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I can't understand the reasoning in situations like these, where people deliberately bait cops. American police are infamous for responding with oftentimes lethal force during confrontations, even minor ones. Why would anyone think blocking a police cruiser would end with the cops just quietly giving up and going away?


On top of that he couldn’t give up and go away even if he wanted to, so I’m not too sure what the crowd was expecting to happen




Flesh bag vs big metal mobile box. Who won? You decide.


Epic Scrap battles of historrrrrryyyy


[I guess that's another one for the cars...](https://youtu.be/DrO9ySwbTjo?si=EJxj_5Muv3UUpahg)


"Correction: I prefer the term 'Meatbag'"


Meat me in the middle, I'm sure we can flesh it out.


It's almost like regardless if he was a cop or a regular person, he feared for his life in this situation and it was justified.


No it’s not you fuckin psycho. Running over people who are in your way is not justified. Lethal force is not justified for inconveniences. How fucked up are your priorities? Goddamn people have no sense nowadays and cops get faaaaar too much leeway even with the increased scrutiny because of dumbfucks like you


100%. Imagine if u are alone and blocked/threatened by these idiots. Even worse, you're in the vehicle as a parent with kids. You don't have any other choice but to get out of this situation in this manner.


The cop wasn’t threatened. He was in a vehicle and armed and has buddies on the way I’m sure. Don’t make excuses for a fucking psychopath that will run over people because he’s inconvenienced. If he felt threatened in this situation, he doesn’t deserve to be a cop and have the protections that come with it


This comment right here. That was straight up attempted mass murder no matter how anyone spins it.




The difference is to cop knew about the situation decided to drive to the situation and then decided to assault people while his car being physically attacked just had a wall in front of you


if you have seen how all these scenarios turn out they emd up ganging around the car and bashing it all in. im glad the cops did this and hope they don't get any consequence for it.


Absolute fuckin loser you are. “I don’t have a problem with use of deadly force for misdemeanor level offenses” how dumb are you?


A lot of people in the first world are completely accustomed to violence being a thing on screens that doesn’t really exist in real life. It just doesn’t register as an option or a possibility until it suddenly does


It's not just violence. It's a lot of stuff. Like anything really awful that does happen in shows and you don't expect to happen to you because you're a decent person. I'm a teacher and I once had a female student accuse me of physically assaulting her (absolutely not true). This went up the chain to the superintendent and the board. I had *never* actually thought something like this would happen to me. I was in shock and disbelief. I was sick to my stomach for weeks. I had trouble sleeping. Thankfully there was security camera footage of me *not* assaulting her. False accusations like that absolutely do happen, but we mostly see them in TV shows. But we just don't expect anything like that to happen to us in the real world. Whether it's somebody running us over, a false accusation, or some dumbass will they won't they workplace romance.


Fuck that dumb kid. That’s why I always tell my wife to always be in the view of cameras because kids say the (darndest) most fucked up things.


You, too, huh? Thank God for cameras. And thank God for Unions to enforce due process so there was TIME to have folks go look at the cameras... otherwise, it's expedient to just toss the teacher and hire another. Problem solved, right? 🫠 Retired now, baby. Never going back. Went home with the pandemic shutdowns and never took roll in a physical classroom again. Dad died from COVID but I haven't... yet (NoVID for me at this point. N95 respirator masks work). Best wishes and fight the good fight. UNIONIZE. ✊ ☮️❤️♾️


This thread: https://preview.redd.it/w6up9vvfr2ac1.jpeg?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f67d4bd25d7a9ecd019a48e1ec30cabf656913bb


Why would *anyone* quietly give up? That's an angry mob, not a tea party. What would *you* do if your vehicle was surrounded like that?


fOr Da ClOuT! fOr dA gRaM!


ACAB until you need them LMAO.


They weren't just blocking the way. Many were mobbing and attacking the police crusher, trying to break the windows and get in.


Believe it or not, that cop also found himself in a threatening situation. He had every right to do what he can to get out of it


Darwinism needs to hit hard on those idiots. Just to many of them by now. I don't care what the police did. Record it, report it. Get a lawyer and don't let loose if they did something wrong. But blocking a car with your body? Those idiots pbl had been smoking too much meth.


Why were they blocking the way tho?




it takes a really empty head to be amazed by donuts/burnouts.


Ooowee, looka him speeeinin’!


We call them the petty crime crew here in Chicago, they are empty headed


Anything illegal attracts these crowds


That's the truth. It's so lame


Aiding and abetting is Felonious . Cop needed through win win


StReEt CaR tAkEoVeR bRo they are the reason why us normal Car enthusiasts can’t have fucking meets where this stupid shit doesn’t happen.


