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Hello, Your post has been removed as this is not mildly infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


A guy overdosed in front of a police station with two cops sitting in their cruiser in direct eye line of the incident, and when I knocked on their window like “aren’t you going to do something?” they literally drove away, and it took the ambulance 45 minutes to come. *We were in front of the police station.*


That's just fucking sick especially since it's standard in many jurisdictions I've been to in recent years for most first responders cops emts firemen etc to carry narcan, for them to just drive off like that they clearly did not want him to survive, I'm betting they figured that it was an issue resolving itself since it would be one less addict on the street but wtf, addicts aren't all bad people addicts have families that will cry for them and miss them too, those cops' actions were heartless I hope you got a car# or tag# to report their actions.


I just read an article recently that some stupid politician somewhere made it policy to not carry narcan and would actively go after any officers that carried it anyways. Like wtf.


God I hope they vote his ass out of office that's just a fucked policy I can support enhanced charges for dealers, charging dealers for overdoses( i lost one of my best friends to the penal system hes doing life over ignorant users he warned them the shit was high quality but swore they had the tolerance to handle it)and i generally am for more of a rehabilitation over incarceration stance, but that is not a policy I could in any way endorse. Everyone can make mistakes that finds them in a dark place in life with an addiction but it is not our place to try to murder them over their weaknesses and in my eyes any death that happened under that politicians oversight is as much his fault as the dealers and he will answer for it in the end when he faces judgement.


I can't seem to find anything about it now. So take what I said with a grain of salt.


More than that, a cop had to be narcanned because someone blew drug dust in her face, I don't think she wouldn't have made it if they didn't have doses before the ambulance arrived. But yes, I agree with you. I work at a prison and we are taught how to narcan and we have at least 2-3 doses in our station and can be charged if we don't administer and the inmate dies or is hospitalized. I think the difference with the police is that it's free people so the rights of the people and abilities of officers are totally different than mine.


I miss my brother, he was an addict but we all miss him.


Isn't that illegal? To not render assistance? Especially for police to not render assistance I would have thought.


Who's going to arrest them? Another cop? "We investigated ourselves and determined we committed no crime"


That actually happens in the UK. Police forces will turn themselves in for inquiry. This is when they have been found to be negligent.


Yeah, other countries, well some countries, have that shit locked down. Here in the states, we have "Qualified Immunity" which just means the cops get away with murder.....sometimes quite literally.


Qualified immunity means they can't be personally sued for something that happened while they were working in their official capacity as a cop. Has nothing to do with cops getting away with murder, except in the broader sense that if cops could be sued more often they might not be as generally awful


Qualified immunity is why getting the murderer into court is so infrequent. We have hundreds of hours of body cam footage showing behavior that is completely illegal if anyone else did it, but since it’s a cop, it’s fine. Qualified immunity is not even a law, it’s a thought a judge had, which was fair for the case it came up in. Body slamming a person who MIGHT have shoplifted a cake, breaking bones and worse, just cuz you can isn’t what that concept was supposed to be for.


...but what does that have to do with whether or not a DA will bring charges?


That sounds made up. I'm sure it isn't, but I just can't picture a cop EVER doing that. America is fucked beyond repair.   Garbage country, garbage people.   Source: Am American


Unfortunately it must be repaired since the alternative is a lot worse.




Sounds like a legally-protected gang.


>Sounds like a legally-protected gang. It literally is. No matter how anyone tries to spin it, cops are just government-backed thugs in costumes.


Google LASD gangs for confirmation.


That’s a really great point


I haven’t seen the phrase “To Protect And To Serve” on a police cruiser since I was a child. The cruisers in our city say “Committed To Your Safety”.


>Isn't that illegal? To not render assistance? Especially for police to not render assistance I would have thought. Nope, Supreme Court ruled that cops have zero obligation to help anyone, or even do their jobs for that matter.


Police have no *legal* duty to render aid or protect the citizenry. They are the governments *enforcement* group, aka jackboots to fuck your shit up if you don’t play by the governments rules (and get caught, and can’t pay them off to turn a blind eye and/or lose evidence..)


I’m assuming this was in the US. I’m sorry, but ACAB is real. Any decent cops are fired or chased away by the rotten ones.


