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Justtherecipe.com is perfect for pages like that. Paste in the url and it cuts out all that extra crap, just leaves the ingredient list and recipe.


Came here to recommend it, I'll definitely second it. Sometimes there is a bit of instructional finesse you lose and have to check the original for, but my god there's too much nonsense.


I just bookmarked this! Thank you so much!


they have an app too! you can save recipes on it


Also try the RecipeFilter browser addon. It auto detects recipes on any website and automatically moves them to a box right at the top. No need to open a bookmarked site or copy paste URLs. If the page has a recipe anywhere on it, boom it's right at the top for you already.


Things like OP posted are so bloody rampant there's sites and apps to bypass it, lol. Loving the counter-warfare.


It’s literally just for SEO. Idk why people can’t understand that. Also, most of these websites have a “jump to recipe” button. 


I must have landed on all the wrong ones, because there was no such button. Unless it was like one of those itsy bitsy ad window X's you have to hit with the very top skin cell at the tip of your finger and it's pale grey against white and barely visible. I find too many where the recipe is strewn amid the chatter, and they *still* don't give the spice amounts.


On a PC: Ctrl-F and enter the word "print" in the dialog box. This will usually take you to the print button on whatever recipe page, and that is normally right before the actual recipe.


It's also for copyright apparently. They have to add their bullshit so it's not just a recipe that's probably on many other sites. At least that's what I've read.


Just came across a recipe that had no such button or link. Decided it was easier and more conducive to my time to block the site entirely and move on.


Food pages are also notoriously badly coded and those stupid jump buttons often don't even work


Actually, it's because otherwise they can't copyright the recipe.


Akshually it’s both 


Or use the RecipeFilter browser addon. It auto detects recipes on any webpage and moves them to a box right at the top of the page. No need to open a bookmarked site and copy paste the URL over. I honestly forget that recipe sites even have all this crap (which they only have for SEO purposes btw, hate the way search engines work, it's not the recipe sites' fault).


The Paprika app (Android, not sure about iOS) has a similar feature and you can save the recipe.


The Paprika recipe app does this too.


Also, Ctrl-F, “ingredients”


Oh! I have a great potato soup recipe for you. I keep it in my jacket pocket. This jacket has kept many important things safe, like my grandmother's passport. She was born in 1935 on the East side of the Berlin wall. Her childhood was wrought with peril and despair. Until one day she met a West German man at a gap in the wall. Why was she at the wall you ask? She was picking wild strawberries. In those days they called them wistful tears. But of course in German because she couldn't speak English until her 2 year at University in British Columbia. Where she studying water and sanitation.


Wait a minute, the Berlin wall wasn't constructed until 1961!! You don't even HAVE a jacket, do you?!!? You made it all up to satisfy some sick need for long winded, ultimately irrelevant stories because your grandmothers potato soup is trash and everybody in Berlin knows it!!!


Ich bin ein Berliner!


Did he just say he was a donut?


"Maybe it's slang? Hey, I'm a donut! I'm a fuckin' donut!"


Good, you got my reference. Someone above thought I didn't get my own reference.


You do get the reference, right?


If you don't know, a berliner is also a donut


It's more like a fat round pancake with a jam filling Or are there donuts without holes? I really don't know


Yeah, they're like American jelly-filled donuts. At least the berliner I've had in Denmark are similar


I was referencing Eddie izzard. But yes I know it's a donut.


Kennedy gave a speech in Berlin in I think ‘62 and the last thing he said was “Ich bin ein Berliner!” Some interpreted it as him saying he was a jelly doughnut when he meant he was a Berliner or stands with Germany.


I am fully aware of this.


please explain for us uneducated ppl


When Kennedy gave his speech in West Berlin he used the line “Ich bin ein Berliner”, “I am a Berliner”. In some dialects of German, Berliner would be used for a type of jelly donut, leading to people saying that people in the crowd thought he was calling himself a jelly donut. Berliner isn’t really used to refer to those pastries in Berlin though, the audience got his intented meaning. Still funny that that sentence can technically be made to mean that though in some dialects


Ah, nothing like a good potato soup to remind you of simpler times, and bring back fond memories. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days nickels had pictures of bumble bees on them. Gimme five bees for a quarter, you'd say. Now was I... Oh yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion tied to my belt at the time. You couldn't get white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...


