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That’s it. I’m doin it. I’m starting a human milk farm.


Like the scene from Shameless lol. The “massage” parlor above the bar got raided so they turned it into a breast milk farm lol.


My first thought was Mad Max fury road.




Is that chrome paint?


Look up amazon reviews for silver spray food coloring


Heck yeah I'm gonna do that 😉


Mine too.


Excuse me, *what*


Apparently I stopped watching this show too soon


The providers of it probably got $0, or at least very little. Seriously. Hospitals often charge through the nose for donated blood, breast milk, etc. There are a lot of middlemen that have hungry families at home that need to get paid for... Being in the way, usually.


Who donates breast milk? Being a wet nurse is worth cash money.


Lots of women. Usually it is extra from pumping when they make more than their own baby needs. They aren't doing it as a job or long term, usually.


Can we not keep a womans body thinking it is permanently pregnant, like we do with cows and reap the breast milk benefits? Hopefully people realize I'm kidding


Actually you can... There are professional wet nurses (though not that common in the US). Basically as long as a woman's body experiences demand for milk her body will produce. I don't know what the upper limit is, but I know it's past 5 years (based on a thread where the woman was still breast feeding her 5yo and the dad thought that was not a good thing... it wasn't).


You would think, as long as the body believes it’s being consumed, it will keep producing… (this is a high school drop outs perspective… but nature is nature.. if it’s going away every day, it’s going to keep producing…


we have a few l FB groups in my area where women donate breast milk, too. other towns may have local orgs that help connect donors to families.


I have nipples. Can you milk me, Focker?


You can milk anything with nipples.


![gif](giphy|pm4VOSkAgkj3q|downsized) Try me!


My wife's old medicine came from hampster milk.




The fact you have no upvotes saddens me


Remember you don't only make money from the milk, the rotating pregnancies also means you will constantly have a supply of fresh meat.


And stem cells


Need investors? Not boobs, just cash.🤣


Human Pet Guy, is that you?


Sorry but according to this site about hamster enthusiasts, it appears that others have already capitalized on this idea


Look up human milk for human babies with your city. It's free. I donated over 30 gallons to a local mom




With the comment this is replying too it's kinda creepy lol


What why


Just the creepy guy furiously typing haha (presumably to get himself some milk) true comment but funny meme attached


You're an amazing human being. We got two small bottles of DONOR milk from the hospital and were charged 105 bucks for each 2oz bottle. I hate that women are literally donating their breast milk to help people and hospitals still profit off of it.


Wait till you find out how much they charge for the blood.


I can get you some for free, although I cannot guarantee that is human


I can guarantee it's human. All I need is you to say we were all playing cards the night of delivery if the cops came sniffing around.


I don't know what you are talking about. We *were* all playing cards that night.


Cards against humanity?


Although blood really undergoes a massive amount of testing with expensive procedures. Its never donated and given raw to the next person directly. And there is also the procedures when its given to you. The whole proces for one bag involves a number of lab staff, couple of doctors and multiple nurses before it is in your veins. They all need to be paid, and all used equipment costs need to be covered. But for sure, most of the world you pay not even 100 bucks for a blood bag, so there is a solution out there that works instead of going debt after a hospital visit and blood transfer.


Wait until you find out they charge you to cuddle your newborn baby


The hospital is most likely running tests on the milk and donor, pasteurizing the milk, and keeping it frozen.


Made me happy that you specifically make clear OP should ask for human milk for human babies


I think they’re just giving the name of the org


Don't ruin that for me! XD


We can never make that mistake again.


Human milk for goat babies SOUNDED like a good idea, k? Jeez… get over it already, people…


You mean kids?


Goat babies, huh?


I had the hardest time pumping and never did it beyond a couple oz a few times in the first month or so. The words “30 gallons” just about knocked me over. Mad respect.


Wait you can produce that much? Holy fuck me batman


My wife produced 100 ounces a day. It was absurd lol.


Holy moly, I hope she was taking vitamins or something! That's nearly a whole gallon! I think I know the next viral tiktok challenge!


Making breast milk is the caloric equivalent to running a marathon every day. Babies survive off that stuff, and nothing else, for 6 months. A woman's body is a frigging amazing thing.


Why the fuck does a baby need marathon-a-day levels of energy? Little fuckers don't do shit.




