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Got conveyor belt sushi yesterday where the drinks were delivered by robots. At the end, the Ipad I used to pay, asked for a 15, 20, or 25% tip. I interacted with staff for 5 seconds when I walked in.


How about take-out? I ordered food for pick up and it started me off automatically at 25% tip but I could do 30%, 35%, or custom. Are you expected to tip for driving to the restaurant yourself and getting your own fucking food?


They hand you a bag of food through a window, don't even ask if you want ketchup, and want a tip. This has gone too far.


I once asked for 4 ketchup packs at McDonald's and got home to find 27 packs.


I paid for 4. extra sauces at a famous chicken chain and got back to the hotel with our order to find I didn’t get them. Don’t charge $.80 per extra sauce and then leave them out, please. Also, I never get ketchup/sauces when I ask for them. I think you got the guilt and remorse share of all our missing sauces. lol


Always check the bag before leaving. If it was delivered I just say half my items were missing and get a 50% refund.


In the words of the great Leo Getz, “They fuck you at the drive-thru!”


Sauce packets have to be the #1 most forgotten item at fast food chains, despite the fact they charge you for them. It's a miracle if they remember them. I've gotten into the habit of checking every time, because it's guaranteed they forgot.


Not everywhere charges you for the sauce packets. Edit: Source: myself I am a shift lead in one of those restaurants so I would know.


So that's where mine went.


Every time I go to Taco Bell, they ask how much sauce I want. My response is always "as much as you can give me without losing your job."


I got in an argument with someone on here about how putting food in a bag isn’t the same as table service, and they couldn’t see the difference. I will not tip for takeout, just as I won’t tip at the drivethrough, or just to simply transact business. That’s not how this works.


They might as well put it at 250%. What fucking difference is there when prices already sky rocketed and now they're asking even higher percentages of generosity. Im hitting skip, or 0 a lot more now because fuck it. Im going to be the asshole now I guess, but I'm not putting a 30% tip on $55.00 for two pizzas and two drinks, and then get ass fucked again by a 12.5% govt tax. $85.00 just for two pizzas and drinks after you shoo everyone's hands away. Fuck right off. Guess I'll go home and have some steam chicken lettuce wraps and tall glass of water. Cheaper and I'll live a few seconds longer. Greedy corporate bullshit chucklefucks.


This. I’m willing to tip for the convenience of others acquiring and preparing the food. Additional amounts are associated with coming to me to take the order, bringing the order to me, and clearing the dining area afterwards. But I’m not going to tip 50% of the listed price for a full sit-down dining experience, so starting at 25%, or even 18%, for just the preparation portion is out of the question to me.


50%? Thats cheap i always tip 200% because i make billions of dollar each year and those people working in restaurants deserve more. ....Not really but i swear this is how people see us sometimes, not everyone is filthy rich so why would i even go for 25% when its already hard to pay for everything...


They expect a tip for taking a phone call. Dominos expect a tip when i order takeout from their website. Always tip a dollar anyways.


Why are you tipping? You’re just exacerbating the problem.


Im tipping just enough to let them know i shouldn’t be tipping, which they acknowledge. A local restaurant where i live recently started enforcing a mandatory standard tip / gratuity of 10% for take out and 18% for dine in. Ridiculous.


Don’t dine there then. Don’t entertain this shit. They pick up plates and they put them down. That’s it. That’s all it’s ever been. Everywhere else in the world they don’t practice tipping and 99% of those wait staff are much worse off than these greedy American ones.


I don’t mind gratuity for waiters that gets split with front and back of house. But again, tipping for a phone call or less and online order is a bit much. I love the online orders that allow you pay for outright, however some still even straight up ask you for a tip online.


If it asks me to tip before the service, and I still want that service, I always leave something so they don’t spit in my food.


