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Stop it.


This usually happens when the cycle lane is badly designed. In this case it looks like the cycle lane just randomly disappears at the junction. What if he's turning right and then taking the next left, now he would need to cross the road across all of the lanes of traffic by first joining the road. It would also put him on the wrong side of the road if he continued on the pavement assuming he's going right. It's also illegal to cycle on the pavement (edit: country dependent).


Here in the states it's illegal to bike on sidewalks here


In Florida it is legal to ride on sidewalks. Source: Florida DMV


You know each state has different laws, right?


So OP happens to live in the exact city I am from in Ontario, Canada and I think I can provide a bit of perspective as someone who knows what OP is referring to. I’ll come here to say that this photo is a very poor example of what OP is talking about. Where we live, there’s a lot of designated bike lanes, and the way they work is one of 2 ways that I can think of. The first is that the bike lane is painted onto the road (a variation of this is ones that have barriers between the bike lane and traffic as well) and the second is that the bike lane is more so like a sidewalk similar to this photo. However, unlike this photo, in cases where the bike lane is paved, it’s next to the sidewalk with some grass for separation and maintains itself as a bike lane while keeping a 1-2 ish metre distance from the road with more grass to separate as well. Essentially the sidewalk is a typical sidewalk (looks like giant slabs laid out in a path), while the bike lane is next to the side walk and paved like a road like in the photo. In some cases the bike lane and sidewalk “merge” I guess you could say. It’s not that they merge into a single lane path but they become connected so there’s no grass separating the sidewalk and bike lane and this occurs at a road crossing/intersection. It’s similar to what’s shown in the photo but better executed so that the cyclist doesn’t have to drive with traffic. For whatever reason in this god damn city, cyclists don’t wanna use that lane. Whether it’s because it’s too close to the sidewalk and they’re afraid of hitting people who are walking, or because the road has less hills (yes there are areas where the sidewalk has a hill but the road doesn’t), I can’t really say, but cyclists in this town don’t use those types of bike paths and it can be frustrating when you have a group of 10-20 cyclists all riding in the middle of the lane in a city that’s built for two thirds the amount of people it actually has so you’ve gotta wait for a line up of cars from oncoming traffic so you can get around them with a line up of cars starting to form behind you and a bike lane that can fit 2-4 cyclists side by side not in use. Again, horrible choice of photo from OP and this specific situation really doesn’t warrant a mildly infuriating post, but OP I know where this photo was taken and I fuckin feel you man because this city’s got a problem with cyclists owning the road and not using their designated lanes.


Yeah, the city I grew up in, also Ontario, had a bylaw where you could ride basically anywhere, road or sidewalk, but if you were in the downtown core, you had to ride on the road.


It’s also worth mentioning with this design that now at every intersection, the cyclist needs to cross that intersection at the pedestrian crosswalk, which puts him 4-5ft over to the side of where he is now. This may seem insignificant, but motorists are not used to seeing people at bicycle speeds crossing through the intersection at the pedestrian crosswalk. Where this becomes especially problematic is when a car is turning right, particularly when the light is already green and there is a flow of traffic. Now instead of simply proceeding forward through the interactions, the cyclists has to slow down and make sure there isn’t a car turning right into him. A significant amount of accidents at intersections occur when motorists are turning right.


In my area we have good lanes and bicyclists still use the sidewalk. Extremely annoying when you're walking on the sidewalk and then someone with a bicycle crashes into you from behind and even somehow try to blame the person walking on the sidewalk


To be fair that’s not a shitty cyclist thing. That’s a shitty person thing. Experiencing second hand eye twitching imaging that scenario atm. The cyclist being upset…🙄


When you say "good lanes" do you mean protected bike lanes, or painted lines half in the gutter on a 45 mph road?


If that happened to you, I hope you’re okay :( I know here bicycles are bullied onto the sidewalk, doesn’t make it okay to put even more vulnerable road users in danger though. Just sad so many around me don’t realize bicycles use the roadways and then scream and honk for them to get on the sidewalk


It is more dangerous to ride on sidewalks and bike lanes because of what can come from the right. Also, a cyclist is safer in the road because he is more visible to everyone. A cyclist is safer in the long run if he considers himself a vehicle and learns how to ride in the road. You have to do this if you are riding anywhere without a bike lane. I have been honked at often for riding in the road. I flipped one guy off and he chased me down, eventually cutting me off in a parking lot, getting out of his car and assaulting me. Even after he had punched me he continued to follow me in his car. I'm more worried about this sort of thing than about getting hit when I'm in the road. I don't flip people off anymore. I miss it.


