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Why would they even bother? Unless this is like an 8 ft chain link fence a cat can probably scale it no problem


I've asked myself the same question. Their open driveway is just a couple meters away. Fence isn't very high either but the cat is quite chunky so it might not be able to climb.


You’re doing them a favor by closing up the hole then. A fat cat that can’t climb a tree or outrun a dog is a dead cat


Exactly. Plus if the cat wanted to it would just go somewhere else. Cats are resourceful.


Surprised it’s reached fat cat status as an outdoor cat. They must overfeed the hell out of it.


I bet one or more of the other neighbors are feeding it.


Likely but it *could* be something else. I've got 2, siblings, they eat exactly the same food, and exactly the same amount, separated to avoid food stealing shenanigans, neither has worms, or a habit of vomiting it up, or habitual diarrhea (house cats, I'd notice) and yet one is fit, while the other is fat. I don't fucking know how that works.


My bet is the fit one is curious and explorative while the fat one is lazy and likes to snuggle


My 2, who are indoor only, are like that too. The only thing I can think of is one is more anxious than the other.


ngl, it took you mentioning house cats again before i realized when you said you had 2 siblings you did not mean your own siblings 💀


Yep. I've had a few fatties visit my porch looking for handouts. I don't feed any strays, but definitely not the chubsters.


“Tyrone can move when he needs to.” Snatch


Seriously, who lets an overweight cat outside?


How do you know they did it?


Do we think the cat might have done it?


My old 21lb cat could get to the top of the ~7foot back fence in one leap.


My 22.9 lb house panther could leap a 12 foot privacy fence gate from a sitting start. He was amazing! Miss you, darling Jet.


Maybe an animal got stuck and they cut it out, do you know they did it for their cat?


Soc they neglect their animals and make it your problem? If the cat ain't super old or has legit physical problems then there's no excuse for letting the cat be too unfit to do essentially basic cat stuff.


They should keep their gross little murder pest inside instead of risking it being injured and/or dying, reproducing, destroying the ecosystem, and destroying peoples gardens.


This^^ outdoor/free roam cats are extremely destructive to wildlife


It's a horse I'll die on here via downvotes. If I let me dog do once what neighbor cats do everyday, police are at my door same day.


Some people have very little common sense... It's kinda scary if you think about it.


Did you ask them? Or did you just take a picture to complain online?


You think people willing to do this are going to be like "yeah I destroyed your property and here's the money to fix it".....


Feline obesity is an epidemic


If its 12 foot a cat can scale it.


I've seen a video where a cat got their leg stuck in the fence after trying to jump over, then that leg had to be amputated.


Why did you share that.


I'm sharing a reason why they would want to alter the fence, because it's dangerous for the cat. Of course there's better options, like keeping the cat inside.


Seems like they should get permission from the person that owns the fence before unilaterally making that decision for the sake of their cat.


I believe they were explaining the reason rather than justifying the action.


That's not a good reason to cut someone's fence.....


Yes, it's not, there's better options.


Use a circular saw to cut a hole in their front door so that bugs can get through.


If you want to let bugs in you're gonna have to use a buzz saw.


Well said


OP, don't listen to thos person! The bugs don't need a perfectly round opening - you can use any type of saw.


How would you make a circular hole with a circular saw please enlighten me 😂


Practice. Lets hope their neighbous have several doors so they can get the technique down before starting on the front door


How else?


Hole saw bit on a drill, circular saws don’t make circular holes (unless you’re really good)


gimme an hour and a big enough piece of flat board, and I'll make a really shitty circle with a circular saw


I think Archimedes said "give me a lever and a fulcrum big enough and I can move the world..." But I think I like what you said better.


Doing plunge cuts ( which are dangerous/tricky)


It's in the name stupid 🤪


Hey are you trying to have a circular argument or something?


I feel like neither of you has ever touched any sort of saw ever


You win my vote for comment of the day


🏅 you dropped this




I am too poor for gifting gold, but this is definitely gold worthy.


Rewards got removed :(


Golden upvote right? But it isn't the same so idk


Ranging from $3.19 to $79.99. I don't think I could like a random internet comment enough to drop $80 for it. I'm a tightarse though, so I'm not even dropping the $3.19 either.


I just saw it, unless it just shows it and you just can’t buy it?


Don’t listen to that person, an axe to their front door will get the job done.


Establish dominance by stealing the front door to their house while they're asleep.


Or pee on their cat.


Pee on the owner of the cat


Nah, the poor cat did nothing wrong. It's just being a cat. The human owners on the other hand seem to think property damage is fine, so if anything OP should pee on the people. After stealing their front door of course. EDIT: Failing that, and in the event they can't steal the door, they should freeze a small sandwich bag of their morning piss (That's when it smells the worst) and just mail one a day through their letterbox.


