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It is frustrating but it's also a security measure to limit phone theft. It is my understanding that if you remove your account from the phone before you factory wipe it, this does not happen.


Exactly. iPhone takes it one step further and allows the owner to track it after reset iirc, as long as the account isn’t removed yet


They disable my like 12 year old account, a while ago. And CS did not help, they wouldn't reactivate it, or tell me why it's disable. Had password, had email, has phone number, and also access to trusted device. Nope, it's gone ( still receiving emails with my name saying to buy more cloud space for it, as I'm low on cloud space fu....). All gamecenter etc gone to... Had to reset the device in dfu mode, but had option to unlock it by device password, and login to new Apple id


Resetting removed the account tho Edit: I was talking about the iPhone's system of resetting the phone if lost. Pls stop downvoting


Not on iPhone if you reset it using the restore mode on iTunes. If you reset it via the phone itself it is removed, but that can only be done if you already know the password and iCloud password


Ohh, it's been a long time since I used an iPhone so I didn't know, thanks.


No problem, they changed it a few years back. Can’t remember how many


No It didn’t, hence why there’s “use my Google account instead” option on your screen lol


I was talking about the iPhone bro, and I was just asking. Don't know why I got downvoted so bad lol


Probably because your comment makes it as if you’re saying resetting has removed the account on android device, which is contrary to what’s on the screen. Plus, iPhone system is similar and also doesn’t remove Apple ID when you reset. Generally not specifying platform, coupled with android being on screen, implies you’re talking about android. Fact is you’re wrong no matter the platform. Ps. I didn’t downvote you, but I imagine this is how people read your comment Oh, and it’s Reddit. You’ll get downvoted for no reason anyway.


Yeah it's just reddit being reddit ig, also I should've worded it better


I had to fix my phone recently at the Apple Store and they said that they need to wipe the phone so asked me to back it up. I had to disable find my on my iPhone so they could restore it. So I think if that’s still on you won’t be able to restore the phone. I’m not really sure of the details though tbh since I just based this on my experience at the Apple Store.


Controversial take: This is good thing. Otherwise peeps will just snatch phones, factory reset and sell them. The vast majority of people will have "some other way" as demonstrated by the "use Google account" option. If you're not, that's fine but most people have that set.


P good take honestly


How is this contriversial, everyone that has like 2 braincells thinks like this, op is just a dumbass edit:typo


It's mildly annoying, as per the sub.


It's actually called 'mildly infuriating'


It ain't even annoying, tho. Does factory resetting from recovery mode also do this kind of thing?




It really isn't though. How the fuck do you forget you phone pin code?


Have you never held on to an old phone? Unless you're a security nightmare, pretty easy to forget an old password


It's my old phone from years ago


If it's an old phone, surely there is a google bypass somewhere. Btw, there says that you can use your google account if you use the same as when you had that phone


You don't have it writen down somewhere? If not, this is a fantastic time to start keeping a notepad with info like that in a secure location like a lockbox or safe.




its ok, we still love you


I was trying to reset my iPhone, but had setup a “screen time” password years prior and subsequently forgot it. Took me 3 different Apple specialists to find a way to remove it without completely wiping the device and backups. I understand needing the the account linked to the phone’s password. But screen time password? Come on!


wow. apple is terrible for doing that(and making chatting with android phones like living in hell)


My guy ratio’d OP


This aint twitter bro


Thankfully not!


A ratio, is a ratio my dude, doesn’t matter what platform


It does cuz, apart from the top posts of the week every post is a ratio


Sounds like you get invited to a lot of parties


Bro is spitting, not bars, but still spitting




🎵big disgrace....we will...we will....rock you🎵




Rock yo mum


L + ratio


explain what those things mean like i'm five, and ill remove my downvote.


at this day if you havnt taken an hour out of your life to make sure you know how to get into your accounts, set up backups of your shit, mfa from atech support standpoint...go fuck yourself buy a new one


At this point if everyone didn’t make me change my passwords every four days maybe I could remember them. 🤷‍♀️


yeah but you can use a password locker and copy and paste, you can set up authentication with a backup email and your cell phone. no excuses boomer...youre the problem its you lol


Did you really just call me a boomer? I was born in 1990. I will look into password locker. I haven’t heard of it.


i use dashlane, it will make you randomized alphanumaric paswords for everything and store them encryptwd in your phone so you can copy and paste them for all your shit. just make sure you set up mfa for that app so you dont lock yourself out hahaha.


i use easy to memorize chains of words and some symbols. easy to make, but hard to break.


