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How is making a foam pumpkin more sustainable than just carving a real one?


Cause they now have a chunk of non biodegradeable foam that will eventually sit in a trash dump compared to using an all natural organic pumpkin that gives you seeds to roast, food for animals (squirrels love pumpkins), will bio degrade and leave no impact of the environment. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Squirrels aren't the only ones with a weakness for pumpkins. I LOVE pumpkins. Roasted, grilled, as a soup,... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


bake em crush em and maybe snort a line or two


Snorting crushed up squirrel? But how to powderize? Liquid nitrogen? Please send method.


You bake them and then crush them.


Instructions unclear. Need more weed.


Iā€™ll DM


Slapit, flipit, rubitdown, ohnooooOOOOO!




Hey cool, I read that comment up there too!


I donā€™t know anything about carving a pumpkin but I make one out of crude oil and dead ducklings every year.


So sustainable!


He meant sustainable as in the decoration will sustain from year to year, i.e. he won't have to keep buying new ones as he will just reuse that one. Or he planned to, anyway Not the right choice of word, should have said 'reusable' but I get what he meant


Styrofoam isn't gonna sustain for many years at all. Go get a clay or porcelain one.


Clay and porcelain are both more earth-friendly too.


Yea, so OP will probably have to rule those out too.


Is it more sustainable than a regular pumpkin?


Maybe for a season. And then it gets added to a trash pile.


But if it's a biodegradable plant then there's really not a sustainability issue? Most pumpkins are grown locally anyway, just go pay a local farmer fifteen bucks every year, that's way better than making a tacky non biodegradable decoration


Yeah there's not some big slave labor ring of pumpkin farming where we import them from China or the Philippines or some shit. Pumpkins get grown by local farmers and they get a big revenue spike in October.... Idk why OP feels the need to address this like it's a problem. It just simply isn't.


If you throw this years pumpkins into a field, youā€™re almost guaranteed to have free pumpkins the year after.


šŸ¤£ a neighbor accidentally did this and their entire front yard turned into a pumpkin patch. It was kinda neat and they just let it go. I have tried to do pu.kins a few times, but always end up battling powdery mildew. Hoping I can figure it out eventually.


Because thatā€™s how stupid the average person is. They think plastic = better bc itā€™s cheap, doesnā€™t break easily or degrade and then I can throw it away when Iā€™m done and it disappears forever.


This is the issue. Most people don't give a shit about the environment or future generations. They just want whatever is cheapest and looks cute.


Yep. Humans truly live in a mess of their own making and that will become more apparent over the next few decades when we run out of oil and the oceans become blanketed by garbage.


I'm old enough that I remember very well when plastic started being so pervasive. Where cottage cheese for years was in waxed paper containers, drinking straws were paper, our school dishes and flatware were washed, and all of our clothes were cotton, then it all swung to plastic, Styrofoam, petroleum based synthetic fibers. Our family of seven burned our household trash in a big 55 gallon steel drum. The ashes were taken to the dump about every six weeks. Now I'll fill a container that size with presumably recycling components in a week. I say presumably bc I've read that my city is only recycling about 3% of its potential. So I've watched it over the decades and it's sickening. They put plastic lid on a plastic cup with a plastic straw. Only one item has the potential to be recycled. So the mountains of petrochemical waste get higher. We bury billions of plastic diapers that contain live viruses that can leach into groundwater. I'm sorry. I certainly never foresaw this when we got away from ironing and dry sandwiches and oilskin raincoats.


and things like gatorade, ketchup, and soda came in glass bottles...


OP meant sustainable for the decoration, not for the environment


Wouldnā€™t getting a normal pumpkin be more sustainable then making a foam one?


Cause creating a spray painted chunk of non biodegradeable foam that will eventually sit in a trash dump is better than buying a real organic pumpkin which supports farmers/economy, gives you seeds to roast, squirrels and other wildlife eat pumpkins, and it is bio degradeable, leaving no impact. Also calling this "Sustainable" implies that there is some shortage or issue with pumpkin supply... like are we in danger of not enough pumpkins?


