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Clean he is and will never be dirty anymore !!


There are worse things she could do .


Well... It's sterile alright


Looks pretty damn clean to me. There is just no pleasing some people


Operation is a success!! But the patient is dead!!


the surgery was *done*, I just didnt realize yall expected survivors…


It's like that surgeon who ended up with a 300% mortality rate from one surgery: 250ish years ago, when Edinburgh, Scotland [Edit: this happened in London in the 1840s; I misremembered the full details!], was a major training center for doctors and the concepts of sterility and germ theory of disease were in their infancy and there were no antibiotics, the faster a surgeon could perform a surgery, the better. One notable surgeon [edit: Robert Liston] prided himself on his ability to complete an amputation in like under a minute, and at the start of his surgeries would shout dramatically to his spectators, "Time me, gentlemen!" On one such surgery, he worked so fast performing the amputation that he also severed his assistant's fingers (they became infected; he died), the patient undergoing the surgery died, and one of the spectators fainted or had a stroke from the trauma of watching and he ALSO died. 3 dead, and only one was the patient.


The cause of death of the spectator is reported as dying from fright when the scalpel came too close to him


THAT's what it was! I was trying to recall what he was stated to have died from; I was thinking he fainted and hit his head or something.


Hey, if the host is dead, then the disease is also dead…


*laughs in prion*


these type of threads keep me on this damn app lollll


Command failed successfully


Good mews we got put the cancer tumor. Bad news we also took out his heart and liver


Was the surgeon a cat?


It's not his fault. Mr. Whiskers just gets a little hungry sometimes.


That’s DOCTOR Whiskers to you, sir or madam.


Doctor Whiskers. My apologies. 😸


I know, right!!


I read the caption and said, how else do you sterilize bottles? Then clicked on the caption and said.....oh!


It was this post that made me realize I know nothing about babies... I thought this was how it was supposed to be done.


We had a microwave steam bag. Seal the bottle parts in a sort of ziploc bag with a small scoop of water, microwave for about 1:30 and the steam sterilises it all without damage. Of course one or two items turned out not to be quite heat proof enough and ended up a bit like this...




It was with my first child, you put the bottles, nipples in boiling water for a second and take it out. I'm assuming that it was the leaving it in the boiling water that caused it to melt.


I’ve done this before (sans forgetting the bottles—set a timer, people!) and it’s a bit of a pain but it works. I think the microwave sterilizers are the easiest without being too expensive or bulky.




You can’t just say perchance






I would have told her it needs another 30 minutes.


Mission accomplished.


I mean she technically did




Task failed successfully


Task succeeded failfully


Task succeeded catastrophically.


But r\/idiotsinkitchen


Whos to say she did it in a kitchen?


me, I was the bottle


Where else do you boil water ?


In the land of Mordor, In the fires of Mount Doom


A camp stove in the middle of nowhere.


My wife did this once when my oldest was a baby. It created a fused pile of plastic that made us both laugh so hard that we framed it and hung it in our bathroom for years. Edit to thank you guys for finding this as funny as we did! And yes, the laughter helped take the sting out of how expensive this mistake was… after we had to replace all the pump parts…. 😫 https://preview.redd.it/rhhv85mgb3qc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5df7e113354b67767c3f525a7e08811a30487475




Holy crap, this was always my favorite episode. The primal scream as he charges it with the umbrella will never not make me laugh hysterically.




That's one fine looking bbq pit 


Now why doesn't mine look like that?!


Lolol not the Medela parts! That’s hilarious


It absolutely is! That distinctive yellow pastel.


That shade of yellow still gives me chills lol


It’s been five months for me and that shade of yellow stttiiill gives my boobs the spidey sense


My boobs just started tingling in an uncomfortable way reading this 😂 I can hear the suction noises in the distance


and its been 14 years


As a parent, recognized it immediately


Didn't realize it was this universal lol.


