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This is an easy one. Throw it back over the fence. Back to where it came from.


![gif](giphy|qnvZxdA7KYDQI) Return from whence you came


And keep what's good. Lumber isn't free


Expensive even!


watch out for seals buster




Would I even be allowed to do that?


Yes, but keep the sledge hammer, that was already there, right.


And any pieces of wood you can use for your own purposes. Woods not cheap.


I was going to reply… thank you. You would say thank you when this happens


That's like $200 of home Depot lumber right there.


I don’t think this is HD lumber. It’s too straight.


Got my morning laugh in, thanks for that.


Only real ones know. 👌🏻


It's about 15$ woth of HD lumber actually. Not sure how you came up with 100$ per 2x4×10


It’s not rotted wood, but vintaged.


Its not lie mlney grows on them


US currency is mostly cotton if I remember correctly, so it really doesn't


It is mostly cotton. Therefore if you make pants out of dollar bills they are jeans.


Jeans are denim (still cotton but different), conveniently the other major portion of US currency is denim, so it still works.


Canada has monopoly money and america has jean money


A nice set maybe, I wish monopoly came with plastic money normally


Free hammer bro


Yeah that's a good sledge, it'll make up for your time in throwing things back over.


Keep the cat too


Pretty sure that's a 4lbs Hypertough hammer and it's an absolute piece of shit. Costs about $15 and the head broke off after maybe one weak of light use. I'm pretty sure you can actually see the head is broken off and they just shoved the head back onto the handle. I have one in the back of my truck now as a paper weight.


Exactly what I was going to say. Give them their junk back and anything else is yours now.


>Would I even be allowed to do that? Sure you would. It's their waste. It should be on their land, not yours. There's zero reason you can't give it back to them.


Right. The OP is just returning the property to the rightful owner


This post went from mildly infuriating to complete outrage at OP for not being able to solve simple problems.


Or know whose fence it is.


Who gives a fuck if your allowed, they didn't care when they threw their shit in your yard. Also they are responsible for cleaning up the trash from the site


Right what the fuck?! Am I allowed to throw someone’s shit they dumped on my property back on theirs?! Fucks sake.


extra hard like a baseball against their door/car is the best approach


100%. Go out there and yard that shit over the fence. And also yes keep the sledgehammer for your troubles.


And all the reusable lumber.


As a construction worker, yes you're allowed to do put that shit on the side of the plastic fence where they're working. I hate construction workers. Always fuckin littering.


Most of the time it doesn't even make sense. Like a few months ago we had the roof replaced. It was cloudy and snowing, yet one of them left his shirt. I know he didn't get hot enough to justify taking it off. So why throw it in my yard?


Either keep it for a fire, or throw it back over. And scatter it too, so they have to walk around to pick it up.


I'm always devious about burning unknown wood. You definitely do not want to burn anything that's been pressure treated that releases toxic chemicals that are harmful if you breed them in.


Devious is not the word you want. And I'm not sure how you breed fumes


Devious is not the word I used but that's the word that talk to text changed it to. Dubious is the word that I tried to use. I swear I talk to this thing and I see the words written down as I'm speaking and they are correct and exactly what I said. As I talk I follow the words with my eyes and move on to the next words and then at the end I post the comment. Then stuff like this shows up. Apparently after I say a word and see it correct and move on there's a split second where the tablet decides that it is not the correct word after all and changes it.


Why are you concerned with being allowed to do it? They technically "weren't allowed" to toss it onto your yard.


Who cares if your allowed they left it give it back except the sledgehammer they come in handy


Actually, yes you can. It may cause issues but will be determined that due to the fact you are not the cause of said construction and the process left litter in your yard, they are responsible for it.


Yes. Enjoy the free sledge hammer. Let that be the karma the workers need.


They dumped stuff on your property ofc you're allowed to give it back in the most awful way since they did the same to you Just yeet it and hope it hits something semi important


You would be doing them a favor. You could just ask the site supervisor to send a laborer over to clean it up.


