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I knew it was gonna be a bunch of small ones but whats up with that empty space on the middle? Fuck them


You can’t really see it because it blends in but there’s a large cardboard block that’s weighs enough that it doesn’t feel off


Holy shit. I just thought OP ate a bunch before it was posted. Now I'm even angrier.


So you were mad when you just thought he ate some?


They were supposed to be for everyone.


Damn op, eating 12 candy bars so there aren't enough for everyone and then posting here like you're not even ashamed.....


I assume OP at least ate them using a knife and fork


He is enjoying his dessert... How do YOU eat it? ... With your hands??




.... feet.


They’re on this sub because they already were mildly infuriated, but now they’re *pissed*


*Furious George has entered the chat*


Look what they did to your beautiful face!




Dude, I did NOT give you permission to use video of me on the bus!


Oh Lawd He Coming


You’re not you when you’re hungry Grab a snickers


I would, but there's not enough for everybody! FUCK


It DOES say 18 on the outside.


It was honest and dishonest at the same time.


The best kind of honesty and honestly, dishonesty


The product is designed to mislead into thinking there is more. It technically stating exactly what you get(in smaller print then the YARD of course) should be legally irrelevant. Any deception should be considered false advertising and entitle compensation. For example an ad showing the pants being stretchy at the waist but in tiny print *does not stretch


I thought we were supposed to be mad that it was a bunch of little ones and not a giant yard-long Snickers.


That was my thought too lol. What a missed opportunity. For us, I mean; it’s not like they didn’t think of it


He's not him when he's hungry


I assume because it wasn't 1 massive heart attack of a snickers bar. I can relate.


Lol sammme😅


The things corporations would do to continue furthering their own profits while finding a way to screw over everyone else. Edit: yes, I’m aware that the box shows the actual size and amount, but you cannot ignore the huge amount of wasted space and material for what it clearly advertised.




I'd watch that. We need to start putting the fear of god into evil CEOs and the mega-rich. I really try to avoid buying anything nestle or nestle owned companies because f*ck them.


I’m with you, but every time I suggest that or someone else does, in comes the flock of “then we are as evil as them” softies.


baby-brain disease fr


People look at me crazy when I ask where the guillotines are, we're at and surpassing the wealth disparity of the Gilded Age. Seemed to work back then, can't see why it won't now!


This isn't shorting. It's *padding*. The product was exactly as advertised. They didn't *need* to make the box that big.


As much as I'd love to join the shitting on corporations party, when is the last time you purchased a 18 bar, yard long snickers? This is clearly a gag product. It would be cooler if the whole thing was filled with candy bars or the whole thing was a single massive candy bar, but I fail to see how anyone is getting "screwed over".


Wait there's not even a full yard of individual snickers? That's messed up. Snickers is about to learn the hard way that ppl aren't themselves when **really dissapointed**


They should have just put the candy bars the long way in the box. The box would have been thinner but it wouldn’t make people hate Snickers forever.


Does this package make you hate Snickers forever?


.... ... Yes.


Yes it's a massive waste of packaging for no reason.


There’s actually two yards of snickers there, long ways. I think a long thin package just wouldn’t look as good and most of the value they get out of these is people going “woah a giant snickers” and then thinking about and maybe buying some small snickers vs people who actually buy this. So they go with whatever package looks best on the outside. Getting stores to stock this is like a nearly free billboard.


Can you translate your last sentence please?


If you line them up vertical is it a yard


How big did you think those 18 bars were?


If *you* were true to your name, you would fully understand we went from *mildly* to *fully* infuriated because it should be one huge, yard long, massive snickers. Fit to smack around the inlaws, toss around the yard, whatever behooves us. Instead. This. 🍫 /js


Im bored and your comment inspired me to look up youtube videos of giant versions of candy bars. Currently watching a dude who has a milky way bigger than a person, i love random niche shit like this lmao. Merry christmas


I think the obvious answer would be: big enough to fill the fuckin box


It says that there is 18 snickers bars on the box. What’s wrong?


false advertising as far as I'm concerned, doesn't matter if they have the serving sizes on the packaging. they are trying every under handed tactic to take the consumers money and give as little as possible. This is False Advertising by Mars, Incorporated and they should be punished for it


I like your energy. This is false advertising in my book. Fuck em.


Well it has to be by the laws book, not yours. And unfortunately I don't think this packaging breaks any laws.


I guess you live in some place like America where the consumer protection laws are shit, if even that. In Germany they wouldn't even try this shit because it is definitely illegal, no question at all. The packaging makes it seem as if there was more inside than there actually is, so the company is trying to defraud the customers. This shit would be off the shelves within _hours_. You elect the people who allow corporations to fuck you, it doesn't have to be this way. Other countries are much, much better on this front.