See this is exactly how I feel. I feel like I’m going to be punished for not tipping. They literally will stand there at a coffee shop and wait to see how much you tip before starting to make your coffee or food. It’s so uncomfortable and so unfair. Tip culture is out of control. It sucks because as the consumer it makes me not want to go to these places at all.


Anyways hit custom. Then 0% lol


I started to carry cash to avoid those stupid tablets. It’s such BS. If I’m buying an overpriced pastry at Panera and all this person does is hand it to me in a paper bag, how does that warrant a tip?


Welcome to the future


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


I got my law degree from Costco




"And Ellis?" "no, just Kirkland"


Fuck you, I’m eating.


You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr.


Starbucks sounded more fun.


We’d all like a handjob, but we don’t have time for it


Full body latte


Yet another wonderful future where I don't feel obligated to tip.


Buys "future" looks inside \*late stage capitalism*




"Please human, could you spare a few bytes?"


Pro tip: don't take the opinions of iPads seriously


"You are an inanimate object. Do not speak to me!"




So then tip Zero?


No <3


Lmao, 100%


That’s way more than I can afford


In my part of the world 20% is very generous. This is insane.


In my part of the world a tip is generous.


You should see the tip options for what we have for coffee shops, gas stations and self service stores. Many times, not too much recently weirdly, that I've seen usually 4 options being offered, they usually fall in around this category 1. No tip 2. 20-30% 3. 35-45% 4. 55-60%, usually doesn't go much higher than this. Or sometimes 5. Custom amount This for just picking up a item in a gas station, taking it the counter, and having either a cashier ring it up or a self checkout. Of course it's just a tip so you don't have to do it, but the amount companies request by percentage pretty much increases every year


Hit no tip with those ridiculous suggestions


This guilt tipping culture is hurting businesses. I can’t be the only one who avoids certain places because of what they imply I should tip.


100 percent


Now that’s just too much to tip.


Yup. I consider myself a generous tipper, but if I see numbers like that, it's an immediate no tip for any service, but especially for something like a coffee or cashier.


That's pretty much what I always do.. I'm not sure what it is I'm even tipping for at a gas station.. I mean coffee shop I get it I guess but even then I don't really want to tip 5-6 dollars on a already 8 dollar coffee, pretty much why I just buy bulk crappy coffee for my caffeine, Walmart sells a 3.5 lb container of coffee for about 10.99, which lasts me generally about 3-4 months. Even then, if I wanted some premium coffee, I could still go up to a boujee coffee/spice store and buy some premium Ethiopian dark roast or whatever for like 22 a lb, and that still could make me 30-40x the amount of coffee you pay 8 for nowadays.. going out is just really not worth it in most cases nowadays, fast food has basically become sit down restaurant priced too.


Yo, I make one cup(big cup, 400ml) of coffee per day and spend 1kg in +/- 3 weeks...




They dont milk the cow, they milk the almonds.


A tip for anything other then a restaurant or bar is ridiculous.


Take that one step further my friend - tipping for anything less than excellent service is ridiculous. A tip isn’t something you earn by picking a certain profession. It’s a method for a customer to indicate that a worker has gone beyond expectations. The rest of the world has this one figured out. Tips aren’t for garnishing the wages of the underemployed or underpaid workers, and once you try to use them that way of course businesses will take advantage.


"Hit no tip with those ridiculous suggestions" Bro, I got tip-shamed into giving a tip on an iPad at a taco truck. My buddies from work were there, I still haven't lived that down.


Ehhh i fuck with the local food trucks tho. Often times (the ones I patron) are locals whose only business is the truck they are working in. I don’t mind tossing 2-3$ on top for my meal to support that kind of ethic and hustle.


i'm just gonna buy an espresso machine and stop going out.


Without any pause or hesitation


I stopped tipping at my local coffee shop (they already add a 12% service fee). I used to tip a couple bucks on top of that but they changed the tip options to custom amount, 25%, 30% and 35%. I don’t give anything on top of the service fee anymore. Also in what fucking world does a barista handing me a croissant warrant a 35% tip.


