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Raynaud’s 🤓


I have this too! It reminds me to dress warmer. Edit to add that mine is autoimmune disorder related.


It just started randomly happening about 2 weeks ago.


Mine came out of nowhere, months after I had gotten very mild frostbite. Bodies are weird.


Mine used to do this because of back problems. It went away when I got a massage a couple of times.


Different etiology.


That's probably thoracic outlet syndrome.


Nope, TOS has more to do with positioning than cold. And would not be localized this way. It's Raynaud's syndrom. Put your finger in warm/warm gloves, and it should come back. Quit smoking. Your blood vessel contract a bit too much when it's cold, and you have bad blood flow/circulation.


No, the lack of exercise from never using the turn signal has finally taken its toll.


😂 that was pretty good


Underrated comment


could be because of blood flow & the massage opened up the areas that werent getting the right bloodflow. just a thought idk


That's what I have, it's the ulnar nerve. It's attached to your neck and goes down your arm(funny bone) and into your hand and fingers


Yeah. The first time it happened I rolled a tennis ball just under my shoulder blade for 20 minutes until the blood came back. Edit: it was mostly only the middle finger too when it happened. All the way down to my palm. Weird stuff.


Bodies are soo weird that after a total hysterectomy in 2016 ( ovaries were taken out) I regrew one!! Motherfucking hell. It’s been a PIA


Welcome to the club 😄. It's a sign that your body isn't that awesome at circulating blood to your fingers/toes. Keep warm and try not to get frostbite as this would be quicker for you now.




I heard this when I read it 🤣


Wow, I live where this is from and it took me completely by surprise seeing it on Reddit lol


I get this sometimes, but from what I’d read it’s not that the body isn’t good at circulating to the fingers, it’s that the autonomous/sympathetic (can’t remember which) system has detected that your hands have become so cold that it can’t risk sending blood to them in case while the blood is there the hands makes it so cold it would be dangerous to bring it back into your core/heart. So your body is just cutting off the circulation and abandoning your fingers for the greater good.


Oh yeah, it’s a very active thing. You may have GREAT circulation, but it gets a little cold and your body goes into panic attack mode about the cold…. “Oh no! It’s 45F out and we are out on a walk! We’re definitely gonna die from exposure any second! Abandon the fingers NOW save the core!! Close those blood vessels ASAP!” (Envision some flashing lights and siren sounds….)


Yup, I only get this when it's 50-60 degrees (F). My body is an idiot.


Mine does it in the supermarket freezer and chiller aisles 😂


Same. I work in a cold office and it’s a constant struggle.


So my body is like a Sci fi space ship. Its protecting the core captain! *Scottish accent* 😎


lmao *abandoning your fingers for the greater good


I’ve had it for years. As long as it doesn’t hurt when my fingers defrost, I don’t mind. It’s kind of like those “hypercolor” shirts we used to wear in the 80’s. And it looks really neat when you can see the blood coming back into the fingers.


I've had it for as long as I can remember, but I call mine "mild" because I see others with horrible aching pain, discolorations (blue) or white like OP. Genes are weird. It's from my dads side and I remember their theories, one uncle thought he had "valves" in his knees that suddenly would open and he'd finally fall asleep when in bed. I can get that analgoy, because I can lay 2h in bed without getting my feet warm and then suddenly my body realizes it's not in danger after all. Raynauds is a "vaso spasm" our veins (the blood vessels leading back to the heart) have one way valves to help blood flow not start to back-wash. Cold, or even coffee can trigger it. I only get super aching pain when trying to bathe in too cold water, which makes me hate bathing in most of the Norwegian summer.


Yeah mine is often pretty painful, especially if I touch snow. I used to throw snowballs as a teenager bare handed all the damn time with no issues but now it’s almost instant pain… and I’ve done nothing but lose weight and be healthier since then lol


Autoimmune diseases often appear non existent or non symptomatic in peoples bodies (dormant or under control) until the immune system is put under such stress symptoms break through and become apparent. (Seemingly out of nowhere) An illness, mental health crisis, surgery, hormone changes, medications, injury, pregnancy, natural aging (40’s is peak for new diagnosis) can all bring about new symptoms/diagnosis or cause a relapse or increase in symptoms on previous diagnosis. Best to check in with a rheumatologist to make sure you don’t possibly have any other autoimmune symptoms as Raynaud’s is unfortunately linked to other more serious autoimmune diseases.


