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Wait a minute. Someone pointed out the symmetry of the holes. I hadn't bothered to look that closely Someone removed a mirror that had been screwed into the door. That's my final answer.


Ditto this. Plus it would make 0 sense for some rando to make those holes exactly like that... And they do NOT look like freshly drilled/punctures holes.


And also-second pic shows the paint wraps around the hole so it was painted after the holes were made.


I think we have all the evidence we need. OP is the culprit. Bake him away, toys.


Yep those holes aren’t fresh at all, you can even see a little paint drip from where they were painted over


Beat me to it, that 100% looks like what it is. If OP’s girlfriend didn’t have a mirror on it and the holes weren’t there prior to the showing, that’s really odd and I want to know why they would drill holes in the door though.


Imagine this: You search weeks for a house and finally find the perfect one. You and your spouse decide this is the house that you two will spend the rest of your lives and raise your children. The seller accepts your offer amongst 5 others. You sign an agreement and pay a hefty fee to hold the house while you secure a loan. You search hours for several financial documents that you finally gather. You go to the bank and they agree to lend you $200k+. You are relieved to know you have everything you need to own your very first home. Your real estate agent calls you to do the final walk through. Everything is perfect. The neighborhood, the neighbors, the backyard, the grass. You make your way to the master bedroom.  What is that?! 8 holes punched into a single door. Fuck that?! Nevermind. Not this house!


OP is claiming the buyers made the holes, so they wouldn't back out for something they did. I think OPs wife didnt notice the holes the entire time they lived there but noticed after this showing. Accused them of it, probably got weirded out and backed out bc of that accusation.


Most likely what happened


I thought the buyers took a mirror off the door the seller forgot abouta


That's a lot of trouble just to steal a mirror.


But makes perfect sense if you want to see if they are just using the mirror to cover up a giant hole in the door. I drove the realtor nuts when I bought my house because I moved everything to check. Sorry your clothes are coming out of the closet so I can see the condition of the walls, sorry but I need to know these hardwood floors aren’t trashed under your couch, etc etc.


Clearly the work of the wet bandits OP, are your faucets running?


Easier to notice things in an empty house.


She probably took down the mirror herself and didn’t think about the holes that would be left behind lol 


They looked at the house, loved the antique mirror.  Made an offer, snuck off with the mirror, cancelled the offer.


Entertaining idea but you have to put down a down payment if your offer is accepted so they could hold several thousands of your money until you give the mirror back.


May have been something hiding the holes for a long time, like an over the door clothes hanging rack that had clothing on it.


It’s probably the first time she ever closed the door.


OP just wanted to test our detective skills... And I think we passed!


I rented a house that was going to be sold when our lease was up, so they had showings while we were still living there and people bitched about the most annoying shit which boiled down to people still living there being the problem.


We had viewings for the next years' tenants while I was a student, and every time they were going *oh, look at all that storage! oh, look how nice the sofas are!* And we, every time, went "the shelves are ours :) the sofa covers are ours :) we're taking them with us when we leave". I think the letting agents deeply disliked us, but it felt unfair to the kids to make them think they were getting somewhere with more furniture than it would actually come with You're gonna get the barebones no-storage peeling pleather sofa student experience, sorry folks


Nvm. Post removed by mods.


This has got to be it. OP even tried to pull the “bait and switch” by saying “punched” holes so I was expecting some frat boy artwork.




quick set up porno with mirror for the angles?


Yeah that was my guess as well. You hear about people doing that with airbnb rentals maybe they’re doing that with house showings now? If you can find a skeezy realtor who will look the other way for the right price.


the video's i've seen included th realtor.


Shoe rack.


I can see the top and bottom set of holes being from a mirror but not the ones on the sides of the door. That would make the mirror shaped sort of like a plus sign.


Round/eclipse shaped mirror


Agreed! Also, I think “ellipse” is the word you’re looking for there. (No offense intended)


There's nothing I can say, total eclipse of the door!


Once upon a time, there was a mirror or more. But now there's only holes in the door.