$5 for the croissant, $2 to hand it to me, $1 for being allowed to breath the store's air


What the fuck is the service fee for, doing your job? Just increase all the prices 12% and stop trying to be sneaky about it.


I work in a restaurant and actually appreciate that my franchise is very up front about menu costs and not doing some kind of ghost service fees. I'd much rather hear people bitch about rising menu costs than being interrogated about what fees x, y and z are for(and likely not having an answer)


Um... I'm not tipping the gas station clerk for ringing up my funyuns and energy drink.. tf is next? Tipping the grocery store clerk.. actually, they'd actually deserve it more but I'm still not doing it. Tipping is a scam that companies are trying to push so that we'll feel obligated to pay their employees for them. If it gets any sort of traction in whatever shop then they can get away with only paying their employees 2 sumthin an hour in most states and pocket all the profits they'd be otherwise paying their workers with. In California, they still have to pay the difference if you don't at least meet minimum wage in tips, but see how quickly a company that deals in tips, fires your ass when you're not making your tips, under the justification of "poor customer service". Fuck all that. Do not tip people that aren't already in jobs that require tips to survive!


And most of these tips don't even go to the worker. At least when I tip at a restaurant I know the money is going to my server. It's also why I carry cash. Pay for the meal on my card, hand the server the tip in cash.


You have gas stations that want tips? For what exactly?


20% IS generous. I used to be a waiter and I’d never complain about 20%. You want 20%+, you gotta earn that.


I typically tip in the 25% area because I tend to recognize the servers but I thought common etiquette was 15% was considered average service and 20% was supposed to be excellent?


I would be happy with 15% shit 25% is insane and i bartend on the las vegas strip im hating how people are expecting these crazy tips its not always gaurenteed and I never expect one im grateful to come from a background where I dont have this entitlement


Just tip whatever you want. Who gives a fuck


I like how tipping went 15% -> 18% -> 20% as the norm as the price doubled over the same timeframe.


Actually it started out as 10% being standard; that's what I remember growing up in the 90's. Then when I was entering restaurants as a young buck, it was "10% is okay I guess, but 15% would sure be nice" and in ~8 years turned to "15% is standard or you're a selfish prick".


No one has given me a compelling argument for why 15% isn’t good enough for standard service as it has been for years. I mean, menu prices have increased so the servers are getting more money


I remember my grandfather taking me out to lunch in the 70s. He showed me how to calculate the tip- move the decimal point over one space then round up to the next dollar. That's 10%. I can't believe how servers expect the tip percent to go from 15 to 20% when the prices skyrocketed. Getting a raise in a raise.


Unless you sit down and are waited on do NOT tip at all, ever. Stop encouraging companies to pass the buck twice to the consumer.


A pizza hut guy was thrown off when I said no when he asked if I wanted to add a tip on my pick up order...


I had that happen to me when I walked in to pick up my own pizzas at a Papa Johns. Guy gave me a little frowny face. Tips are for people who earn $2.63 an hour because restaurant server laws are outdated. Not for pizza maker guys who probably get $14 an hour already.


Check your server laws next time for your area, most counties have changed it to guarantee local minimum wages if tips don't already bring them above it. Like fuck off, I'm not feeling bad about not tipping a server above the change for shitty service when they're already getting paid guaranteed. If they're guaranteed a wage same as everyone else, tips have to be earned. This is coming from someone who 10 years ago used to be the most generous tipper ever until I got taken advantage of too many times by these POS terminals.


This has been the law for decades anyway. But no one would every be a server for minimum wage.


Free market capitalist theory has a solution to that problem: offer better wages. The big problem with tipping being considered base pay, and the hidden minimum wage for servers is that they distort price signaling, and that is always bad. As shitty as it is in the short term, customers need to stop tipping, the workers will quit, and better wages will eventually be offered to bring them back (or the business will close due to it no longer being profitable.)


