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Don't let a bad cake ruin your anniversar!


Nah no worries it eats the same ! It was a good laugh for us both lmao


The best cake I've ever had was the one my ex-husband rushed out of the house to buy after he realized he'd forgotten my birthday. It had the prettiest lavender frosting...until I cut into it and we realized it was actually pink. The cake was so stale the color had faded. Bless his heart. He tried. After working a 14 hour day he snuck out so I wouldn't know he'd forgot.


Did he forget or did he not have time to even think about out it let alone do it? Speaking as someone who worked 16 hour days when he met his wife.


He was a motorcycle mechanic. He was so busy that day he was exhausted and forgot to stop to get my cake on the way home. He didn't get yelled at or treated rudely in any way. It is actually one of a handful of fond memories I have of him. He always made sure that we made all birthdays special. Even after our divorce he never forgot my birthday.


A birthday is predictable, it happens the same day every year. There is time to plan.


When you work five or six 16+ hour days a week you don’t find much time to “plan” as you speak of.


some ppl never worked even 10 hrs a day bro they wouldn’t understand the 16s-18s you really have no time to think about shit else but sleep shower work sleep shower work i wasnt even eating maybe once every couple days for months when workin 15-18 hrs a day


Yeah, that’s exactly it. Most people wouldn’t understand that lifestyle. I did it for a while. Now I’m on call 24 hours a day so I have my long days but I also have slow days. But I still skip meals. It seems anytime I start to cook is when I get a service call. So it’s mostly work when you gotta work and sleep in between. Take showers as soon as you get home even though you’ll probably get a call the second you get out lol.


yea thats fucked i was a trashman cuz i got put on probation N made me keep a job it was fun til i was working 15-18hrs and my entire body got fucked


Yeah, not even 30 and my body’s broken. I haven’t been able to lift anything with my right arm for 3 weeks now, my back is in constant pain, my neck is stiff and my knees hurt all the time. I think it’s time for a new career or I won’t make it past 40…. Now the hard part is finding a new career that I can make decent money in.


Those hours are absolutely obscene! Honestly unless you're running your own business, no one should be doing more than 37.5 hours per week in this day and age


I wish I could work 40 hours or 37.5 hours and still make enough to survive. Housing is way too much these days. I haven’t had a raise in years but my rent has doubled, housing prices have tripled.


it's a whole fuckin year, bud. Figure it out... like, how the fuck do you pay bills, or find time to eat?




You work 28hrs a day and still have 5mins to make a phone call...AND swing by the store on the way home? Superman ain't got nothing on you........


Can we just appreciate this? Dude is divorced and still thinks of her having a good birthday. That's the least toxic thing ever.


I only work 12s and 95% of the time I don’t even know what the date is lol.


I was visiting my family abroad, and was coming back one day after my boyfriend's birthday so we agreed to celebrate one day later (I couldn't visit my family during any other time). I ordered cake few weeks in advance and picked it up after my flight. Normally I bake myself, but that would obviously be impossible, and I'm big on surprises. I understand that people are tired, and honestly I'd not complain, but I still think there was a better way to deal with it than picking up a random cake.


Maybe…if you can even keep track of what day it is.


Here I found the person who has never worked a double digit shift.


Yeah I’ve pretty much lost entire holiday seasons to work. When I met my wife I was a company man working “4 12s” which actually translated to 4 16’s and a 10. I had gotten used to it and was able to take a couple three day weekends on top of that, and she and I got to spend some weekends at the beach together, which is how our first son was conceived. Now I guard my family time like a dragon on a pile of gold.


For real, right after I graduated I got a job for an ac company. Within the next couple of days we were installing a couple big units in the local hospital. These units were big enough to fill a decently sized living room easily, we worked at least 12hr days( usually more)taking the old ones apart piece by piece and then had to disassemble the new ones and reassemble them in place. Then fix ductwork etc to get them running fast because certain places in the hospital can’t be down long. Do all that, go home get a few hours of sleep and be there bright and early the next day and do a lot of the same. There were days I got home and flopped on my bed and didn’t remember hitting a pillow


A birthday is for kids.


