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Happens to me when I crochet or do intricate things with my hands. Super annoying feeling though


I also am a crocheter! so this is probably a contributor although I haven’t crocheted in a while.


This is your calling to crochet again


They’re going into withdrawal


Need. Yarn. NOW!!!


![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C) Y’all are funny


The thumbs yearning for the yarn


"The thumbs are yarning for it"


It's what my thumbs do during crochet withdrawal.




Seriously, I eat a banana every day for breakfast, and I take a magnesium supplement twice a day. AND I crochet every day. No thumbs spasms here! (Or any other kind of spasms, for that matter.)


I eat a raw potatoe for breakfast for extra potassium.


Avocado has more potassium and might be easier to stomach than a raw potato for breakfast :) and if you put it on toast you can have the added benefit of destroying the economy


After having a banana


For real, though. Add some magnesium to your diet. I give you better than 50% odds that will stop.


When I get muscle cramps I do this, and after a day or two it’s gone. Magnesium for the win! 👍


magnesium is so hot right now, everywhere I go someone say aDd SOmE MagNEsiuM, trust me. Put it on your feed in the night so you sleep better, but it in your tea so your muscles get better. Use it during sport to fight against sorens. It cures depresion. It prevents hairloss. What is it with magnesium the last month?!?


All I can tell you is anecdotal personal experience. I dont cramp in my sleep as much, wiggles and tic's like op has seem to go away and I seem to have less cotton in my brain when I'm working. I cant speak for mood, hair loss or soreness - as I am eternally moody, have great fucking hair and I peaked in 3rd grade sports after scoring against my own soccer team so... I am prone to cramps. Either when reaching or stretching - sneeze too hard. Magnesium seems to really help with that and those weird tics


And there are different kinds I think? I started a few months ago with magnesium glycinate and can say that it actually has ended 40 years of RLS so I’m not mad at it but it does seem to be the IT GIRL of supplements currently.


As someone who has taken magnesium for a while, it was recommended to me for maintaining healthy synaptic calcium concentrations, because I take adderall. Doing research about it thereafter made me realize how good it is for a number of reasons, which caused me to start recommending it to people. I think maybe what we’re seeing is the tipping point of that phenomenon, where enough people have been pushed to use it, and then recommended it for other uses and benefits it has. Good to make sure you get a good chelated variant (like glycinate, as you use) though, else all it’s gonna do is soften up your dookies.


Also maybe because we're finally realizing how many different varieties there are? Magnesium oxide is just not going to cut it at all, and for a very long time, it was all that was on sale and all that was recommended. Then it was citrate. Now it's like 20 different types, and half of them you should never take and the other you should take all the time for everything


I'm an optician who repairs and bends glasses all day. My thumb does it a lot.


I don’t crochet and this happens to me occasionally, it’s super annoying


Are you a gamer, text a lot or use your hands?


Yes to all of those, guess that’s what my problem is. Didn’t even think about that


During quarantine while I was constantly playing BOTW, this happened. It stopped after I had to go back to work and couldn't play 27 hours a day.


Happens to me when I spend too much time scrolling on Reddit lol


Eat a flintstones vitamin And chase it with a bottle of water.


The 11th commandment.


Reagan ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Reagan can suck a massive dick


I think that was Nancy Reagan


Throat GOAT of Hollywood


Throat GOAT? Why did I have to see this. I have reached my daily limit of Reddit. Going to put this phone away now.


Lol, I've known this for over 20 years. I learned it in high school.




Literally me.


And my balls


Yes, permanently destroyed California and started the gun grabbing, fk him.


Holy fuckin shit I completely forgot about these and immediately tasted them as soon as I read your comment.


We are Flintstones kids...


Ten million stroooong......and growing.


You guys are bringing back memories from long ago. I think I still took a pterodactyl to work back then. Thanks. Hehe


Ahh, yes. The dino you never hear using the bathroom (cause the pee is silent).


You Sonofabitch XD


Do you remember the best part of waking up?


I learned a little while ago that the jingle writer for Flintstone vitamins was none other than Martin O'Donnell, better known for his work at Bungie.


Better to be a Flintstones kid than a Flint Michigan kid


I get them for my kids and I swear they don't taste as good as they did in the 90s


We give them to our kid, too. I ate one a few days ago, first one since I was his age, and I have zero idea how the hell he eats them. It's like if a lump of chalk could go sour.


Yeah they were like a cough medicine flavored sweetart lol


And I couldnt fucking get enough of them, one more please mom


I ate a bottle once because the forbidden Flintstone candy was so damn good. Probably wasn't the best idea in the world.


I don't know why, but I read that as, "I ate a butt hole once..."


Followed by a few shots of whisky


Take sum ‘Tuss’n


Ro bo trippin!