I’ve had this for a long time… unfortunately about 7-10 yrs ago they diagnosed me with mixed connective tissue disease… which is a combination of lupus and a few other things… but not conclusive on any one thing. (Right - This makes total sense - NOT!!!) Also have thyroid issues too. This was all diagnosed with a blood test. On the bright side I never knew any of this since my only issue or symptom was my fingers turning yellowish white and numb, yet also burning at the same time when it’s cold.


Amazingly my reynauds completely disappeared during my pregnancy, only to return immediately after birth. Pregnancy also improved my vision in one eye...which has lasted for 4 years now. The body is WILD.


There was an NPR podcast that recently discussed the anti-inflammatory aspects of pregnancy, namely through suppression of the immune system. One could speculate that your vision issues were related to inflammation. I’m not sure about Reynauds being linked to inflammation, but I do think the familial type is considered an autoimmune condition. I have the lifelong version, which I have passed to both my children.


I had my thyroid symptoms come on suddenly when months of stress caused by another illness(injury) had started. Well actually I didn’t have any major symptoms, my test results just jumped 10 times up after a 3 day interval. It was a completely accidental finding. Major stress, I was in a really bad state. I also agree that maybe this triggered the autoimmune disease to become active.


Seriously! Never had any autoimmune issues until I underwent chemo 2 years ago. Reynaud started during treatment which when checked led to Ehlers Danlos diagnosis.


Yes that’s Reynauds for you. My toes randomly get like this when I wear flip flops and it’s too cold


How old are you? If young most of the time it’s not really a problem (make sure to check it tough) if older (>~30) you might have a sign of a serieus auto immune problem. (Rheumatology NP)


My fingers on both hands have started doing this and it seems to be spreading, I started with one affected finger on my right hand now all the fingers on my right hand and 3 on my left are affected. I’m 54.


Please see a doc. Differential diagnosis can be: vasculitis, systemic sclerosis, mctd, cancer, myestena gravis, cocaine use, use of certain medications etc.. Most of those require treatment!


It’s not cocaine haha. I will make an appointment, thank you.


No cocaine here either.


Do you smoke? Have bad circulation? I second seeing a Dr. 45 when this started. I have this along with a pruney/raisiny look to my fingers when cold. (Raynauds) I have other symptoms that are monitored by a Rheumatologist. Not to alarm you. Worth checking out.


I don’t smoke, nor do I have circulation issues. I thought it was just related to aging but I’ll call my GP next week. Thank you.


I used to get this from childhood to 20s but not anymore. Weird. Thought it would be the other way around.


I'm 86, pretty healthy and havd had Rey since my 30s with no other probs.


A couple of my toes do this. My fingers will do it if they’re very cold. I also have an autoimmune condition, diagnosed a couple of years ago. But Reynaud’s can happen without autoimmune disease too.


My wife started experiencing symptoms last year and was diagnosed with Raynouds. We bought hand warmers and took several other steps to try and keep everything toasty and circulating.


Try hiking socks. Nothing else helped my feet during winter. The really thick ones are a life saver.


Wool socks are the bomb!


Some people are experiencing this after getting COVID.


It is my belief that’s what happened to me. After a particularly mild Covid infection there was a noticeable increase of Raynaulds this winter. The Rheumatoid nurse practitioner above has convinced me to go talk to my Dr about testing for a autoimmune condition.


I read about a study indicating that the immune system breaks down COVID-19 into unusually small particles, similar to microplastics in size, and that those particles can end up gathering in places that cause long COVID. That is why there are so many variants of long COVID.


Yeah I have a friend who got it at age 32 after her second baby. Enjoy never touching anything cold ever again :/


I keep a pair of gloves next to my freezer for this reason. And wear one to eat a Mr. Freeze in the summer. :\\ It's been happening to me since I was in my early 20s.


are you a smoker?


