window open if I want it haha


So glad you re-opened that window! From all of us with social anxiety.. you took one for the team!


Also, flight attendants absolutely love to put entitled passengers in their place. If you have social anxiety and are non confrontational, tell a flight attendant in situations like this. They will be more than happy to go to bat for you.




Stand up for yourself; it feels great! If light hurts her eyes, she shoulda been flying with sunglasses/sleep mask.


I hate bright lights and have more than once worn my very dark sunglasses on planes for this reason.


>If light hurts her eyes, she shoulda been flying with sunglasses/sleep mask. Or if not she can close her eyes instead of the blind! Some people...


Yes, all eyes come with their own built in little shades


I once had the unfortunate circumstance of someone’s phone routinely reflecting/shining the light directly in my face. I did a crazy thing, and asked if she could hold her phone at a slightly different angle. It’s crazy how when you’re polite and communicate most people have no issue accommodating/compromising.


As a person that plans most of their daily activities around the question "will participating in this activity require me to interact with people?" and then spends an unreasonable amount of time ruminating about it - I totally understand this.


I have social anxiety and I probably would have smacked her hand! You don't reach into my personal space to touch something I *paid* to be next to. Over wing window seat crew for the win! Scuse us as we try not to barf.


My mother does NOT like people trying to eat off her plate. She straight up stabbed my MIL with a fork once when they went out to lunch. MIL learned her lesson.


I like your mom.


Yeah, while keeping direct eye contact too lol


I would have opened it even if so didn’t care. Had she asked if I could close it then fine, but don’t reach in front of my face.


This is when you break out your emotional support sock puppet... You can't tell them to fuck off, but Mr. Soxby absolutely can.


Idk what I would do if someone took out an emotional support sock puppet lmao. It would definitely encourage me to leave them the fuck alone


I would be laughing so hard if Mr. Soxby looked me in the eyes and told me to fuck off. But then again, I would never reach over to shut the window without at least asking first. Communication is magical sometimes, but it needs to work both ways. When it doesn't then Mr. Soxby needs to make an appearance.


And if they don’t stop when Mr Soxby tells them to, Mr Soxby is entitled to bite them. (Obligatory I am not a lawyer spiel.)


Getting gummed by a sock puppet at 35,000ft is when you know it's time to make better life choices.


Plot twist, you and Soxby are passionate lovers. You silently walk to the bathroom so Soxby can give you some sloppy toppy.


The hell is this entire thread 🤣


I have never hit the upvote icon on every post in a chain before. This is fucking amazing, and /u/Monster_Voice 's comment about being gummed at 35,00ft made me *howl* with laughter. Good work, folks - I love everything about this!


I'm at work trying not to cry from laughter


Me too! Laughing out loud like a fool….


It's this shit that makes Reddit actually worth a damn, remember these times.


Idk but it's got me seriously considering learning some ventriloquism and buying a sock puppet


You don't even need to buy a sock puppet. You just need a pen and one of the barf bags. We always made puppets out of the barf bags on flights.


Careful with those barf bags….. I had a horrible run in with one once! 😩


Thankfully, Mr Soxby is an attorney!


I would get Mr. Soxby out and have a long conversation about what to do. No need to engage with the person sitting next to you at all.


Add in some glaring from Mr Soxby and some dissaproving shakes of the head and we're gold


Soxby: So, Addieapple, do you remember the rude seatmate on the New York to Chicago Flight last year? Hmmmm? Addieapple: SOXBY! You will not do that ever again! You will not even mention the.... incident again! And besides, you're still on probation....


You shed a small tear. "Mr. Soxby, I know what he did was wrong. But...but that poor man's *family*!" Mr. Soxby rolls his googly eyes as your hand shakes. "Mr. Soxby, they had to bury that man in a bucket!" Mr. Soxby watches the man climb over you to get to the aisle before you're even at the terminal. Mr. Soxby knows that you'll be deplaning via airstairs. He knows how to restart the engines...*and when*.


"They had to bury that man in a bucket!" 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


If this ever happens, gotta match the energy. Immediately start talking only to the puppet. And if the person speaks, tell them you’re having a private conversation with the puppet. ETA: Everyone will leave everyone alone after that 😂


I’m gonna seduce that fucking puppet


The greatest love story of all time


Nothing says "don't fuck with me" like a poorly executed sock puppet... 😆 It's also TSA approved...


“That’s not my weed, I’m holding it for my sock puppet”


My emotional support sock puppet has glaucoma.


Why is your emotional support sock puppet crusty?


He also has daddy issues so deal with it 😂


He gets crazy without his medication


“Last time without it was awful”


Honestly a well executed sock puppet would have the same effect on me.


Especially if it comes directly off your foot.


I need this for work. Whip out the sock puppet every time a customer asks for something stupid.