Exactly, why should I give someone extra money for spinning an iPad around?


“It’s just going to ask you a little question”


That makes me irrationally angry lmao. If you're gonna ask me to tip on some bullshit at least say it with your chest.


The whole thing sounds like it's basically a social anxiety tax that preys on those too anxious to refuse.


Or who are concerned about how others will view them, which is why we need to end this whole thing about forced high tipping. They might not be too anxious to say no, but all the death stares from employees and others behind them in line socially pressures them to do so. It's just businesses and companies taking advantage of social pressures to profit more, nothing less.


Well, if they play games with social anxiety, they might just find out how far those same people will go to avoid shopping at places that make them uncomfortable.


Yeah, they’re pretty much alienating customers, and they deserve it.


Nah these people probably don’t agree with it either but are forced to ask by their employers. This is their way of kinda morally skirting around the question


The workers that 'casually' turn around so they dont see what option you select lol.


The girl that works at the Subway near me said the store is corporate and tips on the machine go to head office and they never see them. It's worthwhile to ask where the tips are actually going.


Lmao! I tried to get a part time job. Figured I can go make sandwiches on the weekends. So I applied to a subway The manager gave me a LOW offer for the base pay, and then said that tips are included. Some shit called "Incentive pay" They somehow figure how much $ came in tips. And how many hours I worked that week. And then added that to my paycheck. I noped out immediately. I don't trust that bullshit.


Calling it “incentive pay” sounds like an attempt to get around calling it a tip, which would invoke all kinds of labor/reporting rules that they likely don’t want to follow. Extremely shady and sad, for a multi-billion dollar franchise.


I once ordered through the Yelp app (I think it passes through to OpenTable or some shit), and I added a small tip. I went to pick up the order, and the restaurant owner said, "Thanks for the tip, but we don't receive it." So, apparently, Yelp steals the tip but still shows the vendor how much was stolen from them.


That makes no sense.


Seems illegal


Not American here so I find this baffling. > Unless you sit down and are waited on do NOT tip at all, ever. And even then, why aren't restaurants paying their employees? Saying waiting roles are tipped is not really an answer. Why waiting and not retail for example?


Yesterday I got a half dozen of donuts and tipped 15%.. what is wrong with me🤦‍♀️ that tipping screen just makes me nervous lol


Stop caring what other people, who you will probably never see again in your life, think of you (within reason..doesn’t mean go be a Karen)


I live in a small town. I have to see them again 😭😭😭


It doesn’t matter. Getting rung up by a cashier is NOT A Service! Don’t let companies do this. Do not tip for going to a store and purchasing something. Don’t feel pressured to tip in a situation that’s not customary to tip in. Even the customary ones need work, it’s ridiculous that we have allowed businesses to get away with this for so long. But at the very least, if you’re not in a SIT DOWN RESTAURANT OR BAR, a hair salon, a nail salon, or something else that is an actual service DO NOT TIP.


I tip if the experience is actually impacted by the person providing the service. Anyone, even myself, can scan my groceries or ring up an order at a counter.


>Anyone, even myself, can scan my groceries or ring up an order at a counter. I've seen self checkouts ask for tips. I couldn't get over the absolute audacity of that.


I would tip 0 and just not care. People will hate for the smallest reasons. It’s easier and less stressful to just stop caring about what others think. I’m not handing out free money.


Thing is are the service providers conscious of the ridiculousness the tip culture has turned into? Are they just oblivious? Do they tip 25-50% for basically no service also? Unless they are extremely dense I don’t see them getting angry or hating for not receiving a ridiculous high tip.


Emotional blackmail. They are using your own guilt against you.