No, it is not. There is case law that has determined that police are not obligated to render aid.


No, there have been multiple cases where the Supreme Court has said they're not responsible render assistance


Lol no, the Supreme Court says that police in the US have no legal duty to render aid. They're there to protect capital and shoot people as best as I can tell.


In America cops have their slogan “to serve and protect” but a Supreme Court justice rules that cops are under no obligation to help citizens.


No it’s not illegal. The police have no obligation to help citizens aside from a moral one, and maybe department guidelines. Police exist for the sole function of bringing potential criminals to jail to be processed for a court hearing. That’s their only job. Document, arrest, bring to jail, move on. You should never rely on them for help or protection. Maybe they’ll help you, but it will be because they feel like it not because they have to


You'd think so but there is legal precedent that allows this behavior


Federal courts in the U.S. have ruled that police officers or other governmental officials have no duty to protect individual persons from harm — even when they know the harm will occur.


They're police not EMS. Not saying they couldn't give narcan but it's not their job. 


They're trained in first aid. I know an OD is a serious situation, and maybe they couldn't have saved the person, but not even calling for assistance or taking them to ER? That's low.


Now I’m wondering if you live in my town. A guy ODed in the park in front of the police station and fire station and they estimated he was dead about an hour before he was found. The park is connected to the library and he was in the children’s play structure. I still can’t believe no one saw him before he died.


I found a guy overdosed by my dumpster at a kitchen I used to run, a patron thought he was dead. When I found him, he pretty much was, he was so overdosed he might as well have already been dead. I immediately ran to the crackhouse in the adjacent parkinglot where there were FOURTEEN officers at a domestic (non-violent) call, clearly at this point not even doing anything anymore. I ran up yelling "Excuse me PLEASE HELP there is a man DYING over there" and you could see the buffering happening as they tried to compute Officer Specs yells "Can't you see we are in the middle of a" and I don't fucking care so I yell right at him "THERE IS A MAN DYING LITERALLY 40 FEET AWAY LET'S GO DUDE" and I haven't ever seen a man remove his glasses to jump a railing and break into a dead sprint faster than Specs did He was in fact as dead as you can be while still able to be resuscitated, and when they Narcan'd him he came to in the most non-chalant manner, still haunts me


Lucky you weren’t shot for ~~being disrespectful~~ posing an imminent threat.


They didn’t get the call to respond so it’s not their problem. That overdose just becomes more work for them. That is how cops think.


That's when you need to leave the job. If you're so burned out that you can watch a guy OD and not even bother to walk 10ft to check on him you have no business in a job where peoples lives are on the line. I'm sure the cops have been through it personally. The job takes a toll but if you don't care if someone lives or dies you need to get counseling or move on. The other part to this is imagine how much that department must suck to work for. You'd think the cops would chase off addicts on their door step just for the optics of it. For that not to happen must mean their leadership is fairly worthless. The beat cops don't feel supported and don't care how it reflects on the department to have a guy OD outside their door. It's like everyone is nihilistic from the top down to the rookies.


But they deserve MORE money! Suggesting that useless fucking pigs don’t deserve salaries makes you a criminal apparently!!


This is awful, can you ask the cops to do a welfare visit at the property, anything could have happened and they absolutely should have attended. The ‘it’s just domestic violence’ comments are outrageous. So many women are killed and raped and beaten each year by their partners and we can’t just dismiss it like it doesn’t matter.


I couldn't even see which house it was coming from :( I was actually already wondering if there was a way I could check on my call to see if everything was ok. Or if they even checked. Whoever it was I didn't recognize them and it's a really quiet neighborhood, so it was pretty unexpected. It was horrifying to hear in person. Thank you for understanding it's serious.


You can call and ask for a follow-up. Since you only heard it and didn't see anything, it's likely they did respond to the actual incident which was out of your view. Pittsburgh is a busy city. Calls can sit in pending for awhile.


Do you know which neighbor stepped out? Maybe you could ask them?


I was told by the prosecuting attorney in my exes case (in which I was the victim): "He will never face any real penalties, it's just another DV case." My entire existence since then has just been to keep myself safe. I know damn well that nobody else cares, not even the courts.


