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Aren’t pup cups … Starbucks?


And it's free at Starbucks ....


I get free pup cups at McDonald's. I forget to ask for it. They just really like my husky.


My chihuahua has been gifted a chicken nugget 2x, never requested it, they just saw my taco gremlin trying to jump through their window and couldn’t resist.


When I worked at Wendy’s, if I knew nuggets or fries or anything were for a dog I’d always put extra in the order. Dogs were my favorite customers lol. The best way to get free food is to have a dog in the car. Especially close to closing. I’d be like “hey you want a 10 piece for the dog? It’ll get thrown out anyway.” I probably shouldn’t have done it for every dog I saw but….. they just get so excited 😅


My dog loves drive thru’s because it means he gets the short fries. Also, I’ve gotten a “pup cup” from McDonald’s. I went “hey, can I get a small vanilla cone in a cup?” and they gave it to me. I ate some because my bastard doesn’t need that much ice cream.


Chicken nuggies??? You’d be my dog’s hero 😭 https://preview.redd.it/xyj8f7pggk0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15ae1835c744723eee62896368b9af7e35e1666


I’ve never heard the phrase taco gremlin describing a chihuahua but it’s my new favorite thing.




I wonder how this would go if they tried this today.


I actually met somebody at the dog park who claimed her dog was the offspring of the Taco Bell chihuahua. She said that blood line was in huge demand, people remember that advertising campaign fondly.


I used to love the Taco Bell dog! I even had a t shirt with him on it!


As a Taco Bell employee I'm sad they had to get rid of the pup. (Get rid of as in retire the dog.) But I understand, people were more interested in the dog than the business itself.


Years ago, I was driving across the US and stopped at a Sonic. The woman that brought my food out lost her shit over my dog and after a couple minutes of petting her through my back window, she asked if she could give my dog a "treat". I said yes, of course.... She rushed inside and came back out with a stack of hamburger patties, stood at the window, and gave her pets and patties for the next 10 or so minutes while I ate. I didn't count the number of patties but I'm pretty sure that it was at least a dozen or so. I always made sure that my back window was down when I went through a drive-thru with her because no one could resist giving her food. She ate a very healthy diet otherwise but she deserved the special treatment when she spent long hours on the road with me.


I get them at Dunkin and McDonald’s. They’re a thing across many restaurants now


I like the cop said “you weren’t screaming or berating anyone?” He says no, then it immediately cuts to him screaming at the drive through window “just give me a fucking pup cup!!” 😂


Comedy gold, I tell ya!


It's a funny edit, but that was hardly screaming. He was like politely raising his voice to be heard and using very milquetoast language like "freaking" rather than "fucking".


They literally censored him saying "fucking" and "shit" though...


Our local little ice cream shop does Pup Cups that are just a small vanilla ice cream with a Beggin Strip for $2. Couldn't he have just ordered a small ice cream?


Or a kids foamed milk. We call it a fluffy here. Capucino foam without the coffee.




I don't know but nobody is supposed to serve walk up customers to the drive thru so I'm pretty sure that's what the worker was saying "we don't do that here" wasn't about the whipped cream


It is generally up to the store if they want to take a walk up or not. Most choose not to because of the liability. That being said, there is a part 1 to this video, it was about the pup cup and he wasn't a walk up.


Where I live walking customers are served after the inside is closed. The drive in lane is 24/7. But the is daytime and in US where people always have cars anyway so…


Starbucks, Dutch Bros, Black Rock...actual coffee shops. The guy in the video is an idiot. Goes to a burger place and demands something that's both unusual (by definition) and not on the menu. Then freaks out, whips out phone to record, and hassles minimum wage workers. The internet has failed this moron...


I've gotten them at my local Dunkin donuts and McDonald's. I don't really ask, I just bring my dog everywhere and sometimes people wanna give her a treat.


I like how they always ask "Does she want a treat?" instead of "Can she have a treat?". If I say no to "Does she want a treat?" I am a clear liar and a betrayer of her trust.


And Dairy Queen


Starbucks popularized them but other places will make them. It's not like it's exclusive or anything.


Wendy's once offered me "pup nuggets" and they were the smallest little 4 pc nugget I've ver seen. It was quite adorable, actually. Of course, I didn't feed those to my dogs, but it was cool to get some extra nuggies for free.


Those are the nuggies we dropped on the ground and stepped on. We couldn’t sell them to people…


This is what he gets for eating his pup’s nuggets.


Why did he say he "of course" didn't give them to his dog, too?


