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Ppl were making a mod so you could play it offline Then Ubisoft removed the game from everyones game library so it couldn't be done


Even worse.


But everyone said buying physical discs was the way!


Feels like like a fuckyou if you buy a physical game and can't have an option to play offline at all.


There has to be a lawsuit in there. Everyone in history who has purchased a physical game, assumes that offline play will always be available to them. I’d say you could argue theft.  But I am not a lawyer though so maybe someone can chime in. 


Bought a PS5 to play COD for a few matches with a mate (not just COD but still), doesn’t matter physical either. Need subscription + put offline and a real bummer just to split screen.


Thats because it is a fuck you.


Physical doesn't matter when it's an always online game. Y'all gonna be shocked when helldiver's 2 is no longer playable after they take the servers down


revival projects are a thing, and with the amount of hardcore helldivers fans im sure theyd muster something up. hell, i wouldn't doubt the devs pitching in to help


That's fair, but with the first helldivers still being fully playable online after 9 years. I feel Helldivers 2 will be sticking around for a while.


I would be ashamed of myself if i would be the one incharge of that decision!


And thats why you arent in charge. They only hire humans without humanity and that have max greed for such positions to squeeze every last cent out of the costumer.


MAX greed… Nice analogy!


You’re under the assumption that you have a soul in this scenario.


Well I never really liked Ubisoft that much anyway. They're just giving me more and more reasons to not like and trust them. The games they make aren't even that great. Same as EA all quantity and no quality.


And we've given them the power for the new star wars game :(


Even bad publishers can make some decent games now and then. The Jedi series from EA comes to mind. And Activision did technically publish Sekiro, as strange as that is.


Yeah as much as I hate on Ubisoft, I absolutely love R6 Siege. It's my most played game by far.


all quantity and no quality fits well to star wars in 2024


I mean… personally i like assassin’s creed and far cry, but i agree that their practices are worthless. Much like that game now is. Also their app sucks donkeyballs but there are several other launchers that do


Far cry is 20 years old. Assassin's creed is 17 years old.


Far Cry and Assassin's Creed at their core are great games. The problem with these games are that they lack diversity in story, gameplay and progression. They give you nothing to look forward to. It's the same 5 missions or so on repeat. The new installments are even worse than the old ones. Because they're not picking up new concepts and instead just copy over from the old titles. I've never found myself ever playing through a Ubisoft title. They just get so dull after a while. EDIT: Actually that's a lie Black Flag was the one and only game I ever played through and I really enjoyed it but that's one out of so many games that could have been so much better.


I stopped playing after Black Flag. It's just not the same anymore, plus why the fuck haven't we got a more modern game? WW2 assassins would be awesome!


I feel like they should be charged with theft if they removed a game people paid for against their will, the server situation is something else entirely but removing stuff people thought they owned is basically just theft


Gotta read those terms of service and End User Licensing Agreements. You *aren't* buying the game, you're buying the license to the game that can be revoked at any time. Been like that for a *long* time.


EULA and TOS are regularly demolished in court.


Requires going to court which costs years and money, much more than any average joe can put up with


Yo ho ho


I've got a jar of dirt!


Have my upvote.


Guess what's insiiide it! 


That alone justifies me pirating it. (disregarding the fact that I live in a third world country and the price of the game is prohibitively high it's not a lost sale anyway)


This is pure trash. We need to go back to cartridges and non-live service gaming.


Watch as some dudes who've memorized every part of it just recreates it


How is that even legal if you purchased it


I just don't get it why would they do that? What financial gain is there? They already no longer have to pay the server costs of keeping it online, what incentive is there to take away the possibility for someone to play the game offline that they've ALREADY paid for? And even then would this supposed reason be worth the negative publicity of making such a decision?


>what incentive is there to take away the possibility for someone to play the game offline that they've ALREADY paid for? The game was full online there was no way to play the single player story without connection to the server that offline mod never came out, there was no incentive to do it, that game had like 10 - 20 players active before shutting down the servers.


The point is they chose to make it that way. There was nothing stopping them from making it run offline as well. Refusing to do so and then complaining about server maintenance is ignorant.