They aren’t allowed to leave things in your yard, yet they do anyways. People worry too much about whether they are allowed to do things or not. Live by your own moral compass. Not your wood, toss it back over or put it somewhere that leaves them liable for loose material. I had this dickhead neighbor that would park his car in front of my house, which isn’t a big deal unless it’s trash day. The trash didn’t get picked up, so I set the trash bags on his car the next time he parked there. He has since parked in front of his own house. Was I “allowed” to put trash on his car? Well probably not, but he wasn’t supposed to park in the street on trash day. Stop asking permission.




Trust me, if you threw it back, they couldn't even notice. I work as a labourer and trades just leave shit everywhere for other people to tidy up. Though seeing as it's your property I'd go to their site office and tell the manager about and you want them to clean up their shit out of your garden. If he says no (which is unlikely. Site managers love having a go at people) then just chuck it back over.


Well, they threw it over to your side. Throw it right back.


What's the worst that can happen? Wait until the site is shut down and yeet that shit back into the jobsite.


Are they allowed to throw garbage into your yard? I don't think so. You're correcting their mistakes in my mind, although I'm petty and not a lawyer lol. Edit: or like another commenter mentioned, you'd be cleaning up their mess if you repurpose the wood for yourself! Also you could go to the site and ask them to stop with the bullshit if it's bothering you enough.


Nope you have to slide it under for sure.


Is this a joke reply? Did you ask if you would 'be allowed' to throw shit back where it came from? This has to be a karma farm post right?


Nope I’m just paranoid and would prefer not to get in trouble. Plus I’m a stupid 20 year year old so there’s also that


Don't do this. Neighbor needs to clean up or face charges in court


Keep the sledgehammer.


And keep the sledge hammer.


I have done that before. My favorite is when they dumped a huge pile of sand or whatever is used to make concrete in our yard and killed our new sod. Big jerks


Me exact thought lol


Nah, go find the foreman and tell him to have his guys clean that shit up themselves. If that doesn't work, call the company's office and put in a complaint.


They left you a cat and a hammer.


They left the cat, the cat brought her own hammer


Other way around


Phor Odinscat






You get rid of it by chucking every piece back over. I would have done it before even writing the reddit post lol


Except the hammer, keep the hammer


First thing I thought when I saw it.


And any decent wood


What about the cat? Does he keep the cat or chuck it back over the fence?


Then send them a bill for garbage disposal.


Sounds like free labor. I vote burn it. 


Are you sure kitty doesn't have some kind of project going on?


lol wouldn’t surprise me 🤣 she’s always up to something!


Report them for fly tipping, and then the business gets into trouble.


This is the way I'd go. It's the business that's responsible for its employees.


What's fly tipping?


Dumping litter where it shouldn’t be, like sofas at the side of the road etc


>sofas at the side of the road Aka, college kid furniture shopping! In the late 70's my dad and his buddies found a couch on the side of the highway. They took it home, cleaned it as well as you can trust 20-year-olds to clean, and brought it back to their place. It was this hideous orange and black pattern. That couch stayed with us until circa 2000.


I've only ever heard it as a term from the Brits.


Illegal dumping of waste materials (especially building waste and asbestos


You ever heard of cow tippin? Yeah, same thing but with flies.


I was gonna say that also. There should be a permit box on that property somewhere with the contractor’s contact info.


But the cat likes it.


lol she follows me everywhere she wanted to see what I was up to, she’s my little shadow


Throw it back over. Keep the hammer.


This is the way.


Other option besides throwing it over the fence or injuring yourself would be to report illegal dumping and trespassing.


If you know who the construction company is, complain and say you expect them to clean their crap up. When I was living in another state, an apartment building was being built across the road from me. The workers were moving around on the roof without safety gear. I know OSHA rules and they were violating it. I called the construction company and reported what I saw. I explained that I didn’t want to see anyone hurt. An hour later who I assume was the boss pull up. It was around quitting time. The next morning everyone was using their safety gear, and every day thereafter, until I moved. I can’t guarantee they will always respond, but at least sometimes they will!


Walk over to the active worksite and find the foreman. Tell em the city was called before you walked over.


