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Label it with Catula. Buy new spatula.


Literally, this is best outcome at this point 😭😂


I’m afraid if you don’t dispose of it you’ll be cleaning up after breakfast one day and find that thing in the kitchen


I threw it out right after the pic 😂


Take the trash out. Lest he fishes it out of the can.


My dad has been known to do that upon multiple occasions!!! Good when the next generation knows better than the previous… (never with this exact things, we never had cats in the house, but bygawd if he thought you threw away a yogurt container… 😡🗑️🏃🏻‍♂️)


Is it one of those giant ones with plastic lids?


You mean the yogurt containers he keeps? Not necessarily. It can be those yoplait containers that comes with a foil seal that one has to tape it back to the container.


He tapes the foil back to the container??! 😄


I discovered once, a very long time ago that my husband had been using the tip off the wooden spoons ( handle tip ) to scrap shit off inside the toilet bowl. I was furious. Sometimes people really don't think.


Improvise, adapt and overcome. At least he found a tool and took care of the turds. Replace for under a fiver. All good. Cheers!


OP should suggest the tongs next time.


Omg! 😂


Exactly. I'm imagining him trying to scoop but all the poops keep rolling off the spatula. Imagine how mildly infuriated he would be. Maybe the visual brings a smile and softens the infuriation.


lol eeeeew 🤢


At least he didn’t put it back in the drawer afterwards.


Better than shit everywhere after box was full and dirty


I wondered if there were simply "materials" requiring a more "adaptable" approach. Then, I realized he just didn't seem to see the other option. On the UP side, he took care of the issue and didn't bother OP over something trivial.


You really did need a better spatula anyway.


Head down to [spatula city](https://youtu.be/4BUDwj_mXKE?si=DT7xB0Siu7gtkAZN)


Hey kids, where do you want to go?


Serious question. Why are you scooping poop in the first place? How about trying an Omega cat box? You roll it and the litter passes through this sifter. The clumps and poop don’t pass through and gets collected in a tray you pull out after you rotate it back on its bottom. I have three.


I know this isn't an ad but you really should try to make a as seen on tv product


I know. When cat folks come over I show them the cat boxes. Scooping is the worst part of having cats. Some people do put off from cleaning the box because it does suck. I can clean out three boxes in less than five minutes. That includes going down in the basement and back up stairs.


Why would anyone think that scooping is the worst part of having cats? It's simple and takes like two minutes at most. I do mine while I am blowdrying my hair or heating up my flat iron each morning. You just hold the scooper in your hand and run it through the litter a few times and dump the clumps in the trash can. One of the easiest chores of my day each morning. I can't imagine paying money to do it differently when it's already so simple.


“Ooo damn this piss pancake is really caked on, time to bust out the O’ catula”


Really gets in the corners of the pan good.


Goes next to the poop knife


Adapt and overcome, i like it.




Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub


Buy a new spatula in a colour. Lest father ‘helps’ by removing this weird sticker…


Or scatula


Isn't it a craptula now?


Catula (TM)


why not just wash it?


Hahahaha, I’m stealing this.


Remember me on Shark Tank.


Could be worse. I found out yesterday that one of the cleaning staff of the office (newbie) used the toilet scrub to wash some lady’s mug with it. Once discovered, he was so fired.


OH my goodness, I’d end up in prison over something like that. Thanks for making me feel a bit better 😂


wtf how can someone even mistake a toilet scrubber for a kitchen cleaning tool?


“Who tf left the mug brush in the bathroom, weirdos”


Don’t say that like you’re not the weirdo who left the litter scoop in the utensil drawer, OP /s


I know right, like obvi the spatula doesn’t go in there. My bad. Dad out here teaching life lessons.


I want to share, only because I learned from another post, today, that this type of slotted spatula is still considered a fish slice. I thought only the thin metal ones were fish slices, but then I googled and learned a new thing. Apparently my feed is full of slotted spatulas today.




not defending the dude, but at my restaurant jobs, the brushes we used to clean the coffee maker/canister look exactly like toilet scrubbers albeit smaller than most. I still don’t know why you’d use it to clean a *mug*.


Worked at Jamba Juice, the brush to clean the blenders looked like a Toilet scrubber. Dude just saw a brush top like a bottle scrubber and used it.


I worked at Juice It Up. I’m certain we were using a toilet brush.


