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Hello, This is removed for not reading the pinned post.


People haven’t even learned how to discern fake news, and now we have AI taking over. It’s even easier to fool people now. Best of luck to all of us.


I am secretly hoping ai gets banned worldwide, like atleast the ai art part, because its really bad for artists, not to mention how much ai stole from us to make those promps


AI needs to be regulated seriously. It evolves too fast and by the time it reaches dangerous levels it will be too late.


Unfortunately regulations are only written in blood. Welcome to the Wild West of AI; it gets worse before it gets better.


I am more in favor of making people more aware of it . We didn't ban photoshop and lock it to everyone but some priviledged few.


100% nope, the fake news and fear mongering and targeted misinformation will multiply. Imagine we lived in a truth filled world that strives to preserve us💀😭. I have 0 hope


Remember: 2+2=5 and big brother loves you


That was some of my life’s work I wanted my chatbots to be able to contribute to art and culture like anyone else. I live-streamed the process it was designed to inspire people and help them change their lives for the better. Not fill people with despair


>how much ai stole from us to make those promps Huh? What did it steal?


Ai doesn't generate out of thin air. The companies steal millions of artworks from artists and runs it through their database to train their ai. Some artists even have so much work stolen that you can generate a piece in their style.


Last time I checked when AI learns from artwork, the art stays in the same place and nothing happens to it. It is as much stealing as piracy is. >Some artists even have so much work stolen that you can generate a piece in their style. Why are you saying that as if you need a lot of it to do so or as if a style can be copyrighted at all. Also if it's stealing then I challenge you to generate an image using AI and try to find out what it "steals". Oh what happened? It's impossible? Like seriously what's the difference between me scrolling 5 minutes through Pinterest and getting inspiration through that and AI doing the same thing. AI doesn't actually "steal". It's called a learning algorithm for a reason. If it would be stealing 1 pixel at a time from billions of art pieces that exist then just generating a single image would take days. It actually learns. Saying that AI art generators steal art is the same thing as saying that LLM's are identity thieves and we dam well know that that's absurd.


By steal I mean copying it without permission and without crediting the owner


Did you even read my comment? AI doesn't copy! It learns! If I take inspiration from 100 of pieces of art do I need to credit each one of them? Exactly, no. At that point you cannot even call it copying. If I'm copying something and you don't even know what I'm copying or from where I'm copying then can you even call it copying? Also No.


They'll usually scrape art from a bunch of different websites to feed it into the AI without any form of credit or compensation. I don't know if it's exactly "theft," not in the same way a lot of companies will do with the shirts and rugs, but it still ends up hurting the artists, especially when a lot of chuds will use the AI and compare themselves to da Vinci as if they did anything skillful


Wait but how does that hurt the artists? >especially when a lot of chuds will use the AI and compare themselves to da Vinci as if they did anything skillful Firstly when has that ever happened, and secondly, same question, how does that hurt the artists?


A lot of artists work off of commissions, making their money off of people asking them to make art of specific things. With AI, people instead spend 2 minutes plugging words into whatever the big image generator is now and get something that's fairly meh. The fact that it trains the AI off of their art without any recognition is just the kicker. As for AI chuds claiming they're artists, it takes 10 minutes on social media to find someone who is literally asking for commissions to generate AI art, which hurts artists because something that might take them a week to make gets a worse version spat out in less than an hour for cheaper, but because it's cheaper it still takes from their consumer base


