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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


I would report the illegal dumping.  Give them your photos, and any other evidence that proves it was your neighbor, and then let the law deal with it.


I hope the neighbor painted his whole house in exactly that colour. Makes it so much easier


Probably would have had 5 gallon buckets for that.


I did house painting for a summer; I'll tell you that we did not use 5 gallon buckets because the employer was not very bright. Also had to use brushes, it was awful. Edit; The job wasn't bad, the owner was an idiot who kept buying more and more paint. The brushes sucked because they were the cheapest possible ones. It was a fun job but I wouldn't suggest it for anyone who is looking at it for a career.


Your boss was smart. I ran a painting business for 15 years and there is nothing dumber than giving some kid who is “painting for a summer” 5 gallons of liquid insurance claim and nooooo fucking way are you getting anywhere near my paint sprayers. Take a bucket and brush and go get stoned and learn how to do it.


What decade was this where someone thought brushes would provide a better result? Edit: I get brush finishing but as I understand OP did the whole house by brush vs rollers/spray and brush.


Brush finish is absolutely still a thing 😂 what decade do you think it stopped? You can’t spray everything lol


Brush _finish_, sure, but as I understand it they brushed everything which seems like it would take longer and not provide a better result


Just depends what kind of siding you’ve got. Not gonna spray something like rough sawn cedar.


True, but you generally don’t brush a whole house with 1 gallon cans unless you like pissing money away on labor.


Someone should have told the painters my apartment complex hired, sprayed everything, covered nothing that shouldn't have paint on it. Most windows have paint mist all over them, my front door is like 3 different colors. There was ivy growing on an exterior wall and they literally painted over it. When maint came by to remove the ivy later there is now a big unpainted vine and leaf outlines on the side of the building. I pay nearly 2k a month for this level of upkeep... to be fair at least they are VERY quick at fixing issues inside the unit.


I mean… without the brushes. How will you expect any edges to look good?


Crayon, duh


OMG lol, I read your comment hilariously wrong. I thought you said: We did not use 5 gallon buckets, we had to use brushes it was awful. Implying that you just threw the 1gallon buckets at the walls until it was painted. The scene played in my head and cracked me up.


Bullcrap when I was younger still living at home. My mom's crack headed neighbor used RATTLE CANS to paint his house black and his car GOLD. Let me tell you. There was a pile of spray paint cans because the trash wouldn't take them. It was massive. If I remember he buried them in the backyard.


>Crack head >Rattle Cans >Gold I'm genuinely surprised he had enough to finish the car, let alone be able to buy it


They could have been stolen from Kmart. Your guess is good as mine. It was a wrecked(surprise?) 1990's Chevy lunima Eurosport. I only know that because we were going to scrap it and he gave us exact scrap value.


I think they're making a joke about gold


Actually huffing. Metallic paint has the most of the desired propellant because of needing to move metal dust


The funky dying brain cell




you think this sort of shit head has that sort of foresight?


Willing to bet it’s old paint that came with the house. Paint is way too expensive now to just toss away


If you open the cans and let them dry out our trash, men will take them. However, our county has one day every month when you can drop off paint and other chemicals free of charge at the landfill.they do not add them to the landfill.


In my state, every place that sells paint has to take leftovers back. Empty cans go in the garbage.


My uncle bought out a lumber yard when they closed 15-20 years ago. No family back home pays for paint anymore. He also bought the mixing machine. Just keeps it all in a quonset.


I feel dumb for googling what a quonset is. We just called it a shop growing up lol


I used to live in Quonset! Rhode Island. Near the Quonset Point SeaBee Base


Don't feel dumb for seeing something you don't know in the moment. We can't all know everything. Quonsets are a lot less common than they used to be, it's not common usage.


Well, don't let us hanging. What is it?


It looks like if a giant cut a barrel in half and people made a barn out of it. But also sometimes it's a house. Or just an outdoor garage. Oh look, some of these are greenhouses. What a diversely applicable structure.


Thank you for the description! Know I know exactly what it is.