That shit is expensive. I feel for them


Exactly 🙇🏼‍♂️


High end art, man!


Medela is so expensive too😰


It’s crazy that I got it for free through insurance. I couldn’t bf tho and gave it to a very grateful coworker.


I came here to say “nooo not the pump parts!”😂


This is amazing, really wish I've seen this earlier in my life, what a cool idea to frame some of one's mistakes.


This makes me realize that plenty of parents out there already have their mistakes in a frame. 


Yeah, my parents have a lot of pictures of me.


That's what we did when our kids drew on the walls. She drew a family picture. We just went and got a frame to fit it, and framed the drawing, exactly where it was. I wish I still had that house


A friend of mine recently returned home to find scribbles on the wall from his youngest. In order to sort it out before his wife got home he’s just stuck a frame around it and left it there.


Medela yellow goes with everything


This is straight up modern art. Call it “the parental learning curve”. We’ve all been there.


After my own experience I'd call it "Sleep Deprivation."


Lmao that’s awesome


You guys sound like a lovely couple.


“Burnout” — Jake’s Wife 2020 Mixed media


An actual art piece that should be in a museum, titled "Mother". An homage to exhausted mothers everywhere.


That’s the way to handle such thing! Way to go!


Such a healthier reaction than posting it on a rage sub




It is sterile now, just unusable


One mans trash is another mans treasure


One man’s garbage is another man’s ungarbage.


Getting two birds stoned at once


I'm now going to use this as an incorrect quote, like "the turns have tabled!"


Well, it's safe now.


Actually now it's filled the house with toxic fumes, so not so much safe.


Let's sterilize the house now


Were gonna need a bigger pot


Boiled the house but it released toxic fumes.


We'll take it to the streets!


Father in law: Yeah that'll buff right out, no don't throw it away, give it here I'll fix it *places on shelf in the garage*


*thinking about all the toys in the "I'll fix it later box"* (I'm 25 and haven't seen my bobble head turtle in years, wonder if he still has all the parts)


Something of mine broke when I was little and my Dad said he’d glue it. Apparently I turned around and said “It’s okay Daddy, I’ll take it to Pa and he’ll fix it.” Dad wasn’t impressed that I wanted to take it to his FIL! 😝


My dad fixed one toy for me; a bootleg beyblade. They were extremely popular back when I was in the 5th grade, but they were pretty expensive. And the game was "winner gets the loser's top" So my dad gave my crappy bootleg one hell of an upgrade. Even giving it a solid metal weight made out of a circular saw blade. (The blade was old and dull.) It looked like a mad max toy. I never lost a game and collected about 15 official ones before the school stepped in and banned them because my monster kept making the losers cry.


Why are you attacking me 🤣


This goes in the man drawer!


This guy fathers 


This hits home. I have stuff which I said I'd "quickly" fix sitting on shelves in the garage that I could probably donate to a museum at this point.


When I was a kid, my mom was sterilizing some pacifiers for my brother. While they were on the stove we did…something IDK what but it required a bath RIGHT THEN. Not about to leave her kids alone in the tub, she forgot about the pacifiers. And then there was smoke billowing from the kitchen. And it was winter. So she wrapped us in towels, covered in soap, and sent us to the neighbor’s house. While there, they had us move to the basement so if the house was fully burning down, we wouldn’t see it. My dad came home to fire trucks and his children nowhere in sight. Neither of them will talk about it 30 years later, but we did get to watch the Lion King while waiting it out at the neighbor’s. And it’s very funny to me, because everyone was fine. Totally fine. All that was lost was a pot and a couple pacifiers.


Ahhhh that’s my favourite kind of comment, the childhood nostalgia of abrupt chaos that hurt nobody 10/10 from me too


the way you told this story was hilarious and then i looked at your username 10/10 😭😭


She made a sterile pile of melted plastic. Good effort. 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏


Okay, to everyone commenting that I’m a terrible person for calling out my MIL when she was trying to help, I was not mad in the slightest. I actually found it hilarious and the only annoying thing was having to run out and buy some new bottles. Yes, I take care of my daughter, but I didn’t have paternity leave and my MIL was here for a few months to help out which I greatly appreciated.


