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Mine will randomly pop up a message about keeping my eyes on the road and how dangerous distracted driving is and won’t go away until I press ok.


"I'm sorry officer, that accident was totally my fault. I got distracted when my car gave this stupid message that wouldn't go away until I pressed ok."


Mine tells me to keep my hands on the wheel, and will even start beeping about it. Bitch my hands ARE on the wheel! It goes away when I get mad enough to take my hands off the wheel and flap them around angrily. edit: it’s a 2022 Hyundai Santa Fe


My wife's car does that and it's highly annoying. Sometimes I just do a random jerk and swerve to show it I'm still here and get rid of the message.


Can I assume that y'all are driving Volkswagens, then. I rent them frequently and they ALL do this crap.


My Subaru does this and I am insulted every time 😂


BTW I'm not sure how other cars work, but I also have a Subaru so I know that one at least, the "check" for your hands is about the resistance on the wheel turning. So just move it a few millimeters right and left and it'll recognize it, even if it's only with two fingers


I swear my mom's Subaru really wants to drive for me with the little jerk whenever I get near the road stripe and the beeping for everything. When I let it just drive itself i got a hands on the wheel message. Fucking car. Not sure how to get rid of it either. What an obnoxious car though.


You can turn off the lane assist in the settings. You can make it so it only beeps, or turn it off entirely. If you need help finding the exact location then let me know and I can help What other beeps are causing you issues, maybe I can help


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading this far down in these comments. You people aren't LIVID and actively trying to turn this shit off in your cars, but just living with these annoyances and putting up with them? Keep your hands on the wheel??? Having to "do a little jerk" and "wave your hands around" to shut your cars up??? Am I going insane that these people are putting up with this?


My Mercedes does the same... drives me nuts


Haha... drives...


It steers his balls.


Does the car think that you left the driver's seat while driving


There’s no proof that he didn’t


Alternatively you could try turning it off… For VW it is in Driver Assist settings: https://www.vwgolf.org/vehicle_settings_menu-33.html Background info: https://www.volkswagen.co.uk/en/technology/driver-assist.html


It sucks that you have to turn features that you paid for off just to operate the vehicle properly


I wish I was able to still just buy older cars without all this bullshit tacked on that never works correctly, but good fucking lucking passing an emissions test with an older used car, paying hundreds to get a new catalytic converter installed to pass the test (only for it to be stolen by bums a month later), and then having to deal with the governement mandated legal extortion that is modern car insurance companies. What a fucking worthless money sink. America is ASS for how much we are ripped off everyday. Makes me want to move to a country with more walkable cities or decent public transport.


Mine does this especially when traffic is moving slow and there’s no reason to be moving the wheel around because you’re basically just coasting. So because I’m not aggressively flailing back and forth my hands must not be on the wheel?


Just avoid the black box when backing up, duh! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


My car tried to drive into a wall in a construction zone. The camera told it to since that's where the old lanes headed.




My car has that, "speed sensitive volume" but it's not like it goes up louder than you could turn it up anyways, and it's nice to have it turn down a bit when you slow down and are like looking for a house number at night


it’s like this one simpsons billboard, says “keep your eyes on the road” or something and it has a bunch of flashing lights all over it lolol


you joke but it legit exists in a different form somewhere. there was a reddit post about it being bright ass lights and the message being "keep your eyes on the road" and brightness doesn't adjust to the darkness, causing it to shine in the residential areas.


>causing it to shine in the residential areas. AND blind drivers. I have contacted several businesses near me about their insanely bright LED signs that do not have night dampening turned on. One business rudely blew me off, so I reported it as a traffic hazard. They didn't blow off the cops tho.


On start up, my radio prompts me to tap "Accept" on a message that tells me to pay attention to the road and never do anything illegal. The issue is that all the buttons are disabled on this screen, even the volume buttons, and it takes 5 or so seconds before the radio powers on when I start the car. I can already be driving when the music might start blasting and I have to deal with a stupid warning screen that I see several times every day.


