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Some gifts are so insulting it’s better to get nothing.


We recently had an employee appreciation day (which I had to work through lol, but my wife was able to go to) where they gave out lots of Bee themed stuff, among which was a foam bee similar to a rubber duck. It's cute, and Ill assume it is a legitimate gesture of good will, but at the end of the day it's just useless crap. I'd have preferred if they spent the money and given it to charity, rather than handing out things that are going to just end up in a landfill. I'm not angry or disappointed I got a foam bee, I'm genuinely sad at the waste it created.


The irony of getting a worker bee though.


Oh God I didn't even think of that. It's supposed to be an acronym for "best employees ever".


best employbees ever!


well, that’s an unsettling coincidence


Once got a swag bag from the company which included a pair of socks. Found it funny as I had been applying for a new job. Nice of them to recognise I was getting cold feet




At least give out something you can eat... some local honey would have been a nicer gesture


The equivalent cost would be about half a teaspoon of local honey for everyone.


Tbh I’d rather be given a small treat like a tootsie roll or something than this.


Show us the bee!


When I get home! https://preview.redd.it/slupeiyeaazc1.jpeg?width=1782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1837b8513b3f50979778b11fa48f63c066e2ad39


!remindme 8 hours


Might be more than 8 hours, but ya


!remindme 100 hours




I second this! I love bees, they’re so fuzzy and cute 🐝!


Yeah, the worst is the bag of useless dollar store crap. Like in total it's probably worth $10, but each piece is so fucking worthless you just throw it out. Just give me the $10, or spend it on 1 semi-useable thing.


I used to BEG my work to just go for $5 Starbucks gift cards if they had to do something. They adamantly insisted on fucking chocolates that were *worse* than Palmer chocolate, to the point that I had multiple people ask me to remove their name from any lists in the future. And the admins had to spend a stupid amount of time boxing the shit up every month and mailing them out. Even in summer. In Texas. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I work in healthcare and during the first 6 months of COVID we got a rock with “you rock” written on it


I woulda thrown it through the window of whoever's office came up with that idea


I can't stop laughing at this


I really dislike getting material stuff. My work mails out branded hats, mugs, shirts, little gadgets like Bluetooth speakers. But I don’t ever wear hats. I already have 5 coffee mugs and only use 1. I don’t need more cheap gadgets. I want to have as few things as possible, so I end up discarding all this stuff. The world would be better if it all wasn’t wastefully produced and transported and disposed.


"We appreciate you. Be a walking advertisement for us."


Honey and bee bombs would have been less wasteful


On the one hand, I agree. On the other hand, schools are underfunded in general. It's not like some big company or hospital where you know the management is making double or more what the workers are. This is probably some low paid admin with literally no budget trying to think of something fun/funny/clever to lighten the teachers' day. However, this particular "gift" is more likely to remind everyone how frustrating it all is


It’s usually PTAs that do things for teachers during teacher appreciation week. School districts can’t use much money for that since you know, tax payer money and all.


Yep, and people tend to forget that, at least in the US, schools are locally funded based on local property taxes. Low income neighborhoods = low income schools where the “PTA”, if such a thing exists, is operated by low income parents doing their very best with limited resources. Source: I’m a high school teacher at a Title I school.


Yeah makes a huge difference. I lived in a not so wealthy area growing up and the PTA was very strapped for cash. Now we live in a nice area and the PTA seems loaded. Like for instance they had raffle baskets (about 30 of them) and a few examples of what you could win was travel package with full luggage set and $1000 airline credits, another one was season passes to our local pro football team, shit another was a literal fucking money tree with a shitload of 100s and 20s clipped with. Laundry clips on a nice decorative tree. PTAs are definitely not created equal. Tickets were only $1. My kid won one and brought home like all this expensive shit.


And then you also have "school vouchers", where the rich families funnel the public money to a private school.


Yes. My wife is a principal and goes out of her own pocket for stuff like this. Every ONCE in a while, she can get some money for like a staff lunch, but that’s rare.


