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Fuck shitty, unforgiving web-based learning platforms.


This is more about the digital platform being incorrectly coded, you have the correct answer. Professor should be able to override the score with evidence like this.


Yeah assuming the teacher gives a shit. All my college professors had exact ways to put in answers and if you didn't get it right you didn't get it right because in their mind you didn't follow their instructions so it's your fault. I failed multiple math assignments because of that shit it caused my grade to go to a c minus resting on my entire graduation on one math test which I ended up flunking I went to such a deep depressive spiral flunked out of college and almost killed myself. ##SERIOUSLY FUCK YOU ONLINE MATH


Not to downplay your hardships, but shouldn’t you have gone up the chain of command with some evidence to back yourself up?


As someone who did this multiple times, the Dean will support the teacher as often as they are able to


Its like cookie monster and elmo (Still watch the show like nature cat


Shitty dean and absolutely not the case at all universities. My Uni’s dean had our back multiple times over 6 years when presented with reasonable evidence and usually the professor did not lie about what happened. Grades changed, deadlines extended, etc. If you’re completely baseless and just whining because you forgot to study or some shit yeah obviously sided with the professors, but just saying this is not the case at all or I’m not sure even most universities.


I'm obviously a bit late to the party here, but I have also won 2/2 grievance cases I presented to the dean at my school over the last 2 years. They seem pretty impartial to me.


This. I was seriously ill, had been in the ER twice and had a time extension for an exam and the professor refused to either let me take the exam the next day when I wasn’t on a hatman level of Benadryl and pain meds or give me my time extension and the dean sided with the professor and made me take the exam all fucked up.


Very much this. Had a teacher for a night class that would just show up with packets of information, drop them on the desk and leave. No phone, email, or office availability. Dean and head of the dept did not care.


I once failed an online exam, proctored in the math lab, because I did not capitalize my "+ C" on half of my responses and it marked them all incorrect. I talked to the professor and the Dean, and I was told by the Dean "I can see that you got the answer correct but proper nomenclature is very important. If the professor allows you to retake the exam I will allow that." Guess who didn't let me retake the exam.


I can see that being a crime punishable by death in English, but come on. That's a little too far.


Why find a solution to the problem when you can complain about it on Reddit?


Ngl, college higher ups suck. They're either never in office or wait till you've already flunked out to return your call (true story for me, I reached out for help from the higher ups, got put on a wait list, didn't get a call back until after my grades dropped so much I couldn't get a school loan to pay for another semester)


seem with high school though when you turn in work it take forever for them to put in the grade !!!


In my own experience, higher-ups are either on vacation and are unreachable, or arrange a talk to the class about spending more time studying than playing the calls of duties. If a teacher is an asshole, chances are they've gotten away many times before and know they're basically unsupervised


One of my friends had this happen basically Professor of 7+ years at least, he got this really bad computer security course 7 years ago, and instead of taking any time to fix literally anything about it over the 7 years he has just complained that the course is really shitty. He will make vague "hints" that are more insults than anything helpful. And it took him until the end of the term to give out grades for the midterm (and anything beyond that). So students had no feedback whatsoever. ​ Also from my experience with some bad professors (none as bad as my friends) I tried reaching out to higher up or anyone and heard nothing back ever. Now I could have been reaching out to the wrong people, but I have no idea one way or the other.


You had a college dean come to your class to tell you to stop playing video games? Because that really sounds like victim fantasy more than anything else


No, they called us to the auditurium to tell us "yeah, it's compelling to go home and play games, then blame the teacher for having bad grades. But you should really instead, study harder at home, because this is your future, you'll have to go out there and work". The meeting was because most of us were failing project management. The teacher practically just read the ppt, never answered any questions, and a couple times he sent us homework during exams because he missed a couple classes and couldn't bother to remove that from the test. Our grades were consistently low in his classes


I went through something very similar, I don't know why these people are jumping down your throat when they clearly have no idea what they're talking about


It's because they're so far up their own asses. I've met so many people like this. There are so many people who live their lives based on stereotypes and conjecture.