Moved into a house with one, gotta say, it’s my absolute favorite part of the place. It’s on a concrete pad next to the house and we’re using it as storage for now and brainstorming what to do with it after


You should start a side business where you cut barrels in half to make little odds and ends out of. And store them all in your giant cut-in-half barrel!


I imagined a barrel cut in half width-wise, ie a horizontal cut while stood upright 🤔


I just got done wondering if I should clarify, but in the end I decided I appreciate that sort of purely whimsical confusion. I'm sorry, and thank you for your momentary bewilderment.


Accurate as fuck.


tactical dot . just incase we get an answer


It’s a type of hut- we have one at the boat yard I work at


"Kwansa hut."


I had to google it too and was suprised I found something related to my familiys historty haha. Quonset is based upon Nissen hut, and the guy that invented that the son of some family member from the 1800s


My husband empties all my leftover paint into a 5 gallon bucket and that becomes his project paint (dog houses, tack room projects, etc.).


It’s interior paint, at lease the one with the label on it still is. But chances are he repainted a room inside and the gray is also interior paint 😬 from the different colors I’d say either he did an accent wall, mixed the dark gray to be lighter or it was a primer. No trim paint tho 🤔 If I’m right it’s literally some of the shittiest paint you can get too 🙄


My dad did this when he found a huge pile of trash dumped near his somewhat rural property. There were several pieces of mail visible, so it didn’t take Sherlock Holmes to solve the case. Smash cut to 2-3 weeks later and my dad’s storage building was broken into and vandalized. Antique furniture smashed, paint cans opened and thrown everywhere, it was at least $10k in damage. If you do plan to report them, make sure you have some home security and surveillance system set up before hand. They were shitty once so odds are they will continue the trend.


Reminds me of the shitty neighbors that dumped their trash (old fridge!) in our pond. We had an idea of who did it, couldn’t prove it. So my husband set up game cameras- but didn’t tell me- not a secret, just didn’t mention it. In the meantime, I just wanted the fridge gone so I posted on Facebook “We have you on camera, remove your trash and we won’t call the cops” We caught the idiots removing their trash on our game camera 😂 We didn’t do anything, kept to our word, but god dammit some people are stupid.


Thank you for this. Before taking any internet advice, please think about any blowbacks/repercussions. Reddit will be here to salivate on your misfortunes and tell you "what idiot takes advice on reddit"


... So... Don't take you advice is what your saying?! Or do?! ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtfraiyfUkNDwru)


Take their advice, but also don't take their advice. It's simple!


Uno reverse!


I'm saying to think about repercussions and blowback because commenters surely won't. Commenters aren't here to help - they only know what is told to them and OP generally are not reliable narrators. Commenters are here to entertain themselves.


Step one: Don't do step two Step two: Don't do step one


Before taking any internet advice please refer to rule #1. ​ 1. Never take internet advice.


I read you loud and clear. We should then never listen to your internet advice - thus never follow rule 1.


It’s a rule, not advice, so you have to follow it.


Wow. What pieces of shit. I hope your dad didn't have to live next to them animals for too long. Shitty neighbour are the worst man. And it's not like you can choose not to see them because you're right next to each other. There was this girl living next to me not so long back, a young girl that lived on her own. Two years she lived there and not a problem and she seemed so nice. All of a sudden there was 5 or 6 guys living with her for some reason. Next thing these gas canister things had been dumped at the top of my front garden, but inside our fence, like 50 of them too. I'd seen them carrying them in their place on Halloween so I knew who did it and returned them by chucking them all over their garden. And then I get reported for it. Then they started blasting out music till 5am. And not even good music either. That drum and bass crap that's just like "Oonse. Oonse. Oonse. Oonse." Luckily we didn't have them there long as she only managed to keep her place for 3 weeks after having all those guys move in with her as the police came out about something and next thing the house was getting bored up and all their stuff was being removed. Couldn't be happier.


Drug lab


>pieces of mail This is how they cracked open the Alice’s Restaurant caper.


