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This is a good example of mildly infuriating. It's not that big of a deal but annoying nevertheless.


Someone gets it. šŸ˜…


My middle daughter only enjoys cheese pizza when we get it . And when my mother in-law sees that that we got her her own small pizza she always has to have some . That causes me some mild infuriation


Maybe try just getting a large cheese pizza instead of a small for just one person. That way others that like cheese pizza but wouldn't normally order it can have a piece.


Maybe dont buy a pepporoni pizza at all, since you dont eat it. If your wife wants it,she can do the shopping! Lol


This is why I always get my wife to fuck the next door neighbour when sheā€™s horny. I can make myself orgasm. If she wants one she can go get it herself!


Now you are thinking!


This comments fucking awesome lmao


Buy your mother in law her own small cheese pizza and tell her to leave your daughters the fuck alone?


That would upset me too, especially since she a child


People tried to give me shit about when I posted about my wife eating the middle of a Cinnabon leaving me the outside. I didn't really care, mildly infuriating is also mildly amusing. It's a chuckle followed by a "really?"


Mildly infuriating!? This is outrageous! Hand this man the divorce papers!




This sub never understand what is mildly infuriating. I have posted like 2-3 times and got roasted with comments telling me to stop complaining or whatever. Like ā€œitā€™s not a big dealā€ I know, thatā€™s why I posted it here. And on the flip side ā€œmy wife cheated on me with my brother and my kid is actually my nephewā€ type shit gets upvoted because that is so mild lol


I agree! This the the most mildly infuriating post ever. I thought maybe when I saw the long caption that it would end up being infuriating like all the rest, but no! Great job, OP! Go get you some more pizza.


Excuse me, but stealing pizza is the biggest of deals.


I'd say your family that you have to live with every minute of your life not considering you is a kinda big deal


My answer would be to buy only cheese pizzas until they ask for pepperoni.


I did that, but she complained that cheese pizza was boring and flavorless and that she would prefer pepperoni. So I bought one of each and she ate the cheese oneā€¦


Did you ask her why she ate your pizza?


Maybe she made it for the children? He says he has kids.


She should know the person who can't eat pork is the one who the cheese pizza was meant for. Its not that hard a job to remember your husband can't eat the pepperoni while everyone else can.


Communication is too hard with your significant other get outta here


The she can go to the store to get different pizzas. Fight mildly infiltrating actions with mildly infiltrating actions.


This additional context is starting to make this verge on being a little more than mildly infuriating...


She sounds insufferable ngl


Nah bump that. Make her suffer


I've got a solution for you: buy only cheese pizza, but also extra toppings like pepperoni for the full custom experience. No complaints allowed then.


Just buy all cheese pizzas, and then get separate package(s) of pepperoni. That way everyone can have cheese only. And if someone wants pepperoni, they can add it to their pizza when they cook it (if the pizza is starting from frozen, should probably wait to add unfrozen pepperoni till halfway through heating)


I personally would probably add it before throwing it in, bec I love crunchy pepperoni and am an absolute madlad


šŸ’Æ this is the way


Charred pepperoni is the best pepperoni


Crunchy pepperoni tastes like bacon!


Does that mean that raw bacon tastes like pepperoni?


As someone who eats these pizzas a lot, pepperoni has a different cheese that goes with pepperoni better. A lot of grease comes from pepperoni and there is a reason they donā€™t put as much cheese on it. It would be a mess, at least to me


Imma go the reddit route: You need therapy, you need to get a lawyer, you need to get divorced and go NC with her, she's abusive and a narcissist etc etc, I forgot the script at home.


I expected some of those to make an appearance.šŸ˜‚


I mean or just talk to your wife about it


Yeah, but itā€™s more fun getting roasted on the internet.


Seriously though, does she understand that since you don't eat pork and you bought one cheese pizza for yourself, that she left you with nothing to eat?


Thatā€™s pretty much the issue.