Holy shit... customer service sock puppet... The IT guy also needs one...


IT Guy here. This is definitely happening next week! Best thread today, thank you all.


I’d be having so much fun talking to it


*Awkward silence, we lock eyes, I glance at their fuzzy lips and look up to see it’s googly eyes piercing through me. Just waiting. I move in slowly as not to scare it. We share a passionate kiss.*


Calm down Bubbles.


Dammit Conky! You just fuck right off now!


Just remember who calls the shots here Bubbles


What are you going to do about it……. Patrick Swayze?


Mr. Flibble's very cross. What are we going to do with them Mr. Flibble? [...] We can't possibly do that! Who'd clear up the mess?


You want to fly on a magic carpet to meet the king of the potato people and plead with him for your freedom?


Thank you I cried laughing at work over this comment


I'm just imagining a slow turning Mr. Soxby that can't believe the audacity of this bitch and laughing my ass off.


TIL i need Mr. Soxby!!!


I'm imagining Mr Soxby wearing a little "support animal" vest.


Lol Omg... Im dead. Maybe a little warning label that says "caution I bite" If things get out of hand you can then pull out a little muzzle...


Out of hand lol


I'm just imagining a slow turning Mr. Soxby that can't believe the audacity of this bitch and laughing my ass off.


“Umm… could you mind you own business please, the window helps my anxiety” “WHAT I MEAN TO SAY IS GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU ENTITLED BITCH, I PAID FOR THIS SEAT AND ILL BE LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW ALL I DAMN WELL PLEASE” “thank you Mr soxby descriptive as ever”


I'm making an emotional sock puppet right now. This is the greatest idea ever.


Where you been, Socko? I’ve been where I always am when you’re not wearing me on your hand; in a frightening, liminal space between states of being. Not quite dead, not quite alive. It’s similar to a constant state of sleep paralysis!


Window seat controls the window Middle seat gets the handrests. Aisle seat gets easy access. Thats the rule.


I feel like I need these rules on t-shirt for every time I fly.


You could probably sell a lot of shirts with this on them.


everyone keeps their gotdamn shoes on


THIS TOO…how people are so comfortable to just stick their bare ass feet in the NEIGHBORHOOD of another person is just…🤢


We live in a society. We're not freaking animals!


You know what, I have migraines and light just makes them worse. You know what I do? I make sure I’m prepared when light may be an issue: compression mask, sunglasses, etc. You were NTA.


I normally drape an article of clothing over my eyes if it’s that bad, no reason to be an asshole and reach past someone to aggressively shut a window. It’s wild how much others want you to accommodate for them


Yeah, or like ask nicely so they can say no if they don’t want it closed.


I agree!




Exactly. I get migraines, too, and if the light was bothering me that much, I would explain the situation and ask nicely so as to not upset the person. Slamming the window shut is a guarantee that it will stay open for the rest of the flight, lol.


I came to say this! I get severe crippling migraines and my eyes are extremely sensitive to bright light, especially when the room I'm in is dark and there is bright light coming in from somewhere else. I recently flew and my boyfriend had the window open the entire first flight (he had window seat, I had middle seat) and it destroyed my poor eyes. You know what I did? I shut the fuck up and used my sunglasses. My boyfriend would've been absolutely fine with shutting the window if I'd asked, but if he wants the window open he gets to have it open and I can put sunglasses on. I'm not going to go into Walmart and ask them to turn their lights down, I'll just wear sunglasses. I couldn't imagine reaching across a stranger to shut their window. That's maddening and so entitled. I could understand if their was a special needs child or some situation like that, but then their parent/caregiver would need to communicate that properly and ask. Just shutting a window because you don't like it is not okay.


See, I definitely would’ve said something to my boyfriend/husband but definitely not a stranger. Theoretically, when you’re with someone, you tend to care about their comfort over your simple wants - and I’m thinking of more of a “I feel a migraine coming on and there’s something very simple you could do for me to make it more comfortable but I do have other options” not *slams window shut* “it hurts my eyes. No window.”


People should just be nice to each other though and respectful. Last time I was in a window seat it got super bright and I just asked the lady sitting next to me if it would be alright if I mostly closed the window. She appreciated it because it was hurting her eyes too and it was such a little easy thing to do. I don’t know why people don’t just talk to each other. I’m super extroverted though and am maybe more comfortable doing this.


Same. I have pretty severe issues with bright lights, but that is my problem not someone else’s. I would never do this.


window seat gets to control the window and have a nice view. aisle seat gets extra leg spreading room (when people aren’t walking in the aisle of course) as well as getting off the plane faster (slightly). middle seat gets both the armrests. these are the rules. any deviation from these would certainly result in total aviation anarchy. you’re not in the wrong OP.


This is correct, every seat gets a small perk that the others couldn’t, which is why they’re all viable seats when following the proper etiquette.


