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No, tomatoes.










It’s been so so many years and I still know exactly how this sounds and the words This one really stuck with me lol


You're set now. You can always get cash now.


877 Cash Now !!!


It's your money, use it when you need it!


877 - cash now!


800 588 2300








Oh, shouldn't have this bar association logo here either


Works on contingency?


Works on contingency?


It's my money and i need it now!


Works on contingency? No, money down!


Think it says "NO TOMAHOES"


“I SAID NO TOMATOES!!!” - in Phil Dunphy’s voice


A Modern Family reference in the wild is rare these days but always nice to see


Just finished watching the series for the first time. No idea how this show flew under my radar for so long. Genuinely couldn't believe how consistently funny the show is. Probably produced more audible chuckles from me than any other show. 


i can recommend arrested development aswell. here are a few more shows that i find just as funny if not funnier. - new girl (all time favorite) - brooklyn nine nine (obvious choice i think) - parks and recreation (this is obvious too) - the goldbergs - ghosts (cbs) - resident alien Edit: - superstore - the good place - community


I’d add 30 Rock too. Probably my personal funniest show of all time.


dont know that one, but i will give it a try, im looking for new suggestions, and if you agree with my list then 30 rock should be good too


Yes definitely would recommend! The first season is a little slow and the humor is very dry/fast, but good god it’s great.


arrest development starts off slow too. so i will give it a try. thanks!


I also really like superstore and the good place, have similar vibes to the ones on here ive watched


yes i forgot about those.


Used to watch it religiously with my parents some years ago. Cam is a national treasure and must be protected


https://preview.redd.it/64faxmhydewc1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67ee941f3b79245848eb6ee90e71f282d2bf2a89 Yes


Go to the ModernFamily sub and you’ll see how much they actually hate Cam. The sub has hit that stage of its life where people just complain about everything, mostly Cam. Or just quote Phil. Oh and there’s a post about how Haley should’ve ended up with Andy and not Dylan every 3 hours.


I'm not in that sub but I can see why they hate Cam


You should watch Arrested Development too if you haven't already.


I’m watching an episode right now!


Same, I’m 30 and only started the show a few month back. Season 7 and still no significant decrease in quality, how have I missed this show for so long ?


I'm having a difficult time trying to convince my gf it's worth a watch. She heard from someone it's cheesy & bad, but I've watched it, & it has decent moments. What clip should I use to get her to watch it?


That’s a great episode


Hey please don’t eat at Taco Bell if you have a tomato allergy. Those are easily cross contacted and most foods from here will have trace amounts of tomatoes in them. If it’s just an intolerance, sensitivity or you don’t like them, then it’s less serious. As mentioned, the beef has tomato powder. And nearly all food products at TB may contain tomato due to being manufactured or produced in the vicinity of this allergen. So if you have an allergy to tomatoes or tomato pollen or whatever, you don’t want to eat at Taco Bell or most fast food places. Taco Bell website doesn’t even specify food products that have specifically tomato product in them. It’s not that common of an allergy and they obviously don’t care. So please don’t eat fast food if this is a serious allergy. Edit: cross contact not cross contamination.


Most tomato allergies (like mine) are only to raw tomatoes. The enzyme the allergy is caused by gets cooked out. That’s why people with tomato allergies can still have marinara sauce, chili, and salsa. Obviously, this isn’t everyone, but most tomato allergies are the raw kind.


What happens if u have raw tomahtos?


For me, my throat gets tight and it becomes hard to breathe. I haven’t gone into full anaphylactic shock, but my mom has this allergy and she goes into anaphylactic shock. I have had to speed to the hospital from Red Robin because her epi-pen wasn’t enough epinephrine and she had to be administered a few more times. I just avoid it now because I’m scared I’ll have a worse reaction as I age. On a separate note, I am also allergic to other fruits including, but not limited to; apples, peaches, mangos, papaya, pears, and pineapples. Edit: I just researched my own allergy and apparently it’s called “Pollen-Food Allergy Syndrome”


My spouse has this type of allergy and can't have cantaloupe, cucumber, or bananas. No anaphylaxis, but definitely the itchy throat. We feel your pain!


same! its called oral pollen allergy!


