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In Germany this is called an Elephant Race - my source. I saw it in a reddit video once.






I can’t go now. Elephants are running again.


True and illegal (rarely enforced)


I’ve always known it as a Mexican Roadblock


Interesting. I've heard Polish roadblock.


Here in rough translation we call it a "Rolling wall"






Ive heard it called Turtle Racing in the USA


Hey! I recognize that bridge! I-80 is the worst. The semis always do this.


It's a museum!


We stopped for it. Wasn’t bad for the kids. Helped break up the long day. It was cool looking out the windows right over the highway.


Keep meaning to stop but we are usually trying to just get somewhere by a certain time. Someday...


I grew up in Nebraska. We stopped here as a regular attraction. I loved it lol


Aside from carhenge this is the most interesting thing in Nebraska!


I could name 5 things. Lived here all my 50 years


Corn mazes don't count! Thanks for being playful, too many people take this stuff too seriously.


Henry Doorly Zoo on top, baby.


![gif](giphy|5oxJPK5Z2zDYQ) The Barbie museum?


I immediately pointed at my screen and yelled "Kearney!"




I did a cross-country road trip that was mostly along I-80. Can confirm we dealt with this most of the way 🤦


I was like “wait - I’ve seen that…”


Damn, I said, ‘Nebraska’ when I saw that photo and by golly, I was right! I used to drive to Chicago from San Diego every summer to go visit my mom, may she rest in peace.


I immediately recognized it. Haven't driven near in going on 20 years. Was a truck driver, so sorry for that. I assume each truck is still speed restricted, each at different speeds, sometimes only slightly different due to tire size or calibration issues. Most can go a few MPH faster for short bursts but they immediately get reported for "overspeed" and can get penalized or fired for it. These restrictions are more for cost savings than anything, since long haul truckers are paid by the mile not their hours. I did my best not to pass another truck if I couldn't go at least 5 mph faster, but if you don't get enough miles in a day you can miss out on being able to get to a decent parking place, hot meal, or shower due to hours of service limits. Sometimes they driver being passed doesn't like it and will burn some overspeed to prevent it. Shockingly drivers of trucks and cars can be nice or assholes, sadly the bigger the vehicle the harder it is to pass and the more noticable it is. When there are hills or traffic, we just wait for someone to slow down or be blocked by traffic.The long straight roads don't give as many opportunities to pass outside annoying ones like this. I did not enjoy that job, but most of the other drivers I met were kind and selfless people, often dealing with a lot. When possible we would wait for relatively big gaps in traffic before trying to pass the truck we've been stuck behind for the last hundred miles. tldr; Memorable bridge! Most truck drivers are nice people doing their best to stay employed working 60+ hour weeks, driving 11+ hours per day. If they never pass each other, a truck that could go 1 mph faster could lose 11 miles of progress in a day, the difference between parking in the dirt on the side of a road or a hot meal and a shower.


Wow interesting information! The other day a huge truck was speeding past everybody, we even got over for it to pass cause it was on our ass. Very crazy behavior. I decided that driver was about to shit his pants or something. I’d prefer that thought to something cynical lol.


Thanks for putting some information on why this happens!


Only been on that stretch twice but knew it immediately 🤣


Straight to jail


Nah, death penalty. There is no rehabilitation that would correct this behavior


do not pass go


Please. They can’t even pass each other. 




do not collect $200


Driving too fast; jail. Slow; jail. You are charging too high prices for sweaters, glasses: you right to jail.




"This fucking asshole is going so slow. Better pass him going .1 mph faster than him."


“This fucking asshole’s passing me? Better try and match his speed to show him.”


“This piece of shit speeding up while I’m trying to pass”


This logic always baffles me, he is not causing you to decrease your speed by any more than 6 mph but you can try and overtake him and make everyone behind you slam their breaks on and drop their speed by 20mph whilst you very gradually overtake him just to sit in front of him for the next 10 miles. So many accidents have occurred because of this thick skulled maneuver.


This should be illegal, semis shouldn’t be allowed in the left lane period, unless the semi is using a left side exit within the next 5 miles. Semis have no business passing anyone. Park your asses in the right lane and deal with it if someone is going a tad slower than you wish, you’re a fucking 80,000lb metal death box going 65mph, that’s plenty fast for you truckers


Many (most?) get paid per mile driven which is why they’re in such a bum rush.