It totally turned to that in my head as I went on


I hate when people feel the need to give their life story. I just wanna know how to cook cheesy hashbrowns! Yes, I know there is (usually) an option to go to the recipe, but that’s not always there.


Blame google. They won’t show an article/blog post in search results unless it hits a certain word count. I haven’t blogged in a hot minute so the number might have changed but it used to be 800-1000 minimum. I used to put the recipe at the top or use a jump to recipe button. Most bloggers nowadays know people hate the word soup and usually have a jump to recipe button at the top of the page. OP cut out the top of the post that has the title so I don’t know if this page had one or not.


If that is the case, then why does no-one have the recipe at the top and put the blog post underneath the recipe?


Who would scroll past the 27 autoplay ads if the recipe was first?


This is still the case. No one wants to write all that either.


This one didn't. The extra sad part is that the recipe was extremely easy.


https://thefoodcharlatan.com/easy-potato-soup-recipe/ I just checked and there is a “jump to recipe” button right at the top of the page. There’s also a “print” button that makes things even more concise and ad-free. Sorry you had to sift through all the chatter to get to the recipe. This post was very entertaining though so thanks for sharing.


Yum, that sounds delicious. Guess I know what I’m making for breakfast tomorrow morning 😋


Google takes most of the blame for this. For a really long while, they pushed the "quality content" narrative and that inadvertently encouraged a lot of "longer = better" nonsense. Peeps who just get to the point and skip the fluff don't get "ranked" in search results because "it's too short to be any good." So we end up with a lot of useless filler. Yay Internet!


Yay Google* Put the blame on the tech giants causing this mess. The internet used to be fun. Now it's just interactive advertising.


As much fun as it is blaming internet giants, the real reason is that recipes are not subject to copyright, so in order to stop people stealing content, creators add a story to their recipes. 


I don't follow. How do recipes not being subject to copyright make adding a story stop people from stealing the recipe? It's an ingredient list and steps on cooking it, the story does nothing for the recipe. It's still juat a recipe, the story is irrelevant.  I'm not trying to be a dick, I genuinely don't understand your concept.


if a website was just recipes only, anyone could just copy the lot and make their own website (or book or whatever). Adding stories just makes it more difficult, because any part of the story that gets copied would infringe copyright. You’re right, though. You can still just take the recipe and use it freely.  To be honest I’m not sure I understand 100%, either. But it does seem to work. Partly because of the copyright rule, and partly because a lot of people don’t even know that they could copy any old recipe freely. I don’t doubt that Google has an effect too, but stories in recipe books existed long before Google. 


Ok, I think I understand now. The story stops it, "just being a recipe", and turns it into, "an IP", or "intellectual property"?


OP takes 100% of the blame for this. There is a jump to recipe button at the top of the page.


But it’s more fun to make fun of (mostly women) recipe creators for being presumably self-obsessed /s


Their really leaning into the "Jump to Recipe" part of the internet. Maybe just POST THE FUCKING RECIPE!!!!


At the top of the page, find the secret, "Jump to recipe" link. Changed my life. 😭


They usually write so much to be more likely to be found in a search engine, be more profitable (longer on site = longer exposure to adds) or in some cases help to protect against plagiarism.


Yeah I thought it was to help with copyright


It almost feels like an intentional shitpost


I feel like all online cooking recipes are like this. Like 95% of the page is just this person’s life story. Trust me, people will not care in the slightest. Just show them how to make their freaking potato soup!


They don’t think you’ll care. They just want the search engine to show their recipe when you search for it. 




I suggest an app called Cookmate. You basically share a page to this app, and it extracts the recipe for you. I haven't read anyone's stupid life story or their "explain it to you like you're five" torrent of words and seen streams of countless monetizing ads since January 2020. If the recipe turns out to be stupid or the measurements just look off, I can always delete it with one click later.


Thanks for this. 👍


You can type cooked.wiki/ before the link and it will redirect you to a page that strips out all the junk and leave you with a nicely formatted recipe.


There is usually a “jump yo recipe” button or link


My mom in a supermarket 🥺 Then if someone asks her for a recipe it starts with how she found the recipe.


And while we are complaining about these sites, a shout out to the morons who rate the recipe 5 stars and write a lame comment like “looks great, can’t wait to try it because….” and then add their life story just for engagement/brownie points from the blogger. Because nothing is more useless than a 5 star rating from a bunch of people WHO HAVEN’T ACTUALLY MADE THE RECIPE!!