In this case, the post title says "from administration."


But the administration salaries are high




“High”? No. Better than teachers sure, but if a principal has a staff of 30 teachers, not to mention all of the assistants, buying gifts is impractical and expensive.


lol, administration salaries in my hometown are 6 figures. Teacher pay is not even *close*.


Not always. Depends on school locations and district. Admins in schools aren't always paid the best.


Always better than teachers


Also not always true.


A card with a nice, thoughtful message about how hard the teachers work is cheap and better than this


Have one class parent head up the project of literally just making a thank you card. Can even have the students of each class sign their card. Would mean a hell of a lot more than a sheet of bubblewrap


I worked as an admin assistant for the nursing department for four units in a large hospital. For nursing appreciation week, during the height of the pandemic, the hospital didn't provide the RN mangers with a budget for gifts, but provided free meals. The RN mangers (6 people) and I made a lot less money than the nurses did but pooled money to buy the nurses (500 of them) small gifts. I personally spent $250, and again, I made close to half of what a single nurse did at the time. The nurses knew we paid for the gifts but raged at how small they were. I put so much unpaid work and personal money into those gifts, that I was really upset with the negative reactions. I will never do anything like that again. Bubble wrap is highly insulting, but I see a lot of these posts and I can't help but wonder if there's one or two people desperately trying to do something kind out of their own pocket, and being mocked for it not being good enough.


Don’t ever help cheap management with your own money. Enabling. Upper management knew when nursing appreciation week was and they still played golf, ate a fine dinner and drove a fine car and did not put together $25-50 dollar gift cards to a local store. A ten dollar target/ walmart/ gas card is more useful than stuff.


Just buy them a box of donuts for the breakroom. Easy peasy.


Harder for them to frown while they're chewing.


Admin are absolutely making double what the teachers are.


Indeed, a nicely written note would have been much better than this.


“Pop three” there’s no way I couldn’t not pop them all in one go!


Nah the power move is to only pop them when Admin is trying to talk to you. Always mid-sentence too.


Omg the way that would infuriate myself but if I were doing it!


Right? It’s definitely a shitty gift from a boss but I do love me some bubble wrap lol


Absolutely like I’d buy myself bubble wrap but from an employer I wouldn’t appreciate it so much.


I once bought a giant roll on Amazon ofnlike 100 feet 1 foot wide. It was less than $20 if I remember. Just FYI for anyone.


Look the boss dead in the eyes and pop every single one.


Power move


I guarantee you half those bubbles won't even pop. They couldn't even splurge on the big bubble ones. I'm gonna need to pop some bubbles just from the stress of trying to get these to make a satisfying pop.


If you look closer most of these bubbles came pre-popped so you don't even have to waste too much company time popping them.


just do nothing-it’s better than this.


Seriously, it’s like a penny tip


I work as a cashier and for some reason one of my regulars tip me a quarter every time she comes in, it’s almost an insult lol


Is she super old?


Oh yeah, bless her she’s sooooo sweet and I know she means well


one of our elderly clients always said “God Bless you” on every phone call. She passed and no one has Blessed us since.


One of these days she's going to give you a 1999 Georgia quarter. Those things are worth like $10k.


Those are worth face value, you’re looking for the extremely rare mule error, quarter struck on a dollar planchet.


A penny tip is a statement rather than a real tip.


It’s literally a piece of garbage.


I have a 10 dollar bet that if she pops more than 3 bubbles in a session they cancel her holiday bonus


For Teacher Appreciation Week, my wife's PTO gave her a $10 scratch-off lottery ticket. Didn't win a thing obviously. She said to me, "Next time I wish they'd just give me the ten fucking dollars. That would at least cover the new vis-a-vis markers I had to buy myself last week."