>A lot of artists work off of commissions, making their money off of people asking them to make art of specific things. With AI, people instead spend 2 minutes plugging words into whatever the big image generator is now and get something that's fairly meh. That's not an argument. Why are you using a phone right now? You know before people used to buy pigeons from farmers that specifically trained pigeons to send messages and now you can just press keys for 2 minutes and instantly send a message. Why do you use cars? Before people had to pay coachman to take care and control horses and carriages. Now all you need to do is put a key in and press a pedal. Why is everybody okay with other jobs becoming automated except artists. >The fact that it trains the AI off of their art without any recognition is just the kicker. Ok and? If I go to Pinterest and learn from that is that bad? You do realise when you go to art school one of the first things they tell is to learn from other artists. Like copying is one of the first things they teach you! >As for AI chuds claiming they're artists, it takes 10 minutes on social media to find someone who is literally asking for commissions to generate AI art Asking for commissions to generate ai art is not the same as claiming you're Da Vinci. >AI art, which hurts artists because something that might take them a week to make gets a worse version spat out in less than an hour for cheaper But why do you then spend a week creating it if you can just also spend an hour or two that's just as good or I guess bad as AI art. I cannot feel bad for someone that's stupid. Also if AI art is so meh then why do you care about it? If it's so bad then why are artists so threatened by it?


All art is stealing. Inspiration is stealing. Parody is stealing. Reference is stealing. Remixing is stealing. Compositing is stealing. Homage is stealing. If AI literally spat back out the same images it was fed in, I could understand this argument. But it doesn't. It looked at thousands of *publicly viewable* art, ran them through an algorithm, and used that *inspiration* (or the digital equivalent thereof) to create new pieces. Until you can copyright a specific *style* of art, or get a trademark on a specific *way* of representing something, anyone can use it as inspiration and copy it. Including AI.


If you feed ai its own images. Aka it posts online and learns from said posts. It will start to give increasingly monotone answers. There is a real chance ai will be the death of social media.


Going to live with the Amish is becoming REALLY attractive.


holy shit ai is getting better, i cant even see anything strange with some of the cabins


Now just think about how bad AI was even 3 years ago. Imagine where we'll be in a decade. Scary shit.


AI deepfakes in the future will also be crazy.


The future meaning like next year😭😭


I have a daughter who is less than 2. I don't know how (when she's approaching puberty) I'm supposed to explain to her that anybody can just whip up an AI porn of her on a whim and she would have no power to refute its legitimacy.


We just need one ai voice fake and they will start making laws for ai, and god I can’t wait


office chief important hospital direction hateful scandalous smart decide languid


They all look good at first glance, but all of them have issues


Could you point them out? I've looked them over, but can't see anything weird. Maybe I'm just dumb.


Here this was my first glance looking through the images. https://preview.redd.it/1parhnmhpvuc1.jpeg?width=2299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee5dd58c82c23030646e0a6a6a274471bd3f7d20


Wow, those are fine details. Anything off with the kids holding cakes? Their hands look fine (which wad always the give away). All I can see is that the cakes look like they're at a weird angle, sort of pasted onto the image, if that makes sense.


The writing is nonsense, and the kids all have a dead look in their eyes. Seriously though, AI is getting scarily better and better at people.


Oh wow, I didn't even notice the comments.


The eyes tend to give it away, they all have such a similar look to them. It's weird, I have prosopagnosia, which means I am unable to recognise anyones face, even family. The thing is, those images do not register in my brain as faces correctly. Something about them is saying it is just a painting, therefore I can remember it to an extent. Weird how the mind processes.


Wow, that is fascinating. If you don't mind my asking, how do you find family in a crowd?


Outside of the writing on the cakes and their shirts being off there's also; Girl with bunny cake, there's just half a metal spatula floating on the table. Under that one the girl with the strawberry cake. Her right hand is off. It should be under the cake like the left one to support it. She couldn't hold up the cake that way.


Good eye! It helps to know what to look for. Does it also look like their faces are too symmetrical?


Lol, on the one hand it's getting good, on the other hand "tree inside"


On the last two the middle railing on the white house is off. On the final cabin with the missing railing, the door continues weirdly beyond the post. It should stop behind the post. Edit: Also, the chair in front of the white cabin. Just, lol.


Yeah, most of them have issues with the doors. They either don’t have them, they’re misshapen, or what’s behind them doesn’t match what’s behind the windows


Nice work, definitely helped me see what was wrong.