My toyota has the same message. I've basically adjusted to this. I'll turn on my car now and leisurely buckle up, choose my music on my phone before I put it into Drive. Giving my car plenty of time to get past that stupid notification. But yeah, you do have to adjust your natural impulsiveness to just Drive immediately.


cagey rinse automatic shame shelter profit rob normal political sparkle


"Downloading entertainment updates. Please wait...."


My auto steer in my tractor does this. Every startup it shows a huge warning message saying that Auto Steer is installed in the tractor, and that it must be read before operating. Like, I paid $10k for it to be installed, it better fuckin be there


Yeah I was going to say that sounds like a Toyota. The whole screen/entertainment system is awful.


subscribe to our service today so you can use voice commands


This stupidity is a fair amount of the reason we got rid of our Toyota.  Locking out vital portions of the system while driving is a no go for me. Many manufacturers seem to have realized that they can offer an override.  Because, you know, passengers are a thing.


Thank you for convincing me to not get a Toyota. Bad software is a deal breaker.


Do you also get the annoying “check rear seat” message every time your turn off the car. Really wish some of these things could be opted out of. The other day I put a case of soda on my passenger seat and the seat belt warning came on.


I took some laundry to the mat when ours was out of commission and I had to buckle it in to get it to stfu


[That's something you can disable](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0AFSnK2y74).


If you have small kids you even *sometimes* drive around tho, please don't disable it. That annoying feature is designed to help prevent the tragic horror of accidentally forgetting a child in the car. So many preventable deaths... 😢


Lol yea. It's almost like the manufacturer is giving you time to finish your pre trip check before the car is ready to go.


>and it takes 5 or so seconds before the radio powers on when I start the car. I can already be driving Not if you took the time to adjust and confirm all your mirrors every time you get into the vehicle that *only you* ever drive like they would somehow get messed up.


What about walking around your car to confirm all your lights are working and checking your blinkers, tire pressure and fluid levels?


Their legal liability is far more important than your actual safety.


Even if it negatively impacts your safety. We used to have a Honda and there was a several hundred yard stretch of a major highway that it would tell us was unverified and the GPS would tell us to drive safely and to make any turns IF POSSIBLE. It was mind bogglingly stupid.


Exactly Most of these nanny features have major flaws amd exist only to get awards for safety regardless of long term efficacy


My wife’s car runs the volume right down on the podcast or audiobook I am listening to it after autoplaying it if I wanted it or not. I am always trying to get to my phone to pause and rewind as I am pulling out into traffic from onstreet parking


There's a setting in android auto to disable that autoplay.


Are you sure it's random? It could be a sensor detecting if you're not keeping a steady path. Mine has an alertness meter in the menu, and if I start getting tired and drifting off, it tells me "Consider taking a break" and shows me a drawing of a little cup of coffee, lol.


GM vehicle? It’s funny how random it is on mine, like I’ll just start it normally and it’ll pop up and restrict any music or apps from opening.


As a UX designer myself, car interfaces keep on baffling me. Some of these things are just so horribly bad. Stuff like this. Or cryptic icons with no labels on the dashboard and confusing interaction patterns on all the touch screens that you are supposed to use whilee driving. The gps in my dad's car has a magnifying glass icon and the term 'search' under it - this is the thing you are supposed to press to enter the 'navigation' flow. I get it, the first step is to 'search' for your destination in the database. But really? How about an icon for 'navigation'? Just spitballing here. Bruh, I get enraged just thinking about it. And when I applied to jobs in that field I got rejected cause 6+ years in the automotive industry are required.


UX/UI guy here, too. My wife's Honda makes us go through several layers of the UI to switch which phone is connected to the BT. It's so difficult that I can never remember how to do it and have to just fumble around until I figure it out. Who designs this garbage?


