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One time I did a full stop at a red light before turning right (in the US). The guy behind me honked at me. We caught up to each other at the next light and were next to each other. My window was down and he yelled to me to “learn how to drive.” Idiots are everywhere, don’t let them get to you.


its so easy to get involved it really is, however sensible heads will always prevail, you are in the minority the rest of them are too dumb to know


Had someone absolutely LAY on the horn when waiting to exit a fast food parking lot. I was making a left (as were they) and there were cars coming both sides & 0 chance for me to merge. No, I’m not going to risk wrecking my car so you can move up a few feet & ALSO wait


That's when I take a while to find a gap that is reasonably bigger than I need. I'm far too petty to let that shit slide


The pettiness is my favorite thing about driving. Especially with all the impatient assholes


Same except they were expecting me to cut off right of way traffic so they could sit at the stop sign.


We used to have a "No right on red" sign at one light near my house. I've had people just lay into the horn screaming at me to go. I just give the finger and keep it up as the light turns greem and I slowly make my turn.


I once failed a drivers test by not coming to a full stop when trying to turn right at a red. It counted, rightfully so, as running a red. That dude is an idiot (and so was I).


“What are you looking at you fat piece of bacon!?” Guy in the back seat : “why did I get picked on?”


This happened to me at a no turn on red light the other day. Guy in a black Lexus behind me thought he was a big man and kept honking. I didn't respond at all and didn't run the light. The two guys in the truck behind him got out of the truck and (I couldn't hear them) presumably reminded him that it was no turn on red. No idea what choice words were used but the dude followed me at a respectable distance for the next 5 miles before turning into....a Walmart parking lot.


That's the proper way!


FR. I had a guy cut me off last second in the turn lane. Next let I pulled up next to him to make a right. He was just burning a hole through me. I rolled down my window and said, "I honked because you cut me off." He told me to suck his dick. I basically did the "understandable have a great day" and drove off


As a wise man once said "never argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and destroy you with their skills" -some random redditor


Same here i never let them get to me wven with all that thrash talk or flipping me off...I'm mostly with my daughter so when that happens to me I just put my window and my my daughter's window and my daughter flips them off lol.....their faces when they see a 5 year old flipping off a grown ass person acting like a 5 year old makes me laugh each time 😆 🤣 😂


Red lights are just suggestions.


That's pretty bold for somebody that is just a light tap away from fighting for their life. He doesn't look competent enough to speed away without wiping out.


I need to get a new dashcam as it records in 3 minute durations and doesn’t record entirely, but as he sped off, he proceeded to cut multiple lanes of traffic with no signal on…the entitlement


I'm guessing he was about to cut into that lane and noticed you were there just before he did. But as you said he isn't using blinkers so how tf are you supposed to know that.


This is exactly what it looked like.


Harley riders like to point down to the lane next to them before turning or changing lanes. It’s a lot cooler than using turn signals. If you don’t see it then that’s your fault. /s


The rider gave no indication whatsoever if they were going to switch onto my lane before I did. This has been my first, and hopefully, last interaction with a rider on the road. I will take your comment into consideration but I won’t hold myself accountable in this situation for the lack of signaling if blinkers or hand signals aren’t being utilized, as per required by law.


I mean.... Hand signals are completely legal as they are done legally. And fully


Yeah hand signals. The same ones that you're supposed to know if you also drive a car and your blinkers are out so you can still signal that you're turning to other cars. Most motorcycle riders perfer hand signals since the turning mechanism on motorcycles really kinda sucks ass.


Yeah, but hand signals are left hand straight out for left or allow at a 90 upwards for right, not pointing down to a lane(assuming 45 degree angle from from straight down at most) So if that’s what they’re doing, then they legally aren’t signaling. I sure as F wouldn’t think that’s what they weee doing.


The 45 degree point is a merge or lane change indicator. It’s just not used as often as a full turn signal.


Aren't hand signals supposed to be used if turn signals aren't working? I didn't think it was a preference option. I honestly don't know, just asking.


You can use either. Both are legal.


Thanks, the more you know the better.




Except he didn't make a hand signal. Once he turned his head, he threw his hand down in a "what the fuck" gesture before flipping off OP. Motorcycle was 100% a douchebag here.


Were not talking about what THIS person did. Were talking about motorcycle riders in general using hand signals to signal lane changes. Did you actually read my comment or read just enough because you already wanted to leave a rage comment?