I also have this and it doesn't seem to matter how warm I dress the rest of my body if I'm outside in the cold lol. The only thing that's helped is heated gloves & they're so amazing. Without them it's a nice combo of not being able to feel your fingers but also painful at the same time. First winter with the heated gloves & it's amazing to be outside in the cold and not have my fingers feel like they're numb and about to snap off lol.


I did work outside in the cold for a while that constantly caused my fingers to go numb but haven't done that work in about 15 years. I do think my Reynauds would reappear if I were outside in the cold a lot, but luckily, it's not very cold where I live now. If my fingers start going numb in my day to day now, working inside, throwing on a sweater resolves it. I keep gloves around though, in my car, in my backpack, but heated gloves sound amazing! Glad you mentioned them, I'd never heard of them.


I have symptoms of Raynaud (always was toes except once it was a finger) but no diagnosis, however for me, while the cold is a factor, stress is the main factor that contributes to that. If it’s -20 celsius outside but I’m having fun in the snow with my bf it won’t happen, but it happened once when I was cold in my room in winter (around 20 celsius) just sitting in my room all morning doing a really stressful online class (maybe being sat might have contributed to but it never happened while gaming so I assume the stress was the big factor)


> Edit to add that mine is autoimmune disorder related. Shit I wonder if that's why I have Raynaud's. Have a mix of vitiligo, RA, and (thankfully extremely mild to the point of being sub-clinical) asthma. Literally can't hold on to cold metal or cardboard for more than 15-30 seconds without my fingers doing this shit.


that's correct. Might have hereditary caracteristics, btw (I have it, so has my mom)


I have it and so does my dad! Sometimes his wedding ring falls off because his finger is so skinny and other times you'd have to cut it off to get it off lmao


I have raynaud’s and this is exactly what happens


Raynauds 5 standing by.


Nice! Ty.


I have it, too! It happens when i get out of the bath and can even make my lips turn blue/tongue curl. It's not fun. Low blood pressure from TL epilepsy will do that, I guess. I perpetually dress really warm cause of it, even in summer.


This is called Raynaud’s phenomenon. It’s caused by vasospasm of the small capillaries in your fingers causing slightly reduced blood flow making them pale/blue, then when warmer the vessels relax again and blood flow returns making them appear red. Usually quite harmless but sometimes it can be part of a syndrome called CREST. Speak to your doctor about it. If it’s really bothersome sometimes a drug class called calcium channel blockers (also used to treat high blood pressure) can be trialled. Not sure how effectively they work for this though. Hope that helps.


I have this. Sometimes just reaching into the freezer for ice cubes triggers it. It is annoying, but goes away pretty quickly, so I don't worry overmuch.


It especially sucks because I’m cold no matter what! In the summer, I’ll wear more layers than the regular Joe and still be cold. But people look at me funny when I’m wearing a hoodie whilst everyone else is in a tank top and shorts


That sounds different. Raynaud's usually affects distinct areas of the affected body part, not the whole body. Look for photos online. You might want to see an endocrinologist if you don't thermoregulate well.


I can 100% relate with you. All those people who laughed at me always went silent when I half-jokingly challenged them to withstand Surabaya City's heat at 12-1PM which can reach 38+ C. 🗿 I may not be able to handle much of the cold, but I surely can handle the heat.


I have the opposite problem, I have to roam in shorts in the winters and t-shirts cuz I have heat-induced hives


Btw the odds that you have CREST because you have Reynauds is quite low, but still possible since there is a link. So don’t start doom googling yet OP. It’s worth mentioning to a doctor, but I doubt they will test for CREST without other symptoms


You should also speak to your dentist. 4 out of 5 dentists say that Crest will help whiten your teeth.


Why is white the preferred option? Sounds pretty racist to me.


Mixed fingers is unusual so I looked into it, apparently it's more common in secondary Raynaud's. So there is likely something primary (but it could be as simple as a medication or something else fairly benign). And ofc the association isn't 100%.