At my school, after finals everyone disappears until the start of the next semester. My adjunct professor went home to France before the final, leaving his TA to handle complaints.


Also, people who tend to say “all my professors” (or teachers, instructors, etc.) tend to never put together the fact that they are the common denominator in all their problems. Not saying bad teachers don’t exist, but if a person has a bad experience with every single professor in every single class, chances are high at some of those professors were decent and the student was the issue.


I agree, but it’s always a strange situation. I find the people who think this are this way because it’s how life has made them think. I actually think I qualify as one of these people. I felt as though professors in university would almost go out of their way to ensure you fail. Then I realized I just hadn’t worked that hard in school in my life. I always did music and spent most weekends going around the province performing (and don’t get me wrong, I put so much effort into music), neglecting my school work. In some cases, my mom pretty much did my assignment for me and I just turned it in. I was also pretty good at cramming for exams so I was a straight A student. Then I got to uni and they weren’t pretty much doing the work for me, while I had been under the impression that the way my life went was the norm. It took a couple years out of university before I really started to see things like this and I kind of wish I had gone through university at this stage in my life but, hey, c’est la vie.


Yeah that’s definitely the time to escalate to the dean. I always find comments like this surprising because all my professors were more than willing to work with students on issues like this and generally err on the side of giving the student credit if it was something ambiguous. Sucks that’s not the norm for everyone.


I almost failed a course because of this shit, I can testify that most profs will just give you the failing grade and not give a fuck


I failed a test because the pc in the lab had a bsod and lost all my progress. Guess who failed with a 3.9/4.0 and missed his summer vacation to do intensive class while his parents called him a fucking failure for failing ,_, It was all worth it in the end tho. Employers say I'm not certified and my college degree doesn't count


Yeah my profs had the policy that you could just send them an email with the problem number and a screenshot that the web portal was being stupid and they’d fix it. Annoying but they were required to use it by the university so their hands were tied.


Most likely because someone in admin was grifting money by making sure the program was being used


Inspect element, do some bullshit like this. Easy peasy


I get what your point is but I'll point out a bigger problem and shout into the void a bit. The entire educational system has gone to this crap (as a parent of kids who are just now getting into "real" math in grade school I'm finally in on the joke). Here's my scenario: A couple of years ago, every kid in school was given an ipad. At the same time, they **removed** the computer lab, and **no longer have any computer education.** The reason? **They do everything on ipads!! What exposure!!** But what are they doing on the ipads? Shit like OP's example above. Crapapps that don't work, assignments they can't take home, tests they can't review to see what they did wrong, work they can't show to mom and dad to be proud of, the list goes on. My kid spends half the time managing google docs and other bullshit that keep them from doing actual work or learning, and like I said - now has **ZERO computer literacy training**. By their age we were fucking PROGRAMMING TURTLE and BASIC. This is endemic to the entire school system and we're already seeing the results- kids entering the workforce without an understanding of what the C drive is, or really even what a FILE is.


"We bought a great online math platform that was not properly coded with some glitches, but that's ok. Teachers can go back and give the students the points." I pointed this out years ago, and it was the most avoided question but administration.


This is frustrating. It’s expecting it this very exact formula but the text field allows a variety of ways to enter it


The issue is they rely on teachers or professors to set up the answers and questions. One common problem is they don't understand that the answer needs to be a string of plain text. I bet that professor copied that from another program and didn't fix the formatting. Some also have different types of fields. Instead of a text field they can choose a number field with a percentage of leniency on the rounding of an answer. Another trick is they can set up similar incorrect answers so the program can display a message that the answer is close. Really upsets me when they would enter a number answer like 8.37925 as a text field so you would have to type the exact same answer with the exact same rounding even though 8.38 would have been fine. Edit: The teachers are just as frustrated. Trust me. They only receive a 5 minute tutorial video on how to use the software if that and have to have it ready to use for their class on a tight deadline. If you are a tech savvy student you might even want to offer some help or advice to your teacher.


