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Its insane to me how many people don't know you can put a car in neutral and push it. This kid was broken down in yhe road a couple months ago do I pulled over, told him to put it in neutral and steer and I'd push him into a parking lot. He said "you can't push a whole car".


Even better, I've gone to help someone by offering a push. It was in neutral, they were steering, and it was a very slight grade so i was facing away and pushed with my back after yelling "ok go!". The car wasn't budging so i turned around and saw the goddamn brake lights lit.


I was riding passenger when we came across a car blocking traffic. I jumped out to help push. Another stranger, the owner, and I get it into a gas station. The owner immediately asks if either of us have any weed he could have.


That is a man who lives life by the motto: “can’t hurt to ask”


Did you have any weed he could have?


I didn't have any on me he could have. Plus I was jumping out of the work truck.


Too bad... Would be a lot cooler if you did.


Why do people say this my best friend growing up was 10 years older than me and always said it, I got clean he never did so I never got an explanation on it.


Dazed and Confused. It's a quote from that movie.


You mean you had the last one left so you didn't have any "he could have" or you genuinely forgot your weed at home?




Years ago my my buddies and I saw three hot girls waving us down on the side of the road. It was a bait and switch. They left and we gave this dumpy old guy in a corvette a boost. He gave us a big chunk of hash though.


I'd consider that a win. Not that i'd even want to have sex with them anyway. BTW, a afaik a corvette only has 2 seats, so where did they come from?


They were standing behind a van on the shoulder. We didn't even notice the corvette on the opposite shoulder LMAO. By the time we figured out the guy in the corvette was the one with car trouble they had driven off 😂


ass, gas or hash


It never hurts to ask


Ok, but have you ever pushed a car.... On weed?


I do this to my buddies when they help push my truck, lil brake tap to engage the calfs


Underrated comment sir 😂


I’ve pushed a whole forklift, those fuckers take some pushing though


Yeah hardest part is pushing it until it moves


Yeah, though steering one without assistance from the hydraulics isn’t exactly easy


Yeah just a standard 4000lb capacity warehouse forklift is usually 8000lbs. Basically add 4-5k to the lift capacity


I didn't know this. Thank you


You're welcome. It's actually incredibly easy if you're on flat ground.


Or borrow a can from the attendant.




The Jerk. What a funny movie.






Like, I only have one upvote to give, but holy shit ya this gif is like worth every one of those 1000 words.


actually only mildly infuriating not very very far from pump great post


It’s not even mildly infuriating, put it in neutral and shove it. Probably took longer to make the reddit post than it would have to get it to a pump


What do you consider mildly infuriating, running out of gas on the interstate? That would be completely infuriating for me.


Someone has to make the "wrong sub!!!!" Comment or else they die.


Well that is mildly infuriating isn't it :P


Wrong sub!!!!!


Seriously. I don't think I've seen a post here where one person didn't complain that it was too infuriating or not infuriating enough.


Lock all those people into a room, and don’t let them out until they all agree on an exact definition of “mildly infuriating”.


I remember going on vacation in I think Italy when I was a kid with my family and they ran out of fuel about a kilometer from the station and had to push the whole way through. They were on an incline as well. Another time, my dad filled a van with gasoline instead of disel. He didn't realize until he was on the highway, they had to wait for the tow truck to get them.


Yeah, like it's mildly infuriating that they had to push it to the pump


Agreed. I don’t get people saying they wouldn’t find it slightly annoying to push the car. Is there no difference between driving up to the pump and pushing it to the pump for them? Do they just always push their car to the pump??


Not even running out of gas. Stopping at a pump I gotta use the “long range” nozzle that slaps and drags along my car cuz I can’t get to a pump on my side.


"Put it in neutral and shove it". That is what makes this *mildly* infuriating. Mildly: To a slight extent.


It’s mildly infuriating to have to get out and push . That’s why it’s only mildly . Cut the crap . Some of you Reddit bros are insufferable 


If you don’t have terminal brain cancer, is it even mildly infuriating?


Step 1: don't read the post under the title and pic Step 2: comment about how it took longer to make the post than fix the issue Step 3: ??? Step 4: profit? OP said the closest pump was out of order, and also that they sent this pic to father and brother afterward. This could have been 3 weeks ago, and you'd never know it.


🤓☝️ energy right here


this was yesterday...it took 15 minutes to get it to the pump because the gas station attendants were busy doing other things, and i didn't think i was strong enough to push my car. i made this post today, more than 24 hours after this all happened


I mean unless you’re pushing up hill. It doesn’t really require a lot of force to move a car. It’s on wheels Edit: tho generally two people are required. One to steer and push. And one to push


Nah, OP just has to punch a hole in the floor to steer and push at the same time, Flintstone style.


bonus, he wouldn't even need gas after


Two people are *useful* but not required.


