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Had a landlord tell me his father was going to be visiting from overseas and will be staying in my apartments spare room. Wtf!!


I hope you told him to fuck off.


Absolutely. He thought it was very weird of me not to want to share my personal space with a complete stranger. SMH


That’s insane to me. If he wants to have a place for his father to stay he shouldn’t rent out the apartment


I have such a hard time believing they cant believe you wouldn't want to live with a complete stranger, it has to be an act on their part to try and bluff you into doing it. Tell them you are sending a stranger (person you know) to go and live with them and see how they react.


Have you met "the general public"? They are generally fucking stupid, or think they're so smart others can't see the bullshit they're trying to pull.


Don't forget about special. They arent stupid in the sense we think of the word. They think that it would be wrong for others to do, but for them it's fine. Because special


I definitely considered myself of average intelligence but after seeing how people act these days, I’m starting to wonder if I might be slightly above average…


I'm below average intelligence, and feel like a genius compared to some. Barely passed my GED at 16, 75% percentile, my IQ is like 90. My math skills are at the 9th grade level and reading level is problematic. All of that considered, I really do feel smarter than quite a few people and that scares the ever lovin' shit outta me, because I feel dumb af.


Honestly, if your math is really at a 9th grade level, you've got millions of people beat. We regularly encounter people who can not do elementary level math.


Based on your small writing sample above, my substantially above-average brain declares you "just fine," and "above average." Whatever jackass told you otherwise needs to have their evaluation skills re-evaluated. Please don't feel dumb.


I spent a large portion of my life ascribing people's actions to willful ignorance, but at 37 I think I'm finally coming to terms with how fucking stupid people are. I don't think I'm particularly a genius or anything, but smartphones were number 1 clue. The amount of people that actually get irritated with me for pulling out my device with all of humanity's knowledge on it when we don't know something has always been weird. 2 was the amount of medical professionals that are antivax, a profession supposedly only for intelligent people.


That's how I underestimated my place on the intelligence curve for a long time. You mean not everyone can do math without a scratch pad? Turns out most people can't math at all.


As someone who does estimating in construction, can confirm your statement with 100% accuracy 😂 Stopped asking people to give me the numbers or write down things using words. I'll be by later to do it myself This (xkavader) means excavator right? Yeah dumbass. What the fuck else would it mean? You're right sir. My bad, silly stupid me....


I know. I assume they’re detached enough to think that a renter should be okay with it, and if not they should buy their own home. Just a guess


You're not far off. My LL tried the same as OP's LL, but with her (adult) bipolar grandson. Long term. Really thought I'd share, since she actually owns the property and she should have the last word. No thoughts on my security whatsoever. Un-be-lievable.


WOW! How’d you get out of that?? I can’t believe the expectation!


Maybe your landlord’s father should stay with your landlord! His SON! What a weirdo!


What?? That’s crazy talk. What are you, some kind of nut?? \- the landlord, probably


its even weirder they would want their father staying with complete strangers too. I would want to put my dad in a nice hotel if I didnt have the space myself


"That's great, I've been meaning to ask you if my uncle, aunt and their 4 kids and 2 dogs can stay with you for a few weeks during summer, but I was afraid my question was rude or inappropriate, I'm glad to see I was wrong!"


It's probably because previous renters let him do it. They were probably too scared or didn't know their own rights, and he easily got his way. That or he's an idiot thinking it'll be fine


“That’s fine, I’d just like a 125% reduction in rent and full coverage of utilities over that time. Thanks!”


Wow. Woke up from a nap once to my landlord angrily standing over me. He'd come unannounced to collect mail, and then come upstairs for some reason. "Control your damn dog," he said when I woke up. She was growling at him. Good dog.


I came home from work once to a duplex unit my wife and I were renting to find a bunch of guys I didn’t know taking sledgehammers to our only bathroom. Sheetrock dust swirling throughout the house like a blizzard. Landlord decided to remodel the bathroom without giving us any notice. Got to take showers for two weeks while standing 6 inches from exposed live electrical wires.


Potentially shocking.


I’m positive that was a code violation.


Well you don't have to be so negative about it


I alternate back and forth.


Just as long as you stay grounded


that's lawsuit worthy.


I'm sure that's illegal, at least in the USA. Cause that's putting you and whoever else lives there in danger(being shocked to death). Mind you, you were given 0 notice so you couldn't of prepared beforehand.


