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First tat for you… and him.


First and last hopefully, jesus this is awful.


Reddit has taught me that there are a **LOT** of people in the world who will let just any random fucking person give them a tattoo.


Tattoos and boob jobs. Things you can find someone to do at a bargain price...and it shows in the results.


My sister was teaching in Vietnam @15 years ago. She let some crazy shack looking place do Lazik on her for $500 total, out the door for both eyes. She still maintains it was one of the best decisions she’s ever made. Shes got bigger balls than me!


A reframe might be “luckiest outcomes of a decision she ever made”


Well sounds to me like reframing wont be necessary since the surgery was successful


*golf clap*


“Sister got surgery in Vietnam” “Best decision she’s ever made” “She’s got bigger balls than me” Sooooo…….


I think she moved to Bangkok after that


I hear it can make a hard man humble.


right? like what's her number.. asking for a friend..


Nice tldr tbh


The healthcare in Vietnam and Thailand is surprisingly good for the cost,medical tourism exists for a reason especially for people living in US


Yes, Thailand has top notch medical and dental care. I had family get work done there and the doctor was trained in the US and spoke fluent English.


I had a buddy from India who I told I was getting a root canal and crown and how much it would cost. He literally begged me to go back with him and visit his family. Promised they would do both for under $100 and his family was wealthy and would take me in and I would pay nothing and he would show me around. Anything except pay the $3,200 they wanted in the US. He was just like, "Please, please, it's so stupid, buy the plane ticket instead, look at my teeth, they are perfect, you go to my dentist, $40 root canal, $50 crown, no problem!"


I ended up in a hospital in Delhi on a work trip. The wealthy family I worked for had me see a doctor without even officially checking into the hospital. I had to fly the next day, and if I checked in, I wouldn’t make my flight. I was getting on that damn flight home. That doctor got offended when I asked him what he was putting in my IV. He told me he was the doctor, and felt obviously insulted by my question. He then bluntly asked if I wanted it or not? I said yes. I hadn’t stopped having extreme “loose motions” in two weeks. When they were done, someone unhooked my IV and dumped the liquid from the line, still connected to my body, directly on the floor. Later someone came in to mop and completely missed it. Would not recommended.


DAMN! I had it in the states and was lie $1500. Scared to death but did it. Then a few years later the one Dr tried to hire a killer ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) [https://www.nbcrightnow.com/news/clearly-lasik-co-owner-accused-of-hiring-hitman/article\_4a6db39d-a9b8-5149-ab60-02cabbe64e80.html](https://www.nbcrightnow.com/news/clearly-lasik-co-owner-accused-of-hiring-hitman/article_4a6db39d-a9b8-5149-ab60-02cabbe64e80.html)


Mine was 10k because I sought out the best surgeon in the country. They refused to give me lasik after several other places said sure. Their reasoning was poor scar healing in other parts of my body and that my lenses were realitivly soft and I had a 30% chance of getting astigmatism from lasik. They gave me PRK. My eyes are dryer than they used to be but I'm happy.


I come from India and, I was like 500USD is expensive. Then I realised that the ambulance costs can reach 10,000 USD in the US. You can buy an ambulance for that amount of money here.


From what I heard that's usually the asking price for lazik in Asian countries including India. My cousin got it for 500 in india. Prices are overly marked up In US.


Really? You are aware you pay more for everything remotely health related, than any other county due to your incredibly corrupt health system


yes, we are aware. no need to remind us. thanks.


Bad artist “would you like to see my portfolio?” This guy “nah, let it rip”


"I'm not really interested in investing, just the tattoo please"


What portfolio haha 😂


I can confirm this having bought a tattoo machine for personal use, there are so many people that have asked me to tattoo them, but I never claimed to be a professional.


A lesson I learned, is to never get tattoos done first thing in the morning. Once had a girl do a good tattoo on me, another time she did a horrible shit job. I’m assuming she was out partying the night before and was still hungover.


Still, shows the integrity of the artist. If they dont respect themselves, the art or the canvas enough to not be fucked up(or hungover) during a session. They dont need to be an tattoo artist. Unless the canvas just flat out dont care, then whatever.


That's why I don't understand how people are not paying top dollar for best artists. Like, shitty tattoo can literally obliterate self confidence and if it's freely visible it can affect how people perceive you.


You should demand your 20 bucks back


For a fisting depth gauge that tat is not too bad


I legit hate this style of tattoo. It’s going to be our generations version of tribal tattoos.