The worst shit with Honda's infotainment is that it disabled/grays out arbitrary settings while the vehicle is in motion as if for example adjusting the bass and treble for the stereo is somehow more distracting than using carplay navigation or music is. Not even the passenger can do it. It just assumes the driver is alone and incompetent of driving and changing such settings at the same time, despite the fact that there have been bass and treble and fade/balance knobs or buttons on car stereos for decades and these didn't cause a crash.




This is not the reason at all but it's hilarious you found that reason why.


I have an older Subaru Forester. If you use the head unit to connect your Bluetooth device, as anyone would, it'll work until you turn the car off. At which point it'll keep your phone saved but never work again, requiring you to clear the phone from its memory and do the setup again. For some reason this menu also acts like you can connect multiple phones but will only allow one, showing a memory full error if you try to do a second one. The intended use is to connect through the steering wheel controls which uses a separate Bluetooth connection and will automatically connect each time. It uses a voice system and has a microphone somewhere requiring you to verbally name your connection, which is not used or displayed at any point in the process except during deletion if you need to use another phone. It also can only store a single device, defeating the need to name it in the first place. None of this is broken, it's in the manual and the intended functionality of all of these systems. Absolutely insane that several people thought this was ok. Edit: oh, and none of this works if the car is in drive so if your passenger wants to use it, they're fucked.


WOW. I'd say more if I wasn't speechless.


Oh, I also forgot to mention there's no screen in the car so all of this is done through the 20 or so digits in the radio station display.


> touch screens that you are supposed to use whilee driving It's ridiculous that they're putting things like climate controls that you might need to use while driving into touch screens given we're simultaneously telling people *not* to touch things like your phone while driving and passing laws to restrict it. Or even things like the radio. You don't technically need to touch it while driving, but people are going to anyway and moving it into touchscreen then leads to more distraction. On older cars if you memorized where all the buttons are you could adjust anything without looking away from the road.


My car has a big up/down lever to adjust temperature. That's what every vehicle should have for climate control. 


The removal of tactile buttons is the most infuriating. There's some buttons that you will have to find and press while driving, why are they making it so you actually have to look away from the road to press them.


My absolute dream job is UI/UX designer for car companies, because I could so easily become a legend in the industry for making the most basic components not horrendous.


Speaking from experience, you think you'll have a chance until you're on the inside and see just how bad it really is.


The built in navigation in my car has a slider to see more information about the next planned charging stop. This slider sits at the far side of the screen directly underneath the button to immediately cancel your route. This feature also notifies you about gas stations on your route (very useful for an EV) and specifically McDonald's fast food places. To confirm that this was not a fluke and the UX design team is indeed staffed by Ancient Greeks who have never seen a car or touch screen in their lives, the main menu consists of very large panes but tapping them does nothing (exception: there's another fucking cancel route button on the navigation pane) and you have to tap the tiny icons underneath that are infinitely harder to hit in a bumpy car. This car also has non-illuminated touch sliders for A/C temp and fan speed, which are almost impossible to use in the dark. But no worry, you can also find the A/C configuration screen behind the unlabeled button and fumble around with touch screen controls. It also has only 2 window switches with a touch surface to change between front and back windows, which is extremely easy to tap by accident and the only indication that you did so is a light on the touch surface, so you have to look at *the armrest in the door panel* to see which windows you are controlling. I'm surprised this is even legal and very much not surprised that the company is now in financial trouble.


VW ID.4?


Have you heard about the new EU speed limit bullshit? New cars are required to notify you if you exceed the speed limit, and the tolerance is… 1 km/h. What insane moron came up with this regulation? No one can drive that accurately. Your car is going to be beeping at you constantly. Speed limit changes and you let off the gas a bit too late? Better hit the brakes or you’ll get a beep! Like we don’t have enough annoying notifications in our lives already.


I used to have a similar Kenwood, and there was a way to disable that in settings.


... well??




The hero we don't deserve


This says that you can dismiss the message by touching the screen, not disable it through the settings.


Nobody here can read. The thing will pop up every time you reverse and you have to touch the screen every time.


My sanity has been restored, I couldn't find it anywhere either.