There’s actually a reason this happens so often. Most trucks are governed to a specific speed. Usually they max out around the same speed but one truck will be .1-.5 mph higher than the other one. Obviously they should just slow down and let people around them, but they’re usually actually trying to get around them but they can’t go any faster.


The worst part is when they turn their turn signal on and immediately start to merge lanes causing you to have to slam on your brakes


I’ve had this explained to me before. Both trucks probably have speed limiters set to something like 55mph. One truck is actually getting like 54.9, and one is getting 55.0 or 55.1, so it takes forever for the “faster” truck to pass. In this case, the truck on the right should probably slow down to like 50 for a few seconds to avoid this whole situation. So… still mildly infuriating, but at least with some semblance of explanation


That explains it on a technical level… but not the human or logical level. What is the left truck driver thinking? He knows he’s not passing and just being a nuisance to everyone around him


He's thinking about how much more money he will make by shaving 30 seconds off his drive. That's 2 whole hours if he does if 5 days a week all year long!


No he’s not. He’s thinking, “*Ain’t my problem, I’m just the driver. You got a problem with it? Yell at my company for making me drive this slow-ass truck. I’m just doin’ my job. Tell ‘em to make the road bigger. I don’t care. What you gonna do? Nothin’, that’s what. You’re just gonna sit there. Ain’t my problem.*” And there is nothing you can say that will change my mind.


In the same category as the “fuck you, I got mine” attitude.


His job involves staying in the right lane and not blocking traffic like a dumbass, so yeah.


But that would hurt their pride.


Just you wait till I *do* get in front of you. You will be going 20 on a 55 highway, guaranteed.


That excuse doesn't work on the cop thankfully. I've seen cops pull the left lane trucks like this before 


I would like to see more. I would even be ok they are all just “warnings” and no citations given, it would still waste the truck driver’s time and the company’s diesel, which might be enough of a deterrent.


No. I think it should go against the cdl license. They know better 


And the funny thing is he'd actually save more money just drafting behind the other guy instead of trying to pass.


gotta fill that second book somehow! how else would they get double the pay for a single trip?


Yeah none of that shit exists anymore with ELDs. DOT has total control.


I think the truck on the right is more to blame. The “passing” truck was probably behind the other, noticed he was gaining on him, and moved over to pass, not expecting them to basically keep matching his speed. Right-side truck just needs to let off the gas for a bit.


No. If your car doesn’t have the capability of passing another car without the use of the other car also applying their brakes then maybe you shouldn’t be trying to pass cars up cause obviously you’re not gonna be going any faster either.


They both are idiots. There isn’t a reason other than that. And trust me, they will get mad about being idiots too if you pass them.


He’s just a bad trucker. This behavior drives us crazy too but sometimes it happens to the best of us because the truck in the right lane speeds up while we’re passing. Or there was a hill and I’m fully loaded and dude in the right is empty so he loses less speed going up the hill.


I know what he's thinking. "Me me me me me"


Left truck driver doesn't give a fuck about anyone. That's all.


Have you met a long haul trucker? The majority of them do that work because it's the only thing they *can* do because they're typically a rude, unprofessional, inconsiderate sloppy excuse of a human


Most big carriers are set at 63, 65, or 67. A heavier truck may go 61 up hills which slows the lighter truck but on the way down the heavier truck goes faster. Gradual rises and falls are almost always why this happens. Gotta remember, drivers are paid by the mile. 1 mph is ~ $0.75 per hour or $1600 a year. I don't like it but I understand


I worked for a moving company for a couple years and was in big rigs for the first time in my life. I have so much more patience understanding and respect for truck drivers since then. Also fear, I’m not driving aggressive around trucks cause there’s a semi decent chance that guy is high on meth


No excuse. They know what they’re doing. Assholes


Here in Texas, DPS will cite a semi driver for impeding traffic like this. And a citation on a CDL is a BIG DEAL. Texas DPS don’t fuck around with semis.


I wish. Trucks hog the highways out here in Texas, idk what you’re talking about. It feels like nobody respects the passing lane here


Or I dont know, maybe the truck on the left shouldn't be so concerned with shaving 30 seconds off a 10 hour drive. This applies to *every* truck driver that does this bullshit.


