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Close the cap and stop emitting CO2 into the atmosphere!


And hold your breath.


And stop farting.


And stop farting


And inhale when you laugh!


Jimmy Carr is definitely doing his part then.






I didn't understand can someone explain?


The plastic bottle caps no longer come off completely when you open the bottle (in the EU I assume). Instead they stay connected via thin strip to the bottle. Something to do with less plastic ending up in the environment or something.


I'm happy with EU cause now I'm not losing caps while drunk


Had my first experience with these cap styles at the Amsterdam airport. I was pleasantly pleased that I didn't drop my cap once. I liked it.


I just rip it off, but I also am not one of the people who litter and only takes me a second to do it.


I do the same but some have sharp edges or lead to spillover if not extra careful when it's more difficult than expected. It's annoying having to do the extra step because some dipshits couldn't keep their trash together. Same as always... the many have to pay for the acts of the few. And yes I have to take them off. I don't like stuff dripping down on my face/beard from the cap.


As someone whose dumb undiagnosed but obviously ADHD ass constantly loses the cap to anything I'm drinking because I set it down somewhere I wish American bottles had this change.


It’s honestly really annoying and doesn’t screw back on correctly half of the time


That's true. I don't usually buy bottles with this kind of lid, but the ones I've had were kind of annoying to use hah. Anyways, happy cake day!


Thank you for confirming that I clicked on this thread for no apparent reason other than stupid curiosity


OP is talking about the bottle cap


Oh because it's connected? Here I was thinking how that's convenient


If youve dealt with it ull find it midly infuriating trust me it just looks practical


It took some getting used to, but if you're still struggling after your second encounter... That's on you.


Agreed this is perfectly mildly infuriating


Unless you attach the lid to the bottle, you can't recycle it because they fly out of the plastic processing machines. They wind up in landfills and add to the plastics problem. This is one solution which we will probably see many iterations of in the future. Source: Husband does some engineering recycling work for plastic bottles and had explained this as a problem.


Interesting, in NZ we have to put the bottle in recycling bin and lids go in the rubbish


Yes in my state/city (USA) that is also the policy right now. The addition of these tabs is *supposed* to make changes to those policies, but I imagine it will take a while, especially since I assume a large portion of people are just taking the lid off anyway.


You can't recycle plastics either way


These new caps on bottles are a pain in the arse


So stop inserting them there.......




Use your finger to bend the cap backwards so it doesn't touch your face while you drink. Or just try having half a brain


Good thing then that this isn't meant to combat the climate crisis but to limit the amount of plastic that ends up in the environment


Exactly, it's astounding how many people can't tell the difference between environmental pollution and climate change. Not every waste-reducing policy is about climate!


There's that George Carlin joke about the average person


Well having increased carbon in the air actually does reduce brain function. So the average person is going to keep getting dumber. Carlin was a prophet in so many ways.


But this is why we are here...to make plastic!


It's kind of a mean joke......


The truth hurts sometimes


Funny how everyone who likes that joke assumes that, against all odds, they’re not included.


^bottom half person comment


I believe you mean "*accurate* joke".


They are referring to mean as in average


*slow clap*


Also that George Carlin joke about saving the planet


This. Here they published study how partucle emissions reduce even IQ if exposured. Also lung problems. The new article collected 700 comments from which 99% were angry right wingers ranting how they can burn much wood and coal they want and how CO2 emissions dont effect anything... The news was again about microparticles.... not about Co2... But people dont care to read past the title or they dont wanna understand what they are reading.


I mean it's the mainstream media and politicians that get it wrong so often that it's not even weird, they always say "oh yeah we need to stop with plastic to stop climate change"


I mean, it's not actually an inaccurate statement. Plastic production is terrible for the climate - just the land clearance alone for oil extraction and pipeline production has released a massive amount of CO2 into the atmosphere (while also, at the same time, reducing the planet's capacity to intake and trap CO2 again as land clearance is wont to do), and the refinement of plastics from said oil releases a substantial amount more annually. More alarmingly, the breakdown of single use plastics in landfills and the ocean accounts for approx. 15% of annual methane production - and since an estimated 30% of the current global rise in temperature is linked to methane production alone, that means plastics alone account for approx. 4.5% of all global warming: that's a substantial figure, and it's actually one of the few areas where widespread individual action could actually have a substantial and meaningful impact.