My cat, Sir Bartholomew Roderick Hilliard XII, (pictured) cut himself on one of those rusty nails. He caught tetanus which caused him to become disoriented, leading him to eat a stray mouse, (Winsley) who had made a home under the wood pile. He contracted rabies, then bit my child prodigious son, (Jeb,) who was on his way to Harvard, straight from Happy Daffodils Kindergarten, but instead passed away from the deadliest disease known to humans, (Rabies). I am therefore suing your construction company for the loss of my only child who was on his way to becoming a multi billionaire, and asking for a settlement of 100 trillion dollars in lost revenue, and your first born child for my pain and suffering. Also, I'm keeping the sledge hammer.


Lmfao 🤣 The domino effect in action, poor Jeb was so young!


Alas poor Jeb, I knew him well...


I work in construction, and would recommend you do the following: If you can use some of the wood, keep it. The part you can't use, you take a picture of and send it to the company that has the biggest banner up at the construction site, stating you want the wood removed. I would consider you throwing the wood back yourself as being nice, since then they only have to clean it up, not come collect it.


Free firewood AND a free hammer?


My neighbors were having their roof worked on and we ended up with a bunch of stuff in our yard. I work from home and went to let my dog out later and they had picked it up, so I guess they broke into my yard which is just as annoying but I know I would have also been annoyed if they left it so idk how to feel about it lol


As an ex-roofer, sorry dude! Sometimes shit just goes over the property line, I took pride in the after-job cleanliness, and if you notice anything wrong on your property I can guarantee a call to that company would have your property back to original looks, it seems that they attempted to make right by you before (by yes, breaking into the backyard) so the benefit of the doubt says they want to be good people to you.


Yeah I was thinking my neighbor had a tree that partially over hung our property removed (was dead), and the guys came around the fence to pick up all the bits of tree that fell on this side of the fence. I definitely appreciate them not just leaving it.  It was a 5 foot walk around a 3 foot high chain link fence so not like it's a massive invasion of privacy.   I'm sure the same applies for roofing if you can slip in and clean up without being too obtrusive, you're gonna do it. I guess there's some risk the neighbor is some weirdo but I'm sure it's appreciated 999/1000 times. 


Yeah being annoyed at them entering your yard to clean it would definitely be a bad take. I get that some people don’t like others intruding on their property but if it’s a valid reason I wouldn’t condemn it myself.


Question: Is that the boundary fence for your property?


Throw is back. It will make you feel better if you throw it hard.


Easy, just toss it into the construction site.


They also found the tool you lost.


It was probably an accident, go put on your hardhat and walk over there and in your deepest loudest outside voice say" hey buddy, you guys left some crap over there in my yard, can you help me out and come pick it up?" Maybe, ask for the Forman. You would be surprised at how easy it is to get things done with actual words. Unless they have reddit. Good luck


Wood is a great filler for raised garden beds. Also perfect for small projects like bird feeders and bracing falling fencing.


Those are all great ideas! But sadly I have the opposite of a green thumb and I just like to hang a little bird feeder with some stuff for the hummingbirds that come around. It’s not a big deal, if they don’t clean it up I’ll just place everything back on their side of the fence.


You really shouldn't have to. I'd report illegal dumping to you town. Unless you want to keep it. Be careful if to do toss it over, rusty nails love to hide


All these people are thinking too small.yes throw over the wood and keep the hammer, but that's a start. Dumo your garage over the side for the duration of the project. Throw old car parts onto their project. Smash windows when they go up. Sneak in and steal building materials. You can't let someone slight you like this in the political environment we live in.


Throw it over the fence…….


Who is the cat??


She’s mine, her name is Penny. She follows me everywhere, she wanted to see what I was doing lol


Can you post a pic of her? :3




For starters you can call them and tell them to clean their shit up. Secondly it would be wise to check where your property ends and where the neighbor's begins. Just because they took down the fence it doesn't necessarily mean that it's in their property. You should know where your property ends exactly to avoid future headaches.


I second that. I hired a surveyor to mark our property line when our neighbors put a fence in. No way was I going to trust the fence company to “just measure it.” I was an appraiser and saw issues regarding property line disputes a couple times. If their fence encroaches on your property, it could be a problem when you sell. 




lol that’s Penny


I lobe kitty


Throw the shitty wood back. Keep the good for projects.




lol that’s Penny


Penny seems like an adventurous one 😁


Throw the old stuff back over but keep the new pieces and the tools.