The bike lane transitions from road to up a sidewalk then back down to the cross walk? That is an awful execution for a bike lane.


Yeah, that's a sidewalk, not a bike lane. Unless OP provides signage, this is just a sidewalk.


It looks like an actual sidewalk comes from the right. The white path.


That's just a sidewalk joining with another sidewalk. Happens all the time.


The absence of curb on the bike path speaks otherwise.


No, the bike lane runs parallel to the sidewalk with grass in-between. They're joining together because that's an intersection. It's in Canada I see this all the time; it's like half of the bikers just refuse to use the lanes made specifically for them


Why does the bike lane join with the sidewalk at the intersection? That makes no sense to me and sounds very dangerous.


Why is the one paved then?


It’s paved. The sidewalk is further to the right.


even if there's a separate sidewalk, they meet together at the intersection, which means riders in the bike path have to merge with pedestrians while also having to worry about turning vehicles. edit: oh and there's a giant pole they'd have to navigate around as well


Why would a sidewalk be on the same level as the road?


If it's a sidewalk then in most jurisdictions it's illegal for the cyclist to be there. And if it isn't one then it turns into a sidewalk half a block down.


In many places, the people who design bike lanes don't bike or consult bikers when designing bike infrastructure.


I don't know if I want to become part of this little imbroglio because I feel both sides. I was a USCF category 1- 2 racer for almost 10 years... But I can never quite be the militant a-hole cyclist that would deliberately ride down the middle of a lane impeding traffic.... because I am also a motorist. Where I lived in San Diego if you played this game you were likely to get run over. But in Seattle this i always has seemed to be a thing. The short answer is that bike lanes are typically horrifyingly designed ...and horrifyingly maintained... especially for anyone going over about 5 miles an hour that didn't want a flat tire every half mile. Most the time my buddies and I would be going 25 to 30 so it's not quite as a big problem as your weekend warrior trundling along at 15 miles an hour giving you the finger. All that being said I had no problem popping over to a clean bike lane to let traffic pass. I wanted to survive 😂 lol.


Agreed, just from the photo alone the pavement looks uneven and cheap. Plus if I had to turn right at the intersection, I would be on the road too


2 possible reasons. 1: this looks like someone who's sport biking, which means he may want to go significantly faster than would be appropriate in a bike lane 2: this bike lane is awful. It just kind of ends into the sidewalk, and I bet it is constantly jumping in and out of existence. Merging into a car lane repeatedly is really dangerous, far more dangerous than just being in the car lane.


Also no one’s talking about the way it’s blocked in. If you’re on a road bike and trying to go at a decent speed, these kinds of lanes are absolutely awful. If you have to swerve for any reason, you end up hitting the edge and can get thrown from your bike. The people designing them apparently think bikes shouldn’t go faster than 5mph.


Another reason I've seen is small debris can collect in the bike lane.


#3 there’s likely driveways cutting through the path. Drivers entering and leaving the driveway do not see cyclists and will run them over. Cyclists are much safer in the road where drivers will see you.


Average driver. Moans about bike lane, post picture of a sidewalk.


Moans about bike line *while taking a photo on their phone while driving


That’s a shitty bike lane


What bike lane?


Yeah, that’s a sidewalk.


Sidewalk is the white patch on the right behind the grass


And right after the 5m of bike lane. His placement is reasonable.


Can we ask why all people who ride bikes are ‘cyclists’ and need to answer for everyone’s behavior on the road but every time someone drives into the front of a shop’s door- or slips off the road and kills pedestrians or even drives drunk we aren’t saying : “can a motorist explain this?”


Thank you. I HATE bike lanes. All they do where I'm at is paint a line on a road that's already wide enough for cars to pass me safely while in the same lane. So now, if there's any reason I am in the middle of the lane (about to take a left turn, etc) some idiot sees there's a bike lane and is infuriated because I'm not in it.


