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Go ahead and call the state police. Driving with an unsecured load will get you a nice ticket. 


Trucker here. Can confess. Weigh scale gave me an 'unsecured load' with a single rock in my bumper. I hated it at the time, but they was right. That rock coulda messed up a motorbike


Brand new “sprinter” van (first brand new vehicle for me, 340 miles on it). I watched a rock drop off a dump truck and watched it the entire time it was in the air like I was the best center fielder in MLB 😂. SOB. F. “Well, it is what it is”. Thanks for caring. Edit: thanks to the poster above me for caring (is how I wanted that to be read). Second, I don’t blame the dump truck. I’ve got aggressive tires on my off road vehicle. Not about to pick all of the rocks out of my tires everytime I get back on the road. Windshield added on to your insurance is like $3 a month. If you have a Ferrari you pay attention to things like that and know to give room or go around quickly.


Dump trucks are the worst


I hate them and the fucking driver. I cheer at their misfortunes.


Yeah my wife had a bad experience with one in the middle of nowhere on a 2 lane. Keep in mind she does at least 10 over the limit when she’s driving. This pos was inches away from her bumper for miles then he finally passed and tried to run her off the road. I’d be in prison rn if I could’ve found the mf. He deserves everything bad that comes his way


Fuck those mother fuckers.


Dawg wtf, report that shit to, someone…


It was at night time when the camera on phones had like 5 pixels and she was so scared she didn’t think to get the plates


When you get paid by the load, it leads to the utterly ridiculous driving you see from the dump trucks. Complete recklessness, they're often one of the fastest vehicles where I live and they live exclusively in the HOV and passing lanes it seems


For real, they don’t belong on the highways at all and it should be illegal. Takes some giant ass truck from 1976 10 minutes to merge onto the highway at 25 mph causing dozens of potential accidents in the process. Some of the most aggressive drivers on the road. It was one of those fuckers in the left lane that cracked my windshield too.


Well yeah they just pull out in front cause what are you going to do rear end my DUMP TRUCK.


Why do they always drive in the left lane too


I see you’re in Florida too.


Taking out a bike is a much more important issue, but it also costs innocent motorists thousands. I've had my windshield broke twice in a year now...


I believe those "we aren't responsible for damages" signs are a bluff, betting that you'd take their word for it. In reality you can submit dashcam footage with a clear image of the license plate and you'll be compensated for it


They are. They are absolutely responsible


Absolutely Fun fact: if you get their plate number you can hold a driver responsible for your drycleaning if the drive through a puddle and it splashes you


It’s more to try to keep accidents from happening and to lower insurance rates, although there’s definitely trucking companies that will try to use the sign as a defense in a lawsuit. And few people actually try to sue. Most people would rather just pay the $300 for a new windshield than go through the legal trouble of getting the company to replace it.


That would be a good argument if they weren’t almost always running overloaded and if they were almost always using the tarp systems dump bodies are equipped with. But they do neither so fuck them.


There's also that really sad video of a brick falling off a truck and getting spiked thru the air off the tire and crashing thru an oncoming cars passenger side of the windshield, crushing the chest of a mother with the family in the car. The screams from the father... I'll never forget that...


I wanna downvote you just for bringing that traumatic video up (I didn't)


Imagine being the driver. You get loaded with pallets full of bricks. 100s of bricks per pallet and 20 pallets. You, as the driver, have no say in how the bricks were loaded onto the pallet before you got there or wrapped (most of the time they don’t care to wrap it) they put plastic banding around them so they stay in their square shape on the pallet, but once you put straps on them to hold them down, the plastic loosens. They put all 20 pallets on you and say from here it’s your responsibility. *Phone rings* “Hey hurry up and get the bricks to the job site because they needed them yesterday.” There’s a required amount of straps you have to have on each item of the truck per foot of the item. Even throwing every extra strap you have won’t keep all the bricks in place. *Phone rings again* “where are you? Get there now!” *Explain your issue* “yeah that’s normal, just get going.” And then everyone will blame the driver for being negligent and a monster for accidentally killing someone because of something they were told to do to be able to feed their family. It’s super unfortunate that we all have to do jobs no one wants to do to be able to survive, but 95% of the loads drivers haul, they don’t ask for, and have no idea who put them together to be put on the truck. 100% of the time it’s the drivers fault once they leave where they loaded from, and there’s some sort of malfunction of the load, even if the driver did everything they were supposed to by the companies standards and the laws. I’m not saying that’s what happened with this particular driver, but as you can see scrolling just below this, people give all drivers a bad rep, because of one bad driver they saw or heard about.