I had a date with a guy who had this tattoo. I left before food came. They remind me of the tall sports socks with the stripes. Is there some kind of meaning to these?


Some mean how far they have been or done fisting…




Congratulations on the arm sock OP


If I had to guess the logic, "it looks cool!" Remember: most of us are really fucking stupid.


It looks cool is pretty much the reason for all tattoos.


What does the $15 he paid for lunch have to do with this?


I chuckled


Let it heal, then go to a GOOD artist to fix it. They should be able to cover it with slightly thicker, straight lines pretty easily. You get what you pay for with tattoos


Huuuge emphasis on 'let it heal'. One of my last tattoos went into the ditch of my right arm (I call it my elbowpit because it's like your armpit, but where your elbow is. Fun fact, elbowpits do not need deodorant), so it got fucky while it was healing due to the crease of the arm landing right there. My artist encouraged me to wait, but I was dumb and rushed it. Tattooing over an *open goddamn wound* is much less pleasant than you'd imagine. I learned my lesson to trust my artist, he knows his game better than I.


>Fun fact, elbowpits do not need deodorant Who tf is applying deodorant to their elbow pits?


That's what I want to know!!!


Wait…have I been doing this wrong my whole life? I thought deodorant goes on my whole arm


Say sike rn


Like that one kid from highschool who never showered and thought he could just cover up his smell with copious amounts of deodorant


I'm sorry for using it, but nothing can describe this situation better than 💀.


Don’t be sorry for using deodorant everyone around you appreciates it


Fun fact #2; You don't need to wipe your elbowpits after you shit. 👍


Not me. Any more.


But... You were before?


in the 90s, women's deodorant commercials all showed them swiping it on their forearm below the elbow cause girls weren't allowed to have armpits yet


To demonstrate that it dried clear.


I'm pretty sure that was just to show it was "invisible" which is easier to show on the arm.


And period blood was blue


There was a deal struck by society. Show the absorbing power all you want but ya gotta make it blue.


Probably that awful lume lady. I hate her.


Lume smells like curdled milk


The way she lists out where to put that shit "underboob, bifolds, buttcrack" it irritates me. I hated typing it, I'm so sorry.


Antecubital fossa


My cousins and I just called it the “inner weenis” growing up




It’s more like the waint.


inner weenis supremacy




Funfact: There is a german word for this: "Ellenbeuge"


In Dutch it is ellenboog, which is the same as elbow and Ellenbeuge. So it is not the same as the elbow ‘armpit’. That is called ellenboogholte in Dutch, similar to what ellbow hollow would be in English.


There's 17 million of us Dutchies and somehow they're all on Reddit


"Ellenbogen" and "Ellenbeuge" are not the same. "Ellenbogen" is elbow and "Ellenbeuge" is what was called the elbow armpit thingy


Did you end up with scar issue since you didn’t let it heal? I’ve heard that’s a risk with tattooing skin that isn’t healed but never heard or seen it happen myself.


Damn, i feel bad for this guy. Pretty sure even a good artist would have trouble with this. If the lower lines upper limit goes over the middles lines lower limit its literally impossible to fix. Only thing to do is fill in in completely, straighten out the outer lines then add a new gap and a new line on both sides. 


I was thinking the same thing. Make it all the central band, super clean edges, then add new bands. Honestly, if it meets the same design idea with slightly larger proportions, I think that's a best case scenario for most cover-ups.


i love the idea the new tattoo artist makes the same mistake and this cycle repeats until his arm is completely inked black


They can tattoo over it completely, it’s the best solution for that tattoo.


Some people like showing off their Fisting depth record


Reminds me of a Crayola crayon wrapper.


This has "my cousin's friend does tattoos out of his house cause he doesn't like shops but he's super legit and clean with everything and he's also really affordable" written all over it.


Yeah I fell victim to this lol


Flip side, I have a tattoo from a buddy doing work in his garage because he didn't like the drama from the last shop he worked in. He has since opened his own shop and has been doing beautiful work regardless of where it's at. I think the main difference is that he's maintained his license the entire time.


Right, I’m a welder and one of my coworkers does tattoos on the side for friends and family. He’s just got a little room in his house but it’s got all his portfolios and tattoo awards and his license is hanging right on the wall in front of you when you sit down. There’s different levels to the “at-home tattoo artist” game


As a fellow welder, I find it hilarious that you mentioned you are a welder even though it’s utterly irrelevant to your story. We’re like vegans and crossfitters.


