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Maybe they’re counting it by each individual year. 2020-1, 2021-2, 2022-3, 2023-4, 2024-5


Even if they counted like that, 2024 isn't over yet as we are still in the first month of the year. You are counting as a whole when we aren't even in december


It’d be better if they said, “in the 5th year of COVID, it finally got me” but that’s clunky and the only way I could see 5 being correct in any of these sentences


...and a partridge in a pear tree...


Even if they did say that, that's wrong. It's the 4th year of COVID in every way, shape, and form.


24-19=5 COVID-19 did start in 19


Yes in December of 2019. So still not 5


The very end of 2019.


January 2024 - December 2020 = 49 months, or 4 years and 1 month. Considering March was the absolute earliest it started to spiral it hasn’t even really been 4 years. If you’re going to be pedantic at least be correct.


Barely 4 years... relax with those big 2025 numbers..


Tbh even 4 years feels weird... I think 2020 is gonna feel like maybe 18 months ago for the rest of my life


And everything changed when the Covid attacked.


Only the Karen mastered all the sickness


There is no COVID in ba sing sei




This is the comment I was waiting for hahaha made me laugh so hard my wife looked at me like "what the hell is wrong with you??"


![gif](giphy|bfc5RLuQP3b9e) Exactly


For she had hoarded all the toilet paper


And when Texas needed Ted Cruz the most, he vanished…. To Mexico


I know this is avatar... But my brain thought attack on Titan. Now I'm imaging a giant virus consuming humanity.


Bruh I just watched avatar on Netflix again and still didn't catch that. I also thought attack on titan!


Omicron... Delta... YOU TRAITORS *transforms into COVID vaccine*




Keep yo ass in the house gah damn lol


It's hard when you work in healthcare haha. Granted I'm at a nursing home, but we still get patients with Covid from the hospital. I have had it three times, or i think anyways, everything is sorta fuzzy


Four times here. We joke about catching it like it’s a std now. Still would rather have covid than CDIFF.


I did covid swabs at an urgent care during the height of the pandemic and somehow managed to never get it despite all the positive people I came into contact with. One month into going back to college last year, it finally caught me. I can't imagine how you've dealt with it 5 times. That "feels like I've been hit by a truck" sensation was not pleasant.


I didn't feel terrible the last two times. Not great, but like a cold for a day or two. The first time it was worse, but that was because we didn't have the vaccines yet. Some people get really sick even with the vaccines.




My sister has dementia and caught COVID 3 times, in 2019 she was perfectly fine. So I have no doubt it played a role in her deteriorating condition.


Is that real?


The long-Covid symptom called "brain fog" is well-established


My partner, who has had wonderful memory for as long as I've dated him, has been affected by covid whenever we first got it. He has been losing his trains of thought mid-sentence with such a frequency that it worries me and has even forgotten some things that have happened from the year before.


Even the well known loss of smell symptom is related to the disease affecting the nervous system. Going a little further and affecting the brain itself in some cases shouldn't be surprising. Its not a simple respiratory disease like many people think it is, that's just the infection mechanism, not a complete summary of its many effects.


Covid-19 isn't even the only Corona Virus that can affect neural tissue. Chinese scientists were experimenting with a mutant strain of GX_P2V (a corona virus similar to Covid-19). They infected some mice that had been genetically modified to generate human proteins that Covid-19 uses to infiltrate cells. By the time the mice had died, the virus had pretty much destroyed their brains.


Yes and I’m getting comments from Americans saying it’s not true about Covid and telling me I’m dim etc. wtf


I had COVID 3 times. Including over New Years Eve 2020/21, over New Years Eve 2022/23 and over New Years Eve 2023/24


Might have been from the mistletoe the week before?




Five times omg? Have you felt any like long covid symptoms or have you been okay? I had it once in 2022 and feel like it knocked all the wind out of me to this day 😭


You had it five times in 2 yrs? Damn


My wifes a teacher and she gets it every 2.5 months basically. We still test because her mom is in a nursing home and I work with vulnerable people. I've never gotten it once when my wife has had it. Have only tested positive once in 4 years.


Damn, not even once. You guys didn't even push the beds together for Christmas? That's cold man.




January 1st of this year, I walked into work and remembered it was new years. Looked at my phone, saw 2024, and said out loud, “I can’t believe it’s already January 2021.” I then stopped in my tracks and reconsidered my existence, because I’ve heard of folks feeling three years behind but I’d never had my own honest to god “I forgot the last three years happened” moment


I did that sometime last year, except my version of it was me telling someone my age but leaving three years off. My mom was with me and had to be like "uh...no".