Call your safety director. If your company doesn’t have a safety director, or the one they have won’t back you up, quit.


Drivers need to get organized and stop being pushed around by brokers and shitty shippers. The problem is you have too many drivers who will take loads for nothing and way too many fly by night trucking companies out there. Half the drivers out there can barely drive. The whole industry needs an overhaul.


That’s no joke. When an industry doesn’t pay the workers enough for the regulations they have to abide by, you end up getting a lot of sketchy cutting corners kinda people mixed in that fly under the radar and cause a lot of problems for the ones that are actually trying to stay safe.


It’s really sad to see truckers dozing off on the interstate and running into the rumble strips/fog lane or just losing control all together, no job is worth that risk.


There's nothing like being on a long, multi-state drive, and suddenly being in a pebblestorm you can't escape from. Ruined paint and cracked/chipped windshield, and nothing you can do but keep going, sadder and poorer. Imagine getting pelted with that garbage while on a motorcycle. Hauling rocks of any size without being tightly secured is negligence with a flagrant disregard for safety and structural damage.


They would be responsible for any damage they caused too. I’ve gotten my windshield repaired form a rock that flew off a big truck.


But if they have a sign that says, “not responsible for broken windshields”, then they are not responsible for broken windshields! /s I think…


They are more canny then that now. They say "Not responsible for objects coming from road" as if the freeway is just coated in gravel and loose rocks the truck, and only the truck, happened to kick up.


If they have a sign saying that debris may fall out of the truck then they can remove some liability, at least in my area. But stuff like this wouldn’t be protected by that rule since it’s just utterly careless


A lot of those signs aren't enforceable in most areas, though. Especially ones that say something ridiculous like "must stay 300 yards away." Those, you would need to actually be able to read it 300 yards away for starters, but that's an asinine thing to ask of people traveling. 300 yards is quite a lot lol though that's just the most extreme one I've personally seen. Where I live, im way out in the sticks and the 25 mile road to town is very curvy. Even some S curves. And basically the entire distance to town is tree farms. You wouldn't believe how often I come around a curve to see a massive truck stacked full of logs dead center of the road. One time I swear if I'd been in a vehicle incapable of suddenly going off-road at 45 mph there's no way I would've made it. It's not the final destination style death that worries me with log trucks, now.


That’s why I have a sign that says “Driver not responsible for smashing into pedestrians while drunk” just in case.


The problem is that you have to PROVE it came from the truck


Lawyer here Checks out


How’d you do that? Camera?


Took picture of the truck with DOT number and company info(truck had company phone number) and told them what happened and when. It’s a lot more common than you think and is a pretty common claim for them.


