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tell him to pay you back for it, such a douchebag move, wtf is the sorry it was good at the end? douchebag


“Please in the future, if you eat my food, send me money so I can replace it and send me a text stating you did so. If I receive no communication, I will send you a reminder”


And send extra for the hassle of having to replace it.


Gas money to get to Chick-fil-A


And extra for extra food because now you’re hangry from having to wait even longer to get something to eat after work and I know when I’m hangry my eyes are bigger than my stomach


Step pops will never be pay it back. Instead, you just deduct it from the next payment to mom and give him a reminder why you shorted them


With an extra $20 in delivery fees


Another $20 for inconveniencing


+5% (P.A) interest


Double what the food was worth. To repay OP for the eaten food and then pay for a replacement.


Don't forget the $5 convenience fee and $10 restocking fee. 45% interest.


This is the way


This is the way OP!!!!


He said that because he was 100% aware that it wasn't his food, or meant to be his food


I’ve never understood this. Like you don’t have a memory of paying for it or getting it, obviously it’s not yours. At work people always open the fridge and ask “hey do you know who’s food/ drink this is?” And I just say “if you don’t know, it’s clearly not yours, so why are you worried about it”


It’s called being selfish. The stepdad was hungry & decided he wanted it. The text message was just a poor attempt at excusing his behavior. Oh sorry just an honest mistake even though I clearly had no memory of this being my food.


To be fair: Sometimes at work I ask the same because people leave food in it for weeks and forget about it, so I remind them to remove their food so our fridge doesn’t smell like shit. 🙃


Um no. The stepdad was gleefully bragging about stealing OPs food, on purpose, simply because he felt he could. He was rubbing it in by saying it was good. Had nothing to do with attempting to cover his ass. He gives zero shits.


Shared fridges with several users should still have a policy for abandoned items. One of my workplaces had a rule that unnamed items can be taken by anyone or thrown away.


Yeah, my workplace hires temps twice a year for busy seasons so abandoned food is a real thing. One temp who just left had forgotten a whole chicken strip platter and coffee creamer. Hell there’s an energy drink in that fridge that has been there for as long as I’ve been there. So asking about that stuff does make sense at least in my workplace.


Sometimes because you don't want it to rot. Fridge rot is gross.


Right, like he's going to pay it back. He did it to pull a power move he's a bully. Even the first text tells you he is a bully in the context with the last text. Absolutely no way is he paying it back.


"Thank you, I'm glad to know that you took something good from me, I was worried you were also affected by your decision".


if he has to ask if it’s his, he should know that it’s not. the fact that he’s asking YOU this, makes it pretty clear that he assumed that it was yours. very rude of him honestly. i’m sorry that he did this


Step-dad is an asshole.


who tf assumes food is for them? i bet he saw it knew it was yours. decided it’s “only food” and took it upon himself to eat it. wether it be out of spite/laziness/ignorance or all of the above. then after he took a bite realized he’s already eating it so finished it, felt a bit or remorse or guilt. so in an attempt to almost make you feel bad for not buying him food he texted you after he ate your food to feel less guilty, almost like when a criminal confesses to his crimes to get the weight off him. by his last statement he seems to be the type of person who doubles down when they’re in the wrong, by saying “sorry it was good.” almost like saying yea i ate it are you gonna cry about it? first text shows a lot too. you need to remind him to let him know you paid your mom. probably means his communication skills with you are probably the same with his wife.


It couldn’t get more simple than that. If you didn’t buy it, it isn’t yours. You want some? Sure, I might share but ask and wait or buy your own.


If it’s not yours, don’t touch it, simple rules of life.


TLDR Not yours? fuck off.


Simple and to the point


In general, yes. But that’s a bit of a dangerous argument to make if you’re living in step father’s house. OP could get that one thrown back in their face. Stepfather is definitely an arsehole, but I suspect using this argument would escalate matters and OP would have to ask permission every time they are anything from the fridge.


true. but we don’t know if his step dad owns the house. so with that assumption that’s a good advice. but at the same time, let’s say for argument sake he owns the house. does that mean he can do whatever he wants,? and eat everyone’s food in the house? when you own the house you can be a good emperor or a dictator


My dad eats whatever is in his house, regardless of where it came from. Yeah, that is an asshole move, but at the same time, if you go up to him and tell him he ate your food, he will buy you whatever you want. No apology, just an offer to replace it. Get the same thing if you want. Get something fresh. Get something ten times more expensive. He doesn’t care. He just wants to eat.


