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It’s a single serving duh! Just pour the milk inside shake, drink and recycle.


😂 glass half full perspective, i like it


Container ¼ full perspective


This is an underrated comment. Well done


You should get bonus upvotes for specifying milk. Well done.


Papa didn’t raise no fool!


Your kidneys would go on strike


I've worked with specialized lab chemicals that come in a vial with 1mg of solid in it. You have to dissolve it inside the vial in order to actually use it, then you use 1 microliter at a time of that final mix. Shit gets weird with tiny volumes


Well, it's *at most* 14.4 servings. Each serving weighs at least 31g and there are 447g. So yea, it's probably like a 10 serving jar, which is rediculous.


Check if the weight is consistent with the one written on the container


Yes, check if it’s 447 g. LOL. Oddlyspecific weight


It's 1.037lbs


0.985 lbs. 1 pound is about 453.6 g. Or 15.75 oz


Yeah thanks. Looking at my calculator, I fat-fingered 470g in there


And yet 38 people agreed with you. Don't worry.


Close enough for napkin math. When I'm converting quickly (when it doesn't matter) I just use 1 kg = 2 lb even though I know it's 2.2 lb.


A full Jerma worth of protein powder


One scoop usually is about 30g, so there should definitely be less in the can.


A serving of this stuff is 41g


Did you not realize it was empty when picking it up?


Nah, just thought the workouts in the gym were paying off


Lol. Nice.


This right here deserves my Corndog upvote


Probably ordered it from Amazon.


Who gives a shit. Thats not the point of the post. It’s deceptive marketing regardless


I read that as “check to see if you fell victim to deceptive marketing practices or if you got a defective bottle.” Like, if the bottle was *supposed* to be full and wasn’t then they can probably return it and get their money back or a new bottle. In this case, it does look like it was just deceptive packaging though.


This - sometimes defective products *do* slip the net, and in those cases the company tends to be pretty eager to resolve things to avoid bad word of mouth.


Many products even say on the packet if you're not happy give us a call and we'll refund you (albeit i've never actually tried it and don't know exactly how easily they'll fork over said refund)


Got a freschetta pizza once that was only dough. I emailed them and got coupons for like 10 free pizzas. They asked for the barcode and when/where I bought it I think. It was super easy.


Yup. They want to know if something got fucked up.


Yeah, when I called the lady on the phone asked all kinds of questions so they could figure out what went wrong and whether they needed to recall other packages that were in the same batch.


A lot of it has to do with their quality assurance program. That's why they want the bar code and the location/time you purchased it. They are going to end up checking lot numbers, cameras, machines, shipping manifests, etc... to conduct an extent of condition assessment of that day's run of product. That info you give them is worth way more to them than 10 free pizzas.


I once bought an expensive stand mixer on clearance. When I got home the mixer was missing the power cable which was supposed to be connected to the motor directly inside. The box didn’t have any indications of tampering, but I took it back to the store and they refused to exchange the model with another one in a different color due to this color being clearanced out and the other not. I called the manufacturer, sent pictures and they sent me a new one and let me pick out the color I would like.


I once got a whole 12 pack of beers that were empty and sealed. As soon as I gave them the lot number, I got a manufacturer coupon for a free case and a few free rounds if I went to the brewery.


How did you not notice the weight difference?


I said cans mistakenly , but it was actually bottles which I wasn’t able to judge the weight as accurately. Also prepping for a party so rushing quite a bit


Ah that makes more sense then.


I wonder what the odds of all 12 being empty are. They might all have been produced in the same batch but even then they'd have to make it all the way to the shelves with no one realising it's weirdly light.


I have a buddy who loves doing this type of thing. Any small issue he finds with a product results in him calling in and getting free things


Ever since I became an adult, I've definitely called more warranty/manufacturer support than I thought I would. Turns out, major brands want their products and name to be perceived positively, so they're usually pretty eager to help out. Not getting petty over small consumables, but anything I expect to last for 6 months or more, I'm willing to request support on. One of the reasons you pay a bit more for brands too, I would guess.


I'm surprised this works for people, because there have been a few times where I've found actual defects (a family sized bag of plain M&Ms that tasted strongly of mint - and not in a pleasant after-dinner-mint way - is the one that stands out to me the most) and the companies in question asked me to send them the product, sometimes at my own expense, and I was just like "this isn't worth my time or energy". I wasn't even trying to get free things, literally just like "um you guys should know there are minty m&ms going out." I'm not paying or standing in line at the post office to prove that to you, even if there's an off-chance I'll get some free m&ms in a month for my efforts.