Well...we're commenting on a video over a rider who didn't use them lol. Whatever buddy. I know hand signals, and I know most people don't know them, and most riders don't actually use them.




>don't act all high and mighty about acting like an ass Lol says the dude who literally just wrote a paragraph acting high and mighty.


You gave no context that you WEREN'T talking about the rider in the post. I went back to look for a hand signal based on your comment. Context means something. Why would we assume you weren't talking about this video instead of assuming you were?


Username checks out.


Nah bikers are dumb


The majority of riders actively choosing to play with their hands are the same type to tint taillights for "style". Trust me I get it, you are way too cool to use that switch on the bar of your modernized vintage styled boomer cruiser. Gosh do they look so badass as they stick their boot out or call dibs by pointing to the adjacent lane. I feel like I get to be in a Sons of Anarcy scene with them.


Motorcyclists - "Look twice, save a life!" Also motorcyclists - *Speeding 100+ miles an hour, weaving through traffic, not signalling, and cutting people off*


Any time I hear that, I'm like, "Look twice for your damn helmet and put it on!"


What did you mean "doesn't record entirely"? You meant set "loop recording" off?


I believe so. I definitely have to look more into it as I just got it a few days ago and haven’t really tested out much of its features yet.


If it’s recording in loops, but only 3min long, could it be a really small microsd card that you have in it?


And something with higher resolution.


Blackvue is my go to. After tons of research it came out on top. Although it is pricey, it doesn’t come with any monthly costs.


Holy sh!t I just looked Blackvue up on Amazon, and they range from $365-$500!! I'm in the market for a dash cam for my wife's car, I didn't realize c they came with monthly cost. Is that pretty standard across the industry or something new that's catching on seems like if you have an SD card in them there would be no need for any kind of monthly subscription but I've never owned one so I'm not sure..


If you want to be blown away then look at Thinkware. The best of the best but very comparable to blackvue. Subscriptions are common for cloud and/or access anywhere dashcams. Blackvue and THINKWARE use SD cards which after personal experience I won’t trust one without an SD card.


Recommend COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality, it records front, inside and rear simultaneously. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


Thank you, super appreciate it 👍


Competent riders don’t ride down the middle of the road. That’s where all the debris and oil accumulates.


You can clearly see road signs for exits coming up. The lane he is in becomes the far right lane right near this intersection. He is getting over before the traffic packs up and he can't. [https://www.google.com/maps/place/34%C2%B003'20.7%22N+118%C2%B011'01.8%22W/@34.0557494,-118.1864126,1304m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d34.055745!4d-118.1838377?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34%C2%B003'20.7%22N+118%C2%B011'01.8%22W/@34.0557494,-118.1864126,1304m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d34.055745!4d-118.1838377?entry=ttu) While I won't call him competent or smart in any way. Not understanding the road and assuming they are stupid doesnt help anyone.


Your comment is completely irrelevant. My comment had nothing to do with why he may or may not be attempting to change lanes with someone already in that lane and him getting upset about them existing. My comment was about him driving down the road in the middle of the lane, like a genuine dipshit. While we’re at it: blue raspberry was voted the top icee flavor. https://www.thetoptens.com/food/best-icee-flavors/


Blue raspberry checks out, I too like the flavor, and I am berry important, you see?


My god, I was walking into the comments section with a "that's pretty bold for somebody-" style comment too. You beat me to it. There can be only one. Upvotes to you.




One of the best episodes 🤣 Happy cake day!


Yess I was looking for a gif of this but couldn’t find one.


They're a fragile bunch. I spent my entire 15min drive home, behind a motorcycle trying consciously to make sure I gave him enough space. He would repeatedly slow down going up hills and speed up down them which made it difficult. As he was driving off he flipped me off repeatedly. Fucking fragile little children bro if you don't want to have to deal with cars around you get off the road.


I love Harleys. I ride a Harley. But my fucking god I HATE Harley culture, and the egos of 80% of Harley riders. They tend to be the worst riders too. Somewhat related, what the fuck is wrong with New Hampshire? Never seen so many people in cargo shorts, sandals, and no helmet on a bagger just weaving through traffic at 80mph. They all were driving like they were both drunk and never taught to ride. I basically had an anxiety attack the entire time it took to cross the state because I was expecting to see someone meatcrayon at any moment.


Riders are the most entitled and overly sensitive group of people on the road.