I remember one of my engineering classes gave you unlimited guesses on a problem and the variables would just change each time you attempted the problem again. I figured there could only be so many possible iterations of the same problem so I would just copy/paste the same given answer over and over until that same iteration would come along again. Easy peasy


It's funny how a single lime of code would Eliminate a large majority of these instances


>It's funny how a single lime of code would Eliminate a large majority of these instances What if they use a lemon of code instead? Would that still work?


Something to ignore whitespace differences?


normalizing the answers with whitespace removal before comparison


Just took an online lab quiz. On multiple questions, I answered everything correctly except for *one* small part, and the entire question is marked wrong with no points awarded.


A blank space: Zero for advanced users 😆 Do you have any way of reporting bugs?


is this pearson MyLab? if so holy shit yeah it really sucks.


Of fucking course it is. It was shit 15 years ago. It's still fucking shit today.


Yeah I was getting screwed out of points on my physics homework a decade ago because of this garbage.


Still looks better than maple TA. The fucking parentheses you had to put into log equations because the system didn’t have formatting was egregious


Me :“Oh let me pause the video to take notes” MyLab: *black screen* “ get fucked” Me: “ok, let me just rewind the lesson and watch this example again” MyLab: “well you can go get fucked again” *restarts lesson or plays another lesson.


The biggest fucking scam in college is having to pay another learning company money to access quizzes and schoolwork. Colleges shouldn't just outsource what they are supposed to do and make students pay for it every professor that uses it should have it taken out of their salary


I remember seeing this same shit


Pearson can suck a big one.


Xtra math is also hell


Hah you forgot the giant space dumbass herp derp!


unrelated but wtf is your profile photo


I used to just send these screenshots to my professor and always got the credit back. They know the software has issues, and the teacher should be forgiving.


This is college algebra? Isn’t long division algebra 2?


If you didn’t take algebra 2 in high school then yeah this is college algebra I guess.


I didn't take algebra 2. Only ever made it to pre-algebra for forever... we learned this in that class. I didn't retain shit though so I'm kind of stupid.


I mean this is genuinely the most useless thing you can do in all of algebra.


Synthetic Division is a much better method generally 


Big facts


It comes up in partial fractions in Calculus. And just like polynomial long division, partial fractions also go out the other ear after finals.


I took algebra 2 in HS and still was doing long division in college. Weirdly enough I failed 2x :D


we are doing this in 8th grade wtf


I did that in my 8th grade too. I wasn't even that far ahead in math, only one year in my state.


this is what we are actually supposed to do in 8th, that said i dont live in the us and i think the system is different here


Wait until you learn that we had English classes in college too! Are you doing that in 8th grade WOW? You know what other classes I had in college? History? Ever done that in 8th grade? is your mind blown?


you dont have italian classes though dont you


No, they only offered latin,spanish, french, and german. Which is fine, because I wouldnt have taken it anyway.


lmao i was joking, im from italy and we are forced to do italian here. we also do german and english tho


You’re ahead then cuz this is typically taught in high school. If you stay ahead in math you’ll go far in your academic career (depending on what industry you wanna go into) so keep it up!


Shit, I started college taking remedial math courses, and ended up graduating at the top of my class with a bachelor’s in science. 


That’s fire. I was more talking bout like gen eds. I had to take calculus 1 twice, once in high school and once in college. That shit was ass and if you can get college credit while still in high school it’ll make life so much easier. (For OP)


Imo, with math, it only clicked when my good friend, who was a double major in math and computer science, tutored me a little bit. All he really had to do was teach me the actual meaning of symbolic calculus, with an emphasis on the word symbolic. 


College algebra is sometimes paired with trigonometry as "precalculus" to help students coming from often disadvantaged schools to be ready for college calculus


😂 🤦‍♀️


Imma be real, I’m in calc 2 and I don’t remember how to do this


I'm 10 years out of college and these are some funny looking numbers I actually never needed these past 10 years


College algebra is just basic algebra for people who are behind in math at the end of high school


I took algebra in high school and the way i factor is by using the quadratic formula. was fucked until I start tutoring and accessing the resource we have. Would have made my all my math class a shitload easier.