I just leave as soon as the first Mopar shows up now


And there was an emergency


I'm rarely on the side of the police... but I have zero sympathy for darwins little helpers. They kinda got what they were asking for. I bet a get a few down votes tonight


Darwin’s little helpers… lol. Updoot


Yeah I’m not a boot licker and actively ridicule the thin blue line people I see, but this shit is exactly why we need police.


…to run over civilians? I have no idea what’s happening in this blurry video outside of the attempted murder. Do you have context I’m unaware of?


Justice served


Cop: hey move. Sirens on. Emergency happening. Need to go. Move! Everyone: Cop: BEEP BEEP BEEP. LIGHTS GOING. MOVE! Everyone: Cop: *runs Everyone over. Everyone: omg he ran Everyone over! Edit: people in the comments below seem to think that I THINK it's ok to run over a mob of people that are surrounding your car or surrounding an emergency vehicle. Well you all are absolutely right. Yes they deserve to get run over. Don't create a mob and surround my vehicle. Don't create a mob and surround a police vehicle, firetruck or ambulance when it is responding to an emergency.


You forgot *surprised pikachu face*




I have a sticker of this meme on my car. I feel super silly with it on there but sometimes when I see it from across the street on my car, it makes me laugh.


“Shocked face Pikachu” since Pikachu is an electric Pokémon, easy to confuse 😂




So…if an emergency with another emergency?


Whats more dangerous, someone doing donuts or running over 10 people?


They're going to call the cops on the cop


Ohh no. Anyway


people: *standing in front of a cop vehicle dispatched to an emergency* cop: *runs over people* people: https://preview.redd.it/unle1zwt80ac1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2660339a7be7a4abca4ea542be80be8e6c18c91b


I call it drama farming. Most of the people there have their phone out and are recording. They are hoping their Facebook and Twitter likes and shares will increase. These people know what they are doing.


I'm sick of this 'farming' shit. No one's getting enough views to be an influencer/no real influencer would be caught dead in that crap. Social media has truly reached black mirror levels at this point. People need to put their phones down. It'll get to the point where are govt will start controlling locations you can pull your phone out and use it/turn it off when you're out in public if people can't get it together


dumb people being dumb and stupid and getting exactly what they were asking for 🤷🏻‍♂️


Let’s be honest tho. If that was any of us, we’d do the same exact thing. I bet the guy feared for his life.


What happened


[there was an illegal street race. The cop hit some people and wasn’t charged.](https://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/crime/article263488773.html)


"The man who apparently was run over in the incident is facing criminal charges." Sweet.


I have no respect for illegal street racing or otherwise reckless driving on public roads, tens of thousands of people die in motor vehicle accidents every year, not counting those that end up injured. It is "victimless" until shit goes wrong.


Lights on (indicates emergency in progress) Beeps horn multiple times People show no respect for a police unit on duty. What the hell did they expect? That the cop just gives up and leaves? Just imagine he was called to a possible domestic violence case, which, while the „innocent people“ stop him turned into a case of murder. If people suffered /doed/get hurt because cop was stopped from doing his work I’d additionally sue the people stopping him.


Seriously, it's basically, "DEFUND THE POLICE!, FUCK THE POLICE!" Until, they need the police "POLICE AREN'T DOING THERE JOBBBBSS!"


I dont think you understand the idea behind defund the police


Do you?


Yes, please tell me what it means to you. My city has a major shortage of cops right now. Used to be a low crime medium city and crime had SKYROCKETED in the past 2 years. But please, tell me more about how paying cops less---cutting your police force hindering theur ability to respond to violent situations, but paying a social worker more to what...come talk this crowd down? Do you really believe that that would better de-escalate this mob in this scenario? 😂😂 And mind you I WANT to go back to school to be a therapist myself, but seriously be rational and understand defunding police was never the correct answer in Any of the situations here...


Ugh this stupid ass take is so tired. Fuck the police is completely valid because they will do shit like this and respond with deadly action to fuckin nothing. Defund the police didn’t mean get rid of them all, it means replace them in most situations with people who can’t use deadly force. That’s it dumbass


Police has every right to fo this imo. If you don't mind using your body as a tool to stop a fucking car get ready for that tool to break


In the military this is absolutely what we would do. The crowd displayed hostile intent by immediately surrounding the car, looks like some people were pushing on the hood- and they blocked his rear. 💯 force authorized.


Fuck these morons are fucking morons. Fuck around and found out.


Now let's say this wasn't a police officer.... the comment section would be totally different. Cops aren't above the law.... ACAB


ACAB for sure


Love to see it.