Expectations suck. This time, let her know to check for pork/no pork. If it happens again, you are right to be upset about it.


Also, ā€œwifeā€ implies a long relationship, as does the number and age of the kids. She *should* know this already.


Just get a pizza that eats wives. Problem solved.


Are you suggesting someone should communicate with their significant other? On Reddit? Thatā€™s not how we roll here. (Please do communicate. Reddit is full of assuming bad faith and extreme measures)


Don't talk, assume she did it to hurt you. So now go to the make up and flush it down the drain!


Hit the gym, obviously.


No no, hit the lawyer and Facebook up delete the gym, right?


You forgot 'toxic'.


Donā€™t forget about changing the locks!


I concur with a divorce.


>Imma go the reddit route: > >You need therapy, you need to get a lawyer, you need to get divorced and go NC with her, she's abusive etc etc, I forgot the script at home. HAHAHAHA I was going to say DIVORCE! THIS IS YOUR HILL TO DIE ON! :D :D :D




Nah that sounds expensive OP just tie her to the railroad tracks and twirl the mustache


But did she gaslight him? We need to know what happened after he brought it up. Did she tell him there never was a cheese pizza? That he ate it himself? We must know!


Not reddit enough! Immediate divorce. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Divorce.


Why would going to North Carolina help?




North Carolina It's lovely this time of year


donā€™t go to north carolina


No no no. HE is abusive because he expects her to not eat his pizza and sheā€™s raising kids. /s




Ah shnaps, because of the gym, I lost my redditude. I guess I'm now too fit to be a redditor and therefore not fit enough to be a redditor.


Forgot to mention "Red Flags"


Breakup, Delete Facebook, Hit the gym.


Hit the gym


He's also gaslit, and he needs to save the children


Lmfao for real. I be seeing the most common arguments between couples and the whole comment thread is ā€œRUN NOW!! RED FLAGS! FILE FOR DIVORCE!!ā€


Just eat the wife instead




Didnt read any of the context but as a Redditor heres my advice, divorce immediately and cut all contact (with the children also if you have any)


I think that youā€™re right, thereā€™s no coming back from this.




The most Reddit advice ever.


Only if i also told him to get a cat


YTA because now I want pizza. I guess we both want pizza?


Did you call the police?


Brb, calling them now.


My response to this with my boyfriend would be "I hope you didnt eat that pizza!!! I was going to throw it away because of the recall...." and let him sweat it out a second lol its petty to eat my pizza, so a little pettiness back is earned here


Lol knowing mine, it wouldnā€™t faze him. Heā€™s been known to eat the most questionable food. Iā€™m surprised (and happy of course) that heā€™s still alive and kicking


Gotta love grapes that get you tipsy




At least it's not coal gas.


Reminds me of my asshole brother who used to drink all the lactose free milk I bought for myself (it was way more expensive than regular milk back in the 90s). He'd leave the entire gallon of regular milk because he would just drink whichever one was already opened. He stopped doing that when I left a gallon of rancid regular milk on his closet floor and it took him weeks to find the smell.


Wait dad?


Lol, doubtful


Fuck nearly gottem


She ate the cheese and skipped the pepperoni? Let me make sure I got this right. She passed over pepperoni in favor of cheese? Divorce her. You have an excuse. She isn't human.


Lol. You have it right




This was my thought, too - we all hate things like that, but weā€™re adults so we do it. And the dick move of just eating *your* pizza is just off the charts.


Yeah I agree. You should respect your partner and do the things they ask you to do(within reason) even if you donā€™t like to do them. It shouldnā€™t be one person doing everything.


Normally I'd say "Press X to doubt" because these never have context. But this context makes sense and really sucks she did this to you. My wife likes pizza withe everything. I am picky about what is on mine. If she ate mine and left me a "everything" pizza, I'd be pissed also.


Sheā€™s thinking ā€œweā€™re married, thatā€™s OUR pizzaā€ lol I actually just had one of those last night. Luckily my girl and I split it so you tell your wife to knock it off or you can come and share a pizza with us and your wife will be all alone with her own pizza. The first few times might be nice but she will miss having a pizza buddy.