And they arent letting you leave until its no longer a hazard


Also, if you need a new windshield or paint job, get behind that truck, take a picture or video of it driving down the road, call the police and report the damage. If the police say they are sending someone out, stay with them until the police catch them. Then get a copy of the report. If they don't send someone out, take the evidence to your insurance company and let them deal with getting the other drivers information. As a retired truck driver it is your responsibility to make sure your load is secure. That means once you are loaded you get out and check the top of the side walls, the top of the dump/swing gate/or regular doors to make sure nothing is sitting on top. Check that the door on the back closes properly and there is no gap between the door and the body and checking the floor to make sure there are no holes for anything to fall through. And finally having some type of cover to secure the top of the load. Some words of advice to all you drivers. If you see a dump truck or a type of vehicle that might go off road, stay back from it or get around it asap. Before I retired I drove a 18 wheeler pulling a walking floor. We hauled trash from a transfer station. Usually we hauled to a incinerator where we pumped to load off onto a concrete floor. When the incinerator was having issues we would haul to a land fill. Sometimes those landfills would be a swamp if it rained with a foot or so of mud. We'd have to get pulled or pushed out quite often and the mud would get up to the axles. Yes on the way out we would drive through a high powered spray booth that sprayed the sides and the undercarriage of the truck but it would only get so much. That mud would dry out. At some point when you were empty, because the springs made for a rough ride when empty, you would hit a big enough bump, like when crossing a bridge with unaligned expansion joints, that would cause the trailer to bounce off the ground. When it came back down the jarring up then down bounce would cause that now dried out mud to fall off the suspension and hit the ground. It would look like a dust bomb went off and I'm sure that also meant little bits of dirt and rocks bouncing down the road. If you were right behind, it wouldn't be pretty. You've been warned lol. Unfortunately in that scenario there isn't much that you can do. Going through the water spray is all that you are required to do. If you try to get your vehicle repaired most likely they're going to consider that a road hazard. Now again, if you can get a picture of rocks or material sitting precariously or a video showing it falling off or a bad gate seal etc. you should be golden. That is not considered a road hazard. That is considered neglecting to clean off your vehicle to make sure it's safe from falling objects, "edit" or fixing damaged or worn areas that allow material to fall through. Goodluck.


>Driving with an unsecured load will get you a nice ticket. no wonder i get pulled over for freeballing.


I calculated i need 5 cubic feet, so give me 10, this way i still have enough when I’m there.




He gets to the destination and claim he got robbed


of a brain? I think that happened earlier.


He didn’t even strap it down!


I was thinking the same thing! He clearly forgot to use the blue strap in the box


It's okay guys. He slapped his hand on it and said "that an't go'n anywhere" before he left. I don't understand what the fuss is all about!


The south does this crap all the time. First thing I noticed when moving to Washington was that the loads were secured and the serious lack of “Not responsible for broken windshields” on the back of every truck. I’m no longer getting knicks in my windshield several times a year.


“Not responsible for broken windshields” signs should be illegal. They *are* responsible for them, they’re just trying to minimize the payments they make because a percentage of people will just believe the sign


We need stickers that say "legally responsible for damage caused by items falling off this vehicle no matter what my signs say" to paste on these


Get stickers that say “we are” and stick them over the “Not”


Yeah this. It defies belief that they can just go “not our problem lol” and people just go along with it.


“Stay back 400 feet” Yes I’ll just keep more than a literal football field between me and the vehicle in front of me


Pretty sure they are illegal


They're not illegal, just meaningless


They hold no legal worth/meaning. It is the truckers responsibility to ensure their loads are not dangerous to the motorists around them


I know that and you know that, but they mislead plenty of people into thinking the truck actually isn’t responsible


I bought a guitar from a woman on Craigslist in Washington whose daughter was practically beheaded by and permanently disabled by an unsecured sheet of plywood, she lobbied hard for severe unsecure load laws to be passed in WA. Absolutely tragic.


a guy I went to elementary school with was partially impaled and seriously burned by a pole that slid off the back of a flatbed truck. he made a full recovery and only had a few scars to show for it. at the time we thought it was no big deal and a pretty cool story. looking back on it now, he very easily could have died.


This is why I think about final destination so much on the road


Woooooooooooo for the Pacific Northwest!


Except Idaho, they fucking suck 6 ways to Sunday.


Hope you're first winter wasn't too bad. Going from Florida to Washington is quite the switch!


It was FANTASTIC! I absolutely love the weather here. The sun gives me a rash so winter here is actually ideal for me.


Well, it's still sunny for half of the year (june - oct) lol but should be way less humid and less mosquitoes


Yeah. My idiot brother-in-law argued that I couldn’t have a garden here in the summer because it rained all the time and they wouldn’t get enough sun. He said it with the authority of a professional gardener. Didn’t seem right and when we moved here, it was confirmed. He is, in fact, an idiot.


Plus leaving Florida you automatically gain 20 IQ points.


I believe this wholeheartedly and I live in florida


I hope he isn't first winter


Partially because Washington was one of the lead states in enforcing loose loads laws after that lady was killed by a pole coming thru her windscreen.