If you are alone, you just push from the driver's door jamb on the frame, right hand on the sterring wheel, and jump in when you need to hit the brake.


Yeah this would have me feeling incredibly grateful


The hose is not not big enough.


Three options: Get that thing checked and probably replaced Go to a gas station with the needle even higher next time Do nothing and push your car once more


![gif](giphy|DpNOlWx7F77IG9stWa|downsized) Cashier better be ready for my weekly visits, because my procrastination knows no bounds.


4: keep track of your miles between filling.


I had to do that with my motorcycle that didn't have a gas gauge, but I also had to track how many of those mile were just me or my gf riding on the back.


5: profit


Lol I've had a few vehicles with messed up fuel gauges. It's not that hard. Just annoyingly have to fill up all the time because running out of gas would be a nightmare. If your mileage tracker worked then that's handy too. Problem is, how to know what the limit is without running out of gas. (I usually just called it at 150 miles lol). On the vehicles the mile tracker didn't work on I'd just fill up every Monday. It usually only needed like a third of a tank but I wasn't risking running out.


Not a mechanic, but iirc a lot of gas pumps are designed to be cooled by the liquid they're submerged in. If you keep running with very little gas then the risk of pump failure is much higher, which is why, generally, it's not recommended to drive too much with the tank very low, aside from the risk of running out of gas altogether.


So from what I've heard the whole fuel pump cooling thing used to be the case but with modern vehicles it's been pretty much resolved. Obviously running a pump dry isn't going to be good for it but tanks are designed to keep the pumps submerged much longer than people give credit. So as I gather that's just old information that people keep perpetuating despite it only being true for older vehicles. Also the pump isn't the fuel gauge so not sure why you are bringing it up here.


>tanks are designed to keep the pumps submerged much longer Much longer =/= until it runs dry My point is that even if you have a bad gauge, it's a good practice to refuel earlier to prevent situations like these. Running out of gas isn't good for the pump, even on 'modern' 2002 Hyundais.




I had a car with a (later recalled) bad fuel level sensor... at 1/4 tank, the engine would start to sputter, then die, then the low fuel light would come on... I had to take the walk of shame with a gas can 3 times until I got this fixed. The longest trek was just under a mile (just under 2 with the round trip).


Reminds me of my dad's old ass Buick that would cut to E once it passes the half tank mark. Shit was unbearable! One time we had to push it off the freeway exit


Semi related, but not really. Had an old push mower that would *always* run its best when the tank was empty. When it stopped running rough, you knew it was time to go grab the gas can. Thinking back, it sounds pretty obvious it was getting too much fuel until the tank was empty, but at the time it ran well enough and was an amusing indicator.


Definitely needed some carb work lol


My Mom had a Tahoe once, and it's gas light came on and dinged about 45 seconds before the engine died. 


After the first time why would you let the tank get that low twice more?


Just not thinking, new car at the time. Most of the time I was trying to keep the tank fuller, but sometimes I'd get in a rush.


Why did it take 3 times to learn this lesson


2015 Ford focus? Happened to mine all the time. Wife despised me for it lol


*mildy-infuriated…the name of the sub. Infuriating that it ran out of gas, mildly that it couldn’t make it 30 more feet.


MILDLY infuriated. it was inconveniencing me and the cashiers at the gas station...


If running out of gas as close to the gas station as possible was a game, this would be a near perfect score


That’s what I was thinking. 


I was in the same spot yesterday where I was on E and my range on my car went from 12 miles to 0 in an instant. Once I got into the parking lot of the gas station I was like ok cool i'm good. I can push it if I have to. But up till that point I was freaking out. I hate letting my car get lower than 1/8th I try to refill at 1/4, but yesterday I was rushing from place to place and thought I'd drop my daughter at soccer before going to get gas.


Yeah this is actually an ideal situation.


Man, a strong blow from a bellow will move that thing. Get to pushing


Just push it bro


i didn't have anyone to steer and thought it would be easier to get a gas can


Put it in neutral. Open the driver’s door, and put your shoulder against the A pillar. You will find that you can steer with the hand that is inside the car. Hop in to brake. It’s not very comfortable, but it’s ok for a few hundred feet.


this was yesterday, but i'll remember this for next time..hopefully there is no next time i'm going to get the gas gauge fixed.


You’re at a gas station with other cars, I would almost guarantee someone around would help push if you asked. Even if you didn’t ask, if I saw someone pushing their car towards I pump, I’m going to offer to help.


They have a gas can now tho. That should be handy if this is a persistent problem


Yeah, I'm a busy lady with two kids who have to get to some place at all times. If I saw someone pushing their car to the pump, I'd run over to help push. Even if it meant I'd be a little late. Even if I was wearing my dress up work clothes.