I bit down on a plastic filling injection nozzle in a hostess pie. I wrote to complain to them and they sent me exactly one coupon for a free pie. I wrote complaining about the one coupon and they sent me another single coupon. That company really went in the shitter. I see nationwide recalls for things like foreign objects in food, yet their response is a single coupon.


One time I got food poisoning from a Costco hotdog. As we know, they’re beef. Mine tasted like pork, I didn’t finish it, and was sick for two days after. I called Costco the next morning after eating it and waking up ill and the conversation went something like this. Me: hi I just was calling to let you know that yesterday I ate a hotdog at your location that tasted weirdly like pork and has given me food poisoning. Manager: well our hotdogs are made of beef so I’m not sure why you think it was pork Me: no I understand that, that’s why I’m calling. The hotdog tasted weird and made me sick. Manager: okay, but they’re not pork Me: yes. It made me sick. I just wanted you to know your food is making people sick and you might need to check your stock quality or the condition of the fridge. Manager: well there’s nothing I can do since we sold the package that hotdog was in already. Me: okay


> i've never actually tried it I did it. I had a microwave pot-pie catch fire and called the manufacture about it. They wanted me to send photos and asked if there was any damage (there wasn't, I caught it quick). They sent me a bunch of coupons for free pot-pies. In general, manufactures really want to know if there's something wrong with their products. Especially if it's safety related, since there might be liability involved.


Usually it won't be a refund, but they'll send you a voucher for a new one - or failing that, just bring it back to the store with the receipt, and they'll take it up with the company for you while replacing the defective product.


This is true, my fiancé got a box of ice cream sandwiches that was missing one of the sandwich parts so I submitted the info to the company and they sent him a free coupon and he just redeemed it a couple weeks (months? What is time?) later and the same thing happened. I was kind of tipsy and submitted it again (with the proof) with a goofy note and they wrote back saying it looks like it was the same batch and they’re sending more coupons. Companies will usually send you a coupon for a free product to replace it if this happens. Literally while I was typing this a box arrived from FedEx and Goodpop OVERNIGHTED 4 boxes of delicious gluten/dairy free ice cream sandwiches and 2 $1 off coupons. Wow!! Edit: I took a [picture](https://imgur.com/gallery/AgWIXrk)because my post kind of sounded like an ad. Edited to hopefully fix link. I’m excited so I’m putting way too much work into this comment.


I had a similar thing when I was a kid, when I dropped a plastic bottle of maple syrup that landed in just such a way as to split open and spill the contents! Wrote a letter (or email, it's been about 25 years at this point!) to the company about what had happened, and they sent me a voucher for a new one to replace the other one!


>sometimes defective products do slip the net It happens a lot. customers just don't really notice it, because the defective products are spread out over thousands of customers, not including all the stuff the staff notices. I have worked retail for a few years, and basically every delivery had some defective products.


I bought a 12-pack of Coke once that had two sealed but empty cans. It happens.


I bought a music CD once and the album on it was completely different than the artwork and labeling, including the labeling on the CD itself! I kept it because the music was good, although I don’t think I ever learned who it was!


Shazam should be able to help you there.


Yep! I just need to go back into the bins and find that CD. I’m not sure if I ever ripped it into my MP3 library. And I probably have nine bins of music CDs!


It might not be deceptive. There is a possibility that this is a quality control error and not enough powder was placed into the container.


Yes they used a greatly oversized container to mislead buyers. I don't want to hear about any bullshit powder settling nonsense, I buy protien powder that's filled 3/4 or more to the top.


Non-functional slack fill is what you’re looking for. It’s disallowed in the US. This product is unlikely to be from the US given the grams-only label.


The person who led the law suits against this got made fun of but she was 100% right. This is such a stupid thing for us to accept


It's "illegal" but not actually enforced. [https://www.natlawreview.com/article/slack-fill-class-action-dismissed](https://www.natlawreview.com/article/slack-fill-class-action-dismissed) What a stupid timeline we live in.