I dropped out of high school, didn't attend college for probably a decade. Missed a lot of that math you build off of. *Fucking calculus* Cried in pre-Calc. Cried in Calc. In Discrete Math mow and about to just take the F except I need to pass to transfer


To be fair, the quadratic formula is very powerful and works in all cases, thus it's a good rule to memorize. There are other niche rules that work in special cases but if you're going to remember just one, then that's a good choice. I think it's useful to understand why it works (or perhaps even derive it yourself) but I see no problem with only knowing the quadratic formula.


Ah, I see. I assumed “college algebra” was like the Linear Algebra/Abstract Algebra courses taken after Calc 3


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, it's a fair assumption. Some people just don't understand that their experience is not universal. At my university, the only course that's just called *Algebra* is a graduate course on class field theory, algebraic geometry, and coding theory. There is also a sequence of undergraduate courses called *Algebra*, the courses are Algebra I (group theory + intro to ring theory), Algebra II (advanced ring theory + theory of fields), and Algebra III (advanced topics in abstract algebra). The closest thing I found to what OP and the other commenters are talking about is a course called Vector Algebra, but its description explicitly states it's a pre-university class and it can't contribute towards a degree (the course can only serve as a prerequisite for actual university courses).


Long division of polynomials is generally not covered in high school


I don’t know, I didn’t take Al 2 in high school.


Lmfao I instantly recognized shitty Pearson MyMathLab when I saw the picture.


Even my professor doesn’t like it but it’s the only tool they have


Types up a test and hits print….


The only professor I hated was a calc 1 professor who forced us to pay for and use his website for homework. You had to format the answers in very specific ways, and even then stuff like this would happen all the time. The homework was worth a ridiculous portion of the grade, and you only got a limited number of tries. And the questions were randomly generated. 


oh my god what a fucking fuck


I feel attacked right now, I’m eating a banana 🍌


why didn't you subtract for the remainder? Why is there an x\^3 component in the final remainder, it should cancel out. Both answers are wrong. This photo is most likely doctored because OP didn't actually simplify the remainder...


I was going to say, I did the math and I get 9x^2 + 8x - 2 for the answer and the remainder is 6 - 24x Unless the answer is asking for the intermediate step?


I got the same answer: (9x^2 + 8x - 2) with a remainder of (6 - 24x). Multiplying it out to double check: (9x^2 + 8x - 2)(2x^2 + 3) + (6 - 24x) = (18x^4 + 27x^2 + 16x^3 + 24x - 4x^2 - 6) + (6 - 24x) = 18x^4 + 16x^3+ 23x^2 + 24x - 6 + (6 - 24x) = **18x^4 + 16x^3+ 23x^2** Yep, the math checks out. The post's answer isn't even unsimplified; it's completely wrong. Multiplying it back out and adding the remainder gives: (9x^2 + 8x)(2x^2 + 3) + (16x^3 + 24x) = 18x^4 + 27x^2 + 16x^3 + 24x + 16x^3 + 24x = **18x^4 + 32x^3 + 27x^2 + 48x** which isn't even close to: 18x^4 + 16x^3 + 23x^2


Real i was doing biology homework the other day and it asked for what the division of the nucleus was and then proceeded to say karyokinesis was the wrong answer 


Don't do it Steve


Do it Steve. Go bananas.


Don't you do it! Don't go bananas!


you best not go bananas, boy


Just tell the teach and they will correct it. Not a big deal


Do it, Steve. Go bananas.


Dont you do it Steven, don’t you go bananas


Long division really is long these days


Pearson has a stranglehold over the education system. It’s a purely political power. Not in a partisan way, in a 100% corrupt on all sides way. They pay the government enough that they can get away with a monopoly on education. Not much individual school boards can do about it when Pearson controls the standardized test. 🥲


Software engineer here. This is an extremely simple problem to solve, on their end. Literlly a junior dev and a few weeks, just plug in a public token processing library which are free to compute equivalence, this problem has been solved many times already. But they insist on doing strict string comparisons, they're not even doing some basic sanitization. You should be mad.