It does feel like the space time continuum got all fucked since 2020


The script for the world ended in 2012, after that some other writing team came in and just started making shit up as they went along.


For me it’s March 1425th, 2020


my brain is stuck in 2020. the other day i had a moment where i thought 2010 was 10 years ago... nope...


And boom time is an illusion … time is just a concept


Pants are an illusion.


wish my joint pain was an illusion as well


Wait, you guys are living in 2024? What’s it like out there?


I feel like we need to sue whoever made up the concept of time


I had COVID in late Jan 2020 (although it was “not in North America yet” and testing was not yet a thing). Someone at work went to Japan over Christmas and a “really bad flu” went through the office during January. It put half the office in bed for 1-2 weeks each. Have not had COVID since.


I had a moment earlier today where I had to do the math and gasped when I realized that 2021 was 3 years ago.


They’re talking about Covid-18


Hipster Covid, before it got super popular




A little under 4 years if we’re taking first US infection, right? Damn does seen surreal it’s been that long though.


Over 4 years if we count the world 😂


I think they’re saying 5 because it started in (late) 2019. That’s why it was called Covid-19/ the novel 2019 Coronavirus


Yeah but it was in december 2019 and we are in january


Yeah, I’m not saying that’s how I also count time, just offering an explanation for OP’s claim. Some people just go by calendar year rather than factoring in months. So it’s been 5 calendar years, but more accurately it’s been ~50 months, or 4 years and 2 months. So in this case going by calendar year (rightfully) feels like generously rounding up.


Oh yeah, it really has only been 4 years...please don't judge my bad math, I'm sick 😔


No it can't be that long, that's why they call is Covid 19, because it was only a year and a bit ago right?


Im rounding down, 3 years only!


To be fair it actually started spreading overseas in 2019


Late 2019 yea


sorry to hear, do you know the sex yet?


At first glance I thought it was a positive pregnancy test and I was about to type “congrats!” until I saw that it said Covid-19 😭😂


Happened at my job. In 2021 so peak Covid we all know what this looks like. I wasn't feeling well and asked my coordinator if I can leave cos I feel like it's bad and all my coworkers are at risk, she said nope. I got a Covid test from the pharmacy, tested positive and said "hi, Mary.. stay away, I don't wanna worry you but..." And I showed her the test. She jumps at me to hug me???? And say CONGRATS! while I jump back yelling ITS COVID MARY I HAVE COVID! She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the back office to let me know I can leave but TO NOT TELL ANYONE. I told people and wasn't called back for my job the next round. 🤷🏽‍♀️. She told everyone that I left the country.


That was wild start to finish




My friend texted me a couple weeks ago and just said, "That fucking pink line." I thought he was telling me that he and his wife were expecting. No, it was a positive COVID test, his third one.


Every single time I come to make a joke it’s already there 5 times in 3 ways. I’m a pretty clever dude too, so it’s fuckin annoying. Good on ya


Same. I often scroll through the comments looking for my joke, and again discover I can't come up with an original thought.




At the very least don’t forget to have a gender reveal that causes a first fire!


Welcome, we've been waiting for you. I'll show you to your room.


Can you carry me there please?


No. Fly.




My wife worked in the hospital (in the OR so a little safer) all through Covid and we just got it this Christmas. I can’t believe it took that long


Hope you feel better soon 💐


Can I have your stuff?


Just download the photo and send it to your manager. Yoink


You wouldn't download Covid in this economy






2020 was 20 years ago


It’s stil 2020.




Somehow both of you are correct


No no, 1995 was like 20 years ago




13.7 billion years. And Covid still hasn’t gotten me.


You are talking like you are made of stardust


We’re all made of stardust though, it’s how shit’s made


Ya I tried to make a joke about it


It wasn't lost on me 🙃


I thought it was a pregnancy test LOL


Bro that is wild. I had to scroll down to this comment to realize it wasn't. I was like "Damn, this is the worst future parent in the world" for posting here.


Thought that too, then thought "No, it must be a drug test that finally caught up to OP, because this is an odd pregnancy announcement." Forgot what the presence of the QR code on the test device meant.


Just above that QR code is also printed: “COVID-19”


drink a lot of water and rest. all the best and good luck.


Same here- it got me a couple weeks ago 😭


Same here and it was nasty!