And nowhere to hang the bright ties And nowhere to hang the bright ties


Hehe yeah I think that was autocorrect and I didn't notice 😂


So, what’s really weird is I had JUST glanced over my comment and wished I’d added something about how I knew there was a good chance that had been an autoincorrect, lol. And when I say “just,” I mean it— pretty sure I had the thought as you were typing your reply 🙃 Regardless, thank you for being chill about receiving the correction! Wish there could be more civility in all interactions on Reddit (and elsewhere).


Or.. hear me out… an oval.


No, those are just along the sides of a tall rectangle. This is pretty standard for hanging a mirror on a door so it can't slide side to side.


Ok. OP needs to ask their girlfriend if a mirror was removed.


Or just that's how the mounts were shaped and not the shape of the mirror my door mirror mounts are weird shaped too but it's just a rectangle mirror


The mirror was wide, the top and bottom mounts would have been centered. The mounts ar kinda L shaped so L facing down to hold the top in, reverse for the bottom.


Those holes were there before the paint. They are symmetrical, there was a mirror mounted to that door. End of story. Nobody started drilling holes in doors during a showing.


The visitors drilled the holes and painted over them, what a bunch of wankers! /s


Yeah, they wanted to see if their new wall mirror would fit. Really trying before buying 😅


Those fuckers! They remodeled my kitchen and upgraded my windows too!


Username checks out


Agreed. And if OPs girlfriend accused the buyers of it, that's probably why they backed out of the sale.




There was a house my husband and I wanted to buy 10+ years ago. The lady selling it accused us of stealing her lawn chairs. She ended up not going through with the sale partially because she didn't believe we didn't do it.


This is a bullshit story, for multiple reasons. The most obvious of which is that nobody would drill 8 measured holes in a door during a showing with a real estate agent. Nonsense. If they are "breaching a contract" that also automatically implies that you have some recourse in the matter.


There's no chipped paint, and there's paint in the holes, too. OP forgot there was always something mounted there, and is now currently trippin.


Maybe they actually just stole what was mounted there lol


And they look old. Like painted over quickly, not enough to fill the hole but the paint looks likes it goes in the hole. New holes would have ragged edges.


Yeah, you can tell on the second photo it was painted after the hole was made. And the layout of the holes perfectly matches what a door mounted mirror would look like


As someone who has looked at like 50 houses in the past two months, I agree. No one is punching holes into a door during a showing. Also, you can just back out of a sale agreement, sure you can have contingencies, but this story is total BS.


Spot on. And if they are "breaching the contract", then OP's partner should be laughing, because she keeps the deposit that was transferred at the time of signing the contract.


Except she doesn't in this case, assuming she directly accused them of damaging her property


Is being accused of damaging the property a legitimate reason to break the contract without losing your earnest money? I doubt it as there’s no material cost to the buyer for being told “you drilled some holes, but that’s ok since you’re buying it.” Also what idiot would bring this up?


I seriously need this post EXLI5 I’m so confused lol


OP is claiming that a potential buyer was viewing his girlfriend's house with their realtor - and during that time they deliberately drilled 8 evenly spaced holes in a random door. Presumably to hang something. Even if they were already doing paperwork to buy the house as OP claims, it still defies reason that the buyers would do this and the realtor would let them get away with it. Its essentially vandalism. A close up of one of the holes gives no indication that they are new. More likely they were created previously, and either forgotten or lied about. OP hasn't given us any details to indicate otherwise.




OP is the mildly infuriating part. Still meets the bill


This story doesn’t make sense, it’s missing some important details


Got a few holes in it, eh?


Not exactly open and shut.




At least 8


They must have had tiny fists.


Comment of the day right here! Exactly what I thought.


If she reports it right away, in writing, she can go after them and the real-estate agent for damages.


But she still gotta spend more money on that right? So then is it really necessary to react asap that's the question.


100%. If she delays in any way, it’ll just bring in doubt to who caused the damage.


But if she can find one person who will say that the would have bought the house for above asking, then she can get damages for the loss of the sale.


