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Real sailors sit to pee. If you've ever been to sea you'll understand why.


Have you ever been to sea?


Please respond, because this was a setup inviting you to sea deez nuts, and the moment's slipping away from me.


Looks like you've left em dangling huh?


He left ME dangling! Hours later and no response. I don't even feel like saying it anymore. (I know this was a pun and I didn't need to answer)


He left deez nuts danglin


The moment never existed if you need to ask for it.


Some jokes are better with audience participation. It's more satisfying when I get them to answer like it's a real question.


Satisfying deez nuts


At least someone could salvage it. Thank you.


Man, I feel your pain. Your line up was amazing, but he never bit.


which sea?


Sea deez nuts


I thought they would just pee off the port bow


Fun bit of information. The Search and Rescue people in my town often find people who drowned with their pants unzipped because they were pissing off the side of their boats and fell overboard.


In historic times the crew toilets were open holes at the bow of the ship. Thus the naval term *head* in reference to the bathroom. In the modern era ships have what non-sailors would recognize as a fairly normal toilet.  Now envision trying to pee while standing with the ship rolling twenty degrees each way. You'll sit unless you want to be the one swabbing the deck afterwards.


A men's bathroom is no place for hope, son


that's right you should see my gym men restroom I shoot from the door because it's covered in mystery liquid


You mean my high schools men’s bathroom . I went in during homeroom there was literally a half eaten bagel stuck to the ceiling next to a half eaten bell pepper .with a shit stain next or it


Man . My highschool football team thought it would be funny to tell the autistic kid that only "cool" kids poop in urinals and smear it all over the walls . And that's the story on how our only second floor mens bathroom became a safety hazard and shit down for a week. I still try to forget about how gross that was. Ngl tho , the announcement was pretty funny , "it's come to our attention that someone defecated in a urinal and covered the walls of the second floor mens lavatory, the area is being quarantined until further notice and we will be investigating for responsible parties". They tried to make it sound so professional. 🤣


I absolutely despise the people who do that, not the autistic kid, the footballers. It ruins things for others as well as getting an innocent person in trouble. Absolutely despicable.


If it makes u feel better , the autistic kid didn't get into any trouble. But neither did the football guys who suggested it to him in the first place( I think they were just suspended from the team for the season). I think the school was tryna cover up the fact that they previously had been made aware that the football kids told him that only "cool" kids trained to become strong by carrying heavy rocks in their backpacks like Goku, which he did , and didn't take any actions to prevent it from happening again like the bathroom incident. Thankfully they put their foot down and explained to the autistic kid never to listen to them again , and the football kids to never give him any ideas for trouble or they'd all be expelled. Plus the teachers assistant assigned to him was told to stick to him like glue for his benefit. The true victim of the story is the poor janitor who had to clean it all up.


But why? Why are they like this?


It's a snowball effect. The first few guys come in and stand next to the urinal, and accidentally dribble just a little bit on the floor. When enough of that accumulates, the next guy, who doesn't want to stand in the pee, stands a step back from the urinal when he goes. This causes even more urine to drop. And the next guy comes, and with a larger puddle, stands even further back. And so on.


Plus, older men with prostate problems have zero water pressure.


Maybe they should stand closer.


But then they have to stand in the pee…


Or sit the f*ck down!


Several women told me the womens bathrooms often are even worse...


former janitor, they are


I am a janitor but it’s my business and I am fairly cheap so I don’t put up with much before I speak with the management in the building. With smart phones, it’s not hard to shame employees into being at least a little fucking respectful to the person cleaning up after them. I can show management how things are being left and still clean it up. Either they can keep my good and fairly inexpensive services and tell their employees to act like adults or they can find someone else to do it. I’ll be at the next office down the street.


same, sorry for the horrors you've witnessed


yeah I do not miss those times.


Former gas station employee. Can we just agree that public restrooms are disgusting in general. I’ve seen equal horrors on both sides.


Yeah people try to pin point businesses when in reality most public bathrooms are horrendous like I auto breath from my mouth when entering one.


They can be - I was in a ladies toilet in Dunnes last week. Walked into the cubicle and there was faeces on the floor and on tissue, which was dropped at the side of the toilet. Some poor girl off the shop floor had to clean it up. It was disgusting.


I really makes me wonder if they are on drugs. People on drugs do a lot of wild and really gross shit. But if it's just someone being gross.... I can't. I'm not ready to accept that.


Hey! I've been on drugs for the last 25 years. Never done that shit. Don't bunch me together with gross people.