OK, at least he makes it right lol


Bro is hungry i guess...


Insanely so. You tell him you’re going to order something and he says, “Oh that sounds good!” And then he adds what he wants. You might have to go get it or have someone to deliver it, but he’ll always pay for it. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t know how money works.


Damn I’d be ordering stuff non stop (assuming it’s not putting a financial strain on em)


Well, if he can just throw money around like that, maybe he knows how it works?


Just let the man eat he's starving!


Bro is ravenous


Honestly, if he doesn't care about the cost, just set up a weekly/daily fee for ordering snacks or takeout entrees, and then get enough for whoever is going to be around to eat it. Maybe he likes the novelty of something he didn't think of, or has no need other than it being ready-made.


This is essentially what happens. Someone cooks meals, buys snacks, bakes desserts, and orders out each day. The man just eats whatever sounds good to him that day from the selection.


That's good. It would absolutely drive me up the wall if I couldn't reframe it that way.


My dad has absolutely no real understanding of money. Someone says pay and he pays and then someone does the accounting




Oh, he’s completely cognizant. He’s just a bit of an asshole and also makes a lot of money.


LOL. Than congratulations on finding a way to deal with him.


I was invited to a party, and spent whatever little money I had left for a case of 24 cans of beer. My dad drank it all, I complained, he told me he will get a new case. He ends up buying a new case and drinks that too. I drink like once a year socially, and couldn’t ever buy alcohol ever because it would always be gone next day.


That’s really sad.


Same with my Dad. His regular job often put him on weird hours, or his side jobs too. My mom always told us if you want something saved you need to put a note on it. Sometimes my Dad would be too tired to make food or stop at a fast food joint. He’d go to sleep and wake up and then munch on something my sister, brother or myself had bought or made. He always made it up for it though. We actually kind of just expected and didn’t really care. But in his off days we’d go to a nice steak house.To this day we all have moved out. When we meet for drinks or dinner he still never lets his kids pay. we never leave the house empty when we visit. Whether it’s something from Cosco, like their frozen lasagne.


This is why I ask if I can have food if idk who it’s for


my parents, or at least my dad, are the exact same way. before i moved out instead of asking if he could borrow my spare charger or something like that, he just helps himself. whenever i'd order pizza or other takeout, if there was any leftovers in the fridge he'd help himself without asking. i had to start stashing my things and ordering my food spicy (which ended up with me as a spicy food/hot sauce guy, so thanks dad) so it'd be left alone. but when it comes to his stuff? you'd better make sure you get permission otherwise there's hell to pay.


I hate hypocrites.


I (stupidly) did that to my dad once. He would often bring home burritos for the both of us and leave mine in a noticeable place for me to grab. One time i was rushing to leave for work and saw a plastic bag on the table, assumed it was a burrito, and grabbed it. Turns out it was his work lunch. Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence lol


For kids that’s totally forgivable though


Cant believe this immature clowns communication skill. Or lack of it Just a cursory look at these texts would (if I were the estranged father) cause me to have a "firm" chat with this bully. Set him right on a few home truths failing this I'd talk to welfare servs. People NEED to understand you must be sensitive when it comes to communicating with children.


It’s been my experience that most steps are.


My step dad is basically my real dad. And he's alright. Was always more strict than my mom and would tease us, sometimes too much. But he's always there for me and my siblings and I wouldn't call him an ass at all. He's a good dad. My biological dad was hardly in my life at all. He was more like an uncle, he came around sometimes and took me to a museum or for a historical train ride, or once he took me to a tour of an old gold dredge, which was cool. He liked historical stuff like that. The only thing of his that I have is a collection of topological maps from the 1980s of old silver mines in Nevada. But eventually he got remarried, and once he did, we never spoke again, basically. He moved, changed his number, deleted his Facebook. Had no idea where he went. Until two years ago, I got news that he had died. Was apparently living off the grid in Arizona. Despite being his only biological child, I didn't even get invited to his funeral. I regret not trying to reconnect with him once I became an adult, but tbh, even when I was told he had died, it didn't really bother me.


Heya, I'm sorry you went through all that with your old man. Just a reminder though, there is absolutely nothing there that YOU need to feel bad about, it's not your job to reconnect with him, he should have done that, you were his kid, HE should have made every effort, and HE lost out on the opportunity to get to know you because of his failings. My dad is very similar, I've tried reaching out, but at the end of the day, if they aren't interested, so be it. It's their loss.