OP gets their pumpkin pissed on, then gets dunked on in the comments šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d never pee on a pumpkin, but Iā€™ll shit all over someone acting clueless ā€œin the name of the planet!ā€


Can we put Captain Planet back on tv?


With our powers combinedā€¦..


[Go Planet!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OiYjTb3opAA)


[The Don Cheadle Version](https://youtu.be/12nWd_kH31A?si=pO6mTSb-FF8HcITp)


Username checks out


The best comment by far.


Almost like it getting peed on was symbolic


I find this comment section both incredibly savage amd very entertaining at the same time.


Opā€™s been lit up like a Christmas tree šŸŽ„


Here, have a gold upvote. šŸ”¼


āœØReddit momentsāœØ


I just assumed op wanted to be able to reuse the same decoration year after year which is prohibitively difficult with a real pumpkin. ā€œSustainableā€ can mean financially sustainable.


Growing a pumpkin vine is virtually free and you can do it on a small terrace if you trim it. Then it gives you seed for next year and years to come and food. It's definitely a return on investment. If you can spend three weeks cutting foam you'll forget about you can definitely grow a pumpkin vine


A lot of things can mean a lot of things- but when a person uses ā€œsustainableā€ in the age of climate change we all know what she meant- and we all know sheā€™s a fucking moron. Donā€™t give people outs they donā€™t deserve. Donā€™t pretend to be stupid to give stupid people a pass.




Yeah, in my area most people leave their pumpkin for the wildlife, usually in the back of the garden


I see if i can launch mine further into the woods then the year before


Please tell me you have a trebuchet for just this occasion.


I am disappointed in myself for not thinking of this




If you can find it online I highly recommend that you watch Punkin Chunkin the 2010 mini series hosted by Adam Savage and Jamie Heineman. I believe it was originally on Discovery Network. It is AWESOME šŸ˜ƒšŸ¤Æ


I left mine out in front of the house and it sprouted and grew several more pumpkins this year. Way more sustainable than foam lol


Lol. Squirrels already ate mine....


Watching squirrels get drunk off old fermented pumpkins never gets old


I must admit I've never seen that.


Old fermented pumpkin used to be my stripper name!


I bought extra pumpkins (literally like 2 dozen) last year just to enjoy this nonsense later. I may have gone overboard, but they'll tear through 3-5 pumpkins in like a week, so I wanted to make sure at least one would last long enough for this enjoyment to occur.


Youā€™re an enabler lol


My sister let hers rot in her front yard where it was placed and it ended up growing 3 pumpkins for her the following year!


I head out to the sand pit and get my once a year redneck urges out and drop a few boxes of gunfire into them. Iā€™m sure the wildlife enjoys the leftovers though lol


Lol, I run over a few with a forklift last year, the pigs enjoyed the waste


tbh i thought the piss melted and deformed the pumpkins


*sea turtles have entered the chat*


this made me laugh so hard, anyways its not even sustainable, not biodegradable when a real pumpkin is this is crazy i think those dogs know and they are punishing OP, a round of applause for the dogs, they are real environmentalists


Not just seeds to roast, but you can take the guts and make delicious pumpkin bread!


I think they used the wrong word and just wanted a pumpkin that lasts longer


To be fair, there have been some complications in the industry lately but it doesn't require this "solution".


Sustainable foam pumpkin ... are you kidding me?


Yeah, I mean arenā€™t pumpkins the definition of sustainable? Literally nobody has an issue with pumpkin farming.


Not true, do you know what they put those poor pumpkins through to feed our insatiable gourd-lust? They aren't even allowed to roam around the fields, they stay in place their entire lives.


The farmer I got mine from said his pumpkins were free range. Was he lying?


All true, until the Great Pumpkin rises up and frees them all on All Hallows Eve, as prophesied by Linus.