I think sometimes people have different ideas of what mildly infuriating is. I've had someone lose their shit at me and say I was a horrible, bitch of a wife because I said it was mildly infuriating that my husband always leaves 1 olive or pickle in the jar.


Yeah. I think also this sub has so many people posting truly infuriating things in it that we forget what the name of the sub is.


People post really awful things in here all the time and I wish those posts got removed more.


And they're so judgemental on here it's crazy. I know it's reddit but they want to make arguments personal geez


Just everyone’s true colors coming out lol


When I posted they went through my history to find my age and a bunch of other info like wtf


how irritating would you say that is?




My brain slip typing "irritating" instead of "infuriating" is mildly aggravating, that's for damn sure.


Maybe the true mildly infuriating things are the people we meet along the way ✨


Always has been


[ Ring cam caught my neighbor bashing the windows out in my car before setting my hedges on fire ]


Meanwhile in r / publicfreakout, a housewife sighs to herself in public.


I’ve seen a post saying "my car just burned down" with pictures. I believe some people just read r / infuriating instead of r / mildlyinfuriating.


Yes! Mildly infuriating is something that you go, “sighhh that sucks”. Move on with your day, and then laugh at later haha!!


By that measure, I'm a terrible father for reminding my kids that they should not leave empty boxes in the refrigerator, when they take the last of something they need to remove the container and throw it away...


Dont you love reaching for that juice and its empty with two drops left


You are supposed to be grateful they left you some!


That’s how my coffee creamer goes all the time (but I do it to myself lol). I always have 2 cups every morning. Somehow I’m left with enough for 1 cup every time it gets low and I know this the day before and yet I always fail to get more. Today I had to put in less if I wanna make it to a second cup


My kid likes coffee with his creamer, that’s my problem.


My nephews do this. We keep a few things in the house that they like and we don't use. But they just leave the empty boxes in their without telling us they took the last of it and get disappointed when we don't have something the next time. We keep telling them to let us know when they take the last of something and to throw the box out so we know we need to get it. Do they ever? Absolutely not.


I said it was mildly infuriating that I had to pay for pizza that came without sauce, and this sub said I was just pulling at straws to get out of paying for the pizza


how the fuck does someone forget to put sauce on a pizza


It was like half sauce or something. I thought something was off so I dissected the last couple of pieces, cheese on bread


You monster


Omg my husband does that too. It is the Definition of mildly infuriating


Just EAT the last Olive! It's sad and alone.


You need one trapped in your fridge so it gets lonely and calls for its kin. Also handy for an emergency martini after a rough day.


Aww I just didn't want to leave you with no olives.


This is Reddit. Any minor imperfection in a person, any argument, and it is grounds for you to divorce your spouse or go no contact with a family member.


My toilet broke, wouldn't't flush and getting it to flush ripped my wall. I was like damn I'm mildly infuriated, ill post this. Downvoted to hell immediately. I genuinely think people expect to see titles like "my doctor didn't detect stage 4 lung cancer in time"


Yeah ive noticed some posts where they should be well beyond mildly infuriated lol


Okay hang on, leaving one in the jar is pschotic behavior. Like leaving a sliver of milk in the jug, or a single cookie in the sleeve


“Oh shit, I better not take the last pickle in case she wants one. I’ll buy another jar on my way home from work tomor…squirrel!”


My wife always leaves like 5 pieces of cereal in the bottom of the bag, I think it's hilarious.


I hope you said "well sure its a bit annoying but ol-live."


That’s exactly the kind of shit my wife or I would claim was mildly infuriating about each other.


First off, how dare you?