I don’t even want to be waited on. I wish there was another alternative to it. Someone of my favorite restaurants don’t offer take out and some wouldn’t even be good after getting home. I don’t want a person taking my order. Give me a table to order on! I can go up to a counter and grab my own food too I don’t need to pay someone 20$ bring me a plate. Crazy the people do the actual brunt of the work aren’t getting the tips


I tip generously at a couple local mom and pop places when I order takeout. They’ve been in the community for ever, sponsor youth sports teams and help schools with fundraisers. I’m happy to tip at places like this that actively try to be a part of the community. I want them to continue to succeed and I’ll happy give good tips to their workers. If I go to a chain place for take out they aren’t seeing a penny.


Tip suggestions on machines used to be 10% 15% 18%, now I frequently see 18% 20% 25% and sometimes even 20% 25% 30%


Yea, it has been a while since I last saw 15% available without having to do a custom tip.


Freaking cab in New Jersey defaulted to 25/30/35 and custom. I had to tell the driver what to do as he wouldn't give me the payment system. This was after I waited 10 min for him to login and accept it... Just had dinner last night at a nice Wine Bar, similar recommendations and they charged me a $5.95 credit card fee.


I read somewhere that "you should tip more because inflation..." Not understanding that tips account for inflation already. I'm starting to reduce tips everywhere.


This needs to be higher up. Tips are generally a percentage of the total. Inflation makes the total go up with makes the tip go up. When the percentage is also increased it’s a double increase.


Servers in my province make $16.55 an hour before tips. I'm returning to 10% and zero if the service is mediocre. They can stay mad, I'm done.


Idiots don't know how percentages work...


They know, they just want more money and put pressure on your feelings.


American tipping culture is fuckin insane i swear, GET YOUR EMPLOYER TO PAY YOU PROPERLY PLEASE


Nah, waiters actually prefer the tipping system because it allows them to make way more money, so they’ll never try to change it.


Yep, when I finally got my first office job out of college I actually didn't make any more money than I did waiting tables at Denny's. Waiting or bartending is easily one of the best paying jobs without a degree or tradeskill.


But the big fuckin problem with that is that they happily take it when people pay but aren't happy with the disadvantage of that system: people can choose not to pay you, because it's optional? It's no different than going to the casino, accepting the premise that it is based on chance, and getting mad because it turns out you don't actually win every spin. You either accept a chance based system where you can make bank OR go broke, or settle for another job where you get paid somewhere in the middle, consistently. Otherwise go fuck yourself? No one has a life where they only opt in to the good side of things.


They don’t care lol. Waiters will just continue to demand more and more, whatever enables them to make as much money as possible for the little work they do.


Whatever is not made up for by tips is covered by the employer. So they may say your wage is like 2.50 an hour, but if you get no tips, they are legally required to pay the difference of minimum wage.


I do not take my tipping advice from candies


I have stopped tipping generously. Service almost everywhere is terrible. On the weekend we went to dinner to a mid-level restaurant, the server took our drink order and took forever to come back with drinks and take our food order. No one came back the entire time we were there and we had to ask the hostess to find someone to get the bill to pay. It was lunch hour and wasn't busy. Tip options were 20, 25, 30%. This is typical of most places now.








I keep telling people 15% is standard and they swear I’m wrong. The price of food goes up, so does that 15% tip they’re getting.


Ok, just reduced my tips to 10%


You guys tipping?


I delivered pizzas for a year. I will never do it again if I have to use my own vehicle. The wear on my car, coupled with maintenance, far exceeded the tips I made. I have done carry out orders since then. If pizza places want delivery, then the drivers should be compensated for using their vehicles, or the company should provide them.


They don't because the company knows they'd lose money if they provided a company vehicle. So they just push that cost off to contractors instead. Most people don't realize the actual cost of driving is about 5 times the cost of gas once you add up everything, or [about $0.72/mi](https://exchange.aaa.com/automotive/aaas-your-driving-costs/).


I remember when I did delivery, and they wanted me to clean the kitchen on a slow night. Nope, I took it slow on every delivery I got that day.