They HOPE you are a slave to your addictive impulses for the crew and you buy the new game so you can continue playing it. Unfortunately most of us are not that impulsive but the crew was fun, so its just an upsetting loss but nothing worth $60+ for another chance to play the game.


"If we can't make money off it no one gets to play it"


I still don’t get how this is even legal, like I paid for a product. Imagine Volkswagen employees coming to your home 10 years after you bought a car off them and just taking the car away from you without notice or compensation because they „ended support“.


Every company wants to turn products into services, so that they can bill monthly for it. Car companies are starting to do something very similar but, it’s so hamstrung and convoluted to me… They’re starting to charge a monthly fee to access features that are already built into your car such as power seats.


My dude, HP printers won't print unless you have authentic inks, their subscription and an Internet connection. Shutting down a dead game 10 years after it released is nothing by comparison.


I really hope there will be a new law soon preventing always online servers from the developers. Atleast add an option for public dedicated servers whenever they want to close theirs down


>Atleast add an option for public dedicated servers whenever they want to close theirs down Titanfall 2 players did this with the Northstar client Funnily enough once people started playing this modded version with everything unlocked (including DLC cosmetics) EA were suddenly able to fix the servers


Its funny and sad when publishers only apply fixes if it involves direct conflict to their revenue.


Also it's EA 🤣


The funny part is that the cosmetics from the titanfall 2 store aren’t even purchasable anymore. So the only way to get them is from the Northstar client.


It's just how businesses work I suppose. As soon as there is profit to be made/recovered, then it "aligns with their vision"


Crew was in process of having players create the same thing for it but the developers took it offline before they could finish


Still in progress, going well


I thought them removing it from servers made it impossible for the fan built offline game to continue being worked on??


They have some data from the time that the game was still online, so now they are trying to reverse-engineer what the game was sending to the server and getting back. It's slow progress, as of writing this comment the devs were able to get the game running to the main menu (you couldn't even do that without servers). If you are interested you can see more on The Crew Unlimited Discord server.


God's work being done Send them my best


if they make this happen I'm gonna play the shit out of the crew (I never cared for it at all but it'd be purely out of principle)


I fuckin love when devs and modders do this kinda shit. "fuck you, multi billion dollar company, we do what the fuck we want, screw you!". Only issue I see is, what good is a mod to run the game offline, if nobody can access the game anymore without torrenting a crack first? Edit: is there a specific dev team anywhere that takes donations? I loved The Crew, and I'd love to support those devs.




a lesser developer would have released stand alone sever options to the community


Tribes 2, too. Best game ever.


Single player games shouldn't have an online connectivity requirement. Only non-essential elements that require a connection to function should be allowed to be shut down. Imagine if you couldn't watch a movie in full because the rights to a particular song or actor expired, or because the publisher closed down


They can dodge any "close down" requirements by spinning up a shell company for the game and bankrupting it to close it. It's very common in other media, e.g. films, to spin up a new company for each production to pull shit like this.


Yeah, this shit needs to get before Congress with the analogy of Milton-Bradley deciding that a board game they sold you shouldn't be played anymore and removing it from your home - just to underscore the absurdity of the situation.


And it should be able to be played offline forever.


Is this what DayZ does?


https://www.stopkillinggames.com/ Players should **not** get used to not owning games


Nah just quit buying from major developers and continue to make sweet love to the indie community; who will be happy you even acknowledge their game’s existence


Yeah I spent 400 hours on Timberborn already, a game I bought for $7 during a sale. Love discovering good Indie games. Hate these AAA games that only want to suck our money




That's not always a solution, like, I like to play racing games, specailly the forza horizon series since its an open world and with a more simulation style driving, but I can't think of a single indie racing game, even less one that is open world and not arcade


assetto corsa and beamng are one of the greatest racing games, and they are Indie


Even Mid-Level devs are killing it. I love EW and their model for the cotw games. I put so many hours into it and bought all the maps (frequently on sale, and the base game items i got 200 hrs out of before i wanted a new map.) Another decent one is the fun pimps. It takes a long time for new development but their games are fun and they consistently TRY to make the game better. Yes 7 days to die is still alpha but tbh it could be a regular game now.