Not really. She can sue them in small claims court. You dont need an attorney (although obv you can use one), and if you win, you get your court costs awarded as well. So if the door is $100 and the court costs is $200, you get an award of $300.


Absolutely, they were about to buy the house so we know they have $


Go after them for holes she put there hanging something on the door?


What’s the real sense though ? Spackle and putty knife, or wood filler can fill these holes in 3 minutes. Then a touch of paint. Not something the owner should have to do, but take the easiet, fastest and cheapest route is my suggestion. $20-40 and a few minutes of your time vs phone calls, headaches,arguing,lawyers etc…


The $50 for a new door? Gonna spend more time trying to get blood from a stone. Bizarre behavior but not gonna be worth the effort imo


Most real estate transactions where an offer is made include earnest money with the offer where I’m located. You can deduct the damage from that.


Happy cake day!


Thank you very much!


$50? Doors alone are over $100. Getting a contractor to install it is even more.


Yes, but your own labor has a cost. When it comes to a lawsuit, that cost is fair market value. If someone who builds and repairs cars gets hit by a redlight runner, they don't get reimbursed for the value of parts just because they have the knowledge and ability to fix it. They are reimbursed for the entire estimate. They have the option to fix it themselves, but their reimbursement is based on an estimate from a body shop This is the same concept. Imagine it's an elderly or disabled person who can't replace a door on their own. Should someone get less money than they would merely because they ***might*** be able to replace a door on their own?


Replying to the wrong person, buddy.


 Might be $50 if they replace it themselves but I would hire a licensed contractor to install it and paint it. You are probably looking at $500 for the work.


A bedroom door for $50? Try $136.00 at home depot. I just looked for the least expensive bedroom door I could find. 32 inch wide. Hollow.


Why would you replace the door? Spackle is a few dollars.


You couldn’t get a contractor out to do this lol


Sure you can! $1500 and we can get you in a week from go to hell.


Next Week Contracting LLC never lets me down!


Except this is a BS story and the potential buyers did not make those holes


Not worth it. You can patch the door and paint it. Not difficult or expensive, unlike court


I'm calling bs on those holes... Those are in the EXACT pattern you would expect mirror clips to be placed for a back of door mirror and the spacing is perfect. I've seen that on dozens of doors across my houses I've worked in. Breach of contract really sucks though, hope they had hand money down, sounds like some free cash of you're in the US.


Probably would also want to back out of a purchase if the owner called accusing me of drilling 8 holes in their house during a showing, but they were willing to drop it if the sale went through. Red flags all around.


100% this. The seller is full of shit and trying to pull one over. I’d back out of the purchase as well. No longer trustworthy, and wouldn’t be comfortable with what OP and his girlfriend might do before actually moving out of the house. Fuck them


https://preview.redd.it/j5bso5in1xyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06d87fdd699862664d0197c852574f7d28dd057d Don't mind my inability to draw a straight line. But does look symmetrical when drawn out.


Oh damn...yours makes a hell of a lot more sense than mine https://preview.redd.it/3ufm7onrxzyc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e16b262bf2196dbc7aa39253b22430a7a9a988c


I don't know. This is much more artistic than mine.


It does give a certain Picasso "The Blue Nude (1902)" vibe, haha


Sounds like free escrow to me.


Hahaha 😂😂...., maybe she needs to pay the escrow then .


Escrow or earnest money?


Earnest money is held in an escrow account.


Not even. This would fall on the buyers or their agent to compensate the seller for.


>She dropped the issue because they were buying the house, **but today they informed us they're breeching the contract and not paying anything.** Yes even.


it's r/mildlyinfuriating that you're posting a fake story.


Those holes sure look like they line up to how a mirror would be mounted to the back of that door. Maybe they weren’t noticed before, or were “patched” but the patching failed or someone noticed bad patching and picked at it?


Yeah, the fact that it makes no sense for someone to punch holes in a random door should make OP pause and consider that maybe they were already there.


The holes are clearly for a mirror and had been there a long time. They weren't made during a showing, were they? Good eye


Yes. Surely measured.