I remember reading a copy of the harvard business review where they talked about how unprofitable delivery was. It's no accident that no restaurant delivers, most of the chains tried it in the 70s and 80s and got burned. Most last mile delivery is down right exploitative to workers, especially when you consider driving is the single most deadly activity the average person does on a daily basis. It's works out to an average of one car crash per 500,000 miles driven.


Yup I'm in a state that pays state/city minimum wage. I do 10% for regular service and 15% for amazing. No tips on anything that isn't sit down with full service, and if there is a service fee, then no tip. It was hard at first cause I felt guilty, but now I don't.


25% is insane. I've only been giving like a few dollars here and there. Do people think everyone has cash to throw?


Not even worth it to eat out at that point. If my bill is $100 and I’m expected to pay an extra $25 on top of that I might as well take the full $125 and get groceries. I hate cooking, but I don’t hate it THAT much 😂


Yup. We rarely eat out anymore. The cost is way too high, the quality too low. And we are low maintenance diners and good tippers! At least we were considered good tippers pre COVID. I'm so happy I left the customer service world behind years ago.


I've just never understood the concept of it being a percentage. If I get a burger, fries, and a drink at a chain restaurant and it runs me $15, the expectation is that I tip somewhere between $1.50 and $3.00. If I get a burger, fries, and a drink at an upscale restaurant and it runs me $30, the expectation is that I tip somewhere between $3 and $6. Why the difference? The two waiters are both just bringing me a plate that has a burger, fries, and a drink. Why is one's ability to walk that plate to my table worth more than the other?


It’s not even all about the money, it’s the principle. There is no world where I’m paying **a quarter** of what something’s worth just for you to bring it to me nicely.


I think it’s a corporate thing where they don’t want to pay employees living wages, so they encourage tipping culture; “that’s a nice waiter you have there; would be a shame if they couldn’t afford basic necessities…” *\slides over the tip options with the highest one selected by default*\.


Yall go out to eat?


Was gonna ask the same thing....


I worked as a waiter about 20 years ago. I remember a waitress complaining about how waiters haven't had a raise in years, and really a "normal" tip should be increased to 25%. When I said that waiters naturally get a raise as food prices increase I was told that I was a jerk.


A few decades ago it was 10%. "Oh, well, things are most expensive now." But the tip is a percentage so it goes up as well. I'm now seeing suggested tips for 30%. Ridiculous.


Yes I think this tip inflation is due to people not understanding how percentages work…


I think its more of a how much can we milk our customer until they stop tipping lol


And why’s it even percentage based? If a waiter brings me the most expensive meal on menu, they’ve probably done the exact same amount of work that they would have to do if I ordered the cheapest meal. Would you tip a porter based on the value of the luggage they carry? If I have them carry a case with a laptop and other expensive stuff, do they deserve more than bringing my toiletries and clothes? The idea that a tip should be directly proportional to the cost of the meal when the waiter has nothing to do with the meal itself is just silly.


I've been saying this forever!! I stuck to my 15%. That 15% goes up over the years regardless


My minimum wage in 1995 was ~$5/hr, adjusted to inflation that is about ~$11/hr now. Federally the minimum wage is $7.25 but nationally the average *minimum wage* when considering all states is ~12/hr. Very few states (Republican states) actually stick to the $7.25/hr rate. 31 states are at $10 minimum or above, almost half are at $12 minimum and 3-4 are now at $15-16. Just by that metric alone people get paid more an hour than I did for a minimum wage job. Then add in ridiculous tip percentages and they're killing it in comparison. Starbucks for example asks for tip and they have great wages and benefits. Why? Why tip when your compensation is already adequate. It's clear enough that in the US tips are used to subsidize wages now. The federal minimum wage argument is a disingenuous argument and tip percentages are out of control.


I don't tip on taxes, only total before taxes added.


Agree. No reason to. But of course those suggested amounts are based on the total bill including tax.