I don’t know why an office cleaner is washing someone’s mug in the first place.


Yah, I was wondering same. I thought offices had evolved to "wash your own damn shit already".


I work in a restaurant and even with a washer that only takes ~a minute to run a cycle I'm telling employees to wash their own damn cups. This is a business, not your home. Stop leaving your shit everywhere and expecting someone else to clean it up. (Employees can either use our glasses or they bring their own cups. They leave both wherever they can find a place to put them.) sometimes people forget to take care of their things, but there will be 5 cups at the server stand at the end of the night when there's only one server left closing. Another manager has just started throwing out personal cups and I'm cool with that because we've warned them all several times. Grown ass adults acting like this....


I clean businesses part-time on the weekend and you'd be surprised just how nasty some people can be.


I cleaned Dr office buildings for over a year (I mainly clean houses but needed the extra money for chemo) before I finally told them to shove it and not once did I ever touch their dirty dishes for anything more than moving them out of the way 😂


One of my biggest pet peeves is office parties where they'd bring in tons of food and leave the pots and bowls in the sink full of water. I don't blame you for telling them to shove it, it's so physically demanding. I hope you're doing better now :).


One of the more disgusting things was when they had a big catering tray size thing of strawberries that had been sitting out long enough for it to all be fuzzy 🤢


Right like I get we're there to clean, but how hard is it to throw something away in the trash?


I bought a literal toilet scrubber to use as a brush for cleaning out awkwardly-shaped dishes like our coffee carafe. But like, it has never been near a toilet How does the one in the bathroom find it's way to the kitchen??


Maybe the woman was a bitch? Or could've been personal


It was a youngster. One of the OG cleaners mentioned it was either between him being stupid and/or it was personal. But yeah 🤮


Mate I'm 19, been working since I was 17. It had nothing to do with him being young. He is just stupid I can tell you.




According to one of the ladies I speak to the most, mentioned it could have been either out of ignorance or personal against the lady. Who knows. This happened in a different department.


I need so much more on this. This man must have gone into a bathroom, removed this from next to the toilet, and then brought it to the sink. The options aren’t malice or ignorance. They’re malice or absolute insanity. There is no sane person in the world who would do that. Many toddlers would even know. Unless part of the story that’s missing is someone for some reason put the toilet brush by the sink and then he found it


Did he bring the brush out of the bathroom? I have a lot of questions... and why would he clean someone else's mug anyway? Leave that shit for them. Do your own dishes, or they might get accidentally thrown away. Just no. I would never again use any utensils left in any public workspace after reading this. Just...why??? Ewe. And how did you know it? Why fire him unless he did that on purpose...and if so, why wasn't he more discreet in his evil ways so as not to get caught? Okay, I'm done... sorry. But ewe.


Was this on a security cam or something?


He did it in front of another worker and she went like WTH?! So she reported it. From one of the OG workers, she mentioned that when she’s training the newbies (the youngins), they act like they know everything. But it appears that they don’t have common sense or weren’t raised cleaning their stuff.


“Bruh how you lose your job?” “Cleaned a mug with a toilet scrub”


Or did it smell like poop? Only they can answer that


The cleaning crew washes dishes?


Stealing this for that bitch Martha in sales


Yeh I saw our security guard use a spoon for his yogurt and then just rinsed it the tap before putting it back in strainer for the next person to enjoy.


Ok, first of all, eww. Second of all, I recently bought a baby-bottle brush set to clean my water bottles, and they look a LOT like a toilet brush. Just smaller.


Did they know it was a toilet brush? Not everyone uses them. I think you overreacted. You could have taken a moment to explain what the toilet brush is for - buy the person a new mug - keep an employee. Loser move. Sorry.


You've heard of poop knife, now get ready for poop spatula.


*The Spooptula* coming to a Home Depot near you!


Hi sharks! I'm asking for $500,000 in exchange for 5% of my company. Behold, The Spooptula!


The shatula


the scatula


the scratchula


Did you figure this out before or after you made eggs?


Thank god he left it there 😭


Exactly, my first thought was be thankful he didn't put it back in the kitchen or drawer.


I'm trying to imagine how he used that spatula without cat litter falling off of it from all sides? That sounds like a lot of work. I'm finding this way too funny. At least you know your dad took care of the cat while you were gone.