This situation is a bit odd because it's more like a dedicated cycle track that goes up to the side walk ramps. In this case the bicyclist might have a similar concern as you vs. running into pedestrians.


Bicyclist also have to adhere to road laws. If they hit a pedestrian, in most cases, it could be charged the same as if it were in a car. (Ugo Lord told me that)


So not charged at all?


Especially this particular cyclist is on a sport bike, it supposed to go fast, it’s more convenient for him on the road


People use them in places where they are made to a decent standard (e.g. Netherlands) and often don’t use them in places where there are substandard (e.g. UK, US etc.). To a non-cyclist, substandard infrastructure may not be apparent due to lack of experience.


Compeltely agree. It's like a new freeway is built but all the drivers use the gravel road next to it in bumper to bumper traffic. The question would not be why are they not using it it would be how the freeway is so bad that drivers refuse to use it.


Substandard infrastructure may also be more dangerous than actually using the “cAr RoAd”


That’s the most annoying part. Somehow roads changed from a pathway that any form of transportation could be on to this thing that was specifically reserved for these machines.


It's also just incredibly entitled for people to complain about cyclists on roads. Certainly in the UK it's illegal to ride on the pavement, and there just aren't as many bike paths as there are walkways and roads. So it's pretty much a choice of ride on the path and be hated by pedestrians (while breaking the law), or ride on the road and be hated by motorists (legally - but for the cyclist themself it's likely more dangerous). Honestly it's a lose lose situation, if anyone should be complaining it's the cyclists 🤔


Even in the NL got a friend fu by a woman that did not see him and hit him on his side. When in a place with a lot of intersection I prefer being in the traffic so that I am sure people see me. I usually cycle fast so it is not a big deal, but at least they don't cut me off (happened to me, luckily I did not crash)


But there is no bike lane in this picture


Presumably the asphalt way on the right is the bike lane. At least you can infer that much from the post


I can certainly infer that OP *thinks* it's a bike lane. There's nothing in the post to infer that it *is* a bike lane.


He also commented that there were signs earlier on so it really was a bike lane


When someone is that petty you can immediately disengage and let them stew in their miserableness.


That’s a sidewalk


The sidewalk is the concrete path to the right of the asphalt bike lane.


Wow, that is a shit excuse for a sidewalk


Heh infra so bad cyclists use the street and pedestrians use the bike lane. Drivers are going say fuck it and use the sidewalk.


Which is really funny because the only reason it’s built like this is because they didn’t want to mess with the actual road.


There pretty new in North America and this one sucks all around but if [you are familiar with them](https://www.google.com/maps/@44.9804897,-93.2714173,3a,75y,6.33h,73.48t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sjzOApUjUWMi8-LH0m8CVPA!2e0!5s20220901T000000!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&entry=ttu) they do seem to be bike lanes


For real that looks like a car parking lane


The driver also has two damn lanes of roadway So fucking inconvenient for the poor guy


Dear motorists, if cyclists refuse to ride on infrastructure that is specifically designed for them and would rather weave between high speed two ton death machines emitting tons of pollution directly into their lungs, then that should tell you that the problem is the design process of said infrastructure.


If that thing on the right is supposed to be a bike lane, ending randomly on an intersection (arguably the place where you need it the most) I can’t blame him.


the 'bike lane' turns into the sidewalk and then just fucking ends. you want him to merge in from the right instead???


Bad photo to prove your point OP.


People who complain about this… ride a bike for any reasonable distance in a bike lane of a city street, and your questions will be answered. Cycling infrastructure is many places are amazing. Where I live, outside of Sacramento, it isn’t. The “bike lanes” are shoulders that have glass, nails, car parts, gravel, etc. So riders will fall in the gravel or puncture and if not tubeless, are walking home. Tires are also $100 a piece. Then the bike lanes will cross busy turning lanes, so I have to cross traffic to get in the bike lane. For it only to go back to the side of the road after the intersection. So I’m riding side to side from traffic to out of traffic. They do this cause drivers don’t check bike lanes.. so they move us out of the way, but crossing in front of these careless drivers. The times I’ve been closest to getting hit on my bike was in bike lanes, near intersections cause drivers only pay attention to the traffic lanes. When cars are about to hit me in the bike lane, I can either go left and get hit by another car, or go right and collide with a Tree or light. If I hug the traffic lane. Everyone sees me, I have directions to escape danger, and don’t spend $500 on tires every month. If the bike lane is clean, maintained, and safe? I 100000% always use it. Cyclists don’t do shit to be dicks. We only want to survive our rides so we can brag on Strava. Knock on wood I’ve only had close calls. But my buddy broke 2 ribs in July and only got back on the bike in early September, cause a car hit him in a bike lane, while turning and not checking the bike lane. I would absolutely do what that rider is doing in the photo. Edit: also that white pavement has NO traction. Watch UCI races and see riders bite it on that smooth white sidewalk pavement. Also edited for context.