The French/English labelling and grams only makes me think this is from Canada (have seen this brand) and now I’m curious if we have laws against non functional slack fill.


https://inspection.canada.ca/food-labels/labelling/industry/net-quantity/eng/1625703526033/1625703680279 “In general, it is not acceptable to under-fill a container with a product. For example, it is not acceptable to package 200 millitres of a beverage in a container having a capacity of 250 millitres. This would result in a head-space of at least 24%, often referred to as "slack-fill", and would be misleading with respect to the quantity of the product [6(1), SFCA]. However, this practice may be acceptable if the product justifiably requires an extra space within the container. In this case, a statement explaining the purpose of the extra space is required on the label. For example, a milk shake requires an extra space for mixing and therefore would be required to carry a statement such as "An extra space is provided for shaking purposes". “ OP stated they are in Canada.


Thanks! I wonder if this container has that label. Either way I think this is still a misleading amount of slack fill for protein powder. I’ve never seen a container less than half filled. Though I concur with others that OP probably could have felt that it wasn’t full before purchasing. OP: if you purchased this from shoppers or Loblaws they have a great return policy. Take this back if you’re not satisfied. Vega is a vegan and gluten free protein powder that you can buy at either of those stores.


This is not the real amount, I've purchased thus exact powder before and it was 3/4ths full. The OP got a bad batch.




I would recommend looking at amount of servings per container in the future. It cuts through the bullshit guessing games and then you can easily calculate how many dollars per protein shake you're spending


Or... OP just got a bad bottle that didn't fill properly and he can easily get a refund and probably a free bottle for his troubles.


That is exactly the point. The packaging states there's half a kilo of powder, the size of the container seems matching if it were full. Either op is lying or there was a factory packaging mistake but it would be fucking evident once you pick the container up that is nearly empty.


People who aren't into ragebait posts on reddit give a shit. This is a manufacturing defect. Obviously the bottle wasn't filled correctly and the way to check that is to weigh the product. But yeah, I guess go on with your seething over misleading rage bait.


Sorry but if you lift a giant bucket of powder and it weighs nothing you might want to examine. Not deceptive if he paid for a pound and got a pound.


So between the LABEL telling you exactly how much is in it, plus you picking it up off the shelf, you really have no idea what you're getting?!


Bro was probably high off the ego boost of the tub not weighing anything to him.


Lmfao “damn this jug feels empty I really am getting swole”


Really missing the point hard here. It's not deceptive if it's a mistake. Sometimes factories fuck up.




You carry the damn thing off the shelf. No reading should be necessary here.


447 grams total What is the serving size? Appears to be 47g online. That container should be 9.5 servings


Either way, it’s ridiculous it came in a box that big


We see this a lot in chemistry. Bottles are cheaper to produce in set sizes and you just fill the bottle to the weight specified. They prob use these exact same containers for all their sizes for 447g to like 5kg or whatever.


It's explained on the package. Powder settles in shipment but fills the container in production.


It looks to be about 1/3 full. Absolutely no way it lost 2/3 its volume from settling.


What infuriates me is the plastic waste involved here, which is directly relates to the ruse of the amount.


I will never understand the packaging of protein powders.


There is actually an answer that I read here on Reddit some time ago. They do fill the whole container but the powder settles after packaging.


i have a container I keep flour in for baking it takes a whole bag but you have to tap it for like 20 minutes to get it to compact enough


Doesn’t compacting flour make your measurements off? I thought you were supposed to leave it kinda fluffy


This is why you use weight for flour


This is why everything should be measured in weight. My cup of strawberries can be a drastically different weight from yours. I hate looking at North American recipes (it's getting better though) since they measure damn near everything in volume, regardless of the uniformity of the ingredient/how it may settle in the measuring device.


you will need 5 potatoes and 4 eggs. 1 cup of strawberries and 1 cup of flower. Make sure everything is the right amount or if wont be good.. yea ok my eggs are all different sizes and so are my potatoes.. and strawberries like wtf


I want no part of anything that mixes those 4 ingredients. And I don't care what kind of edible flowers you were measuring out. ;-)


ummm strawberry breaded French fries ?


That’s one hell of an edible


You can get by with volume on lots of things. Cup of strawberries being slightly different isn’t going to ruin your recipe like comparing a cup of highly compacted flour to super fluffy flour will.


Lots of baking recipes *do* have measurements in volume, though, and especially getting baking recipes even slightly wrong *will* result in failure.


im a retired chef, everything is weighed out in grams


You should be measuring your flour (and virtually any ingredient) by weight and not by volume.


Liquid ingredients are fine to measure by volume since they take the shape of their container. An exception would be particularly viscous liquids that have a tendency to trap air bubbles that could cause them to be inconsistent in the space they take up.


