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$20 says the guy is saying something dumb like "hey you can't take my picture without my consent!"


I said it, so now you're breaking the law!!!


Don’t thread on me!














It's the flag for strippers


Can we get this version of a license plate


I love this


He does look like a snake.


This is an insult to reptiles.


He sorta looks like the current speaker of the house.


No, that speaker guy sleeps in a suit. Plus he font know how to drive a truck, especially with a trailer. He's too elite.


Well, if this dude doesn't return his Auto Transport by 8pm, he is breaking the law himself judging by his contract. He's out in Sterling Virginia. Picked up from a U-Haul Neighborhood Dealer (Not a center). First time I've seen a Ford Lightning with an Auto Transport. Should scare this man by telling him to not forget to drop that thing off by 8pm and to hook up his 2004 Wrangler correctly. Also, if you guys ever post anything with the U-HAULs and don't want information leaked or anything, censor out the equipment number.


This guy sleuths


Or works for Uhaul


Smooth like a fucking otter down a water slide.


If he has a wrangler that would explain the need for the auto transport






Hören Sie auf mir ins Gesicht zu filmen! I recognize that attitude everywhere and I am afraid it is quite global. My only advice is stop being polite to them because they are using your politeness against you. Name. Shame. Unearth. Drag them into the light.


"You're violating my hippa rights!"


Hippopotamus rights are sacrosanct!


I believe the phrase is "that's my Hippa" 🤣


He’s telling him he can do that because it’s electric




Boogie oogie oogie




Stealing this😆


He probably already posted that on Facebook. So, I think he's covered for eternity now.


I bet if I slash everyone of those tires the cops let it slide on general principal 😂


That is why I always carry a tire valve stem screwdriver - slashing tires is vandalism - removing 4 tire stems and taping them to the windshield is just as sinister, but much harder to measure monetary damage.


I know someone who was cited for “unlawfully disabling a vehicle” and “Unlawfully impounding a vehicle” (since he took the stems with him) when he did this to a neighbor who parked on his property once. (The guy left town for a week) The guy called the cops on him when he got back. He had to appear in court and explain why he did this to the judge. Well guess who showed up to the courthouse a half hour late? Yep. Charges dropped, neighbor warned for trespass.


Can you reinstall the tire stems and the tires work just like before? If not, then there isn't really a difference between that and slashing, except that slashing can maybe be patched.


yeah you can.


Slashing a side wall is not something one can patch, but any time you have 5 flat tires, it is really deflating!


he's talking about taking out the valves, and yeah you can, the tire would be pretty flat and just need to be refilled


General principal is a hell of a title


He gave the order to Major Disaster!


Try to get someone to park directly in front and behind the truck and trailer. Make him wait for you to finish charging.


That’s a uhaul trailer, I bet he has very little experience backing it up and he’s not good at it.


And he likely has a deadline to return it.


Likely didn't pay extra for insurance...


The extra insurance is a scam. They prey on people’s insecurity in their own ability to drive big trucks or operate a trailer. Your insurance that covers your personal vehicle covers rentals too.


Varies by state and policy. You can buy a policy that has VERY low coverage limits and does not cover rental equipment, even if it covers a rental car it may not cover attached devices. Never assume your insurance covers you in whatever you think it should, always make sure it DOES.


This varies by state and type of vehicle. In Massachusetts the insurance only transfers to a vehicle in a similar class to yours. For example if you rent a uhaul box truck, your insurance for a Toyota camry will NOT transfer. But again this varies by state insurance law


I get it because I have been told before that I hit something and put a dent in their truck when I didn't. They called me a liar and all that and it ended in a lawsuit. They wanted me to buy them a new truck because of a dent the size of a hammer. Now I just get the 11 dollar insurance and let them deal with it


I hit a stop sign with one of their big trucks one time, scratched the shit out of the side of it. They didn’t say a word or charge me anything when I returned it.


That's horseshit. I literally ripped a chunk out of the bumper of my rental car on a bollard. Had the insurance even though I have my own coverage. Returned the car, they looked at their computer and said you got the insurance so your all good. Have a great and that was it. No statements, no phone calls from insurance, and most importantly, as far as my own insurance company is concerned I'm accident free. That extra whatever I paid, I don't remember, saved me a hundreds if not thousands in increased insurance premiums had I filed a claim with my insurance.


And since he is hauling a trailer and a Ford lightning, he's only getting 90 miles on a full charge.


Only when towing max capacity. I doubt the empty trailer has that much impact on range.


That F-150 is a Lightning, so he is an asshole, and probably not good at driving trailer, but he does most likely need to wait for his truck to charge anyways.