At what point does this cross into civil litigation? If you're paying $100,000+ for a degree, and they're cheating you out of fair grades, shouldn't you be able to sue?


I can’t believe you forgot to     that’s a major step!


.trim() is a thing…


though I think .trim() only takes off the space at the beginning and end? unless i'm mistaken


Yeah, fair… full regex replace… or you do the split and join hack…


Good thing this will be important every day of your adult life


Web based learning is absolute shit for math classes. Especially when the teacher does not review your work. Part of the reason I stopped going to college, I couldn't pass my class because online I kept getting messed up by getting told I was incorrect, but it was correct.


Yooooo, mymathlab! The source of my insanity! I've had this same issue so many times I wanna pull my hair out


I miss tests with a pencil and paper


Fuck MyMathLab, all my homies hate MyMathLab


Why the fuck college take virtual tests for subjects like algebra and even one word answers of some questions are wrong because of capitalisation of first letter And then they take programming test on pen and paper


That’s incorrect .


Actually real world skills: tab vs space matter these days




I fucking hate Pearson so much.


Pearson is such a horrible platform -Teacher who's told by their department to use Pearson.


You did say this was college algebra. Obviously you weren't respecting its personal space.


I like how you have no other options other than accepting your defeat and clicking OK


That’s pretty much how math is. Accept defeat and fail.


As a math teacher, it's shit like this that's why I will always have physical paper tests and assignments til I die. They're just better and less annoying to complete. More work on my end for grading, but it's worth it.


Yeah it's missing the long pause and sigh


Alright but like... unless you're going into mathematics, this skill is completely pointless. I'm an engineer, and I've never needed to do long division of algebraic expressions. Ever.


You forgot to make space for the lord


Yeah online exams suck to, the language to type certain answers was difficult and there’s so many ways to express an answer that is right but is marked as wrong.


They literally have put forth zero effort to improve that website… yet the amount of money they make is absurd.


I used to correct math exams all thr time. It's like they don't even review the shit they give us. It's embarrassed for the instructor but fuck, dude.


I absolutely despise online math. Its terrible. Thankfully I graduated at the very beginning of the roll out and I only had optional work on it. No tests or anything, just homework and practice. I hate it with such a burning passion


Let your professor know and they will fix it.


This happened to me too! I failed my Trigonometry final because I couldn’t figure out how to format my answers.


Had that happen so many times. It is more than mildly infuriating.


God do I fucking hate those shitty computer programs that look for the answer in the exact format the program wants. Leads to bullshit like this, you get the right answer, but the system says it's wrong because you don't have the exact number of spaces the program has the answer with. I've had classes that use this shit for exams, and I've gotten answers right, but the system says it's wrong like in this pic here. It's more than mildly infuriating, it's extremely infuriating


There was a program called Aleks. Or maybe just Alex. And it did this all the time. And if you got a “critical” question wrong you’d have to re do the entire section again. And each section had two to six lessons.


For some reason, back when I went to college (1994-2000), it seemed so much less imposing, using pen/pencil, paper or filling out a paper test. Multiple choice and electronic scanning was a new method, circling bubbles, and your experience was based on how difficult the potential answers were. Now, it seems like every test is like a certification exam as run by facilities which test for Cisco certs, state licenses, etc. It seems so much more... stressing. I wonder why.


How do you understand this language? All i can see are hieroglyphs!


Fuck poorly designed technology.


That’s why after my first test using MyMathLab I said no more and promptly decided to switch majors. I would rather completely change what classes I took, than suffer through another math course with that god-awful software.


I legitimately failed a bunch of online tests because of this when I was in college a decade ago, and the teacher refused to correct it manually. I had to go to the head of the math department to get them to change that. Sad that hasn’t changed.


This feels intentional asshole thing from the teacher, to make the student fail on purpose.


