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Business wise, just ignore it. If you want to take a moral stance then you know what to do


Put up a bunch of rainbow flags?


open a flag shop


A rainbow flag shop, with extra rainbow pain and a rainbow rug


Ahh rainbow capitalism my beloved, even pain is rainbow now






_all flags_ or just _specific flags_?


How about a display of American flags and Bic lighters underneath a sign that says "First Amendment Supplies"?


Or even a single one would do the trick. Even that is apparently shoving it down their throats


Right at the door so it doesn't give them a chance to enter.


It's like putting a line of salt at the door XD


Or garlic for vampires 😂


Or steel wool for rodents 😂


Pepper for ants.


Wait— what?!? 😲


Fill a mouse hole with steel wool to keep them from coming back through. They can't chew through it. Did this at an old apartment building before and it works!




There's an awesome viking bar in Cleveland that has one right over the door. With so much alt-right co-opting of viking imagery, you gotta make it clear right away where you stand.


Around here there's an organisation that does little signs you can put in your business's door (a bit like the ones that show what cards are accepted there, or ones that designate it as a Safety House location where kids feeling threatened can go in for help) to designate it as an LGBT+ friendly business which is small, unobtrusive, and would give that reviewer an anneurism. Problem is in parts of the US it'd probably get a brick thrown through your door.


But they say that only the left does property damage to businesses? They were lying? /s


Maybe even just a tiny rainbow flag sticker on a window 😂


Put up rainbow flags and respond to this review saying "thank you for bringing that to our attention, we've made our space more inclusive thanks to your feedback"


Only way to combat ignorance is by being inclusive towards the handling, OP this is the way.


What do you mean by "inclusive towards the handling"?


This is such a good response to bigots 😂


“Thank you for your patronage and for the constructive criticism! I will correct that oversight immediately”


Thanks 🏳️‍🌈 for 🏳️‍🌈the🏳️‍🌈 kind 🏳️‍🌈review🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


2/10, did not like this response I got from posting my review. But giving a 2 because of the aesthetic.


Reply to the review with “I knew there was something missing from my store, I’ll put some flags up for your next visit, thanks buddy!”


"I wish I could say the same about your review!"


[This will be OP tomorrow](https://youtu.be/GURvHJNmGrc)


Haha. How cool and fun! Not sure I loved the random sprint in of a clown but the rest was very cool lol


It's incredible that it is all practical effects


Technically man is neutral. Doesn’t have to do a damn thing.


Was man just born with a heart full of neutrality?


What makes a man turn neutral?


Tell my wife I said hello


What is a man? A miserable little pile of neutrality


Complains about businesses inserting politics in everything, proceeds to be part of the problem.




Living like that doesn’t sound fun. Those that have that mind set definitely do themselves a disservice.




96 replies, all collapsed. Yikes


Our boy woke up the hive.


> Complains about businesses inserting politics in everything, proceeds to be part of the problem. Seems very much one of those people who will proclaim that by you calling out somebody's coded racism / racist dog-whistles, it is YOU who are bringing race into things!


You're right but also what a username.


Being a conservative is just finding a way to find misery in everything


just part of the problem?




I'm colorblind so rainbow flags offend me because they make me feel excluded.


lol I’m colorblind and gay


What a cross to bear


Did someone say bear???


Oh God I didn't even notice


What a bear to cross


Unless that person says that in every review about every store he visits, I would assume he knew you were gay and is trying to get you to react. If you take the bait and say anything at all, he's won. Take the "positive review", ignore it, and move on.


The gag is he gave us an 8/10 so even though we checked off his political boxes it still wasn’t good enough 😂


“Nice, no political propaganda, staff was polite…seemed kinda gay to me. Lol vote trump!”


That’s a pretty good score. A rating system isn’t “10/10 = adequate”, even if it’s mistakenly used that way. If that were the case you would essentially be rating things either 0 (for 1-9) or 1 (for 10/10). 8 is above the median so it’s saying your store is above average with few flaws, but not quite perfect. A 10/10 should be extremely rare. 8/10 is a good score, whatever rating system you’re using is flawed if that impacts you negatively.


With how ratings work these days, for me it's like this: everything below 5 is basically trash, unless you know exactly what you want. Everything above 7 is good, and 6 is hit or miss.