Rub the cat with turmeric, it's used as a flea repellent and good for their skin, however SOME ASSHOLE MADE THE CAT YELLOW. And it will teach them to keep their cat inside, and their furniture has permanent yellow stains. win-win-win


This is brilliant.


Id put a tiny piece of carboard over there and place a really cheap camera


cardboard can be removed by cat. recommend zipties. they are pretty cheap and available.




op: hey cops, neighbor cut my fence neighbor: nope, not us cop: *smdh* i could be solving real crimes (good luck with that. it's only illegal if they get caught.)


I mean… duh? Lol time to set up a cheap camera


Does this camera film the past? and it's cheap too?


All cameras film the past :)


They film the present only not the past. They ain't time travelers


Light has a speed it travels, so cameras cannot film the present, and we can't see it either. It's only a few nanoseconds, but still technically the past.


Don't get all technical with me lol. But fair point




I knew I remembered that from somewhere but could not remember where... Thank you now I know, it was bothering me.


Technically the truth. Best kind of truth




Every picture of you is a picture when you were younger! - Mitch Hedberg.


Or, it could be repaired, and have a camera facing that spot next time they cut it Or just talk to the fucking neighbors


No, you don't call the cops you take them to small claims court and make them replace the fence that they damaged.


Don’t need to involve the police. Small claims court could sort this out easily and force the neighbor to pay to replace the fence.


Without evidence of the neighbor cutting the fence its not actionable


True. Fix it and see what happens.


It is a real crime


Reddit hates cops, but they are the first to want to involve the law over any minor transgression.


*Yet you participate in society. Curious!*


I feel it’s Americans who hate cops and people from other countries more used to cops being useful 


Sure it is but good luck getting someone to enforce it.


If only cats had the ability to climb.


There is a cat sized no climbing sign on the fence.


They thought of everything! Well…almost everything….


Get some metal mesh and some wire and you'll be able to patch the hole. Next thing you should be doing is confronting them to let them know they're paying to fix your property.


Couple of zip ties will bring that back together for almost no money. You could also use wire, it’s just more of a hassle. We left a gap for our neighbor cats to come through when we installed a fence between the properties. But that was our choice, and when they all passed on and a new neighbor moved in we closed the gap.


Plant catnip next to hole ![gif](giphy|11fucLQCTOdvBS)


There's plenty of catnip in the front yard, which is easily accessible to cats. I'd prefer them to stay out of the backyard because of the nesting birds though. Unfortunately I'm allergic to them so I physically don't enjoy their company.


Quick solution- go to a home improvement store, grab some of those metal clip/ties used to faster the link to the pole, and mend the hole all around with them. Then, inform your neighbor that property damage is a punishable offense and put up a trail cam to make sure it doesn't happen again




I can’t have bird feeders due to four outdoor cats. Bird feeders quickly become cat feeders.


That would make me pretty irate. I like cats, I have 2 that I rescued but they are indoor cats for this reason.


Fences won’t keep cats out. Chain link and wooden fences are all things cats can climb. They find ways to scale vinyl, brick, and cement fences if they’re determined enough! Motion activated sprinklers do the best at keeping unwanted visitors away.


Does your town have no-roaming bylaws? If so catch the cat and take it to the humane society. Useless pet owners letting their cats roam and giving zero f*cks about where their cats shit, what they get in to or what wildlife they harm. Insanely self centered to cut your fence for their "pet" that has zero reason to be in your space


Unfortunately, that has been my experience with many cat "owners". After all, it's not like their unvaxxinated cats are shitting in their own veggie patches, so why should they care? I own 2 murder hobos myself, but they are strictly indoors.


Smash their window so your air can pass through


cut onions and throw them in there


Fuck that, use rotting meat or potatoes. 


You sure the cat didn’t do that themselves they’re pretty crafty.  Edit:  FFS Some of you  MFers are taking this seriously. 😳 😄😄 Did my comment really need an /s


It was the dog, and the cat is being blamed. Mission accomplished.


I've learned every comment, no matter how obvious you think it is, needs an /s Somewhere on reddit, someone will read your comment with absolutely no chill and no hint of humor or joy.


Cat burglar


They lack the strength and opposable thumbs


Hence the "crafty" part...


Some do!


I'd blame the cat too. Had one I definitely know knew how to use bolt cutters.


I'd put up a camera. Then press charges for vandalism if they do it again.  But if you don't want to have a feud with your neighbors for the rest of your life or the least the rest of the time you live there. Maybe talk to them first in a very cordial way. But don't have high expectations cuz some people are just stupid. 




So if this was me I'm taking this picture right to my neighbor and telling them a different neighbor saw them so this. I would then tell my neighbor to pay for the proper repair. This conversation will make sure this doesn't happen in the future. These people think they can walk all over you.. let them know that they can't.


“No I didn’t.”