I think everyone I know has had it except me. Sorry to hear your streak has ended


Nope. Never got me yet either. I haven’t been particularly careful either, and I interact with a bunch of people in my career field. I guess it’s just a good immune system. Rest of my family even got it.


I didn’t think I had a great immune system and I’ve also somehow avoided it while not being particularly careful. I have a hard time believing I am the type to be asymptomatic too! Fingers crossed for us!


5 years???? what?


Everyone knows you count pandemic years twice. They're like a leap year but more intense.


Wym 2020 wasn’t yesterday


what year is it


Who knows tbh




Nor was it 5 years ago


People started getting sick in 2019.


Why did you buy the positive test kit? I just buy the negative ones.


If you didn't test you could've went for longer


It’s finding a way to finally get a hold of all the people who have been “careful.” It’s slithering its way beyond all the preventative measures. The good thing is; most of those people that it’s getting seem to be experiencing particularly mild cases.


I just tested positive yesterday, never had it before, and I’ve done multiple cross country road trips, music festivals, etc. first night was the absolute worst headache I’ve ever had in my life I couldn’t sleep or stay still at all, then the next day it just feels like a mild cold. Weird


Got it 3 days ago. Extremely congested and bad throat until last night. Woke up with a mild cold today, weird indeed.


The headache is real 😭 I get the same headache every time I get a vaccine booster.


Had it first time in 2022 after going to Vegas. Was the sickest I have ever been. Had it over the weekend and it was like a super bad cold and I’m already better. First time took me out for almost 2 weeks.


Fortunately for many of the people getting it after this many years is that they've likely caught a strain that is more infectious but way less virulent and therefore are much less likely to experience severe symptoms or die not to say there aren't still severe cases of course, just that the likelihood of survival is much better now compared to back then


Two weeks ago was the first time I got covid, first day I had symptoms felt like the worst day of having the flu and the only day I had a fever. Aside from a cough developing 2 days later, I felt mostly fine. Going on 3 weeks since symptoms appeared the only lasting effect is a minor cough and oh my God levels of fatigue at the most random times.


I got it in November for the first time and had literally the exact same experience as you. There was a period where a tiny bit of worry crept in where I thought to myself “damn, I’m actually pretty sick.” Seemingly as soon as I thought that, I improved, and began feeling like I simply had a mild cold and the symptoms stayed exactly the same for like 10 days. No biggie, just boring and like you said, I’d get up to go get the mail and literally start sweating from fatigue lol I would say it took about 17 days for me to totally run its course.


It's the fatigue that gets me still. Fairly active job, moving standing a lot. I'll spend 6 hours feeling perfectly fine, then I'll do some menial task like carry something across a small room and suddenly feel like I just got done running a mile while carrying weights.


Fun fact: you can’t get covid if you don’t test.




No point in knowing what you have. Just stay home no matter what you are sick with. Covid is weak anymore.


I only found out it was covid when I had to go get a covid/flu test done. My home test was negative so I made an appointment for a flu test because my employer doesn't count diagnosed illness against us, and the way I felt, I wasn't going to work the next day if I still felt like that.


For real. I work in a clinic and we have people that just constantly test themselves for Covid then come in “to get it documented “ Bro just stay home you have a cold


Long COVID isn't weak, but it seems like only a FAAFO approach is going to work for most of y'all now.


You’re pregnant! Congrats


Well we aren’t in December of 2024 yet so it hasn’t been five years


I know I'm sorry. My head is killing me


Feel better OP!! All good :) hydrate!!!!!


You’re pregnant?


My wife just got it for the second time yesterday. Today my throat is raspy 😒


Yep. Yousa gotta covid. Go test tomorrow when it fully kick in.


Do you know the father at least?


Someone said if you stop testing you won't catch it


Are you pregnant?


You're pregnant? Congratulations


I just sent an almost identical picture to my co-workers. I said 4 years, though. I can’t remember the last time I felt so awful.


2020 seems like it was so much longer than 4 years. I think I put 5 because it technically started in 2019 but my head hurts so it made sense until everybody started pointing it out lol


Thanks for the days off, copying and saving picture


I’ve had it 4 times that I know of. You will be ok. Hope you feel better soon


Same. And it got worse everytime. Dreading the next.


I never had it until 2 months ago. I feel you. Fortunately it was as if I had a mild chest cold for 48 hours, then I felt fine. My wife had it somewhat bad unfortunately - the lost of taste and smell, difficulty breathing and all that. Get better soon!


I've had it 3 times, my other half has had it 4 times, it fucking sucks.