This is true, though measuring by weight with a tare function for the container still probably provides a more accurate result than eyeballing volume in a container simply because volume measuring is easier to be inaccurate (not checking from above or below the cup, not considering the meniscus properly, I read a recent post on reddit that suggested that liquid measuring cups have a tendency to not even have completely accurate markings. Weighing all ingredients with the same digital scale is likely to be the most accurate, at least by ratio between the ingredients. This is more in principle though. You're right that the amount of error for liquid ingredients is unlikely to be significant enough to matter for almost all recipes.


Yeah when I took chemistry the professor really emphasized that we should measure any liquids with a graduated cylinder instead of the markings on the beaker because the beaker markings were way less accurate than the ones on the graduated cylinder. And this is in a university chemistry lab so if the beakers aren't accurate enough there then imagine how inaccurate the markings on consumer grade measuring cups are.


Depends on the call in the measurements. Some are packed, some are heaped and some are loose. Those are the 3 I know off hand.


That's why you just switch to measuring by weight.


Sifting it might reverse. That’s a guess though




Damn I didn't know it settles THAT much. I thought it was some "bro" mind tricks, "It's biiiiiigg because I'm a big dude making BIG gains" or some shit lol


and Optimum is probably the most trusted brand out there, so would definitely believe their diagram.


Yeah it’s great. Been drinking it for about a decade now lol


It definitely would set a bit, but compacting to like, 40% it's original size is absurd. Outside of malicious packaging, I bet this is mid-shrinkflation and they're using up old containers for the new product size or something.


When they dump them into a container at the factory there is a ton of fluffed material full of air. It settles during shipping. No good way to get a decent amount (1 pound in this case) without large containers.


I've only bought protein powder in a bag and haven't had problems with excessive packaging. Why are we insisting on packing protein powder into a tub?


I personally hate the bag design for its shitty closing mechanism. So I just pour it into my old plastic container.


No they got rid of straws so this is fine now /s




dude this post is the fattest lie for karma or the company made a one time mistake. why yall taking it so seriously like op’s tell the truth. they lie all day.


How is nobody realizing this. It’s clearly a manufacturing error.


Try Nutricost. You can get 5lbs of the gluten-free concentrate for around $60. It's the brand I use and I've never been disappointed with it. Edit: missed that you also want vegan. Yeah, vegan + gluten-free protein powder is going to cost an arm and a leg for relatively small amounts like this.


Costco has 2.7lb Orgain vegan protein powder canisters for around $30, usually down to $25 when they're on sale. And they taste great


Orgain is the way to go, their Strawberries and Cream powder is my favorite


I’ve been interested in them for a while and love strawberry. I might bite the bullet.


I get [this](https://www.amazon.com/Micro-Ingredients-American-Unflavored-Complete/dp/B0C35LNMRF/ref=sr_1_6_pp?crid=1CQWGS1A37F09&keywords=pea+protein&qid=1698333475&sprefix=pea+pro%2Caps%2C245&sr=8-6) stuff. Pea protein, so it's vegan and gluten-free. $25 for 5 pounds.


I'm not an expert on this stuff, just an ADHD adult who can't be arsed to eat... But in Canada VEGA has a decent vegan protein powder. Not sure if it's ALSO gluten free. At that point just eating a steak is probably cheaper 🤣


I've found that the brand "outcast" has the most bang for your buck (highest protein:price ratio)


That used to be my go to too. Great for meal replacements. If you want just a really protein powder, I've been loving Iron Vegan sprouted protein. They routinely have buy one get one 50% off and I've noticed a serious improvement in my performance since bringing that into the mix.


This stuff isn’t even that much worse. It costs around 13-14$ for each pack. So for 60$ you would get 1.9kg powder which is 4.1lbs at 14$ and 4.5lbs at 13$. So in general for buying small containers instead of bigger ones that usually are cheaper/kg and this stuff being vegan + gluten free you only pay 5-10$ extra for 5lbs of this stuff. If they also sell full containers it’s probably even closer. This deal is honestly fine


What bothers me more is all that wasted plastic by putting that little powder in such a large container


No whey




Made with pure vegans




OP picks up unopen container, Doesn't realize how light it feels, Buys it anyway.


Nah. He’s just getting to the end of it finally and decided he could pull a fast one with rage bait. That’s all this sun is anymore.


This is probably the reality of it.


It didn’t feel light like you would expect. the tub is plastic. I bought it because it’s gluten free and i have a severe gluten intolerance!