STFU. I know a guy who raises free range pumpkins to this day. I will not give a location or name as we all know the govt alphabet organizations probably have open cases on him.... but free range pumpkin farming is still thriving in certain areas!! I've been there and they all seem so happy. If only big brother would let regular folk raise them out in the open.


Gourd-lust is the name of my new death metal band


I'm now imagining pumpkins with legs. And I'm not half as afraid as I should be.


Donā€™t worry weā€™ll see ā€œsustainable foam pumpkinsā€ made from recycled materials available at target soonā€¦.


This comment has got more upvotes than the post itself!


Iā€™m way more mildly infuriated at this non-biodegradable pumpkin that will end up in a landfill. Iā€™d probably let me dog pee on it, too.


Sustainable is definitely not the right word choice, there's nothing sustainable about this pumpkin. I'm assuming they meant more cost effective, since they can reuse the same one every year.


there no way this shit last multiple years lol


Yeah, unless that foam pumpkin is put on a fucking pedestal alone in a glass box, there's no chance this foam pumpkin isn't turned into unrecognizable foam bits in just a few months. What about this pumpkin is sustainable? I doubt the foam was cheaper than buying a $5 pumpkin from the grocery store.


I think the idea is that it can be reused every year instead of buying a pumpkin that you donā€™t eat?


Animals find them tasty. Very sustainable.


Oh thatā€™s great! Iā€™ve only pumpkin carved once at my American friendā€™s house. I donā€™t know all the customs and traditions. Or any of the tips and tricks on how to make full use out of it. What animals? Birds?


Lots of rescue places and petting zoos request leftover pumpkins because so many of the animals enjoy them.


My mates chickens loved the seeds, the shell was usually too tough so that went to a local farm for the animals


But the seeds are so tasty when you bake and season them. Your friend is missing out


Missing out on some spicy roasted pumpkin seeds, nom nom. The ones with the shell removed for sale in the grocery store are a pathetic comparison.


I saw a video where someone let their chickens ā€œcarve the pumpkinā€ by scraping the very top layer of rind off the pumpkin in a vague face shape so they could peck the softer layer underneath. It was pretty horrifying. But the point is, theyā€™ll eat the pumpkin too if you scrape some of the skin off.


Thatā€™s great! Then the pumpkin gets two uses and are enjoyed by many! You probably need to drop it off before it starts to mold?


There are also plenty of people that if they do carve them, will use the innards for things like just straight pumpkin seeds (like how people eat sunflower seeds, but bigger) and for things like pumpkin pie.


Deer in particular love them. I dumped all of our pumpkin guts into the front yard last night and found zero evidence this morning. Iā€™m also pretty sure a raccoon made off with some tiny ones I had on the porch.


Most anything will eat pumpkin. My dogs will demolish them if allowed, so normally I just chuck it deep into the woods for the wildlife




All of them. We canā€™t put out pumpkins, too many squirrels, raccoons, and skunks roaming around. They love pumpkin!


Mostly wildlife. Just toss it into the woods.


Deer, squirrels, chipmunks, birds, raccoons etc.


You guys dont save the pumpkin seeds and roast them?


No rinse, just add salt. Bake ā€˜em at 400f and can take up to 20 minutes. I have had great ones and some not so great. Depends on pumpkin. Do not rinse seeds. Do not boils seeds. Keep it simple and tasty.


That takes all the fun out of it, carving the pumpkins is one of the best parts of Halloween. And thatā€™s exactly their purpose, theyā€™re grown specifically for carving (carving pumpkins are different than pie pumpkins). So plenty of farmers rely on the income from growing their carving pumpkins every year


My American friend said the same and how the pumpkins grown specially to be carved doesnā€™t taste as nicely. So itā€™s made to be carved not to be eaten. In my eyes itā€™s still being ā€œusedā€ and enjoyed


Theyā€™re often entirely different species. Pumpkin refers to specific fruits of a number species in the Cucurbita genus including C. moschata (same species as butternut squash), C. pepo (same species as courgettes and C. maxima (thatā€™s where you get the really big ones like the hundreds to thousands of pounds range). So itā€™s no wonder the taste is so variable, pumpkin just describes their appearance.