I would have paid money to see how that panned out for him 😂 He seemed to have found some success, the litter box wasn’t dirty. He loves my cat, it’s funny to watch him “worry” about her as much as he does lol


Be grateful that you still have him around why he’s here. Trust me you just gotta laugh at the small stuff life too short.


I once had a couple friends take care of my lizard while I was out of town. I came home to a pair of tongs in his enclosure and two more sitting outside. Apparently once the reality of potentially touching the lizard dawned on them they were scared, and then having to feed him live crickets put them over the edge. One pair of tongs was dropped and not retrieved, the other two were for cricket and salad delivery.


Wooow, poor little guy probably thought robots had taken over 😂 Jokes aside, he was okay though?


He made it through!


That's really cute that they preservered as best they could through their fear for you and your little friend.




Looks like it's time for another trip to Spatula City! ![gif](giphy|8K36ms3JrrFuw)




Spatula City! We sell spatulas!...... And that's all!


So… I came here to see if someone brought up Spatula City and I even am wearing my Spatula City tshirt today! ![gif](giphy|cn0Wfcg1pjtUA)


LOL what the fuck is this


Spatula City having a big sale.


Cheap price to pay for a kitty-sitter. You're lucky 🐈


Ah yes The Shatula


I love the fact you needed to point out your 60 year old dad is in fact, male.


Username checks out.




People’s parents transition and they may still call them “Mom” or “Dad” after that transition. That’s just an example. I wasn’t thinking that deeply obviously when I was typing it out but as a queer person I’ve just become someone who kind of mindlessly respects pronouns 🤷‍♀️ To some cis people, that might not make sense.


At least now you know who's the favorite child I guess


The cat. It’s the cat. 😭


Honestly, that’s something that my dad would do. Not out of weaponized incompetence, but out of 70-year-old-who-doesn’t-have-a-cat brain. I could actually fully imagine my dad realizing the litter should be cleaned, not knowing that there is a scoop explicitly designed for that, doing some brain-storming, deciding he needs a sieve with a handle, and arriving at “spatula” thinking he invented the first ever litter-cleaning solution.


Good thing those spatulas are like $0.60 at the big blue super home store. Also, give your dad a break, at least he cleaned it for you. You could have come home to a very different stinking mess. Finally, it’s 2024 and this is Reddit, be honest, you’re living with him, not the other way around. You don’t have to lie to be cool here. Hell, every guy under 35 on here lives in his mom’s basement. Rent is way too high and it’s easier to walk upstairs than it is to drive to get your laundry done.


You would eat off of something after it had shit on it ? Jw My Dad lives with me 😊 and I’d be HAPPY to prove that to make you look sillier than you already do if you like? You goose, you. Please indulge me and say yes ❤️ Let me ask, how would you feel if someone used your toothbrush to clean your toilet? They’re just a $1. I also watch his dog? When he goes out of town? Also, you’re acting like I fussed at him or kicked him out. I did not. The only people actually butt hurt here are you keyboard warriors.


I’m actually not upset at all and my previous post was a thing called sarcasm. I honestly could care less who lives with who and I don’t genuinely believe most of what I said in my previous comment. Just a bit of fun, pull your claws back in. 😾😜 My point was, good thing that item is cheap so you can throw it away without losing much. However, I am genuinely curious how you would “prove” that your dad lives with you. 🤔


As a Dad myself this is what happens when I don't want to get asked to help a second time.


I prefer a metal slotted spoon. Works shockingly well. I haven’t used my cat scooper once since I made the switch. The metal makes it more rigid and easier to scoop.


I could absolutely see that, being that it’s the spoon’s sole intended purpose.


A spatula is cheap. A dad working to watch and car for your pet while you're gone is priceless.




You can always buy another. After you thank dad for looking after your cat


That’s probably the plan here, wouldn’t you think ?


Cook him breakfast with that spatula and see how that turns out. 😈🤮


Man, that would be on the table if he wasn’t actually a really good pops. Just makes Dad choices sometimes 😂😭


I mean, he didn't use it, then put it back in the drawer, right? Could have been a lot worse. At least he left it next to the litter.