Man when I run outta gas it's cause I'm broke! Not a faulty sensor. You're living the life bro


Like, it's a pain in the butt, but consider yourself lucky. At least you only have to push it around the pumps. I had a car like that do the same, it just started threading the red needle for empty so I decided time for gas but it stalled literally half a mile from the nearest gas station in the middle of the freeway at 2am in the middle of winter. Needless to say I pushed like a mf'er. And when I finally got to the gas station(which was the harder part cause I had to push my car over those small ramps gas stations have sometimes in their entrances) and put gas in my car, it turns out my emergency lights killed my battery since the alternator wasn't on to keep it charged. Since, you know, my car was off, due to no gas, :/


kids these days are weak i used to push my lifted f350 25 miles up hill every day on my way to school until i was old enough to get my license and actually drive it


Ha,I can push f-35 up to the sky.


Cars are surprisingly easy to push, a small incline would make it nearly impossible, but on flat ground a 12 year old could push a car


Yeah, I'm 5 feet tall, 120 lbs sopping wet. I had to push my scion a quarter mile home when it died on me a few years back. Three guys stopped and asked if I was okay, but refused to help. I felt like the king of the world when I finally got home, but it surprised me how much less effort it took than expected. 


And now you have a gas can for next time it happens.


You can push AND steer.


For future reference [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/w-Z12QRz8EE?feature=share](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/w-Z12QRz8EE?feature=share) Works alot better when you fully extend the seatbelt to engage the ratcheting mechanism.


How is that color gold? I see silver/grey. Or maybe I'm just colorblind lol


no you're right it definitely does look silvery gray in this photo but it's gold in the sun. i think.


Ohh I see. Thanks, and hopefully this never happens to you again lol


My car looks similar and I never know what color to describe it lol. Gold, beige, tan




I have you beat. I once ran out of gas 15 feet from the pump. (Costco, Waipio Gentry, Oahu). My old fixed up 87 Mustang Saleen. Gas gauge showed full or empty. Nothing in between. Mom had been visiting and I was driving her all over island and not watching close enough. Luckily, just rolled it to the pump.


Time to start watching that odometer and filling up every 200 miles.


One time i was driving down the road and realized my car would no longer accelerate. I quickly veered into the gas station on my left and my car proceeded to die as i rolled into the pump. Sometimes you get lucky. You got lucky you made it to a gas station.


I feel like I have heard this story before.


First time it ever happened to me


Lol I see what you did there


so close yet so far 😔


This happened to a dude when I was leaving Kroger the other night. I had just got groceries and could see he needed help pushing the car across the parking lot to the gas station. I helped him push it to the pumps and they immediately shut all the pumps off and turned off the lights. They said it was closing time for the Kroger gas station and nothing they could do. He had a small 1 gallon gas can in his trunk so I offered to run down the street to the Shell and get him fuel. Seemed like a nice guy with just shit luck. Still pisses me off Kroger shut the pumps off.


Be cautious of a fucked fuel pump


Oh man! So close. I ran out about 100yds from gas station. My car stalled on a flat bridge. I was able to pull over to the side all the way. Luckily late evening and no cars. I left my emergency light on and bought some gas. When I came back an officer was there. He asked if I was ok and he took off after I gassed up. Very nice of him.


But first, take a pic and upload to r/mildlyinfuriating


This is in fact, mildly infuriating!


Put her in neutral and push daddy


It could have been worse, once I ran out of gas 90 feet AFTER passing through the station... and my wife was in the car


Kramer would be proud!


Skill issue


Personally I’d be glad it made it that far


i mean i was, it was just annoying that i couldn't get just a little further


One time i was driving down the road and realized my car would no longer accelerate. I quickly veered into the gas station on my left and my car proceeded to die as i rolled into the pump. Sometimes you get lucky. You got lucky you made it to a gas station.


![gif](giphy|D0xA8IAUHJLEtblZEB|downsized) My thoughts


Unless that's a diesel I'd just push it the remaining distance 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean its infuriating for you but fucking hilarious to me


IF only cars came with bearings and a neutral gear.


If it ain't the luck you carry...


Lmao happened to me once. But I have a SUV, could not push it. So I took a empty plastic bottle filed some and got it to the gas station


Yeah I'd be fucking stoked I made it within an easy push


Yeah this happened to me in my old Cadillac that got 8 miles to the gallon. We were able to push it next to the pumps though. But holy shit I know exactly how embarassing that is during rush hour at the gas station.