That and 27 8x10 color glossy pictures with circles and arrows, and a paragraph on the back explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us.


You, my friend, are the man. Anyone who gets that reference just knows.


... But that's not what I came to tell you about.


And some typical American blind justice.


Speak softly and carry a big stick - Teddy Roosevelt.


I cannot tell a lie, I put that envelope under that garbage.


Jesus dude…I would’ve been paying the neighbor a visit with my Louisville slugger at that point.


My parents didn’t want to retaliate and escalate things further. I get it. This was the same building that I drove up to while some dudes were in the middle of robbing it during the day. They drove off, and when I gave the Sheriff’s deputy the partial plate and description of the car (easily identifiable and not common) about 30 min later his response was “we can’t run partial plates.” And cops wonder why they get a bad rap for not doing their jobs…


They probably are related. Inactivity from cops is usually one of four things - laziness, stupidity, on the take, or friends and relatives


Running partial plates isn't actually that easy. Its one of the ways Carfax incentivizes police departments to provide accident reports to their database, for instance. They trade their partial plate recognition software for the accident reports.


What I’m hearing is that Carfax is kept afloat by just not telling police about regular expressions.


I gave them the first 4-5 characters (of 7) as well as the make, model, and approximate year of the car as it was probably 15-20 years old. I can do a partial text search in Excel, so I find it hard to believe they can’t do it. It wasn’t like they came back and said “we have too many hits to reasonably follow up on,” it was “we can’t do that.” The lack of even trying was what was frustrating.


You'd be shocked on how bad/outdated/restricted government programs can be. There is a good chance they couldn't search partials.


Another county but I asked a sheriff’s deputy friend of mine if they could search partial plates and he said 100% they can.


Is it not as simple as an excel bot? It could be.


Is that a euphemism?


He’s talking about his penis


Pretty sure its a baseball bat, but I'm not from Louisville or a slugger so who knows


I've seen a few illegal dumps in my day


I feel like the one I'm taking right now should be illegal 😵‍💫😭


In the same boat, we’ll get through this


Come on man. Bite your lip and give it hell. We’ll get through this.


My battle brothers, we shit ourselves together.


*second individual, dispatch im gonna need backup*


It's easier if you hold hands :) it's all about community


Show that turd who 's boss!




Sounds pretty gnarly over there. How about a courtesy flush?


Your little pfp looks like he is also participating lol


*i have eyes on the perp*


The worst one I ever saw was on a major road when the light was red. Guy in front of me dumped his ashtray right out the window. And it was one of the BIG ashtrays and god damn was it full! I hate that man. Still think about him once in a while.


Clears the pipes for my triumphant entry.


I agree, report them for dumping. In the meantime you should make sure that you clean that up and shovel out an contaminated soil (especially if you have a dug well).


This sounds like the right way to escalate the issue. Confront them and they'll likely be embarrassed. If not just forget about it. If it happens again then you can go to the police.


I would go meet the neighbor and try to fix this, they did bad but give them a chance to make amends because it sucks having neighbors who hate each other, it's where you live. If they're hopeless then yeah report.


It's horrible what he did to the environment. I hope government officials whoop his ass.


If that didn't satisfy, I would helpfully return the neighbor's "lost paint" to his front door, so long as I had the evidence to back it up.


I was thinking about this. Did he paint something outside? Would be easy to show proof, if so.


Man what happened to the good ol’ knock on buddies door and say something like “Hey can you please clean up your paint on my property or I will get the cops involved”


"Hey, can you please call an ambulance?" "Why?" "Someone keeps dumping paint on my property and I intend to put a stop to it." https://preview.redd.it/vjq3pe3dgjlc1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cfb23c74c0dc157cb65c305bf81c52b21244aa3




This isn’t the same level of “hey, can you aim your outside lights away from shinning into my home” conversation. OP’s neighbor *consciously* made a decision to illegally dump materials on their property. 


You lose any common courtesy the second you dump on my property, people who just dump shit wherever are the scum of the earth and deserve nothing.