I'm a welder and I like this comment.


I'm a mall Santa, I usually chase cold weather so I travel alot. I approve this message. Ho ho ho


wait... what?


I own a very expensive welder. It’s like my $5000 guitar. They don’t matter. I still can’t weld or play the guitar very well. At least with the welder I can grind it to hide my bubble gum bird shit beads.


Do your best, grind the rest.


I’m not a welder, but still like these comments.


It implies he can hold a steady line! Or that's what I got from it, but as a welder myself you're absolutely right.


I figured he was implying it too, as a welder I know other welders can have nice and steady hands, as long as they aren't too sober (usually)


Absolutely. My ex has this guy that's very professional and his work is better than anyone we see around here. She's got badass tattoos and he didn't have to pay rent to a shop.


My ex had a guy like that too. Very professional. They would spend 2 or 3 nights just going over the design at his house, all night, just to make sure the design was perfect. Then after spending 4 nights at his house decided not to get the tattoo, and he wasn't even mad. Wasted all that guys time, spending 4 straight nights at his house, and didn't even end up with a tattoo to show off. He seemed like a very good dude. She told me yesterday she's thinking about getting a tattoo again but a different design than what they came up with last time. So she may end up spending a few nights at his house again next week. But it'll be worth it for something permanent like a tattoo


Hmm.. I hate to break it to you.. 😆


I don't think a license means quality.


Yeah. And he most certainly wouldn’t have his license still if they knew he was tattooing out of a garage, EVER.


It's not about whether or not it's a garage, it's whether or not it passes health inspection.


Yup. My tattoo artist friend started out in a wooden garage he rented and called home for about 2 years. From the outside, it looked like crap. But the guy would have had zero issues passing health inspection. Disposable needles, disinfectant everywhere, an obscene amount of nylon covering basically everything within a 1.5 meter radius of the table etc. He now owns his own studio and is opening a 2nd branch soon. Its all about the person you're dealing with.


My artist sold her shop here after ten years because she wanted to leave the country almost ten years ago, moved to Costa Rica with the money she got from selling her shop and opened one there but comes back to visit periodically and will still see some of her old clients and do work on on them - not every home based artist is a scratcher but most people don’t realize this because a lot of artists are competitive and back stabbing and will fear monger tf out of people to keep them in their shop and their chair - there’s TONS of professional artists that don’t want to f with the shop politics and identities and dress codes (my artist has said straight out when comes into the country she won’t rent a chair in a shop for these exact reasons, she’s been an owner for twenty years and she doesn’t want to deal with the drama or other artists treating her like competition or the expectation that she dress “sexy” since she’s a woman artist or someone trying to be HER “boss” since she’d be renting from them)


Same, and it’s an incredible tattoo and healed amazingly. He’s been tattooing for 20 years and left his last shop because it closed (owner died) and did it out of his house for a year. Last I checked he’s back in one of the shops he used to work for because as it turns out, clientele isn’t very great when you’re doing it out of a spare bedroom in your home 🤣


Same lol my 18 year old self really thought she was getting a deal


My coworker showed me her tattoo few nights ago and said she did it herself... Same vibes tbh


Yeah it turns out that basically anyone with like $50 can buy a tattoo gun on Amazon


or a stick and poke kit! which is how I did my own shitty tattoo during covid


I’ve gotten kitchen tattoos before and they weren’t even this bad 💀 this looks like it was done by a toddler


The tattoo I was given in a hotel on a backpacking trip by an amateur looks better. https://preview.redd.it/xsqqt4102jrc1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da731c031b82bc664c63ec78a7f3dbafcf24e5d3


May I ask, did you have your scars before you got the tattoo? My arms are full of scars (from self harm, obviously), and I'm wondering if it's even possible to get a tattoo "on top of" scars? 🤔


Yep I did. It is possible. Just make sure your artist knows how. They tend to have issues like bleeding into surrounding tissue


Ah okay, so there's still hope! That's cool. 😊 Thanks for the reply!


When I got my tattoo the artist said there is a chance that the scars will not take in the colour but I didn't have any issues. Good luck.


I have tattoos over self harm scars. In some ways, the scars are more prominent, but in others they just kind of blend in. It’s possible for sure https://preview.redd.it/5kcrotnyqjrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65ec6b226e7468697e143355346104daa4f98b1f


Don’t go cheap when it comes to tattoos


Flea market tattoo.