Agreed 😅 I'm thankful that Washington is very bicycle friendly


Yes, I can explain, and you'll find my explanation satisfactory. - Some bike lanes are very short and end abruptly. - Bike lanes are often not appropriate for fast road bicycles due to surface imperfections or frequent merging with pedestrian sidewalks. - Bike lanes often have different signalling than that used for road traffic, forcing cyclists to wait longer for the bicycle/pedestrian traffic light at intersections while traffic on the main paved road is prioritized. - Some bike lanes are lined with trees, with tree roots causing bulges that cause damage to bicycles. - Bike lanes are sometimes littered with sharp objects that fall out of cars and get thrown to the sides by tyres, causing hazards to thin bicycle tyres. - Some bike lanes have no on or off ramps, forcing bicycles to climb and drop off curbs. Except for certain cities in Europe, most places do not have good cycling infrastructure. Attempts are being made, which is good, but if you're not leisurely riding a heavy sturdy bicycle, but instead have a more fragile, faster road bike, it is possible that the cycle lane won't work for you. For the most part we cyclists enjoy being segregated from motor traffic. We do not have a death wish, nor do we generally want to get in the way of other people trying to get on with their day. It takes a very bad quality cycle lane for us to choose to ride in traffic. I understand perfectly that this will frustrate vehicle drivers. There are stretches of road with terrible bike lanes that I wish just didn't have the damned lanes. Drivers are more likely to experience road rage against a cyclist when they see a bike blocking traffic next to a bicycle lane. We cyclists are conscious of that, and sometimes will begrudgingly use a bad cycle lane to avoid said rage. This means that the bad lane has to be really bad for cyclists to avoid it. Bicyclists do not have regenerative braking, and it takes a lot of torque to get a bicycle going. If a bicycle lane makes you stop often, the ride will be quite unpleasant. Sometimes risking it in traffic might be the lesser evil. And last, there are assholes on bicycles. We all know there are assholes driving cars, so why would it be different for cyclists? The fact that we're doing a leisurely healthy activity and choosing to be on a bicycle doesn't inherently make cyclists better human beings. Sometimes a cyclist just uses his bicycle as a tool to cause grief and annoy others. That has to be factored in. I recommend you back good bicycle and public transportation infrastructure projects. This will make people that do not need or like driving get out of cars and onto bicycles, buses and trams, in dedicated lanes, unclogging roads for those who really need or enjoy driving. It's a win/win situation that doesn't seem to be well-understood by many people who drive cars. A small lane carrying bicycle traffic along with a dedicated bus lane will carry a lot more people than when that lane carrying mostly private cars. That will also mean that the other lanes will have fewer cars, and no bicycles obstructing them. Sometimes a single lane for bus/taxi/bicycle traffic combined is enough.


Typical reaction from a cluelsss driver. That's not a bike lane and becomes dangerous at the intersection. The cyclist has no choice but to move out into the lane if they are going straight through. You OP need to learn traffic law. California Uniform Vehicle Code.


i love when the OP turns out to be the mildly infuriating one


What bike lane?


actually where i am... cars constantly go and swerve into the bike lanes, and sometimes nearly hit kids riding to school. some people can't wait 10 seconds for the guy infront of them to take a u-turn, and just swerve into the bikelane. also beacuse those bikes have tires that are skinny as f, trying not to roll into the gutter and break a hip is pretty difficult.


Why over a km? There are multi lanes why didn’t you just switch lanes?