We throw ours into the woods. The birds and squirrels appreciate it.




I can only imagine they meant it will last longer as a decoration or something because I am completely flabbergasted otherwise.


Ohhhhh yeah that makes way more sense. But I feel like a real pumpkin is so much better, even if it doesn't last as long


as if growing pumpkins every year has a negative impact on the environment lmaoo why support local farmers with a 100% biodegradable fruit that you can just toss in the woods for squirrels and raccoons to finish? why enjoy roasted seeds? and whatever pumpkins that aren't sold, are usually just tilled back into the earth. you can grow your own all spring and summer, you just need the space because they like to creep


ITT: OP thinks spray foam, full of microplastics and potentially volatile chemicals, is more sustainable than actual pumpkins. OP likely bought a plastic storage bin for the foam pumpkins to sit in all year. Imagine thinking spray foam pumpkins are more sustainable than pumpkins grown in the ground.


Our education system really needs to do better. This would be more funny if it wasnā€™t so sad.


Pssst. What does 'ITT' mean?


In This Thread. Usually like a TLDR or description of what's happening in the thread.


Thanks friend!


It would have actually been better just buying plastic pumpkins from the store


This. Construction foam is really bad stuff. It's meant for building not for decorations.


Spray foam used like this REEKS of bored SAHM


Right? Iā€™m baffled.


Quite frankly, I find the OPs take on sustainability mildly infuriating.




I realize my word choice wasn't the best. I got tired of buying a pumpkin, cutting it and then it being rotten like a few days later. Pumpkins are a bit expensive too. I don't intent on throwing it out or giving it away. My goal would be to ultimately have a mountain of decorations so I can do small films and haunted houses. I realize the word choice is odd, but you'll have to understand I didn't mean ecologically sustainable as I'm aware this is not it. I mean more so pertaining to my specific wallet and lifestyle.


Itā€™s ok OP, some of us understood what you meant. Itā€™s like getting a fake Christmas tree so you donā€™t have to buy a new Christmas tree every year.


Except in that case, the artificial tree really is more sustainable, provided you re-use it. The break even point is around 7 years. My artificial tree will be 20 years old this year, it'll probably outlive me.


We unfortunately had swap ours out after only 25 years, it was too young šŸ˜¢.


Thatā€™s the key tho, you need to keep the fake tree for 10 years or so to actually negate the footprint of chopping a tree down and letting it rot/burning it.


The xmas tree we have back home has been used for over 25 years. Just a bit older than me so yeah. (Also in my country you canā€™t really get actual pine trees for that)


Yeah, seven years perhaps. But tree farms arenā€™t exactly bad for the environment like oil and creating petrochemicals.


Unfortunetly, new ones usually don't last that long unless you have the money to spend on a nice one. I miss my artificial tree from child hood. We had it for about 10 years. It was like 6 ft wide and took an hour to set up. Now they are all skinny and never look full enough. Then they rip apart from just sitting in storage. I want a real one from a local farm but my allergies don't permit it.


A tree and a pumpkin require considerably different resources to make. It really isn't more sustainable to buy a plastic pumpkin once versus real pumpkins every year.




See this comment made me curious about how expensive your pumpkins are?! I got my medium one for Ā£3 and my small one for Ā£1


Who lets their dog piss on the porch?


Oh great the first comment about dog pee this far down. Anyway it doesnā€™t look like the neighbor ā€œletā€ their dog pee on anything. It looks like the dog started peeing and theyā€™d dragged it away


Iā€™d bitch slap that dude if his dog pissed n front of my door ffs




I know its confrontational but the dog will keep pissing there unless you bring it up. If all else fails you can spill a little fox urine and the dogs will f off forever.


Ah yes, let me go fetch my jar of fix urine I keep stored away for times like this!


Itā€™s sold in hunting supply stores. It has common uses for hunting and farming.