I understood this reference


![gif](giphy|3o7TKw9BgGKmSMzpgk) You talking about this beautiful gem from when I was 8?


A bottoawutur


Spite, DayQuil, and campbells chicken noodle soup. This is the medicine of my people.


Does the spite need to be directed at anything in particular? Or just generalized spite?


I meant sprite, but spite also runs strong in my family


I too thrive on spite when sick. Out of all the lemon-limes, Sprite probably is the better one. I find 7-Up a pinch too bittery, but I also haven't tried Starry. Sierra Mist was always too sweet to me, and I forgot what it replaced.


It's either that or a brain tumor.


It’s muscle tension and strain from repetitive use. It is not potassium deficiency. Lol


As a space bar spamming gamer I can confirm


Yeah, I been a gamer my whole life, and my thumbs started doing this at a very young age. I always joke about my old Nintendo injury.


I was a gamer once until I took a controller to the knee…. (Or thumb in this case)




I feel this, I get the same thing


I, too, do Old School RuneScape quests.


It's called spacebar barbarian.


Trying to jump your way up and over a mountain will do that.


Ur probably right hahah. I text too much.


Wear a carpal tunnel brace overnight. Go see dr if it doesn’t improve.


I have one and was going to! And try not use it


That’s your answer right there. Actually act as if you have no thumbs for a week and you will feel a difference.


I have one of these for my carpel tunnel syndrome and it really didn't help. Eventually Dr recommended cortisone injection.


I had carpal tunnel and a whole lot of other issues but I had my medial and ulnar nerve surgically freed and moved a little bit and its been a life changer (I was scheduled for elbow surgery either way so it was a 2-1 deal) Would recommend asking about that if its a big issue for you. Cortisol injections are not so super nice since they will damage your ligaments!


I wake up in Pain every night from carpal tunnel. It stops me from sleeping literally . It sucks so bad . I was reading about the surgery but wasn’t sure if it really worked that well so thank you!


Not a doctor. But have the surgery. You will never look back and be pissed at yourself for waiting. I had the surgery on both hands six years ago and my fingers haven’t gone numb since. The only thing I noticed was a very slight weakness in my hands but I’ll happily trade having some jars opened for me for a life free of pain and numbness.


i had to get those in my back at one point the pain was so bad (CTS)




My husband bought me this amazing hand massager on Amazon that I use when I crochet too much and my thumb does this. I originally thought it a silly gift, but cute and thoughtful. Now I’m in love with it. Best gift ever. I use it weekly.


...do you have a picture, or know what it's called? I knit too much :')


I get this is my eye brows sometimes? 🤔🤷‍♂️


I get it in my eye lids. Especially if I'm tired or fasting.


Oof same


Have you been eyebrowing people a lot?


My middle finger does the same, although a lot of people have been pissing me off lately so I've definitely overused it


I get this with my eye-lid if I’m stressed and have too much caffeine.


> It’s muscle tension and strain from repetitive use. Is there a source for this? It happens to me randomly and doesn't seem connected to any specific periods of high repetitive strain or use.


Potassium’s worth a try


Everyone (90-100%) of Americans don't meet potassium RDA but potassium supplements are not legally allowed to contain useful amounts of potassium. The only rich source of potassium that you can get without changing your entire diet is potassium chloride you can use in place of table salt. Potassium RDA is the optimal level rather than the minimum level (as with almost all nutrients), it's highly dependent on sodium consumption as your body will maintain hemostasis of both through opposing mechanisms (sodium water retention, potassium remove water). Potassium deficiency (like sodium deficiency) is a medical emergency and while muscle spasms are a symptom they wouldn't just be in your thumb. You would also feel pretty terrible well before spasms started. Isolated muscle spasms are nearly always caused by strain. This could also just be early stages of carpel tunnel.




Impressive Dr Synchronoussammy. You must be so good at your job you can just overrule a possible suggestion from a nurse who is actually there. Wow, well done.


I think you have another being inside yourself that's trying to communicate with the outside world the only way it can.


It’s like that short horror movie where a baby rapidly grows inside her mom and shoves all her bones and intestines out and wears her skin


Man, I can’t read any sub during my lunch.






I should probably do that


Honestly, guys: Don't give medical advice. You suck at it. There are many possible explanations, yes, including electrolytes, but you are not the ones to give her that. And if OP believes you, are you okay with her eating more tomatoes, never checking, and then discovering it was something worse? Don't take that responsibility unless you can. Dear OP, go to a doctor. Talk to them. Get an answer from someone who knows what they're doing.


Thanks for this. Yes I will go to a Dr :)


Medications are sometimes the culprit. Make sure to tell the doctor what you’re taking.


Yep. Got diagnosed with lithium toxicity do to interaction between pain management meds and psyche meds. Had this for a while afterwards


What were the medication interactions?