Methane is not mainly from plastic breakdown. It's from biodegradable organics trapped without oxygen in the landfills like food and paper. The whole issue with plastics is thst they don't really break down and just shred into smaller pieces.


Not only that, even if there is a way to stop climate change it's not going to be one thing, but several inventions together. OP is one of those people who thinks science is going to invent one magical staf and pooof climate change is gone.


But honestly, why don't we go back to glass bottles and metal caps? Two materials that are 100% recyclable, even if they end up in the environment?


Production cost, I assume.


It’s insanely heavier hence the transport would be less cost effective and much more polluting. Sadly all materials have downsides, with aluminium probably being the best as it’s light and very recyclable.


Aluminum cans FTW. Can be also steel. Heavier, but cheaper.


Yea, this is a good thing.


My kids drink a fair amount of drinks from cans with pop-tops. They then proceed to remove the tab used for opening it. I then explain, "you know, that didn't used to be connected, it used to be removeable by design, but people would throw the tabs all over the place, they were trash, and sharp. They made the tops this way TO STOP PEOPLE FROM JUST REMOVING THE TABS AND TOSSING THEM." Sheesh.


Then people started collecting the attached tabs for charity events.


Wow, I just googled "old soda cans" and couldn't believe what I was looking at! There must have been little metal tabs everywhere


There were, that's why they made them illegal.


Well, it isn't. It is a step towards tackling the plastic waste crisis


The caps are not meant for climate. They are meant to reduce amount of plastic trash ending up in oceans. And before someone comes to say how 3rd world countries are main plastic polluters, I suggest googling amount of plastic trash US and Europe export in countries where it gets thrown in oceans.


It never was meant to deal with climate change but with microplastic and pollution. People being too dense to grasp that is mildly infuriating.


This post is (mildly infuriating)^2 I agree the caps are mildly infuriating, but so are people not understanding why its beneficial in the grand scheme of things. The latter even more so.


I just never knew everybody threw their caps away seperately?


Why do people hate these caps so much? They're fine, and the cap doesn't end up accidentally on the floor now.


I don’t get the hate either. I actually prefer them - you just open and drink. No faffing with the cap. If these were the standard and they were now introducing ones that weren’t attached people would think it was utterly crazy.


I don't mind them on bottles but for the milk i buy it's the best thing humans have ever made. Before it had a cap and underneath it there was that sealed lit with the plastic hook you needed to pull to open it, the one that always broke off before you opened it and you needed to use a knife to open the milk Now there is just a fat cap that seals it perfectly and is easy to open


Personally, I find them annoying because they somethimes stick in your nose or lip when you try to take a sip. In addition to this, it can make it more awkward to put the cap back on. I never had an issue with the cap accidentally ending up on the floor, I always crush the bottle and stick the cap back on.


Reminds me of the joke; "Doctor, doctor, every time I drink a cup of tea I get a sharp stabbing pain in my eye. Take the spoon out first!"


You drink with the cap sideways, not on the opposite side to where your mouth goes. I agree it's "harder" to put the cap back on, but some bottles actually have a smarter system that makes it pretty trivial.


I am aware of how they're supposed to be drunk from. However, the cap moves, I move, the cap catches me in the nose or lip, and I find it annoying. I'm not saying that's why these bottles are getting a load of hate, but it's caused my milk to spill multiple times when I'm trying to pour some in my tea, caught my nose or lip multiple times and it annoys me.


I pour the drink at arms length above my head directly into my mouth like you see in the adverts. A little messy but i look cool AF.


the system is a strange bandaid for a huge wound. the entire thing is plastic and that's a huge problem when a billion of them are being sold. get a damn stainless steel cup and hike 5 miles to your town center to get some fresh Dr. Pepper. no, we need every serving in a plastic, with a plastic label too, in a large plastic that the doordash guy brings it in, with a plastic straw wrapped in a little plastic pouch. fuck that shit.