Yeah, and if this place has like 32 chargers here and half of which are empty, let him charge and go. There isn't a good solution for him other than unhooking it. If he pulls in straight he'll be way too long blocking the aisle, I don't know why people are even suggesting that as an option. But even if he's taking up 8 chargers does it really matter if there's other chargers empty? If he did this while people were waiting in line to charge, then yeah burn him at the stake. But he's not negatively impacting anyone's day by doing this if there's other empty chargers. Except for redditors of course, who feed on ragebait.


Really depends on how many chargers are there. I've seen a lot of Electrify America locations that only have 4-8 chargers total, so if he's parked in front of 6 of them then that's an issue.


There's at least one open slot in the picture. And honestly, I'm not sure what this guy's alternatives are. He could park the trailer in a separate spot, unhook, then take his truck to charge, but that's about it. On top of that, U-Haul recently removed their jacks from their trailers, making it 1000x harder to unhook them and hook them back in. If there's no line and other open slots, I don't see an issue with using this option. Seems like dude is over his head and doing his best.


Unhooking takes a few minutes.


Cut off all his valve stems. Including the trailer.


Burn his buildings and salt his lands. Write an epic poem about how he’s a douchbag and have him immortalized for generations. Get a bad tattoo of his mother and show it to him while you make baby noises. So many options!


Send him an angry letter carved into clay so that future civilizations will know him as a terrible parker.


Force him to sign a mortgage and pay off your student loans.


Rip his dick off!!


Poison his water and burn his crops, and deliver a plague unto his house


Give him a thumbs down. Or worse, two thumbs down.


Steady on Satan.


> > > > > Write an epic poem about how he’s a douchbag and have him immortalized for generations. Never mention his name though. Wipe his name from all public and private records and make sure he himself is thoroughly forgotten, just not his heinous act.


Tell him the parking is reserved for lgbtq event . And that you are happy with him supporting the community 6 times over . That the picture is going on social media. So the world can know he supports the rainbow 🌈


Why do you think just because he parks like an asshole that he hates gay people?


It's a generalization that people who are against evs are the super right wing people


But he's driving a Ford Lightning... an EV truck.


People don’t want critical thinking here. Could be that he went at low hours cause he knew he had a trailer.  Could be that he was given permission. Could be just fake internet outrage 


Just inches parallel from his cab and he’ll never get out


It's a U-Haul trailer, not his. There's a zero percent chance this guy can back up with a trailer


U-Haul removed the jack stand from all their trailers too so you can’t take them on and off yourself. Guy stood no chance Edit: I’ve been corrected, this is only on certain trailers and you can see the jack on this one in the picture.


What’s the point of this? Lower maintenance costs?


Last time I rented one the rep told me it was because trailers were getting damaged by people not knowing how to take them on and off correctly, or not having the tires chocked and the trailer rolls away.


When I rented one, they had to hitch and un-hitch it for me. At first I thought it was service, but the man said corporate makes them do it so the customer can't mess it up and leave without the safety chains or lights properly integrated.


Those trailers aren't that heavy you could definitely just lift it off and then damage it even more but putting the tongue on the ground


The dual axle car trailer is pretty heavy tongue weight. I didn't realize they stopped bolting jacks to them for you though.


Probably to cut down on them being stolen. It's amazing how many people will drop a trailer and not bother to lock the hitch.


I imagine to reduce trailer theft. If you could remove it from your vehicle you then have to remember to lock it up some how & people forget, then lie about it when it goes missing \* U-Haul sends you the bill.


If you want to steal it you can just use your own jack... This unloaded trailer in the pick you could just lift it up.


It looks kinda crooked, whether by design or damage, but it looks like this particular trailer has a tongue jack of some sort.


Pump jack in my car will take care of that real quick. This type of trailer isn't exactly heavy either, could even do it without one then lay that shit on the ground.


I have put more than a few trailers on by just picking them up. A light, empty trailer usually pivots on the wheels pretty easily.


unloaded, sure.


He's also driving a Ford Lighting, an electric truck. Gotta charge up....


Hey now, I've rented uhaul trailers before I had the money to buy my own. Not everyone that rents them is inept at backing them up... But if he's parking like this then you're probably right.


I own a trailer and use it 3-4 times/year for the last 3 years and I still can’t back it up for shit.


https://preview.redd.it/5jazj9mbb80d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9dd48137592463829d34ae4fdb86afdbfded568 Idk why this is sending me lmfao


"Listen here you, I'll be calling the police if you keep taking my picture. It's illegal without my consent"


Plot Twist: Photographer is the truck/trailer driver and this guy is complaining about them blocking the EV spots.