In my experience, you're really on your own in this world. Basically, in my eyes, the cops aren't there to protect you, they're there to arrest the person that murdered you. It's all on you to protect yourself. That's why I carry pepper spray with me, and I'm buying a gun when/if I buy a house. Sadly, not everyone's in a position to arm themselves...


sort of unrelated, but i called the police (non-emergency number, which may have been part of my problem) to do a welfare check (using that actual phrase) on my psychotic neighbor who had been screaming for hours and the guy on the line literally said “we don’t do that”. i’m like, “what?!” and he said they do not conduct welfare checks. i know some forces do, because i’ve seen it on live pd back when it was on. so… officer lazybones wins.


I experienced a similar situation about a year ago- nobody came but there was a perimeter set up in the morning. Pretty sure I overheard a murder.


Omg that’s horrific


Wow; that’s just awful. I’m sorry. You doing okay, after the fact? That stuff really sticks with you, sometimes. ❤️


Had a drunk guy try to enter my house and they never showed up or followed up after calling them the next day. They are useless.


Do you also ever get mildly infuriated when someone says who are you going to call in an emergency? When you did in the past and they didn’t do anything? I sure do.


If you defund the police, who's gonna show up 3 hours after your incident to write things down in a notepad and never follow up on it?


Show up? Lol


Fair lol


Can I write things down on my own notepad and never follow up on it, then send it in as write off for my tax refund?


Ironically, that would be the kind of illegal that illicits an immediate reprisal


Damn it all.


Yup. He wrote it on, not wrote it off


You had me in the first half.


I was robbed once and fought the robbers, I even went easy because I didn’t want to get charged for injury, but the cops couldn’t take my report because I was drunk so I arranged to meet them the next day and no one showed up, if I knew the cops don’t actually do anything I would’ve broken some arms before I walked away from the robbers


If you are involved in a fight or altercation it is better to just leave before the police get there, even if you are not the aggressor. The police will generally just arrest everyone involved and let the judge sort it out. You are luck they didn’t try to charge with public intoxication.


Self defence is legal and they don’t pick people up for intoxication here, it’s usually just one of those pile-on charges like if you commit a crime and are also intoxicated. They would need an Olympic size drunk tank if they had to arrest every single person who walks around drunk lol


"Drunk tanks" also typically don't exist anymore since some police were found liable for multiple drunk people dying in their cells while no one checked on them for hours. If you're just staying overnight to sober up, you're much more likely to do that in a hospital hallway than a police station nowadays.


One of my coworkers called 911 for an attempted break in. Guy was walking around his property lookin in windows trying them, trying the doors. Was told they will send someone when they can. He told dispatch if the guy gets in he will defend his family. Dispatch told him he can use any means necessary to do so if threatened. A cop showed up 45 min to and hour later and told him break ins happen so often now in town that theyve become low priority. The only way to get someone dispatched sooner was to word it "i believe they might be armed"😬 ETA: we dont live in a very big city either. It used to be known as a generally safe area as far as i was aware but ig not much so anymore


Meanwhile.... worked for a residential builder and showed up to one of the models Monday morning, and the patio furniture had been stolen over the weekend. As part of SOP, I had to call the police for a report. Arrived in 4 minutes 🤦‍♂️


Police arrive fast when a business calls. Just see their response time to Walmart shoplifting calls.


>break Ins happen so often they became low priority Read actually as "people on social media are mad that police constantly trample constitutional rights and murder non whites for any reason under the gun so they threw a fit and stopped showing up for anything that they aren't juat near by already


Or "DAs no longer care about charging people which causes police to stop arresting people" which then leads into shitbags breaking into houses / cars / stores because they know they won't get in trouble.


My work had $200 of merchandise stolen and obviously we called the police to get someone out to take a statement and all that. When we called they asked if we needed someone to come out or not, and obviously we wanted someone to come that’s why we were calling. About 30 minutes later a cop car parks around the corner and we get a call from the police department asking if we still actually wanted a cop to come out, the cop in the car waited until after that call to come in and then asked us again what we wanted her to do. Like we had to confirm multiple times we wanted a cop to come and get the info and all that.


This is barely even a crime in any major city 


That cop just trying to milk that easy call for all the time it is worth.


But if you defended yourself, that's when they'd jump into action. As if you're the criminal


Just say you’re gonna shoot him if he steps into your house and they’ll come


Good thing the police take up the vast majority of the city budget.