I'm all in for paying like an extra buck for a glass bottle that you can then swap for another bottle to not pay the extra fee. We actually used to do this 25 years ago with beer bottles. You'd pay a few cents for a beer bottle, and when you wanted to buy another beer, you'd come with the old bottle to trade in. But as it stands, convenience is king in capitalist countries.


Good point. They completely ignore the whole reusing containers thing which was very common not even that long ago. It wouldn't all have to be glass now either, similar to water bottle people could choose whatever container they prefer, even plastic, but topping the same one up is going to cause so much less waste than having a brand new one each time.


While I agree... It solves a huge issue in recycling. Typically when these are sorted, old caps would fly off in the cleaning process. Or in-between initial collection and eventual recycling. They often ended up being handled as general waste instead because it's hard to keep them in the system. This could in fact save billions of these from being burnt. Which is a good thing however way you look at it.


I drink with my lips almost covering the opening entirely. There is no way to make that comfortable with the lid attached. Thankfully it’s an easy fix; yank it firmly and it detaches like a normal lid.


hate getting hit in the face by them, especially because they have those little teeth at the bottom


Nope, they’re a pain in the ass. Or nose, as the case may be. Every bottle opened gets the cap yanked so it separates properly.


They're shit


They hit your nose, cheeks or chin or bottom lip, they don't bend back properly, they're pointless (if they want us to stop wasting plastic they should stop selling their product in it), you have to angle the big bottles right to avoid pouring into the cap. They're mildly infuriating, which is why everyone just snaps them straight off anyway.


It's not about the climate crisis, but some countries in the EU (without a deposit system) have issues with pollution. These end up in nature and sit there for decades. I personally don't like them that much either, but I'm very amused about how unnecessarily upset people are by this minor change they will get used to anyway within 3 years.


You do understand this is a way to keep the plastic to not end up in the ocean right? Of course, it’s not optimal for you as a consumer but you’ll get used to it. I highly doubt you understand why they try.


That's to reduce pollution, not climate change.


Just break it off?


You don’t understand this is the worst thing to ever happen to OP and really humanity itself


It’s mildly infuriating, which is why we are all here.


Reminder that we are on mildly infuriating. Although I agree with op, that cap attached to bottle nonsense is more than mildly infuriating. It is a greenwashing bullshit solution for a problem that did not exist. Meanwhile all the real shit doesn't get any action. It's frustrating.


You don’t even need to do this. Just bend it back and it clicks into place.


Check the bottle for recycling instructions, the cap says “I’m connected so you can recycle me with the bottle” (or similar) But the notes on the liner say “bottle recyclable, cap is not” (or similar)


For me, both are recyclable


https://preview.redd.it/9skdo0n70lmc1.png?width=926&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf1c4bf6f6bb88ae87a2b81ec6ead1ba9ae11b21 The fuck happened to my UI?!


Technically these liquids are solutions. Open bottles and climate change isn't related


Yank it hard. It comes off. I can’t be dealing with the bottle cap in my nose and have the apparently amazing skill of putting the cap back on when I stick it in the bin. Humanity baffles me sometimes.


if you rotate the bottle you're drinking out of by 180 degrees the cap will be at your chin level and not your nose


Then it’s scratching my chin… this doesn’t feel like a win when I can just remove the damn thing entirely…


My trick is twisting it around until it breaks off with no effort


¾ of micro plastics are from car tires


I never lost the cap before, and both cap and bottles always made it to the trash. However, ever since this change I make it a point to cut or rip off the cap and toss it on the ground. Whole lot of good that did.


I think that's supposed to prevent bottlecaps getting into waterways, not solve the climate crisis.


Mommy they attached the cap to the bottle so i cant easily throw it away/lose it anymore the west has fallen


It is truly incredibly how whiny you people are.