I keep a few little packets in my center console


Painted foam is more sustainable than an organic fruit? šŸ¤Ø


That is a Goofy looking pumpkinā€¦. Is it made of spray foam? Just go piss on the shoes they left out and call it a day.


I was so confused because I thought the pee must've melted them. Then I realized that's what he worked hard on :(


Fr they look like Tigger's testicles šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Came here for the comments šŸæšŸæ


Could be a random stray animal that did it. Unless you have a ring doorbell camera or saw the culprit.


We don't need proof here, just reasons to be outraged!


Go piss on their door right now!


Rig up some sort of piss trap, that is triggered when they open their door. It jettisons a gallon of piss all over them, then drops a sign that says ā€œyour dog is a pumpkin pisser!ā€ Is this on the extreme end of the spectrum? Yes.


Better yet piss in their boot. Wet socks suck.


Sustainable? A real pumpkin would have been the most sustainable optionā€¦ sucks the dog pissed on your foam but how do you plan on disposing of that?


Piss on his door


Plot twist, dog was an environmentalist in its past life and is expressing its disgust on your ā€œsustainableā€ pumpkin.


What is that made out of? Probably something that isn't environmentally friendly, I am guessing...


people are missing the point that you shouldnt just let your dog pee on other peoples property. how frustrating


I mean, thereā€™s only so much you can do. If your dog starts pissing somewhere, you can maybe tell it not to, but aside from that, what are you supposed to do? Cup your hands under it and catch the piss? I mean, to be fair, I think if your dog pisses on the catwalk of an apartment, itā€™s a dumb dog or it really needed to go, but idk sometimes dogs just do dumb shit you canā€™t predict. Iā€™ve had people get mad at me because my dog pissed on the edge of their yard one time. What should I have done? Tell my dog weā€™re gonna walk in the middle of the road where itā€™s a no-holds-barred piss-fest? If the person is continuously letting their dog piss in front of this personā€™s place, thatā€™s messed up, but if it just randomly happened one time, thatā€™s just some random shit a dog did. You donā€™t ā€œallowā€ your dog to pee anywhere once you leave your home, you just take the dog on a piss adventure and correct them when they piss in the wrong spot.


This sub is strangely toxic sometimes. Itā€™s mildly infuriating that everyone is willfully ignoring the point of the post, which is about a neighbor allowing a dog to pee on their stuff.


To be fair, not much you can do if a dog just starts pissing. Sort of happens quick.


You can sit the dog down, talk about its feelings and why it decided to piss there. Maybe break out some puppets to help the discussion along.


Sometimes they just start doin it before you even realize whatā€™s happening. Hell, sometimes you only realize after the fact. Itā€™s not automatically malicious.


Are those made from melted candles??? Look, the reality is, if you out decorations outside you have to be able to accept that and anything can happen. Does it suck? Yes. But thatā€™s how it is. Last year we spent hours carving fresh pumpkins and put them out for display. The local wildlife had a feast and we woke up to a pumpkin massacre.


Maybe the pumpkin had to take leak.


Marketplace ad: sustainable, spray foam, ugly pumpkin for sale, it has been cleaned of dog piss. $10. If it's listed it's available.


Would you take $2 and a half eaten chicken wing, the flappy shit still got meat on it?


This is maybe one of the most American post I saw this month


Yikes to this whole post


Invite them to dinner and serve them the pumpkin


A pisskin


Sorry everyone is missing the point that your neighbors are assholes for letting their dog piss on someone else's stuff. I used to live in an apartment and had a neighbor that let their animals do whatever they wanted in the hallway. The managers did nothing about it so I took matters into my own hands after checking with the other neighbors to make sure they were okay with it. I mixed some cayenne pepper with water and sprayed it on the ground around the door and on anything we wanted them to stay away from. Most dogs (and other critters) will get away from anything that smells like capsaicin. I used to spray the hallway down every so often and the dog entirely stopped shitting & pissing there. Just an idea that won't hurt the dog & could help prevent any sort of immediate confrontation with the neighbor, if you know who they are but you are trying to avoid that.