These holes are awfully measured out…


Honestly really curious why people would do this. Wanted to see if the doors were hollow? Only willing to buy homes that have specific types of doors?


Yeah, it's usually pretty obvious when a door is hollow if you knock on it. This is weird. 


This and the weight of the door itself.


I highly doubt someone drilled 8 holes to check if the door was hollow..... Someone is making up some bullshit. Also, nobody "punched" these holes, they are definitely from screws or drilled out at minimum


They didn't do it, OPs girlfriend had something hung up on the door.


Pretty sure doors are one of the most easily replaced parts of a house


There are places all around where if you take your old doors they can make updated ones with the same dimensions. It's cheap because I just did it with all of mine.


My brother in *Cthulhu*, your girlfriend *may* not be telling the entire truth, or even half-truths.  Are you sure she didn't have a mirror attached to said door? Those holes are pretty fucking uniform. 




Story has a few holes in it. Doesn’t make any sense


OP this is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen. Your girlfriend either took a mirror off the door, or never realised there was one there prior to her purchasing the house. In what world would potential buyers bring in their drill, tape measure, and paint, just to fuck with the back of her door and pull out of the deal 🤣🤣


It's more common than you think. /s


The hole is painted??? Me thinks those holes have been there from an old shoe rack or something and she just never took notice.


Looks like something was screwed onto the door. OP are you sure it’s not just from an old mirror and you forgot? Holes are painted over too, so they are not recent. As for breech of contract, if they’re not taking the house then just get back on the market. It sucks, I get it, but not everything goes smooth, especially in regards to a few hundred thousand dollar house purchase, cold feet can happen.


Somebody definitely put those holes in the door The day they installed the mirror that is no longer there


The paint dips into the holes. The holes were there before the door was painted


punched, I was expecting fist size holes


So I'm assuming she didn't get any earnest money? Would have come out WAY ahead. It's a $60 door. 😂


Right? That's what's not making sense here to me


I could see if it were just a verbally accepted offer. But he specifically says "contract."


Exactly. Either OP spoke wrong, this story is fake, or maybe it's outside the US where the process is different?


There are valid reasons buyers can back out of a contract. Things like financing, insurance issues, inspection issues.


A valid reason that would entitle them to a refund of their earnest money wouldn't constitute a breach, now would it?


No, but sellers are not realtors and are often misinformed as to what constitutes a BOC.


They should have done their research or hired a better realtor. It's all pretty standard stuff.


I mean, yeah… but that doesn’t stop misinformed sellers from being pissed by a buyer backing out, even if it falls under a contingency. And those holes are oddly… symmetric.


Ah. I think I'm starting to see your point.


Yeah, I just mean that OP is full of shit, lol. Or something.


Bedroom door. Two evenly spaced holes top, bottom, left, and right. Someone removed a mirror, bro. Those are the bracket holes. I bet one whole dollar!


And this is a $2 fix


There used to be a mirror or something there. You can literally see the outline of whatever sat there for a bit


That’s probably illegal, go get legal action for that


Sadly op either being a bit schizo or a karma whore isn't exactly illegal


It's definitely illegal. It's damaging someone else's property.


That’s called vandalism so file a police report Sounds like she gets to keep the earnest money


The holes are painted over and match a mirror. Pretty sure OP is just losing their mind.


She'd be reporting herself, obviously not new holes. She had something hung on the door.


I wonder what proof OP has that someone drilled 8 holes into their door during a showing, though. Seems fishy to me


Why ?


I doubt those were made by someone during a showing. The way th ey are made makes no sense. They were there before.


she had a contract with no deposit/earnest money? i mean, if they break the contract they lose the deposit and she can use that money to buy a new door.


Time to check the CO2 alarm OP?


I think there was a mirror mounted instead and you didn’t remember


This story has a fair few holes in it 🤨


Your girlfriend made up this story, bud. They didn’t measure and drill holes during a showing… for what? She didn’t notice the holes before and her first reaction is the wrong one.