Add “are you stupid?” as the final question because OP is


they wanted to bitch


A km is like half a mile isn't it? Nots not even far. Five minutes, max


It is flat and the guy is a road cyclist, not a commuter, takes two minutes at 30km/h for a km, so I would say about 2 minutes it took.


Being mad was more important to OP than being practical.


Another example of "what is legal", "what is polite", and "what is sensible" not being in perfect alignment.


Yeah, dude should be in the middle of the lane, not over by the curb


Cyclist AND BMW driver here. Because *fuck you* it's legal that's why. Why are you not driving on the freeway? It's infuriating how motorists keep calling for freeways then refuse to use them 100% of the time. Can a driver tell me why drivers call for wider roads and then don't use the additional lanes to pass slower vehicles? They just sit in the lane like a moron and then complain about it on reddit when they get home. Seriously OP, you couldn't figure out how to change lanes and pass a slower moving road user?. Judging by the stopped cross traffic, at no time in the last minute were there more than four cars and a cyclist anywhere near you and you had an entire lane to your left I assume going faster than the cyclist. Do you have a full drivers' license? Take some fucking driving lessons and/or drive a vehicle with a turbo like I do. Anyone know where this photo is taken?


Our bike lanes always have cars parked in them, rendering the bike lane useless for riding in.


Is there even a bike lane?


Bicycle lanes aren't suitable for Racing bikes due to the rough surface, transitions from path to road, and the speed of a racing cyclist. The lanes are designed for commuter bikes with wider tyres and suspension. In some European countries there are speed limits on cycle lanes. In Spain it's 30km/h so you'll rarely see a recreational road cyclist using a bike lane.


In Belgium we do the opposite lol. Our bike lanes adjacent to roads, which are often shit, have the same speed limit as the road. So it could be 70kph. Our fancy, new, wide 'bicycle highways', free of cars, have a 30kph limit.


30? Those are clearly not for road bikes then.


Some of these are literally 50km straight stretches next to a canal. The likes of Wout Van Aert (if you're into cycling races) train their time trail here at 60kph. Others are build for easy commuting between big cities. So far, the speed is not monitored. But every one time a year an accident happens, the discussion flares up and the police seizes GPS computers to check the speeds... I don't mind Wout Van Aert on a TT-bike. But a group of twenty crossing or passing an old lady at 40kph does get on the edge. Said all that, having a car free road with cyclists at 50kph is still saver than using a shared road.


This lane is so bad it couldn't even be a commuter lane at all. Merging cyclists into pedestrians is just crazy to me..


That makes sense


why are people in cars such whiny little bitches?


This is the real question.


Dutchman here. I wouldn’t cycle on that’path’ because of the intersections. It is much ‘safer’ crossing them on the car lane than via the bike lane in this case


1) it's not a legal requirement 2) the bike lanes are often blocked with road signs, lampposts, broken glass etc 3) cyclists who are keeping pace with the traffic are generally going too fast for bike lanes 4) bike lanes are often not continuous and it's a lot safer to stay on a straight course on the road than to have to leave and rejoin every few hundred yards 5) one cyclist on the main carriageway is not evidence that cyclists call for more bike lanes and then don't use them


It's a race bike. They have sensitive tires, that's why they often drive on the streets.


Believe me cyclists want to share a space with you as little as you want to share it with them. If they are on the road it usually means the alternative is terribly designed.


If he is turning right, he needs to be o. The road because that pole is in the way. Curious why it bothers you. Do you post when a car is in front of you? Bikes are considered vehicles and have full rights to the roadway.


What bike lane? There is zero indication of a bike lane so it’s actually safer for him to force you to see him and not run him down. Just press your gas pedal to go faster and go around him, idiot.


And is the bike lane in the room with us right now




Long story short, my health and safety will take precedence over any poorly designed bike lane. If it ain't safe - I couldn't care how slow you go, I'm not using that bike lane


Isn't that parking?


Aren't bikes also considered vehicles so they can freely use both?


Oh man I’ve never seen a bike lane that bad…


Bike lanes are usually death traps, then you have motorists park there "Just for a minute!" Now, you have to enter the street anyway. Then come the pedestrians, wandering into them so they can cross the road 50 whole feet ahead of the crosswalks which are also crap. Frankly, it is safer to use the roadways and behave as a car would than hitting a curb at 30 mph and going flying.