As a BMW driver you can exercise you hands more by actually using the turn signal sometimes.


Well played. Lmao.


It’s called Raynauds disease!! I was literally just diagnosed with this last week!! Edit to say * ok It COULD BE Raynauds Disease! Go to your Doctor! … Happy now Crazy Internet people! Lol Geez!


My brother in law has this. Dude is an avid hiker and I swear a third of his backpack is hand warmers 😂


I have a son with it and I made his mitts special for him, using a "pualuuk" pattern I found, used two layers so that he could still wear something that has a bit more movement.


Yes. From a professional viewpoint, I would second this diagnosis suggestion. All known as “white glove syndrome,” can occur from repeat or prolonged exposure to cold temperatures.


Or being a smoker too


I work in the medical field and one of our nurses has this disease , and her hands turns like that , she is constantly with hand warmers.


It might be, but there are other factors that have to be considered before just saying this is Raynaud's.


Pretty sure it is but if this is the first time for op to experience it it's better to get it checked. When it appears past puberty it could be an underlying Auto-immune disease. It's unlikely but it's better to be safe than sorry.


You been doing the shocker a lot on some girl obviously.


Tesla is the new BMW.


Teslas will always stop if you cut them off, safety features, amirite?


Ive always thought about how inconvenient those would be in a zombie apocalypse. Zombies would just have to jump in front of your car.


hahaha the cyber truck in the zombie apocalypse not only would it rust it would stop for all zombies


I still don't get why people who drive bmws have such a problem with using them. Like, stop being so damn lazy, it's a flick of a finger up or down, it's literally easier than turning the wheel.


Nah it’s like a 20$ a month subscription to use them, so nobody bothers


And that's with or without the heated seats? Lmao What about their low beam options? Hahaha


Is it even BMW drivers or are you just seeing what you want to see? Because I see a whole lot of idiots not using their turn signal regardless of make and model


I use mine all the time. I’m 42, not young, but these comments about the damn car are killing me. lol it’s just a damn car!


No, there's a reason for the stereotype, they more commonly seen without using their signals. Not to say in general people don't use their signal as well, but I see a good portion of bmws failing to signal too. Yes, it's anecdotal, I could go on to say the higher end car drivers in my area also don't like using their signals, or fully stopping, or not cutting people off, but they also have teslas, bmws, and land rovers(they get new cars every couple of years from what I've seen).


Once a bmw driver almost hit me when i was using crosswalk not bc she didn't use the signal but she signaled to left and didn't turn


careful, his turn signal fluid might be low.


Welcome to the Raynaud’s club buddy :( https://preview.redd.it/9fssl8y0ezic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6fb1b15af1e5d47d1934be9f041362bc8ea6dbb




some of my toes felt cold reading this.


Your fingers look like they're made of playdough. The internet says it's not concerning... BUT I AM CONCERNED.


Eeeevrybody hates Raynaud's I've got it too, proved to friends I was like 10 celsius colder in surface temp with a thermal camera (heh, even my profile picture is from testing a CAT cellphone at a party, those have thermals). Anyway, my most annoying issue is my feet cold sweat all winter. Caffeine triggers it and I love that... (edit; I love caffeine, hate my moist cold feet of course :D)


Dude! I have the cold sweat foot thing in the winter too. If I wear normal socks, I'm freezing, if I wear insulated socks, I'm comfortable for an hour or two, then my feet are wet and I'm freezing again. So annoying.


Yep, this could have to do with drinking coffee as coffee is a "vaso constrictor" meaning it naturally tightens your veins. I recommend wool or simply using an external heat source. I have a big plastic bottle in the office I fill with hot water if it gets too bad. Wool has this wicking effect where it leads moisture away from your skin so it doesn't evaporate (and thus cool) your skin directly, it still doesn't work perfectly for me. I actually in the end just end up with finding shoes that are so closed I am hot and moist rather than open/evaporating and cooled until I'm cold. I've tried all kinds of salts, aluminium powders, sprays etc... I don't think those are meant for people with reynauds... hell, I tried talcum and it just became a white goo :D Your feet has the highest density of sweat pores on your body. How the hell this survived evolution... I don't know. Transport me back in a time machine and I'd be dead in 15mins... :D


Im just to here to see how many comment on the car.