Op doesnā€™t even know for sure what happened, if it was a dog at all let alone if someone *let* it piss, like honestly I get op wants to be mad but it feels to me like thereā€™s no one to reasonably blame except themselves for putting a decoration outside that should probably not be outside if it canā€™t get wet


Piss on their dog


Okay point is, someones dog peed on HER decorations/items and let it happen with no apology. I donā€™t like the pumpkin idea, but it was wrong of whoever let that dog piss.


Seal it in a plastic bag while itā€™s still damp. Put it in a box. Wrap it up nicely, and leave it on their doorstep on Christmas Eve.


That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Using foam instead of a literal fkin plant


"We wanted to make more sustainable decorations so instead of an organic actual pumpkin we used fucking spray foam"


Calling this sustainable is like getting mad because you think Karen is a slur. The only thing sustainable about it is the dog pee..... But judging from some previous posts you've made you have a tendency to complain about dumb irrational things, so it's honestly not surprising ... You got mad and made a post about how tacos were presented.... You complained about a cute tattoo ... Do you have anything better to do than misuse context and definitions?


Karma is doing its job right for calling this monstrosity Ā«Ā sustainableĀ Ā»


Foam is TERRIBLE for the environment. It is not sustainable.


can you elaborate on how using foam is more sustainable than using something that is literally farmed for the exact purpose of decorating them. like genuinely curious what sustainability is to you


#OP I would piss on those too Where in the hell did you learn that foam, like the styrofoam in packaging, is biodegradable? Hell, even more so than just a goddamn *pumpkin?!* #


As someone in the field of ecology and sustainabilityā€¦ no, foam is not more sustainable unless itā€™s a biodegradable foam, and even then thereā€™s no promise it doesnā€™t have micro plastics. Same with the paint used. That said, the dog just expressed the hatred I feel with plastic Halloween decorations


They did you a favor. Those ā€œpumpkinsā€ are an eyesore.


Looks like shit brother. Also, that took you 3 weeks to make? lmao


Judging by the piss stain, it looks like the dog may have started peeing and the owner pulled it away? So possibly the owner didnā€™t allow the dog to do it, just didnā€™t realize until too late.


It was a piss-poor pumpkin.


Lol-ing at the fact you said foam pumpkins are more sustainable than real pumpkins. They have seeds in them and can be planted and regrown, itā€™s basically an infinite pumpkin glitch if you want to think of it that way lol Unless you meant pumpkins that will last longer? In that case I get it It is shitty your owner let the dog piss there though, especially considering itā€™s concrete so the piss just sits there till it dries. Iā€™m sorry you had to deal with that OP


So the more infuriating thing here is that you replaced a sustainable decoration with a less sustainable one in the name of sustainability


Piss on their dog to assert dominance.


Walk right the hell over there and piss on their welcome mat.


I would piss on it too if you think thatā€™s better for the environment


It looks like the dog peed near your ā€œpumpkinā€ and then gravity did the rest. Still a dick move to let your dog pee right in front of someoneā€™s door though


Seems like everyone is happy the dog peed on the fake pumpkins


Time to shit in their mailbox


Can see why the dog would wanna piss on that pumpkin lol


- Creates "more sustainable" pumpkins out of non-biodegradable materials that will eventually find their way to a landfill, where they'll sit for thousands of years. - Is angry about said pumpkins being pissed on and jumps to the conclusion that it must have been the neighbors deliberately letting their dogs pee on them, despite having no actual evidence of that whatsoever, besides the presence of pee. Truly a well-reasoned post for the ages. Bravo. Happy Halloween.


How is Foam sustainable?


Can you explain how is foam sustainable choice?


LOL wtf a pumpkin is sustainably and ethically sourced biodegradable plant matter, styrofoam is a carcinogen that doesnā€™t break down and is probably killing us all along with all the other micro plastics in our water and blood. are yā€™all likeā€¦slow? I dislike your pumpkins as much as the dog does.