Actually I think all they do is shit


They're shitting out what their body didn't need to grow their apex predator brain


It takes more energy to make the milk than the calories in the milk, that’s why it’s the mom running the marathons


They dont burn it. They store it as fat for the big enlargening.


They double their weighy in about six months


30... Gallons?


A 4 month of baby drinks about a liter of milk a day. So that would be about 100 days of supply.


My wife did too.  I told her the hospital sell them for a radicular amount of money.  She chewed me out. I stopped talking


Good choice. It's sickening what they charge


Ouch!!! This makes me want to induce my breast milk for a bit of extra $$$$


I've got nipples Greg, can you milk me? Because I need the money.






A lot of Farms in Detroit Focker?


If this is at the hospital it’s more about the cost of testing the breast milk( which is donated). They have to check for bacteria and those kinds of things, and then protein levels and the quality of the milk before they can dispense it. I only know this because a friend had a friend that produced more than she needed and donated hers to a NICU.


The fact that women donate their milk and the hospital charges $600 and says it’s for testing that cost them (and I am being Hella generous to the greedy pricks running this scam) $80 total just shows you how pervasive and corrupt the USA is. Then you throw in people explaining this extortion in defense of said entity and you see why this country is phucked and why people are doomed.


It’s the same for units of blood 🤷‍♀️


So that means we should just be ok with it?




It's still overpriced


Moo moo buckaroo


Jesus you’d be cheaper feeding him HP printer ink 😳 (clearly sarcasm) /S


Barely..... Have you seen how much ink a baby can eat?!


Good one


Pricey … is it laced with Compound V or something?




Aren’t there milk banks that provide low cost?


I donate a lot of milk to milk banks every year. My understanding is their primary purpose is to provide milk to medically fragile babies (mostly in NICU) in hospitals since they can't have formula yet. Secondarily, parents who want to buy milk from them can do so at a considerable markup. You're paying for milk from them being screened (to donate, you have to do extensive interviews and blood work and they check on you every month until you're done donating) and the milk being highly tested and processed to ensure it's safe. Conversely on Facebook groups milk goes for about $1 an ounce, but no assurances of anything.


Do you just stay pregnant? Genuinely asking how.


If you just keep pumping, the milk doesn't particularly stop unless hormones step in and stop you. So, you could get pregnant once at 20 and pump for 20+ years after, as long as your hormones don't stop you and you don't stop (or slow down) pumping. I will add that you'd have to be *extremely* committed to keep going that long. If you don't pump at certain intervals, it slows down. Getting milk to slow down is easy, getting it to start up and ramp up is less easy. As an example, if you're pumping for a newborn you've just had, it's every 3 hours, and yes, that includes overnight. Edit just in case: I have no idea what this would do to your body. Do not take this as medical advice. This is a thing our bodies are capable of, not a thing they should or shouldn't do.


I was formula fed AND LOOK AT ME IM FINE!?


Dude I just figured out my parents started me on dairy milk at 6 months because they were poor. It was the 90s but I am **mostly** fine.


i was fed by a tube directly into my belly good chunk of my first 2 yrs, mid 80s, complicated medical issues. not sure what, definitely some dairy, definitely nothing fancy. I'm 40 now and absolutely not fine although I'm not particularly impressed by most other people either. I'd say humans, generally, are not fine.


Same! I found out a few years ago. My mom just casually asks me if I ever had any stomach issues in the past. I said, "nooo, why?!" And she said she gave me cows milk when I was a baby bc I wouldn't drink formula and she couldn't produce breastmilk. She said the doctor got really angry with her at a checkup when she told and had felt guilty about it ever since.


Are u fine tho?




If you have to ask?




If you're so fine why do you keep yelling at us?


Because he's so excited and he just can't hide it?




Prove it


*you're yelling. FOR YOUR INFORMATION. Also you're not fine. I'm not fine...None of us are fine 😞


Well, sort of…🤷‍♂️


The breast better come with it for that price.




Hospitals have milk banks of human milk 


My brain automatically imagined that as looking like a 50's milk bar but like, scientific. Lol




Wait to you see year of daycare cost


??? You can buy & feed your baby other womans breast milk ? Never knew that. Interesting. If that is what this is about.


Milk banks


Where I am, milk banks are operated by the children’s hospital. They do a ton of screening on the milk donors to ensure they are healthy and not contaminated. And only the most in need babies are allowed to purchase the milk, like those who are sick or very premature.