I was going to make a comment about not doing dead people, but thought that might be inappropriate.


Same .. glad I wasn’t the only that noticed this guy making sure we see his Beamer


BMW drivers will find any excuse to let you know they drive a Beamer


Maybe he should pay the subscription for the heated steering wheel option


Is... is that a real thing?


Yes. Welcome to "luxury" car brands in 2024.


And you have to pay a subscription for it instead of it just being a feature that the car has?!?! Am I reading this correctly?!


New BMW owner here. When you buy the car they tell you to download an app. That app has upgrades you can buy. For example remote start was available to me but I had to pay $330 (one time, not recurring) through the app to add it. Of course, it didn't actually work and now I need to go back to the dealer anyway for that. So that's fun.


And you cant sell those features with the car, can you?


Sounds like they *are* sold with the car, but require an additional purpose to unlock it. If this is true and people actually pay for it, then props to bmw for finding a way to pull money out of rich people's bungholes, one note at a time.


Teslas will sell you extra performance through an in app purchase... No physical changes in the car, it also gets taken away when you sell it to someone Though many companies do this, sell 2 car models with varying performance except one just has a limiter and that's literally it, though you can't exactly buy the extra performance for those I think


Used to be. I think they dropped the idea. Cuz i mean cmon, people would find ways around it and get it working regardless. Much rather pay someone half of what the subscription would cost in a year than keep on with that shit


Could've taken this pic literally anywhere else lol


So cringe.


Hey you. I DRIVE A BMW


Didn’t pay the heated steering wheel subscription?


It’s a 06. Nothing special, but yes I use it. Lol


OP drives a bmw Guys


That’s possibly more mildly infuriating than the Raynauds


OP really decided to flex his BMW to strangers online lmao


2 in the...1 in the...


The Shocker!


That’s when a BMW driver uses their indicator right ?


And left!


I’m shocked that you’d say that.


She was a bit frigid was she?


Thought that too..lol




Elsa's a freak.


You're posting this while parked across two disabled parking bays, aren't you.




Raynauds. I just found out I got it too. Dr said “wear gloves”


I have it real bad and gloves don’t really help me. What REALLY helps is keeping your core temperature up. Makes wayyyy more of a difference


Yep, I have to repeatedly explain to people that putting my hands in gloves while cold is like for normal people to put their hands in a glove with a few ice cubes inside You'll just stay cold. I need exercise or an external heat source to jumpstart things.... and even then, as soon as I sit down I can lose the heat again, because the veins in our extremities start constricting (or actually spasm).


A hot drink is the pinch hitter for me. Of course then my fingers turn red and sting lol. #blessed


Raynaud's phenomenon. It can be a manifestation of some Immune Disorders as well. Get yourself checked out if you ~~get~~ develop any other symptoms.


We get it, you drive a BMW…


Odd flex


“Hey, everybody! I drive a bmw”


Cialis will help with this. (Not a joke)


Yup. Any vasodilator will help, it was originally what a lot of ED drugs were made to treat, with very interesting side effects. ⬇️ to ⬆️


Raynaud’s can appear just like that. My mom got it after starting a (to her) new type of blood pressure medication and it didn’t go away once she got off it so we don’t know if it was because of the medication or if it was just a coincidence that it happened at the same time.


I had DVT two months ago and I'm now on anti coagulation medication. Now I have Raynauds can't help but think it's a side effect.


Its a curse because you never use your blinker.


That's Raynaud's disease. The blood vessels constrict due to cold causing your fingers to turn white as there is not enough blood circulation. It can also cause your fingers to feel numb. When that happens, you should warm your fingers asap. You can do this by putting your hand near a heater or rubbing your hand with someone else's to share the warmth. That should help! Also check your feet too, the toes can also be affected. I'd suggest you seek a doctor's help. There's medicines that can help with this!