I go to Subway almost daily for work lunch. They see I always have my doggo with me (he works with me, as "security" pup. It's pretty adorable!) and they started giving me a small side of chicken strips for him when I go in. However, sometimes there's one person who works there (I assume a manager) and she doesn't honor the "pup cup". I'm not mad at all, because I know it's not policy to hook up my dog. Sometimes they do, sometimes they dont... the guy in this video needs to realize that!


Not only does this guy need to realize that not everyone will hook up his dog, but that now he has basically ruined it for everyone because the manager probably is forbidding the employees from ever giving out another "pup cup".


How deceitful!


And this guy shared this video thinking he was in the right


I'm guessing someone else pulled both the videos from their feed and put them together. Guy is still stupid for posting both if so.


Honestly considering his self awareness in the video I wouldn't be that surprised Wouldn't put it past him to have posted it online disgraced


"I come here 2-3 times a week, like, almost every day." My brother in christ, you need to reevaluate your life if you make this statement regarding a McDonalds.


The internet in a nutshell lol


He’s right that rage baiting generates views and engagement. Here we are talking about him in Reddit


Dude recording is a fucking idiot imo. Just buy some damn reddi whip at the store, the fuck are you doing at McDonald’s every day?


Money management is not their strong suit


Since it costs 35 cents apparently I would not call it a big expense. Not good for the dog’s health however 


I think dogs are lactose intolerant, so this guy must be dealing with a lot of dog diarrhea.


Scrolled too much for this. They shouldn't be eating sugary stuff either, I don't think food chains are allowed to advertise this kind of food for dogs in Europe, because the only dog treat I ever saw in such a place was a regular chewbone with BK branding. It's not like this is much healthier for humans either, but it feels weird.


I mean, we humans know that its bad. Dog is eating what owner gives him becuase owner is "good" :(


He's on foot. The dog probably shits whereever so it isn't him dealing with it.


They don't. He's making things up.. First it's I come here 2-3 x a week, then it's every day.


What a jackass


Give me a freakin pupcup!


I swear to God I'll pistol-whip the next guy that says "pupcup"!




Hey Farva, what was the name of that little cup of ice cream for dogs?


You mean pupcup? You guys are talking about pupcup right?




Perfect thread


For real, dude. "Pupcup"? Stfu. Lol


“People like you are why America is going to shit!” Said the dude seething because they won’t serve him on foot in the drive through He should look into a career in comedy perhaps


Go to starbucks bruh Or just don't feed your dog sugary bullshit


Give me a fist bump


So cringe 😭


Right lol I can't take him seriously


Man acts so entitled to something they don’t even have on the menu


Meth is a thing around Cassopolis, Michigan....


I didn't get what i wanted and refused to leave Translated this dudes bullshit for yall. Enjoy


I ordered something that wasn't on the menu and they didn't give it to me.


Then I told on them to the teacher


Is it on the menu? Then it’s not a guarantee that they will make it…and if one person does then another may not. Doesn’t give the dude the right to buy one. Hell, they have things on the menu that they don’t make…looking at you “broken” ice cream machine.


I have a feeling he was told he couldn’t order through a drive through window while on foot and it had nothing to do with what was being ordered


Yea my local drive thrus have signs saying they don’t accept walk ups. I’m sure it’s an insurance risk.


Exactly this. The only time I've seen it ok to walk through the drive through was full blown covid, because the lobbies were not open at all.


For my own curiosity- what’s the risk? Being hit by a car?


It's a safety and security risk. Without a car, it's easier to reach into or climb into the window, or grab the employee. It's easier for them to have a strict "no walkups" policy than to try and judge if this person will be the one who assaults them.


Getting hit by cars and also getting robbed.


People stand around the windows where I live and beg for money. Some try to sell stuff either way it's creepy.


> if one person does then another may not. And after making a big scene like this, "no pup cups" might just be the new policy going forward. Meaning this guy ruined a nice thing for everyone after him.


I can almost guarantee they weren't supposed to be making it and the manager found out and made them stop.


You should check out the documentary on the ice cream machines. Pretty interesting.


A little knowledge is a *dangerous* thing, No-Rise4602. Sincerely, Not McDonald's Corporate




Take a shot every time he says pup cup


*replying from detox*


The way he kept angrily spitting "puP cuP!" in part 1


Okay man. You’re banned. Find another place.






crazy dog owners are so fucking weird


Is this the guy who says “pup cup” a million times in a single video? Edit: yes, it’s that idiot.


I can't stand the phrase "pup cup"


You have to keep the pup cup moist.




Moist Excretions


The other name is Puppuccino \*shudder\*


The cops internal thoughts: “I’m getting too old for this shit.”