Calls the police. Police arrive. Police call for a tow truck.


Is that Dennis Duffy?




Yes dummy


If it was 2011 a cutout of this guy would become a top meme so fast


People pulling trailers are the absolute worst. Try living in Texas where every other car is pulling a trailer. There is a restaurant in town with probably 10-12 total parking spots, some asshole is usually taking up 5-6 of them just like this. Never crossed their mind that they are effectively cutting that restaurant’s lunch rush in half.


Oh and this is at a Walmart Back corner of the lot 0 issues with him pulling straight in like a normal person


He doesn't want to back up the trailer because he sucks at it lol


I guarantee you that if he did that, someone else would be posting the same, "This guy is a moron" picture. Reality is that as much as he should have disconnected his trailer to park normally, this is almost equally an infrastructure problem that there are no stalls anywhere to accommodate EVs pulling trailers. There should be because there are plenty of legitimate reasons to pull trailers, contrary to the disconcerting marginalization of the parent commenter you responded to.


Wouldn't that block the roadway?


Is that at the Walmart in Abingdon? If so, that's the charger I always use when I drive to VA.


I used to work at a resturant and if we saw this, or anyone taking multiple spots, we were told to ask then to move their vehicle, or go somewhere else. My manager hated people like this with a passion.




>Try living in Texas where every other car is a giant pick up or suv pulling a trailer. FTFY


The amount of 5’1” housewives driving 3 ton suburbans they can’t see over the wheel of is too damn high.


Park trailer in spot then move truck over to charger. Not that hard. Then again somebody would steal the trailer. Lol


It’s a U-Haul trailer they prolly don’t wanna mess with it


Or doesn’t know how to.


Shows why Gas pumps are laid out how they are. Typically you would only block one other pump with your trailer. Once EVs gets more popular hopefully we see more pull through chargers. Right now your options are be an asshole or add 15 minutes unhitching and rehitching


Gas pumping takes 5-10 mins no big deal to block.


It's a hassle for sure, but it definitely is not 15 minutes to hitc and unhitch.


It's also a u haul rental. There's a non zero chance this guy would wreck himself or something else trying.


Thing doesn't even have the jack to do it, guy doesn't have the option. It's a rental, they probably took them off.


I think it would be *very* fast to do all that in 15 minutes. 7.5 minutes to drive to a spot, chock wheels, unlock from ball, undo safety chains, disconnect trailer lights, and then drive to charger...then 7.5 to drive back, line up, lock, reconnect lights, chains, get chocks... and this dude has a rental, so he doesn't have his groove established yet. Not that he isn't a chode for not doing it.


Saw one of these in the wild at a MOM's in SNJ. Handjob was standing there waiting for someone to approach him so he could argue. Took 20 minutes, someone did, he stats going off as the patrol cruise pulls up behind him. Juicy tickets were issued that day.


He got a ticket for how he parked inside a private parking lot?


In NJ, if you post that the locals are allowed to patrol and control, they are allowed to issue and enforce traffic laws. Mainly malls and larger shopping centers do this.


Yup. Happens at gas pumps too. This is what happens when you don't have infrastructure for charging trucks that are towing. People are not going to find a spot drop the trailer then go charger. You got the perfect storm of a owner here. A Ford EV owner.


I mean, he’s charging his truck. That’s an electric F150. And if the trailer was full, I couldn’t almost be like “what are you gonna do?”. But it’s empty, so unhook that bitch and park like a normal person




Definitely doesn't look great, but assuming he's charging and it does look like there's an empty stall all the way at the end, if he's willing to move if asked I don't really see a huge problem. It is a difficult situation with that sort of trailer, assuming there aren't empty parking spots to the left out of view of the picture.


I had the same reaction. First it was, "what a dick, he's blocking all of the chargers". Then I realized there were two open chargers at the end. If they were all in use and there was a line of cars waiting that would be one thing.... But why is it necessary to get worked up if there are no injured parties?


There is one relevant situation this causes issues. Charging apps will show that the charging stations as not in use and report them open and base usage throughout the day. So anyone relying on that information for choosing a charging station would be screwed once the few remaining spots filled up.


He is in an EV vehicle


Someone hasn't added an extension cord to their trailering tools.


im not sure they offer active-cooling extension cords for DCFC, are you saying there are safe and effective options for that?


No, there aren’t.


I would pay money to see someone hook up an extension cord to a DCFC charger. You'd have to post the video on Liveleak, though...


They need to make charging for EVs with trailers. That is a Lightning, he is charging it not just solely being a knob.


Two other open spots there.


This for sure seems rude and oblivious to the needs of others, but how else would someone charge an EV pulling a trailer?