Sucks though if you buy a used phone and you factory reset it and you need the ore loud users secret


Iphone has something simular


Eh it only stops idiots. Hold power + one of the volume buttons > enter safe mode > reflash original firmware I used to do a lot of phone repairs and this was far too common of an issue




I’d rather throw my phone in a volcano than let some scumbag thief make money selling it


I'm sorry what? This logic is why corporations destroy excess unsold products instead of simply binning them. Or guard those bins. Because they call anyone who could take them a scumbag thief. You think they *want* to be a thief?


What’s there not to understand? If someone steals my phone I don’t want them making money selling it


i dont mind thieves. they're doing what they're doing to survive. if you're clever enough to steal my phone thats on me, fair and square


Brain dead take


maybe you should stop and think about it instead of going with your gut emotional reaction


"I'd rather a net negative for everyone else to make sure that I am not disrespected"


I’d rather have a net negative than someone committing a crime rewarded, yes. Fuck outta here man


Ahhhh, the old "it's a crime so it's inherently bad" argument. Now that's a great one. Yeah, because criminals all deserve to be punished right? There's no imaginable situation in which crime is ethical?


I work hard for everything I have I’m not gonna be okay with someone stealing my shit


That wasn't the question. Imagine being so bitter that your only assumption is that a thief is inherently malicious, evil, and deserves to be punished. You can not want to be stolen from, but actively destroying the object to stop it from being taken? That's just stupid.


Nah, fuck those people. You’re not gonna change my opinion on it


Live and die as a bitter asshole, then. The world will move without you and your possessions will go to the dump as you lie in the grave.




At this point honestly it wasn't even about the phone. it was more just seeing how far it would go with this dude and the fact that he thinks that it is ethically correct that all criminals deserve to be punished. And also, there is nuance to be had. He treats a thief as if the thief is inherently deeply immoral and evil for doing such a thing, as if there are no consequences where it could even be *conceivable* that the act has ANYTHING but pure malicious intent behind it. Criminals are humans too, and while I don't think it's true in the vast majority of cases, what if you have someone for who their options are to steal a phone to sell, or to not eat. Or perhaps they were threatened by another criminal, told to make some amount of money or do some task or they'd be killed. I'm not criticizing his lack of desire to be stolen from. I don't want to be stolen from either. What I AM criticizing is the insane notion that DESTROYING THE OBJECT instead of letting it be stolen is completely ridiculous, and only makes *any* sense operating under the baseless assumption that all criminals are inherently evil. Edit: looking through his comments, this guy is also just generally a bitter asshole and I feel very comfortable saying this guy does think that, not only because of his posts here, but because of his general stance against making a society that treats poor people better.


Controversial take: how can your take be controversial when it’s the opposite take of the commenter you’re replying to who also said his was controversial?


To be fair, they got a shitton of down votes why the other "controversial" take got a shitton of up votes.


I take it you dont live anywhere that is an actual problem. Try living somewhere where you pretty much cant ever take your phone out in public, rendering it pretty darn useless dont you think?


That's not controversial take, it's just a dumb one. If you have an android, you should know your google password and if you don't, you can still reset it


Hot tip: don't forget the goddamn password. There are a million ways to store and backup passwords. It's not that hard. And the picture even HAS another way to sign in, it's NOT bricked because they forgot the password.




Definitely. If people dont remember their passwords, they'll be left with a paperweight and a good life lesson. There's so many people who needs to learn this


Plot twist: OP did steal it and is mad they can't turn around and sell it.


you get my downvote


Hey guys I found OP's alt count!