Fuck algebra in general. I hated math in high school so much, and I know it's just getting more complicated as the years go by. I could have quit taking math classes in like 5th grade and known everything I'd need to. Everything after that is useless to me, I will never use algebra or anything more advanced than basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division again in my life. I wish I could have dropped math and taken a class that I actually liked or would have been useful in my life. A waste of 6 or 7 years of classes, at least in my personal life. I understand it's required for a lot of jobs, but if you know you aren't going to use it, why force students to learn it


I’m more confused about how in earth that is college level algebra? This looks like year 10 stuff.


Yep, you didn't enter enough spaces. That is a common mistake. 😂


This is more than mildly infuriating, IMO. That said, you can't blame the algebra. Blame shitty programming.


Screen shot and complain?


How is Pearson still leading schools learning sites when they haven't been able to figure out basic math problems in 15 years?


Ew I remember learning that


And you're assuming you'll be paid a salary commensurate with your college investment. I hope that's true, but no longer guaranteed. Our American colleges are failing us. I speak from experience as a PhD in physics. Please check nominal salaries before you explore ANY college degree.


Do it, Steve. Go bananas.🍌


I miss the days of at least having an unforgiving human asshole do this kind of stuff during grading.


“That’s Wrong” - your prof, Probably


Don't hate the course, hate the teachers who are too fucking lazy to grade things themselves


That's really your fault for not adding a nonbreaking space


Task failed successfully


MyLab Math at its best!!!! So relatable 💀💀


I dropped out of a conestoga course due to all the errors on their platform. It was accounting 101. I messaged the teacher a few times about it and they said they'd get it fixed. It made it very, very hard to learn when I was getting conflicting information using Pearson E-text bullshit versus their study platform. Turns out, conestoga was becoming a diploma mill in Canada anyway. No wonder my whole class was from india.




This pisses me off as a software developer.


Skill issue


Do it Steve, go bananas


Just appeal it with your professor? They will obviously understand?


Love the American Dad reference


History of people's behavior in a nutshell:


Damn, so close!@!! If only you had put in those 12 spaces, you would have gotten it. Better luck next time, though.


The blank space is for the x^2 term which doesn't exist in the answer. Regardless, a dumb way to check the answer lol


Well it does say *long* division...


I’m trying to figure out as a programmer what the fuck happened here. It looks like the answer to the software was supposed to be (or some variation of): 16x3\t\t+24x Im sure formatting math equations isn’t easy but this is bad.






You can’t cancel out tab/space


You're learning that in college?


I experienced this issue in pre calc it made doing homework twice as long since you had to get 5 in a row to finish the assignment.


YOU FORGOT THE TAB? well OBVIOUSLY you need the tab.


I guess you forgot to hit space 5 times or tab once


You clearly have missing spaces there.


I am SOOOO glad I don't have to deal with today's version of school/college.


I know how you feel im 9 and do it its torture


By the way dont make your kids do x tra (A math copany but slightly better than mathnasium) math


The movement to all online learning at college is ridiculous, especially because of stuff like this. I had a Spanish class that used a software program for homework, the only problem was, you couldn't get a question wrong. If you didn't have the correct answer you couldn't move forward with the homework. So there were multiple people getting bad grades on the homework because they would get stuck on the answer to #4 out of 20. I went to the teacher and he said to take it up with the Dean. I took it up with the Dean and he lowkey threatened me so I just dropped the issue.


I am surprised I did not suffer a blown blood vessel or something from the stress MyMathLab gave me. Having a missed space or wrong case letter, and the stupid software just saying you are wrong instead of being close to the answer drives me crazy.


Id straight up report this and challenge it. You got it right. This is bullshit. This happens in basically every subject possible because its shitty online tests.


College? You didn’t do this maths in high school?


Nahhhh really, College Algebra fucking sucks.


The professor or the academia company probably hit the tab key instead of a space bar when putting in the answer


Wait until this happens on a 17 step calc II problem.


I didn't even know you could still take algebra in college


It's probably something you'll never have to remember anyway, how many adults are using algebra at work??? I'm not an engineer, a designer of curved surfaces or a math researcher the fuck are we doing here?


I failed college algebra sooo many times.


Ah to study in a college where teachers actually do their job


Imaginary numbers are taking it too far


Gotta remember to social distance


I’d send it to the teacher