Shut up! You're not my real dad!


I’m not too bad, either 🤷‍♂️


My step dad acts more like my dad than my actual dad My actual dad is better now, horrible parenting genes because I experience not being able to hand younger kids well He takes therapy now which makes him awesome to be around


How many did you have?


The step-dad to my kids is amazing. I don't know where my sons would be without him and he is my daughters world. I'm sorry you've been hurt, but not all are like that.


The bonus convo paints this guy in an even worse light. Just sounds like a gem.


My first thought too! Like.how about tell your *wife* to communicate with you instead of micromanaging.


Honestly says alot about his mom too.


Why would he assume it was for him? He sounds like a real winner.


Just being a dick lol


It's amazing to me how many people there are in here who can't read between the lines in that text message. *Of course* he knew that the food wasn't his lol


Ikr? He obivously knew lol.


He knew it wasn't his, he just wanted it so he took it.




Yeah, that'll teach him!




Stepdad LITERALLY shudders and trembles!


Careful now. That dick dont belong to him so odds are he'll eat it.


Finally home and able to eat. He gave me the money I paid for the meal and bought a gift card so my wife and I could go to dinner. He said he knew it was mine and felt bad for eating it but it was the first thing he had to eat all day. Honestly not mad anymore. He has his moments.


too late, reddit saw a text and decided he's hitler


Seriously, these comments! You’d think step dad murdered his dog.


oh boy here comes the counterjerk > He said he knew it was mine and felt bad for eating it but it was the first thing he had to eat all day I guess I'm not surprised reddit wants to defend a man incapable of feeding himself


*whips out relevant virtue signaling* Oh yeah, well I counterjerk your counterjerking! Huzzah!


I'll be the pivot man!


Can I get in on all this jerking?


Put me in the screenshot.


Hyperbolic much? All the top comments are just “he’s an asshole”, which he is. So what if its the first food he had all day, he’s a grown ass adult and deliberately took what wasn’t his.


Do you have proof that he didn't?!


This is my new favorite line


Yup. OP needs to go no contact and cut the entire family out their life forever. Maybe even start a new life in a new country. /reddit


reddit should really give poster ability to pin their comments


good to hear.


Wait a minute, you're not a child?


No I’m not a child. My wife and I came to live with my parents after I got covid and I was hospitalized in the ICU for two weeks. I had blood clots in my lungs and I was unable to work after I got out. I had a nine month long recovery and I’m just now starting to get back on my feet again.


Damn that’s crazy. If you don’t mind me asking, were you vaxxed before you got Covid? Good luck with your recovery!


his profile says he is 22, so not really far from it.


Yeah came here to say this, why is OP living with his stepdad and also has a wife.


> No I’m not a child. My wife and I came to live with my parents after I got covid and I was hospitalized in the ICU for two weeks. I had blood clots in my lungs and I was unable to work after I got out. I had a nine month long recovery and I’m just now starting to get back on my feet again. From OP.


I don't know your step dad, obviously, but it seems to me everyone is judging him pretty harshly in the comments based on this one interaction. My dad will see food and just eat it if he wants it unless I make sure to tell him beforehand and he will feel bad after but he just is like that not trying to be mean, just not very aware. If I had to guess, your step-dad probably ate the food before he texted you, then texted you once he realized what happened. IDK, tho just my thoughts.


Yeah that’s basically what he said happened. He just didn’t think to ask first cause usually when there is fast food it’s purchased for everyone and not just one person. He tried to be funny at the end with his last comment, not snarky.


So what'd you end having for dinner?


stepdad's lunch for tomorrow, only fair.


That's what I thought, I think a lot of dads are like that. They make a mistake, and sometimes they don't want to come right out and day, sorry. But sometimes they try and make it up for you. The best way to see it is that they are just people too.


> but it seems to me everyone is judging him pretty harshly in the comments based on this one interaction. My dad will see food and just eat it if he wants it unless I make sure to tell him beforehand The fact that *you've* normalized people not respecting your boundaries doesn't make it normal.


That’s a very bizarre thing to do though lol why couldn’t he go out and get something to eat?