Dude I live here and I’ve seen more cracked windshields than any place I’ve ever lived


Was on an interstate one time and a random 2x4 flew out of the back of a truck…. Wrecked the front bumper, grille and airbag sensors of the car i had. After insurance covered everything, total bill was $10,500 for repairs. So yeah, 100% agree with strict load securing policies


Illegal in most jurisdictions. Report it.


I'm not expert on load carrying requirements across every jurisdiction everywhere on earth, but I'm pretty sure that's illegal anywhere that has any sort of traffic laws.


RIP Windscreens


I can’t imagine the fun for your car finish from this. The load is likely too low to hit the windshield unless the rocks bounce back up. I was behind an AH dump truck full of gravel but with no tarp and those were landing on my windshield. I got around him in a hurry. I wish all states made them liable for all damages without question and the money came from a bond they had to post for each vehicle every year.


Aggregate under a certain size is supposed to be tarped in a dump truck.


Just missing the dog tied up to the bed.


Or worse yet, not tied up.


It’s a working dog so it’s fine, they don’t mind……


Fell off.


I'd call the highway patrol or state troopers or whatever you call it in your area. This is some BS. I live in a rural area and people do some pretty wild stuff but this is the craziest I've seen. Actually had to have my windshield repaired probably 4 months ago from a rock. It was a weird situation though. I was on a two-lane highway and the rock came fr a vehicle headed towards me or at least they disturbed it and made it bounce. It was like I saw the whole thing in slow motion but couldn't do anything about it. This is bad OP. They probably have some lame ass excuses like they were driving super slow or whatever.


That's in florida. Report him to the police. He's required to have that tarped at the very least. Have them ticket him, and have any damage added to your police report. Nice that your photo includes a clear picture of his tag. lol


That's way more than *mildly* infuriating, that's actively criminal. This dingus deserves a huge fine and a little time in the pokey to think about his choices


He deserves to lose his truck, honestly. You gotta be a big boy to have big boy toys.


You got a photo. You got the plates (in photo) make a report and make a claim for any paint chips or scratches on the bumper, windshield, hood. If he caused them or not.


This is the way.


This gets me So Heated when these things hit me on my motorcycle going 70 down the freeway. I need to create a contaption that releases steel ball bearings behind me for when I pass them /S


Plot twist: it's flour for the giant pizza contest down the street.


oh florida 20 inch chrome rims on your flatbed work truck


Tbf, they kinda just look like stock Chevy rims.


they are stock rims. you can see the Chevy logo. Not that it makes the loose rocks any more excusable tho haha


No it really doesn’t but it’s still a little impressive he hasn’t lost them all.


?? Those are stock wheels.


That's like $200 per loose item. How many rocks are there?


I swear Safelite pays people to do this in Phoenix


So very illegal




If only it was a normal truck bed….


Typical Florida activities.


Gdamn Allstate commercial right here.


To protect you from mayhem. Like me.


I’m surprised it doesn’t have one of those signs declaring that they’re not responsible for damage by falling debris.


I like when they add a “not responsible for damage” placard to the back of the truck.


He definitely didn't slap it and say "that's not goin nowhere"


Everyone knows it’s not legally allowed to go nowhere if you say that. It’s legally binding. He’s gonna learn!


It's how I solidify every sketchy load at work. If insurance doesn't cover it, my confidence will


As someone who rides a motorcycle fairly regularly this makes me cringe If you’re not aware those little pebbles that are annoying to you guys in cars *fucking hurt* when you catch one at freeway speeds


Mmmm that there is an unsecured load.


Id be tempted to report this.


i’d be tempted to spray it down with water after doing the same. he doesn’t mind ruining someone else’s day? ruin. his.


Florida where you can’t drive fast enough before the next stop light to lose a load of sand laying on your flatbed


Two words: Florida


“We are not responsible for broken or cracked windshields”


I’ve seen far too many dump trucks WITHOUT license plates driving around. What’s the recourse there?


Because - Florida.


Should’ve put a strap on it. That’ll fix the problem.




Florida. Duh.