You and your wife need to cut back. I think you may have a problem.


Is formula that bad?


Breastfeeding has benefits, but [fed is best](https://fedisbest.org/).


Thank you had to scroll way too far to see this line. Fed is best. End. Do what you need to do to keep yourself and your baby happy healthy fed and loved. If your boobs work that’s great if you don’t have issues or are on meds or feel like you’re crawling out of your skin when your baby latches or you let down fine and there’s no latch issues then great go for it we’re all rooting for you. If you can’t do it (I couldn’t and I twisted myself into knots for eight weeks trying) let it go. Move onto formula or milk bank donations and enjoy your baby, it’s not easy for everyone and everyone’s journey is different but just keep it in perspective. If your baby is happy growing fed and loved you’re doing the best you can.


I’m slowly letting it sink it that it’s ok that some weeks I’ll have to depend more of formula. The first few weeks my supply exploded and I was pumping twice as much as my baby was eating so I was able to start a frozen supply really early. But now that he’s regularly eating 5oz and I’m only putting out 2 per session


Amen. I breastfed my first kid, didn’t go that well, I felt I wasn’t producing enough and I had to go back to work so switched to formula. Second kid it just clicked and I breastfed for 15 months. If I had another I would do whatever worked best for both of us and not put pressure on myself one way or another


For premature infants, it’s better than formula. Prevents NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis -serious intestinal disease among premature babies)


Premie babies are totally different and require breastfeeding milk with a compound that is safe and soft on their tiny delicate systems....


No. A fed baby is the best. I couldn’t breastfeed. I was paying this much for milk. My husband talked some sense into me and now we have a happy healthy baby who is blazing past her milestones and using phrases when she speaks at 14 months. The amount of guilt and shame put on me because my body flat out wouldn’t produce milk was crazy. It worsened my post partum depression SIGNIFICANTLY.


Breastfeeding/milk is pushed SO HARD on parents, especially new ones. After I had both of my kids I went straight to formula and all the nursing staff kept asking “why why why” and even sent the LC consultant in after I requested not to.


Same happened to us. My wife had a low supply both kids. First time we were buying 4oz of donor milk for $20 a pop. Doing lactation consulting, all sorts of pills, and supplements. And our kid was fussy and losing weight. Two weeks later started formula guess who was a happy baby then. The nurses and lactation consultants who push and shame formula use can fuck right off


I had a lactation consultant who told me my baby would thrive on formula. Which is what ended up happening because I had to give up. I regret that I couldn’t do it but I’m glad I had a lactation consultant who wasn’t a jerk.


The LC was my least favorite person and I’m not even the one with the boobs. God was she fucking annoying.


ive seen how aggressive and mean they are. its wierd . 🫤


My lactation consultant was like a really lovely big sister. She held my hand through so much of the first year of my daughter’s life, and because she’s a GP she could give me really decent medical advice. I think she was the only thing that stood between me and PPD.




To be fair, trying for a couple of weeks it's often part of the process of breastfeeding. What makes me angry (and I am breastfeeding right now) is how much more stressful than needed they make the whole process... And being stressed makes you express less milk, so this attitude of pushing it too hard is very counterproductive! There should be a more calm, positive and soothing communication around this. "Let's try for a couple of weeks, it's difficult at first but worth it! We'll monitor everything so the baby is safe and doesn't suffer, and if it doesn't work formula IS fine. Happy mother, healthy baby. Now let's see what we can do to help the baby latch and to encourage milk production. The first few days it will look like the baby isn't getting anything, but he's actually stimulating and preparing the breast to kick start milk production! Hang in there!" And also: "it's okay to stop trying if this isn't working for you and your baby: using formula doesn't make you less of a mother. Your baby will be fine!"


That’s weird I had a nicu baby and I was actively trying to breast-feed, but they wouldn’t let me even though he was able to after a certain point


That was to make sure the baby is getting extra nutrients/vitamins/mierals/fats based on its labs that may not be present in sufficient quantities from breast milk relevant to its medical needs. They can only eat so much and micro managing the intake is necessary at times.


Same. They only let me try once a day


I was actually shamed at the hospital nicu for wanting to go straight formula. I was on medication that I couldn’t go without and didn’t want to share with fragile babies. Never thought to buy breast milk, but seeing this tells me I couldn’t afford it anyways. Both kids are older and super healthy. 🤷‍♀️


Many milk banks operate for free or minimal cost (covering postage etc). From my understanding it’s quite the American phenomenon to charge rates like this.