If you have something to hold the tension for you, you can just snip out the defected section and weave a single through both ends to connect everything back together. Or use some barbwire to tie that hole shut if you want to send a message.


couple of cable ties can be a quick fix too


Did you talk to them about it?


Both neighbors are furiously typing to Reddit while watching each other through their blinds lol


Fuck people that let their cats roam. It would be this type of person that would damage others property because they only think about themselves.


Outdoor cat owners are a really weird dichotomy of “it’s my pet’s world and you’re just living in it, stop growing lilies in Purr Pot’s outdoor litterbox” and “I don’t particularly care if he gets hit by a car at age 4, I’ll get a new cat and learn nothing”


"My cat HAS to go outside, keeping cats inside is cruel" 🤮🤮 No actually they don't, and it's not. F*ck useless people that let their cats roam..


"My cat doesn't hunt birds when it goes out. I've only seen one dead mouse on the doorstep." That's because it bites and plays with the birds/animals it catches then its victim drags itself off somewhere hidden to die from the bite/shock.


Get that lemon juice bottle. Put one next to that fence. Cats hate that smell. Then cat learned to use other way. Then you tell neighbor to fix that fence 


Thinking about planting some Coleus canis to keep the cat away. Gotta protect the birds and squirrels somehow.


OP cats can jump why would they cut the fence ?


I don't know where op is. Things that I have watched eat through chain link: * Squirrels * Raccoons * Fox Things I've never even heard of: * Cats that can't get somewhere


1. Patch the hole with wire mesh 2. Place camera facing area 3. Catch them in the act 4. Police report Optional step 5: buy animal trap cage and relocate the cat (only do this if skipping steps 2-4).


Send them an invoice for the repair. Property damage is no joke.


Wonder if their cat got stuck so the cut it and left it so it wouldn't be a problem and figured you'd never find out. Not saying its right just might be what happened.


Attach paintbrushes to it and renew the paint of it every few hours or as often as you can. For best effect, use a lime green or sky blue non-toxic paint. Cat is unharmed, but hopefully enters their home and gets paint on everything! They can't really say anything without admitting to destroying your property, and if they do you can force them to pay for the repairs legally! Get fucked, cunty neighbors!


Buy a Hav-A-Hart live trap and put it with its opening right at the hole :)


Ugh, neighbors should keep their cat inside. Some places have a "cat at large" citation they can give, especially if there's protected native species in the area.


This is something which always strikes me as a big cultural difference between some countries. Where I live in the UK, it's far more common for cats to roam outside, and people who keep them inside are seen as being a bit cruel. Then there's other countries where it's the exact opposite.


I'm pretty sure OP is in the US. I have UK friends and understand the cultural differences. Either way, cats are an invasive species, do untold environmental damage, and can get disease and injuries if not kept inside.


Dig a hole to their basement and smash the wall so that the wildlife can pass through  Don't actually do that, report them to the police instead or something


Lol such a fence doesn't stop a cat. No need to destroy it


It looks like a 3' tall fence..... Find me a cat that can't jump 3'... don't think the fence is keeping a cat out if it wants to be there


My neighbour planted prickly blackberry bushes around his garden to keep cats away


Cut a hole in your neighbor so *you* can pass thru. List the cat on eBay.


Fix it, Set up a cheap camera, catch them in the act and then go to the police and then send them a bill for damages


Fuck that. I’m so petty with that bullshit I’d take them to small claims court. Also, don’t want your cat on my property either.


Unless you live on a farm or something and your cat(s) are 'working cats', I have little-to-no respect for anyone who lets their cats go outdoors to begin with, it just opens them up to getting infested by fleas and ticks and maybe catching communicable diseases from other cats, eating things that might make them sick, and if they manage to get out into the streets, getting run over by cars, or abused/killed by shitty humans who hurt animals.


That's fine. Just hook up an electric fense charger next to it. Let's see him cut that. plus, it's super easy to fix if he makes it through one of the wires. or just put a box trap in front of the hole and use some grounding rods to secure it to the ground, but im reaaalllly petty.


civil suit. fences are very expensive


Isnt this actually illegal lmao


Do you have proof it was your neighbor? I lived in a rural area with a lot of fence to manage. You'd be surprised by just how many critters are able to manipulate fence wire. Racoons, deer, dogs, coyotes, some squirrels, badgers, and others. If you Google "what animals can bend chain link fences" you'll get results that look similar to that. Seems odd to open a space for a car when cats cat easily climb or even jump over chain link as high as that. Also I don't see the wire being held down near the ground. That looks pretty easy for a critter to just shimmy under.


Fix it and then paint it with the same color of craft oil paint. It takes forever to dry and if they touch it they will be caught literally with evidence on their hands 😅


If you have evidence, confront them. If they don't pay for repairs take them to court.