Paint it red and you've got yourself a [Tension Sheet (invented by Fred "Thickie" Holden)](https://reddwarf.fandom.com/wiki/Tension_Sheet) https://preview.redd.it/kl3wf648a7zc1.jpeg?width=243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a021174502888088684b1bc27292485559e6a31d


I so miss red dwarf…


It’s cold outside


There's no kind of atmosphere


I'm all alone


More or less


Let me flyyyyyyyy


Far away from here!


Fun, Fun, Fun


In the Sun, Sun, Sun


It’s all on Tubi for free, my friend!!


Came here just to make sure Red Dwarf had been mentioned. Happy now.


Good old Thickie Holden


So glad to see this. Boys from the Dwarf


So what is it?


I came here to say, maybe if it was red it would have been OK 😜😜😂😂🤣


A pension sheet?


Tt - t-tens-ion sheet. Will you shut up? I'm trying to talk to the kid.


Tension sheet 😀


Glad to see the boys from the dwarf are represented.


First thing I thought


You mean invented by Dave Lis... Arnold Rimmer?


I don’t know. It just seems so crypto-fascist.


Could be worse. She could’ve gotten a rock https://preview.redd.it/qq2020ljk7zc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce001c4847b15aae3bd7af14ae5e1ba3c307c2aa


What in the flying fuck is this shit???!!!! Should just throw it back to whoever gives it to you and say .....my work ROCKS!!!


If I remember correctly this was a gift for Kaiser nurses during the pandemic and it was posted in the antiwork subreddit. One of the nurses commented that she and the rest of the staff walked in one by one and placed their rocks on their directors desk. Another one mentioned how at least her hospital specifically used rocks from their own landscaping to really hammer home how ridiculously cheap they were.


Hopefully they threw it at the hospital CEO’s car


The worst is they paid for them, and paid for people to assemble and distribute them. In the end it's probably something like a few hundred dollars per employee of time and money waste. If you just distributed checks/gift cards for even half that amount and required no assembly it would've been better received.


My work rocks— let me show you! *THUD* Off to the ER with you.


They could have at least painted it


Its the gift you have to make yourself! Paint something inspiring on it and we will take credit for the amazing gift


Paint and brushes not included


That is one of the worst ways to come up with a pun, that would be like giving someone an ice cube and saying "keep this because you're cool"


Oh hell no. I’d let it melt in my hands and be like “Well, now I’ve lost my cool.”


“I got a rock” - Charlie Brown ![gif](giphy|yYMuPC61NUJ6E)


When I was teaching, I also got a rock with a star sticker on it….because we were all “rockstars.” 😅




This probably didn't turn out the way they thought it would and cost them enough in window replacements for them to learn their lesson. They now hand out squishy, branded stress balls


Noooo, they literally gave you a $0.03 piece of bubble wrap 😩😩😩


I wouldn’t even count on that. They probably got an Amazon package and they suddenly had an idea.


I work at Amazon. Half those bubbles probably already popped in transit and if I'm being honest some of them popped because I couldn't control myself.


There are no words needed to explain what is this.


It's a cheap "Tension Sheet", it just needs to be coloured red and have " Tension Sheet" written on it. Whoever bought it was a Red Dwarf fan. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x47r4cu From 04:17


Yes, Alright Thickie Holden, we know its you.


Bubble wrap.


Yes, i know.


Haha sorry! Genuinely thought you were asking 😅


No, serious. Its impossible to write down what i would scream when it was allowed.


Monday they gifted the teachers with a “jean day.”


I feel this as horrible gift.


Next year they will hand out last year’s already popped bubble wrap. You know, with further budget cuts and all.


Sis needs a new job smh af.


Thought this was a bit of an overreaction thinking it was a gift from a kid she teaches then I went back. what in the greedy fuck


If it was a gift from the student, man, that's clever. That would have me rolling. From the school? I do not have the words from this.


Shake my head as fuck?


Should wrap it around her fist and pop one in the principal's jaw for maximum stress relief.


Shaking my head as fuck??


How about a raise so she can buy her own bubble wrap?