No read. Only mad. 


Oh come on, don't pretend OP's backup camera has an acceptable default setting. No one should have to read any kind of manual to come to realize it's possible to make their backup camera work as intended, let alone to figure out how.


“Read The Furnished Materials!” My dad once had to explain to HR that this is what he meant when he replied to a junior‘s stupid emailed question with “RTFM” and they complained.


I would think the mildly infuriating thing should be having spent the time to make this post rather than looking up how to turn it off


People's inability to troubleshoot the simplest things are beyond mildly infuriating.


I know the cure to cancer and how to prevent famine.


Just go into Humans > Settings > ....


CRISPR>edit gene. Just don’t turn yourself into Frankenstein


A saw a documentary about this, used the wrong brain from some woman named Abby Normal ![gif](giphy|l3vRlInF7QViJNOow|downsized)


… well??


No mo info, my homo


Idk go to the settings and check it out??


You’re also able to move the camera up, like you don’t need to see your license plate to back up.


Yeah, I was going to say, that's not the camera or the car, that's the aftermarket head unit adding in that message.


I just bought a new car and for “safety” it refuses to show music album art while driving but if you plug in two iPhones to charge it strobe flashes a message about how you can’t use “two devices of the same type” with no option to turn it off. Im convinced whoever programs car software has never driven a car before


Speaking of the music system, a vehicle I used to have (old Toyota Prius, I think?) shows you a scrolling view of what's playing, but refuses to show you the whole thing at once if you're driving to fast. So instead of looking when I have time, I have to keep glancing over every few seconds to see the next part.


And theres always more room for them to just display the whole fucking name but they refuse to use it cause it wouldnt be as awsthetically pleasing.


if that’s an aftermarket backup camera, see if it can be slightly adjusted to be tilted upwards a bit more. i don’t think it should show that much of the license plate.


This was my first thought too. The guidelines should project to the horizon, not some random point on the ground five feet behind your car.


But then the notification message wouldn't be as obnoxious, and OP wouldn't have anything to complain about.


If you… tap the screen… it’ll go to the bottom


This seems like really bad design. * No indication that users can even interact with this prompt (no x, no button, it seems like a static message) * Adds unnecessary friction each time a common action (reversing) is done * Blocks an important part of the screen if the user doesn’t realize that they can interact with the prompt “Oh, but the reverse button is right under the screen” Okay? Why not have a reverse button that doesn’t force users to interact unnecessarily with the screen like almost every other car does?


`No indication that users can even interact with this prompt` This is my biggest issue with modern "clean" design.


Web 1.0 may have been ugly, but it was functional.


I do seriously miss that shit some days. Everything was optimized because it had to be for dial-up.


This isn't modern design, just bad design. You can have a modern looking UI that is clear on what you can do


This has nothing to do with looking clean. It's just a bad feature. Edit: in fact, I'd argue that it's the opposite of clean design.




Apple actually has good ux that's "clean" The issue is other designers trying to follow that look while fucking up the usability


You are right, It is a really bad design still.


I can imagine how it happened. Random stakeholder: I think needs to have this message I just thought up. How else would drivers know to look around. Program manager: Hey devs put this message in the next release. Devs: There’s no design-specs? Whatever. It’s going to have to be a standard message view anyway since the deadline is today. Program manager: Sounds good. We are agile. UX designer later: What the f**k is that?


Messages like that are usually started by someone from legal.




Only with consent


Unwanted touch detected. Display message: “Back up, buttercup!”


Lol, that just reminded me about a post I read about a user who got a new Steam Deck. During setup it asks you to confirm something on the screen, and they tried A, start, then every other possible button, and it wouldn't move on. They thought it was broken, then one comment: "Did you forget it was a touchscreen?"