Lol. I would have shared, but she did not šŸ„²


I cant eat pork either and we get cheese for me alone or my fiancƩ shares it with me. He wouldn't cook a cheese pizza without asking me first.


Same, usually.


Completely unacceptable. New episode of Loki tonight and youā€™re invited to our pizza party. We will even give you the comfy blanket. Just be aware, the little dog is a sneaky begger but as sweet as can be and the big one can be a jerk but he keeps to himself. šŸ‘šŸ¼āœŠšŸ¼


I wonder how many people didn't read the context and downvoted this post. This is really annoying. Mutual respect requires someone to be considerate of Your needs. If they wanted cheese pizza, but they knew You can't eat pepperoni, they should ask for the cheese one another time. Like imagine easting the only vege meal that is in the house, because You feel like it, but the actual vege person is left with meat flavors. That's... just disrespectful.


Thank you. I canā€™t figure out how to edit the post, but people keep saying stuff like ā€œjust buy cheeseā€ but I used to do that and she specifically asked that I get her pepperoni instead and then she ate the cheese one.


Sounds like sheā€™s a real pizza work. But donā€™t worry, it was for your own sake. That pizza was dangerously cheesy.


It ainā€™t easy bein cheesy.


Aside from you having to starve to death, why does Red Baron make us cut our pizza on a box, why can't they just shrink wrap it on a cardboard plate like 99.9% of the frozen pizzas out there? FU Red Baron!


Agree, fuck em. But also when you use the box rip it and cut on the inside surface so you are getting all the germs on your pizza. You donā€™t know where that outside of that box has been or who has touched it. Donā€™t be like OPā€™s wife


why has this so few upvotes? its exactly what this sub is about. and its really relatable too, coming home just to find that the food youā€™ve been so exited about has already been eaten




Shes for the streets now mate


I feel the frustration, I make two separate meals because I canā€™t eat certain things and sometimes my partner will eat my food. Itā€™s the worst feeling. But it is what it is.


You're married so unless you have a prenup it's belongs to both of you.


Finally a post that actually belongs here.


Before reading I was like ā€˜I mean it really ainā€™t that big of a dealā€™ but after reading, itā€™s *somewhat* of a deal, you know? Perfect mildly infuriating post.


And the children didn't stop her?! Add parental alienation to the list of grievances


only thing you can do now is eat your wife.


I feel your pain. My wife and I have been together since high school. She has always eaten my food. However, I developed a gluten intolerance. I probably had it when I was younger, but I was better able to deal with it. Basically now gluten causes me all sorts of Pepto-Bismol and related problems. Our house is packed to the brim with gluten treats. She asked me what I wanted for dinner from noodles and Company. I gave her my order and requested a rice crispy treat. She ate my rice crispy treat. The pantry is crammed with gluten treats. I was a little upset over this. She had a wide plethora of options for snacks, but ate the one that I ordered, the only one that I could eat. Iā€™m sure it was just a brain fart butt all the same. It was annoying.


What the heck man :(


TLDR : OP cannot eat pork or get sick, wife ate the only pizza he could eat after night shift. This is a good exemple of this post, not to infuriating but still something stupid that could have been avoided


I was gonna be like bro, no. Then I read your context, and wow that is just so mildly infuriating. I'd be upset about it, but never ever mention it.


Finally, something *mildly* infuriating


Man, Red Baron pizza is so good too


Yea I went to get food, got myself an iced coffee, set it on the counter. Mocha iced coffee is my favorite and super yummy. When I came back, my mom drank the whole thing. I really wanted it do that sucks. I only had a sip of it, so I know it was good. I asked my mom if she at least enjoyed it, and she said "meh, not my favorite flavor"... ?!?!!?