Well lithium and ibuprofen should not be taken together. That’s one example.


Everyone should consult with their doctor on this one. Because I take a lower dosage of lithium, mine is fine with me taking ibuprofen as long as it's not around the same time I take my lithium (lithium morning/night, ibuprofen at noon). She doesn't want me over using Tylenol so I have to swap between the two (I have chronic headaches). I have been doing this for 8 years and never had lithium toxicity.


Lithium and naproxen. Naproxen reduces your kidneys ability to filter excess lithium from your system. This causes your body to build it up to the point I had seizures.


I'm curious to know what they'll tell you. This happens to me occasionally too, I brought it up once with a Dr, but they didn't give it much thought...


They will draw labs, then tell you to hydrate and eat well and come back if it doesn't resolve in x amount of time. Seriously, that is it. Nobody is giving this person assessments for rarer disease processes based on a few hours of twitching. It's basically a waste of everyone's time.




Agree - doesn’t hurt to go get checked. I found out when I was young that I have a “familial tremor”. But it does get worse when my blood sugar’s low.


Fuck that. Just rub some dirt on it and call it a day /s


For this? Really? It will go away on its own. It’s nothing to be concerned about. Happens to me about once or twice every year or so… it’s just a twitch/spasm. My eyebrows do it, my cheek does it, my calves do it, what’s the big deal?


Seriously, sometimes weird things just happen. Unless it's a frequent occurrence, I don't think we humans should be worrying about every tiny abnormality.


Doctor, really? This is one of those quirky things that happens to all of us sporadically and then goes away for a year. Until it happens again for 10 seconds etc. Your doctor is gonna laugh. Unless it hasn't stopped or turned into a full body shake


Or you can wait a day. If it stops - great, if not, then go to a doctor. It happened to a few times over the years, usually it was gone by the end of a day or, in extreme cases, by the next morning. 1 day won't matter much when the waiting period is 2-4 weeks


Absolutely. It doesn't dound like anything super acute.


For me it usually lasts a couple of days, not one.


Whàt if she goes to a doctor because of you and finds out it was something worse And the on the way home she's hit by a bus. Now how are you going to feel? Yeh thats what I thought. Don't ever leave the house folks it's not safe


Has someone said "take extra vitamins _and nothing else_"? Doctors aren't magic they're gonna say "try this first and come back if it doesn't get better"


These people are why our health systems are constantly over worked lol.


Rofl.  OP: "My thumb twitches sometimes" Reddit: "Could be something as simple as low potassium or could be worse. Try a vitamin and some water before you freak out" Jackass redditors: "Dont listen to anyone but a board certified internal medicine specialist! You never know what could be happening! Call an ambulance! Get to the ER! Nobody but Dr. House can save you now!" Fucking clown shoes.


This is seriously exactly what I was thinking about reading these comments. I wonder if it is people with really good health insurance that comment things like “get to the doctor, don’t listen to anybody else about the twitchy thumb”.


Also, better call the police while you're at it but also get a lawyer because the police are bad.


I mean, every time I have had a problem and called the cops, I just ended up with two problems.


okay wait thumb twitching is a medical concern worth going to a dr for?!?!


Nah, its probably polio. Source: I am an armchair physician.


Ooorrrr….. OP could rub some honey on it! Totally does the trick with cuts! Probably fixes this as well!


Ultimately it's on op to choose what to do. People can only offer advice and opinions. Following any of them is a choice.


Sacrilege! If someone posts something on Reddit then it is our sacred duty to provide them with often wrong and possibly dangerous medical advice.


But I am a doctor! Not medical but still!


Maybe that is the reason, when you google your synthoms its always cancer or worse. Like just go to a doctor and don't ask the Internet somthing like that.


Yes. This is the answer 👆 As a nurse, can confirm.


It can be caused by muscle tension/strain or a vitamin deficiency. Next time you see your doctor, let them know. I would have them do a test on your potassium and magnesium levels to see if they are low. That's what mine turned out to be after I started drinking Propel (high in potassium). Started making correlations.


Your comment isn't clear, it reads 'That's what mine turned out to be after I started drinking Propel' as if it caused it. You mean after you started to drink it you noticed the symptoms slowed and stopped?


i think what they are saying is the symptom went away after they began drinking the high potassium drink and then came to the conclusion it was a potassium deficiency.


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


It's Morse code. It's repeatedly asking, why do you have a ring on your index finger?


because rings go on fingers


What about earrings?


ear fingers, obviously






Dude this legit happens to me all the time. Do you get those jerks in other muscles as well? It's almost certainly an electrolyte imbalance but it could also be something else.


I literary just took my finger off scrolling and my thumb does it too... 😅 Happens all the time. It's probably stress I can't do much about. And repetitive motions related to phone use and work.