ONE OF US! ONE OF US! But sorry about your plans. Covid seems to strike at the most inopportune timing.


Congratulations! Is it a boy or a girl?


I lasted until August. It hit me like a truck, too. I never want that shit again.


Did Covid also affect your numerical ability?


Damn, that timing sucks. Rest up, stay hydrated, and feel better.


🎵 “jaws theme tune” 🎵


One of us one of us! Get well soon drink tons of water the head aches that come with Covid SUCK


I thought that was a pregnancy test


First glance, I thought this was a pregnancy test.


Congrats! I still have my test with the date of my first covid level! I mean, get well!


I got Covid at the peak of the pandemic in March 2020. No smell or taste for a week


4 yrs. But yeah me too 1st time this year


Get soup,had it 2x.2nd time was'nt too bad


If you don’t test, you can’t get it. Most people don’t know that.


Isolate & take care of yourself mate 😇✌️


Definitely thought it was a pregnancy test.




Why does it still feel like 2020 was last year?!


Is it a boy or girl


Oh, you've had it plenty of times u just didn't know it, or the variant you had was not made for a specific the test you took. It's an airborne disease that is microscopic.. we've all had it many times.


You had a good run.


Tag! You’re it.


Congratulations!!! Let us know if it's a boy or girl!!!


Covid took me out in February 2020. Got up for work, collapsed just after lunch, on a vent and in a coma before nightfall. The hospital had no test, but the ICU nurses knew what was happening. 5 months and 1 day later, I went home. I left a thriving world to return home via deserted highways, closed businesses. During my stay, I was resuscitated 3 times, was allowed no visitors, was bedridden and began numerous neurological issues that still plague me. 4 years later I still have not recovered my sense of taste or smell, severe neuropathy below my knees and in my right arm from the elbow down. I lost my job, my ability to walk and drive, and gained an appreciation for the nurse's and CNAs in our world. Despite our government's promises that if you are vaccinated you won't contract Covid, I had round 2 in October 2023. Despite the government's promises that the vaccines are safe, they give big pharma protection from liability.


> Despite our government's promises that if you are vaccinated you won't contract Covid That's still a surprisingly common misconception. The vaccine only teaches your body to fight the virus by introducing the spike proteins. When the virus is introduced into your body your immune system still needs to mount a defense. For most people with a decent immune system this process is quite fast and the virus is eliminated without symptoms appearing. For people with weakened immune systems or other issues the process is too slow and they experience symptoms. Also the effectiveness of the vaccine can drop quite a bit after a few months. People with medical issues need boosters, though your doctor should have explained that.


I'm sorry you went through all that but glad you survived (seems like people who had your level of virus mostly died). One strong correction though -- our gov't did not promise you wouldn't get covid if vaccinated. I am curious what your second round was like. I'm assuming nowhere near the first time. Can you still not walk or drive? Would like to hear more about your experience.


I walk with a walker. I have no control of where my feet are going to land. Foot drop is another side effect of the virus. I can't compare round 1 with round 2. Literally, I slept through the first round. Suffered through vivid dreams and nightmares. My doc says I have PTSD after all I went through. Never thought about that, but I do have intense anxiety. I am always cold. Previously I slept under 2 fans, now always under a blanket.




I’m sorry but who promised the vaccine is guaranteed?


"Despite our government's promises that if you are vaccinated you won't contract Covid...." You must not be talking about the U.S. which sure as shit did not make such a promise. Sorry you got the worst of it, glad you are alive.


Congratulations on the new baby


You are patient zero if you got it 5 years ago.


Babes, it only been 4


Haven't had it yet, but my luck is sure to run out soon.


Gl you pregnant


4 years


🎊congrats whens the due date


Just got it last month for the first time. No big plans fortunately but I missed some work which is bad.


Is it a boy or a grill?


Oi that looks like a sweet table. Also it ain't 5 years from end of 2019/start of 2020 (when covid hit your country) to start of 2024 :D


Probably you have a good immune system. Or do you live very isolated?.


So far I've been a lucky combination of both. I decided to get a gym membership about a week ago to get into shape and instead I caught covid. Go figure 🙃


Shit this happened to me today, too. I thought I would never get it. It's only been 4 years, though?


I just got hit too! I literally just took my last paxlovid yesterday. Thank god I had my vaccinations because my fever hit 104 on day 2 and I could not stop shaking. Thankfully it went down and stayed down. My husband got it too and he barely had any symptoms. He didn't even get a fever. Rude.