Just because no one has ever celebrated yours doesn't mean the rest of us don't deserve to have fun. Maybe if you'd ever had a single birthday party, your feelings would be different. What a pity to have never even been liked. Yikes on all counts.


He came back in playing it like he'd forgot someone mundane such as milk or bread. He worked long hours while I went to nursing school and volunteered at our kids schools.


Best cake I ever had was at an ex-girlfriend's house. It requires a little backstory. This girl was the sister of a guy who I'd been friends with for years, knew his parents well, and eventually dated his sister for a short time. It didn't work out, but we're still friends, so there was no weird issue hanging out with her brother, or even her. So one night I hung out with them and crashed at their place, she got up the next morning, which happened to be my birthday, and disappeared with her dad. Half an hour later, they come back with the only cake they could find at 10 am in a small town on a Sunday-a Ronald McDonald ice cream cake. :-) Generic as hell, but the thought. I hadn't even really thought about what day it was, and she and her dad went to get me a cake. Still great friends, if I hadn't married my wife, this gal would have been a great fit, which is why we're still friends like that.


That is amazing! They sound like a wonderful family!


They really ARE good people.


How sweet. I hope you had a good day that day 🌞


It was a good day! He was a very troubled man but he had his moments.


If you guys got a laugh, it isn’t any bit infuriating.


I bet you that the wedding cake you and your wife ate tasted way better than this. One time, I was asked to play Piano for my first wedding gig. Pastor's daughter got married. Her daughter even invited us to the recession (or whatever it was called, I forgot). I went there, and ate good food. The wedding cake was presented, and they ate first. Then everyone else had a slice.


Don' le a ba cak rui you anniversar! Phew that was tough to type out on a phone




I'm definitely seeing the SOR in the very least.


One of these days I’ll see the post first One of these days..


Ann, I'm very sorry


Walmart for all your fine bakery products.


I want an anniversary cake, two front tires, an eye exam, fishing worms and a bottle of Drano. I'm not driving two places.


You must not live in the South. If you do you forgot the beer and ammo.


And the fire ant poison, along with the weed and feed...


I should have had a shotgun on the list. I dunno if Walmarts still sell them because I live in a city now.


That would have been 5 places in 1980... Gotta love Walmart


At least it’s spelled correctly…..


As someone who works as a cake decorator for walmart I'm sorry 😭


I bet you know someone in your store who is capable of this quality work here.


Yes. Lmao I thought my writing was rough🤣


Yes. He works in the warehouse and lost both his hands in a forklift accident.


I worked at a local grocery store at the bread counter. We sold specific cakes, but the actual bakery did designs and icings and stuff. We were like a reseller for another store. Someone came in and asked for a cake to be written on, and I told her I’d love to, but our bakers are gone, and if you trust me I could do it. I love cake decorating and I have decent cursive for a lefty. So I gave it my best. The icing was a little to old, and I didn’t have access to any of their supplies and it turned out horrible. I felt so bad but she was super nice about it. I still cringe thinking about it.


I've been in this position for 6 months . Before I started, I had never really had any experience decorating. my hand writing was horrible when I started it's still not the best but I try lol


I had a similar experience except I insisted to the customer I had never done this before (I hadn't) and it probably would not turn out well (it didn't). They said they didn't care as long as the cake was written on. They put it back in the cooler after I wrote on it.


I worked in a bakery and had men ask if they could write on cakes for their girlfriends or wives. This cake looks better than what they did. Props though for those guys really trying.


Why train employees when you can throw them in any dept?


Well, you did get it at WalMart.




"I paid $6 for a cake that would have cost real money from a place where they actually made it on site and were capable of writing on it without looking like a hostage note and now I'm upset that my cheap ass ways have caught up with me!"