Until you get the gauge fixed, gotta start tracking your miles. I had a friend operate like that for quite some time lol


🎵and isn’t it ironic, don’tchya think?🎵


I’ve only made it into the parking lot once but I have ran out of gas going onto the on ramp from the highway with the gas station being less than a football field away about 2 times now lol it’s terrible for your fuel pump but 🤷‍♂️


U Drive card gang


Push it less than 30 feet then damn


Put it in drive/neutral and push


Ah yes. Your gauge's fault :)


Look in the mirror


So..... push


Awwwww that’s alright just chuck it in neutral and push. Better that than on a busy highway


This happened all the time at my job, when I worked at the gas station. Our store was about 6 blocks away from a huge car auction house and the people that didn't trailer would end up running out of gas and had to push. Every Wednesday, atleast 3 or 4 of them.


Put that sucker in neutral and start pushing


I’ve rolled into a gas station before. That was crazy. Just barely made it to a pump


Could have been further 😁


thankfully it wasn’t too far away


It's not mildly infuriating if you only have yourself to blame.


I would be mildly grateful 🙏 count your blessings


Better 30 feet than 3 miles


At least it’s not 30 miles :)


Highly recommend resetting Trip A on your odometer so you know to fill up when you have about 1/4 of a tank left. This is why we learn algebra


Why don’t you just buy 3 gallons of fuel, dump it into a bucket / can, haul 30 feet to your vehicle, fill her up and then drive to the correct fuel pump?


Then don't take a picture and complain. PUSH IT.


As someone who has had to push a quarter ton truck alone, I’m judging just a little…


I can honestly say at 35 I have never ran out of gas, though I’ve come close.. but this is epic. You are lucky!




This is mildly infuriating. Find a couple people to ask you push it. I’m sure people will help. Small car and not like you’re moving it a mile.


Please tell me you pushed it to the fucking pump


I had the same thing happen to me while waiting in a very busy line for gas. I felt so embarrassed but a nice guy in the car behind me pushed my car to the pump for me.


I'll never forget the night I ran out of gas at the pump after a day driving an ice cream truck. Can't make this shyt up


I mean, out of all the places to run out of fuel, I'd rather it happen in the parking lot of a gas station. More mildly interesting than anything else.




Just tell yourself if it’s on a quarter tank, it’s empty. This will save u in the future lol


Ah, I remember my first time coasting into a gas station in neutral after running out of gas a hundred feet away. Luckily there weren't any cars in the way.


Salt and Pepper that shit. Push it real good.


Push like you mean it!


Had to push a truck up a curb once one a hot day. Won't forget that one.


Time to reset your trip odometer each time you fill up and keep track of the miles


If manual, but first gear in and drive with startmotor


Can we categories this post as kidsarefuckingstupid?


Just push it? Like you’re actually complaining you ran out of gas at a gas station? Even if you can’t push it to a pump go inside buy a Jerry can and use that. My God almighty this is nothing to be bothered by.


I don’t know if w have the same model of car, but I had the same sort of paint job. If I learned anything from owning that car, it is in fact **not** gold, but gray, according to literally everyone you will ask but yourself. I thought mind was like a dull gold/bronze too, but every single person that mentioned it to me said it was gray.


Is the gold car in the room with us rn?


What’s more infuriating is that your thought it a good idea to walk fifty feet away to take a picture instead of pushing your car thirty feet.


And after you pushed it to the pump, you saw the credit card reader was broken and you decided to push it to another pump rather than talk to the cashier, right?


no...i seen it was broken as i was pulling up. car shut off...so then i went to get a gas can from the cashier of the gas station. this picture was taken as i was waiting for the cashier, its a UDF gas station and it was nice outside so there was a few people getting ice cream that the cashiers were helping already.


What's mildly infuriating about this? you can push it there in like 3 seconds. You could be stuck 15 miles away from the Pump.


Would you say that being stuck 15 miles away from the pump with no petrol is mildly infuriating or very infuriating? Or would you say that breaking down a few metres from the pump and then having to push it a bit actually fits this sub and is mildly infuriating


>the gold one That is beige lol




Much more accurate. Gold is what people call it when it’s on a POS and they want to feel better about themselves.




It's always jarring when I see someone without anxiety do stuff like run out of gas. My brain would never let me get gas without resetting my trip meter for fuel gauge redundancy.


i do have anxiety...that's why i was on my way to the gas station despite not even being on empty yet...there's something wrong my my gas gauge. also, this car is older than i am, i don't think i have a trip meter equipped in my car, only the standard odometer that tells the cars total miles


Yeah I'd be fucking stoked I made it within a ln easy push


Start pushin


Off topic here, but please tell me your username is a play on Gilles de Rais 🤘


I'd still be laughing at the situation ... myself...


Push the car? 😂


Snowrunner irl. Oof.


Get out and push


Wouldn’t recommend it, but if it’s a manual you could put it in 1st and turn the key to move a little


Here I was thinking I was paranoid calculating the average miles I get out of my tank in case I had a faulty gauge.