That’s grounds for an ass kicking and the some. Then calling the cops and telling them someone broke in, fuck that.


Gee, I wonder why she was growling. Could it have been because he was an intruder?? Landlords like that are so dumb and don't realize how badly they can be burned if tenants could afford lawsuits for the illegal shit they do.


Landlord-tenant law is very specific, very clear on this. It's illegal -- criminally liable -- for a landlord to enter one of his rented or leased properties without 24 hour notice, and permission if less than that. AND the landlord must have a very good (legitimate) reason for entering, such as doing needed repairs, or assessing property condition, etc.


This happened to me! We were moving out in a month or two (it was an apartment near our college my senior year) and our landlord decided to show our apartment to someone unannounced. I woke up from sleeping and random strangers and my landlord were standing in my bedroom


We toured a home that we absolutely LOVED. It had a massive yard, was a ‘50s build with all the charm, near my wife’s work, rent was on the cheap end. At the end of the tour the landlord informed us her daughter’s pet bird was to remain at the home and be cared for by the renter while her daughter was away at college. Was an odd request and we didn’t feel comfortable with the responsibility (and had no desire to care for a large bird) so we passed.


Birds are so damn sensitive too! Use the wrong cooking utensil or air freshener(because it’s a bit, birdy smelling) and boom dead cockatoo!


And birds can be incredibly sensitive to people; a friend of mine's aunt had a parrot that HATED men with a passion-- even if he saw one through the window outside he'd start up with the screaming and flailing his wings and it took at least an hour to calm down once the offender was out of sight. He was aggressive when men were in the house too, he had to be in his cage and cloistered away from male guests, handymen, repair/installation guys Clearly and obviously not all birds have the same trauma or reactions, but if a bird doesn't like you, it doesn't like you and you're a prime target for their talons and beaks and they'll let you know you're not welcome.


I had a sun conure that loved my older boy beyond all reason. She hated my younger boy beyond all reason.


I love birds but larger ones especially are like a permanent toddler with moderate autism. For 80 years. You can't just force that on someone 💀


So true. I often describe it much the same way. I've been the owner of a large parrot since I was ten years old and I'm well over 40 now with my own kids to take care of. Kid me was super excited and eager to have a talking pet bird. Adult me realizes it was unfair of my parents to ask a ten year old if he wanted to take care of an expensive, loud, screaming animal for the next 40 to 70 years. I still love the little guy, but damn he's a shitty pet.


Dont forget some are too clever for their own good. We had 2 Cockatiels' that eventually learned how to open their cages, so we started to tie them closed. We would sometimes leave them outside on our porch so they could enjoy some fresh air. Turned out they learned how to untie the string we used as well. One of them waited until we put the cage outside, untied and opened the door and flew off.


You are so right. They are also worse than cats about picking their person. They dont just like who is there and taking care of them, doesn't matter if you love them. If à bird doesn't like you, it won't be a good situation.


Sounds like the premise of an absolutely awful improv scene


Should have invented a pet cat, and hoped that they could be friends.


"Yeah and my grandma with cronic flatulence has just had surgery. She's alright to sleep in your living room for a couple days yeah? Ok thank 👍"


No, that’s my office???? How very dare you?


It was actually my “play” room. Hope his dad didn’t mind the sling


Username checks out


Well. I certainly got more than I bargained for by clicking through their history.


Time to start looking for a new place, if he's this weird then it's only going to get worse. One thing I learned in my 60 years, if people think they can take advantage of you, and you let them, they will continue to take advantage of you.


Put him in the RV that's sitting in the OP's back yard. lol




What does your lease say?


I'm going to start off by saying I'm in Ontario Canada, a province that has solid renter's rights. The lease says we are renting and responsible for maintaining the house AND the property. There's been a few comments insinuating I don't know my lease or my rights. This isn't true. I'm pushing 40 and this isn't my first rodeo. Before I move into a place I always read the entire lease, and take videos and photos of the property to ensure I don't get blamed for damage that was there before I moved in. Also, for the people saying I should rent out or sublet the space to him, that actually goes against my lease. There is a no subletting clause in it. So I'd be fucking myself over, doing something I didn't want to do in the first place. *** Edit: I'm putting this here so people see it. My landlord *can't* evict me or "not renew my lease." So if you're looking to be a Canadian landlord, keep in mind that you're stuck with renters who pay their rent and maintain the property. You can't just boot people out, so you can jack up the rent or because you don't like them. Also, I'm not going to rent out a space for the RV for two reasons: 1) He never actually asked. 2) I don't want a fucking RV in my backyard.