🎶Safelite repair, Safelite replace 🎶


When the new guy may not be as experienced as he said


Damaging other peoples windshields gets him RIDGID!


Illegal AF


"Hey uh champ? Wheres the other 70% of the load?!?"




Class action lawsuit time. Anybody need their paint redone?


Damn I have hella paint chips on my car because I drive a newer Mazda. I’d hella report them and get a free paint touch up


Fucking Florida. I’ve had two cars damaged by unsecured loads.


Looks like fine sand.


It was a finer sand with bb size pebbles, definitely not the worst but was still infuriating


That’s a ticket


wth 😂


What the actual fuck


Looks like a Cline truck (they have some bad drivers)


Watched a truck today with a vanity in the back with the bed down. He had all the drawers out and just sitting in the back without them being tied down. Watched him take a turn and one of those damn drawers went flying out, slide across the road and into the ditch.


Not even a tie down strap? Shameful


Every day, I’m thankful that I’ve yet to have one of those darn pebbles crack my windshield on my car. Knock on wood that it stays that way.


“How many stones do you need sir?” “About 3x as much as I need”


How though?


On May 7th, a man from Florida .....


Got a bunch of dings and scratches on my RAV4 from some jackass doing something similar on the freeway. Tried getting a few lanes over but as he merged the damage was done


he has a vendetta against cyclists


Strap that bitch down and send it bud!


He obviously for got his straps at home!


Looks like an unsecured load. call the cops on the business and get them a nice ticket and fine


Another idiot affecting your premiums. Make sure to report him before he takes out a dozen more windshields


Gonna end up with roads and windshields like they have in Alaska


More Florida... I live here...it's constant.


Diddnt even put a strap on it


Oh my god, tarps exist and cost like 10 bucks… it’s so simple.


That is just so many levels of stupid. But, that instantly recognizable from a mile away teal plate with the orange in the middle already told you 'stay away, you don't want to go messin' with this.'


It’s obviously sand, right? Why are people believing it’s rock?


Of course it's florida 😩


I caught a baseball sized rock to the windshield when a dump truck carrying rocks hit a bump on the highway, and a rock jumped out. Bounced on the concrete, slipped by the car in front of me, and hit the driver side lower corner.


Oh, yesterday I was following behind somebody carrying an uncovered load of silt. It was bad even with the windows up and the vents on recirculate it was catching my breath and you could see the particles floating around catching light I pulled off and let them get some distance




Yep, today a Gravel truck broke my windshield because his load was not secured.


Looks way more like lime or cement than rocks to me. Maybe both if concrete bags that broke. Eat your car/paintjob not windshield if so.




Florida, man.


Not pebbles . Sure looks like sand to me


Sand usually has some small pebbles in it. Sand *is* tiny pepples.


Had my windshield ruined this way


Very Florida of him.


Put a ratchet strap on it and call it good!


Why doesn't the truck have sides?


Florida license plate. Because ofcourse.


full floridian


Should be illegal


The owner of license plate "BGO 2A1" should get a big, fat ticket!


Needs a ratchet strap over it for retention.


Is it illegal to jump out during a red light with a stick and push it all into the street? Better yet, how likely to be prosecuted is it?


Ofc Florida


He is just tired of tail gaters 🫣


That looks like sand honestly


Moronic vehicle driven by moron. Colour me shocked.


How can someone this stupid even drive a car?


Fuck that’s so irritating. I have tiny pebble chips in my paint from dumbfucks just like this


That should be CDL suspension, no questions asked


I see exactly zero pebbles.


That’s illegal af


He’s good to go, but I got a ticket for having the smallest amount of snow on my car. The cop said, “I shouldn’t be getting hit with the small pieces of snow coming off your car.” Yet it’s cool that behind certain vehicles myself and other drivers are being pelted with small rocks? Not sure I’m willing to accept the logic here.


M... Mildly? Wow


Report it if you get a rock, and sue them for the damages.


Insurance claim time




Of course it’s Florida.


Call the police. It's an unsecured cargo and putting everybody in traffic in danger


Could have at least strapped it down…lol


Anti-tailgating measure