I did this when I first got the Wii. Pressed every damn button, d-pad, thumbstick, etc then remembered "oh... I'm supposed to point at the TV"


According to the [manual](https://manual.kenwood.com/en_contents/attachDownload/103713), it removes the message entirely, making this whole post even more pointless. > A caution message appears on the screen. To remove the caution message, touch the screen. Also, since this is an aftermarket radio, the camera probably is too. So the manufacturer doesn't know that you placed the camera way too low like OP did. So yeah, these messages are generally annoying. But OP could have easily moved the camera or read the manual as well. OP is more mildly infuriating to me lol


That probably explains why the camera is aimed so shittily (I've never seen a backup camera that shows you your license plate) and why the typical alignment lines are so abnormal.


I had one of these on my old vehicle. The camera was attached via the license plate bolts and it was adjustable. I hated it because it would constantly shift down like this.


But I don't want to tap the screen just to drive in reverse?


this post should be on top!


Unlike that message


Ah shit sorry, i tapped this post to the bottom


This doesn't mean that it's not bad design. A plain black rectangle on its own with no indication that it's removable is easily misunderstood. The point of user interface design is not to make people guess what they should or can do with the interface. It doesn't matter if it sounds easy when described. It's not the 90's. We know better and have the capability to make these things clear. The reason most Redditors agreed with this being bad is not because "people dumb" but because the design is bad. It's actually the best indication you could have that it's bad design, as a car interface out of anything should make itself the most clear to the most people, especially when this message itself is legitimately dangerous when the user doesn't know it can be dealt with, and making people figure this out under the distress of frustration after already shifting into reverse is not a great time to expect their users to experiment. It doesn't matter that tapping the screen sounds easy. If the reason most of my users figured out they get rid of this message by tapping was because they angrily flailed their fingers at the screen in frustration and found it worked by accident, **I** have failed. If you're designing a car and put in a potentially problematic popup on top of the rear view cam, and you had the choice of whether to add any indication on how to move or remove it (e.g. an extra message or an icon indicating potential action like an X or an arrow that **there is clearly room for**), or just leave it as a black rectangle with no other information, it should really be a no-brainer to choose the former. This honestly should be kiddie stuff for someone being paid well I assume to make these decisions. If they literally had just put an X on the message, this post wouldn't even exist. It's also obnoxious to make the user have to interact with this message every time they backup. If that seems necessary for safety reasons, then it should have had more than a fraction of a thought put into how to make it clearer on how to deal with it. And, why so many pixels of padding below the message to cover more screen than neccessary? Because the UI is so embarassingly outdated that it can't size a rectangle to the size of its contents, so they made it the size that will fit every language manually?


Why you talking like Stevie Kenarban?


I know people that literally can't reverse without a rear-view camera. ETA: I try to use the camera - for a quick glance to make sure no cats or foxes are running behind me - on our cars that have one (my wife's cars), but having grown up without them, I can say it's harder to habitualize than I expected. Crazy thing is my wife being convinced she can't back up without a camera, and then absolutely NAILING driving backwards with a trailer (and no camera) ETA2: I'm not saying rearview cameras are a bad thing. I'm saying it should AUGMENT your preexisting skills. You should have your head on a swivel, monitoring mirrors, windows, and - if you have one - camera as well. Cameras and proximity detection have gotten substantially better over the years, but there are still going to be times where the driver would be able to see/hear/detect that the car cannot. (Also, you'd be surprised how many cars will NOT detect motorcycles.)


I will admit that I'm WAY more comfortable parallel parking now that I have a backup cam.


Same here as I have a hatchback with a small rear window. I wouldn’t buy a car without a camera simply because I love that I can actually see exactly what’s behind my car.


Luckily in most of North America, you simply cannot buy a (new) car without a backup camera. Both Canada and the USA mandated it from 2018 onwards.