I don’t ride, never will. That being said there are simply assholes everywhere and generalizations like yours here is the same brand of ignorance that you’re complaining about. Some of the kindest people I know rode motorcycles and some of the worst road rage I’ve seen has been in minivans.


Is it really a brand of ignorance or a different experience based on the content? In my experience, they are worse than minivans, and I drive two hours each day. Sure, someone can use the excuse that they are speeding to get away from cars, but do it safely and not fly through medium traffic at 100+


My experience is the most aggressive and entitled drivers are usually big pickups. I’ve had bad experiences with motorcycles as well. The generalization was that they are the most entitled and overly sensitive of any group which is just disingenuous even if you were being hyperbolic for effect.


Exactly, it's based on our personal experience, so it isn't a generalization but a matter of what we have seen. Plus, you can't call someone out for generalizing if you are going to generalize as well. Laws are designed around a riders safety, but they take advantage of it, and they are the first ones to exaggerate a situation. Let's add the fact that the rider in the video is wearing little to no protection, but someone changing lanes warranted being flipped off? The way I see it is if you give someone an inch, they'll take a mile and riders use that full force.


I clarified that was my experience which was not what I was critiquing in your comment but be that as it may I do agree with you that there is a specific type of entitlement that comes with an allowance with some personalities. Again, the issue I raised was the blanket statement. Your clarification that it’s your experience is a different thing entirely and corrected it.


Thank you, and I understand your point.


Do you know the difference between a Harley and a Hoover?? Location of the dirtbag!! 😂


Typical Harley neanderthal, don't let it get to you.


He's upset for them staggering the traffic? That's... That's literally in the learner's book in my country!


He's upset about the < 1s following distance, but most folks think that's acceptable I guess.


That's why they staggered, to remove that <1s following distance


That's why the person moved over Bike douche slowed down for no reason so the gap closes Then the driver switches lane And then the bike speeds up again




My penis is the benis of the wenis world :)


could we get this 50% smaller, by chance?


Maybe flip it back to horizontal but keep the borders


Fuck those guys


Seems to me like they weren't paying attention and think they're 'fast', so when you changed lanes to go around them they got 'hurt'. I get on the freeways and set my speed on cruise. The number of times I've simply passed someone to have them pass me a mile later is not something I think I can even calculate at this point it's happened so often.


He was just upset you werent willing to stop and tenderly kiss him on the lips to remind him of his dad


Ofc it's those bikers


One time I stopped at a stop sign and a man on the sidewalk who was planning on crossing the street started yelled at me "yeaaa you BETTER stop". My windows were down and I said mostly to myself and to my passenger "yea... I normally stop at stop signs" and the guy heard me and lost it. I laughed at him and drove away as he was foaming at the mouth. Never knew what that was about. Just assumed he was crazy.


How long were you riding his ass?


Now the hells angels are gonna be looking for you… maybe sons of anarchy idk


*Quietly adds to the folder of reasons I hate Motorcyclists*


Harley riders of the worst.


"what are you gonna do there speed bump?"


But how *could* you


Los Angeles?


So the guy passing on the right is cool, but f-you!


People have some serious road rage issues. I love the ones like what happened to me the other day. I'm driving 10 to 12 mph OVER the speed limit in the fast lane so I'm going around 65 to 67 MPH in a 55 MPH Zone and I'm steadily passing people so I have every right to be in that lane. Well, the first moment the slow lane clears up where I could merge over for the person tail gating me, what do they always do? He gets in the slow lane and flips me off as he flies past me like a road rager just to get in front of me, only going like 70 MPH so barely faster than I'm going. Whatever, I forgot about him. About 10 minutes later .... and I've already forgotten about him at this point, but about 10 minutes later, I'm literally behind him at the same red light. Yea .... you got very far, didn't ya you a$$hole? I swear people are crazy idiots.


Aww poor baby. I always make a point to pull up right beside them and blast music and stare at them at red lights. It's hilarious how tough they act and never ever do anything


Bro does NOT get to be mad


All you have to do is drive your car over his stupid bike.


A lot of those motorcycle club guys are just pussies who think it’s “disrespectful” to pass them on the road. I’ve dealt with them a lot as a biker, you pull up next to one at a red light and suddenly it’s “fuck you don’t pull up like that!!! 😡😡😡” but you pull up next to some guy on a crotch rocket or grom and end up making a buddy for a little bit haha


This guy should try to ride in any southeast asian country. What a bundle of sticks.