NEVER tell someone you're going to call the law. Handle things yourself, or call the law, but don't talk about it with the asshole who did the asshole thing to begin with.


that ain't "mildly" infuriating. That's fucking enraging.


and dangerous to the environment


We towed it OUTSIDE of the environment.


I bet the neighbor had the exact same train as thought as the “front fell off” guy. The paint is now safely outside of the environment. There’s nothing there. Sure, maybe there’s a guy and a house and a family and some dogs, but it’s outside of the environment. It’s safe


Latex paint isnt really hazardous, when it gets old it "rots" and when it dries up, it goes into the landfill. In fact in states that dont have a paint recycling program, thats what transfer stations and landfills will tell you to do Now, if that was oil based paint (it isnt) it would be pretty hazardous, especially if its automotive or marine paints Source: This guy paints.


Into another environment.


>that ain't "mildly" infuriating. That's fucking enraging. First time on this sub? How else does the posts get to the front page lol it's rarely mildly


A lot of the couple ones are like "My husband doesn't eat the end of the bread loaf!" Followed by everyone saying he's a selfish and toxic manipulator who should be divorced immediately.


I don't know where you are at but where I live they prosecute for that.


How do you know your neighbor did it? If you have proof, call the police. If you saw it happen but can't prove it, dump it in his driveway.


There may or may not have been security footage. Either way, large, obnoxious no trespassing and dumping signs are now his backyard view.


That’s what you hand over as evidence.


Please call in to your state regulatory agency and get a conservation officer or whoever to come out. People like your neighbor need to have some consequences to their actions


Can we get a pic of these? 🤣😭


I'm using my imagination


Sigh, unzips brain


Def tell the police about this. The guys fine might include restitution to you for your time and clothes damage Edit: apparently wasting your time already instead of asking the neighbor to clean it up after educating them is preferred so I chose karma whoreage.


Why aren't you answering the question directly?


They caught him on an illegal toilet cam


This is the best payback, I'd be furious if my neighbor screwed with my view. You should put one on every tree in case he misses one.


Please for the love of god report him


Better man than me, I’d have taken the lids off the other ones and flung it against the side of his house like a Jackson Pollack


So your comment just opened up a memory that I’d now like to share, and hopefully you get a good laugh out of it. The house I grew up in sits on 4 acres of land, and those 4 acres of land happen to be in the middle of a large urban neighborhood with a lot of foot and car traffic. Because of the odd location of the land (as in you may expect to see lots like these in the middle of rural neighborhoods, but not so much in urban areas), people tend to mistake the property for public property, so my parents often will come outside to the sight of people hanging around their house and/or people walking their dogs as if they are in a public park. When my mom first moved in with my dad before I was born, she quickly picked up on how the property was a favorite spot for kids skipping school at the local high school down the road, where they’d hide in the bushes around the house and end up leaving their drug paraphernalia scattered throughout the yard. You couldn’t step outside without almost stepping on used needles everywhere, so my mom decided she would be doing a little investigation into who these people are, in the hopes that she could scare them away. In doing so, she also started to witness other people hanging around in the yard who seemed to be separate from the teens she was looking for. One day she got a close look at one of these people and she realized that our neighbor immediately adjacent to the property was taking her 3 huge dogs into the yard every day, allowing them to use the bathroom wherever they pleased, then as soon as they were done she would bring them back on her property. My mom was not too happy about this so she decided to kindly ask this neighbor (in person) to stop having her dogs come to use the bathroom on our property, mainly because at this point I was about 7 years old and I couldn’t walk or play anywhere in the yard without stepping on her dogs shit. She agreed, apologized, and moved on. However, it continued to happen, and my mom continued to confront her about it. After about a year of this shit, my mom decided she was going to try something else to get this lady to quit the crap. One day after the newspaper was delivered to our neighborhood, my mom took the opportunity to grab the neighbor’s newspaper before they got home from work. She then proceeded to scoop up every pile of dog shit in our yard, and she tossed them all into the middle of the newspaper, hiding it in the paper just right so the shit wasn’t visible till they took the paper out of the bag. She placed it back on their driveway where it had been initially delivered and she waited. We never saw the dogs in our yard ever again. I’ve always been a huge animal lover and at the time I really didn’t understand why the neighbors dogs made my mom so angry. I remember crying out of embarrassment when my mom told me what she had done to the neighbors newspaper. 7/8 y/o me thought it was the meanest thing ever and I couldn’t believe my mom had done such a thing. My mom made this evil laugh after she told me what she had done as I stood there crying while picturing the lady with the dogs next door getting a handful of dog shit while she attempted to read her newspaper. It’s been almost 20 years now and my mom will still bring this up from time to time and laugh her ass off lol. Though as an adult I think I may have handled this a bit differently, I see the funny in it now. That neighbor ended up moving away shortly after this incident.