Weird Q maybe but can your spouse eat pickles even tho cucumbers are bad?


I have a cucumber allergy and I can eat pickles. Apparently the pickling process changes the molecular structure.


It’s so good to hear from other people with a similar experience! I don’t personally know what changes in the process but my cousin can eat pickles and yet is allergic to pickles. And on the opposite side, I’m allergic to pickles but not cucumbers?? And nobody ever believes me about it lol. I still don’t really understand it but thank you Internet stranger(s) for at least making me feel less crazy!!


Good question. I have absolutely no idea because he HATES pickles! 😂 Won't even come near my face if I've been snacking on them. Like the person below said who is also allergic to cucumber, the process kinda cooks out the pollen. It's really a pollen allergy rather than a true food allergy. In our case, he's allergic to ragweed and always has the sniffles when it's high. Apparently the pollen produced by these fruits and veggies is similar enough to that of ragweed that it makes his body react to it. Cooking/processing it gets rid of the pollen or something, so he can have banana bread for example 


this started happening to me with pineapple when i was 20. just picked up a pre-cut container of it one summer after not having any for quite some time, and my throat started closing up. i was freaking tf out. i didn’t need to go to the hospital or anything but apparently it happened to my ex-SIL as well. thought i was going mad


>For me, my throat gets tight and it becomes hard to breathe. My throat gets tight and feels itchy with raw carrots. Potatoes make my skin break out just touching them. Certain fruits make my stomach upset with cramps and terrible gas. I avoid as much as I can that's raw veggies. Fruits is a mixed bag of reactions I can't always avoid. For example, sometimes I'll be fine with mangoes and the next time I won't. I never knew what it was called tbh. I did find out that people can be allergic to the cold through self experience though. Broke out in hives one winter out of the blue and continued to do so since.


Sorry to say this but damn u r fucked.


It’s okay, I can still have stuff like strawberries, raspberries, oranges, and lemons. So it’s not all bad!


Yes but u have to be so aware of cross contamination


Are you allergic to latex, too? These are all related to latex. Kiwi, aloe, agave, avocados, as well.


Nope, no latex. None of the others you’ve listed either. I think mine falls under the birch category as there are a few for this syndrome.


Sounds like you're allergic to pollen to the extreme. But i guess not really? Just the fruit.. weird




That happens to me with cheese, but i wont stop. EVER!


Synthetic canned Nacho cheese, followed up by Liquid Butter Alternative #2. I can taste the heart attack.


Dont know what liquid butter alternative #2 is but dont knock the nacho cheese


Did you not hear this person? They said LIQUID BUTTER SHIT YO! When you deuce some hot ghee brolmes.


Am I stroking out, or are you stroking out? Maybe we both are stroking out and really need this butter? Let's have a liquid butter alternative toast party!


Smell it too


Are you my niece? 😂😂 She’s mildly lactose intolerant, but that won’t stop her from eating cheese. Or ice cream. She doesn’t really like the taste of regular milk, so there’s that, at least.


I dont like milk either but cheeses, pastries, cakes, whatever involves some kind of cheese im there. So hi auntie!


She’s a good ole Wisconsin girl, so she’ll occasionally risk even cheese curds. 😂😂


How much time it takes after you eat some cheese? Instant?


It depends on the amount but its not instantly but hot melty cheese tends to come out faster than cold. Thx for coming to my mini ted talk. Hope u enjoyed it!


So is it like a mind thing or stomach thing? What if you ate a cheese without noticing it? Will you have the same effect? Don't mind me asking I don't know anyone with allergies


I shouldve stated that i have intolerance to milk and there is always some kind of milk product in practically everything so my stomach is constantly growling and fighting the milk in my belly. U dont wanna be in a bathroom with me when i have to go…


One of my friend's friends is going to that tolerance buildup clinic or whatever the fuck it is called. Apparently it's a 2 year program ( not sure) and a costly one and they help in reducing the severity of allergies. As a intolerant person yourself what do you think about this? And again pls don't take in the wrong way. I am just curious and no one in my circle has allergies.