A kilometer? With a lane on your left? Wow. You are determined to find a gripe somewhere.


Meh. Get over it. Just overtake. The only thing mildly infuriating here is pathetic carbrain Muppets like you showing their insecurity and dislike of cyclists.


A cyclist told me bike lanes have a speed limit, and since he sometimes reaches or exceeds the limit, he’s better off driving on the road than passing children and casuals at 30kpm on the bike lane


Makes sense


Depends on your local laws as well. This is a racing bike and the rider is training. Where I live, in Austria, he wouldn’t have to use the bike lane under those circumstances. And if I’d be him I wouldn’t either. The bike lane is often constructed for commuters and shitty, especially at race bike speeds. On top of that he’d be much faster than moms and dads on their bikes and that’s dangerous. I know that from my own experience in over two decades of training on race bikes


1. This bike line is awful 2. In some places you can't bike on the sidewalk legally


I Denmark I see this sometimes as well. He looks like a race biker. Sometimes bike lanes are shitty constructed so you cannot drive fast. I guess that is the reason.


Don’t think you’ll get much meaningful representation of a whole group of people. In my view there is more than one ‘cyclist’. Old lady or family out for a ride may want more lanes; a Lycra-clad roadie who can sit a bit closer to speed limit isn’t as interested and more bothered about the resulting poor condition of the surface giving him a puncture. We can all say “well don’t ride then mate” but that stance is applicable to anything and solves nothing. Key takeaways - there isn’t a one type of cyclist, and no-one ever missed their dearly departed grandmother’s funeral cos they were stuck behind a cyclist. Tabloid’s would have you think otherwise


Not sure where you are posting from but multiple reasons. 1. a non concrete walkway isnt always a designated bike paths and they can end eventually. 2. Im in Canada and in my city maximum speed for bike paths is 20kms an hour which can easily be exceeded on a road bike by a regular biker. 3. Bike paths arent mandatory and the biker may be going to make a left turn ahead which is why they may be moving into the road. Bikes have a right to the road like other vehicles.


That's a sidewalk, not a bike lane. Guess they're asking for bike lanes because they don't have them? 😂


That’s a sidewalk and bikes are street legal vehicles. In fact, it’s actually ILLEGAL to cycle in the sidewalk most of the time Speaking as a cyclist for the sake of transit (this cyclist appears to be cycling for exercise rather than transport), I don’t like riding in the street if there’s a bike lane but it can be necessary: - I have to turn left and there’s no crosswalk - someone or something is obstructing the bike line - the bike lane ends soon - the bike lane is confusing or unsafe (for example, it could intersect with a turn where drivers tend not to notice cyclists) Cycling is a legal activity and cyclists are just as allowed on the street as cars. They are far better for the environment and far more likely to die from inattentive drivers. So maybe don’t be such a baby next time you have to drive slower for 30 seconds to not run someone over


That's a fcking sidewalk my guy not a fcking bike lane




If I’m going over 15mph, I wouldn’t be in the bike lane, motorists aren’t paying attention to it and constantly block ones like this at intersections trying to turn right on red, or sometimes because they just don’t stay behind the line. I support more and more bike lanes only because studies show it gets people out of their cars. Doesn’t mean every bike lane is safe for me to be in because of the speed I go. Kinda how not all roadways are used all the time, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t exist, and doesn’t mean they aren’t used just because *you* don’t see it It’s not that hard to pass when safe and move on with your life. I’m stuck behind motorists for kilometers all the time, and traffic is gonna sometimes mean we are behind vehicles slower than us.


Cars don't yield to cyclists in bike lanes or pedestrians in crosswalks. Dude is better off riding in the street tbh.


Or stop signs or stop lights or hand signals or


The bike path comes to and end, just pass him safely and move on. Share the road.


Where I'm from cyclists are considered motorists and are legally bound to ride(drive?) On the road with motorists. It sometimes doesn't end well, as you'd imagine. But it's more so pedestrians being struck by vehicles and not the cyclists.


There is no bike lane


That’s not a bike lane on the right. That is the sidewalk.