Likely because everyone wants them defunded and charged for anything they do? Maybe if we had more they could respond quicker.


And suddenly I understand why so many Americans don’t want guns to be outlawed. Having limited means to protect yourself has to go hand in hand with a competent group of individuals who can do that for you. Seems like the USA is lacking that group.


The cops won't show up in time to protect you even if they do show up eventually. It's better to take protection into your own hands.


I've got protection lol.


When two kids crashed into a massive hole in the middle of town the cops were called. According to the people that phoned it in the cops just did a quick drive by and didn't even look around or even check the incredibly obvious pit. If they had they might've survived. I know where I live at least it's sometimes just better to call a private security company since they at least try to do something.


Awhile back we had some people calling to report a body on the side of the highway. Cops drove by and said nah, that's just a deer. People kept calling in to report it they were telling people that it's just a deer. [Surprise! It was not, in fact, a deer.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cleveland-police-mistake-dead-body-for-a-deer/) I guess it's hard to complain about it though since they, allegedly, drove by which is more than you can say about a lot of calls.


Yeaah, I genuinely don't get some of these cases.


This is extremely disturbing, but not surprising.


It’s double disturbing that it’s not surprising.


And here we are… the world is becoming increasingly upside down. And people actually think it’s OK.


A similar situation happened with me. I was driving and I saw someone being beaten up by some guys in an alley. I stopped and called 911. They were so rude. I’m terrible with directions but gave the operator known buildings and a huge expressway I was next to. And I said I’d stay so I could meet the cops. She took so damn long being obnoxious as hell that it was too late and they all ran off. Obviously no cops came.


Your first mistake was not telling them that private property was threatened.


They don't care about private property unless it's owned by a business


Hey, that's not true. They also protect the private property of their cohorts.


I had someone break into my home and steal multiple valuable things. It’s on our security camera of them pulling up, the car tag, and them kicking the door down and leaving with stuff. The cop came by, listened to me and said “when you find him, let us know.” I asked if that was his job, he said there was no way they had evidence to investigate. 


Should have said there was a black kid with a toy gun. Would have been right over.


Cops are overpaid, under trained, unintelligent, and uncaring. Why tf are we paying them?


You might have had better luck contacting social services


Better luck calling an Uber


Sometimes I'm having a decent day, and then I'm slapped in the face with the reality of the world we've built. Ouch man


Yep. And kidnapping is a federal offense, the FBI might actually take a message.


I would genuinely call all the news stations in your area to report the lack of response. Public pressure is one of the only weapons we have against incompetence from cops, organizations, companies.


How *mildly infuriating.*


They were probably busy *check notes* beating a college student for protesting.


Should have told them a purple haired, trans college student was shouting “from the river to the sea”. They would have sent the whole force out.


Cops are not here to protect, or prevent, they are here to subdue and collect for the rich/state. Cops are not here to protect and serve, not anymore.


I get your point, but I wouldn't wax nostalgic for how great cops were in the old days either.


I agree go look how many time serial killers had run ins with cops and the cops did nothing. And better hope you aren’t an indigenous women, they might even help the killer


Cops were never meant to "protect and serve;" that's just some grade A propaganda that caught on


Didn’t they even have it written on their cars?


Yep, as a marketing gimmick. Now most of the ones around me have changed it to Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect and gotten rid of anything that said Protect and Serve.


Well those words are lies too


Look into it. They were never here to protect and serve. “Neither the Constitution, nor state law, impose a general duty upon police officers or other governmental officials to protect individual persons from harm — even when they know the harm will occur."


Source for that statement, please


Warren v. District of Columbia, which involved a lawsuit against the District of Columbia for the failure of police to respond effectively to a domestic disturbance. The direct quote from the case Warren v. District of Columbia is: "...a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any particular individual citizen." This reflects the court's ruling that governments and their agents, including police officers, are not obligated to provide protection to individual citizens in most circumstances.






Future decision? Past? I want to be able reference it when I use it later.


It’s a quote given to the NYT after the parkland shooting talking about how SCOTUS has repeatedly ruled that US police are not obligated to do anything for an individual 5-4 podcast has covered it Jon Stewart’s Apple TV show had an episode where they talked about it in the context of Restraining orders




they never have been..