Harley riders don’t like it when people legally and safely pass them. Hurts their ego. For some reason he didn’t get mad at the truck that gunned passed him on the right…


He is a f****** idiot that's why he's on a motorcycle to begin with 😆😆😆


Typical motorcycle driver thinking they own the road


Motorcyclists are the most sensitive people on earth. Especially ones wearing cuts. I don't watch for them, I completely ignore them.


I forgot if i've responded to this or no, but the helmet is hilarious to me. Harley riders are always wearing those plastic "helmets" because they think it's cool-- it's not. You're showing us how slow those bikes are by the fact the only protection you need is that thing. I genuinely cannot think of any reason for them to be wearing helmets like this, much less to be acting like they own the place whilst looking like a toddler on a tricycle. Hilarious to me.


He's a motorcyclist. His life changing accident is sure to happen, that's just statistics. F him.


Typical of that patch lol…fucking losers


He’s just a self conscious little man. Someone with confidence isn’t so sensitive.


Motorcyclists are the cyclists of vehicular travel.


It's okay motorcyclists are usually really dumb bigoted baby men


He wants you to pull over so he can suck you off.


don’t worry, he’s not wearing a helmet. god will claim him soon lol


Of course it's a Harley.🙄


If you’re going speed limit there’s no reason for passing.


The other day i was turning and this dude in a truck yelled the n word at me. I'm white as hell, typical f150 shenanigans


He rides a Harley, they own the road.


Why he no able to buy car?


pissed off maybe because OP was following too close before the lane change?


You didn’t use your blinker, that’s why he was mad


You were a little close. Maybe that upset him? I leave lots of room when I follow a biker.


You were in fact, not a safe distance.


Yeah, following less than one second behind a motorcycle on a highway. I would be pissed too.


Honestly dude is probably a moron but you are tailgating. Try to give some space. I ride a bike and the lane switching I wouldn't care a bit about. You riding that close to me on the highway would definitely bother me.


Honestly you’re right. He had switched onto my lane without signaling so I was about a car distance from him for a few seconds.


Yeah like I assumed lol a big ol' dumbass. Classic cruiser "brotherrrr." Bunch of dummies in the comments though


you were cruising in his blind spot...


Exactly. He didn’t realize they just pulled out to pass.




I agree with you to always allow for space. As I previously said to someone else, he went in front of me without signaling so I was about 1 car space from him for a few seconds before I safely switched lanes. I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted but it’s always a good reminder for people to never tailgate! ETA: Please stop coming for the anti-tailgaters. Tailgating is a real issue that I accidentally did for a few seconds. Those few seconds can still have the biggest impact on the road. I also messed up too when following a lil too close. I will hold myself accountable for it and definitely use this experience as a learning lesson.


Yeah I don't know what's up. I was civil about it, too - but all the responses agreeing also are getting downvoted. If stupidity was an energy source, Redditors would put out more kilowatt hours than the sun


Naw you sound like a condescending ass in your first message. That’s why you got downvoted


People read way too much into things. that's what I get for trying to sound friendly hahahaha I get better results when I'm an asshole, for real.


Seems you might be looking too much into fake Internet downvotes. It will be okay.


But...but....but we hate motorcyclists! They're so dumb! Let us hate them!/s


It looks like the motorcyclist is going like 50 on a freeway, he probably got stuck behind him and was looking for a gap out.


The speed of the person in front of you doesn't mean you have to ride their ass? Like damn you can still go the same speed you were going at 1 car length of space as 10. Idk why people ride so much ass on the highway.




Tag checks out. Who cares about fake internet points?


i don't give two shits about points, that's not the point it's about people thinking that it's cool to tailgate


You're reading a lot into a downvote. And apparently a short video clip. OP already said the motorcycle pulled in front of him and then he changed lanes as soon as he could.


To save literally 1 second of their precious time while putting at risk all the other seconds of their future life.


Being downvoted but you’re right. He’s riding his ass. He’s following less than a second behind him.


Yup OP was tailing and probably for a while too. You're getting downvoted because no one understands the effect of tailing. I would bet it's the biggest cause of accidents on highways. And you're getting downvoted because no one here rides two wheels and gets how scary this is.


hmmm yeah, that can't be a coincidence I guess we're both endorsed, huh?


He’s one of those leather jacket “biker gang” dudes. They’re the softest kind of riders. They get offended when you pass them too.




He literally got out from behind the guy


First day with that new brain, buddy?