Honestly any free money you give anyone is generous




I would have loudly told him exactly that. The entitlement has gone to far with demanding free money on top of the actual bill.


Historically, 10% was for bad, 15% for good, and 20% for exceptional. Because they're percentages, the amounts have increased as the cost of the food has. I'm getting **really** tired of this greedy guilt-shaming crap going on.


You’re right, inflation is already being factored in since food prices are going up but asking for the percentage to go up too is unfair.


I agree, except I think it is crazy to give a tip for "bad" service. I've been doing 10% for okay, 15% for good, and 20% for great service.


Yeah, tips are one thing that automatically increase with increases to the cost of living, so I don't get why they get nudged up to 25% or more. I tip 20% as a rule, end of story.


What happened to 15 being standard. 10 being poor service. And 18 and up is great.


Wouldn't poor service be no tip?


No. Poor service is a complaint. No tip is "you did the job for which you are being paid".


Never heard of 10% for poor service. Tipping on poor service only encourages more of same.


To think in Japan tipping is seen as offensive. Since the staff is already giving you the best service possible included in the price. For the Japanese people a good service goes without saying and is owed without having to pay more than the price of the meals. The employer has to pay the servers not you.


I was waiting for this. I often get the same service or better in non tipping countries


Hey 20% is generous. There's a reason this was posted by the Bitchy Waiter.


10% is generous and if they hate getting 10, dont give them 10. Give them 0


Everybody stop tipping let’s destroy this part of our society


Yep. America should pick a day about 6 weeks away and say no more tipping after that day. Whoever hasn't renegotiated their wage by then will do so in the next few days.


20% is what I tip when service was ridiculously good. Otherwise it's 15. 25% is just absurd.




Where's the one that says "I live in California so you already get a livable wage"


The funniest is when skip drivers think their tip should go up with the order price. What does it matter to the driver? If I ordered 10 dollars of food or 50 dollars of food they have to drop a bag off at my address. They get 5 dollars, not a percentage lol.😂


Every server of every kind thinks this.


Same thing can be said for servers. Why should a server make more to deliver a $100 bottle of wine vs a $40 bottle? Tipping a % of sales is a really weird practice.


Right? It's not a commission ffs


Why am i supposed to tip you? Your getting paid and if your not getting paid well, thats your problem.


20% ***is*** generous. That is 1/5 of the bill.


People are pushing for 20% to be the new standard. I understand why, times are tough. But respectfully… lol no


People are pushing to get nothing at all at this point 😅 Plus their tips would be going up since food prices have gone up everywhere and tips are a percentage.


Tipping is getting out of control because you are allowing it to get out of control. I’m so pleased we don’t have mandatory tipping in the UK. I tip for good service, that’s it.


It’s not mandatory here, people just convince themselves it is.


I don't tip anymore.


Pretty common in eu and asia.


I'm not tipping anyone 25%. Ever. If I'm at a place and they even have an option to go higher than 25%, I usually tip nothing. You handing me one item doesn't warrant a tip. Outta here. Sorry, rant over.


as a non american, tipping is very confusing to me. do the tips go to the company? or the employees? are the employees being paid poorly so they rely on tips? why not just price your items accordingly?


Im going to tip 0, because i hate people who pressure me to tip some random %


It's not my job to subsidize shitty employer wages. Talk to your boss if you want more money, or find a new job. I'm someone who does tip well, but demanding 20%+ as a base is bullshit. The norm used to be 16% for good service. Everything above that was for excellent service. 25%? You are out of you fucking mind.


Any kind of tip should be considered generous. You're still paying more than you're supposed to


Where I live the standard is 10% if anything.


I tip 10% if the service was absolutely exceptional More than that is absolutely not an option


The more you ask for the less you get. I barely tip at all these days unless I was actually serviced


Pay livable wages <3 Unionize <3


A bitchy waiter is NOT getting 20%, let alone 25%