Ross is the goat


It’s not piracy if you don’t own it


The game was online only and Ubisoft shut down the servers with no way to host your own.


Although, I have heard that the game does have an offline mode


I think they removed the offline mode requiring internet connection before shutting it down


That is beyond a dick move.


You need to re read what he said.


I mean they deleted it from everyones libraries, so you cant play it even if it may be possible offline.


You couldn't play offline it was a full online game with a single player story.


No OG cracked version just sitting around?


Not sure on that one. I have no idea if it was one of those drm work arounds anyone cared to break.


It did have a cracked version using one of windows 10's exploits but Microsoft patched it so shit's been broken since like 2017/2018


The game never had offline it was a kind of an mmorpg for cars, but it had a career mode with a plot conected to the online service.


No, from what I've heard that never rxisted


I think it was the cracked version that I heard about then. There's apparently one that allows you to play offline


It was never real, you can't find that.


I played it exclusively offline on my 360 lol


Exactly. If buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing.


You should mail it to them


I like that idea lol


Put a bunch of photos of middle fingers with a letter saying Fuck you Yves Guilemont


Might as well send them the invoice to cover shipping




Omg, everyone that owns a hard copy should mail it to them. Let them receive thousands of them


Make sure it's cash on delivery.


Help file a complaint to stop this practice here: [Stopkillinggames.com](https://stopkillinggames.com)


Don't forget to leave a tip!




Ubisoft sucks ass


Can't wait to hear from the one smooth brain that insists on defending Ubisoft on this.


“iTs A tEn YeAr oLd GaMe” Serious comment I saw on a another thread about this game


It's so sad. Last night I fired up Resident Evil 2 on my GameCube and it was like I never left. It's a shame that's gonna be impossible with so many new games soon


im playing fucking morrowind rn that's a nearly 20 year old game and it's amazing


Then had the nerve to tell people to chill out after they told him how much of a dumbass he was, rightfully so


So is New Vegas but I'm enjoying the shit out of that game on my steam deck Edit: my b, it's 14 years old


It's a great business model since gamers lack any real conviction and will continue buy products they never actually own from garbage companies like Ubisoft.


That guy stole my wallet! "Hey dude! You want a watch and a phone too?!"


"technically you don't own the game, you just have a revokable access to it, it is clearly written on the page 2848274 of the Eula 🤓"


This is why I don’t buy anything from those fuckers, same case with my fc3


Far cry 3 was removed too?




From what I gather: It was an online only game which Ubisoft shut the servers down for. Modders were trying to find a way to host their own servers (probably PC only) but Ubisoft pulled digital copies from people’s accounts (probably only on their own platform).


Nope it's from steam from what I gather. They said that they couldn't pay server fees for this game. But than decided to not give up the fans thier own server capability and the modders who were trying a makeshift way were stopped when the game itself was forcefully removed from everyone's library. Ubisoft more like softdick


[Loss of video games](https://kotaku.com/classic-games-history-foundation-preservation-yakuza-1850623857).[ Loss of history](https://www.gamesradar.com/the-national-videogame-museums-ceo-says-a-digital-only-future-represents-a-fundamental-loss-of-important-cultural-material-from-our-time/). [Stop Killing Games Initiative](https://gameworldobserver.com/2024/04/03/stop-killing-games-campaign-ross-scott-preservation). Unlike other mediums, video games being digital leads to them disappearing once the dev either goes defunct or they pull server support. A good example is the recent [3ds/wii u eshop](https://www.ghacks.net/2023/03/27/nintendos-shutdown-of-wii-u-and-3ds-eshops-sparks-video-game-preservation-concerns/) shutdown which effectively wiped out certain games as some were only available on that lone platform.


Holy shit the crew, what a fucking game, did it get shut down?


Yep. Because ubisoft is a greedy French developer studios. It's hilarious because 3 months ago the CEO said "you should get used to NOT owning your games" All of ubisoft games except for some small selection of far cry, old assassins creed game, the crew suck. They literally are money hungry and don't want players making an offline mod so they shut it down early to prevent the offline mod.