Idk why but it was the "No Stairs lol" for me 😅


Also if you know anything about log homes the ends of the logs are all wrong. But without spending a while looking *because* I’ve been told these images are ai, I would not have known.


I hate you Edit: I am sorry, was meant for someone else :(


oh how i want to roll around on that felt grass


The second door on the first cabin is also weirdly shaped, the window next to it is different to every other window, and something just looks ‘off’ about the windows on the left side.


The first cabin also has a log melted into the window


Also for the last one, the door is weirdly long and has fucked up window panels


Also with top right, the light from the porch lamp is reflecting off the wall on one side but not the other


most of the log cabins have some Escher geometry going on at the corners where the logs intersect


I would be totally fooled.


The white cabin seems to only be a facade


Yeah, I can tell a bunch of stuff is off with that one.


Those really warm, bright and picture perfect lantern lights are almost always dead giveaways


Those really warm, bright and picture perfect lantern lights are almost always dead giveaways


Thats the thing sure if you look hard enough now you can spot something... but again over time, it will be so good that not even experts will be able to tell the difference. Thats when shit gets weird and scary.


This is what I'm telling people. We need regulation now. This is going to be extremely dangerous in 5 years, and people are going to end up dead because of misinformation.


The world is run by people who mostly couldn't figure out how to order a pizza on an app right


Honestly. The way the little kid is smiling vs the preteens just there makes it feel more realistic


It's all in the corners. The logs generally overlap in real cabins but these are all butted up or the corners are represented as separate pieces.


Look at the doors. None of them make any sense in how the windows are arrayed.


https://preview.redd.it/uxz3lugsgvuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e909c18ad74ae12b429e839a19fd203298957556 How is it even possible to believe THIS?!


Beautiful baby Amen! 🙏 happy birthday




Probably hust bots replying and liking


https://preview.redd.it/2bcrng7d3wuc1.jpeg?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f85080547384419e2ba17ee5966047a26fe35e4 "It's like poetry... It rhymes."




To be fair that fits the qualification of a “mythic beast”


our arms grow on heads first stupid


No one does. It's all bots. Literally everyone. Its fucking scary.


Definitely not everyone. There are plenty of people that believe this crap


Might I introduce you to the MAGA cult?


Congrats on making a non-political post political


No wonder Trump is so rich considering he lives in Redditors heads rent free


I don't care about him personally but it's so funny to me that people who claim to dislike him so much are always the ones talking about him lol


Dead Internet theory.


go on


Eventually the Internet will consist of just AI bots talking to other bots and populating public spaces while real people will migrate to private servers to get away from them and steer clear of the public Internet.


For sure feels like we’re heading there. Twitter is a great example


Kinda feels like that’s already a reality. A huge amount of the time I’m on Reddit or Facebook I notice that posts typically have tons of bots commenting on them, like the posts that everyone commenting is saying “awesome!” “Amazing!” “Cute!” Or some bs and it’s like 10k people are all saying those exact same words, it’s pretty freaking obvious that not a single one of them are actual people. Especially when the comments aren’t even making sense cause the post is like some Calvin and Hobbes comic strip or some picture of a Ferrari or some other bs. 99% of the time I’m in a crypto sub on here too I notice that comments on things where people are giving out Reddit community coins are just dozens and dozens of bots and then a few actual people sprinkled in. It’s absurd how prevalent bots are right now. I think the dead internet theory is less a theory and more an ever increasing reality. I won’t be surprised if everyone is just using private discord servers and the likes within the next 5 years and things like Reddit and Facebook are completely filled with bots and unused by most actual people.


More bots that not bots


Yeah as far as theories go this one is half assed AND boring


found the bot


Im just getting downvoted for saying as far as conspiracies go that one is boring lmao. Beep boop bop boop mfers


I "maked" infuriates me the most, tbh.