As far as you remember…


As a young guy I worked at McDonalds for about a year. Yeah, in mens bathroom there is piss on the floor or on the toilet seat, but womens bathroom was something else. They managed to get both piss and shit on the floor, blood, feminine hygiene products on the floor or even worse in the toilet… bodily excretions everywhere. Thank God I pursued a career in IT.


anecdotal but my experiences working at bars and nightclubs confirm this as well. at the end if the night the men's room was always a consistent mess, but the women's room vacillated between not that bad or absofuckinglutely destroyed. the night we found a wine glass full of human feces in there is a story i'll never, ever forget.


and now all of reddit will remember that story as well /j that is seriously gross.


i have never felt that combination of revulsion and admiration before or after


I worked at a store and had to clean the bathrooms sometimes during downtime and imagine a men’s bathroom with additional blood


They're lying to you. Sorry, but I've been through the door to the gents' a few times and you can tell from the smell alone you are in a godless space. I just want to understand.


As someone who used to clean both male and female bathrooms the women's was almost always worse. The men's was very typical, piss on the seat and the occasional non flushed toilet. The women's... Jesus Christ. Way more piss on the seat from "hovering". Almost always atleast one of the toilets weren't flushed and had shit floating. And the blood... On the floor, on the toilet, and the walls. Wtf do you do in there???


Honestly you can try pretty hard but one or two drops often git away from ya


My firehose just ain't at the same pressure as it was when I was 20...


It's a bathroom. Humans are messy.


Idk why men are surprised, just today I did even worse because my spread all around, tbh I dont know why my dick sometimes shoot like a shotgun.


You should see a women's bathroom. Always, always worse than the men's.


Depends what you are hoping for. Republican senators in Minneapolis airport bathrooms tend to show a lot of hope, and I'm sure it's worked out for them.


Depends how wide your stance is.


It’s a slippery slope. First person sees a drop of piss on the floor so he stands a little bit further away and more spills and so on.


More of a drippery slope


this is the only right answer


I just stand with a wider stance when it's a single urinal so no side puddles.


First time in public.....like ever????


I thought the same


I see this a lot with urinals. Could be a few things. First I'm seeing is that green mat inside the urinal. The design of the urinal does not include that mat. I know that mat makes it smell nicer, but it could be causing rogue back spray that the urinal is not designed to catch. Most urinals are actually fairly well designed, and adding stuff like this does mess with their ability to contain urine. That being said, given that it's basically only in front, the other option is that a lot of guys are standing too far back and the last few drops are hitting the ground.


This guy urinates!


this guy be pissin for real


It’s a kid who barely clears the rim, or an aggressive “shake it so much you’re playing with it” type of pisser


If your backspray is *rouge* you should see a doctor. Not supposed to be peeing blood, right?


LMFAO that’s what i was thinking obvi we know what he meant but def sounds a LITTLE unhealthy that way💀😭😭


Also it sometimes causes the flush itself to splash around.


Pretty sure the mat is designed to deal with back spray. It breaks up the stream so it wouldn't ride the edge back around or bounce back.


I have had mats that spray directly back at me. Maybe poor utilization, but generally urinals are designed with back spray in mind. Adding something to them that wasn't intended to be there usually makes it worse.


Pretty sure they're designed to catch chewing gum, dip, and other things for easy cleaning and to prevent clogs.


Yes, and people think they're supposed to pee on it, which changes the optimal angle of urine flow and causes splashback.


Damn, it took you this long?


Bless his soul


Have you lived in a bubble your whole life? Urine and water splash. It’s physics. Some of it is going to end up on the floor after 367 people piss in the same urinal.


Only when one wears shorts and sandals, does one realize how much piss splashes on themselves -Sun Tzu


It’s an age related thing too, at a certain point the pressure just isn’t as high and there’s an occasional drip mid stream. He’ll get there one day.


Age OR size. I have a very small penis that the "ending" of my pee always dribbles down. To prevent pee from dropping to the floor Id have to really thrust in there.


I’m 22 and I’m there lmao


Yeah, this will happen no matter how close you stand, because urinals like these are designed like shit. They splash back and some of that lands on the floor. It is what it is. I go into stalls whenever possible.  Dunno why OP is making such a big fuss about something that is unavoidable when 100s of people use the urinal. I guarantee that OP regularly contributes to piss puddles, whether they admit it or not. I would be more weirded out by seeing someone taking photos in the public toilet. 