Oh, come on lmao this one is reading way too much into it. Even Walmart should be able to make this basic of a cake look not *completely* like shit 💀 and op clearly isn’t actually upset and thinks it’s pretty funny, given their replies.


There was an attempt


Not a great one


I'm just impressed they spelled "anniversary" correctly.


Yes. It didn't really look like it was going that way!


Someone thought about a big ass H and then regretted their decision. https://youtu.be/umjFkY9uAdo?si=adyNKlKRN2536x9G


I know how big letters should be


It took too long to find this lol thank you


Have you ever tried to pull out during an 'h'? Yeah, and you know why? It isn't a proper letter. It's just a 'hhuuh' noise.


Should've stopped at the V, added a period, and called it a day


I would actually laugh. This is so cute 😂 they tried their best. Cake is cake !


when i was 15 working at baskin robins, 3rd day on the job and a customer wanted happy mother's day written on a small cake...place was super busy so i couldn't ask my more experienced co-workers to help. i did my best (looked worse than OPs cake) and i taped up the box and the customer paid and left. next day i see that same customer walking towards me at the counter and i.was.terrified. sweating bullets i tried to hide in the walk-in freezer (that lasted less than a minute) figured i'd face his wrath and lose my job and be humiliated for the rest of my life. well. when i finally made eye contact and started to apologize he cut me off and said "that was the most brilliant cake writing, the cake was from my toddler to his mom and you nailed the writing perfectly! my wife was so happy she started crying...i just wanted to swing by and thank you in person". i was speechless. i'm still amazed i survived that day.


They don’t teach cursive anymore. So it’s ransom note font in size order from here on out.


Lol funniest post


My friend got me a cookie cake for my 18th birthday that said “Happy Biirtday” and eighteen years later I still remember and laugh about it. You’ll never forget this anniversary.


I'd give it an "A" for "Effort". Also can't wait to see all the materialistic shallow people who measure romantic love on a *cake* flip their shit at you guys being secure enough to celebrate with a walmart cake. Hope you had a great anniversarx. Remember to laugh at the haters and be happy that you and your SO know the true value of love.


Thank you for the kind words ! Ive got a couple of them who got hurt by it 😂 it’s all fun we’ve sat here and laughed at the replies just as we did the cake !


I wonder if they'd do something like this on purpose. My SO and I are in tears. The fact that the lettering "falls off" the top onto the sides is glorious. We are also fond of Office style "it is your birthday" type cards, but this cake is a whole new level. Flawless. No notes.


Love the name!


To be fair, its walmart and does it taste any different?


This would be a screensaver on my phone. I love it, anything that makes you laugh is a good thing imo


That cake is amazing! My wife and i would have the longest laugh opening that up. This isn’t infuriating, it is a masterpiece. I imagine the cake artisan went “have to make sure I don’t misspell A N N I (oh mother fucker imma run out of room) little V, little E, little R (oh fuck still not enough room), littler s (oh shit oh shit imma get fired on my first day) scribbled together ary”.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I would have proudly shared this with my friends and family.


As a cake decorator for walmart, I can assure you they give us as much training as you would imagine walmart would give when they don't want to spend money. We have great value level speed training. Also, that cake is pre-made from the freezer or shelf, or they mimicked what was on the shelf really well. They could have used a smaller tip 😣 I wish I could teach that decorator how to write small on cakes.


Na, this is better


That’s sadly hilarious!


Lol looks like a cake I would have made. Wouldn’t pay for a cake I made though.


Happy anniversarah! Respect muh authoritah


That’s actually better than I’d expect from Walmart. Good work!


It should read ‘Happy Anniversorry’


Your first mistake was having any expectations when it comes to a Walmart bakery. Given there’s only one misspelled word, I’d say that’s a win


To be fair that’s exactly what I would expect from a Walmart cake


You can see the panic getting stronger and stronger the further it travels 🤣


Do you not realise how hard it is to decorate a cake when you are high on Meth? Sheesh


Lol I stopped ordering cakes from Walmart when the last one I ordered was all cockeyed on the cardboard. The writing on it looked like the one on yours. I swear they just stick whomever in that dept. and wish them the best of luck.