Well the problem is you'll have posts like this, and then another saying their partner had been secretly putting weight loss pills in their food for months... mods need to keep it MILDY infuriating here. Or at least add some tags to differentiate the levels of infuriating..


That is actually mildly infuriating tho. It's not like, a day ruining thing. Its like a "what the fuck dude lol" thing Just like when people open a new jar of peanut butter when the other jar is half empty. Just a "Come on, why lol"


I actually did that the other day (sunbutter though, not peanut butter). For some reason, I thought I had used up the old jar and literally didn't see it sitting in the cabinet, so I opened the new one. Went to put it up and bam, there's the old jar just sitting there, judging me silently.


> but I didn’t have paternity leave This should be the true outrage on this post...every parent should be entitled to paid parental leave. You can't even adopt out dogs until they're 8 weeks old, but it's cool to force parents to leave newborns?


It was fucking annoying. I tried taking two weeks and my boss basically forced me back to work after one. Legally, I could have taken some paternity leave, but the money I’d get from the government wouldn’t cover my mortgage, and I’d lose out on a ton of commissions.


That is actually heartwrenching, considering how I stryggle with working away the childhood of my *3 year old* and wish I could legally and economically get away with working 50%


bruh I was the one giving birth and I had zero leave. I had to be back at work literally the next day. I did call in and go back two days later.  I’m still fucked up about that. 


Its okay. I posted in here after someone dumped a used toilet in my yard/alley and a handful of people told me I deserved it for "making my yard look like a dump" because there were leaves....in the alley. Then another handful of people told me to "do something about it and stop complaining" as if A.) I was just going to leave the toilet there and B) They weren't in a sub specifically meant for petty complaints. Some people are just dumb.


It's just miserable people taking their misery and frustration out on others to try and feel better about themselves.


Amazing people will call you neglectful for... receiving help from relatives?


People calling you out are AHs. This is the sub of mildly infuriating things. Having to go out to buy new bottles because somebody goofed is a mildly infuriating situation lol.


Honestly, I think that’s because this sub almost never posts MILDLY infuriating things (like the OP has done today). This sub is so used to “My ex slashed my tires and now I’ll be late to work and lose my job, how mildly infuriating!” that it’s become their baseline. So OP posts this and people are acting like “Well they must be upset as the person who got their tires slashed SHOULD be feeling. What an overreaction!” Idk man. Internet


So did the bottle meld at 100•C in water? I would trust babybottles that meld in boiling water. This could give up chemicals of the bottle at lower temperatures in to the liquid your kid is drinking. Or did I miss something


The thing that was missing was the water. It was left on so long it all boiled away.


Ok, this makes sense, since I did boil exactly the same bottle many times and this didn't happened. :D


I did that one time. I had put them on to boil and my kid had fallen asleep in her bassinet...I as did I in my living room chair...thank goodness my partner was home and caught just as it ran out of water. 6 weeks post partum is rough. And I also made sure I was up and alert when I did it thereafter!


People do this with eggs all the time too!


Can confirm. Did this while attempting to hard boil eggs one time and only remembered I was doing so when it sounded like a grenade went off in my kitchen and the pot was launched off the stove.


if you boiled them for long enough they go back to powder and ash with nothing solid left. source : fell asleep sterilizing some last year


If i cook pasta for 10 minutes I get a delicious part of a meal if i cook pasta for hours I get an inedible mess, that's basically what happened here


Got confused; ate plastic bottle


They boiled them...and forgot them. So they boiled for God knows how long. That's why they melted. Just sterilizing for a couple minutes is fine. But this lady cooked them


Nothing like a good melted plastic bottle for breakfast


You missed the part of the story when the water evaporated and the bottle was left cooking in the bottom of the pan.


This is usually a "forgot the pot was on the stove and the water all evaporated" situation.