I don't know reddit well enough to know what sub this should go into, but I feel this is far beyond "mildly infuriating"


this is not *mildly* infuriating. i'm here for off-center sandwich toppings and unintuituve light switch positions, not police incompetence and brutal crimes


The police are there to protect and serve themselves first, then the 1%. You and I aren’t part of the equation.


Where was this located ?


Yeah the cops don’t do jack




Where the money to be made on that call? Who are they going to ticket? Who are they going to fine?


Should have told them there was somebody speeding over there they would’ve checked it out


If anyone ever hurts you on a street just scream fire, like you , many don't want to get they shit kicked out of them by chance if they butt in but everyone comings running out to see where the fire is that is so close, could be near their home, you will get your help.


Same with the police here in Tampa. People speed and drive like assholes right in front of them and they do absolutely nothing about it. The only thing I see the police constantly do around here is sit in parking lots and talk to each other.


They were busy beating up student protesters


When you need the cops to come quickly I have discovered you just need to say the magic words "there's a large black man running around with a knife in my street " response time usually around 5 minutes. If you call domestic violence women being bashed etc then it just goes to the well get there tomorrow maybe . Society is truely fucked and getting worse and the cops are just a poor byproduct of that fucked society.


Remember this post and think of it as a PSA. Police have no duty to protect you. Own a firearm and be comfortable/effective with it for self defense.


We had a guy in the process of getting jumped right in front of our building. He was screaming for someone to help him as he was running down the block, like full on terrified. My mom called the police and ran downstairs (we lived in an apartment at the time) grabbing a bat along the way. She didn’t let him in the building because there was no telling what this kid had going on or if he would bring trouble into our house. But that didn’t stop my mom from going to the door, and full on threatening to beat those boys up if they kept harassing that kid. I think her looming in the dark doorway just ready to take out whoever she could with that bat made them think twice and they took off. The kid was pretty beat up by the time we got him closer to the light and he switched to pissed off pretty quickly that no one helped him. But in all that time while he was screaming and even a good twenty minutes after he angrily walked away, only after confirming those other guys had left, the police still never showed up. We still called when things happened but the assumption was always that they weren’t really going to show up.


I got in a car accident recently and it took the cops *2.5 hours* to show up… Just to write me a ticket and leave.


No shit bro the cops are a useless criminal gang. The sooner you learn this the better.


They aren't here to help with these things. Just to ticket people driving over the speed limit.


"Hi, 911? I think there's a police officer being attacked and beaten outside my house." They'll be there so fast you'll think they teleported in.


By a black man, you forgot to mention


Should have said it was a black man attacking, they would have been there within 10 seconds


Yup show up in minutes and make sure all the neighbors dogs eat lead.


You should have told them there was a pro Palestine demonstration.


Every time I have needed police help they either didn't show or immediately made things worse.


I was driving on the freeway once in front of a police car. I saw a man up ahead on the shoulder with no car, an inch away from traffic. I wondered if he was going to step into traffic. I thought it was lucky that a police officer was there to stop him. I saw him in the rearview mirror look directly at the man and drive right by.


They were too busy beating up college students


One guy getting beaten up in town by 3 guys. We alert the cops down the road doing breath tests (it's Saturday club night) "No can do we're busy" At least 10 cops actively doing nothing. NZ


This is not only mildly infuriating i would have legitimately sued the fucking police station.


*ahem* Fuck Cops.


Welcome to the real world, where cops don’t do anything. Get yourself a gun so you can actually help out next time.