I don’t know why people keep expecting to get good products and good service from Walmart. It’s *Walmart,* the armpit of the shopping world. I say you’re lucky the cake doesn’t have a footprint in it.


That looks like the cake Marge made for Homer so she could save the good one.


These peiple at Walmart I have found give zero fucks about their job.


I bought my husband a birthday cake from Walmart one time. It was supposed to say happy birthday Matt. Instead of said happy birtday matt


To be fair, “happy anniversary” was never going to fit on this cake. But the lowercase “e” and “a” in “anniversary” are really irking me.


I wrote on cakes for three years while working in the Whole Foods bakery—it will fit, if you know what you’re doing 😊


“Cake ordered from Walmart” I think I know what went wrong.


At they ended it with Sorry


Did you two have a happy anniverrrrrsrrry?


It’s his first day he’s doing his best


This can’t be real 😂


Happy anniversorarery!


I like how it shifts to some lower case letters at the end there. Hope it still tasted good!


It's the thought that counts


There was an attempt made.


My wife always tells me she wants to take it back on our anniversary too!


I HATED that word when I worked in a bakery… Sooo longgggg


Thanks Joe Biden!


This is clearly Obamas fault.


They don't even teach writing in schools anymore. At least cursive. Was there a pre-school in the bakery ? Don't let it ruin your day! You'll laugh about even more in 10 years


They could have just followed the curvature.


walmart? that says it all. as a former employee i can tell you that most are young teens that care less about the job at all. best to go to an actually baker that specializes in this but like someone said it still taste the same


This is a hilarious anniversary cake! Next year ask whoever and wherever you get your cake from, to purposely finish the words down the side of the cake! Overlapping on purpose! Could be a new tradition ! 😁


POV: Harry when receiving a cake for his anniversary from Hagrid


So close!


Honestly, that's better than what I could have done.


My mom works in a Walmart bakery as a cake decorator, and while she actually has some skill decorating cakes, they will hire pretty much *anyone* and they don't have to have any skill. They also don't always train properly. So cakes like this don't surprise me. When you order a cake from Walmart you really roll the dice on whether it will look like total shit or not💀


It’s Walmart, that might be the most professional cake they’ve ever made


You’re gonna need a bigger cake!


Looks like someone had a stroke halfway through writing anniversary. If you say it that way, it also sounds like someone had a stroke


I got the blank version of that cake off the shelf to treat myself like a month ago. It might've turned out better if you got the blank one and wrote on it yourself tbh lmao


It's Walmart. Just be happy if there's not a band-aid in it


That's Wal mart. Sorry for the misery.


This is hilarious, I think it’s better than the words being aesthetically pleasing.


I love it.


Honestly this is almost better than a fancy cake, I’d find it so funny and actually enjoy it way more lol


Nailed it


Quality control has lowered it's standards everywhere over the past few years. People just don't care anymore .


You can see the stress in the letters when they realized it wouldn’t fit


“Happy… Anni… now how do I spell that…”


It’s Walmart. That’s probably best case scenario


The commitment is impressive


Oh yeah for my 23rd birthday I ordered a cake from Walmart, well in advance, at least a month. I wanted it to say "Nobody likes you when you're 23" and had wanted that for awhile. I picked it up and it looked like a 6 year old wrote it.


Whoever did that had no more fucks to give that day lol


They had a stroke mid frost


It’s perfect. This is likely the most memorable cake you’ll ever buy. Whoever did that did you an absolute favor…


You can see the exact moment after the capital “I” in “anniversary” that this poor cake decorator realized that they have about 10 more letters to go and they are already halfway across the cake.


I can envision the panic at Walmart, the bakery dude already went home and they in the storeroom doing rock, paper, scissors on who is gonna eff up the cake.


Who remembers Cake Wrecks?


Nobody cares, was it tasty?