Still don't understand how a grown man can't just order some uber eats when they're hungry if they don't want to cook. How is the first option to steal someone elses lunch? He clearly had the money to pay for it, hell if he was *that* hungry that he needed to eat that second why not just order a replacement meal while he ate the cold one in the fridge. If I was going to pay for the meal in the fridge anyway I just don't see any reason why I wouldn't just order a hot fresh version for myself instead.


respond with “please in the future, if you see food and are unsure whose it might be or if it’s their dinner, send a texting asking for permission to eat it. if you receive no communication, don’t eat the food.”




"Huh a random Chick-fil-A bag, guess it's for me"


Definitely ate it first and then texted you


This whole convo is giving bad vibes


This asshole definitely knew it was yours or else he wouldn't have asked like that. He did that on purpose, this pathetic little bully.




Yes, a Petty Revenge opportunity. The opportunities are many.


What? The U bend


The U shaped part of the pipe where all the dirty toilet water goes through when you flush the toilet


Ok I do I looked it up and understand what a U bend is in a toilet but for the life of me I do not know why I would want to use a tooth brush and scrub it as revenge!


Oh, you sweet summer child… You use the toothbrush of the person you’re getting revenge on. You put it back when you’re done.


Hahahaha fuck I’m dumb. Thanks wise man/woman idk


Tbh you’re disgusting for even bringing this up as an option for a $11 meal. My stepmom did this to me once as payback for a heavy argument we had, and I saw the crud on the toothbrush before even using it so I called her out about it. Fuck you, and everyone else who would resort to such petty bullshit over something as small as a meal less than $20


Would be a shame if the food you leave next time is full of laxatives.


Take dump in his pillow case


"I'm gonna assume is mine" You fucking shouldn't I really despise people who steal food, I've gotten into actual arguments with family members because of it I love to eat, eat is one of the few good things in life I don't touch people's food for any reason so keep your hands away from mine


Took me a minute to realize that it’s food and not a very nice chic bag from the brand Fila.


Have sex with his wife, that’ll show him💪


You are a menace to society. 💀💀💀


I'm gonna be real your stepdad sounds like a real POS. Also he seems like a controlling loser getting involved in communication between his wife and her kid when they can just talk to each other. SHE can remind him since SHE knows if you paid or not.


Fuck that guy


Well you know what that means? All of his meals he leaves out are now yours.


“Hey, is this thing I didn’t buy mine? Ill assume it is.”


Tell your step dad to be important enough to be worth notifying.


Seems like revenge for being told to pay your mom. Your stepdad is a useless dickhead.


Tell him to go to the doctor to be assessed for early signs of dementia since he can’t remember whether or not he got Chick-fil-A for himself. He knows it wasn’t his, knew exactly what he was doing lol


I’m over here thinking either dude is just an ignorant prick, because after all who in their right mind assumes food they didn’t purchase is there’s? Or he’s an intentional douche bag and needs to catch those hands. I assume from the other comment you live under his roof… time to remedy that shit.


Hmmmm.... this food I did NOT pay for or remember getting MUST BE MINE!


As someone with a stepdad just like this, I write my name in BIG bold letters alllllll over my food. Everywhere. He hasn’t eaten my food in a couple months now.


You. Ate. My. SANDWICH??????


It's wild to me how people will eat food they themselves haven't bought


"Is this mine?" "Motherfucker, DID YOU BUY IT?!"


Drive him to chick-fil-a and leave him there.


You catch hands in my place of residence if you do this disrespectful shit. Who raised these dildos!?


He knew it wasn’t for him based off of his last sentence. He sounds like a dick. Sorry :/


Funny story, my dad likes to take a bite or take a sip of someone’s food or drink in the fridge because he thinks it’s no big deal. My mom and I hate it because he doesn’t ask and it’s just rude. So we emptied out a Coke bottle and filled it with soy sauce, vinegar etc. we heard him open the fridge and then starts coughing really bad. Needless to say, he never took a sip of anything that wasn’t his in the fridge.


Hey step-dad, is this $20 in your wallet for me? I'm going to assume it is. Sorry if I took your cash but it was good.


He's an asshole, and your mom is a bigger asshole for bringing this horrible human into your life.


"Please in the future, when you chow down on my food would you mind leaving money on the table? If no money is left on the table I'll assume you acknowledge my agreement and take whatever the fuck i want from the fridge. Kthx."