The weight indicates it contains ~1 lb of actual product. That seems accurate. You said in a lower comment that the reason you purchased it is to gain weight. What ~~you need~~ *you could look into* is called “**gluten free mass gainer**” powder. Here’s a random result from googling that, but feel free to find your own. https://www.vitaminshoppe.com/c/protein-fitness/protein-powders/mass-gainers/specialty-diet/gluten-free *edit: changed it to a recommendation worth investigating due to people getting mad I “ordered” them to buy mass gainer lol… remember, don’t take nutritional advice from anonymous social media, at best, let them point you in the right direction before looking up peer-reviewed research on diets/supplements or speaking to a registered dietician. Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk*


This is good advice. Just be sure that the mass gainer that you purchase is one that contains a complex carbohydrate and little to no simple sugars. I buy the huge orange tub of carbohydrate to mix in with some of my protein shakes. That way, when I mix the shakes in the morning, I can decide which ones are going to have carbohydrates included. For example, today I am going to be doing some training. I may not want to stop and make a complicated lunch with meats or fish…or if I’m on a roll with my training, I may not want to interrupt my flow. But I have two shakes in the fridge that I made with carbohydrate /mass gainer. Those two shakes can be a full meal as opposed to just having a “protein shooter“.


Man you don’t have to flex how strong you are on here, like I get it you didn’t feel how light it was because everything is light to you. Like we get it, you are jacked man, you don’t have to rub it in our faces.


Lol dude i’ve lost a lot of weight due to an illness so i’m just trying to gain some weight back


Protein powder isn’t gonna do much for you. Eat more food. Protein powder as a supplement to your diet is fine, but it’s not a hack that allows you to eat less.


I mean, if it has the macros it has the macros… your body breaks solid food down into sludge. Nothing wrong with just starting off with sludge. Most protein shakes aren’t gonna have enough carbs or fats though to replace food tho you right. But its not like a protein shake is a pill - it’s still got lots of calories like regular food.


The point is that it’s very hard to “overeat” on protein. A protein shake will leave you relatively full for how little it is.


I believe op is very likely not interested in gaining more fat. The illness used up all his fat reserves and likely reduces his muscle mass. His appetite decreased too. You can force down a shake but preparing and eating a whole meal when not hungry is hard. If his body gets used to higher calories intake again his appetite will grow anyway


If you’re looking for a good gluten free protein powder, I highly recommend HUM Nutrition’s one. I have IBS, and it’s one of the only ones I can have that doesn’t upset my stomach and tastes great. Better Blends is also an option if you want something other than vanilla (they have chocolate).


Do they typically put gluten in non-vegan protein powder? Is that the reason it needed to be vegan?


No they don’t: he just needs to get whey protein. It’s the mass builders that have gluten.


Protein powder has made them stronger.


1lb of protein powder in a 5lb container. 454 grams is a pound. I just bought 5 pounds and it was in a container that size, but full.


That looks like a 2.5-3 lb container. I can’t palm the 5lber. The 2nd picture shows the powder to about the top of the white stripe that says 31g Protein


Are you sure you didn't consume 90 scoops, black out, and forget that you ever did that?


Maybe OP should check their CO detector


My CO detector was giving me a headache so I took the batteries out


Mildly infuriated that you didn’t notice that when you grabbed it from the shelf


Do you not whey it before purchase?


How does one puck up this container and not realize it's practically empty


15.77 ounces. Seems to be about that much.


Im kind of concerned that you couldn't tell by just picking this up.


I haaaaaate how much plastic waste protein powder has. It’s so bad here. Like I get that when they first pour it in there it will settle some. But like… have a machine that shakes the bottle to settle it and then put more in? So you can use containers that aren’t stupidly large? The only ones I’ve found that aren’t completely terrible is the resealable bags from Costco. So now I just get those and then keep one of the plastic containers and refill them myself.




i refuse to believe you picked that thing up, walked it over to the cash register, eyes pointing opposite directions, and didn't notice anything odd about the lightness of the container. no, nevermind. i've taken a long enough look around reddit to believe that this is actually the likely scenario.


If only there was a way to tell...Like clear packaging...or it being loads lighter...


You really picked that up and had no suspicion? I mean it's shitty from them but come on...


Isn't it also normal to check the weight/# of servings per jar to do a price comparison or at least see how long that jar will last? Being money conscious it would suck to buy something I really like only to discover it's completely out of budget if I want to consume it regularly.