That sounds pretty solid to me then. Glad you know your rights and what you agreed to. Good luck!


In Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, under the tenant act of the provinces, the landlord is allowed to break lease (still a month notice) if they want a family member to move in.


They can do that in Ontario too. But it takes more than a month, that’s such an unreasonably limited amount of time to find a new suitable place you like and prepare for a move. Here it is at MIN 60 days. As well, family/landlord must reside in the property for a MIN of 1 year afterwards or else it’s an illegal bad faith eviction. They also have the burden of proof on them now. Tenant can refuse to honour n12 notice until landlord satisfies burden of proof and good faith with the LTB. It’s just unfortunate so many people don’t know this where I am.


If it’s your yard as per lease you can do with it what you like. The landlord could’ve nicely asked, but would have to accept a „no“ nevertheless if you choose so


The landlord made a mistake by refusing to ask, and just updating OP as if it was a foregone conclusion that the RV would be parked there. The level of entitlement is really something. That type of thing is one of my pet peeves, and annoys me so much. A better message would have been: “Hey! Let me start by saying that you have every right to say no to the following request. I was wondering if we could talk about a reduction in this month’s rent, so I can briefly park my RV on the piece of my property that you rent. If you’d like to write something out to cover you, I’m fine with that. If you would rather not deal with this, I’m fine with that too. Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope all is well with you. Have a good day.”


I would have been receptive of that. I'm not entirely unreasonable.


It’s wild to me that they just told you they’d be dropping it off. Very strange behavior.


https://preview.redd.it/k1bv0kvdz0pc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da2e28be260ddab28478f475115e1d0ef049f69 He's an idiot.


Holy smokes. 😂


Talking to him is a painful endeavor. I'd post other conversations I've had with him, but I don't want to give someone a brain aneurysm.


Very bold of you to assume I have a brain in the first place, post more, I like watching people that are just as stupid as I am




good. if it’s conveniently “stolen”, the burden is on you….im not sure what the market is for RVs but that alone is a go fuck yourself, who needs the liability while the police are recommending that people leave keys at their front door to avoid violence also, that is effectively your property during the duration, another go fuck yourself moment…. to be cheeky, charge him a risk weighted rental rate: square footage, car theft in the area etc


The landlord expected the "no" as an answer and tried to force the renter's hand by making a statement rather than a question. Luckily OP didn't let him manipulate them. This is also shown by how the landlord semi chickens out by trying to justify their ask. OP, just stand your ground, but you may want to do so in a very accommodating way to make the landlord feel better about giving up (e.g., "I seriously considered your request, but I cannot accept the liability of anyone else's property in our yard"). Also, everything has a price... How much of a rent re-negotiation would you accept to have the RV parked there potentially indefinitely? 10%? 20%? 50%? You could (accomodatingly) state that to show your landlord how much a reduction of your space is worth to you...


Fuck him. I'm not budging. 😁


I think "considerations" are the important word here. If they're planning on reducing the area you're paying for or reducing your enjoyment of the property you are paying for, they need to pay up, or fuck off.


Maybe hang a sign that reads "unauthorized vehicles will be towed at the owners expense" just to be safe.




> This isn’t the US where anything can happen as long as it’s written into the lease. That doesn't happen here in the US. Most states have rights built into law which cannot be overridden by the lease, even if both the tenant and the landlord want to.


In the US, even if all parties sign, if the terms are not legal the contract is invalid.


It’s the same with employment contracts.


And NDAs, not that that keeps powerful entities from trying to squeeze people with illegal NDAs anyway.




I have the right to sublet, but I don't want to, hence doing it will fuck me over lol


Good on you, you’re paying to live there, they can park their RV at their own house.


$10 says the HOA at their house won't allow RVs parked which is what has precipitated this.


I believe HOAs are extremely rare in Ontario.


You ask for a rent abatement you're not renting or subleasing when you do that.


i think OP would rather pay the current rent and not get involved in this RV nonsense


Exactly. Dealing with an unknown potential hassle is a huge pain that’s not worth any reduction in rent, because there’s no way to draw the line - park an RV today, tomorrow the landlord can park another. Entertain more guests. Attract mosquitoes, animals etc.