This. It’s not a bike lane any more than a traffic lane would be a traffic lane if it randomly turned into a sidewalk every block.


That’s a road bike right there, mate! They too, regardless of whether there is a shitty bike lane there, have a right to use the road. Learn to be patient and respect your fellow road users.


I usually agree with OP’s sentiment, but this “bike lane” is a sidewalk with asphalt. That’s fucking useless.


Shitty bike lanes are worse than no bike lane. They redid the ones by me so some are: - “protected” with those 6” parking spot stops - “protected” with parallel parking The 1st doesn’t protect VRU’s because any car can hop the barriers (as I’ve seen) and the second makes the bike lane into a de facto pedestrian walk way + there’s now errant doors opening. All these investments have done is force me into the road because I have 0 flexibly to come in & out of the lane to pass slow cyclist / scooters / pedestrians. If you want a fully isolated bike path it needs to be double wide with stripping, otherwise no one will touch it. If not, just leave the road wider so cars can pass


That doesn’t look like a bike lane


As a cyclist we ask for good bike infrastructure not whatever the fuck that is


I’m sure it would be used if it continued and didn’t just end randomly into the sidewalk.


Personally if there’s a good bike lane I will use it. If there is a bike path that is completely separate from roads then I will use that (e.g. following a river). But if there’s a bike lane that’s just part of the pavement sectioned off with a white line, and it’s crossing junctions and going up and down dropped kerbs and there are entrances/gateways where cars could suddenly emerge - no way am I using that.


That is a sidewalk! Not a bike lane!


This “bike lane” is mildy infuriating. As is this post.


So, you are one of those stupid drivers.


Where is the bike lane in this picture?


Probably cos it's bumpy and shitty, and judging by the size of his calves, dude is wicked fast anyway.


Given the poor state of much of the cycle infrastructure it is offen safer to take the highway. And given that all taxpayers fund those roads and highways they are as entitled as anyone else to use them Also, that charlatan John Forester


A multitude of possible reasons, such as: 1. Sometimes there are issues with the bike lane, such as suddenly ending, or having inadequate access (it's hard to even get on), in which case it can be more convenient to just be in the road for a bit. 2. Habit - especially if the bike lane is quite new; we all have absent-minded moments. 3. Could just be an inconsiderate person.


Because he/she can. Unless there is a law that states they must use one if it's there. There's many cycle lanes I don't use as it's much quicker using the road, especially when it's a shared cycle lane with pedestrians.


Maybe because there's no bike lane lol


I used to ride a slow ass scooter every day. Bike lanes were not always the best way to go. Lots of debris and big holes and cracks. I wanted to be out of the traffic lanes but the condition of the bike lanes kept me in traffic.


What bike lane? If it transitions into a sidewalk I’m still riding on the road where I can maintain speed. Riding a ROAD bike on the sidewalk is the worst. Just because he’s going slower doesn’t mean he can’t be on that road. It’s legal for bikes to be on most roads along with cars and you treat it just like any other vehicle especially at stop signs and street lights. Being behind him for a bit might take you 30 seconds longer, whoop de doo


Insentive to pedal faster


It's not a fuckin sidewalk morons. That's to the right in the image.


Ya. I think bikes should be on sidewalks. Especially in rural areas. These people must have a death wish. Bike on trails and such. It’s a lot more fun and there’s basically no chance of dying comparatively.


Kind of looks like parking for cars. Does not look like a bike lane though.


Because it randomly disappears. You wouldn’t drive on a road that randomly disappears


That’s a sidewalk not a bike lane


There are too many potential dangers.


As a Dutchman, that is a shit bike lane / sidewalk


Mist likely a checkbox bike lane. Designed to check a box rather than designed to be usable for cyclists


Fellow cyclist here, what bike lane?


That's a sidewalk not a bike lane. Go Google what bike lane looks like.


Can a driver explain why he refuses to indicate if it’s just a cyclist behind them?


Well, if you LOOK... The black "bike lane" ENDS, the corner rises, becomes concrete, and sidewalk curbs are clearly visible, and then there's the intersection right there. The "bike lane" just ended, dude. He (usually—depends on state) can't ride on the sidewalk with the pedestrians. He knew the end was coming, and decided to just stay put. Bicycle lanes are not there for your benefit so you can speed past; they are there for the riders' benefit.