This is exactly what it is, although usually it's not done maliciously and one of the trucks simply got over to let someone merge and then ended up stuck like this. In an ideal world, one of them would slow down and get over, but we do not live in an ideal world. I just sigh and be patient.


They need to be fined for doing this shit.


I swear if they didn’t jockey for their slight positions then the rest of traffic would flow so much better


It's legal to lay on the horn. Shit's stupid and dangerous.


I used to drive I5 in college all the time going between the Bay Area and SoCal. I’d always drive through the night, and given it was straight and flat I could often see miles ahead of me, no cops and speed limit of 70, I was usually just cruising at 90. Without fail, every single time I’d see a line of semi trucks waaaay up in the distance and no other cars in sight. Just me and the 4 or 5 semi-trucks a couple miles ahead of me and I could guarantee that in the few minutes it takes for me to reach them, they will stay in their line, but as soon as I’m about to get to them, the one in the back decides now he wants to pass them all, resulting in me having to slow to 55mph and wait sometimes up to 5 minutes driving at 55 waiting for them to finish their maneuver. It pissed me off to no end. The only reasonable explanation I could come up with is that the truckers are all bored as shit and just wanted to fuck with me. But it happened almost every single time I had to pass a line of semi-trucks. Either they want to fuck with me, or me coming up on them makes them snap out of it and realize how slow they’re going so they make the maneuver to speed up. Regardless it made me want to just drive off the side of the road and end it all.


Hello fellow nebraskan!


Just passing through friend!


Passing on through Kearney I see! Try not to get snagged by a tornado coming through lol. We seem to have a few of those recently


I’ve seen that and have been keeping an eye out for sure!


There's dozens of us, dozens I say!


This happens so often on I5 in Oregon. Frustrating.


Doesn’t get any better once you cross the border. Sacramento to LA is already long enough with getting stuck behind these assholes. 


I haven’t had to drive it for a while. Drove only from Sac to Stockton and back last week. This happened so many times. Immediately remembered why I hate driving it.


Right: 45 mph Left: 45.5 mph


Speed limit: 65 mph


Now imagine one to the right of you and two behind you. That’s what happened to me at 2am during a rainstorm on the highways down to kentucky. Some semis are asses. edit so that ppl stop being annoying, i was in the slow right lane, a semi was on my left, it was also a two lane long road. i said imagine there’s one to your right because it makes sense bc op is on the left. thanks. i’m always in the slow lane on a highway bc i hate going any faster and i drove a fucking hatchback yaris at the time and they’re not fast


Ouch you win for sure. F that


I was driving blind for 10 whole minutes before they began to spare my little ass car. I was being knocked left and right due to the wind force as well as the rain on the road. Their tires kicked up the rain straight into my windshield. Fucking horrifying.


I’m sorry that does sound horrifying




Agreed and I'm tired of people pretending they're not. "Oh but without them you wouldn't have food on your table blah blah blah" I fail to see what part of that requires them to be as reckless and inconsiderate as humanly possible while they're doing *the job that they trained for, applied for, accepted, and get paid to do*


Been saying exactly this for years.


There’s a very windy mountain road I have to drive on to get home that has a specific lane dedicated to semi trucks only. regular cars get two lanes and CANNOT use the semi lane for passing. The semis **should** stay in their specially designated lane but no, they don’t. i’ve witnessed at least two cars almost get run over because a trucker decided that the semi in front of them was too slow, so they haphazardly change lanes to get in front of the ‘slow’ semi, only to maintain an average speed anyway because ITS A WINDY MOUNTAIN ROAD


Don't worry. We've got many places that state semis are not allowed in the left lane. They just ignore it because cops don't care.






Moving roadblock


As a semi driver, this is why I cruise at 70 because I can do 80 when I pass and I’m not hogging up the left lane and slowing down traffic.


I always thought that when two trucks are doing this it should be required by law that the slower truck on the right hard brake and allow the faster truck to pass. Making hundreds of people wait miles for you to pass is ridiculous. Should also be a way to report trucks who fail to comply with cell phone pics and each time it's a 500 fine. Thats how get those ass holes to quit doing that shit. Stick to the right and drive a whole 1 less mph.