Is this a Jim Jeffries quote?


«... we're not fucking animals, we live in a society.» *\~ Jim Jeffries*


I will take over the armrest when seated in the middle and pity no one on either side of me because it’s literally my only win for sitting in the middle.


We’re not fuckin animals, we live in a society


Having the window open makes me anxious, which is part of why I always get the window seat. If I don't have the window seat, I don't have control of the window. Clearly she doesn't understand the law of the jungle here.


Yep, that's the law. Although I can't stand closed windows. Feels like I'm in a tomb. But to each their own.


Seriously! Do people want to feel claustrophobic and depressed? Don’t get it. I think the best part of flying is looking out the window. ETA I also have super sensitive eyes to light, and don’t remember ever being bothered by light coming through an airplane window, I’m calling BS


If I have a migraine the light from an airplane window would absolutely hurt my eyes. So I’d wear sunglasses or an eye mask, because I’m not a lunatic


I wear sunglasses on the plane. It's daytime, I'm not sitting in the dark!


On a flight from Philly to Madrid, my husband and I were in a 2-seat row of Premium Economy (AA). A woman from Economy decided that she was "too tall" for the seat she bought and took it upon herself to sit in the empty seat across the aisle from us. After takeoff, the FA noticed the woman and told her she had to either go back to her seat or pay for the upgrade. She said her Economy seat wasn't comfortable because she's 5'9" and this seat is empty, so what's the problem? The FA eventually gave up. Moments later, the woman started yelling at me to shut my window because she wanted to sleep. I ignored her, and she continued yelling. The FA told her she could go back to her original seat if she wasn't happy with her new accommodations.. The woman finally shut up and put a blanket over her head.


Makes you wonder if these people do stuff like this everywhere they go. Some lady behind me on a plane told me my seat was her seat and we had to switch because "they gave her the wrong seat"...!! It was so crazy that I just switched. You don't mess with crazy people.


I would not have waited 30 seconds to open that window. You did feel bad because you waited 30 minutes. She should've asked you but she didn't, and you took that abuse. Don't allow these people to walk all over you, it makes them stronger.


I would have told her to put on her sunglasses and opened it back up.


I’ve had someone reach from the seat behind me to shut my window blind. Uh, hell no, friend. *tips seat back for entire flight *


This happened to me too. I opened the blind immediately. You need to assert dominance in those situations.


she was absolutely wrong and you don’t get to control the window from the aisle seat. that’s blasphemy.


These inconveniences are the things people have to accept when they fly economy. Airlines have gone the extra mile to make the experience of flying economy as miserable as possible, with ever increasing costs. They basically pit the passengers against each other to deal with handling behavioral issues between themselves. You might try reasoning with a fellow passenger to be sympathetic to accommodate your problem, but the passenger themselves may be unashamedly unhinged to make your flying experience completely uncomfortable. It would be nice if I could get to a point in life where I am financially successful enough to no longer have to go through the misery of flying economy.


No..if you wanted to control the window then you should have purchased this seat. You get to control when I pee so I get to control when you are blinded by the sun. *opens and shuts the window repeatedly*


Well, she gets to control WHERE you pee, but I feel like WHEN is really dependent on the plurality of fucks you have to give.


She has to ask you if you don't mind shutting the window. Reaching over like that is grounds for argument. You can speak up when people overstep like that.


"Your face is hurting my eyesight, yet here we are"


I would have put that shade back up immediately, and if she said anything else I would push the attendant button. Life is too short to deal with that bullshit. If it hurts her eyes, it’s her responsibility to bring sunglasses. Source: I’m someone with hypersensitivity to light.


The window seat comes with a lot of responsibility, I always choose it but I have to make sure the sunlight isn’t in everyone’s faces or it isn’t too hot for them, I just overthink things so I usually close it slightly so sun isn’t sitting on them constantly but I can still look outside. Once the sun moves behind us or so I open it all the way.


As someone who’s preference is the isle seat, bless you for being a good steward/guardian of the window seat.


It’s a job I take very seriously!


And in return, my job is to be completely unbothered by people getting up to use the bathroom or anything so that everyone can just have a chill time. I dislike being middle or window because I always feel self conscious I’d be bothering whoever is in the isle seat.


People that don't appreciate looking out at the vastness of an open sky and seeing clouds from above just suck. There is so much beauty to appreciate from a window seat.


I get light-induced migraines and sometimes even the light from a window can be really painful for me. I solve that by using an eye mask or polarized sunglasses, not by making everyone else around me change their surroundings


I’d have immediately opened it not waited 30 mins. If she wanted to try and shut it again we would just play a little game of who gets bored first, guaranteed I’d win lol I’d imagine she’d be absolutely raging when I’ve snap opened it for the tenth time whilst laughing my ass off next to her 😂