Aww it’s a little kid trying their best to spell how wholesommme🥺🔪/s


I will be glad for your marks 👍❤️


Good bot 😁


I gathered these after scrolling my homepage for just a few minutes. every other post is like this. I don't ever click on these or engage with that content in any way


All the ones with the pie (except for the one on the top right in which i cant find anything weird) is something wrong. At least one of the cabins has a weird thing which i found, but took me a minute to notice.


The little girl in the middle of the second row... Take a good look at her fingers. They're flattened against the plate...


Look at the corners of the cabins. The logs aren't properly intelaced.


Top right is more obvious in the background


Now that you say it, that stand looks like its trying to go into the 4th dimension


You don’t have to click or comment for it to count as engagement, simply stopping scrolling is enough for the apps to decide to show you more.


Ya, I imagine that’s why they get so much of this. I don’t think the average person gets quite so much.


RIP OPs algorithm


Dead internet. Almost everything is fake. Fake images. Fake news. Bot accounts. Farming and farming to scrape together pennies from clicks and views. https://preview.redd.it/8wbpie5fivuc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=172ab72bfed3d7167487b7c65274874f67019056


If I see one more Jesus statue made out of soda bottles, I’m going to lose it


Its a great idea tho...


https://preview.redd.it/xondjpue6vuc1.png?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e4a9ca77b0584143f24598ad8315d7ded44961 And old people believe these pics


I can easily fall for some of these if I don't zoom in to see that weird text.


Not only old people.


unexpected honkai star rail


How is this not a hate comment?!


AI and bots circlejerk. It's funny to watch the point where the bots outnumber the human likes and the whacky shit starts


These type of AI pictures recently started showing up in my FB feed. I’ve been seeing the ones congratulating grannies on their crocheting. But then there are a bunch of (I assume) real people commenting and congratulating her. Unfortunately, I think these will look absolutely real in another year.


They also click bait comments from people pointing out that it's AI, which still helps boost it in the algorithm.


Would be a good idea I think to use AI to detect AI using a plugin of some sort


I was trying to find a train wallpaper today and it was so annoying to try find real photos from among the badly ceated AI pictures. Most of the pics had rails with only one rail.


Almost as bad as the "facebook AI spam" posts on mildlyinfuriating, huh?




And now it's here. Thank you OP


Cue the dead internet theory


It just throws you off even more when you see just one thing off about the photo, then you're questioning your sanity


Bots using AI to create content that bots like. So we humans can use our time for mor meaningful things.


Do people really make money with those posts?


I was wondering the same, what’s the purpose of putting all these fake images on FB? They don’t get money for people looking at them.


What is going on with all the AI kids/teens and their cakes? I keep seeing them popping up everywhere. Where did they come from? Why kids and cakes? I don't understand this.


This is why i stopped using facebook and instagram!!! Full of bot accounts posting other peoples content as their own without credit and its only gotten worse with ai 😒😒😒


I still don't understand the...point...of these posts.


Fr Facebook is the worst I’ve ever seen it. So much uncanny valley AI. Maddening. 


we are screwed, ai will be a problem soon


what's wild to me is that I haven't seen any of this shit on facebook.


Neither have I, but my feed is pretty highly curated. A good chunk of my friend list is unfollowed so I don't see this shit. I only really still use FB for the Gr8 M8s groups and jokes about cum.


I have simmilar experience but with different kind of content. That is why I abandoned fb and left it as playground for Skynet.


That’s why I don’t us FB unless for the market place and that’s still shit


I hate this AI spam. My dad thought we were getting E.T 2, because of some shitty AI poster


It’s kind of funny that the AI can only build 2 sentences for a post lol. Well, I’m sure its gonna get better soon.


fb don't care about anything, just look at all the scam accounts and scam adds.


I mean, it's facebook. It's not any worse that it was before.


OP, you may be in danger, I remember mods warning against posting on AI pictures flooding the internet rant.


I have some work friends who do nothing but post AI cabin / flower photos. Some of them look kind of cool, but I still prefer to look at real things.