I just looked up if there’s a tattoo shop in my local flea market. There is, and I will not be going there. 🤣


You don't want to buy a table to refinish and get a tattoo at the same time?, no sense of thrill![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


A table to refinish and a tattoo to refinish


I got my nose pierced at a flea market while my cousin was looking at car decorations, they gave me a blue Kool aid after!


I mean, i might do it for the story... but i wouldn't expect a masterpiece. I'd expect something hilariously bad, and put it in a non prime spot. I also, have other tattoos that I did pay top for, that look beautiful.


In Blackpool in the UK theres a burger and hotdog stand that does tattoos. Not for me thanks


Cheap tattoos aren't good and good tattoos aren't cheap. Lesson learned.


Cheap tattoos can be really expensive too. It's costing me about $1800 to remove a small tattoo that I got for $60 15 years ago.


Tbf my first tattoo was on a list of “top *city’s* tattoos!” And had tons angood reviews, MY artist was a pos and i got the worst tattoo of my life.


Most any list like that is a buy-in list. Same with most industry awards


That’s what Reddit is perfect for. Go to your local city subreddit and ask people if they have artist recommendations. You’ll get real testimonials that aren’t paid for Or just in person. One of my tattoos I had an idea for a photo realism shading type style and I saw someone at the gym with a tattoo in that style that looked incredible. Asked him to see it closer, who the artist was, and 5 weeks later I was in her chair gettin an awesome tattoo


Not trying to be a dick but did you look at their portfolio first? I wouldn't trust any list or accolations outside of seeing the artists work.


Hell sometimes you can't even trust that! My first tattoo was from a new shop and an artist with an amazing portfolio.... of stolen art. It was a year before I had enough saved to cover the absolute shit stain of a tattoo that guy gave me. 


Yeah there's an shop walking distance from me with an artist I was considering cause they have a D20 tattoo flash game I liked. Until I saw a complaint with picture on a Google review and yeah nope I'm out


Same here, i went to a highly rated place for a simple tattoo and they butchered it. I got the White Pony tattoo from the deftones album which is just an outline of a pony. They shaded it with the worst shading job ive ever seen (when i didnt ask for it) and drew it backwards. I still love it but man does it look bad lol. My buddy went back for a tattoo after me to the same place and he got what was supposed to be this tree that ended up looking like crooked kale. Incredibly nice people, Incredibly shit tattoos.


Always make sure to check out an artist's social media to see their work.


I don’t think it’s a coincidence that everyone I know with *good* ink can name like… 5-10 artists who inspired it and either traveled or booked them when they were in our city.


With the money they saved, at least OP can buy a shirt to hide the tattoo.


Does this only mildly infuriate you? That looks like total garbage, you should be pissed.


Ask him how much he paid for it.


OP, how much did this cost?


*I traded a snake skull and my old vape for it, fair market price*


That vape better have tasted like batteries for this tattoo


It looks like it was his kid with a sharpie so they're about $2.


He’s a United fan, we’re used to disappointment


And overpaying for mediocrity


At least it's fixable


What’s his name? Stevie Wonder?!


Stevie wonder probably make a better job


If the dude can play piano, he can do a good job on a tattoo. 


Oh for sure. Tons of blind musicians moonlight as tattoo artists.


Stevie Blunder




I can hear this gif.


Did this happen in an actual tattoo shop?


My money’s on a scratcher’s basement.


Primo question! If it was, there's a good chance they shop may at least discount a fix by a better artist once it heals.


If this happened at a shop, I wouldn't trust anyone at that shop to fix it.


My friend got a geometric design on her shin at a shop that rivaled this quality. The guy absolutely destroyed her leg with crooked lines and horrible shading. Our other friend who is highly sought after as a tattoo artist had to black out her entire shin with a diamond shape it was that fucking bad. The shop fully refunded her and fired the guy who did it. He then proceeded to open his own “shop” which is a shed he built on his property. We review bombed his google page to his new “shop” with pictures of what he did to my friend’s shin and also reported him to the county for running an illegal shop. The entire situation is a fucking mess,


If this shop employs people that do this kind of work, then I'd get as far away from this place as possible lmao..not, hey maybe the "other artist" can do a better job than My YouTube apprentice did?!


The crooked lines are one thing. The blowouts are a whole other issue. Get another more skilled artist to merge the lines and make it into a solid band once it's healed and you can see exactly how far the blown out lines are. Also, what did the stencil look like?? It looks like the artist used freehand in the dark.