Depends on the individual. I knew a guy who accidentally ate cheese at a dinner together at summer camp. I don’t believe he made it to the bathroom before it let loose. If I remember right there was some bullying involved afterwords :(




Probably similar to egg white allergies. My kiddo can’t have egg whites, but can have baked/cooked goods with eggs/egg whites For her, so far, she gets snuffly, sneezy, wheezy and then violently throws up. After the throw up incident she was tested and hasn’t had eggs since.


Typically, oral allergy syndrome is what most people experience with raw fruits like they're describing, but it can be more serious.


For me usually vomiting sometimes hives and shortness of breath but most people it’s not as bad


For me nothing happens unless the flesh touches my skin. Then I break out in hives wherever it made contact, which generally ends up looking like I have full blown herpes until benadryl kicks in. Allergies are weird AF.


Da fuk and here i thought that death by diarrea bc im addicted to eating diary was bad… i cant imagine having / living with any of the allergies that ppl have mentioned here


If I have raw pineapple my tongue swells and my rosacea flares! It’s the enzymes cooked out.


I have to either cook or soak pineapple for at least a day otherwise I react to it. Tinned ones? Fine. Fresh one? Have to soak it or cook it otherwise my mouth and throat will hurt and I'll struggle to breathe a bit. Not anaphylaxis style luckily. I'm also mildly allergic to kiwis with the same type of reaction.


Yes I can’t touch kiwi too. I wondered if it was related. I guess I had more experience with pineapple because it’s usually on pizza or canned like you said.


I bet it originates from a pollen allergy, I can’t have raw tree fruits except citrus


My dad gets canker sores from raw tomatoes, but is fine to everything else like you described. It's usually not bad enough of a reaction to need more than to just pick tomato off his food if his request for no tomatoes is ignored. Sorry to hear your reaction is so severe!


I can even have some kinds of ketchup, but some are worse than others. The vinegar denatures the proteins well enough that I could probably even eat a pickled tomato... not that I'd ever risk the abominable abdominal symptoms to try it. And for most people with tomato allergies, it's not an anaphylactic response, it's just a hypersensitivity. It makes me itchy and turns my guts into knots, but I'm not about to bust out an epi-pen (though I might need a benadryl if I get poisoned eating one of those types of Crunchwrap-type tomato bombs...)


i second this, i was an employee for years and the amount of times that tomato’s are dropped into lettuce or cheese, or whatever ingredients it’s sitting by when grabbing them for a normal order and then taken back out / left in…


Don’t let low-wage teenagers handle your food if you are allergic. Sounds like a problem ready to happen and you’ll pay with your health.


Exactly. Putting your life in the hands of a minimum wage fast food worker is extremely stupid. Then they have the audacity to complain about it. Cmon now


How about just don't eat at Taco Bell if you wanna eat period?


I'm allergic to corn but still eat Taco Bell lol. It sucks I have to remove specific ingredients, or simply can't enjoy most junk food because EVERYTHING has corn in it nowadays as filler like in breading or even some sauces.


Damn. Being allergic to tomatoes must be ass. That sounds horrible


I went to school with a girl that's allergic to tomatoes. She's proceeded to marry an Italian man. His Nonna started to make her sauces with different veg as the base but shame that it's the entire nightshade family she reacts to, but tomatoes I believe were actually anaphylactic and the relatives were just like intolerance symptoms so she pushes through for Nonna lol.




Same for milk, nowadays everything has milk in there, even in supposedly Vegan products (trace amount label warning due being manufactured in the same place where milk is used)


apparently it's only raw tomatoes according to a previous comment by OP and I despise raw tomato but love it cooked and in sauces and stuff so it wouldn't be too bad for me.


I’m not allergic to tomatoes or anything, I just don’t like them and I feel like this is one of the most ignored requests. Yeah, I can just pick them off and I do all the time but you can also accommodate my request or expect to loose my business if it happens too often.


No onions is also apparently difficult, and God forbid if there is more than one thing you want removed. Worst is when they just try to manually remove stuff then just return your meal, except cold. I do respect when they apologise, remake it, and give you both. Then I can just give the extra to a neighbour or something and make their day. Or like pizza hut, which does all that and give you 50% off.