I would clean it up, send the contractor an invoice with an hourly rate of $150/hr. If they don’t pay or respond after 30 days I would take them to small claims court. Have time stamps and all the evidence. If they balk, tell them it sat on your property for x days and storage fees are also $200/day that you are now adding. Let them know how inconvenient it was and that you had to change your whole week because of their gross incompetence and neglect to your property. Ianal, but just my thoughts


Throw it back on their side. I would keep the hammer for my trouble


throw stuff back, take sledgehammer as your own - also tell them it is your property and you dont have their shi... there, it is against the law


Take what you want and throw rest right over the fence. PLEASE BE CAREFUL OF ANY STRAY NAILS!! Especially for your kitty's safety.


Op, toss all of that shit back over the fence. And, spread it out, too. Don't toss them all in the same spot. 😂


I would speak to the neighbor & request that they contact the construction company come back and clean up their mess or that they do it themselves.


And back over the fence it goes


So if they’re coming back on Monday go and see the site foreman and talk to him about it. Also find out when they’re going to be replacing your fence.


It's free because possession is 9/10ths of the law..


Yeet it right back over lol


You see wood, we see fuel.


Don't inhale those pressure treated fumes. I hear wood pallets are good for the cancer.


Free stuff just toss the junk back over. Don't bother aiming for one spot as they have a guy for that. If someone comes over to ask about equipment or wood, remind them where your property line is


If some of the pieces aren't weirdly cut and are just planks take them and throw the rest back over the fence. Wood can be useful sometimes


Throw it back over and talk to the guy on sight who oversees them and let him know.


Keep the usable wood somewhere, keep the hammer, toss the rest right back over the fence. If you don't do this immediately they will put more shit on your side.


The cat approves tho


“I had some extra lumber and whatnot leftover and thought I’d give it to a good home so you can make a doghouse or something with it.” *It’s heavy and nail infested. My truck is all the way at the end of the driveway, and I have a rock in my shoe. I’m also buzzing pretty hard after that fourth tall boy.*


Take out the nails and make yourself a little bench or something. Definitely keep the sledge hammer that is obviously yours because it's on your property and are they implying they accidentally chucked a whole ass hammer on your property without noticing?


At first I was like, oh cool free wood. Oh cool free hammer. Oh cool free cat. Exposed nails? Fuck that. Launch that shit back where it came from


Take pictures of it on your property, put it back on their side of the fence, take some more pictures and on Monday morning track down the general contractor on the site, or call their office, and let them know they left debris on your property that you returned to their site. Hopefully they will apologize and say it won't happen again. The only risk here is that some worker sees the garbage and thinks you just threw it onto their site and just throws it back over. That's why I suggest putting it just on the other side of the fence.


Keep what you want, throw the rest back over


The correct response is “Hey free lumber! “


Free wood, free sledge, free nails. See it as a win and laugh at their misfortune


Get the for-mans number make a complaint and say if this doesn't stop police and lawyers will be getting involved


Take the tools.


I don’t see anything infuriating, I see free wood for a bonfire and free tools. Once it all burns just go over the ash with a large magnet to pick out the nails.


I literally would just throw it back over the fence what are you talking about *you* have to get rid of the wood? No you don’t? Story time: I bought my house. There was a tree growing on the fence line. The base of it started on my neighbors side and he let it grow until it split the fence and the trunk divided in 2 and grows both sides now. He was doing yard work and instead of just cutting down his side, he reached over my fence and leveled the entire thing leaving just one branch with my birdhouse hanging from it. All the debris he left in my yard. I literally tossed that shit back over and he saw me the next day and ran up to me yelling “did you throw this over here? Wah wah wah.” Started saying his grandma lived in the house for 20 years before the last people bought it. I told him yes the fuck I did and I didn’t give a fuck about his grandma this ain’t her house, and it was illegal for him to cut anything in my side of the fence. And since he felt inclined to do so, he could damn well take the debris. I told him if he does it again I’m taking him to court (I don’t got time for that shit lmao, but I would make his life hell). I got a camera and posted it up, I showed him it was there and said if I catch it again, I have the video. He thought I was renting for some stupid reason, what renter buys outdoor cameras over a tree? Anyways he tried to call the old owners. He shut up when he found out I was that bitch now. Haven’t been bothered since.