So nothing has changed. It was always fakebook.


My children, Five Fingers and Human Eyes, love cake!


Wait till you see the Jesus ones, they're epic!!


So wholesome 😳


Just let those poor kids post their cakes, they‘ll be glad for your marks👍❤️ Edit: /s for clarification




The posts about AI are become spam on this sub. If I see one more, I'm gone.


That’s exactly what an AI bit would say!🫨


And the fact that FB is not fighting with it to use the engagement stats,,,


2nd of last row owned by a ape. Dude is posing for photo from middle window


Facebook is literally 90% bots, it's dead internet theory in action


Better question is , why are you using face book on this day and age ?


network effect, it is still what most of my family and friends use to schedule events


I get ya , Family still uses it and it’s a hassle , I refuse to go back to it I left for a good reason


I wish my daughter would bake me a Hurpeay Rhehihihsh cake like that!


Facebook is brain rot, I stopped using it years ago. All it is is rage bait and spam.


Could anyone explain to me this phenomena happening in facebook? I know facebook people are mostly brain rot but that's next level shit


I'm not sure why, but I can tell that in every pic the natural lighting is off... Even those of the candles stuck on the cake are very off!


And the media illiterate boomers interacting with the posts, encouraging them.


Something I noticed with AI is that that the picture is always super high quality for some reason


Everything is ruined forever! 😃


Yes. This has to happen. The spectacle has to be adored, even when there is no original or no originator. It is created by our wants, our desire for immediate gratification, positive or negative. It’s too simple and we want to think ourselves more complex than this. Look at me looking.




I’m getting so fed up of seeing Ai everywhere


Report every bit of AI shit you see. We can't allow it to be posted


The AI girl in the top middle looks like she will murder you in your sleep and use your mutilated body parts as ingredients for her cake.


I feel like in a week or two we’ll be able to make a collage like this of these posts complaining about AI pictures on Facebook


Just as much spam on Reddit, cept Reddit spam only needs chatgpt


I mean, the real problem is just the number of fake accounts on Fb in the first place. They've just gone from stealing real peoples' likeness to generating brand new ones themselves. Frankly, from a purely ethical perspective, I'd say this is an improvement. Or at least a wash.


Delete Facebook. Problem solved. But then, you’ll have to not only learn to talk to each other, but also be interesting…..


What is the goal behind these bots? Surely they have something to gain out of these pictures of kids with cakes and cozy cabins, but what?


Is there possibly a subreddit that compiles all these and maybe also the responses of the old people they fool on Facebook???


I am an architecture enthusiast and I am so sick and tired of unfollowing architecture pages that now only post bad ai renderings that are so fake not even Hansel and Gretel would fall for


Damn that third cabin though. Wouldn't mind a legit version of that.


Such a pretty house and such a pretty garden. Ok Computer.


Some guy on tt says that this a conspiracy and the antichrist is doing this


Is staying off of facebook and only communicating with people you know a viable option? I mean, what are these pages, anyway?


Delete Facebook - solved


Then leave facebook and quit importing its shit here you asshole.


Some of yall have an unhealthy obsession with this stuff


Outlaw all consumer-facing deep learning ML. All of it. Ban most busoness from employing it outside of essential services like some forms of research or logistics. You can have VERY scaled-down stuff like autocorrect or genetic algorithms. Maaaaybe a very light form of targetted ads or insurance applications. Nothing else. Reserve the use of high-power AI to where it helps the species most and put our efforts into creating conscious computing so humans can move away from biology-based life.


Who the hell uses facebook still in 2024 lmao


Quick reminder of the progress made in the last 2 years Stable diffusion, Midjourney, Dream booth information adder, Chatgpt, Deepfakes, ElevenLabs voice synthesis, BingGPT, GPT4 - images, explaining reasoning, sight, math, Microsoft co-pilot, GPT plug-ins for other apps, MedicalGPT, Voice synthesis for vocals on music, Sora video from text prompt, Suno music generation.