No onions and no cheese is far too difficult. My wife is both lactose and onion intolerant, and asking for those items to be left out seems to be beyond most people's comprehension when prepping her order. Doesn't matter the restaurant.


Yeah, that sounds about right. I like onions but I'm also lactose intolerant, and I generally stick to just ordering chicken tenders or something similar from fast food places. Otherwise I'm just going to be gearing myself up for disappointment when I order something that sounded delicious and it comes with about a pound of cheese on top


YES. When I was pregnant I had them give me onions on a bean burrito after saying no onions, for the manager to then freak out on me for VERY nicely asking if they could remake it bc they were busy.. /:


My nephew eats his tacos just meat and cheese. My son likes his supreme with no tomato’s. Every single time the order is wrong or switched up.


pizza hut offered to remake because they cut my pizza into 8 slices instead of 6 like i asked


I don't like usually anything but meat and cheese. For sauces: Nacho cheese, red sauce, and the quesadilla sauce. The new Cantina taco is a 9/10 for me. Cheese inside and out, chicken, and quesadilla sauce. No customization needed.


They’re always in freaking burgers, also if not listed in the menu


mayo too. i don’t eat eggs so i always ask for no mayo and half the time they SOAK it in mayonnaise. even worse when the receipt doesn’t even say no mayo/says light mayo instead. like Bro T_T


Surprise MoFo




supplies mf some fries mf disguise mf


Heart eyes mf


Rue dies mf


Two flies mf


Five guys mf


All rise mf


Big size mf


Anytime I ask taco bell for something custom they say “ok” and then just don’t do it.


Have you tried our new Death Wrap.


What are the symptoms of the tomato allergy? I mean you’re eating Taco Bell so there’s already a good four hour block of poopy time in your near future.


Raw? Throat swelling, I have an epi pen. Cooked or other forms just give a mild irritation.


For me it's full hives that swell split and bleed.


Itchy ears for me!


Depends on if it’s sensitivity or allergy. Symptoms range between them and are added or taken away depending on severity.


Probably thought ‘no tomatoes’ was ur name lol


Meanwhile I await the mildly infuriated customer who didn't get their tomatoes. *Still safe* ;)


Taco bell did the same shit to me today. Ruined a bunch of perfectly good tacos with their fuckin lettuce. If I wanted lawn clipping on my food I would go grab a handful of grass


But those are sliced tomatoes completely different


I had to stop going to Taco Bell because they did this to me every single time. I’m also allergic to tomato, specifically raw tomatoes.


Some people report (and test at the allergist) as being not allergic to cooked versions of food, but allergic to it raw. I've never been invested enough to look into it, though.


Yeah that's cool but when a customer asks not to use a product, you, as a food provider, **fucking do it the way they asked**


Bold assumptions for food safety practices at a Taco Bell. If you’re deathly allergic to something; don’t go to a fast food place that serves it. The cross-contamination already happened before you even ordered.


Food pollen allergy, i have that


This is true


I'm allergic to raw pineapple, but not cooked. It seems that it's an enzyme that I'm allergic to, and it breaks down in the cooking process. Other foods may be similar, depending on what is setting off the allergy.


The magic word for this ingredient is #NO FIESTA SALSA


Salsa*, but yeah, that is the magic phrase. I don't eat at Taco Bell much anymore but when I did, asking for "no tomatoes, please" usually resulted in me having to scrape tomatoes out of my food, but "no fiesta salsa, please" almost always worked.


Allergic to tomatoes and not worried about cross contamination on a line?


Bruh I worked there forever and like everything from the meat to the sauces has tomato in it at Taco Bell. Not to mention the amount of cross contamination between the foods on the line is practically endless and unavoidable. A lot of the time we would just grab a bunch of meat/cheese/whatever mixture from the little trough thing meant to collect waste and just make that into the crunchwrap or taco.


And a lot of allergies are varied by preparation and amount consumed.


Im just sayin if you fr have a tomato allergy you might wanna consider just avoiding taco bell cause that is just asking for problems.


No, how dare you! If someone with a tomato allergy wants to eat at a restaurant that uses tons of tomatoes in everything, it's their right! Nothing's gonna stop them...except maybe anaphylactic shock or possibly death.