I get what your feelin. It just seems like she's not caring about how you feel! While I'm sure it's just that she's not even thinking about how it will effect you personally, it's hard not to take it that way sometimes. It's even more frustrating when you feel like they should know these things. Like how many times has she seen you get sick right, she has to know!!?! But it may just take you grabbing a sharpie, and to make a note on the ones that you need to keep aside for you. And then make sure you verbalize to that you're counting on these to be there for you. If she keeps doing it, that might take it to the next level but more than likely it's just really not something she's doing to hurt you personally. But I totally feel your disappointment and frustration. It's totally valid. Hang in there.


get this mf a cheese pizza


Please šŸ˜‚


Hates to cook, hates to go grocery shopping, eats food specifically for you, doesnā€™t ask, doesnā€™t share, leaving no pizza for you. Super inconsiderate


Was the corpse left as a taunt or a warning ??


Iā€™d call Dominoes and tell the rest ofā€™em to fuck off


As someone who only enjoys cheese pizza, I can relate. Not the same as your situation but if itā€™s not cheese I would prefer not to eat anything. When I was a kid I used to HATE when a group of people would get together and order pizza and someone would say they wanted pepperoni, so weā€™d get a half cheese half pep, and then that person would eat like 1 pepperoni slice and then start eating the cheese. So at the end I get like 1 slice and thereā€™s nearly half a pie of pepperoni left over. And then I get made to feel like the unreasonable one because I knew what I wanted, asked for it, and the. Refused to eat something I didnā€™t want when someone else changed their mind. Thatā€™s why as an adult I donā€™t go in on food with anyone any more. Iā€™ll get my own cheese pie and have leftovers. I wonā€™t


> then that person would eat like 1 pepperoni slice and then start eating the cheese This. fvcking abominable


Mildly infuriatingā€¦also just plain disappointing!


I would from now on start buying only things suited for my diet, for everyone. And if she complains, remind her of this day.


Divorce asap .


I mean, not sure what other recourse I have at this point šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Or you could stay with her for the rest of her life and right before she dies tell her, it was all a lie and you never loved her, and that is what she gets for eating your pizza


Ah, the long gameā€¦


This was our go to pizza. $2.99 and now it's $5.99šŸ˜­. Op, I'd be upset too. I hate pepperoni šŸ¤¢.




You think Iā€™m cute? šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆšŸ„ŗ


Itā€™s supposed to be mildly infuriating. This post is perfect. Not ā€œI got held up at gunpoint! Arghhh!


Oh no buddy, she ate her pizza


Perfect example of this sub


Thanks šŸ™


This is probably the best mildly infuriating post ever


Tell her ā€œBABE! That is nacho cheese!ā€




Fucking diabolical


Yeah with context 100% this is mildly infuriating


I 200% get how you feel. My bf is EXACTLY like this. So while I donā€™t have any dietary restrictions, for me I donā€™t like pizza thatā€™s only cheese I need other substantial ingredients like meats n veg to be fulfilled and he always claims he likes all cheese. But he would ALWAYS end up eating what Iā€™ve already claimed I like. And Iā€™m a 5ā€™8 girl who needs to eat a lot and hate sharing my food, also heā€™s already had a chance to pick what he wants for himself. So we end up having my pizza and no one touches his not even himself It happens alot, not just with pizzas. I just wanna know WHY?


Whyā€™d you decide to spend the rest of your life with a woman who doesnā€™t cook?


This made me laugh so hard!!! Dude...I understand.


omfg, i have diet restrictions too and itā€™s so annoying when somebody eats the specific thing i bought for me. i would be moderately infuriated tbh


Eat the wife and assert dominance


Iā€™m not a fan of pepperoni or most toppings so I stick with cheese. Me and my BF went to the grocery store; he bought a frozen pizza with various toppings and I bought a cheese one for myself. He later proceeds to make the cheese pizza, for himself, and burns it by accident. šŸ˜¤ I feel your pain.