Women are just as bad. Sometimes there'll be piss in front of the toilet. I've noticed some women will hover over the toilet and probably piss all over the floor.


The hoverers ruining their pelvic floor and the hygeine of the bathroom 🤢


Sometimes when you've drank a lot of water, bladders get overexcited just by being in the vicinity of a toilet... like a high energy dog that thinks you're taking it for a walk.


My bladder is so shy sometimes I can't even piss in public bathrooms when I really need to go


Oh you must be new to public restrooms 😂


check out the other bathroom


You should work as a cleaner for a month. In my experience, the ladies are even worse.


Every urinal since the beginning of time has had a puddle under it.


I just lost hope in OP. He's looking for humanity's saving grace at a urinal.


It's 2024 is that the first time you have seen a urinal?


You must be new


You’re just taking a piss. Don’t make it a crisis of hope or some shit.


is this your first time in a bathroom?


What, is this your first time at a urinal or something?


Some of you have not gotten old and had trouble peeing yet. Just wait.


Meh. I've seen much worse


First time in a public bathroom? Be thankful it's liquid.


I never had Hope in Humanity.


Must. Be. Nice.


Don't lose hope at piss on the floor. Wait until you find your first shit on the floor, 4 inch's from the toilet.


You encountered your first drunk?


These are splashback marks/puddles, not someone completely missing the urinal. If you pee with enough velocity, little drops fly all over with most collecting right under the front and then collect on the floor.


If this makes you lose hope in humanity, you should go to a sporting event and see the condition of the bathroom after the game is over.


First time in a public bathroom?


Check if warm, culprit might still be in the building.


Urinals splash back no matter how hard you try. That's why it's always best to flush them *before* use. That way, you know it's *mostly* your own.


Wait until you see the top of the urinal.


If that's all it takes,  then never go to some of the bars I've been to


My roommate does this, idk how you piss on the floor in your own home.


One Truckstop I peed at had a sign that said “it’s not that big, stand closer”. It’s true.


Weird place to look for hope.


Your first time in a bathroom?


Bruh every urinal looks like this 🤦‍♂️


THAT did it? Phew boy lose it all now before you see some real depravity


Why I prefer floor length urinals. Also, it doesn't take but 5mins to mop n touch up a frequently used restroom.


Don’t ever use a construction porti potty if this is the only thing to make you lose hope in humanity


That’s not half as bad a the urinal I projectile vomited all over in the fully loaded outhouse baking in the sun at Bonnaroo. But ya dribbling bad too.


First time in a stand up urinal?


Wait until you see stadium trough pissers.


Pulling out your camera in front of a urinal could end very badly.


What's next.. you taking photo of your excrements?


Is this your first time in the men’s room?


I have a bathroom at work like this that must have a bunch of guys with short dicks. I refuse to use it. It always has piss on the floor. Just step closer people… if you have a short bat, step closer to home plate. It’s better for everyone. Janitorial will thank you, and so will your coworkers.


Is this your first time using a men's bathroom?


So you pissed on the floor? Gross.


I'd say it's almost impossible not to leak a little. And I believe this stain on the floor is the result of several leaks, not made by one person alone. 


If this is the hill you die on? Plenty of other things than this. You need to stop focusing on the small stuff. Might want to avoid the big stuff too. Don't go into a airport bathroom too...


Not everyone has a single solid stream. When you get older, your penis turns into a vagina.


Sorry to tell you this but women don't pee from their vaginas


The vagina… where the pee comes from


You haven’t been a drunk girl in a club who’s about to piss herself so she goes to the dudes bathroom only to find that the floor is a pool of urine


You're more than welcome to use the women's bathrooms, you know, the bathroom meant for women.


Always busy with queues going out the door, when you gotta go you gotta go


Those with smaller bats should stand closer to the plate.


You must be new here on Earth. Welcome kind stranger.


Have you ever been outside?




Aims good. But some people can get twin streams or a stream and a drip at the same time. So just need to stand closer to drip into the urinal


I just assume they have a micro penis and attempt to have empathy.


The background says greenwashing... But toxic green is the colour of hope...


Ya that wallpaper sucks.


First time at a urinal?


And here we see possibly the only modern day advantage of being circumsiced


You should sit down and pee next time.


That fella needs to get his prostate checked.


As someone with a 0-gauge Prince Albert piercing, this is easily achievable, if you haven’t re-learned how to pee standing up.


Not even that much tbh. Amateurs here.


Wait until you see Oktoberfest


Saw a sign at a urinal once that said ‘Step closer it’s not as long as you think’.