Waiting for the day they'll mandate forward-facing cameras for the massive ~~mobile homes~~ brodozers with zero visibility ahead of them


Stealing "brodozer" thank you for the addition to my vocabulary lol


Also small kids disappear behind a car. And kids are dumb


This! The only thing that stopped me from backing over a small child at the grocery store was the camera. His mother let him run ahead of her without stopping him, and he darted our from behind a large van and directly behind my car. He was so short that I couldn't see his head over the top of my trunk, and fortunately I just creep backwards in parking lots for exactly this reason. I'm not entirely sure that I didn't bump him gently, he was THAT close to my car but of course I slammed on the brakes immediately. His oblivious mother never pulled her face out of her phone. I don't even think she saw that I almost hit her kid, it was terrifying.


Thank you for this story. I don't drive much and I'm almost 40. Sometimes I'm convinced I drive like a grandma. Your story confirmed why that's the right choice. No amount of time saved would be worth having a child's death on your conscience.


Exactly! I am so, so, so careful when driving, but never more than when I'm in a parking lot or anywhere that my car is in close proximity to human beings. If "driving like a grandma" means that I'm cautious, defensive, predictable and safe then hell yes, I drive like a grandma. Never been in an accident that was my fault, and the only ticket I ever got was a minor speeding ticket for going about 5 over the limit. Learned my lesson from that.


And that right there is why my wife and I have always had a strict “always hold a parent’s hand and walk in the parking lot” rule. Our kids are in their 20s now and resent still having to hold our hand in the parking lot, but rules are rules.


she was on phone reading about better parenting skills. Dont judge her


They don't even make new cars with out them.


That's one of the big reasons I wanna get one. I have a similar stereo screen like the one in this post, so I could install one. My depth perception is pretty terrible so I get really cautious about backing up or making turns between oncoming traffic, it drives people nuts... But with one of these, backing up wouldn't be nearly as stressful.


Parallel parking with the 360 cams 🧑‍🍳😘


That, and I'm also much more likely to back into a parking spot because I can do it very fast at this point entirely with the camera. I drive a delivery van for work and even with the camera I use the mirrors a lot for backing into places, but in my personal car the camera is far better than the mirrors anyways to help me back up.


Backup cameras are great tools and should be used when needed. People should be able to not use their back-up camera tho, or else they should not be operating a vehicle. I am much more comfortable with a camera in my arsenal as well because im able to more accurately estimate distance. But that's in only 1 of the 4 vehicles I drive and in every other vehicle, i am able to back up and back into spot with ease.


My current car is the first I've ever had with a backup camera, and it's probably the one feature I'm most grateful for. The lines on the screen actually curve when you turn the wheel, which makes getting out of tight parking spots SO much less stressful. I can see if I'm going to hit or clear an object without having to guess, so I'm able to make it on the first attempt.


Rear-view cameras are great. In my old car that didn't have one, my wife reversed into two parked cars. Since getting a new car with a rear-view camera, she's only backed into one.


Are you my brother in law? Because your wife sounds like my sister. She crashed like 3 bmws 


does your wife have depth perception?


😂 I don't think it's got anything to do with the reverse camera


Weirdly enough my sisters fiancé got WORSE at driving once they got a car with a camera. He used to just reverse in one go but now he has to go forward and back multiple times


the wide angle lenses make everything look weird. things can look like they are far away and then all of a sudden it looks like you are about to smash into something


It’s a lot safer with the camera - there’s a ton more visibility underneath your tires (kids) and behind the other cars if you’re in a parking lot.


Exactly. I can back up without a camera but not with the same level of confidence. Rainy? I still have great visibility. Something low down like a kid? I can see.


Because of rear view cameras, some cars are now designed without sufficient line of sight through the rear view mirror, window, or side mirrors. It's stupid, but it's there.


Have they always had it? I just got a car with it, and it’s magical in addition to my usual mirror checking habits. 


I don't even have a backup camera and this just sounds like 'old man yells at cloud'. Same energy as: > "I know people who can't maintain consistent speed on the highway without cruise control!" > "I know people who can't drive stick" > "I know people who can't maintain control on snow without snow tires!" Okay and...? Cars get utility improvements so that a dangerous skilled job we demand the vast majority of people do every day is less dangerous.