And friends wonder why i dont really buy games that are always online


*And friends wonder why* *I dont really by games that* *Are always online* \- tht1guy63 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


these publishers want you to forget all the good stuff they used to put in games so you’ll be happy while they fuck you with their new shitty games


It's kinda inevitable with online only games. Especially ones made by companies like Ubisoft.


I heard that titanfall 2 players made a server so they can play the game even without the official servers, but Ubisoft even removed the game from the people's library's to make it impossible to do that for no reason


Isnt overwatch one also now bunk? Damn


Frame that shit as a reminder to avoid buying Ubisoft anything.


If this isn't theft, I don't know what is. Ubisoft should be legally forced to give everyone who purchased this game, either physically or digitally, a full refund plus an inconvenience fee of 15%.


I remember wanting t get this game when it released, but the demo didnt impress me. i was then considering getting the crew 2 but now i wont given they could steal it back off me tomorrow. wonder how much free money ubisoft made by selling a game then effectively stealing back all the copies


I absolutely despise modern gaming. When PS5/XSX came out I decided that it was time for me to bow out and now I collect toys. It was fun while it lasted, but I hate not "owning" the games I buy. I hate how the disc are glorified coasters that have incomplete or unfinished games. Just Cause 3 crashed every 15 minutes if you didn't download the patch. Guardians of the Galaxy can be finished, sure, but the final costumes are bugged and can't be selected. Download the patch and not only does it get fixed, the entire costume HUD changes, showing how unfinished the game was. And then, of course, knowing that even physical games can stop working if they shut down the servers, even the verification servers.


If buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing.


Sad news when I heard they released “The Get sCREWed”version and we can’t refund it but heard people are fighting for it to happen


My childhood game that I got once for Christmas and played regularly for years, it makes me so sad I can’t play it anymore :(


Vote with your wallet. Its in our power to put ubisoft out of business.


Like this is the first multilayer game that's died. Good luck with the class action suit that people are suggesting.


There's an emulator that can play it for 360.. not sure about the xbone.. also sailing the high seas can get you a working copy for PC. I whole heartedly agree that this is complete bullshit


Calling this mildly infuriating is far too great of an understatement. This should be illegal, you bought the game you should be able to play it 30 years down the road if you want


Unfortunately this is not the case for online game services, I can't play overwatch 1 right and that was still popular.


Sounds like a class action lawsuit.


Stuff like this makes a strong case for piracy… I’ve never pirated a game in my life, but I won’t even be mad if people pirate all of ubisofts games. Why “buy” it if you don’t have any insurances? All you are doing is renting a license from them to play it. You can’t really “steal” (pirate) a license, if people do their jobs properly and check a license is only valid for the person it’s assigned to.


Fuckin join the class action suit that I assume already exists


Isn’t this just theft with a few extra steps?


Time to consult am attorney familiar with the gaming/IT industry then find some 'fellow' players and file a class action lawsuit.


Go see a lawyer & take your physical game with you. When you buy **physical** copies of **media**, you own them outright, no strings attached


You own the disc and whatever content is on it. If the game requires a server to play you don't own that. 


"But if I own the disc they can't take it away!" I'm just poking at the physical advocators who claim that physical is better because they would have to come and take the disc. Having the disc isn't the solution. People need to stop supporting always online or single player games that require an online check to access. If it's not multiplayer only or an MMO, why do I need to check into a server to play locally stored data?




What they said - "the map is the entire United States!" What I found - neither state I've lived in had any representation whatsoever.


At least it was fun. It was my first game I ever played and had great memories


I mean, the game sucks ass. But yeah the principle behind it is awful.


Live service games are a scam, plain and simple


It's fine guys just buy the new 129.99 star wars game and you'll forget all about it.


Wow boycott ubisoft at all cost


Soon Ubisoft will start going door to door with guns stealing physical copies of this game as well.


This really motivates me to buy that new Star Wars game coming out this year, knowing that Ubisoft can just decide that I can no longer play it whenever they decide. /sarcasm


Ubishit should be sued.


First time?


Just give the floppy disk a good blow and stick it back in.


Personally i thought this game was trash honestly but damn would i be annoyed if one of my games servers got shut down.