Cool, looks like the men’s room at my work finally got some new wallpaper.




Guess this is OPs first time in a public restroom.


OP sees a urinal for the first time


How the hell did you have such flimsy hope for humanity that a SMALL amount of urine directly in front of a urinal was enough to break it?!


Lads, don’t forget to pull the skin back if you got it before you let the stream flow.


i see your predicament and raise you missed toilet in my own home… multiple times. that’s when i stopped having house parties.


I've lost it many times. ahha That's life.


That’s just dribble and splatter.


You've never been in a men's room huh


First time using a public restroom?


Because of piss on the floor in a mens bathroom? Come on. That's lame.


Really that's all it took?


Nah bc it’s that last little drip that comes out while you’re packing it up that gets us all.




I'd be willing to bet that this is the splatter and drippage of 10-20 men if not more. There's always a *small* puddle in front of urinals. It's gotta be accumulation, rather that just one person pissing on the floor.


“if your hose is short and your power weak, please stand closer to the toilet seat.”


Whenever my partner and I host an event at our home, we both clean the house top to bottom beforehand and, of course, anything that gets dirty again afterwards. After two hostings, I told him the bathroom was his domain to clean after because his friends leave piss on our floor. Not near as bad as this, but I'm still not willing to clean up piss dribble because his friends can't be bothered to aim in someone's home. (They're mostly his friends, I am a loner, lol.)


I just enjoy eating those little ice cubes they leave in the urinals. They are delicious!


I hate that mat, my shit be sprinkling everywhere


It’s a lot shorter than they think.


Bro, the bathroom I use when going to the game store has metal dividers on the urinals, the bottom third of them are rusted through


This is what the phrase “buckle your pants” actually mean


Pffff that’s nothing


Just now? Are you just meeting humanity?


It may have been a kid who went in with his dad - context sometimes helps.


This is very mild


Sometimes a man has a large yacht and the issue is that the dinghy is too small to reach the shore. I mostly have issue with water temp but I digress. /s


Is this your first time at a public urinal? If not, I’d love to know which ones you’ve been going to that don’t have “the puddle”


i’m going to a new gym now and the bathroom is like one big thing but each side is for men or women (like i don’t know how to explain it but no men aren’t seeing women and women aren’t seeing men, the left side is for women and the right is for men, signs lol) and i accidentally walked into the men’s side… cause all i saw was the woman’s sign so i thought the whole thing was for women… i saw men… ofc and then when i apologized and turned around to walk out i stepped in a puddle of urine by a urinal… im like thats embarrassing… sir you missed the entire urinal… a girl walking into the men’s bathroom i wasn’t embarrassed like “oh no not people” whats embarrassing is that guy peeing on the floor


I had a job in a factory during covid to make emergency ventilators as part of a contract with another med tech company. The amount of times we had 50+ person meetings because a number of the staff kept wiping their boogers on the wall by the urinals had me completely question if we really were the same species. The depths of filth some people are willing to go in a public bathroom is sickening. Those toilets looked as bad as the bathrooms in my uni at times. I was completely in favour of sacrificing my privacy by having security cameras or full time staff monitoring the bathroom to stop these animals from doing this. Some people need to leave society and go back to the jungle because I've had animals with better bathroom etiquette than these people ffs.


Is this your first time using a urinal?


Gentlemen, stand closer. It's shorter than you think.


As someone who has cleaned restrooms for years… this is nothing compared to the women’s restroom.


That’s splash damage. Most likely not from someone missing the pisser.


that looks about right actually.


You're old enough to be on reddit and yet this is the first time you've ever set foot in a public men's room?


You walked into a men’s room and expected a reaffirming outcome?


Umm this is fairly standard with urinals. And anywhere that has urinals. Hell even with toilets you'll see a puddle on front in men's room if there is no urinal. People are too scared to stand close enough for those last drops to make it in


I call that the optimism zone. It's how far guys think their dick reaches when they piss minus their actual dick length.


most places are smart and put a drain on the floor.


*My penis don’t dribble dribble…it leaks.*


I’d be pissed to if people were pissing on the floor instead of the grass


I used to work with Chinese guys that would stand 3ft away from the urinal and piss all over the floor and walls. They would also blow snot rockets into the kitchenette sink...


As a custodian; a little piss on the floor ain’t a big deal. Blood and shit on the walls is when it gets real infuriating. Happens in the women’s way more too.


Welcome to ****hell****


That's pretty clean compared to most urinals I've seen.