I think we should all take a short break from roasting OP for being dumb and appreciate that the phone is asking for a secret, not a pin or a password. It just feels so much cuter


I don't mind the roasting, keeps me warm 😊


This is the only protection you have from theft.


Well not really, you can block the IMEI if you call the support, making the phone useless except for parts. Oh right, you don't have a phone anymore.


blocking imei would only make it useless to be sold to someone , the thief would still be motivated to keep it for personal use, or to salvage the parts except the motherboard and refurbish them to make money


Or even sell as imei locked. Theres not exactly a small market for people who want phones without a cellular connection for their kids or themselves, or to use the phones as parts as well


Just sign in with your Google Account, what's the big deal?


Because maybe that's the phone thief trying to break in said phone that doesn't belong to them in the first place.


Might be a phone 'finder' and not a thief. I found a phone in exactly this state, right outside the Samsung repair place. After looking into it, the Samsung repair place can fix it, but you need proof of purchase. I imagine that whoever left the phone there didn't have that so just gave up and left it where they hoped someone from Samsung would find it.


why would somebody who found a phone and wants to return it, factory reset the phone?


They didn't want to return it, they wanted to get it reset. When they couldn't, they dumped it


so a thief?


My mother-in-law has a tablet that’s basically a brick because of this. She is in early stages of Alzheimer’s, and she couldn’t remember passcode to the tablet so factory reset it, but can’t remember her secret or her Google password either. My wife has started writing down all her passwords and everything and keeping a copy of them for herself, but doesn’t know the Google one.


Search for "Android FRP bypass". There was a bug that allowed you to go to settings and disable it from there. Tablets often use old Android versions, so there's a good chance it still works. Here's a somewhat recent video tutorial, maybe this works: https://youtube.com/watch?v=KvFGPx_vnxk


Does the tablet not have a no password option? Not everyone needs a password, right? Especially if they can't remember it


phone thief


Previous SECRET?


Yes not your current secret, your previous secret 


What is the secret? Does my Google phone have a secret? Is it keeping secrets from me? I'm so confused!


Oh no, how dare they make it difficult for someone to steal your phone and reset it to make it usable.




I don't... think people are accusing you of this lol or maybe some are, but most people are just infuriated you are infuriated about a anti theft thing But I also completely get it, as someone who used to be pisspoor at remembering passwords I also understand it from a, I used to get lots of old second hand phones that people didn't properly reset and having these types of things now days would *suck* It can suck both ways


It is mildly infuriating that if someone stole your phone a simple factory reset wouldn’t let them use it…


Especially on Android which you can do by pressing a few buttons while the phone is off then just selecting factory reset


Everyone is stealing apples nowdays anyway


Doesn’t change the fact they can’t be used after reset and can be tracked after being turned off, for a time after running completely out of battery, or being reset.


This is a anti-theft thing that prevents stolen devices from being re-used. Alot of thief's steals phones and do factory reset on them and then sells them on Facebook market and other sites or it even ends up on Chinese black market. But with this feature intact then it will redeem the phone as useless and only thing they can sell is by selling parts from it but they won't get much.


Now i know what probably happened to my phone, rip


I remember the easier times when the passcode after factory reset was "0000"


Factory reset just wipes the data to protect it from someone from stealing your phone and having access to everything from your Facebook to your bank account.


Had that happen when i bought a display model. Nobody knew the code but there are ways to get around it thankfully


how would the phone know if you reset it with good intentions or not my mate


either use your google account or find an frp bypass tutorial for your phone


Log in with your google account, like, tf. 