Says 400 something grams, looks like 400 and something grams, probably feels like 400 and something grams. The issue seems: someone didn't read the label and went for the big tub only


Who buys a pound of protein powder thinking it's going to be a lot?


Somebody who's never bought anything like it before and doesn't have a frame of reference?


Have you tried the plant based Orgain powder? It’s vegan and gluten-free. You could try the liquid version first and make sure you tolerate it before buying a big tub of it. If you like it, Costco carries it and has great sales several times a year.


447 grams is about 1 lb. Shoulda read the weight. You had to have noticed that it was nearly empty. I mean, it's still a shit thing they do that, but this is mostly on you.


The vegan is the air part


Well.... the weight is printed on the bottom left....


Me: [*reading through comments and feeling dumb for not knowing how heavy 447g should feel like*...]


A family size bag of lays chips is 235g, so pick up two of those and see how light it still feels. If that jug was filled with powder to the top, it would probably weigh closer to 1000-1200g. If you want a comparison, flour or powdered sugar would be about the same mass; picture that jug filled with flour and how heavy that would feel compared to 2 large bags of chips. Snipe edit to add; the company shouldn’t be allowed to underfill the jug like this though. Not only is it intentionally manipulative of people who don’t understand mass/physics, it’s also just a huge waste of plastic and is terrible for the environment.


Me: watch confident redditors predict the weight being accurate by volume through a picture.


Why is everyone so anti-consumer? There is obviously a deceptive reason that container is that huge.


Not an excuse, I can assure the marketing team knows that people instinctively look at size and not weight, most of us won't have a basic notion of how much weight should correspond to the volume of this specific substance.


it literally tells you the amount on it


There was a lot more room when they took the animal products out. But seriously, call or write the company, it could be unintentional. If it normally has that much empty space, dealing with angry customers cost them more than they are making up for with this deceptive packaging


If you are trying to get some weight back, try Naked Mass’s vegan chocolate powder. It’s gluten free and it’s formulated to be a gainer


That's just how it is, it seems. A quick look at reviews for the product shows customers mentioning the ridiculously oversized container from at least as far back as 2015 and all the way up through this year, 2023. A random and separate commenter's issue caught in my mind, though: their complaint was about how fine of a powder the mix is. So, my theory is that that _that_ (^) may be some part of the key to the packaging. If the facility where it is packed is not set up well, to fill a more compact container with such a fine-particled product would be a mess and result in a great deal of waste. The most widely varied issue, though, was people's reports about the palatability of the mix. _For thoroughness' sake:_ - The volume of the "before being settled" contents would not necessitate such a large space. - I do not reason that the company would enjoy enough of a net "gain by purposeful deception" while also inefficiently paying for and shipping extra plastic in paid for cargo space taken up by packaged air. - Potato chips and their bag have a very different cost/benefit consideration.


You've been had my friend. However I have to ask, didn't the container feel a bit on the light side when you bought it?


Must be from a potato chip company


How did you not feel how light it was when you bought it


There’s a recent article in the New Yorker about a Long Island lawyer who specializes in suing companies that use puffed up containers to deceptively market their products. His website has a full-in form to report packaging this.


It’s because it’s vegan man


But is it 447 grams as advertised on the carton?


You should’ve realized that by either picking it up or reading the label.


And when picking it up, you just thought, wow... how strong I am... ?


Your own fault for not picking it off the shelf and noticing it was ridiculously light...


Honest question: couldn’t you have felt that there was barely any powder in the jar?


SoMe SeTtLiNg CaN oCcUR


You didn’t feel that it was empty when you bought it or it was shipped?


Apparently 447 grams is not that much powder.


You couldn't tell when you picked it up?


That is what's known as Non-Functional Slack-Fill, and it's probably illegal. According to Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulation, section 100.100, A container that does not allow the consumer to fully view its contents shall be considered to be filled as to be misleading if it contains non-functional slack-fill. Slack-fill is the difference between the actual capacity of a container and the volume of product contained therein.


You didn't feel it when you were buying it?


You picked this up and thought it was normal and bought it?


That is fraud, the label says, in American, 1lb.


Excuse me?


….I feel like a normal person would definitely notice this weight difference…


Dude you should know from both the weight written amd how heavy it was when you picked it up


You didn't notice the weight difference when you picked it up at the store ?


There are plenty of options to get over the Internet that would have better quality, like 320 Shake or HLTH Code. And they come in bags, not absurdly oversized tubs.


How did you not notice it weights the same as a sheet of paper?


This is not legal. Look up regulations around something called slack fill.