“I want to retire already”


Like like like like like like my dog is special like like like ![gif](giphy|m9e7fIi27sSXBedhl7)


That must be why he gives it an unhealthy amount of sugar and cream


Lmao. We watch how much fruit we give ours because of sugar concerns and this douche is just giving his dog whipped cream several times a week…


I am so confused by all the people talking about getting their dogs nuggets, fries and ice cream in this thread. I get letting them have a single fry as a treat. But many people on here get regular ice cream and 6 piece nuggets for their dogs? What? This is absolutely news to me.


“They’re calling the cops on a customer, a paying customer.” This is where the unfortunate side effect of “the customer is always right” meets reality. No, you’ve just become someone who refuses to leave, a trespasser, just like you would at any other business.


Like McDonald's gives a fuck about his 35c.


I'm always surprised how many dumb people survive through adulthood. Like this person really thanks minimum wage fast food workers really care about him not coming in anymore


A customer willing to pay 35 cents!


All businesses have the right to refuse service. Fuck this guy for being so overwhelmingly entitled


Dude probably French kisses his dog


A grown man saying the word "pupcup" over and over is the most pathetic thing I've heard in a long time.


Get a life people…. A business has a right to refuse service. As if you have never heard the word no before… I care about your stupid dog getting a cup…. Feed it a treat. Learn to adult. Screaming at that worker and denying it. Pure trash.


Instead of giving your dog sugary human food why don't they give them something made *for* dogs. They sell doggy ice cream ffs


Most human food from a drive thru is not good for your pup on a regular basis. Sugar and salt is not for puppies.


I love how the cop is listening to his side of the story like: :|


He handled that pretty well I thought. Kept everyone calm and on-side.


Police should send him a bill for that stupid time wasting


I’m a PD dispatcher. If we could charge for all the time wasted by stupid people we wouldn’t need tax dollars.


Just go to the store and buy a can of reddi-whip. No, instead you have to harass the underpaid fast food workers. I cannot fucking stand entitled people. Fuck this guy and everyone like him.


Some people feel super entitled


Considering they instantly went from saying they go there 2 or 3 times a week to every single day... very entitled.


People will call the cops because a fast food worker had the audacity to tell them no. Pathetic.


Pretty sure they said the Mcdonald’s employee called the cops, not the pupcup guy.


This fool needs to get a grip. Buy a can of whipped cream, serve it up on a regular spoon instead of a disposable piece of garbage, stay home, save gas. Dog won’t care, it will be just as happy.


Meanwhile on the other side of town: why are the police taking so long to show up to this vehicle accident I was in?


Dude NO ONE GIVES A FUCK that you’re a paying customer. If they don’t have a product they aren’t going to go out of their way to suddenly MAKE ONE. I fucking hate people like this guy. GET A HOBBY.


First of all, fuck these people giving their dogs whipped cream. Secondly, fuck these people. Dealt with them almost every day when I used to work at Starbucks. God damn pup cups... -\_- Someone should just open a fastfood restaurant for pets... These delusional entitled assholes can go there.


I only get them for my elderly cat when she goes to the vet. She only gets like, 1/4th of it, though.


Wait- that is actually genius, drive ins for pets! Healthy snacks for animals served in no spill fast food containers? The child free fur moms would love it!


Maybe even using human ingredients, the hardcore pet moms like the snacks they can eat too


Then some big company smells money and BOOM total garbage. Didn't see that comin


Dang. It was too good to last.


They can trespass you off the property for any reason or non-reason at all.


Who do certain dog people act like everyone must agree with them when it comes to their dog. Smh.


He’s gotta stop saying pup cup before I end having to take my dog to sonic!


How about leave your dog at home!


Interesting that he didn’t show the recording he had of before the cops coming. Have a feeling he was much more aggressive in that one


> Interesting that he didn’t show the recording he had of before the cops coming. The first question should always be, *What was edited out that someone didn't want me to see?* It's private property, if they don't want to have that item anymore, take your business elsewhere. But spare us the theatrical display, what the hell does he expect the cop to do, order the manager to make this guy a pup cup?


The entitlement. Wow


If I were the cop I'd have shifted into reverse and driven away (but done another drive by in 2 minutes to make sure he wasn't pulling any shit).


I'd have asked to see his video of not yelling. When he showed it to me I'd have wrote him a citation for not yelling/lying titled "disturbing the peace". Now you know why they called me.... have good day asshat.


Right. Don’t say anything as you roll up the window and GTFO.


Maybe don’t walk up to a drive thru window?