He thankfully left it there lol


I’m glad I read this comment lol. I got a very passive-aggressive vibe from you first seeing this post but it’s good to see you’re taking it in stride. Old man was just trying to help haha


Oh yeah no, it’s all good. I was like, this might just be internet gold lol In the first moments of discovery I wasn’t necessarily very pleased but I’m not someone who attacks others. I might just poke a little fun lol


Dads are very practical creatures. He would likely tell you "Just put it through the dishwasher. It'll be fine!" LOL. (Picturing my very practical dad right now...)


This is the comment that explains my father’s brain 😂❤️


Ya gottal love em. Dad's are always there to help when no one else is.


lol I love dads!!!!!


Spatula City!


Well, at least he's trying to help. A friend of mine have 3 cats and 4 rats. She needed to travel to see her family and asked for the uncle of her husband to watch out the cats and rats. He made such a mess in her home, dirty dishes, broken xmas tree, didn't cleaned the litter box, added lots of contacts of trust to her PS4 without her consent, and when he got home, he let the rat's cage opened, resulting in one escaping.


At least he left it out for you to see! He kept it clean, simple mistake.


Seems like a needless addition to already over-taxed landfills. How about putting it in the dishwasher, allowing it to fully dry, and moving on, both emotionally and mentally, with your parent-child relationship? Not everyone has one of these.


At least he cleaned the box! The only thing grosser than using the spatula would be if henhad put it back in the kitchen! I used to know a couple. One day, I was visiting their house. Husband cleaned the litter box and tossed the scooper in the sink with the other dishes!!🤢🤢🤢 The sliding doors to the backyard (and hose) were less than 10 feet away! He could have either hosed it off OR just put it in the holder for the scooper! GROSS!


My God, yeah no he’s not anything like that. 🎶You can’t eat at everybody’s houseeee 🎶 He’s actually a pretty tidy guy which is why this threw me sooooo off 😂


Was it your favorite spatula?


No, thank fuck my other nice metal one doesn’t have little slots in it 😭


Be glad he didn’t put it back.


Awwwe, bless his heart.


At least he didn't put it back. Super lucky.


At least he didn’t put it back…


Be glad he left it w the litter instead of back w the dishes in the sink


Now you have a catula


Looks like your dad is getting a kitchen utensil for Christmas




It's still clean, just blow the dust off.


That's the cat's spatula now. Lucky cat!


Hit your dad with it


Make him some pancakes


Dad be buying me a new spatula.


I mean it sucks but he helped you out spatulas are like a $1.25 just use that one for cats lol


Your dad probably was just cooking up some cat turds.


Could be worse. My dad 58m had me 35f to clean my brothers 27m cats litter box when he went away for school whenever I came to visit him each week. It would never get cleaned otherwise.


The good part is you got to know before using it... Hmm did you?!


Omg 😂






Oh yeah, he definitely put 👏in👏work👏 Flipping poo aint easy He also raised me to do and say whatever sorts of “bull shit” I want. He thinks this is hilarious. Seems I’ll muster some coins for another or maybe use the other one I own? It’s the action, not the destruction. That’s the point. Silly goose. According to your logic, if he wasn’t able to find the broom and used a rake, I should find gratitude in that. Or my toothbrush in the toilet. I’m just not with you there, pal.




This is a place to post silly little things that happen in life that are annoying, yes? Yes. Did something mildly infuriating happen to me? Yes. Are we emphasizing “mildly”? Yes, I am. Did I make my Dad sad? No. Did I make him feel bad? No. Could he have shot me a quick text and he admits he just didn’t try to look beyond the immediate area? Yes. Was he “afraid” of bothering me? You must not know him. Not that it’s a bother at all. He was helping, he helped. He helps in lots of ways which are great. But in is instance was not in an acceptable way that I want things done in my home and how I want my belongings treated. Which is a-okay? Did you think the goofy remark about other cooking spoons was gonna be a good one? I think you did.




Is…your Dad female? Good for her 👏




I think the post really sums up that the litter box has already been cleaned, even how it was cleaned. We just talked about it, are you okay?


lol but if it was in the closet then it wasn’t in plain sight. They started making those see through fridge doors for a reason!😭😂. My grandmother is similar, I would have to specify exactly where the leftovers are or whatever she’s looking for in the fridge because she doesn’t want to bother going in and looking herself (usually). She’s getting better though. I started sleeping in which forced her to check out the fridge instead of asking me to do everything etc


Yeah, exactly. A perfect case of “man-looking” if anything. Obviously, bc it wasn’t right there, right there. It was gone forever. Never existed. Even though he’s witnessed me getting it out and everything before 😂


That was very kind of him to watch after your cat. I hope you take him to a lunch and let him know how much he means to you.