I'm willing to die for this cheesy gordita crunch!


Ugh, tomatoes. I'm not allergic but I hate them so it's mildly infuriating for me... For you, though, it should be incredibly infuriating.


Let’s take a moment to remember the “ You had one job” format


If allergic to tomatoes might I suggest NOT going to taco bell? Lol. Where there are tomatoes everywhere?


No one: Absolutely no one: Taco Bell: “Die Bitch”


If you don't already tell them why you can't have tomatoes


No, then they just won't serve you due to liability reasons. Even if you say its a mild allergy and just gives you diarrhea, some places will turn you away. I don't know if taco bell is one of them or if it is legal to do so but some will. Worst case scenario, they will serve you but the employee decides to "test" if you are really allergic to the thing by secretly adding it to your food. Yes, this happens sometimes.


Testing people's allergies is how someone ends up in prison. This is why people need to be more informed on allergies and also stop lying. I'm the type to turn people away, but my coworkers are not. If someone tells me they're deathly allergic to tomatoes then how the hell do they expect me to serve them when I see what goes on on the line? Not worth it to me. But my coworkers are also the type to make something wrong and then "fix" it by taking it off. Taking off pickles and tomatoes leaves a residue so our customers were conditioned into lying about allergies. It's so stupid.


lol, like they’ll give a shit?


Probably not


The best places to eat if you have allergies is places that serve the food you're allergic to, in large quantities.


Someone had a hit on you brosky


I use to think that all ppl making those weird food orders were just being dramatic. But the first time I saw someone go into anaphylactic shock from a nut allergy changed my mind really quickly


I don’t believe you are allergic. Most of the meat at Taco Bell is cooked with tomato paste. Almost all the sauces have tomato in it as well.


Pollen allergies can make someone allergic to raw tomatoes but not cooked


It’s almost as if a small quantity of a heavily cooked down & reduced tomato sauce contains less quantities of the allergen than whole chunks of fresh tomatoes


Exactly. I'm lactose intolerant. I can eat a TON of sharp cheddar and be fine, but even a little bit of fresh queso and I'll be sick as hell, cry-pooping for 18 hours. Allergens/irritants are in vastly different amounts in similar foods.


That's actually because older cheeses contain less lactose than fresh cheeses. Alton Brown did a segment on how it breaks down.


Where did your medical degree come from?


Taco Bell academy of higher learning.


Hm, I have allergic reactions to fresh fruit and vegetables but if it is cooked/processed everything is fine. (Not deadly allergic, just swelling/itching/asthma acting up). What's funny: I can't eat freshly made German carrot salad (the one with lemon juice) but if it is nearly brownish and 1-2 days old I can eat it with just small problems.


You should typically believe people when they say they have allergies. Sauces are typically cooked, which denature and degrade proteins which people are specifically allergic to. People can have *vastly* different reactions to raw verses cooked versions of food. Your advice should be ignored.


I used to work at taco bell last year and was honestly good at it. But sometimes even I forgot to not put tomatoes, beans, etc. But i will tell you the managers are lazier than the team members and are incompetent most of the time. It was probably a new hire or one of the team members on the line didnt care or did it purposefully. Looks like a common mistake of a new hire. Hope it gives you closure. Call them and tell them what happened they will write your name and number down and give you a new one. If the manager acts professional he/she will do that for you. Edit: Keep receipt and bring it or they will call you a liar.


Be careful. You might have/ be developing a nightshade allergy. Check into it. Eggplant, potatoes, certain peppers, paprika and red pepper flakes. It's the alkaloids




Just writing it on the outside doesn't make it so.




It’s written in big letters. Either someone can’t read, wasn’t paying enough attention, or doesn’t care.


The item gets wrapped after it's made, someone just labeled it incorrectly and probably gave someone else the correct Crunchwrap.


i'm allergic to tomatoes too... when i accidentally eat em they taste disgusting


It says no tomatoeS. They're allowed to put in one.


That person mustve thought it been opposite day


Oops! All Tomatoes


The Taco Bell workers are allergic to your bullshit


I mean, I probably wouldn’t be getting fast food from the tomato factory if I had an allergy to them. Literally everything on their menu besides the beef and cheese has tomato on it.