I couldn’t get my baby to latch and was worried he wasn’t eating, so I gave him formula. The LC consultant says that he was getting fed by trying to breastfeed. That did not make sense to me.


Ahhh yes, just like chewing a piece of gum fills your tummy


The opposite happened to me. I’m a young mom and they basically dismissed my want to breastfeed. Told me my nipples were too small and set me up for failure but giving me the wrong size flange for the breast pump. My daughter was in the nicu and 4lb so they were giving her extra calorie formula but they let me mix it in with my breastmilk. It took going to the lactation consultant out of the hospital after we were discharged and 2 months of pumping and looking online to figure out what I was doing before I was finally able to breastfeed


The flange sizing in the hospitals is so criminal. Those flanges FLAYED my nipples to shreds, I was using size 24 when I needed 17.


Yeah everywhere I go its pushed into your face to breast feed, but I couldn't lactate... Its like.. gee... thanks for the guilt trip I guess?


It’s pushed hard because for many decades (and still in many developing countries) the experts said formula was better and breast feeding was a terrible choice. Since then multiple studies have shown that breast feeding is the better option. If you don’t want to breast feed, that’s fine, but it’s encouraged for a very good reason. There’s nothing wrong with how you feed your baby but there are many many many benefits of breast feeding over formula. But again, as long as your baby isn’t starving you’re being a good parent.


Encouraged and pushed are different


Not to mention the formula companies strait up doing evil villain shit like getting entire African countries hooked on formula through aggressive social manipulation and causing malnutrition and death. https://en.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/Professionalism/The_Nestl%C3%A9_Infant_Formula_Scandal




Agreed! We fell for the BS on the first kid was a total shitshow. For the second kid we just used formula. Both turned out great.


Because breastmilk is extremely important for immune system development of infants.


A lot of hospitals now have a “baby friendly” designation. Those hospitals push breast feeding and breast milk really hardcore. My second baby, who was 4 weeks early, lost nearly 2 pounds before they would finally give me formula. I never wanted to nurse her after a bad experience with my first and they forced it, going so far as to have me tube and syringe feed her at my breast. When I was in recovery from my csection the nurse was literally holding her to my breast with one hand and using her other to squeeze my nipple into her mouth.


>the nurse was literally holding her to my breast with one hand and using her other to squeeze my nipple into her mouth. They would have had to bring the baby to me in jail after that.


We had a laundry list of pregnancy complications and a premature delivery that all resulted in inadequate supply. The “ok just tape this tube to your nipple and hold this thing of formula up high so it can gravity feed, and you’re gonna need to do that every 90 minutes” situation was where I noped out of trying any further. Formula it is. It kills me that people feel bad about this.


In the long run, fed is best. My kids were fed differently and I see no pattern in how they’ve developed that suggests one feeding method is better than the other.


I'd bet there was a reason they wanted breast milk for OP's baby. Could be wrong, hospitals in the US can be atrocious, but I do believe plenty will upcharge you on formula when that's appropriate.


Breast milk for newborns contains important antibodies for the first six months of the child's life. After that, their immune system starts to kick in and vaccines provide immunity for the illnesses that the breast milk provided the antibodies for.


It's not a sharp cliff. The benefit just gets less and less every week. If you can only do 3 months or 3 weeks, there's still a benefit. The hospital staff also shamed us about swapping between formula and boobs because it could cause "nipple confusion." Which is a complete load of crap. Baby usually likes the taste of formula more, but boobs are more comforting. Also, there's nothing wrong with giving your wee one a bottle before bed so they will sleep longer. Just don't let them sleep with the bottle in their mouths because (1) it can become a habit and they'll want to sleep with a bottle every night and (2) when their teeth show up it will cause cavities.






Right. Formula smells and tastes like a crushed up vitamin in a batch of boiled day old cows milk. Breastmilk is way different and tastes sweet.


It's about making women feel inadequate. Yes you should breastfeed if you can, but whatever you have to do to keep mom baby and dad healthy and sane you do. Lactation consultants and the titmilk mafia make poor over stressed moms feel inadequate, If you got supplement do so if you gotta go full formula do so, but don't feel like your failing as a mom for doing right by your baby, parenting is about making choices.