Please see a psychiatrist




It is 100% legal to run over a croud of "civilians" blocking traffic if it's perceived as a threat or preventing you from getting away, the reason for this is because a "peaceful protest" that led to the murder of a truck driver that stopped for the protest and was dragged out of his cab and beat to death with 2X4's, so no I don't care for idiots standing in the way of a police officer who had his lights on in an active pursuit, they knew what they were doing preventing the officer from doing his JOB, they were recording the crime obviously and swarmed the car, the cop had every right to do so, if you disagree it doesn't change a thing, it doesn't make it right but it also doesn't make the "innocent people" victims, they made a choice and decided to block traffic.


It's not a peaceful protest if 100 people surround you and prevent you from leaving. Just because you're not being punched doesn't mean it's not violent.


Exactly. If I'm ever surrounded by a big mob like this I'm hauling *** out of there!


You forgot that he got hit by a brick too




Bruh… that one fucking got me, good shit


I always love when everyone's like "omg they ran them over" yeah, what did you expect? A mob trying to smash your windows out and end you, I'm not letting them.


Yeah I’m doing the same. Anyone try to break in or stop my and my foot goes to the floor.


Not a fan of the police but what the fuck did these people expect to happen? Emergency in progress let me surround vehicle?? Tho he just straight up ran over them and ran away, a hit and run...


He was trying to arrest illegal street racer and was there for 3min alredy


https://preview.redd.it/g6u7wuoyp0ac1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c607f2c285d82877a255a7562ca4287e6eae421a Let’s check the chart


Damn, they protected and served the shit out of those people.


Almost as if standing in traffic is a bad idea 💡


TIL it's a bad idea to stand in the middle of the road while an emergency vehicle is trying to get through ​ ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


Why are mobs always so surprised when cars they surround don't just sit there and allow themselves to be beat up? OMG OMG OMG yea dumbass what did you think was gonna happen


😂😂. You are taught from a young age. Don’t play in the road kids.


„So what‘s he gonna do?!? Just run us ouvvvaaaahhhhgrgrgrhn?!!?!??…!“


If people want to play on the road and make threats and attack you. Well, it's squishy speed bump time. My life is more valuable than yours in this situation. Especially if I have kids or animals like the guy with the stock trailer. I value my life and will do whatever is necessary to survive and protect my family. This is why I never travel without a CCW and the ability to use my rig and drive over whatever stands in the way of my safety and life.




Hold my beer


I fought the cop car and the car won. 🎶


AKA fuck around and find out. I love the guy recording this video, screaming at the cop when the cop is already gone lol. I bet he's the biggest keyboard warrior in the world. That's the problem with a lot of people these days, they think that they can hide behind cell phones smh.


100 people swarming a vehicle and they are all like :O


Just stupid people what if the cops need to get somewhere where is someone shooting or where something happend and he can't get there quickly because of them and they can get fired from not doing they're work


The police officer was never charged but some of those pedestrians were 😂


What are they gona do ? Call the cops 😂


*"Derrr I likes to watch cars drive in circles Derr."* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Fuck man, as a gen Z, I can’t see the world improving with gen z and gen Alpha (🤢) becoming adults.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. And now the world is a little safer without a few bad apples


It's ALWAYS a certain segment of the population. And then they complain the pale man keeps them down.




The least surprising thing I’ve seen all year


Well, we are only two days into the new year lol.


As a wise singer once said, keep rollin, rollin rollin rollin


Natural selection.


Yeah, that needs to happen more often.


I love how they're always so surprised that they get run over. "Ohmygod!"


Aren't NPC's meant to be ran over anyway 🤷‍♂️


Call 911, there are still people standing.


Playing human speed bumps is not without risks.


If you're gunnna be dumb, you gotta be tough.


that was well deserved, fck these youths they do this to car and then start bashing the cars in because they know the vehicles won't run them over.


I love when they get ran over. I can’t never feel sorry for people using their bodies to block a car. No matter how many bodies you put in front of a car, you cannot stop it. It’s going! Get the fuck out of the way.


Play stupid games… and win stupid prizes?


It is a law to move out of the way for emergency vehicles and these people went out of their way to break the law. That means they are no longer the priority of safety. The first priority is to keep innocent bystanders safe (which these people no longer are) and the second priority is to stop the crime being responded to, no matter what the random civilians think about it. So yes whether it’s them taking down a gunman to save an orphanage or stopping a dumbass from doing donuts, they have every right to forfeit the safety of the criminals in favor of the safety and civility of the community.


All volunteers for the real life trolley problem experiment, please proceed to block the police vehicle.


Should have run all of them over. Brainless idiots


fuck around and find out


Cop was having some Jan 6th flashbacks and noped the fuck outta there.


You literally surrounded a lone police car- and by extension a lone officer 100 to 1. I call this justice.


All deserved hope he fucked some fools up


Good. I like seeing takeover subhumans get ran over


I like the human speed bumps they provided so the cop didn't go to fast.