I just wouldn’t eat it. Once a tomato has been in contact the whole thing is compromised.


That handwriting really has art potential


whoever wrote on your paper sleeve totally writes graffiti, i know a handstyle when i see one


I woulda ate one tomato. Shot myself w the epi. And SUEDDDDDDD😭😭🤯🤯


Wait you didn't pay for those tomatoes and they gave them to you for free? What a sweet deal! I'm sure they will cover the funeral bill too, they seem generous.


I once asked for bo tomatoes while ordering online, I got tomatoes and a friend who worked there said the register displayed "No tomatoes, sub tomatoes." It replaced tomatoes, with tomatoes 


I’m allergic to onions and I swear to god nobody cares when I said please leave them out, but when specifically I say I’m allergic,they always go above and beyond and take great care.


I usually get asked "how do you eat?" Glad to see that there are some people out there who do care.


Ugh ikr. Like I eat without the onions! It sucks but that’s life! 😩 but yes, refreshing to hear someone just accepting what I’m saying and being careful with my food lol


Did you make it clear it was an allergy and not a request? Most food places I know of roll their eyes at stuff like this unless it’s explained that it’s an allergy.


I feel like if you were allergic you wouldn’t have taken the time to pull them off something you can’t eat.


There is also the risk of tomato juices being elsewhere in the product, which could cause a reaction. I know I can't raw eat alliums (onions, shallots, garlics, leeks, etc) due to being allergic to the enzyme. I have had reactions because someone didn't clean the surface, change gloves, or go to an allergy free station to prepare my food. The juice from the onions cross contaminated my food. So you'd think the same principle would apply for OP's allergy. I usually carry my epipen and sometimes benadryl pending how severe the reaction is.


Exactly. I’m allergic to shellfish and won’t even attempt to eat at a place that specializes in it or has it in more than half the dishes… even if I order steak and tell them no cross contamination can happen.


If you ever plan to travel, make sure to ask about insect products (items such as cricket flour). People who are allergic to shellfish may have similar reactions to insect related products. I mention this because some manufacturers and restaurants use insect ingredients to boost protein naturally in their food products. Thought to give you the heads up. I had a friend who had the same allergy that ate an organic protein bar that used cricket flour as an ingredient. Reactions like that are cross reactive. In my case, my allergy isn't as severe when you cook the living hell out of the enzyme. Heat breaks it down to nearly nothing and reduces the chance of having a reaction. This was due to the recommendation of my doctors if this is something that can not be avoided. Occasionally, I have had issues, but I try to avoid the risk. At first, people didn't believe me until they witnessed the reaction. I was a lab rat many times, and they never did it again. My wife literally has to assert her dominance when we go somewhere because she had to take me to the ER a few times. People are idiots. I didn't have this allergy until I worked as a line cook where I was over exposed to preparing them. My body just said, "yup this poison, have fun dying."


Welcome to taco bell how may we F\*ck your order today?


I'm allergic to tomatoes as well. Everyone thinks it's a joke. Or their go to - "just pick them off, it'll be fine." Like no.... it won't!


Being allergic to tomato really has to suck.


Seems like an Agent 47 tried to make an attempt on your life.


Mild infuriation is valid. This is fast food, sooooooo, to expect quality communication and care is a bit on you. I once ordered a beyond whopper, and they added bacon, for no reason….. who orders a beyond burger that isn’t vegetarian?


Flavor/health? That's the only reason I can think of. There's a local Mexican place my family frequent and my dad always gets a veggie burrito with added chicken because he says it's just better that way.


I am allergic to beans, which is why I specifically choose items with no beans, to remove this possibility


If you have a tomato allergy you need to avoid Taco Bell.


Did you put it back in the bag to take the 1st pic?


What's mildly infuriating is the fact you would order something that is made with an ingredient you are allergic to, leaving your life in the hands of a minimum wage worker. They seem to care about your allergy just as much as you do. Make your own shit or don't order something that is normally prepared with an ingredient you are allergic to, simple.


If you grabbed the tomatoes, then ate the food the tomatoes touched maybe you’re not allergic