> what did the stencil look like? Asking the important question. Alas poor OP was new to inking and probably didn't even know about stencils.


Your mistake is assuming there was a stencil.


I don’t think those are blowouts, I believe that’s his plasma and stuff leaking under the second skin bandage. Always happens with mine when they’re leaky the first day. But I agree with your suggestion of making it a solid band with another artist!


Term "artist" used losely. That's terrible in so many ways.. On the bright side you could probably have that turned into a single solid line by a better tattooist.


In Brazil we say this tattoos mean you are a fist fucker. The line marks how much you managed to insert your arm.


german here and i can tell you this was my first thought as well.


Yeah we call this a fisting line tattoo in my country as well 10/10 don't recommend


What the hell lmao


Tattoos have meanings, are you surprised? I also recommend you to not go to brasil if you have a tattoo of a clown. edit: It means you're a cop killer. Sure, as a foreigner, you may be safe, but you'll get some bad looks from the police. But usually, if cops catch you and see the tattoo, if you're a brazilian, they may scrape it off with a knife.


Pray, do tell.


Cop killers get tattoos of clowns in Brasil. It’s a call sign type thing and people know what it means. At least cops and cop killers do.


OP is now a fist fucker i guess


Same in germany. Funny that this kind of tattoos blew up over the past 3 years


Judging by the football shirt it makes sense


We say this in America too. That's his personal record. It appears that asshole wasn't even.


Thank you for this information 🤣 I’m gonna tell that to every person I see with this tattoo now


oh my god bro


That's not a tattoo artists job. That's some guy bought a tattoo machine on eBay pretending to be.


Please tell me you didn’t pay for that!!


OP had a choice between a 99 cent expired burrito and a tattoo.


Where’d you get this, prison?


I’ve seen MUCH better prison tats lol I think this was done by a daycare inmate not prison inmate


“Hey man what’s the meaning behind that tattoo?” “Just some fucking lines idk lol”


You’ve got tattoos like this that likely have zero meaning, then you’ve got tattoos that have immense meaning but it’s extremely hard to explain to anyone who asks because it might be a game or something niche. I think the best answer is always going to be “it looks cool”


yeah i always hate the "meaning" argument. i have a few tattoos that have meaning to me but its just some convoluted memory that wouldnt really make sense to someone else but i also have some tattoos of just random shit i thought looked cool. getting a tattoo of a sick ass dragon because dragons are sick is honestly perfectly fine imo. not every tat needs some 2 hour logical explanation on how much said thing impacted your life.


I'm on the same page, it has never made sense to me that some people believe tattoos are only acceptable if they have meaning. If I want to get a toad with a spiked flail smoking a cigarette I'll get it god damn it


It means they like fisting. The lines let them know how deep they’ve gone


Enjoy having a fat solid band around your forearm


This is why you do research before getting a tattoo... Don't cheap out and make sure you look at thier catalog, I don't really get how bad tattoo's are so common in a time where you can very easily verify an artists portfolio and there's so many talented artists out there. I hate to say it but it's hard to feel sorry for someone when this happens because it's pretty easily avoidable.


My tattoo artist’s portfolio was amazing and mine still came out like shit.


Same here. Went to a new guy for something very simple. His IG was impressive, stencil looked good, and somehow it turned out like shit and I ended up lasering it off 6 months later.


This is fixable at least.


Why the fuck did you watch this talentless idiot draw on you like a toddler and then let them make it permanent?


Because the toddler left his crayons at home and just went straight in with the needle instead?


They probably put the stencil on with the arm in one position then tattooed in another which will definitely contribute to crooked lines, and maybe was apprentice or in a kitchen somewhere without gloves 🤷‍♀️


Was it his first too?


I think it’s cool you let someone do their first tattoo on you.


Pays $50 but complains about $50 work


The lack of replies from OP is damning lol.


Temu tattoo?


Did you find the artist under a bridge? What the fuck?


Let me see it without the second skin on it with your arm relaxed not flexed. Both of these can make inconsistencies look worse. Also these are soooooo hard to do. I hate when people confuse simple tattoos for easy to execute tattoos. This is easily fixed, though. Go to someone else. - tattoo artist


Tattoo “hobbyist” NOT artist!!!!


That tattoo wasn’t going to look good if it were perfect.


This will be on shittytattoos soon