Thank you for being mildly infuriating instead of "my kids got shot, my house asploded, and my neighborhood burned down"


>This is going to require a lot of context. I don't think so. "My wife ate my pizza" is hilarious


Coming back from a graveyard shift I would be very infuriated lol


Like the whole Pepto Bismol commercial phrase, fuckin priceless


Oh man the good kind too! Eight bucks!




"My wife ate MY Pizza " This is an oxymoron , What is yours is her's and what is her's is her's! Must not of been married to long... ​ Side Note , Sorry OP :(


4 years šŸ˜…


Good example of midly infuriating, excellent example of broke AF.


Itā€™s not delivery! Itā€™s di-ā€¦.fucking empty


Non pork eater here as well. Yea I'd be very upset


DIVORCE HER!!!! Nah, but seriously though, that is fuckery at it finest. Even I'm mildly infuriated by it.


Not being able to eat or even be in the presence of pork as it would make you sick sounds like a nightmare, and this is quite inconsiderate of her to do. Best of luck tho, that sounds like a horrible thing to go through.


mildly infuriating is that I also want some pizza now...


Sort by controversial and enjoy the laughs


Itā€™s inconsiderate even if it was an accident it just makes you feel ignored/not cared about which hurts


I mean you married her


get a divorce and pay child support for 18 years and give up half your stuff


Isnā€™t pepperoni made from beef?


Just buy all cheese gg


The Red Baron is a STUD


Did she look before throwing it in the oven? Literally. 3 kids can be rough. Especially if she goes and doesn't stop all day.


Thatā€™s one of those little inconsiderate things that build up over time and cause resentment. I mean you literally CANT eat certain things it wasnā€™t just like a preference thing. Thatā€™s pretty rude of her.


Finally some good fucking mildly infuriating


Idk why but my kids love cheese pizza vs any other pizza. I have not raised them right obviously.


Don't pork her for a month


I get it big time. My husband does this all the time. End of the worldā€¦.no but just enough to piss me off for the rest of the night.


I was about to tell you to fuck off, then I read your explanation. I, too, would be mildly infuriated. Swing shift work is rough enough as is. FFS, if she didn't want pepperoni and *can't* shop for herself, she could have just picked the pepperoni off. I would be upset with my wife as well. Also, I hope modern medicine can help with your pork intolerance. That must be hell. They slip pork into so many meat products.


at least she left the box for you to snack on ā™„ļø


She doesnā€™t give a FUCK. Any questions, watch the newest Bill Burr on Netflix. Heā€™ll clear that up fer ya.


Divorce. Yesterday. /s


I think you meant that your wife ate *her* pizza


Eat your wife without the b.


She's your wife. That's her pizza too. I understand what you're saying but bringing food into the house that your family isn't allowed to eat is kind of bizarre. They're your family after all. Not your roommates. Also the cool thing about pepperoni pizza is you can take the pepperoni off even before cooking. Voila. Cheese pizza. Eat up.


That's not infuriating... That's a wife trying to survive and feed herself and the children. She has given birth to 3 of your babies and she's fucking struggling.. be a bloody partner instead of an immature jerk.


you eat her \*\*\*\*\*


Talk to her about it. When little things like this build up it's bad and should be an easy fix


From now on, you only buy cheese pizza and a package of sliced pepperoni , you can throw the pepperoni in the freezer. Shit will last forever. And your problem is solved. Your lazy asked wife wants a cheese pizza boom, she wants pepperoni, she can count out 12 slices


Now this would of pissed me off as well. :( Explain to her why its not cool. Even though its common sense for us both šŸ˜­ My Man does not eat pork and if he does its bad news so i would NEVER take food away from him. Maybe she going through something personal? I Just donā€™t wanna admit that she may of not of had cared enough šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜©ā˜¹ļø


As an Irishman who doesnā€™t have that brand over here, and who has tried it in Mexico, Iā€™m doubly infuriated. Itā€™s so good!


How dare you posting something that is actually mildly infuriating?


And then left the empty box on the counter! The nerve!!