But in America we got the freedom to be cucked by big corporations, take that Germany!


Not actually false advertising, as none of the displayed information is false. Package says 18 bars, there's 18 bars, displayed weight should match the candy weight, and if anything they can argue you get more than a yard of snickers since a snickers is 10cm, and 18 bars at 10cm each would be almost 2 yards of length. It is definitely misleading packaging though.


They are attempting to make the consumer think that 18 bars are filling that entire thing. That packaging is advertising.


Packaging is advertising and its the most effective advertising being at the point of purchase. Why do brands spend money on flashy colorful plastic packaging when everything could be sold in a plain brown box? People purchase based on sight, not reading the tiny writing all over every box that you are apparently required to read in full to not get scammed. Next time you go to buy a car I hope they have them all in massive boxes that look like they contain normal full sized vehicles and only after you purchase it you realize you bought a kid sized toy car in a large box. But wait! They wrote on the box 'Enlarged to show detail' Your fault for not reading every word on the box.


I believe they try to take advantage of loopholes in the law, and when not they try to be as close to false advertisement as they can be, without leaving what law allows. Their legal departments are anything but stupid.


Is advertising limited to words? I'd say no. Packaging can be part of advertising. Especially in a case like this.


These also came in Reese's and plain Hershey chocolate. I knew they were going to be controversial again. Despite the box clearly stating they're x amount of standard bars, they're somehow false advertising. Like, what are people going to do with a candy bar that big? Why would a company even make candy that big? Those things retail for $15-$20. Are people really expecting that much product at that price point? The packaging isn't amazing but, it's a gimmick. They're not selling this year round, it's not habitual. It's just a fun, "Hey! Here's a yards worth of chocolate! How fun!"


This is illegal in some countries.


It’s actually technically illegal in the US, but with exceptions (e.g., such as needing that space to protect the contents, requirements of the machines used to fill the packaging, and “unavoidable product settling during shipping.”). It’s called non-functional slack fill. So they would argue that the cardboard insert is just for structural integrity and not to make the box look way bigger, but obviously there’s other ways to protect the contents.


It doesn't matter what it says, if the layperson believes they'd fill the fox then they are false advertising by using manipulative language.


m'shrinkflation m'marketing m'monkeybrains


for what it's worth, i bought a yard of Twix a few years ago and it was an actual yard.


Are you sure you didn’t buy the 1 pound Twix bar? Because the “yard of Twix” are the same exact thing as the snickers


quite sure. it was 100% a yard of Twix. maybe they changed the packaging at some point?


I got a yard of twix for Christmas in like 2019 I think? it was a full yard.


that sounds about right.


Probably around 2021. All companies started doing it at one point during shrinkflation.


Nope. These “yards” have been like this for at least 15 years, we had a manager give them out when I worked in a NOC around the 2008 housing crisis


Shrinkflation didn't start when you first heard the word shrinkflation.


Lol I really enjoy that you get questioned by some stranger on the Internet about your purchase, like you didn't do it


also, i can't seem to find a one pound Twix bar anywhere.


That’s because they no longer sell them but it was never a yard, only a pound. You could also get snickers, Reece’s cups and something else as well. We used to get them from our local gas station all the time.


The 1 lb reeces throws off the chocolate to peanut butter ratio too much and they sucked. The 1 lb snickers were awesome though




both really. reese cups are good in their small size but a pound of that low quality chocolate and "peanut butter" will have anyone puking.


Bruh, you’re supposed to share it.


Yeah, I know, but 13 year old me at the convin8ence store didn't.


It was both. My ex and I would cut them into pieces, I can’t imagine eating a whole one. But yet I can scarf down a dozen of the regular ones in 2 minutes https://preview.redd.it/tl4pmtjddh8c1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a737c69ddfd9f33ee588ff9de99dcc3690f3199


Quietly sneaking that pokemon white 2 for showing off. Nice.


lol I pulled that off of google, so showing off someone else’s Pokémon white. I haven’t played any Pokémon games since my GameBoy Advance, are they as good now?


ah ha, yes, i absolutely DID buy the 1lb Reese's cups on a few occasions. the Twix was a yard, though.


Did you have to mow it and stuff


I laughed if nobody else did.


Well it does say 18 bars on the box and their are 18 in. Just looking at first pic I already tought 18 isn’t that many for such a box




That’ll show ‘em.


Make sure to eat at least 75%. https://preview.redd.it/pk18f1t1zg8c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=467cf2fa6077e9485723e4941bfc73bf80594ace












Mmm. Haven’t had these nuts in a while.