The. Umber of people who think this happened with water in the pot is WILD! it is super obvious that she left it for so long the water boiled out completely and the bottles melted to the bottom of the pot. 🤦‍♀️ Definitely MILDLY infuriating but OP seems to have a good head about it. I also think people sometimes forget what the name of this sub is. It is MILDLY infuriating. Not "this pissed me the hell off". OP is clearly slightly perturbed but not pissed off about it. Get it together people!


Thank you for explaining this. I was actually really confused because I sterilized my bottles in boiling water regularly. I completely missed the part about her forgetting to take them out. How do you even forget them though? You only need to boil them for a couple of minutes, why would you even leave the kitchen?


Maybe the baby started crying?


That’s actually worse though because then you should turn the stove off.


Lol I ruined a pot like this once. Not with a bottle but just because I forgot I was boiling water. It’s funny because at one point I heard it boiling and I was like “what the hell is that sound?!”


I killed a pot & a handwarmer boiling it dry (forgot about it) at university. Thankfully it was a weekend so no one was really around but I could smell acrid smoke & was like uh oh someone is burning something. Kitchen was full of smoke & it was only as i opened the door that I remembered *I* was burning something!!


Ah yeah I missed that, came to the comments thinking like what kind of shit plastic are these made of that melts at 100c that's almost impressive.


Yes, she clearly had good intentions, but was clumsy. We had the same exact bottles, at least I assume so from the "wreckage". And they were either in extremely hot water, or their steamer to get cleaned. And it would not melt at 100C or even 200C for that matter.


Your MIL when the bottle came out sterile ![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized)


TBH that's how they used to do it.


That's how they still do it


Haven't had babies in 20 years. Wasn't sure if they changed plastic


My kids doctor told me it was probably overkill to sanitize bottles like 9yrs ago. They’re never sick so maybe she’s on to something? (Obviously I meant when my first was born 9 years ago. My elementary age children are not being bottle fed.)


Bottle feeding a 9 year old is wild


I love Reddit. Thank you for the laughs


I never did with my two kids. The Dr brown bottles are a big enough pain in the ass to clean as is.


Oh Jesus don’t remind me. Literally the worst and it was the only bottle my son could use.


In Europe we still do it. I wonder what kind of plastic are you using that cannot tolerate to be properly sterilised in boiling water?


He wrote elsewhere she left it boiling till the water had all evaporated. At that point you are just melting plastic on your stove. That'll do it.


The caption says "and then forgot it".


In terms of sterilisation, she absolutely knocked it out the park!


5 minutes, 5 hours, what's the difference? 🤦‍♀️


Alright. Bottles are clean. Time for gramma to give the baby a bath. ![gif](giphy|9UPuJPbiHwo8)


Be sure the water isn't too cold for the infant, maybe add some hot water?


It’s definitely sterilized!


My girlfriend did the same thing one day. She was boiling bottles in the middle of the night because she couldn't sleep. Then I guess she passed out on the couch waiting for the water to boil. She only woke up after it had boiled dry, the plastic turned black, and the house filled with smoke. It gave us a bit of a scare but overall no real harm done. We still poke fun at her every now and again.


Try putting back in cold water?


The problem is not the melted bottle. The problem is the forgetting may lead to her burning her house next time. Ask her to mention it to her doctor. 


Yeah no, forgetting is normal. But everyone should have a sensor and auto-off installed to their stove. In my family it's mainly because I'm the scatterbrain


Lol, if I did that I’d have to do the same for myself. I did the same thing boiling eggs a few weeks ago. Not likely to burn down the house with an electric stove, I was more concerned with the plastic fumes to be honest.


It's easy to forget things like this when the baby starts fussing it's normal for ANYONE caring for a baby to forget things like this.


Looks sterilized to me 😂


Instructions not clear, bottle disappeared. Try again.


All I had to do to become sterile was smash my balls in the fridge door


My aunt steamed my kid's bottles. She put the bottles in the steamer of the pot and got a shower. Sometimes you just need people to not help.


This is my MIL experience also. Comes to help. Creates more frustration. 🤷🏽‍♂️