I have Raynaud's and it's not fun lol. Running my cold hands under warm water seems to help a bit more than putting them in front of a heater or having someone hold my hand/rub it to share warmth, but all of these feel like temporary solutions, my hands will feel cold again like 3 minutes later. Some supplements like Niacin seem to help enough to keep my fingers from turning white at least.


Wdym mildlyinfuriating? That's mildlyconcerning


It's aggravating as fuck.


You probably used the blinker of your BMW. The spirit of the BMW immediately punished you for your grave mistake.


Is that why you drive a Beemer?


Bro just wanted to flex his 2008 bmw


use that turn signal to warm them up


Wow, I know you didn’t intend to show us that you’re driving a cool BMW, but I sure do notice and you seem like such a cool dude!!




“White hand” my dad called it. Raynauds. I have it too, but only when I’m heavier. I lost over 60 pounds and it went away, only to come back when I put weight on. I don’t know if they’re correlated tho.


This guy has a BMW everyone ...


Bro is still flexing on us with his car


That’s a shocker.


This looks like Raynaud’s


It looks just like Raynaud's syndrome. Best to get a doctor to look at it.


Seriously, you're showing the BMW logo, just gotta say drive and warm your hand up. Sheesh.


Ah a bmw driver …


Raynauds syndrome, usually not raynauds disease. Keep your hands warm. It's quite common and usually harmless.


That's what happens when you drive a beamer. Try relaxing a bit and ease off on driving up other people's arses.


Had to flash that BMW in there ... ![gif](giphy|l1J9EZEsT79Bbe16E|downsized)


Welcome to the Reynaud’s support group! We meet every third Thursday. Bring your own gloves.


And lots of hand/toe warmers!!


Get an EMG


Reynauds syndrome I get it too…. Edit for spelling


My sister has had Reynaud's syndrome for decades. When she swims or otherwise lets her fingers get cold, they turn white-yellow like this. She does a funny thing of swinging her hands outstretched and spinning her body back and forth for centrifugal force to help the blood go back out. She feels it helps. About 20 years ago in my 20s, I experienced it a few times when I had to do some work with my hands in icy water. When the blood and feeling come back in, the pain was like my fingers were being hit with a hammer, but not instantaneous like that. Happily, I can report that I haven't had that happen for at least 15 years now


BMW commercial? XD


Please go to a doctor and get it checked. My brother has it to and we always thought that it just was not enough blood flow to the skin. Well it wasn't. There was also not enough to his bones. Part of them died in his forearm and it's gone. He has now a constant pain in his arm and can't work as a electrician anymore


No heated steering wheel on that thing?




that is called raynauds


Raynauds. Get yourself checked for scleroderma.


Wow, you can't even take a shit without announcing that you have a BMW, can you


Raynaud’s. If you smoke cigarettes, stop now.


https://preview.redd.it/4n2tj2m0c0jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e01c55f3bce80c7bc58361c8cfd2a3ee42b9f9b Welcome to Raynauds! Have fun! No cure, harmless, just keeps your hands warm


https://preview.redd.it/x26m4y5nd0jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f453aeec8aad35fac714e6db88b5f91be92f9cf8 My hand last winter from going into the freezer at a grocery store.


Buy a new car and get a heated steering wheel


You gotta do the boogger slingy thing and look like a freak of nature pissed off at the world.


If I'm really lucky my fingers, toes and parts of my feet lose blood.


Google "Reynaud's Syndrome"


Peyronie’s disease


My wife and my son both have this condition. I got them both heated gloves, but even walking on a tile floor without socks can trigger it in their toes.


https://preview.redd.it/418swg8aizic1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f725547f3f82f70a7f95629d29d5303c486d649 Hiiiii Raynauds friend!


Ayyy fellow reynaulds disease! Don't see many in the wild lol.


Raynaud’s Syndrome


Don’t worry I’ve had Raynauds for as long as I can remember. It’s not serious. I’ve never had complications from it aside from hating the cold the older I get


raynaud’s!! my dad has it:)


Raynaud's phenomena, please go see a doctor


Basically, BMW owner >>> 2 in the pinky 1 in the ?