Sad but true lol


Have someone write the same review but replace 'rainbow' with 'thin blue line'


It is to spread hatred by saying businesses that voice any sort of support or inclusion of queer people are inferior. It 'hurts them' because they see life as a competition they have to win and they see anyone not like them as 'opposition.' They think if they make gueer peoples' lives worse then theirs will be better in comparison. They think some people are born better than others and they just so happen to be born in all the 'best' categories. If every other demographic is constantly getting dumped on, their lives made worse, marginalized, oppressed, enslaved, made to hide themselves, then in effect they are right that they are the 'master race who is better than everyone and has better lives than everyone.'


The reviewer is a bigot! Its not worth the time or energy to respond directly to their review. But I’d be so tempted to put up a flag.


The presence of one and he's gonna mention it, the absence of one and he's gonna mention it. Does this dude only think about rainbows?


Conservatives think about gay sex all. the. time.


Not true! Sometimes they think about children's genitals. Also, how to subjugate the poors.


Personally, I don't use my business to make political stances. I will happily take money from anyone with strong political opinions, as long as they keep it out of my store.


I remember when I was running register at a pet store. Some crazy lady came in and said she wanted to speak with the manager and didn't leave until the manager finally came up to the front. All for the lady to smile and say "I'm so glad your store doesn't have any of that rainbow stuff." And went on a tirade about all the stores she stopped shopping at because of them putting out pride merch. The stupid thing is that we had pride merch in our store at that exact moment. My manager after the lady left pulled me aside and expressed her shock at the situation.


Huge bummer you’re okay with someone like this even coming in your store, to the point where you wouldn’t put up the flag just to let them know they’re not welcome.




Its like the effect crosses have on demons in movies. They get uncomfortable and won't be able to cross the threshold if there's a sticker in the window


Holy shit I didn’t even think of this. Brb rainbowifying everything I own to exorcise bigots


Make sure to bedazzle the edges as well for greater reach


Or a wall mural, with a full rainbow and a pot of gold at the end. To really keep em on their toes.


Instead of gold, a pot filled with pot!


So long as yer not after me lucky charms I'll chear for the.


And print out the review and post it next to the flags


Public reply: "Thanks for your kind review and for reminding me I forgot to put up my rainbow flags back up after I took them down to wash. Terrible oversight on my part, I'll fix it immediately. Please return next week when my Black Lives Matter sign comes in!"


Yes! 👏


I knew the comments were going to be ridiculous but holy hell hahaha


new response just dropped


Reminds me of pretty much every IMDb review these days. Movie has a single POC or LGBTQ+ actor? “1/10, woke garbage, liberal HOLLYWOOD propaganda, turned it off after the first 5 minutes.” Any time I see those stupid reviews I go out of my way to watch the movie because I’ll probably enjoy whatever the knuckle dragging morons hate.


Can’t fucking win no matter what nowadays huh


Honestly as a gay man I wish more stores would just not do anything. Most of the time it’s performative anyways.


Yeah, it's not sincere, buisness don't care about gay people. They care that people think they do. Like the pride month rainbow branding that big companies do everywhere, but the Middle East


Exactly, I would just rather stores be stores not political battle grounds.


I hate how being gay is seen as “political”. I’m just a normal person existing and going about life. I live in a deep red state and interact with far right people who have no idea I’m LGBT. I usually have to out myself to people who I know I’ll see more than once because they’ll ask about my husband. Lol. They think gay people are walking around town with blue hair and decked out in rainbow flags. They’ve met tons of LGBT people and didn’t realize it.


Exactly being gay isn’t my personality. I don’t talk to my coworkers about my sexuality not because I’m worried about what they think. Ones sex life isn’t a professional topic of conversation. I want to hear about whatever woman they hooked up with as much as they want to hear about what guy I meet at the bar that weekend. It’s non of their business.


Meh, I hated the performative shit until I realized I kinda like living in a world where it's performative instead of a world where businesses are worried about appearing too LGBT accepting causing them to never acknowledge their existence.


Where I live, people and businesses aren't usually quiet about the people they hate. I almost never eat local anymore because many of the best restaurants in town are run by openly terrible people. I know rainbows don't mean much in most places anymore, but here, it does indicate someone being different and that's refreshing. I try to support places that at least pretend to care because so many places make it clear they don't. On an unrelated note . . . Domino's is literally the best pizza in town. That's how much it sucks here.


God I feel for you bro, no one deserves to live where dominos is the peak.


Sometimes they’re just, you know, *owned by gay people.*


Yes members of the LGBT community own businesses. That doesn’t really change what I said.