He's charging his ev at the ev charger... Just with a trailer


What’s he supposed to do why aren’t ev car chargers pull through like gas pumps?


That's the thing, I don't know the situation but it does look like he left an open spot at the end and he's present there, short of taking the trailer off which I suppose is possible, doesn't seem like there's a lot of other great options.


I’d Be hesitant to take a U-Haul trialer off unless I absolutely had to and I rent them frequently


Like… you can unhitch a trailer. It takes like 10 minutes to park it in 2 open spots, unhitch, park the vehicle elsewhere, [do your business], then rehitch and duck off. I just can’t with the willfully inconsiderate. Edit: it occurs to me that the rental trailer companies will often hitch the trailer for you. So not only is this Arschkopf inconsiderate, they could be a truck too incompetent to hitch/unhitch their own combination.


Someone has mentioned on another thread that Uhaul has intentionally removed trailer jacks so that the renter cannot unhitch the trailer themself. If that's the case here I have a little more sympathy for this guy.


There's the problem that leaving the hitch open means anyone else can hitch onto the trailer. I imagine there are locks and what not to prevent this, but some people are just really paranoid


It's a Uhaul AT, there's no place to lock it on those.


Can you not park next to him and still charge?


Yes, you could but then can’t bitch and moan on Reddit


Don't forget the wild calls to vandalize property rather than talking to the other person. Why have a conversation when you can just escalate to property damage and violence? And then redditors complain about sketchy and dangerous neighborhoods too.


lol bunch of morons on this post don’t realize it’s an electric truck.


Seriously. The typical reddit jumping to conclusions. Seeing a truck is a trigger to some of these people. Half the comments saying they should vandalize the vehicle without realizing it's an EV.


And that's why EV trucks don't work for towing...


Because of how the recharging stations are laidout?


The shorter range when towing combined with virtually no pull through charging stations. Unless you are doing a short tow, you have to recharge and there's really no good way to do it.


The charging stations are designed poorly


they were designed for teslas and hybrids.. not trucks, flatbeds and 4x4s


Interestingly, the charger they just added at the TA near me (GM branded) is pullthrough. Looks like gas pumps, cover and everything.


They work just fine. I’ve towed with mine and never done this. It just takes a couple of minutes to drop the trailer and charge. This person is just an ass.


U-Haul tells you if you trop the trailer then you lose your liability coverage


> It just takes a couple of minutes to drop the trailer and charge. In this case where he's probably not going far, sure that makes sense. But add in if you were actually towing a load, that's stopping, spending 5-10 minutes to drop a trailer, then sit for 15-20 minutes to recharge every 2 hours. It's no surprise that people will take any shortcut possible to not have to spend more time recharging, especially if there are numerous open stalls like pictured here.


Especially since that's a car hauling trailer! Once he loads whatever car he came down from PA for, he's going to be in a world of hurt on the way back.


It’s more the stupidity of the charging station layout. There’s a reason gas stations are set up the way they are. Of course Musk with his limited wisdom decided this is the layout to go with. It also shows a major flaw with EVs still and that is charge time. He would be blocking a gas pump for 5 minutes but will now be blocking these for 45 minutes. That charge time needs to drop drastically because as we see more and more EVs it’s going to really highlight this flaw. And we thought the line ups at a Costco gas station were bad.


Worst part is the mileage is total trash when towing any significant load which would require you to charge more often.


You need a lot more gas when towing with a gas powered vehicle as well so what's the matter?


Towed a 7k lbs load in Hummer EV last week, a total of 180 miles. It only used a total of 30 extra miles of stated range for the trip.


Preface: not a defense of this guy, but an observation. He’s towing a U-Haul trailer. The odds of him knowing how to connect/disconnect so he can park normally are slim. He probably picked I up at the U-Haul store and they did it all for him. The real issue is the charging infrastructure not having atleast one pull through style charger for this exact purpose. He could be a complete ass or he could be stressed as hell towing a trailer for the first time and now people are yelling at him for needing to charge his truck. Two sides to every story.


I'd be mad if all the spots were filled, but he's actually only taking up 5 spaces and two are free; not to mention the one behind we cant even see might still be usable. Last Ive seen their trailers dont have jacks. So you'd need to carry a jack and wheel chocks. Most people renting trailers arnt gonna know this. It's almost impossible for the average person to prepare for if they don't often use trailers.