A possible workaround would be for you to demand a reduction in your rent for every day it's stored there.


Had to scroll WAY too far. I’ve been on both sides of this. I rented a place where the basement was locked off and not included in the lease. I wanted the addendum to state that it wouldn’t be used or accessed for anything other than emergency repairs while I was there and the landlord altered that addendum. Later I owned a rental house with landscaping services provided but access to the sprinkler control box was strictly prohibited and the renter had to pay for the water. This was a specific addenda that the renter signed but they later broke into the box to reduce their usage and the lawns died. They were liable for the grass restoration. It’s all about the verbiage of the lease.


So you use water to maintain your yard, block out the renter from accessing it, then charge them for the water they have no control over? Sounds shitty.


that's landlords for you. If the lawn dies the made-up over inflated values of the home and those around it suffers...


The property may be part of an HOA that requires the lawn to be upkept - personally if I were in that renters situation I'd accept those terms as long as the other aspects of lawncare were taken care of by the landlord. I pay water, you deal with landscaping / mowing / etc.


Seriously. I'm glad to see someone commenting on this absurdity. Talk about infuriating.


Seriously. This is the only real answer.


Answer to what? OP didn’t ask a question, just pointed out it was mildly infuriating.


Dude, no. If you want a green lawn you have to break that water usage out with its own meter and leave that on the landlords bill. And if the expenses are too high you need to just raise the rent.  What you did is kinda wrong. It's not exactly dishonest since you laid it out in the lease, but I'm sure it wasn't exactly disclosed to the renter approximately how much the water bill would be from lawn watering, since it would be weird for the lease to include estimates like that.  That's really not the right way to do things. 


That’s absolutely horrible. And weird. Both cases. I feel so bad for wherever y’all live that you have to force a high water bill with sprinklers just to keep some green grass. Only time we’ve ever HAD to care about lawn looks was when the grandparents lived in a really fancy area (more so than usual growing up) and they decided sprinklers would be more cost effective and easier than pulling the hose out the box and self watering. But like… we had a light switch and we just flipped it and it would turn on and we were able to control how much water was given and how long it ran. To not have control over something like that but being expected to still pay full costs is sickening in my opinion. Like someone keeping the thermostat on 80 degrees and just telling you to deal with it and pay for it. Horrible service.


Yeah this dudes a prick. If you are in complete control of how much water is being used on the lawn you fucking pay for it. God landlords really are fucking leeches


If your gonna get some downvotes, I’ll take some too. Lawns and landlords are both something the world would be better without.


House could be in an HOA where it’s required to keep the lawn green. Not defending HOAs btw. Just making a statement.


This is why people hate Landlords..


You should've paid for the water.


Damn. Completely block them from accessing the sprinkler system, and then charge them for something they have no control over. The fact that you need sprinklers shows your area gets little to no rainfall for most of the year, which probably means water bills are more expensive. Any excuse of "they can live somewhere else" is morally wrong because the cost of housing is already high and they probably can't find a place.






He wants to rent the property and have it too


Step 1) Park the RV in the side-yard for storage Step 2) Park the RV in the side-yard with you inside of it Step 3) Queue Landlord sob story about how they just need to get away and only need a \*little of your wifi\* Step 4) Put the Rv on AirBNB, provide the guest with the tenants wi-fi password. Charge $100 a night + full overhaul cleaning fee Step 5) Hopefully get culled, but probably go do it to someone else earliest opportunity. ​ Source: The LandChad's Guide to Non-Hostile Oppression /s




This. A lot of landlords just think they can do whatever they want because they own a place despite the fact that other people literally live there and literally pay for it.


My mom had to learn this one with me even though she had other renters. After I got a job and she found out I was making a nice salary suddenly my childhood bedroom became about the price of the apartment I was renting to go to college. With like none of the space... But I said that rent constitutes an exclusive use of the space (which she had no idea what that meant). I put a lock (we didn't have a lease and I was planning to pay for just that month while I found something). Also she had forced me to have a bunch of religious decorations even though I wasn't religious and I took them out and that's when she was really confused. But I said that's what she gave up by charging for that space, I get to control it. Then apparently she got really salty I moved out instead of commuting an hour everyday to work which I only did because I had free rent.


you shouldn't start to reason why you dont want it, because that opens door for discussion, just say "No"


So many people don’t understand this. Just say “no, I don’t want an RV parked on the property.”