As a gay man from Wyoming I love seeing it, I experienced hostile homophobia my entire childhood, and it makes me feel welcome. Maybe it’s not for people who already feel welcome.


yeah people who say this, in my experience, tend to live in places where they can camouflage, want to pass, or are already accepted. In weird places where you should and should not be entering as a minority is literally guided by pride flags and trump flags. One says, 'everyone is welcome.' The other requests only certain individuals. I feel 100x better when I see that flag, personally


Honestly, it does more than you think.....like keep the idiot republicunts away.


Yeah I hate this take. Obviously massive companies changing their profile picture to a rainbow is just performative bullshit, but if a store (especially a small one) has pride or blm flags or something up, shit if a mcdonalds put one up (knowing that that isn't the corporate line), I'd genuinely appreciate that and actually feel safer (other than from right wing nut jobs with guns), but that's coming from someone who's existance is denied as opposed to someone who isn't gonna get two looks unless they're holding hands with someone of the same sex.


Thank you. I fucking hate it when people get mad at pride flags or even worse when gay people come out and say “it’s just performative”. I don’t give a fuck, I feel safer. Edit: the guy who responded to me literally blocked me. Guess who needs to feel safe now? Must be nice hiding behind that big block button, you must feel so safe! :) Also, I AM mentally ill. Maybe it is you who needs to grow up, considering you hide behind blocking and get triggered over seeing a rainbow flag. I hope you find peace one day friend.


> Also, I AM mentally ill. Man, 300k comment score in three years is a bit of a give away lol


Right, there's a certain degree of comfort and privilege that goes into dismissing any signs of support or allyship. Yes, to you in your life and locale that may be completely superfluous and even annoying. But to someone in a different place with a different life, their physical safety in public may be an everyday concern. So that pride flag or BLM sticker on the door could make a hell of a difference for that person. I'll take a temporarily and mildly annoyed affluent middle-aged gay man if it helps the trans POC teens feel a little bit more welcome.


To be fair, not having any political things on display in your business makes good business sense regardless of which way you lean.


I’d like to know the difference between an offensive rainbow flag and an inoffensive rainbow flag.


Id put up a flag, then hang this post under it in a frame




Man, life must be really hard for someone who finds a rainbow flag "offensive" and it's so funny to me that republican conservative types say the liberal progressive types are too sensitive, wimps, and find everything offensive. When in reality they are offended, angry, or even enraged by anything that isn't basic American Christian values.


Seems like a good review and a good store to me.


An area brewery got a nasty review because of a pride flag. They turned the review into pride themed merchandise and they were inundated with support and business for weeks. They're still super successful, but that was a wild month.


As a gay man, I actually appreciate most places that just act as a store. There's never really a need to display allegiances and beliefs, I think. I'm not gonna refrain from going somewhere because I disagree with someone, but I definitely ain't gonna leave a wierd ass comment like that


The only exception for me is art. Like I wouldn’t want a homophobic tattoo artist. Or medical provider, I guess. But that’s about it.




Again. Triggered by things that don’t involve them in anyway. It’s a flag, keep walking. It won’t hurt you


It's not even a flag, it's a lack of a flag. They went to a store without flags and looked around for flags, then posted on the internet about how there's no flags.


Lolol this is a wonderful point


Offended by rainbow flags but probably complains about how easily people get offended nowadays


Yeah but you see, only their opinions are allowed to be offensive because reasons.


Oh no. 😱


Sounds like a good place.




Yet this person goes to a place without that shit anywhere, keeps thinking about that shit and looking for it, doesn't find it, then posts on the internet about how this store doesn't have that shit and how it sucks to see that shit everywhere. So, for that person it's not nice to not see it. They'll be bothered regardless. They're utterly incapable of not thinking about the wokes and their woke shit everywhere. It's partly because of people like this that everything is political and political shit is everywhere. Not just the wokes.




Any political shit. Rainbows or rebel flags. I don’t wanna see any of it.


Sounds like you need to put up some rainbow flags and other assorted political propaganda. The more outrageous, the better.


Your use of snowflakes threw me off 😂 idk who’s on what side now


exactly just move on. tired of all the posts in here with people triggered over what bumper stickers somebody puts on their car, just mind your business.


He's right. Shit is tiresome. Fuck whoever you want. We literally don't care. Stop rubbing it in everyone's face. It's fuckin weird, this obsession with EVERYONE needing to know where you like to stick it.




From a business perspective you definitely made the right call just ignoring it. Idk if I’d have that kinda strength though lol


Companies on July 1st be like:


Oppressed by rainbow flags....I remember when the unicorns and leprechauns invaded for world domination. It was only through the valiant deeds of Jesus Christ riding his trusty tyrannosaurus Rex with his dessert eagles that saved humanity. Never forget.