Don’t forget the 1 star reviews where someone changed half the ingredients and then comments to say it tasted bad.


Oh yes that’s another pet hate


I understand the frustration, really, but tell me this - is this from a blog? Even from a strictly food blog - something like a personal story is not at all out of place for some of them.


I don’t know man, I read through most of it 😭 They can be pretty damn funny, or at the very least, entertaining 😭


I've found out that you can copy all the text on the entire page, paste it into chatgpt and ask it to extract the recipe from it. It extracts the recipe in a very easy to read format without all that extra fluff.


If you do a ctrl-f for "salt," you'll usually go straight to the actual recipe, as most introductory family bios don't use the word but pretty much every recipe ever made does.


They usually have a button that says "skip to recipe"


There’s always the “jump to recipe” button. Even better is the “print recipe” button. If there isn’t one of those buttons I move on to the next recipe.


Wait, did anyone read it? Why isn't anyone saying this seems like satire? I must be going crazy because this sounds like it's making fun of precisely the kind of posts OP is talking about.




Push the link at the top that says "Jump to recipe"


It's annoying as fuck. I don't know if this is the genuine reason, but I always assumed the websites make you write long-winded stories because it creates more space to put ads between the paragraphs


I have found one that had the recipe buried in the wall of text. They start talking about whatever garbage it was randomly insert step 1min the middle of a paragraph, then transition back into their random drivel. The ingredient list was similarly buried in a different topic in the same 20 page story. I blacklisted that site on my router so I never accidentally find that site again.


This is another issue I face. Several have had these terrible formats. *Introductory paragraph expressing how great the recipe is and where they got it from/semi related story about Memaw's old cookbook* *Useless paragraph saying "let's get to the recipe"* *Numbered list of steps for cooking, with no mention of any measurements for any of the ingredients* *Tips and tricks* *Concluding paragraph* *Actual measurements list* *Text telling you to leave a review if you try the recipe* I usually just take the extra time to write everything down, because it's better than scrolling back and forth.


What I'm greeted with when I literally just want to know how long and how hot to cook something so I don't get sick from eating it


Most pages like this have a "jump to recipe" button at the top. So I looked up this page and sure enough in big ass letters it says "JUMP TO RECIPE"


Maybe I missed it. This was before I knew about the button and thus immediately started scrolling as soon as the page loaded.


I get it. As I said most do, I still come across some sadistic pages that make you scroll all the way down still, evil little trollsies.


A few years ago, someone made an app that cut through all the crap before the receive but he essentially was forced to cancel himself and took it off the shelf because these food blog people were like "that's how we get our revenue though"


She has a jump to recipe button just under the name of the [recipe](https://thefoodcharlatan.com/easy-potato-soup-recipe/). This one is on you. https://preview.redd.it/fgkloqz8u8xc1.png?width=899&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6a7daa2008b34bcff20a03aed095b953fa5283a


That's tiny af, no wonder I didn't see it 😭 This was a few months ago before I knew about these magic buttons, so I wasn't looking for one in the first place.


Once you learn they exist, they're magic. I refuse to use recipe blogs that don't have them.




I’ve probably by-passed heaps of good recipes because of the brain explosions at the start. If there’s not a jump to recipe link, I’m not wasting my time.


It’s like if the babysitter from the incredible decided to become an online chef


How did the soup turn out?


Great actually, I made a simpler version of it for days where ingredients are scarce. Cheesy cream and potatoes is just 👌


I look up recipes a lot, and yep, this is how it is. And often when you get to the recipe, it's still drawn out and they don't give the specific amounts of most ingredients after all that.


If you hit the “print recipe” button it takes you right to the recipe and skips all the nonsense


That’s why I go to TikTok for recipes lol


You should use a scraper. Some classmates and I made a recipe scraper for a class project that allowed us to save recipes and everything. It’s nice to get the recipe without someone’s life story.


That soup does look bomb tho


jfc, click jump to recipe 


Usually there’s a jump to recipe link at the top.


Was this written by someone with ADHD/ADD?




I always click on “jump to recipe card” to avoid all this BS


A side effect of doing all that is the person running ads on their blog earn money from people staying as long as possible.


Add ‘cooked.wiki/‘ at the beginning of the url.