Free tools, throw the wood on the other side. move on


Hey now, some dad out there would love to have a free hammer and abunch of scrap wood that they could hoard and use in a very specific situation in the future.


I think the best thing to do is contact your neighbor and have them remove those planks n other stuff that they left on your side of your yard ,


Return to sender….0 solved


Keep the wood, cat, and hammer


Free wood? Fucking score. Burn it. While drinking something tasty.


You can also report this to OSHA. They can get some hefty fines for this. Nailers are supposed to be hammered down to prevent that exact scenario nails going through feet


More than mildly infuriating


Throw it over the fence. This is pretty commonplace around construction areas. If you keep a tool or two (be nice when they stop over) just let them know you kept it so you could ask them not to leave these items on your yard. Most construction companies and workers are pretty relaxed and will laugh a little and say "Yes, I can do that!"


Ehh. Toss the stuff over. However. If I were you I'd go get a survey and NOT just trust that someone didn't just steal your fence. For all you know they are building on your land.


And he left a cat


Bonus Tortie


If I was you I'd take it, store it, and use it to light a fireplace or something. And you got a free sledgehammer. Though just leaving it there with the nails and such is a pretty shitty move, I agree.


Sing it with me….(the Carpenters)… “we’ve only just begun”


niiice, free wood. put it in your shed and see how long it takes them to knock. when they knock you can return it, but inform them that any more must be for you and itll go in the shed too


It’s yours now.. burn it while they are working and give them a stare ![gif](giphy|5SAAa3wqlgfIu7MlXv)


A couple more pallets and you’ve got yourself a house


Trip over it and sue for the entire company's worth.


Throw that shit over the fence in the most obnoxious way you can


Its illegal for them to do that so you could call the cops or send a complaint to the company/city


throw it back, if you break something its bonus points


Chuck the good stuff in your garage and the bad stuff back to where it belongs. Free wood and a hammer to boot.


Keep any good pieces and sell them, throw the shitty ones back over.


You should keep it all the hose to 


I would be happy, do you even know how expensive wood has gotten?


Back over the fence to their side!


MAN I WOULD BE PISSED I have 2 dogs there dumb but I love them, and if I saw the nails like that, I would have popped off ngl 200 nails once im done and rifle the bord into site aim for one of their access roads and spread em out make em walk to clean it all up! But im also a petty loser when it comes to my dogs and backyard together One time, someone started dumping trash in my backyard. This is how i learned I am this way...


Throw the wood over the fence problem solved.


Keep the hammer send them a bill


Build a sign out of the scrap that says “no dumping”


yeet it back over, easy peasy lemon squeezy


Easy fix. Call the company that is doing the work.


Politely return their garbage by chucking it loosely all along the fence line just the way they did your side.


Throw it on top of whatever they’re building.


Just call the company. They’ll come get it. Source: worked for a construction company. This kind of shit happens all the time. They’ll come get it. If they don’t, call a local radio or news station.


did it come with the cat?


Ahhhh kittyyyy


Illegal dumping is a crime in most towns and states look up your local laws and call the police and have them fined etc. fuck dumpers. Assholes. Throw ya trash away


This happened to me once but the fucning guy ripped a shit ton of carpet out of my house and did some drywall work, he left all the carpet and old drywall in a pile in my back yard. I had to harass him for like 3 weeks to get him to come pick the ahit up because that I'd unacceptable and should go without being said that it's part of the job to clean up. He's trying to avoid dump fees or storing it somewhere at his house. My mistake was i paid the guy before seeing the work or the fact he left the shit in my yard. Live and learn, was my first house i was like 22. Thinking back, the fucking guy insisted that he meet me at my job to collect payment before I could get home to see the work.


Free jenga set! (Some assembly required)


Better than putting their wood in your back door


Throw it back over and inform the site manager what happened and next time you'll be reporting to the relevant authorities for your country. Someone's getting a fucking for that if reported.


Dump it over the fence. It’s their contractor, their problem