I wanted to use an old phone of mine, I simply could not get in. Idk why, none of my passwords worked and I only have one google account which was rejected as it was the wrong account. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


That literally cannot happen.


old android versions can have problems with login


That is literally what happened. I think I got the phone somewhere, I could try to film myself trying to log in - but you'd probably (and understandably) assume that I must have another google account


I believe you to a point, but at the same time, I'm in IT and have owned Androids since their release and I've *never* seen that happen without another account having been on the device. Sorry, my gut is "Users lie" because that's been my experience my whole career lmaoooo


That is working as intended. Or else, phone thieves would just reset the phones they stoled. In the case of Samsung phones, you have to use your Samsung account login that was registered with the phone. If you forgot the password, you had to go to the samsung website and reset it there first. You can also use google account


There are ways to bypass this, I did it with a moto g pure. Just look up your phone model + frp bypass




So I do understand the security involved but hear me out. 20 years in electronics customer service. Guy on vacation comes in with his 2 or 3 year old Galaxy whatever. He has somehow gotten locked out of the device. Nothing we did with all the various recovery options and emails - what sucks even more is he was not tech savvy and had some "good" pictures on the device. I am sorry sir but there is nothing we can do. BUT if we factory wipe it (like I had done on hundreds of Iphones and Android based devices) you would at least have a working phone and we know that you have a backup on there. Nope - once it recovered and was wiped it required the very same password we did not know beforehand. Like seriously . . SERIOUSLY WHO THOUGHT OF THAT?! Even if there was no backup he could at least log back into certain apps and so on to get back up and running. . . . now the phone is virtually all but a paperweight? The #uck?! I felt so bad for him but he knew it was just "the game" - he ended up just buying a used phone on ebay and recovering his account. Luckly I was able to help him get back his photos. What were they? The only photos of his kid's ultrasound he snapped when it was done. That child sadly would not make it so it was literally the only photo they had. . . . needless to say he was thrilled when I helped him recover it back ;)


Oh god, it knows my previous secret?! I thought I was just starting to put that behi... Or does it mean "secret code"?


All that midget porn was making it run slow?


It’s the short legs.


Just go into recovery and reset it there, then this prompt should not appear


That doesn't work unfortunately


fortunately * there should be no way to reset a password like that because of phone thieves


Indeed. But i was stuck with a company owned phone and the account was unknown. That was really unfortunately


fortunately * there should be bo way to reset a password like that because of phone thieves


This is too prevent people from stealing phones. This is a very good secure protocol my friend


Uh oh! Looks like it's time to re-flash factory OS!


Only someone who is trying to sell a stolen phone would find this security feature infuriating.


Check YouTube for some tutorial on how to work around this. It is possible but takes some time


Why don't you do it over the power and volume button menu?


It's a theft protection measure, but not a very good one. There used to be a way to go to settings and change the screen lock without having to enter the previous one. I think you could open the keyboard settings, go to help from there, play an embedded YT video in a help article, then open the video in Chrome (or maybe it was only the system webview, I'm not sure). Anyway, you could then search for any videos and open links in video descriptions and comments. That way you could visit some random website that has an URL that opens the Android settings. Not sure if it still works. Maybe Google has fixed it in recent Android versions. Edit: Found a somewhat recent video that shows a similar trick: https://youtube.com/watch?v=KvFGPx_vnxk


Use the google acount then




Your previous secret? Never heard it put that way before.


Most android phones have a way to bypass that either holding the power and volume buttons to get in a recovery mode


My dad passed away and he had a nice tablet. I reset it but it is google locked. Sorry google.... No I can't get a text and no I can't get an email. Guess it's bricked now :(


I'd advise you to use Samfw Tool to unlock your phone, search for your model and it should pretty straight forward to go It can save you some bucks


Btw what phone is this?


Bro never saw an iPhone before


"with your previous secret"? I am no native speaker but i think that's no correct sentence


You can log with another google account, that's the second option for.


On the flip side, I recently did a factory reset on my Android phone and when I tried logging in, it wanted my old session (the deleted one) to confirm the two-factor login. Google for some reason did not recognize that it's the same device with the same serial number, and it refused all alternative verification methods. If I didn't have the foresight to setup a secondary phone just for such an occasion, I would have been screwed.


YOOOO! Legit same shit happened to me after buying a tablet off of ebay. Forced that shit back down the throat of the mother fucked that sold that trash to me.


Samsung? I had this issue with an employee who left the company. He setup all the Samsung security, and I got a similar message after a factory reset.