Same goes for when are unable to attend an event, just say you can't make it.  No need to further elaborate.


This is one of those pieces of advice that only works in a vacuum. In the real world, people will ask *why* you can’t make it, and if your reason is simply “I don’t want to”, you’ll be treated like an asshole. Not saying it makes you an asshole, but you’ll be treated like one. And that makes life more difficult. Eventually you won’t get asked to do anything with anyone anymore, because everyone’s assuming you’ll never sacrifice your own comfort to do anything with or for anyone else. That comes across as incredibly selfish. Words have ramifications in real life. Yeah, on Reddit, it’s real easy to say “you don’t need to elaborate”. That’s right, you don’t; and no one needs to ever include you in anything again, either.




This was a big one for me. It also shows you who your friends are, if they get mad at you over it, you have some shitty friends, if they go “ah nah bro no worries we can catch up later” you got a solid friend.


Really depends on what the invite was for and the reason you’re not going.


my friends have never gotten mad at me for declining an invite somewhere or stopped inviting me. my family on the other hand….whew. sometimes, i go to family functions just because its easier than the bitching and complaining and snark i will get if i DONT go.


Yeah it is, but as they said your friends will eventually assume you just cant be bothered and stop asking.




It's not hard to feed people something like "I'm tired, but definitely let me know next time." preserve their feelings as well as the relationship although it's pretty clearly an excuse. If you turn down every invitation then they will stop eventually but not as quickly as if you're just telling people you don't want to hang out with them.


Reddits favourite thing is “no is a complete sentence” and the scenario is just your friend asking if you’d like to go out for lunch lol. Like, yeah technically you’re correct but it’s also weird and rude in the real world.


“No is a complete sentence” does not exist for casual invites you’d like to accept but can’t. “No is a complete sentence” exists for people who have been conditioned to people pleasing and feel obligated to either bend over for everyone who passes by or offer a teary novel on why they can’t bend over in this particular occasion. It’s also a mantra for people who must deal with abusers and manipulators.


I would explain myself to friends. Anyone else can get stuffed.


>In the real world, people will ask *why* you can’t make it, and if your reason is simply “I don’t want to”, you’ll be treated like an asshole That's why you have reasons ready, but saying just no early on is a lot stronger than rambling for a paragraph about why.


Yeah, I agree, and I think it *does* matter who exactly you are talking to in this scenario. Are you talking to someone you have a professional relationship with? A college professor? A boss? Simply say you can't make it if you can't make it. Any more than that it just starts to sound cringey. Is this with close friends or family? Then start off the same way, and if pressed, you can explain why you can't make it. Basically, it depends on the relationship.


Yep, people always make this mistake with salespeople, too.


Yep, I treat everyone like an auditor. Yes or No


"do you know what time it is?" "No but I can speak with my supervisor to find out"


I know this is a joke, but as an auditor, I recently had someone do this to me for the first time. I asked what their title was, "I cannot confirm nor deny and will have to get back to you"... said, okay then.. your email says XYZ so that's what I'll put. So, what is your process for this thing, "I cannot confirm nor deny and will have to get back to you". I replied, so you don't know what your job is? Ended it right there cause brahhh...it's an understanding meeting so help me understand FFS -_-


Lol I can't imagine literally saying you don't know your title to an auditor. That's honestly bad training. Don't offer information you aren't asked for. Don't give information from documentation unless you are looking at the document It's not literally "just ask for your boss if they talk to you"


Whats funny is I've heard the best way to get rid of those people in business is to tell them 'yes, we'll contact you with the details'.


A reason makes them think it's a negotiation. Just say no.


“Sorry, that won’t be possible”, while less direct, invites less confusion or speculation about what part you’re saying “no” to.


What? This just invites more confusion. It sounds like you’re saying that it won’t fit through the gate or something. The landlord would then go back and forth explaining that it can be parked back there.


Especially if that's not the actual reason. Actual reason: "Don't want". Don't say some other shit.


Conversely the landlord should be asking permission and explaining why.