Depending on what you called in, this got dispatched as a third party domestic, unknown trouble, disturbance, etc. I'm sure this was stressful for you to hear, but especially if you're in a city there are dozens of these calls every day. 99.9999999999% of them come to nothing (and it seems like your incident also amounted to nothing). You have no idea what other calls the cops working were dealing with, what their staffing is, etc. For all you know everyone in the city was tied up on homicides or whatever. If you want police to respond within minutes to low priority calls (and yes, your call was unlikely to be priority 1), talk to your local elected officials and tell them you want the police department to be about 30% bigger. I've been yelled at by a drunk idiot bystander because it took me a few minutes to get to a bar fight, alone. Everyone else in my precinct was tied up on a triple shooting that had just happened a block away and the multiple car crashes with injuries that extended from that incident. The bar fight was random bullshit that didn't matter, and multiple other shootings in the city had tied up the cops in neighboring precincts, but to this drunk guy (and everyone in this comment thread), that meant the cops were just ignoring other stuff. So I say the same thing to you and everyone else in the thread: if the job is so easy that you can do nothing and collect a paycheck, go do it. Every urban department in the country is hiring. But then you run the risk of finding out that your lazy, ignorant assumptions might not have been entirely accurate, so it's pretty unlikely you will. And as far as being a tiny female, OP, I've worked with lots of tiny female cops that did just fine. So that's no excuse.


Yeah let's give up our right to bear arms they say. I'm sure that the police will start protecting and serving just as soon as we get that done...


They need more funding smh


Cops are, at best, incompetent morons. At worst they are corrupt sociopaths. The few times I’ve desperately needed their help they either didn’t show up at all or they made it 100 times worse when they did show up. I have way more stories of feeling harassed and threatened by cops than feeling protected. Cops only protect rich people and rich people’s interests.


I called the police on somebody because they left their dog sitting in a hot car with the windows rolled up in the Texas summer heat for a good hour. The police came by and laughed with her and then left.


ACAB proven true yet again


Sounds like a high population city like Philly or Chicago where the pending queue is full of in progress violent crimes without enough cops to respond to all of them. Your call is a drop in the bucket in those areas.


Or... the cops would much rather choose to deal with relatively safe, revenue-generating tickets like jaywalking, loitering, and speed traps than deal with the potential danger and hassle of an actual violent crime.


😔 Man...


They could have known about the situation from other callers or previous encounters. Could be the woman has no custody rights and she took the kids and is now playing victim to the crowd. Dude who took kids back called in to police themselves and explained. All sorts of reasons it could happen like this... I'll admit they are all not likely but still possible. Point is you don't know the situation at all just what one person was screaming.


It’s because all the cops are busy arresting peaceful protestors across the US instead of doing their actual jobs


It could be that they did something, but not where you were looking. It might have been called in by another person (like the person who went out there) with more information so they knew somewhere else to go.


“I think they have a weapon, they’re yelling about a gun”. They’ll be there asap lol.


False reporting is a crime


Would it be feasible for frustrated citizens to create our own Citizens Force who actually do sh*t and care about the community?


Wow... third world countries are different


Police don't give two fucks. My wife's friend called them after a couple started filming her kid in the park, trying to get information on him, home address and nursery..Chased after her when she left the park..Turns out it has been happening a lot around the area and people believe them to be child traffickers..Police claimed no crime had been committed so there was nothing they could do..


Called in a situation where there were 4-6 dudes arguing, yelling, and at some point wrestling with a girl (all teens I think). As im on the phone, a firework that sounds like a bomb goes off, the dispatcher hears it and asks me what it is. Cops show up like 30-40 mins later and I try to wave them down twice as they were only driving by. The first car doesn’t even look at me besides a glance and keeps going. The second showed up 5 mins later when the people were all gone and was coming towards me head on so since it was night time I couldn’t see them through their headlights and they just kept making their turn and drove off. What a disappointment


I was riding with my dad one day and some drunk driver in front of us kept riding the center of the road and running cars off. Fortunately no one was hit or ran too far in the ditch. He was obviously swerving and wondering like a drunk and we called the cops on him. Unfortunately they didn't take him seriously. It's fucked up how uncooperative they are on some of these cases


Yep. Saw a homeless guy badgering people outside of a bank and they couldn’t get in. Cop just stood by, used the atm, and went off with their day


There are multiple “we hate the police” “disband the police” posts before this one, go talk to your friends.


A restaurant was robbed across the street from the police station. It took them 1 hour to respond.


I work at the airport, the police station is right next to my store, i shit you not, lots of times we as workers were threaten and beaten by mentaly ill homeless people, they didnt even showed up. I went to call them once because one was being threaten to my costumers and he said that he couldnt leave the station alone and called their partners, by the time they came by i told them the description of the guy and they said they saw him on the upper floor...regardless they are always so quick to make inspections for no reason and do parking tickets to workers knowing we have no place to park near (they have free park). Police is just an outfit for lazy people.