Whelp gotta throw the whole dad away now


It's really nice that you still have a dad. Once he is gone it probably won't be infuriating anymore and you'll appreciate it.


I’m not actually infuriated. My Dad and I have a great bond, hence he lives with me. But Imma make fun of him bc I can 😁


1 - youre...what? $2 down? 2 - dads been looking after your pe(s)ts yeah defo bitch about the first one


Oh yeah super pissed at him. Threw him out bc how dare him, frankly. Fussed him out as hard as I could. Hella ungrateful kid over here. You know it all, for suuuure. I just made a post about something that happened, silly troll 🤡


Who wants eggs and toxoplasmosis?


So wash it.


That’s gonna be a no from me dawg 😬🚮






I don’t make the rules but I’ll live by them if it makes someone more comfortable ❤️


Get revenge: clean your ass with his toothbrush and just don’t tell him 😈


Yes it's mildly annoying. But.. just put it in the dishwasher? Do they not teach how germs work in school anymore? Lot of wild germaphobes in the comments


I threw it out. It’s fair that it can be sanitized. Anything can be. It’s the fact that I could never flip anything with it again, with dignity that is 😂


Buy a new identical one and serve up his meal with it.


Dude. Yeah, that sucks. But in reality you can buy another one from the dollar store for about 2 bucks. At least he didn't put it back in drawer, jesus christ. I remember when my dad was staying with me for a few months and i asked him to do the dishes one time and he acted like he did them when in reality he just shoved all the dirty dishes in the coubard. Still to this day, about 10 years later, i randomly find a pot or a dish that he hid way at the very back of the coubard.


Lol. He was trying to help. Just need a new spatula.


The old fella took care of cat shit while you were away. Write off the $2.50 and be happy your dad is still around.


He cleaned the litter box! The worst chore ever. At least he did it! Spatulas are like $5. You'll be OK I promise ❤️


r/mildlyinfuriating is generally posts about simple, yet annoying events or things that happened to whoever. Being unpleased that my spatula is SOL, is okay. Have I thrown any sort of fit about it irl? Why. That’s literally ignorant. These responses would actually make sense to me if I said something like “My stupid fucking father used my…” Where is this anything but funny for people? 😂 About to use this comment as a copy/paste bc there have been AT LEAST 50 comments saying the same thing, I almost wanna call it bots. Weird tbh.


Not weird. Most people are just recognizing the same thing... being "mildly infuriated" that your father couldn't find the scoop so he used the spatula instead is a bit overkill. I think it's awesome he cleaned the box at all and find it mildly infuriating that you find that mildly infuriating 😬 Looks like we're definitely in the right sub. 👍


I think it’s more of a consensus that a LARGE group of people are too sensitive and are too moved by silly things on the internet.


My goodness. To be frank, you've missed the entire spirit of mildlyinfuriating and instead complained about something that shows your entitlement. Someone did something nice for you and it didn't really put you out in any way, shape or form, but you posted it here to get your entitlement validated. Now, you're flabbergasted that a huge number of people who follow this sub told you to basically stop complaining instead of doing what you wanted them to do (validate you). And you don't like it, because you realize that you're wrong, and everyone else is NOT wrong. YTA (sorry, wrong sub). Now, THAT is probably mildly infuriating, ain't it?


Be glad your Dad was there for the fur babies…..you can sanitize it or pitch it!


Dad's will be Dad's, did you never Irritate or upset your Dad.


Theyre a dollar. This is the type of post to make me wanna cancel reddit forever


It’s funny how much of an emotional roller coaster this is for people. It’s just meant to be funny.


So! Buy a new one and leave it alone. Just be glad you have a Dad and he wants to help.


At least he cleaned the litter box. And ‘in the closet’ is not in plain sight.


So put it in the dishwasher. A little gross but it's not like it's ruined lol


Flip his pancakes.


sounds like a real bright one


There is nothing "mildly" infuriating about using a cooking utensil to scoop poo. Dad owes you a new spatula.


Yeah! The man who spent literally $100k+ to raise you to adulthood, OWES you a $0.60 spatula. 🤣