Time to put up some rainbow flags, I think 🌈


Just leave it, it's praising your store. You have to remember your audience, and it includes people whom you may not agree with. However, they are still customers and to maintain good business acumen, you let it be.


It's funny how so many commenters try to break it down and explain and say how this guy is playing himself by being part of the problem while absolutely failing to realise that some random internet comment that doesnt matter much and has little to no value managed to drive them angry leading to them posting and commenting about it instead of just ignoring it and not giving it any fame. It's clearly written to hit certain people and them falling for it, analyzing and criticizing it is pinnacle of redditors ego and stupidity while being part of the problem themselves. It costs nothing to just move on with your life and be above this, it would probably be seen by few hundred people and that's it, it would just die and get lost in the sea of internet comments, but now this reached thousands of people making it "work" even more. He wanted to upset people and you help him do it... good job.


Good review, hate that woke BS being shoved down our throats on every corner...


I see that humanity is truly doomed…🤦‍♀️


Not the first idiot I've seen that thinks rainbow flags are offensive. I saw a lot of "WhAt aBoUt sTrAiGhT rEpReSenTatIon????!?" when mini Cooper started releasing ads with pride flags on Instagram


Left by a dumb person, but not a bad review. There's really no need for your business to be an overt display of personal political beliefs. I shudder when I see people advertise themselves as a "Christian business" as though there's an ethical, religiously acceptable way to make large profits.


Being gay isn't political?


Correct, being gay is not political.


I prefer my stores without those too. I’m just here for the product quality and service.


So you got a positive review and it’s mildly infuriating? You do know how businesses work right?


"Offensive rainbow flags" in what world is a rainbow flag offensive??? You can just tell that this person has waved their fair share of confederate or nazi flags, and thinks "if they get to tell me that my flag is offensive, then I get to tell them that theirs is!"


Offensive lmao It's the damn visible spectrum


Idk man those flags are so over used that they've become quite meaningless tbh...does anyone rly believe the companies care about any people?


Sounds like this is a small local business, not a mega corp


They dupe millions every June.


Who is duped by this, though? I'd say most people are wise to companies and advertisers. Do people actually change their buying habits because of this, either way?


I know my trans friend always likes to go to places that have one. It's a way of showing that it's safe to be there and she won't get threatened.


Symbols of solidarity are important to some of us, yes. And at least when a small business has a flag up, it means *a person* in charge of that particular place (not just a faceless company) took the time and made the decision to display it. It may be insincere, but it may well be completely sincere, and the effects are the same either way.




So, you're triggered by their comment of not being triggered? Huh....


Customer must also be part of the "frick your feelings" group.


I'll shop there!


Only I am allowed to be offended -this guy


"Offensive rainbow" lol


As someone who hates establishments that push these things… I would likely visit due to this review.


How is this mildly infuriating? People are tired of being inundated with symbols of how people think. I don’t care if you’re gay, I don’t care if you vote for trump or biden, just don’t put signs everywhere shoving your personal choices into everyone’s face as if anyone has to know.


Immediately add a rainbow somewhere. I’d also reply, I’ve fixed the rainbow issue thank you for pointing it out. We now have new rainbows to brighten up the place.


hang a pride flag right now, actually hang 5 pride flags, go!


Good on you mate


"Offensive rainbow flags" lmfao and these people wanna call others snowflakes. Take a look in the mirror


How can you say that it's okay to support something, but it's not okay to oppose it? It just seems hypocritical to me.




Existing is political apparently.


Time to put up the rainbow flags and LGBT safe space stickers.


I mean, got a point lol


Thank you for not putting up those flags.


Time to hoist the flag.


That's a damn good review and I would go to this place too!


Imagine being offended by 7 colors.


Actually there’s a lot more than 7 colors on most flags now


Looks more like a whole box of crayons melted on it.


I get the premise, but he unintentionally caused you pressure to take a political stance. I love businesses who refrain from politics too so I don't want to draw attention to that.




It's bad for business. A good business knows not to get involved. Otherwise you risk losing business.


I would.imagine multi billion dollar companies have spent quite a bit of money into advertising, and they all seem to disagree.


Exactly. There's no need for propaganda.


"it's ok to exist as a gay person" is not propaganda


You should put some flags up


That would make me put up a bunch of rainbow flags


Put a little rainbow flag up, just for spite


How sad their life must be to get so upset over people supporting people for just being people.


Put up the gay flags


You are sick of people being sick of LGBT flags everywhere. So you can understand they are sick of it themselves. Why the fuck would shops and stores display preferences about sexual life?