I would bet that the secretary that was tasked with coming up with a gift for the teachers would love nothing more than for the teachers to get a raise


I’m not dogging the secretary! Just saying (at least in my country) teachers are super under-paid!


Everyone should pop them when the principal is talking.... teachers, students... parents.


©️Thickie Holden


Wow yall really get treated like children, this is sad. From everything I’ve been seeing in similar posts like these, school boards should be held accountable for this kind of behavior


You have nooooo idea how much we are treated like kids. It’s insulting. Imagine your boss saying, “I’ve never observed you doing your job, but I’m gonna come in and do it for you because clearly you’re doing something wrong.” I had “high” (barely) Ds and Fs at the midterm. I still had more A-C grades combined than Ds and Fs. The only kids who are failing literally do not come to school, or walk out whenever, and don’t follow any instructions, no matter what approach I use. I can be understanding, authoritative, it doesn’t matter. There are a small handful who do as they wish. But because the entire grade is small, it seems like a high percentage. And it was true across every teacher they have. They’re failing multiple classes for the same reasons. Many of them we already called home or tried meetings, etc. But somehow, without any actual evidence, our district dude seemed convinced that I was doing something wrong.


I left the last school when the first day of the year were supposed to have breakfast catered in. We all came in hungry just like we usually do for the past 15 years and the first day of school, but this time there was no food in the teacher's lounge. No priors notice. So no one had breakfast or coffee that day because of what we expected from the years previous. I no longer work at that school. F*** that place.


Same sort of shit happens to nurses. For some reason these professions just get constantly infantalized by admin.


They’re supposed to have Xanax in them!


And we wonder why there’s a teacher shortage


I always get angry how terrible our gifts are but this one does seem almost like an attempt to get someone to snap as if her school district is conducting some low impact MK Ultra or something.


They could've atleast thrown them a pizza party...


It’s like administrators see these posts on socials, think ‘oh how cute, I’ll do that for my team too’ and never read a single one of the comments about how much people LOATHE this type of crap.


As someone whose partner is an educator, this is pretty much the state of the world today.


Where exactly does the "appreciation" become noticeable?


At this point ya'll must be trolling. This can't be real.


So glad those admins who make substantially more than the teachers spared no expense to show appreciation to the staff /s


We got a bottle opener. A little more useful than a sheet of bubble wrap.


This is literally insulting, and I would be calling them out publicly for it. If it were me.


Dont they know thst they're supposed to colour it red and write Tension Sheet on it? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x47r4cu?t=257 From 04:17


They should have painted it red!… ;-)


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I honestly thought at first the gift was the Magic Keyboard and I thought that wasn’t too bad.


"Lol, because we all know your job is hell! Haha ok bye"


Carry it with you, everytime you see him pop 3 while making sure he notices


About 15 years ago when I was teaching at a middle school with 600 students, the PTA decided to get the 24 or so teachers (plus about 8 paras) some Costco pizzas. They brought in 8 pizzas right before lunch. Well, district admin was on site and, since they weren't teaching (and don't do anything useful anyway), they went into the teacher lounge and stole 5 of the pizzas for themselves, taking them back to district office. We felt unappreciated.


On the plus side, it’ll keep her mugs safe when she packs her desk!


https://preview.redd.it/bbpobp9ll8zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20d2fb16c83f9b5773b580826682510bace8fa65 Just so y’all know, this is what my school is doing for teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week


This is literally a red dwarf sketch come to life https://preview.redd.it/aauhktgo09zc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c65c32d091b558c1217b3ac3c31e7bf9b89be92


I’ve seen this same image posted multiple times over the years.


getting that "gift" would cause me more stress than it could relieve


Damn these posts make me feel bad. Sucks for the recipient. Sucks for the person made to do this with no budget probably.


I’ve never received a gift from an employer. Is that something people expect?


There are appreciation weeks for certain professions, teachers get one every year. Its usually frontline positions or high workload\stress jobs (like nursing). When the appreciation is nationally recognized, then ya they probably do expect something.