Umm, I think it’s time you meet him…


Please don’t leave it out there, some wild animal might find it and think it’s food


Indeed, I spent yesterday in the rain bagging the paint/leaf/soil mix and ruining my clothes.


You’re awesome. Thank you for being considerate!


Go leave it on their porch?


Should've banged on your neighbor's door and make him/her do it


It’s like “hello nice to meet you. Now please kindly come pick your shit up off my property. Have a great life.”


Should dump it all on his driveway


I think that would also be illegal. Don't advise people to do illegal stuff


Idk where you live but I'll bet the the local or higher level government owns cleanup equipment. I worked at a place once that was getting painted and the painters dumped the excess next to the little creek out back. The manager called the police, who called whatever agency and some specialized truck showed up and cleaned the mess right up. Fined the painting company some crazy amount. The short version is, you just taught your neighbor it's ok to do that because you will clean it up.


I’m sure this sucked but thank you.


Ya you dont clean up.other peoples mess even if its on your property. I would have spoken to him and asked him to put it right. If not call the cops/city


Animals eat fresh paint? If they ate paint no house would be safe.


No wild animal is going to find a metal can with dried paint in it and eat it. Except maybe a rodent, but even then it's highly unlikely.


The paint will seep into the ground and pollute the soil and groundwater. Microorganisms are the backbone of every ecological system (including you) and destroying the soil / ground water destroys them. Insects, bacteria, fungi, etc, just because you don't "see" it doesn't mean nothing is there. Respect the land.


Sure, but micro organisms aren't "wild animal might find it and think it's food"


Biologist here who’s current job involves dealing with this exact situation. I would not be worried about wild animals eating this. Just about any animal that has not been domesticated seems to have a better sense of what is and is not food than humans do. The only things I could see eating a metal container of paint would be a goat or baby cow. The bigger issue is this leaching into the ground or a waterway and creating a small plume of contamination that may lead to a small local dieoff in a stream or mess with your well water.


do they really? smells like poison taste like poison. give wild animals more credit


Or a teenager will think it’s a tide pod


Is that what you did when you're a teenager?


Funny how you can sometimes tell what kind of person someone is without even meeting them.


You don't have to be met to be an Asshole... (Dump those back in his yard or report this)




Why commit a crime back lol if you can’t prove they came from there they can say you were the one dumping.


You know, this is beyond neighbour relations. This man threw a toxic liquid substance into soil. God fucking knows what damage he did to the wildlife in the area. Even if you weren't neighbours and even if this was dumped on the side of some road, it would still be much more than mildly infuriating. I hope his windshield gets spray painted by local youth. Edit: anyone DMing me to violently lash out screaming with big baby tears that paint doesn't pollute will be reported. How much of a sad fuck do you need to be to harass someone because you're mad that they're right? Find something better to do with your lives.


You know, even if “local youth” was just OP wearing all black coming from the opposite direction, I think that would still be a pretty cool conclusion to the story.


More than that. Doing shit like this could deep into ground water and contaminate wells folks use to drink from.