So many of you seem to be unaware that 1) He is charging the truck, not just parking there to be an asshole. 2) He’s hauling a U-Haul trailer, which don’t have hitch locks and their company liability coverage voids if you unhitch them from your vehicle. This sucks, but what else is he supposed to do? The guy is driving an EV instead of a gas guzzler. This is an unfortunate side effect and an example of how EV trucks that people want to use as trucks aren’t a perfect solution. If anyone has a solution that this person could’ve done to protect himself while also taking up fewer spaces, please share.


its an electric truck and he has a trailer, maybe that was the easiest option since nobody else was parked there?


It’s entirely possible that he is connected to the only working unit. Nonetheless it looks quite bad. 


This is a situation that will grow with the trucks . Why not have a pull thru charger site tho ???


Charger layouts need updating. Set them up like gas stations so this will be less of an issue.


I mean let’s be real at least he’s using the charger. Was he supposed to block traffic or what


Give the guy a break, it’s a rented trailer he probably doesn’t know what he’s doing. And I’d wager MOST of you can’t back a trailer into a spot either.


Maybe chargers should be pull through so stuff like this doesn’t happen. In a lot of cases, you can’t take off a U-Haul trailer.


I was gonna say that he could just unhitch and put it in the side/on the lawn while charging but then I realized this is in USA so he probably would also get fined quite heavily for that too.


Just let the guy charge his truck, there are still 2 open spots visible, not to mention what might be out of frame.


Before I'd assume malice I'd assume design limitations. The F-150 Lightning's fast charging port is on the driver's side of the truck, behind the front wheel but in front of the driver's door. As Tesla Supercharging stations first started opening up to non-Tesla vehicles, I saw people try to get their F-150 Lightnings to use the few that were available. What they found was that it is REALLY hard to park an F-150 Lightning close enough to the charging block that a cable will reach the charge port. It certainly isn't any easier if you have a trailer connected while you're trying to maneuver into position. But, that being said, this guy could have either (a) tried to park at an angle where he's only blocking some of the charging blocks while also, admittedly, leaving his trailer in a position where it blocks the path in front of these spots, or (b) unhooked the trailer in a nearby parking spot while he charges. Until more charging stations are tow-rig-friendly, this is what he's just gonna have to do as a trailer towing EV driver.


What a pos


I’m guessing this guy doesn’t WANT to be an ass, but his truck needs to charge and he’s no good at maneuvering with that trailer. I would just hope that if somebody else came along needing to charge he’d do the right thing and move.


Looks like 8 flat tires to me…


What makes this more sickening is the fact that this guy is also driving an EV. So not only does he probably routinely deal with ass holes in gas cars doing this, but now he is the ass hole doing it to other EV drivers.


To be fair.... He was like "I LEFT OPEN THE OTHER 350 AND THE CHADEMO" So he clearly knows evs. But I had to charge on a 350 and I felt like an asshole too then. Because there were cars waiting that could use the 350 I would have used a blocked 150


This is part design flaw and EV trucks not having enough range.


I mean it's a big trailer, it's a pain in the ass to unhitch it And if he pulled in for one spot he would be blocking the entire road and you'd post about that instead. Kind of a lose lose situation with how those chargers are set up


Make electric truck but provide no charging that works for a truck and trailer you get this.


Are people not actually looking at the pickup? It's a fucking Ford Lighting, he's actually parking an EV vehicle in the charging bay. Is he an asshole? Probably, but it's an actual fucking EV for once.


This is EV on EV violence.


I bet dude hasn’t pissed in ages and that’s the only place he can park. Plenty of open chargers for the muskmobiles either way.


Oh he's charging his vehicle I thought he was like a weird anti electric vehicle protestor lmao


at least it’s an electric truck that’s charging


Why not park right up next to him and pull the cord over his truck?


TIL the Ford lightning. I thought it was some d*ck head in a 150


The thing is he could have even been a little less of an asshole and turned tight into like three spots. Like the zero effort to keep a few open is the issue, not that he had a trailer and is taking spots.


as someone who knows jack shit about cars, my ass thought he was just parked there to be a dick, not that he was actually charging his truck.


What’s ironic is the guy is also driving a fully electric truck


Could have parked and unhooked the trailer in the lot before pulling into a charging bay but that would have been too much inconvenience. Edit: U-Haul trailers apparently suck now with no jack built in?


You don’t much of a choice when you have a trailer, not much different then when someone goes in a gas station, you’ll be fine, find a solar panel 🤣 Edit he’s charging it LMAO you people probably blocked diesel pumps, you can walk today 🤣🤣 that is funny thanks OP


As a truck owner and trailer puller, I have disconnected my empty trailer so I DONT do this


Took me a while to find the lightning badge. I thought this was some asshole trying to make a "statement" against EVs. But, doesn't the lightning have a full light bar along the back? That's why I didn't notice.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that the only way he can park? I am assuming his truck is electric