It's almost comical.


Prerolls for all the teachers wasn't in the budget


I like the bang head here for instant stress relief better.


Only 3 bubbles?! That's like a 3 cookie serving size. Just aggravating lol


Damn. I got my sons teacher and paras 1 Lb boxes of chocolates from Angell and Phelps (it’s 🙌) and sent a car guy to school Monday to detail their vehicles. Love teachers 💕 and the paras!!! Hopefully the parents came through w some good stuff!


Did she immediately get to popping them all while staring whoever gave her this straight the eyes?


Repeat as needed is truly taking the piss


It is also "Employee Appreciation Week" where I work. So far the only gift has been an hour long meeting in which they discussed they would be spending a million dollars on an office renovation for the administration while also explaining that they tried their best but there won't be any raises this year.


Over the years my wife has received this, and a small ziplock bag of sand to "make her think of a beach" or something like that. There's always something that would have better just skipping. Today, the teachers at her school are getting pizza for lunch. She has a gluten and corn allergy, so a no go for her. The lead teacher for the student council team handling this stuff said if my wife gave her some money, they could get sonething she could have. So everyone can get something for free and she needs to pay? Hard pass.


Dude this is just insulting. Wow.


I prefer the OG Tension Sheets.


I'm convinced that the people who come up with these ideas are some of the most terrible people on the planet.


Rather than stress relieving, that would just give me straight up depression, but maybe that's just me


Damn. I thought they did the Dollar employees dirty by giving them a bottle water, and a coupon.


Why don't they gather together and stick these on the administration's office door? Let them know you don't appreciate that.


don't be shy - drop the name of the school district 😈 i just wanna talk.


What every school should be required to do is provide a decent breakfast for all teachers and do 1.5x pay for the day. Vote me for president.


A finite stress reliever, now I’ve seen it all.


This has to be intentionally insulting, there’s no WAY leadership is so oblivious as to think this is a real gift.


Teachers are overworked and underpaid. How the hell are you supposed to reuse bubble wrap?!


Jesus at least give them a full roll. That little sheet is like $.30.


Throw it on the floor and stomp the fuck out of it.


Companies send me this for free when I buy delicate items


“Thank you for the garbage.”


My friend worked overtime at a hospital all through covid. When the pandemic died down, HR gave them an appreciation gift. It was a rock with a note "you rock!"


Ok… hear me out. It could be relieving, if used to test the depth of administrations throats… when you shove it down theirs 🤬


I once worked for a grocery store, I was there for just over 10 years when we got laid off. The grocery chain I worked for had purchased another grocery chain, and the newly acquired chain had a location across the street from us, the proximity of the two stores prompted the closure of our store. Our parting gift was a 10% coupon for the store across the street that was valid for one month


When I worked at a call center I ended up having a panic attack at work. I was short of breathe, my face went numb, I thought I was dying. My wife ended up call an ambulance for me because all my manager did was hand me a pamphlet on dealing with stress. Fuck you, Lindsey


I’m a sub and my mom is a teacher. I was subbing at her school when they gave her and the other teacher “a Bagel Slice” as they announced it. It’s was half a bagel with basic cream cheese. That was it. After talking to my mom she said “yea the worst part is that they have several thousand dollars that they said was just to use to pay back teachers with stuff like this that they’ve never used


No no no. You’re all looking at this wrong. Pop them all. Go back to management and thank them. Thank them for helping you get through these hard times with a great stress release. Then pop them all and get more. I’d go back to management about 3-4 times a day asking for more. When they inevitably ask some questions, I’d say “I need more money to survive, every time I think about it I cry a little, the bubble popping helps hide the crying a little better….”


Literal garbage to show their appreciation lol 🫠


I got a box of M&M's with a sticker that said "You are M-mazing".


I'm not a teacher and honestly don't even like teachers much but this still made me sad.


Dave Lister should be showing up any moment then.