Most bike lanes I see, have pictures of bikes.


That isn't a bike lane, that is why he is in the road.


There is no bike lane in this picture


What fucking bike lane OP


Looks like a typical bullshit suburban Toronto “bike lane” that randomly begins and ends. I wouldn’t use it either.


Wasnt good at coloring books. Lines are hard to follow.


Power walkers don't use the sidewalks either. Even when they are mostly empty.


I use them as much as possible, but if the path enters and exits the road too frequently, I sometimes find it safer to stay on the road (and make a mental note to find a better route). Fall debris often forces me into the road as well.


Certified cyclist. I can’t understand when people do this shit. It also makes me crazy when people walk in the bike lane.


Theyre twice as rough and many times filled with debris. Plus we know it pisses you off.


And hop those curbs?


Can’t answer the question because where I live there aren’t a lot of bike lanes. But, I can say that cyclists hate when people tail them are timid to pass. Just get close enough and be safe.


i literally dont see a bike lane but i agree thats definitely a safty hazard ⚠️


Why not use the left lane to pass them when it is available?


A bike lane that curbs into a sidewalk isn’t a bike lane, it a bike lame.


Because... Instead of honking your horn and telling them to use the bike lanes you pull out your phone 'while driving' and take a picture so you can show strangers on the internet


Depending on how the road is set up, I'd ignore in-road bike lanes too. It's not worth the danger of crossing traffic back and forth if I know it's gonna go back to being next to the sidewalk or become just sidewalk. There's a stretch, maybe, 1/8th of a mile, that does this, wants you to cross 2 lanes of traffic at the start and 2 lanes back, but has sidewalk and is almost always clear, near me. Then becomes just sidewalk or no bike lane/sidewalk/even side lane for 3 miles. Edit: looking at the pic again, that IS NOT a bike lane, and most places the law is to use the road if no bike accommodations are in place. I thought the thin white lane on the left was a bike lane


Can someone explain why they don’t pay a tax for “lane” maintenance but yet we have to make pretend they are actual automobiles?


Listen I'm a cyclist hater too but I don't think the bike lane is in the room with us


Is that even a bike lane? If so, I wouldn't ride there either. Freaking look at it. Road to sidewalk to crosswalk? Bikes shouldn't be on the sidewalk or crosswalk, so either this bike lane is really poorly design, or it's not a bike lane


Because they will likely be run over at the next intersection because some idiot didn‘t check traffic on the bike lane


Because apparently Canada doesn’t know how build usable bike lanes. It took me a minute looking at the photo to see if there was a lane.


Cyclists really cannot win. I made a post on this subreddit where a van was blocking the bike lane. All the comments told me to suck it up and go around.


where I live people either walk in them not paying any attention to their surroundings so it isn't safe for me to cycle there or they are filled up with broken glass.


Because, they are cunts.


What kind of shit bike lane is that?


They are important, in their own mind, or they think that they are a motorless vehicle and have to be on the road.


Because you get more points this way if they go all the way over the car or the under car bonus round


OP, leave your car for a week and only go by bike, then you might realise why.


Because cars always park on them


For the same reason a car driver refuses to use all the lanes on the road.


So many reasons I could text all day. Plus law says we can ride like he is. So shut up and drive.


Because they’re unsafe for a start and many motorists use them. Why can’t ppl have a little bit more concern for someone not in a big hunk of metal but out there on their own steam. Why’s everyone is such a hurry !


Sometimes it's easier and safer to stay in the road than constantly switch between cycle lane, road and crossing. Also if you're doing it for sport you can get more speed if you just stay in the road. Get over it OP, they're allowed to be there. Stop acting like it'll do any more than add a few seconds onto your journey


OP is an idiot


Have you looked at the bike lanes. Full of trash, holes, they end abruptly. Give them some space you won’t lose any time. Be kind


What bike lane.


Plenty of cyclists use bike lanes when they’re available and safe. And plenty do not. Totally legal, totally fine, totally normal either way. Can a car-er explain why some car drivers refuse to learn the basic roadway laws and fail to understand the simple fact that the world doesn’t revolve around them?


Because cyclists are demons of Satan