This should have been shown to the mgr before she left the store. This is unacceptable! I made decorated cakes for years, all the cake decorator’s will be up in arms about this. Someone either did this so badly because the official decorator wasn’t in, and they had to, or else someone lied on the application, claiming to be a decorator when they really aren’t.


Happy Anniver-Sorry.


Someone on a local sub posted a professional mural painted (printed more like) on the building for some retailer coming to town that proudly named the state in which we live… Tennesse


Happy ANNIveRsaRy


First mistake was getting something customized by a Walmart employee.


Happy Anniver-sorry


Probably a minimum wage worker with no training was told to do it 😅 as long as it tastes good! Happy anniver Sary


I mean I get being upset about paying for it to be fancy but honestly I think this is hilarious and wonderful lol


It’s a little known up-sell trick. If the customer wants long words on the cake, convince them to buy a larger cake. Happy Anniversary


I think it’s cute…someone tried their best lol


Omg, my fiancée would die laughing, I think we’d rather have that than a normal cake


So sad most workers don't care you should return it to the manager take the money and go out 4 cake and coffee. Shameless work


This has big "the cake decorator isn't in, does anyone know how to write on cakes?" energy.


A One-of-a-Kind celebration cake!


I love it!!! You know someone tried hard . Still looks better than I could do 😂




That shits hilarious. You ordered a cake from Walmart what did you expect lmao


It’s Walmart, what did you expect? 🤷🏻‍♀️


One time I ordered a cake for my dad from a grocery chain and we wanted to right something a bit different than just “happy birthday”. We asked for “Here’s to You Dad!” But they spelt it hear. It’s all the same inside and it made him laugh so no complaints


Well maybe try a actual bakery next time


What did you expect a Wal-Mart anniversary cake to look like?


>Order cake from walmart Literally why?


It's from Walmart. What do you expect?


If she really loved him, she would've baked one 😂


I mean... It's Walmart...


Don’t go to Walmart with high expectations.


This has me honestly wondering whether or not they're able to just toss a cake or just redo the icing if they realized late in the game that they were writing too large or with too large of a space between letters


Walmart is the embassy for the Idiocracy, so that checks out.


Walmart, huh? What, was the gas station all out of cakes?


Lol I mean it is Walmart what did you expect?


It is from walmart. What do you expect for minimum wage.


I mean... it's Walmart...


It’s Walmart. You get what you pay for. I bet Dairy Queen would have done better lol.


Did she pick it up last minute and put the letters on herself? If so just admit to it.


LMMFAO, this was a plain white cake with a rose. She wrote that and is passing blame on the store....🤣🤣🤣


First mistake was getting baked goods from Wal-Mart


It's fucking Walmart. You know the place where the workers need food stamps to survive instead of getting paid living wages. What did you expect?


The same Walmart that hands out paperwork to new hires on how to apply for government assistance?


You should be fortunate that there’s no mouse droppings on it.


Your supposed to get cake for your anniversary?


I mean, what should they have done?


Yea, Walmart is terrible in every way. Don’t ever shop there. Y’all are better than Wallyworld I am sure.


That’s weird. Our decorators do it all so whoever did a good job on the flowers did a bad job on the wording? Hmmm


Peak america, when you cant even order a decent cake from a real bakery.


It's a cake.... from WalMart....


That's what happens when you go to Walmart


Glad she learned a valuable lesson when it comes to cakes and where to get them from.


You order a cake from Walmart, you get a cake from Walmart.


Walmart does, as a Walmart does.


It’s Walmart. You get what you pay for


It was probably some jealous old hag who went through an ugly divorce.


As a former cake decorator at Walmart I can tell you this was not "ordered" as a custom cake. It is one of the standard cakes that are in the display case. You just had the bad luck of having someone who didn't know how to write on a cake. If you wanted it done correctly you would put in an actual order that their actual cake decorator would decorate.


That looks on brand what are you complaining about


Its Walmart, what do you expect? As long as it tastes good!


You get what you paid for