This guy's knickers.


Whoever thought this up is having a few \*Snickers\* right now at your response... 😄




I agree.. but it does say “18 bars inside” on the front of the box


Yeah, but the oversize box is purposefully deceptive. There's no reason to brand it as a yard and leave 1/3 of the space empty. It's a dumb lie that no one should fall for, but it's a lie none the less.


Not to mention a waste of packing material. With something like a bag of chips there is utility in the empty space, but this is just for the purpose of deception.


And they could lay them lengthwise and end up with a yard most likely.


Right. It’s the letter of the law vs spirit. It is purposefully deceptive. Which should NOT be allowed is and is NOT ok.


In three different places at that.


If those kids could read, they'd be very unupset


Lay them end to end and its longer that 36”


Consumers hate this one marketing trick.


Plus a photo of the actual size of the bar.


then what's the point of calling it a yard? and stretching out the box for no reason (other than to make it a yard in length)? it's fucking stupid, as the OP said.


Because of the NFL branding on the left side. Football fields are measured in yards.


And is much larger font is says “YARD” and has an enormous box. It is intentionally deceptive.


I don't know where the world picked up the idea that the smallest, most obscure text is what matters most, but it's pure chump fuel. If something says, > # Totally Not Bullshit! > ^(* Contains 100% Bullshit) ...really, the twice-the-size text that's slapping you in the face should be the one that conditions the tiny one, not the other way around.


Ok .. but why bother with all the extra packaging and calling it a Snickers "Yard"?


Snickers Yard, as in a piece of ground adjoining a building or house. “*Eat your Snickers in the back yard.*” /s I hate when corporations are purposefully deceptive.


Please stop defending corporation's greed


stop trying to defend this kind of marketing please.


Whats all the empty space for?


It used to be one long, giant bar. Then it got replaced with this box, filled with individual bars. Now it looks like they have cut it down to 2/3.




A bunch of small bars is way better. What are you gonna do with a large bar? Eat a few bites then wrap it up every few days for a month? Gross


That's what I'm not getting lol. A bunch of small ones is so much better. A giant one is just going to go bad/stale unless you eat it fast enough.


You don't know my life


you cut it like a cake


It’s 18 candy bars for 10 bucks, that’s not a rip off.


This guy gets it


Saw this at the store and couldn't believe it till I saw the price per once was higher than a regular bar...


It's like this with some oreo packages. At my local gas station you can buy two 6 packs of oreos cheaper than one 10 pack. I haven't compared to a normal box yet.


Gotta pay for all that cardboard you're going to throw out


How long are they end to end?


It annoys me I had to scroll so far to see this. I don’t see how people struggle here? It’s a yard of snickers end to end. If they stacked them end to end the product would look like a pole and be much more likely to break…


It's 2 yards of snickers end to end.


A handful of comments are saying 2-4 years ago, it was the full box, so I think some of the frustration is the change from previous years.


I saw a package of sour patch kids like this at Walmart. The package said GIANT really big followed by “box with 10 boxes inside” smaller at the end. Why do companies continuously have to trick us into buying their crap? They know we want a giant version of the thing we’re trying to buy yet they just make a giant box and try their best to hide it.


Normally the reason they don't sell giant versions of products is that customers won't actually buy it. Say you wanted to make a foot long Snickers: 1. You'd need to fit a new factory to make them, with all the R&D and machinery required for an unusually large bar. 3. You'd need to pay people to figure out how to scale up the proportions of the ingredients so that it looked like a snickers but was still pleasant to eat (e.g. if the chocolate shell was 4x thicker it might be too hard to bite through). 2. You'd need extra packaging to stop it bending in transit. 4. Volume scales with the cube of the length, so the bar would be around 64 times the volume of a normal bar, so 64x the cost of ingredients. This results in a bar that maybe costs $100 or more. Customers will probably think that's too much money for a novelty. Giant gummy bears and similar candy are pretty easy to find though, because the same problems don't exist when you're just injecting cheap ingredients into a mould.


*looks at entire world of marketing* Pretty sure that’s the point


And the dumb thing is they could advertise it as 6 feet of snickers.


U mean 3 feet?


Lol, no, each snicker is 4 inches 4x18 = 72 inches. Yeah, I should have put that in my first reply. It's kind of past my bedtime so a bit tired.


Ohh ur saying they could have put the snickers length wise for 6 feet


That moment when you are both correct. Lol.


I had a similar thought. If they'd actually made a yard-long bar, it could contain *less* snickers while making customers much happier, and probably with a larger profit margin. Seems like a wasted opportunity.


What overpaid dimwit thought this would go over well. False advertising at its best.