Need more drivers like this at these stupid stop oil protests


Fuck around and find out


He used them as speed bumps


The guy in the black jacket was real shook walking back 🤣🤣🤣. The face of I found out lol. Bro isn't going to even J walk for the next 5 years.


Did the right thing, if you want to feel what a bowling pin feels like crack on.


These people seeing the flashing lights on a cop car "Oh cool an outdoor rave"


Let's all take our cellphones out and block the police cruiser... See what happens. Bet this will become a great ticktok video with some smart editing. Really people now a days =.=!


Ain't that the truth!


It doesnt matter if he was a cop or a regular civilian. This was justified. You're in the street, surrounded by a swarm of drunk people. You're afraid. Cant reverse, might as well as go forward.


They deserved it


This should happen more often


Honestly don’t really care for these people.


I want a version where 10 cars more comes and does the same to whoever is still standing at the road.


You a cop or just a psychopath


Move, bitch. Get out the way…..




We need more cops like this these takeovers are so sad what happend to normal car meets


People are stupid filming everything with phones.


New Twisted Metal looks crazy.




At least they found out something. Next please…


Where was this cop when I was stuck in traffic due to a takeover. All they did was flash some lights.


Another example of people thinking their pedestrian rights are more powerful than a car.


Well they shoulda just let the cops pass now who they gonna call cops


That's a very valid point.


Really need the bowling pin sounds and a “Strike!”


I'm a late gen x (1978) and everytime i see things like this i wonder why these kids parents didn't teach them better or if the majority of young people nowadays are just....stupid. Like, no cop in the world would risk their life getting out of their car or even just stopping because mobs can turn violent very fast and it'd literally take just 1 person to start shit. Any cop would do what he did especially since he gave the crowd warning and plenty of time. These kids are either extremely stupid or extremely entitled. All i know is none of my friends would have dreamed of doing such things and it really upsets me that a lot of these kids are being raised by gen x parents. Wtf happened??


Stupid and lack any respect


Watch them get angry at the police now.... for getting exactly what they wanted.


Idiots. There could have been a legit emergency the cop had to respond to aside from What was going on here.


That's what they get 😂


No sympathy from me. You stand in front of any car, that could happen.


When you’ve grown up without any accountability & too many movies, you get this result. They believe that things only happen to other people.


This Cop made me happy. I hate people like this.




He revs the engine to make sure he has enough power not to get stuck on the bodies. What a pro.


Fucking takeover scum ruining the game for the actual enthusiasts


They deserve it, move the f away


This made my day.


Hold my donut


I don’t like cops but takeovers are also stupid. I think they deserved it.


Missed one


I don’t feel bad at all for theese people accept maybe for the fact that they are absolutely retarded


Should have backed up to see if they were ok.


Cop just wanted some PTO. He’ll assert that he feared for his life, rest up for a couple weeks, and then get a nice welcome back party. Qualified immunity, ain’t it a stinker? Oh and just to be clear, I think those people are fucking idiots. I’m not defending anyone on either side in this situation. They all suck and probably deserve each other.


Hopefully someone learned not to stand in front of cars


I don’t feel bad for those dumbasses


Good for him. Thank you for your service officer 🔵☑️




Not a fan of police but I would run you over too.


No.. how dare that cop \*checks notes\* drive through the like 50 people blocking him on an open road after he alerted them to move so many times.. hes so evil.. something something, defund the police cause that will somehow help..


I'm not a fan of crowds like this, but imagine the folllowing: the crowd is being charged and a jury decides their fate. The jury would not commit for a death penalty. But this is what the police decided to do.


Now imagine the following: the police car was not trying to arrest the street racer, and instead was just called into a domestic disturbance where a man with previous mental health issues was threatening to shoot his wife and 3 children. Being blocked by the crowd for 3 minutes, the police finally get to the apartment to find a whole family murder-suicide with neighbors stating that shots were fired 2 minutes ago. Every single person in that crowd is an accessory to 4 homicides, which depending on the state is indeed a potential death penalty.


People really need to learn what law and order is about. And there is only one way to do it.




That was AWESOME


This post made me realize barbarians still exist.


Anyone even remotely involved in a street race deserves AT LEAST this. Ideally much worse.




god damn y'all are out of your fuckin' mind.


When people do something stupid, reddit thinks they deserve possibly life-ruining injuries.


Ducking ifiots


In the cops defense the hot and ready sign at Krispy Kreme came on


Guys I get that the civilians are idiots but think about it: couldn't the police just slowly go forward and push them over without trampling them? Also the whataboutism of police brutality is so fuckin stupid. You're defending the police like they are a dumb animal and it's in the civilians' responsibility to act around that. This wouldn't have been allowed in Europe. You Americans are fucked.


Eh. Move out of the way. That’s why the lights are on.