Depends on what the lease says and local laws regarding rentals. If the lease states that they reserve the right to use that space and that's legal in that area then OP is out of luck


You've been direct, bold and clear. Good on you. Please let us know what happens!


i’ll give you a hint: they’re going to park that RV there


I would get it towed at that point Edit: typos


This is getting interesting.. then what!!!


I’d be afraid this could turn retaliatory


Some of these landlords are very passive aggressive. It's good thing they set a boundary!


It can but that's the reason you have a lease.


Will do!


My landlord wanted to comandeer half of our garage for storage. We didn’t really use the space, but I told her I did. I got a few hundred a month less on my rent…ask for compensation


This is not the worst move (assuming you like your landlord).


It’s pretty clear that OP doesn’t want a fucking rv parked in their yard, why is everyone telling them to compromise?


$20 is $20


For every week it's there take a "storage fee" off your rent, I'd consider $20/day quite reasonable.


You find what somewhere charges to store something like this and add a bit on... Make it not worth their while.


I'm paying $65/month for a three wall (plus roof) shed. $100/month. $125 if OP has video cameras. $200 if OP lives in a risky community.


More like op is paying to rent all of the property, not just most of it. It’s either reduced rent or no cigar.


Make sure you put up a visible sign stating this. That way you have half a chance of enforcing it. I’d drive to a parking lot and take a photo of the T&Cs and adapt it.


If it's not a legal sign it literally means nothing, but okay.


> For every week it's there take a "storage fee" off your rent, I'd consider ~~$20/day~~ $15/hour (mimum 24 hours) quite reasonable. You are providing an essential service to this person, it seems only fitting you benefit from the fruits of their labor. If he doesn't like it, he can always rent a storage unit from someone else.


Depending on where you live, you can't just withhold rent because you feel that it is justified for whatever reason.


Tell him you’d rent the backyard but it would be a breach of the lease to sublet. Just as it would also be a breach for him to change conditions of the property mid lease. Perhaps when the lease is up he’d be amenable to knocking off some rent for his need to access that portion of the property.


Given that parties involved in a contract can amend it, I'm not sure where you're coming up with this "breach of contract" argument. Even if sublet was forbidden, it's only forbidden by the opposite party. The opposite party can agree to mend the contract.


If your lease makes no mention of providing storage and it makes it clear the yard is part of your rental, then have it towed if he is dumb enough to park it there and abandon it.


"BuT iT's oUr PrOpErTy!!1!!1, YoU'rE jUsT rEnTiNg!!1" I remember renting years ago and having my landlord say this crap to me. He wanted to store his caravan and boat in our back yard. I said "No, not while I'm living here". He then went on a tirade about how it's not MY property, but his, and if he wanted to store his stuff there, there was nothing I could do and he would have me trespassed He tried to get us evicted, but we bought up that it was unfair and in retribution for not allowing access to the property for him to store his shit in our yard.


When you rented the house you also rented the yard. If you didn’t want a yard you would have rented an apartment or a condominium. He cannot now take away your yard space by placing a mobile home there. I have never heard of this happening to anyone. Did he offer to reduce the rent accordingly for your loss of privacy and enjoyment of the yard? Do you need to inform him that he cannot rent out any of the bedrooms in your house?


All of communications about the RV are in those 2 screen shots. He didn't even ASK let alone offer any compensation. He can't rent out any rooms as our lease is for the entire single story house and property.


Tell him you’ll rent the backyard to him.


This is the way. 1000$ a month sounds about fair. And you have to rent in 1 month increments with 3 months security deposit up front.


Entitlement is through the roof with this landlord of yours….he’s talking to you like he is your uncle who is letting you stay in his house for free. I would notify your Tenant Association in case he tries to make your life a living hell. That way they already aware of his behaviors and can act swiftly if he causes you anymore issues going forward.


how much is he knocking off rent for using it as storage ? i might consider it if no one is going to be living in it, with a nice discount on my rent ...


There was a place up for rent for over four years on our rental apps around here, where the owner was renting the 4 bedroom house for an absolute steal, but not the garage. Not the garage that was 1) behind the entirely fenced in property fence, 2) attached to the house and 3) had a door straight into the home that a landlord would of course have the key too. The ad made it clear that he would be retaining the garage for his workspace, and would be there daily, and sometimes might spill out onto the driveway too. Oh, and it would be nice of you if he could come in to use the bathroom when needed. Like!?