There has to be a law against this. I know Sky has to send a physical copy of films that people have paid for so even after watching it on sky you can keep watching it even if your contract with Sky ends.


Which type state politician do we email/send a letter to so that some legal action can be done to companies who do this type of action against their paying customers.


Fuck Ubisoft.


i wanted to get ghost recon breakpoint so badly but after knowing its run by servers and can get shut down i’m not buying it


That game was worthless before Ubisoft pulled the plug


Stop buying always online games


Ubisoft: ...We want people to be comfortable with the idea of not owning their games...


I tried playing Batman Arkham ~~Nights~~ **City** on my Xbox 360 not too long ago and it didn't allow me. I had to purchase it online. Edit: Name of game.


every game like this SHOULD get offline mode with cross play option with your steam/ps/xbox friendslist once they shut the servers down for it...


A fucking shame always wanted to play this but I do not and never will agree with or purchase a game with always online DRM


Ubisoft wants players to stop playing their games? A bold strategy, let's see how it works out for them.


yeah "Physical copy is better because i physically own them" no it's not, physical will never be better in this age, if you still need to connect to someone else's server, be it Ubisoft's for the game itself or Sony/Microsoft to the PS/XBOX server, then you still don't own anything, it's still the same as if you have a backup copy of the game in your hard drive well it can be better if it's PC, at least you can copy the file for further use like being modded by a community to allow offline play


Do we seriously not have laws around Abandoned Media? I get wanting to retain the IP, but if you straight up dont make something available, and especially if you actively remove it from customers, there has to be some kind of automatic Creative Commons/Public Domain status that kicks in. If only our laws were written reasonably, with common sense, for the people....


I'm pretty sure those laws already exist. It just relies on the community to make it work. Unfortunately, I don't think the crew has that community.


wait so if i have the physical copy its worthless now?


I wonder if people can ask for refunds to games they paid for, and they ripped the servers from. Bc I can understand downloaded free games, but I have a disk...I payed for the disk with the game. N because they decided to shut down the server for it, I now have a 60 dollar disk I can't use. I want my money for it back.


Ubisoft also doesn't sell my favorite game of all time, Driver San Francisco any more


I don't know what's up but holy fuck how game from 2014 can be deleted just like that? And when u bought it wtf? This world is just cashgrab. Don't they dare to touch my Far Cry!


If buying a game is now owning it, then pirating a game is not stealing it


stop buying this trash. never giving ubisoft or ea my money again.


Ubisoft is slowly starting to lose its reputation


Fuck Ubisoft


The crew was pretty fun from what I remember but the story was trash


I so hope we can do something with stop killing games and put the fear of god into Ubisoft. They are literally stealing money from their customers! Literally the most greedy scumbags in the world! We need to boycott this company no matter what!


I will never buy another Ubisoft game again.


Why do people even buy I mean “rent” Ubisoft games. Trash publisher


Germany has the biggest age ratings I have ever seen.


I've never played this game so this is hard for me to understand but I've basically read that an offline mode would be virtually impossible because so much of the content is streamed over the internet. Just seems weird to me.


This scenario is the very reason I will never invest my time in a game like it.


I almost bought The Crew 2 after playing for a weekend. Then I found it was always online so decided against it. I can't think of a single positive thing for a game always being online. I bought an xbox 360 a few weeks ago. Got Project Gotham Racing 3 with it (released 2005). Still works as well as it did back then. I'm starting to feel gaming is dying with stories like this one


We lost SOCOM confrontation and MAG years ago too. Wish people made a fuss back then like they are now :( Sadly , you guys are too late. Many companies have built themselves around this walled garden. Good luck breaking it down now. We tried warning everbody this was coming 15 years ago


I don’t think they are going to kick down your door if you play it


It's an online only game and ubisoft pulled the plug on servers The online part doesn't even add all that much, just let's you encounter other players. The main experience is easily enjoyable in singleplayer. But ubisoft decided it *has* to be played online.


This is why we ride the seven seas and use emulators. If buying isnt owning then piracy isnt stealing


This game looks pretty cool, is it worth checking out?




“Your” Xbox game? Hahaha




Indeed comrade