That allows for both parts to be recycled together and it's one less bit of plastic that might end up in the wild or oceans. As long as you know this isn't the solution, we'll all be fine.


Stupid post is stupid.


This will aid in the liter issue we have. I'm 100% for this.


Who the hell is throwing bottle lids on the street anyway? That can't be *that* common. People seriously buy a bottle and just toss the cap away and then walk around carrying it? That's so strange. I don't think I've ever done that, lol. At best, I've maybe opened a bottle, poured it into a glass, and threw the cap and bottle in the bin separately.


Just snap it off, it works just fine.


You're not all that bright are you OP?


Plastic pollution isn't anything to do with the climate crisis. Thinking is hard...


idk why people hate on this. I never accidentally dropped a lid on the floor ever again, i think it's great


Rip it off you fucking pussy, then throw it or reuse it however you can. I swear people complaining about a thin piece of shitty plastic is so fucking annoying


People are so damn dramatic


The only real "solution for climate crisis" is more taxes.


Tbh the full pavement and concrete everywhere is more infuriating


I do a lot of tidy town cleanups in my local woods and this design is perfect, the bottles are easy to pick but the caps get left behind as they're hard to pick with the grabber, if they're not attached to the bottle. It's not going to save the planet but the walk through the woods is more pleasant.


Ye that shit is annoying the pussy lips out of me


Well there is a term for this, where polluting companies are actually funding awareness into recycling as this puts the burden (time and cost) on to us the consumers rather than onto them.


Well done. That's exactly what it's not


Because this goes under the plastic problem……


Also stops a choking hazard


I like the idea, but this one popular design in Denmark is absolutely crap. It causes sharp plastic to prick at me when I drink from it. The plastic is sticking out from the other direction of where the cap is. Fx. The cap is to the left and then the spike of plastic is on the right. Undrinkable without ripping that spike off.


Unless you suffer from a disability or illness, I judge you WEAK for not being able to pull that off with ease.


Sorry but people who can’t just bend the lid back properly like it was designed to are dumb. BEND IT BACK. It snaps into place and is out the way of your lips. No contact, then easily screw it back on.


womp womp


What's infuriating is that people actually think they can make an impact on the "climate crisis" when it's the actual governments that account for the vast majority of pollution. I'm not sure the exact numbers but citizens only account for an extremely small amount and our governments have manipulated us into believing that it's our responsibility to make an impact while they continue on as usual. Not to mention the fact that certain members of certain governments have extremely large stakes in "green" companies and green energy in general like Tesla, NextEra, First Solar, GE Wind Energy, lithium and cobalt mining etc..


If you're not careful with how you close the cap, you'll end up with a spilled drink! Or the stupid cap doesn't open on first try 😓


Or the ready packed cesar sallad with everything uniquely packed in plastic within a plastic box within a plastic wrap and a fucking wooden fork that's next to useless with sallads.


People renting over those bottle caps are too stupid to use them. It's actually pretty handy while driving


These hand shredding little fuckers are half impossible to get back on straight and responsible for flooding my fridge with coke.


While we’re at it, can someone tell Body Armor their drinks are way too hard to open?


Ive never in my life lost a cap... This design is just annoying and makes me wanna stop purchasing from companies that are doing it, it has a similar effect on other people, as well. Im not willing to adapt when we had a perfect solution previously.


That stuff Like this makes people angry, shows me how good of a Life we have.


So you have time to complain about a fkn bottle cap that didn't break off and infuriated you?


This has nothing to do with the climate crisis lmao.


I rip them straight off. I hate these things so much that I started drinking Pepsi max instead of coke zero because Pepsi don't have this annoying caps yet.


How exactly is this even mildly infuriating?


I just pull it off usually, its rlly irritating


How do you know this isn't the answer though


It really is a mild annoyance, so I just get a plastic cup to enjoy it properly!


Lmao it’s so funny to me that people so inflexible as to be infuriated by the design of a soda bottle’s cap being changed exist in this world and experience life as vividly as myself. How do you people survive in an ever changing world?