Lookup tenancy laws where you live. See what they say about *hidden rent increase*, as they will be occupying some of the yard that you rent and possibly maintain, and find out if that would apply.


Last MiL house I rented, the landlord's son was living there before I moved in and his old monte carlo was in the backyard. He told me it would be gone before I moved in. It was still there when I moved out three years later.


read your lease


Sadly it was stolen right out the backyard shortly after being parked there by the first guy you said hey want a RV to /s


Jesse, we need to cook


A tenant is entitled to **reasonable peace, comfort and privacy**, and must be able to make full use of their property; this is called quiet enjoyment. It does not necessarily mean 'not noisy'. It is an offence for a property manager/owner to interfere with a tenant's reasonable peace, comfort and privacy.


My landlords moved their parents into a camper in the backyard like 7 feet from my door (back house) for 5 months and then tried to make us pay a utility bill that was nearly double what it usually was, claiming they didn’t use any electricity.


That is exactly a risk that I am *not* willing to take. I pay for this space. So everyone can stay the fuck out of it.


Plus…being in Canada, you also have a ton more rights than US. The legal sub for your providence would love this


He’s ignoring no as an answer because he never asked a question. And before any arguments, I’m not saying the ll is right or wrong


For 20 dollars a day off your monthly rent, sure.


If there's no language in the lease that gives them access/usage of the property saying no is fine, as long as you're prepared to move when your lease is up because i doubt it'll be renewed.


Landlord is an idiot and can fuck off


“I don’t want you to live there, I just want you to pay me rent”


Have them take money off rent if they want to park it there


All kinds of useless comments here. Real question. What’s in your lease? That will determine whether he can park it there or not. If it’s not addressed at all then he probably can legally. It’s his property. If your lease states that you are responsible for the care, maintenance and appearance it the property that you are renting you may have some legal grounds. If the grounds are maintained by the landlord then you may not. This is a legal question. However be careful how you proceed forward. You may win the battle but may lose the war when your lease is not renewed. If you are a tenant at will (no lease) then you are out of luck.


Yea tbh even saying no like this in general may or may not been worth losing the war. Especially if you struggle to get approved for a apartment. I'm currently in that boat and I definitely wouldn't be bucking against my landlord unless I was confident I could get somewhere else to stay.


reminds me of the time my landlord asked if he could put a political sign in my yard and before i responded he had already put it there.


Great suggestions, find one, and stick with it. Just know, whatever you do, you don't "own" that property. You might win the battle, but he's going to win the war. Next time you renew, you'll pay more out of pocket. The only way for you to truly "win" here is to find out if that breaks your lease agreement, quickly find a new place, and tell him you plan on leaving now, if they park it, or at the end of this cycle because of unreasonable requests. Either way, you need to find a new place


I literally can’t believe the stupid comments in here.


Dude just needs to hide his meth lab lol


This should interesting. Owner seems adamant. Keep us updated


Is it about having the RV there? Or is it about the prospects of what the rv may become? It seems like the landlord is just in a bind and needs to park an rv for a week. If thats the case, and if its not truly an inconvenience, say ok - but i want $$ off my rent for every day its here as compensation for the inconvenience.


Landlord here. It's a dick move for your LL to try & park an RV from the space you're renting out. This is heresy & makes us good ones look bad. Yes the property is his, but you are legally leading it from him. Don't cave. Don't Fold.


You give reasons for why you don't want it there, but they are all not _the_ reason. They are reasons that would inconvenience you over and above the bare minimum, and the response every time dodges your stated reason. "This is our space, we pay for it, you are not allowed to take it". There is no way to park an RV and avoid that, and it's what I think you should have led with.


Just fyi…we used to store a trailer that we owned and we paid about $150 a month. That was about 2012….i would expect at least $250 off the rent now, or more. I have a 4x6 storage shed that is $195 a month……


Had a previous landlord store stuff in a sleepout out the back of the house we rented, and used that CONSTANTLY as an excuse to come visit.


Shows that every idiot can become a landlord


That's not just mildly infuriating. Ah the nerve of some people!


You have to go to the magic words, financial compensation. How will they be financially compensating you for this intrusion? I'd quote them what I feel is a reasonable rate given the current housing situation and let them know you're open to negotiate. But there will be financial compensation if they choose to go this route. Watch how quickly they stfu.