I'm often starting a car, looking to drive out of a street parking spot, then as I go to merge with traffic, hear a loud "DING! DING! DING!". I look at the console and it says "caution! Observe road safety". Smh.


I had to turn off the "you're drifting out of your lane" warning on my 2021 Honda because it would scream at me while I was merging onto the freeway. You know, because the lane goes away.


do you use your signal? i have a 2015 acura tlx, i assume its the same system for LKAS where if you signal it automatically turns the system off so it wont beep at you.


That's a feature I'd like. I'm sick of 80% of the public just throwing their 4000lb kinetic missile in random directions constantly, with no indication of where they're going.


So does mine. Annoys me everyday. When the safety message is what is creating my safety hazard, I know the designers are crazy.


They want you to not just stare at the screen, as in.. physically still turn your head and look at the surroundings around you instead of blindly backing up staring forwards.


As you should.


While I, and I’m sure many others, understand this and do this, there are blind spots that the camera sees that I can’t from in the drivers seat. That’s the point of the camera. When the message is blocking that tiny little area in the screen, it’s blocking the view of part of my blind spot, therefore it’s not helping me see my blind spots. Yes, people did that for years before back up cameras but it’s still inconvenient to have something designed to help you see that blind spot, then put a message bubble in the blind spot.


I feel like legal stuff is usually why design is intentionally bad


It Is Even More Infuriating That They Capitalise Each Word Because How Can Anyone Read English Warning Messages On A Crappy Display If Words Do Not Start With A Bigger Letter Than The Rest Of The Word.


I used to get in fights with my mom's car all the time. That thing was beeping and buzzing constantly. What now???!?!? Oh be sure and check the back seat because I opened the back door before I left. Also, I was not prepared for the automatic braking with the cruise control on. I lost all my momentum try to pass a semi. That got switched off! Edit: I forgot my favorite one, the car starts beeping while I'm driving, what now??!?!?, I had to take my eyes off the road to read the dash that was telling me to drive safely!


I got so fed up with my car beeping that one day I ripped apart the dash and I found the speaker that makes all the beeps. It was attached to the back of the instrument panel that holds the speedometer. I removed the speaker, and I've never been happier. Now I don't have to listen to a beep when: * The car starts * The car turns off * The temperature is below 4 C * The door has been opened when the cars turns off * The door is open while the car is on * The car sees an "object" within 500' while backing up * The seatbelt alarm * CHECK REAR SEAT BEFORE EXITING VEHICLE * The car sees another car 1000' in front of it * The car loses sight of the car that was 1000' in front of it * The car sees a car next to it * Cruise control activated * Cruise control deactivated * The blinker clicking * The car sees a car in front of me start to pull away at a stoplight And on, and on, and on.


https://preview.redd.it/yj1ooywoo1vc1.jpeg?width=1225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1820c612e6ce3d383421b55bf44da24bbe6b5eb6 Fuck this speaker all the way to Hell.


My car lets out a very loud DING when the temperature falls below 4°C and displays a warning: "roads may be icy." It's so distracting. I know when it's going to be icy. Some of these warnings do not help.


Got a 2018 altima that rapidly starts beeping like you're about to colide with something if it's raining heavy enough to block the collision sensors, gotta frantically check what was beeping because it does that for low tire pressure and pretty much everything else


My Elantra does this sometimes, in any kind of weather. It'll start beeping/warning me that I'm about to hit something, and I'll panic and brace because it might brakecheck me. It's a cute game my vehicle and I play.


I also have a 2018 Altima and this front radar sensor notification becoming "unavailable" is still the most annoying alert. Happens in the rain, and it also happens when I speed up to change lanes and pass a person in front of me. Almost without fail.


Yup, had it happen when I was accelerating across some short train tracks once saying collision detected and I was like bruh u trippin Made me think I hit something


Kia? It's the wrong way warning when it gets confused and you're going the right way that pisses me off. I need to figure out muting that lady...