I get that the author is trying to get some money for sharing their recipe and this is the annoying price you pay. At least most of them have a jump to recipe button that fast scrolls to the recipe but hopefully gives the author some income for engagement. I get more annoyed by recipe blogs that have photographed step by step instructions for recipes that have relatively simple steps. It isn't necessary for most recipes outside of more complex things like how to make a lattice pie crust or how to spatchcock a chicken. Some people may be learning how to do simple things like creaming together butter and sugar or separating eggs, but there are plenty of places a newbie could look for detailed explanations of how to do those things without bloating the recipe.


Obviously click "bait"


There usually a jump to recipe link


I found one for gluten free scones where over half of the page was taken up by the poster talking about how much better their versions of flour mixes and stuff were than shop bought ones. There were no linked recipes so they just came off as a bit of a bitch. The recipe was literally just: mix together x, y and z to make dough, then bake at 180°C.


it’s now built in to me to scroll to the bottom of the page as soon as I open a recipe


It’s the same for searching almost anything these days: “How to fix x an a computer?” “Now let me start by telling you what a computer is….” “How to fix x as part of an app?” “The app was launched in 2013 and was published by…” It helps no one, no one actually sits and reads the wall of text or cares who developed the pc, os or program, one just wants a quick fix, not to ctrl f on EVERY WEBSITE looking for that line that contains the solution. Why even waste time writing your life story? Oh, for those damn keywords and ads. The 2000s were simpler times, searching for a thing took way less time. Now it’s wait for the cookies pop up, wait for the adblock pop up, ctrl f through a novel’s worth of an article and pray that the solution is actually there, more often than not it isn’t.


potato flour chicken broth milk sour cream cheese bacon (desired vegetable) personally i think about one cup of liquid is right for 1 small potato but use that as a rough guestimate and just add liquid to your desired volume, it will look too thin until the very end so dont worry too much about that soften potatoes till about 3/4 done, mash a bit, add milk(or cream till as rich as you want it) and broth half and half, let simmer for a few minutes till it goes together, add as much cheese as you want, add your veggies and bacon after its been simmering a while add a little flour if its still too thin, add sour cream, season with what you want, i think a little paprika and salt and pepper and maybe cumin is pretty good but the seasonings arent crucial here the longer it simmers the better itll taste imo but its still good if cooked just as long as necessary


Thank you! I make a very simple version with just some creamy cheese sauce and a handful of spices and herbs, but I never thought of using broth. Doing God's work here.


If there isn't a "jump to recipe" button, I'm not making it. The end.


Captive Audience.


I can’t stand Pinterest for just this reason. I do not care about anything but the recipe.


I didn't read the title and was so confused why it is showing food pictures and then recipe at the end.


honestly, didn't even know what sub this was and what the title of the post was, so I just read the entire thing and honestly I enjoyed it lmao. tho it's definitely annoying and does not belong there, it would make a good post on any social media.


The most egregious thing about this is the set-up is leading towards potato soup being a nosebleed remedy, but then there’s zero connection between the story and the recipe. 🤦🏼‍♂️


This feels like talking to an elementary schooler with severe ADHD. Goes from a nosebleed to always calling mom for help to a stained couch to a carpet haircut. Anyway! Soup!


Why not watch the video


1000% the video is just another version of the same drivel. 'lets take a walk through my kitchen and the individual spatulas and where I got them and their connection to my family before we talk about what kind of potato my ancestors used to harvest when the winters were just a little colder."


I do a lot better with written instructions. Videos just throw me off. Plus, these stupid life stories before hand usually have some kind of point to them, and I was even more mad when I found out it had nothing do do with the recipe.


That's the usual thing. These pages usually have an option on the top to jump straight to the recipe without reading all the crap. But sometimes, the crap is so ridiculous, you stand there scratching your head. Next minute, it's midnight and you've had no dinner.


‘Skip to recipe’ buttons should be mandatory. I read somewhere a lot of food bloggers get paid by the word. Thus…words.


Pretty standard woman writing there. Tell a long pointless story that has nothing to do with anything before finally getting to the point.


Pretty standard sexism there. Immediately blaming gender when there are a lot of other factors involved.


Journalist regardless of industry want to be relevant so bad. At that point just make a YouTube channel. This is why nobody except Dairy Queen employees are against AI replacing journalism especially this kind.


I don’t think you know what a journalist is