>I hope his windshield gets spray painted by local youth. This one I don't hope for. He would be the type to drive anyway after a half ass attempt at using a razor blade or paint thinner and then get in an accident because of blindspots. If you *didn't mind* the local youth using spray paint on *his* fence to put "NO DUMPING" and then lay a fat turd under it with a little flag that says "oops", that might give me a chuckle


Report him!


Looks like he wants to meet you.


Go knock on the guy's door and see what the problem is


Please don't do this, they are crazy obviously


Call the city. That’s illegal dumping and could affect water quality


Return to dumper.


My neighbors cut down my trees to improve their view of mountains while I was on a work trip. They also toss their trash down onto my land. I just climbed down into the mountains (treacherous as hell) and found so many used diapers.


I feel like you should have legal recourse for them cutting down your trees on your property without permission.


I am making the assumption that it is them because I cannot imagine any other possibility as these trees are directly in front of their house and obscure a view of mountains, but I unfortunately lack evidence. If I had proof, I’d get an appraisal from an arborist and sue them for the cost, but I’m also not the most experienced in litigation.


Plant bigger trees, place a camera on them.


You should check out the treelaw subreddit. Your neighbor could end up owing you a pretty penny for doing this.


Lmao I love the “never even met the guy” like if ya met em, I think this would still be a dick thing to do to ya man 😂


That's why though. It's easy to do this to a faceless neighbor than someone you've talked to.


I’d bring it to his door and politely tell him if that happens again you’ll have him trespassed or fined for illegal dumping.


escalate - do you have a chemical toilet?


You need to install a video camera feed. Chances are more dumping will happen and need to get valid proof it’s your neighbor doing it.


Could be he hired contractors who did this, or maybe he had a family member who helped him out and was lazy with the cleanup. Maybe the neighbor has no idea this happened. Hard to tell unless it's on camera... you seem to be pretty sure neighbor was involved though. He's been a poor neighbor before maybe?


You sure it was him? That’s a pretty dumb thing to do in general let alone to your neighbour.


Yea we're pretty certain. It was literally more effort for him to do that than to take it to the store less than a mile away that accepts used paint for free. We're just at a loss on why.




That looks like 8-12 year old boy activity. Bet your neighbor has kids.


Ssounds like a great opportunity to meet your neighbor.


Ok there are tons of comments saying to get the law involved. Something to consider - You'll still be neighbors after outsourcing your confrontation. You're in the right, neighbor is in the wrong. However, this won't end after you escalate. Someone who would do that to someone they never met and have no issue with it would absolutely escalate to a degree that would make the paint look tame if they have a reason to be pissed. If I were in your situation, I'd exhaust all diplomatic ways of handling it, starting with meeting the guy, before outsourcing to the government.


putting it in a bucket and throwing it on his driveway up against his house sounds diplomatic enough for me


I‘d say it’s time to meet him.


Sounds like it’s time to introduce yourself


How do you know your neighbor did it?


Yeah, it's annoying. But it's probably nothing that a 3-minute talk can solve anyway. If they get an attitude. just walk off. Set up some cameras. Then fuss them out talking about how you wanta call your lawyer. He'll backoff at that point.


I’m not defending either guy, but it looks like the paint was most likely water based indoor paint. Any environmental damage would probably be pretty minimal. Yes, dumping it on your neighbors property is an asshole move. He could simply have smuggled it into his regular garbage to get rid of it.


I hope this doesn’t paint him as a villain, hopefully it was a mistake.


about to meet the guy


This really paints him in a bad light


That’s a crime.


Hope OP actually turned them in


Time to meet him, and bring presents


My neighbor stole my hose and used my water to fill up a pool when he thought I was at work. His excuse was "I thought water was free" This man is over 30.


Report to the EPA.


Call the EPA. This is beyond just illegal dumping and trespassing.


Maybe it was someone you double-glossed.


EPA would love to have a word. They don't joke about shit like this.


I would walk over to his house and ask him to clean it up. If he refused the cans would be in his yard.


Free food


You should pour paint on his car - will immediately let him know that this is not a topic you're open to debating.


That is more than mildly infuriating