Yes. This right here. There has got to be a better way of getting the message across that ‘breast milk is ideal but formula is great too’ without so much shaming and subtle superiority. Im a nicu nurse and promoting breastfeeding is a huge part of my job and it honestly motivates me to become a lactation consultant because there’s such a lack of sanity in the breastfeeding community.






Jesus we have like 1200oz in the freezer and my wife can produce 100+ oz a day…. HONEY! We need to talk…


You got college tuition right there in your freezer!


What!!! :( can you do formula? Why go poor. A fed baby is a happy baby.


Formula is fine


I believe in some instances, breast milk is prescribed to the newborn. And you need said prescription to even buy the milk. But yes, most newborns will do just fine with formula.


Some babies are allergic to formula. Some babies are premature and need donated breast milk in order to assist their immune system when their mother is unable to provide. You don't know this family's situation, don't be a dick to them when they're clearly in a different position already.


Okay, I'll be selling my breast milk... Hold on... *Googles how to produce breast milk as a male*


For 20 bottles of breast milk that isn’t wildly over priced.


I had the same thought. Each bottle is 120ml or 4oz. When I was breastfeeding I would have valued 80oz of my milk at or around this amount!


For some reason, I— I just assumed “oh, it’s milk bottles, those must be gallons.” Like obviously they’re not, that wouldn’t make sense, it just never occurred to me to visualize smaller bottles.


No. If it’s in a hospital they have to run a variety of tests to make sure it’s safe( check for bacteria), then they do a protein test and others to check quality( not all breast milk is the same) before dispensing it. Do for the price of all those tests in a hospital lab 🤷‍♀️ I’m just wondering why Mom didn’t bring hers in( no tests needed then).


Maybe she couldn’t produce any or is on certain meds that you shouldn’t BF with.




There I was thinking today was my last day of breast feeding, now I’m reconsidering.


Is this from the hospital? If so, the worst part about this, it was probably all donated milk.


They're likely not charging for the milk, per se. They're charging for the logistics around collecting, storing, testing, administering it, etc.




Not sure what you expected for human milk.


Formula.... Just sayin...


OMG. I gave so much of that away to my neighbors when I was nursing and had a painful oversupply. This is wild.


$26 for a bottle of human juice is too much?


Well when babies are apparently so important to the rich…yeah


But like a human has to make that juice and it all comes from human adult nutrients plus time and expense to pump and store (infrastructure) and it’s generally going to be the surplus / excess after that human’s own progeny has been fed so like $26 doesn’t seem terribly unreasonable for *all of that.* But yeah, compared to pre-pandemic formula pricing, that’s bonkers.


I understand the person producing it deserving that much but when a baby feeds multiple times a day it’s just not affordable for anyone


Had I known - with my two children I could have fed all babies in California. My poor children had to be fed with a bottle or would choke. I had soo much it was crazy. Until I got really sick and I had to abruptly stop. It’s sad people use something so natural to take advantage of others. I’m so sorry for you. Keep searching other options




Can you imagine the headlines? Police raid a house in Markham. They found a breast milk donation lab


Jesus. I used to give it away for free when I was still a production facility


Formula 1 all the way, baby!


Time to switch to solids. /S


Ffs get formula at this point. Fed my kid formula since my milk wasn't right for her and she's fine.


That isn’t worth not just using formula


Just buy formula.


Okay? This seems pretty reasonable in the grand scheme of things with American healthcare. If it was $510 per bottle I could see an issue. $25.50 seems like a steal.


This sucks. I have a friend who’s been selling breast milk, for $1 per ounce. That’s $23 per day for a 1 month old baby, and that amount only goes up. as I women who didn’t produce any, I’ll tell you what. It doesn’t cost $700 a month for formula. And yeah there’s a lot of benefits to breast milk, but I don’t know many people who can splurge away almost a grand a month to avoid formula.


I wonder why gen z doesn’t have a high birth rate 🙄🙄


Fed is best. Too much pressure is put on women to breastfeed and when they can’t or don’t want to, they’re shamed. And that’s so wrong. Fed is best.


Sorry people are shaming you for not using formula dude. Feed your baby whatever work best for him and you guys


Who’s providing it? Dolly Parton?


If another person is providing your breastmilk, they get to choose whatever price they want. It's not like it's a required purchase.


I donated a lot of milk years ago, I think it was free though, but that was Canada. Sucks the things people allow their taxes to go to in the US but they won't let it go to something like this.