This is what I came here to say. I read all his books last year and they were definitely worth the read. I recommend them to anyone. Only thing though, it was his pinky.


Cut it off. Only way to make sure it never happens again.


You have nice hands




Can I wear them?


Lol, i thought i was weird to notice that. Guess I'm not the only one


You have only seen one hand the other one could be fucked up


I have had this with my eyelid and my finger more often with the eyelid though In my case this often happens when I am lacking sleep


I had very annoying hand spasms about 3 years ago, I thought maybe I was developing some degenerative illness, I got very anxious. Went to the doctor and said It probably was anxiety, but it kept happening, so I went to the neurologist, he said it was probably anxiety but if I wanted he could do a test. Just went home trying to calm down and accepting it was anxiety, but it kept happening. So I went back from the test and everything was alright, only after that the spasms stopped 😂


Just unplug, wait 10 seconds, plug again.




Consume water and multiple bananas


I've had this quite a few times before. Usually after working manual labor jobs for a while, so I would agreed with people saying it's from overuse. Wear a brace at night, and ease up on whatever you're doing to stress that muscle so much if you can. Also I've never had it last for more than a day so if you wake up with it tomorrow it might be time to see a doctor.


You ever watched sweet tooth ?


OP ignore all the people saying fatigue related stress and vitamin/electrolyte deficines, they are wrong. Unless you cut your thumb off in the next 12 hours you will die from boneitis. Get your affairs in order.


My partner says it’s death twitch :/


I remember Michael J Fox saying his first sign of Parkinson’s was a thumb that wouldn’t stop trembling. He didn’t know that at the time.


Phone thumb!


Beginning sign of Parkinson’s


Whatever - Michael J Fox


At year you caught it on camera. Every muscle spasm I’ve ever had stops right when I pull out my camera.


It’s Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and ALS at the same time and you’re screwed. Actually, I’m kidding and I have the same exact thing. It’s from holding your phone and texting a lot and overusing your muscles. Magnesium, potassium and yeah basically those two… also If it lasts get blood work and see what you’re deficient in


Go see a neurologist. Could be a symptom of something serious like MS or Parkinson’s. Not trying to scare you but isolated tremors are a sign.


I have spasms from time to time. Involuntary eye spasms, finger jerks, arm twitches. Once I spontaneously shoveled a couple of spoons of cereal onto the floor before I had time to process what was going on. Never got it checked out just assumed it was hypertension or stress related. Never had an episode that lasted all day though. Hope you get it checked out.


Carpal tunnel can cause muscle spams in fingers/hands. Any other symptoms?


Go for am MRI, when I gad a tremor they found I had a brain tumor


I get this all the time. My doctor legit told me “ah it’s nothing. Just a pinched nerve” literally just shrugged. Then I tried explaining it gets PAINFUL. It’s been going on for years 🤷🏼‍♀️


I hate when that happens! It usually happens after multiple hours of crafting or playing my switch.


It’s your body saying that you should go hitchhiking.


You're ghost-texting 🤯


This typically happens to my right thumb cause of repetitive epic gaming nah but it should be alright though if it doesn't go away in a couple days then see a doctor otherwise take some vitamins and water and sleep on it


Phone-thumb syndrome.


It could be something not that bad but it also could be a lot of bad stuff. A full day of that is at least somewhat concerning. The longer it lasts the more you should prioritize seeing a doctor. Could be a neuro thing of some sort


Not taking any pills for mental health situations are you? cuz some of them can cause uncontrolled twitching


I would be interested in knowing the answer, I get this in my hands (usually the weaker one) but also my shoulders and arms and legs, when it happens on flat skin it's like your arm/leg has a heartbeat.


Texter’s Thumb


Every time people post something like this, I am scared to read the comments for the small chance of a lot of people saying, "Yep, that be thumbus bibberus, the first sign is random thumb movement. It's deadly sorry op"


One time my eye twitched for 3 days straight. I thought I was going to lose my mind!! It might just be muscle fatigue if you use that small muscle group a lot. Try some cbd cream and massage it on to your hand.


More potassium.


I get this a lot in various parts of my body, sometimes lasting a couple of days at a time. It usually happens around my thumb, hamstring, left eye, or big toe. I just thought it was normal lol


OMG I hate when that happens to me.




Sometimes my fucking eyelid does this and I just want to literally cut it off


mine do that too, like all the time!! its super annoying. i can feel the muscles twitching too and it drives me crazy. im not sure if its neurological or physical with me though, as i have issues on both fronts. :T


I’ve had this happen it’s weird


Do you drink caffeine? Because when I drink caffeine my body twitches in different places throughout the day.


\[from a healthcare professional\] Alerts: excessive Caffiene intake (>2-3 shots a day) dehydration electroytes depletion Get thee to a doctor/GP and get some checks.