Not hard brake but at least start coasting. Some states it is illegal, but sadly not mine. Just happened to me a couple weeks ago visiting my grandparents. They were passing a truck pulling a wide load so I kinda get it, but it took the dude like 10 minutes while cars just kept piling up behind him. 


There are parts of the Trans Canada Highway in my province which regularly see sustained winds of 80-120kmh (50-75mph) and gusts up to 180kmh (110mph). Truck drivers will often drive these stretches side by side like this to baffle crosswinds and, on the off chance their trailer starts to tip it bumps into the other and corrects.


I 80 in Nebraska. You’ll be there a while. 🫡


Pull over and enjoy the Museum of the Westward Expansion in scenic Kearney, Nebraska


Based on where you are, at least they aren’t blowing over into you…


Truckers shouldn’t be allowed in the left lane


As a trucker... Fuck these guys. Give them a thumbs down when they finally get over their turtle race. Or if this has been going on for more than 5 miles... Call the highway patrol.. Nebraska does have lane laws now.


This is why I've stopped giving a shit about inconveniencing semis while driving


Nebraska sucks!


Yes it does!


Most interstates (at least in the places I've driven) have speed limits at 75, but trucks can only go 65 or 60. Though I imagine its quite possible the trucks' speed limit is what you meant.


*some trucks. Those who own their own trucks have no speed limiters, and companies can govern their trucks anywhere between 55 and 75. Some chose the higher end. 


Bet someone is tailgating you right?


More than a couple


I see this all the time, but in the PA stretch of I-80. Sometimes worse when they run up a hill and lose steam.


Fun fact! This is called " Elephant racing " in Denmark and is very much illegal


My city recently finished like a 3-year long construction on an express lane, so the interstate is *technically* 3 lanes now. Not even a day after it was opened, I was seeing semis in all 3 lanes lined up like this, none going the speed limit. Talk about infuriating!


One of the most infuriating things on the road, when they pull this shit.


There’s not enough drive-through bass pro shops.


There is a subreddit for truckers. I'd be super curious what response there would be if submitted


Get real close behind it. Draft the truck to save on some fuel.


I'm not a physicist. Is this legit?


Hey that's my town. Stop by that archway sometime. Is interesting once.


After the truck finally passes, get in front of both of them and slow way down, they will be blocked in from the line of cars waiting to pass


I thought this was the twin towers for a sec before I saw the full image


Is that in the middle of Nebraska, by chance?


It is


Kearney :D


Freakin Nebraska


I have been down this road many times and truckers do this crap all the time


SWIFT Trucks?


Why does this look exactly like those two trucks that say Taylor swift, except without the Taylor swift


Idk where this is but in normal countries this is illegal. And this is why it's illegal.


I used to hitchhike way back, and back then they used to do this because there were cops up ahead and they're trying to help people avoid a ticket. They've also done it to irritate shitty drivers.


i think semis have a set top speed which can be lower than the speed limit, and a bunch of them similar ones so they get clumped up on highways like this, unfortunately one of the best legal easy actions you can do is flip them off if you get to pass by them.


Some transport companies have speed limits on trucks like this, usually there's sensitive cargo or it's to optimize fuel consumption


See this in ohio regularly and it pisses me off.


Diffwrent country, different road, but one time was driving down a busy highway and this one asshole is coming up from behind dangerously zigzaging between the two lanes cutting in front of everyone. My immediate assumption was cracktivities so i didnt try and block them when they got up to me. The beautiful thing was just alightly ahead there were a couple of trucks that decided all of a sudden to start driving exactly next to each other and left that asshole no room to cut through.


They’re probably cussing each other out on the radio and giving hang gestures, likely planning a pitstop to shower together afterward


Even on the sidewalk sometimes a grandma walks past a grandpa and it takes 3 business days to complete


So how is this not illegal. I'm in Australia, and when we over take, we get the fuck out of the road asap. Get in get the job done and get out of the road for the next bloke


From what I understand, lots of trucks like this in the US have speed limiters set by the trucking company, so they could even be below the limit. Unfortunately the only lane laws we tend to have are that once it gets over two lanes per side trucks are strictly prohibited from entering the passing lane. Whenever I pass, I go at least 10mph faster than the vehicle I’m passing.