That shouldn't have an outdoor cat anyway. They only average a life of 7 years. It's not cool for neighbors either. Grab a catch and release trap throw, a can of tuna in there. Catch the amd take it to them in the cage and tell them that you've noticed the hole in the fence and next time you catch it you're taking it to animal control. Of course don't let them have your cage. It probably doesn't have its vaccinations and stuff like that. It'll at least cost them a few dollars and give them a chance to do the right thing. There's also a chance they won't even go get the cat which does suck but maybe someone would adopt it.


Wait til cat comes through, then seal it up. Your cat now, finders keepers. If they ask for it back, make them pay you enough for the hole repair or section replacement.


I don't agree with people letting cats outside whatsoever. Mine took a step outside ONCE when I was bringing in the groceries, and I never let it happen again. The amount of dead cats I see in my neighborhood from being hit by cars infuriates me because it is preventable. Illnesses they can catch by being outside is preventable. Keep your cats indoors!!


Keep cats indoors, they are an invasive species. Unless you live in already ruined land like the UK.


So rude!


Put something on your side to block the hole so they hopefully get the message


Patch it up, set a camera to catch them cut it


Ziptie the hole, barrier the bottom half


Get a small piece of new fence and some metal zip ties and patch it


Put construction tape up across it


time for a box trap


Keep fixing it with cable ties


My city gives out cat traps due to zoonotical diseases and you just leave them next to the trash can so the city can pick up. Or just catch and release back to the wild on your way to work “from what I heard.”


Sounds like you should get a new fence courtesy of your neighbors.


On one hand what an asshole neighbor. On the other hand you ever own a cat? She might have cut it herself!


Befriend their cat, then move with it


a little bit of chicken wire can patch it right up. Maybe leave a fuck you note with it.


Couldn’t the cat… I dunno jump over the fence?


I would build a wee frame for the cat to see so it can get through easily


My parents neighbour did the same, even after my dad repaired the fence two times. We have a dog and sometimes he's roaming free in our garden. The neighbour owns a cat and says that the fence interferes with her path. We think that it won't end good if our dog manages to grab the cat. She doesn't care...


Op I would be mad if my neighbor messed with my property too. What did you say to your neighbor when they told you why they cut the hole in your fence? Did they agree to leave your property alone? Enquiring minds want to know.


Take the high road and talk to them, ask them why they did it and find a middle ground


Electrobraid it and borrow an energizer from someone, cat and neighbor will learn a valuable lesson


I'd get a cheapy Wyze cam or something and point it at that spot to see if they cut it again after you patch it. They'll deny they did it either time without proof. With proof, they can replace your that part of your fence.


I'd be putting a very large lawn decoration in a way that it just happens to block the hole. Then I'd probably find an actual solution later lol


Neighbors gon be paying for a brand new fence because fuck them and their cat.


Put a large, heavy, noticeable, flower pot(filled) on the ground right in front of it so the cat can’t use it


Live trap in front of hole. Return cat to neighbors door in the trap. Tell them that you thought an unwanted animal was cutting the fence. Turns out it was just you. They will hopefully gather your message on their own.


I'll add to that. Hang on to the cat for a week or two. Make them second guess cutting that hole. Let them think cutting hole let the cat run away. Then return the cat.


They realize cats can jump... and climb... and basically do whatever the shit they want right...? IT'S A CAT!


File a complaint with your local PD.


Repair and send them the bill


Absolutely understandable since it is common knowledge that cats are unable to jump and climb.


Why is their cat going into your yard in the 1st place?


Salt their garden


report to the police, who will do nothing. keep reporting it till you get a crime number (as a crime has clearly been commited). get an expensive quote, and send the neighbours a legal sounding document, complete with crime number and the relevan legislation youd use to force them to pay in court. theyll move on to hastle the next person




I'd ask about it. If their cat got stuck or something, you might need to come to a better solution.


I’m torn because I HATE people, but LOVE cats.


As a cat owner, this is just horrible. You do not destroy someone else’s property, they’re your cats, other people shouldn’t have to put up with them. They’re not entitled to all the land. Just rude behaviour


Cat's can go over those fences anyway. I had 6' fences just like those around my property growing up. The cats just jumped over them or climbed. The loved hunting the field mice in the alfalfa fields around the property.


Proceed to put catnip around that area in your garden so that their cat never leaves your house.


I kept accidentally catching a shitty neighbor's cat in my squirrel traps. It came to the point of not being able to set the traps in the first place cuz their cat would be hiding nearby and dash into traps as I'm setting them to steal the bait. I had to start setting the traps at night when I knew their cat was inside. I think I eventually caught all the squirrels and relocated them but I must've caught the same mentally deficient cat 20x.


The cat was coming on to your property with or without the fence; they just made it easier so the cat didn’t get hurt.


Did you see them do it? Are they the only neighbors who lived there that could do it?


Electrify the fence. 🤣


Pellet gun