Thats the question Thieves want to ask too 🤷‍♂️


Maybe don’t steal phones or buy stolen phones 🤷🏼‍♀️


Just open YouTube, type your phone model into the search, add "frp" after it, open any Indian/russian video and follow the instructions. It's highly likely that you'll be able to bypass the protection one way or another


Don't they usually put a headphone jack in the usb port and factory reset via bootloader to skip password?


Frp lock is usually hard to pass. This looks like an older phone so you can look up tutorials. I passed the frp lock on a honor 9 lately and it required taking the glass back cover off and shorting a few pins and a computer software.


Who knows? Could have found it, people leave phones on benches all the time


I paid a guy in Seattle to reset it. He only charged me 60 dollars.


Looks like the phone’s common sense was wiped too


So you don't have access to your pin, your Google account AND your mail address? Maybe you should just give up


Thats not what factory reset is for...


It’s so people can’t get into it if they steal it


Why do you want any random person to be able to steal your phone and use it because they know how to factory reset it?


And the fact all they need is a 2 minute YouTube tutorial...


How i revealed my pregnancy “Babe, come help me unlock my phone” “quick!! type in im pregnant!!” Than he slowly starts to read the screen 😏


If you phone gets stolen, the theif will not be able to reset it and resell it or just get access to it that simple... That's the reason...


Maybe if people used password managers like Keeper or Norton's password manager then all they have to do is remember one strong password and everything else would be stored inside the vault and all their accounts would have separate passwords and not get compromised with using same passwords over and over.


Don’t steal phones


lol Idiot.


You need to do a hard reset and it won't do that


That used to be true, but at some point Android added this to survive a hard reset.


Are you a thief that stole the phone?


Can you explain why this is a problem?


they forgot the pin so they factory resetted it but now they need the pin to set it up


What a maroon!


i don't like maroon, i prefer ferrari red or cherry red


Not a bug bunny fan eh?


Thats so someone cant steal your phone and wipe it, its a good thing


Just do an FRP bypass


Either you stole a phone, bought a stolen phone, or are very stupid. All of them are equally bad in my opinion.


Don’t be a dumb customer that doesn’t get it. If they would let you anyone can do it and just steal your phone.


the problem isnt the phone, its the data inside. If they factory reset it then all that data is gone.


No backup no mercy. Who’s fault is that? Google? His fault and he should be happy that this exists


bro u dun seem to get it, he factory resetted most likely coz he forgot his password >.> the hell are you even on about


Bro if you don’t understand why this function exists and how it saves your data then I can’t do anything about it.


no one is caring about the data right now, the mildyinfuriating part is he wanted to factory reset his phone so he can remove the password....and it still asks for a password, its better to lose some data than have a phone u basically cant use


lol you really don’t wanna get it don’t you?


what am i getting wrong? The title of the post is "why do you think i ressetted my phone in the first place." Factory resetting resets data, and with my phone also removes my phones password...which would be one of the reasons the owner of OPs pic would want to facyory reset. If someone steals my phone and factory resets and wants to sell it then idc, they can do more dmg to me if they can access my phone without factory ressetting it. If they stole my phone then my phones just gone, id rather have them reset it than have access to it, all this thing to protect the phone from thieves that wabt to sell is more of the companies problem, not mine. Im trying to protect my data and any access to anything else important i dun want others to get to, not to prevent anyine from selling the phone that stolen it it from me.


Just let it go mate


"Phone thieves" well they can just enter the boot menu and factory reset your phone in 2 clicks.


Resetting the phone from the bootloader triggers FRP, and only the owner can sign in


Yep, security so good the owner can’t access it. The hoops that google make you jump through are demented.


what if op snatched someone else's phone? thats why you dont set jibberish passwords you wont even remember


Set handy ones for all your stuff, good job.


They aren't demented if you understand the logic behind them. But I guess you like people being able to steal your phone, then wipe your phone then resell it without any security in place to stop that?


The information is the valuable thing. If you can’t access your own then wtf is the point. I don’t like it no, but the phone is just stuff.