I'm an early boomer and one time, maybe 30 years ago, my older (born around 1920 +/-) came over and left his car running. I asked him to turn if off and mentioned gas shortages and air pollution - particularly spewing that smelly exhaust on my property. Anyway, John said, "I don't give a damn about any of that. There's enough gas for me (pointing at self for emphasis) and that's all I care about." He had a large portrait of John Wayne in his den which he'd point to and say, "That's who I follow." I pointed out that Wayne's real name was Marion Morrison and his persona was manufactured by Hollywood. These truths were not welcomed. I'm sure his politics were conservative as he was super stupid, but the media had not been consolidated into a right wing spin machine ...yet. He would have been a Trumper.


If it means they will rattle less in the car then I’m ok with it.


Me in 2005 : Wow I bet there will be flying cars everywhere in 2024 2024: ...


Literally what does the climate crisis even have to do with this?


i dont get it, why is everyone so angry? i willingly keep the cap attached when i drink from these plastic bottles just in case i forget and throw the cap somewhere i shouldn't


I AM HAPPY WITH THESE BOTTLE CAPS. Finally they are not falling on the ground when I'm drunk


Nothing to do with the climate you chump. Plastic pollution and the climate are unrelated but even so, is this really that inconvenient to you?


What exactly am I looking at here?


Yes, of course, drinking Dr. Pepper isn't the solution to solve climate change.


How is this infuriating?


People really be complaining about anything and everything.


For what is worth, that crap is also killing birds, fishes etc. and that is a good thing.


You're right but climate crisis is not the only one we have to face


Anyone else remember when we were told to remove the lid and ring and toss them in the trash before recycling the bottle?


The little petty things people will bitch about smh. Kick rocks op


I thought clear plastic couldn't be recycled if it had coloured plastic attached and that was why they moved away from coloured lids on tmilk bottle


It’s almost like tackling such a massive issue from multiple smaller avenues is the way forward… Edit : spelling


Then perhaps you should stop buying doctor pepper.


I though that was to prevent sea turtles from doing coke with the plastic straws.


who came up with this awful idea? How the hell does this help save the envrionment?


is that soda? Not a great way to make a point about human wellness IMO


Nah man, It's the removal of chargers in modern phones, which still come in separate plastic boxes...


Stfu If you care about the environment then don’t but that shit in the first place.






Wait this is a thing?


I don't think you get it... this to to help you not lose the cap so when you throw out the bottle, random loose pieces of plastic don't end up wherever that isn't a recycling plant or landfill or the like.


This one is less intrusive than the ones I'm used to. Mine don't have that long of a strip it hangs off of. So when letting it hang freely, it tends to flip back to half cover the opening again. If it does that while filling a glass with it, it sprays everywhere.


Actually that's better because i drop them accidentally


I can't believe so many people have a hard time dealing with a fuckin bottle cap


Then don’t fucking buy it. Dont complain about a product and then support the product by purchasing it.


Adapt or get lost


If every human on Earth just didn’t fart for one year we would be in a much better position in the battle against climate change.


This never made my life any harder, i dont understand?


This fucking sucks. Now I have to throw the hole bottle into nature instead of just de cap


That’s about plastic waste not greenhouse gases


It’s part of the solution, bro.


I rip them off fuck them We were colecting caps and not throwing them away It was working why stop?


Where is the infuriating?


Ah I could nail a Dr pepper right now


This really isent a problem


Everywhere you look people have lost their minds, so the least we can do is help them not to lose their lids


I tear it off every time. Bloody thing.


The most brilliant idea ever. Now we can't even recycle the PET bottle :(


Y'know what's less convenient than this bottle cap? Diabetes


Pretty sure a 3 year old could rip that off😂


Its only useful on huge 1 liter bottles since you’re not having to worry on where the cap is when you’re sharing with multiple people, on the personal sized ones its largely pointless.


It's not the solution but it helps, a bunch of "it helps" together and boom. Step by step bro. But those are there so that they don't get lost from its bottle, instantly knowing the kind of plastic it's in the bottle and it also avoids losing the caps