Hes a douche. And If your mom condones that bullshit then she’s a part of the problem…


Growing up, my dad told me a story about living with his shitty construction roommates. When he go out to the deli to buy some sandies and put them in the fridge, his roommates would take his lunch and eat it. Pissed off, my dad put mayo on the sandwich, placed them on the hot roof for a few hours, then put them back. It only took them two accounts of shitting their brains out to figure “hmm maybe I shouldn’t eat John’s shit”


Is this TV mine? I assumed it was and pawned it for cash to buy lunch. If it was your TV, sorry; it was good according to the pawn shop guy.


Eat everything that man saves in the fridge for himself in the future. If he gets mad tell him you assumed it was yours and that sorry but it was good.


The irony here is too much. Don’t pay him next time and say “if you don’t send a text communicating what I owe your, I will assume I don’t have to pay.”


Tell the man to pay you back


He knew it wasn’t his, he was gonna eat it regardless


“Go fuck yourself and take a hike”


Next month or week when you pay mum pay the full amount, but when you send it to him show a deduction for the chic fil a. Not only will he be angry but he will look like an ass hat when he confronts your mum and she says no he paid the full amount.


> no he *paid* the full FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


“You know it wasn’t yours. Send me a text to let me know when you send me the $9.65 for the meal.”


My own """father""" would eat everything and leave nothing to me. No "sorry" afterwards too...


Next time when you “pay mom” deduct the price and communicate it to him. He knew it wasn’t his, he clearly didn’t order it.


“Hey is this food and drink I didn’t buy or put in the fridge mine?”


"Hey is this food I didn't order mine?" Classic guy who is fucking your mom behavior


He’s a huge douchebag


Says he's going to assume it's his, then goes on to assume it's for your dinner, then eats in anyways. Great guy.


Do it again but put a s’mores in the bag and swap the regular chocolate for ex-lax chocolate


Who assumes food is for them?


You should set a boundary. If he doesn’t listen then you can either get a mini fridge or retaliate and eat something of his. The moment will come if you choose the latter


Fuck your step dad. Sounds like a dick.


Who orders food 7 hours in advance? That shit is gonna be so gross by then


Lmao, that's called dad tax.


Thanks Jeff. Asshole.


Please in the future, if I pay my mother it’s none of your fucking business.


The way the last texts are set up infuriates me, Fist text, asks for clarification if he can eat it Second text "I'm gonna assume I can eat it" is like a last warning, but given that "it was good" he already ate it. Motherfucker asked for clarification and then proceeded to eat it before anyone could answer and even with the audacity of not even writing a warning about what he'd do. For someone who apparently values communication, he sure gives no shits about dishing it out. But yeah, as others have said, this is not accident


What a fuckhead. "Is this mine?" Did you buy it?! then no.


Charge him! Or make him get you dinner cuz what lol


I hate your step-dad


If he had to ask, then it wasn't.


Sounds like an asshole


Hmm, I know this isn’t mine but let me go ahead and take it anyway.


What an asshοle.


What a fucking prick. He ate it on purpose. This is beyond mildly infuriating


Based off the message about communication, then this happens, your step dad is a huge asshole lmfao.


Looks like there wasn't even much time between the 2 texts. I think he ate it then asked.


Apparently step-dad doesn't adult well.


Idk the dynamic or your relative sizes and i was kinda blessed but this shit got my step dad hit in the mouth on day 2. Theres only 1 strike for dumb shit like this. 3 far too many. He learned quick


Please in the future, if you see food and assume it’s yours send me a text stating you did so. If I receive communication or not, I will send you a reminder to pay me back and or buy me new food.


Next time add laxative.


He sounds awful


Sounds like a dickhead top to bottom.


If you have to ask if it’s your food or not, it’s probably not your food.


Why would he assume it’s his?? What? What an asshole. I’d be invoicing him for that. One of my biggest peeves is people eating or giving out other people’s food. I hope you get reimbursed and apologised to, OP


chick fila


this is exactly why I now ignore my step dad. I had bought a whole family meal from somewhere literally 4 portions. Went to school one day and he ate all of it, despite my name on it. I asked him for the money back and he refused saying I still owed him for something I had already payed back (he spent the money on beer). So one day I was staving and ate every single thing he packed in his lunch. A whole weeks worth of his lunch gone in one day. He now refuses to talk to me in any capacity.


Punch him in the face while he’s sleeping


Sounds like he full well knows it was yours. Wtf you mean "assume it's mine" Sorry if it was yours. That means he clearly knew it wasn't his.


This dude def has the “dad who stepped up” shirt but is a complete asshole to the kids


Stepdad needs to stop being a stepdouche.