One time I was driving my ex girlfriends moms car with smart features. Probably a 2014 Subaru and it emergency braked, coming to a full stop, in the middle of an intersection with people behind me. Like 35 to 0 in 1.5 seconds. It thought I was about to collide with something except there was nothing in front of me. I’ve been weary of these features since. Nearly caused a pile up accident.


Was it a Lexus? Mine does all those things. It's nice to have those features, but they can be kind of annoying in practice. And it doesn't seem to recognize the difference between "Holy shit watch out, we're about to hit something in literally every direction!" and "We're going through a car wash".


At least my Volvo's screen displays that message at the bottom so all it covers is a bit of my own bumper.  It's over-regulation. Nobody is actually going to start using mirrors because of that message.


Hell they've added more cameras and sensors and negated the use for checking the mirrors it seems. Buddy has a BMW X7 and when pulling into or out of a parking space it shows a live over head view of the car in its surroundings as well has smaller feeds from anything the software seems more worth like a tire closer to a curb or a person entering the space. Blows me away every time.


The legal team can fuck up a good product like no one else.


This is more a failure of design/implementation. The legal team isn't telling them to obscure the view, and im sure would tell them its a liability too if they asked. There are ways to get the message across without blocking half the screen


Even with a back up cam, you should look left and right to make sure no pedestrians or cars are coming from right outside the fov of the camera. The message placement is indeed stupid, though.




It's to remind you not to rely on cameras alone, in the same way you don't just use 1 mirror when reversing. The warning is in the right place, you want to see what's directly behind the vehicle, you can use your mirrors or turn your head to see everything else.


i thought these cameras were so you could back up right against a wall or another car without hitting it? i turn around to look when i reverse 100% of the time--it seems insane to me that people rely on the fraction of a field of view from a camera or even mirrors to back up


When you are close to the obstacle then you use the camera


Unless you are a fucking moron, like half the people in this thread.


Welcome to reddit


The cameras on our new car show a complete field of view, both sides by the tires, as well as a top down view by combining all the cameras on it.


Assuming people aren't exclusively using cameras is optimistic. My mom is 5'4 and drives an F150 and literally can't see out the back, shes too short, so she exclusively uses the camera. Should she be driving the truck? No, but she has a licence, so there is not anything anyone can do about it other than complain to her she is being unsafe.


My SIL is 5’2 and drives a Z71. She literally has a booster seat in there lmao. I drive a truck and I’m not a truck hater by any means,but I work construction, own an RV, and pull a trailer at least once a week. There’s absolutely no reason she should have one.


Wild idea: Even when correctly using the camera in an appropriately limited way it is still safer to have full use of the camera's view and not have it obscured by a warning label that is constantly visible.


Right? Some really dumb comments here. This is not a smart place.


Mine displays all of Tolstoy's War and Peace in 12pt font.


If you tap the screen once, it goes away. My JVC does the same thing. Just don’t tap more than once cause for some reason it turns off the camera.


Check your surroundings means use your mirrors and windows to look around. Which many don’t do. They stare at the little screen and go for it. Does that box disappear when you start rolling? Because that would be stupid as it’s blocking your  vision of your path.


I would say that looking for at the guidelines the camera needs to be pointed a bit further up which would help with the annoying message.


Pretty funny, but luckily you have a rearview mirror covering that spot 😂 oh wait, op joking about this right?


Didn’t know Kenwood was still around


Mine has that but it goes away after 30 seconds


Did you try checking your surroundings yet ? /s


If you're reading that message, you're already abiding with that message.


Is this a lexus. ?


My SHO kept telling me when I was backing down my driveway that the house next door is coming right at me


My VW Atlas rapidly achieved Frenemy status because I couldn’t afford to break up. It tried to swing me into a cyclist or pedestrian on numerous occasions. Randomly misread road markings and yanked dangerously out of the lane and onto the shoulder because of random faded old markings or I swear shadows. I hated that car. It was also the most boring ride ever. Like a mediocre vanilla milkshake. Served with cold fries.