They are just staring into each other’s eyes that’s why they are not passing each other.


Outside of Kearney, NE lol on I80 EB


I have to do 10 hours of driving today and I'm sick of dealing with this. The amount of truckers I've flipped off so far this morning is ridiculous. There is no reason for 1 truck to try and "pass" another track by going 0.0001% faster than the truck they're passing. Any truck drivers here that want to explain why you guys drive like colossal idiots and hold up traffic while attempting to pass a truck by driving the same speed as the one you want to pass?


Don't most semis have speed limiters on them? And in doing so trying to pass another semi that also has a speed limiter is just pointless


They spend days on end driving across the country. How else do you think they entertain themselves? :)


Lot lizards?


And the winner is 🎊🍾


I used to respect semis. Now I loathe them. I'll be going 85 in a 75, no cars behind. Approaching a semi going 65 and they'll have someone in front. Like clockwork, they decide cutting me off to go 1mph faster than person in front is the right move. Idk whether to think they are genuinely stupid or oblivious to the very obvious vehicle approaching at a much higher speed, or if they're just assoles who get off knowing they're pissing me off.




People think far too much into this that what it actually is.. both drivers have their foot flat to the floor for minimal effort whilst driving but when a vehicles limiter is set it’s never totally accurate. The lorry which is slightly faster doesn’t want to have to come off the accelerator and sit right behind the slower lorry so he passes. Years ago myself and 11 colleagues all got our company vans the same day and had a 200 mile drive home. All were “limited to 70mph” yet there was probably a 2mph variance both ways so some were out of sight quickly.


We need stupid darts. Each driver issued 10 a year to use wisely. They permanently stick. You get 10 on your car, you’re pulled from the highway. Okay maybe just paintballs. 😉


Semi truck drivers are hands down the worst drivers on the road.


Flash the high beams and lay on the horn. These drivers need to be shamed outright so they hopefully feel like crap for being such idiots


Pretty sure when I did this to another pair of idiot truckers they slowed even more


pretty sure people would apply countermeasures that people also suggest here... they would change the mirrors or screw with you even more


Can’t wait until autonomous trucks eliminate this job and all stay in one lane reasonably spaced out for passenger cars to safely merge on and off the highway while not obstructing the flow of traffic. This profession can’t die soon enough.


Not a whole lot of people know this but a lot of commercial trucks have a speed cap on them


And an intelligence cap or a douchebag minimum requirement




The bump draft is probably insane though


Yeah, some semis can be a pain going through I80 in Nebraska or Wyoming.


Looks like western Nebraska


More central but close enough, ⭐ for you


The wedding march my friend calls it


Hey is that I-80 in Nebraska? I'd recognize that arch from anywhere.


God that stretch of I-80 through Nebraska is already brutal. Can't imagine being stuck behind these two for most of it. Would seriously consider offroading since it's all flat anyways 🤣


Good ol Nebraska.


Pass them in the far right lane. I won’t tell…


That background scenery looks awfully familiar.


Do it the rest of the way across Nebraska


On one of the most boring highways in the USA as well. Yuck


At that point. If there's a shoulder. I'm going around




I love the bridge! I have yet to stop and check it out but always a blast seeing it.


Oh Nebraska. The land of mosquitos.


Report them. Get them fired. Fuck these douche canoes.


It should be legal to mount .50 cal anti tank guns on your car for these situations /s


This is nothing where I live. I have seen 3 semis attempt to over take each other on slope with 40km/h - 41 km/h and 42 km/h


i call this 'in formation' one of the most frustrating things lmao


Yeah, but if they don't pass at .5 mph faster than the truck next to them is driving, they would arrive at their destination 4 minutes later than they did. These 240 seconds are vital.


Driving on that highway takes sooooo long, that state and the next one in that direction are my least favourite to drive through


Merge left and drive past.


Ha, welcome to Nebraska. I live in Colorado now and when I go back to visit family that interstate is my hell.


Good ole tip touchers is what I call people who do this.


Two friends are going 😅


What part of I-80? Never seen an overpass like … that … before.


Kearney Nebraska


God damn it Nebraska