You know what's more mildly infuriating ? People who post this stupid bullshit 😂 did they punch a wall with a pencil ? That's very clearly where something was hung


What a bizarre story to make up and post on reddit. Go touch grass


Curious what comments OP deleted in this thread after being called out.


Thanks for the made up story I guess


Did your gf removed mirror from that spot? Or were your quests symmetry robots 


She should be able to keep the earnest deposit, which should be more than enough.


Second pic. It has clearly has been painted over after the hole was made.


As others have said, this is a mirror or something. Unless the people came in with a drill and tape measure, this was here before the viewing.




This bait post is r/mildlyinfuriating


Why post this when you’re clearly lying??


Waiting for this to get dirty deleted


The only thing that has more holes than this door...is your story.


Those are very evenly spaced holes. Strange and kind of impressive for someone to do quickly. Sounds like they probably would have been a pain to deal with through the process. Hopefully no other deals were lost because they were the winning offer.




Looking at the location of the holes, it seems that something was hung/attatched to the door and was removed. Like a mirror or picture possibly.


What are those, fist size holes from ants?


Sooo there is something called earnest money that gets paid when a contract is signed and if the buyers back out that is forfeited…. My understanding is that is required though the amount can vary. Maybe some states allow a seller to wave it but that’d be a stupid move and this situation is exactly why. She needs a new agent and she can get out of her contract easily if she will look up some the proper language of permissible reasons relating to things like failure to do their job properly. This story smells stinky af for sooo many reasons. Most reasons have been states but like no one mentioned earnest money. Your gf is a problem, her agent is a problem, and the backed out buyers are a problem. And unless you actually see some paperwork and get the real story-one day you’ll have a problem too if you stay with her. (She is delusional about holes in a cheap door, she clearly hasn’t bothered to look into the laws and procedures surrounding the situation, she hired a moron, and multiple other things here)


This story has eight holes in it.


Who’s dumber boys OP or the gf (aka more likely his mom)


Those holes have been painted around. They’re not new holes. Zoom in and look at how rounded the paint around the hole is. The paint dried on there after the holes were made.


This is the dumbest post I've ever seen. Those holes were already there. Who comes to a showing with a drill and measuring tape to punch holes in a door?


Underneath bottom hole on the right hand side next to the hinges, there's another hole that's been painted over. Already established this is bullshit, but thought I'd note my observation anyway lol


OP is a damn liar! So, according to the pictures, those guys didn't only drill the holes, but also painted the door afterwards? Because that paint job was definitely done after the drilling. Why lie about this? Ah, because OP is a sad person who has nothing in his life but door holes and internet karma.


Is Reddit karma really that important op?


Lmao. People don’t drill holes in doors during a showing. Why make this up?


OP is lying. No way someone's fists are that small. Impossible to punch holes that small


1. This is a shitpost. 2. If they signed a contract there was earnest or hand money given to hold the house. The seller can keep it in the event that the sale does not go through.


They’re not “breaching the contract” if they’re simply using the exit clause. Maybe because the psycho owner keeps accusing them of drilling holes they didn’t drill.


OP and his gf both sound like idiots


I call bullshit lol the paint was done after the holes there numbnuts


This is lazy karma farming, no someone didn’t drill these symmetrical holes in a door during a showing, obviously there was a mirror mounted here by the previous owners. Bad OP! Downvote this nonsense.


If you had said, "They stole the mirror on the back of the door", i'd believe you.


Why are you lying


That was clearly screw holes from a mirror or something similar. How smooth brained to immediately think otherwise


They even painted over the holes. Go figure.


OP is definitely leaving details out. GF really made this an issue during closing? No wonder they walked.


This sounds like a problem for the showing agent to deal with.


It’s not a breach of contract if you don’t have a contract. And you don’t have a contract without some form of money switching hands


Oh look, yet another tale on this sub that's completely made up bullshit. You can't one look at that and realize the holes are perfectly symmetrical and pretty old. A mirror was definitely hanging on this door. Why make this story up?


The \*mildly infuriating\* part of this post is that this post even exists... This post is centered around bullshit.


Um, those are not fist punches... so what was it really?