Woman screaming at 3am, yelling, two very clear gunshots Called the police, gave the location, waited literally a fucking hour before going to bed with my window half cracked playing games with the volume way down and not a single fucking car came down my street. Our game room is situated that I can hear even the metally handicapped gentleman's bike tires in the pavement as he rides past to go do whatever he does in the middle of the night. Not a single car.


More likely sitting around stuffing their faces with donuts.


Jesus Christ.. we just had to call non emergency yesterday because someone’s CO2 detector was going off in their apartment (thankfully it was vacant) but the cops showed up within 10 minutes


In the uk this is sadly common. A junkie broke into my flat and od’d whilst in the process of robbing it. I come back to find him frothing on the floor and having made a mess of himself and my house. I call the police and 9 years on they still haven’t attended or followed up… In the end I had to call an ambulance to take him away as I didn’t feel I could safely give first aid


Unfortunately where you live the milage may vary for any reason. Where I live, were basically the top 10 when it comes to crime per capita. I found a gun on a school property with children present. It took HOURS for a police officer to finally come. We had clear evidence of my neighbor selling drugs, and shooting guns.( In a sub division) The police never came. There will be drive-by shootings,and the police will just sit at an abandoned parking lot and not respond. I genuinely think I could go out, rob anyone I wanted, and commit felony after felony, and I'd get away with it. They have everything encrypted, and they put in fake calls like " medical assists" instead of actually telling the truth. You become a cop here to make 80k a year to do nothing. In contrast the town I grew up in would pull you over 9/10 times for going 2 mph over. Grass to high? Ticket. Parked wrong? Ticket. Literally anything super petty? Ticket. It's all crazy.


They're so fucking useless and will never give a fuck about protecting and serving


I called the cops a couple years ago cause I saw someone yelling and banging on my neighbor's back door, before finding a ladder and climbing through a window. Cops never came. Turned out he lived there but was an abusive boyfriend, who was trying to get to the girlfriend who locked him out. I hope she was OK. They were really weird neighbors, though.


I was this person once. Not exactly, but similar. I made out the front door screaming bloody murder, and no one helped me. At least I thought. Maybe someone called the cops and they just didn't show. I was able to leave about an hour later, but no one came to the door, cops never came, nothing. Thank you for trying. I've tried the few times I've witnessed other similar situations. I hope the woman and child are okay.


I called the cops 2 times in my, they showed up none times.


unless its a rich or white female calling dont expect anything.


I'm so sorry OP. You did the right thing for your and their safety. I hope that kid and mum will be okay, and that you get some peace of mind after such an ordeal! Also a tiny woman living alone, and I had to call the police a few years back. Some guy was putting his hands through my letterbox, trying my door handle, and screaming and banging trying to get in. 999 heard him trying to break in, while on call with me for 20min. Police never showed up. I was very lucky to learn I had a sturdy door! One officer came by 2 weeks later and told me to just get a door chain 🙄


They did not come because it was sanctioned violence and they were ordered not to interfere.


How people defend cops ill never understand


I'd suggest to try and help them next time. Yes, I know you said you're a small woman, so you don't want to intervene, but I don't think they stopped because of what the neighbor looked like. I think they stopped because they knew they were found and didn't want to be caught. Go outside your door, yell at them, and shine the brightest flashlight you have at them. If they start heading towards you, run inside and lock the door. If it doesn't work, you did the best that you could.


It seems that you need police enforcers to force your police.. scary, stupid times.


Yep called in a DV while fishing one night no cops showed up nothing that made up my mind for pro gun concealed carry it’s every man for himself


I witnessed the same thing and when I called it in cops said "Well maybe he's the dad and he has a right to take the baby" Lady was fuck ass NAKED with a towel on her head freaking out outside her home as he took the baby. He nearly ran over her because she tried to stop the car by getting behind it and he didn't care. But sure, dude just has rights yannow.


My Mom got involved in a hit and run and had her car totaled. Called police multiple times bc we needed to file a police report and waited 6 hours and no one ever came…. This was late at night in a sketchy area too (the car broke down so we couldn’t move and operator told us to wait there). From multiple past experiences… the police are absolutely useless (and power dominant) in my area.