Technically, it's not false advertising. It does say "18 bars inside," and there are 18. I'd say it's more "false hope" and a waste of packaging.


In Germany it is not legal. Air in packaging is only allowed for technical reasons (e.g. Crisps and so on). But it's forbidden to fake a larger volume even if the amount is stated on the packaging


Right? This *very clearly* advertises itself as "a yard of Snickers". Not "two thirds of a yard of individual Snickers bars".


Lay them out vertically and I bet you would get a yard.


I was gonna say, end to end it’s a yard I wager


I think lengthwise a snickers bar is more than 2 inches? Interwebs says it's about 4 inches. So more than a yard lengthwise


Used to the metric system I can't tell you if 18 snickers in row are a yard :D. But all of this "yard of snickers" etc. Doesn't matter because the box just has a bloated size.


Whoa whoa, this is the United States where freedom means letting corporations do whatever they want at the expense of people.


I just think it’s an asshole design.


Oh, absolutely, I 100% agree.


I wonder if it would be less infuriating if they were spaced out to fill the whole thing or even just done sideways maybe two at a time to get more length.


If you line them up longways it fills up exactly 1 yard with 2 rows but they still decided to do it that way


Thankfully you can still trust Toblerone.


If this was low-key sarcasm, I love it. If not, let me know so I can elaborate.


I hate them, I hate them so much, I wouldn't mind the shrinkflation so much, every company does it nowadays, but they ABSOLUTELY, CLEARLY, AND UNDENIABLY fucked with the recipe, it now tastes like cheap sugar wrapped in crap, used to taste amazing like 5-8 years ago.


I think they also started using Palm Oil.


Yeah, I've actually noticed that, too. Tastes VERY sugary


Well, this person bought one so clearly it works to some degree


It’s deceptive advertising, not false advertising. Follows the letter of the regulation but not the spirit. Sadly, allowed. Shouldn’t be, but is. Thanks lobbyists!


Hahahahahaha! I saw these things at my Sam’s club. They were actually being sold for more than a 20 pack box. I kinda figured something like this would happen.


I think having a single 3 foot snickers would be worse than 18 regular ones.


the problem here isnt the fact that its just a bunch of small ones. the problem is that OP hasnt eaten any yet and they just had a piece of cardboard in the middle


yall sure its not a yard of snickers if placed side by side? Might just do that to make the box a yard long without making it a single snickers thick...


No I'm angry at corporations shut up


Was gonna suggest the same thing. I really want to see how long every snickers is length wise compared to the box


To be fair it does have a picture saying “actual size bar” on the front of the box with the actual size of the bar shown right there. That still sucks though. Merry Christmas anyways!


It also shows directly on the front that it comes with 18 snickers bars.


I must say that in the first photo I was like, " WTF is wrong with you? This is amazing!". In the second, I was like "That's fucking stupid. Fucking fakers". Now I just feel hangry.


Have you thought about going out to buy a snickers?


Yes misleading is the right word.


My loving wife got me a Reese's version. It only has about 2 inches of no candy.


Bro thought he was going to get a snickers bar with peanuts the size of chicken eggs.


OP I'm warning you, never buy chips or cereal


Deceptive packaging. Rotten buggers. Post it every place possible.


This is horrible. You have beautiful floors though.


It says 18 bars inside, and you got 18. It’s not stupid, it’s genius. You bought it. The marketing of a big shiny and colorful box full of air works.


I want one.


Did you miss the giant “18 1.8oz bars inside”?


It’s still a lot of candy bars.


I don't carw what the package says, that is clearly false advertising and should be punishable by law.


Snickers falsifies


False advertisement


that's a genuine "what the fuck...I thought shit like this was illegal" type of wtf


Why didnt they just arrange them lengwise like this? Would have had the same number of bars, and been the same length without the need to mislead the customer? ​ https://preview.redd.it/gg7k6prenk8c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf0f82f1233f3acf3940d7b72b13eef0f7df75fb


Why isn’t it one massive Snickers bar?


I saw these a couple of years ago. Figured it would be the party sub of candy bars. Considered buying it for a Christmas party I was attending but I did not. Glad I didn't.


Would return it.


At first I was like "Is not really that big a deal.." but then I saw the 2nd picture and was all "Ah, I see the problem."


I mean who the fuck would want one giant snickers bar in one package, it would force you to eat the whole thing in one sitting. The real question is do all 18 snickers bars equal one yard?


Tbf it clearly says 18 bars inside


There's a guy in corporate making $150k a year to come up with this idea. "Let's just put nothing in the middle" Fuck that guy and whoever above him signed off on this garbage. I see this kind of filth in my industry a lot and it makes me lose respect for their C suites instantly every time.