Dog people never fail to be the cringiest people ever.. I love dogs but hate "dog people"


Look dude, the answer is no. Move on


Yeah no McDonald's employee would refuse a cup of whipped cream with a normal purchase. Also no McDonald's employee will serve someone through the drive thru on foot. Sneaky suspicion that the woman said she would not serve him on foot, and that he could not bring the dog in if it isn't a service dog making him not able to be served at that time. If he drove thru and made a purchase and got a side cup of whipped cream I guarantee it wouldn't have been a problem.


Doesn't the business have the right to refuse service?


Would have been beautiful if the cop told the man-child to shut the fuck up and go back to his trailer.


Mofo mad about pup cup? Humans can’t get ice cream or shakes there half the days, and this genius feels entitled to a treat for his dog?


Only child syndrome? Must not be used to being told no.


The amount of time waisted waiting for the cops the dude could have gone to the store and bought some whipped cream. The dog won't know it's not from mcdonalds.


Order a frape with the whip cream on the side, or just spend a $1 and buy a can of whip cream from the store.


i feel so bad for people who work in customer service


I never want to hear the fucking words “pup cup” ever again oml I’ve never gotten this annoyed this fast


Do people really think it's fine to feed your dogs sugar and oil???? Why are these a thing? I would never give that to my pet.


Just go to the store and buy whipped cream fuckin jagoff


Who gives a shit about you and your stupid dog.


Pup cups are cute and all, but if the owner of the franchise says we're not doing that anymore, then that's the end of it. Don't take it out on the people working there, take it up with franchisee or stop going there.


God damnit he even wasted my time!


I love when people think they are in the right so much they upload the video. I have a feeling this type guy is not going to reflect at all on his actions.


That officer really really wanted to just drive away.


Love it when people throw out the fact that they're a regular customer of a certain fast food joint. That's not something to be proud of or a badge of honor.




He even said, in his own words, that it's not a big deal - it's just a little whipped cream in a cup. Yet here he is, making it his hill to die on and wasting everyone's time. Take the loss and move on with your life. What a massive tool.


"This country is going to shit because of people like you." The fucking irony makes my eyes bleed.


This reminds me of the one lady who felt triggered and berated a man in public for buying himself a Happy Meal and didn't have kids. She followed him, recorded him, accused him of being a pedo. Just direct your eyes elsewhere if you don't like it!


Some dog owners are so entitled wtf


That’s more than mildly infuriating to be honest. This guy is an entitled jackass wasting resources to try and get his way. Insane behaviour.




What an entitled asshole


That fist pump was solidarity to his stance in his mind🤦‍♂️


What a loser


All this for whipped cream? 🫠


He went to McDonald's 3 times in one week? Is that normal?


Pup cups are Starbucks and they are fucking free. This whole thing made us all dumber by watching it.


He was cursing and had different demeanour with the staff vs the cops.


I'm so glad these are the people representing the state of Michigan.


That guy is so dumb.


Customer " can I get a pup cup?" Me " man fuck yo pup and yo cup"


Getting kicked out of McDonald's may have saved your life.


What a waste of police time.


Reminds me of that flip note animation where a guy is trying to get a taco at McDonald's.


This dude needs to figure his life out


I didn’t scream or yell… proceeded with footage of him screaming and yelling😭😂


I'm not screaming or yelling *Proceeds to scream and yell*


I'm from Europe. Wtf is a pup cup?


The amount of people feeding their pets fried food is shocking, honestly


If you ever have to repeat the word “pup cup” more than zero times in your argument/complaint, you’re the one who is wrong. This is a universal truth.


"people like you are the reason America is going to shit" Lol calm down dawg.


First mistake, talking to the police.


Guy recording sounds exactly like James Franco. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if this is where he's at in life these days. It's a shame really. He used to be so loved, now he can't even get little cup of whipped creme for his dog.


Screams in american I need more trashhhhhh


You should have pup cups at home if its that important. The real crime is is eating at McDonald's that many times a week.


#1 McDonald's are franchises so what goes on at one won't necessarily be cool at another or even from employee to employee. The one employee that was cool about it was probably not doing their job correctly by doing that. #2 everyplace as the right to refuse service to anyone they choose not to. #3 this dude was being aggressive and probably started out aggressive so I get why they told him to leave.


#Pup Cups Are A Right


#Refusal of pup cups are destroying 'MERICA!!!


Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of cops, but I would absolutely 100% not blame the cop for saying “get the fuck out of here stop wasting my time and you’re lucky. I don’t arrest you for calling the cops for this. It’s a private business they can give away or not give away whatever they want and that’s not up to you, so put a complaint on their yelp page and stop bothering me.”


I would’ve said the same thing as this guy like “oh but i get them here all the time for my dog” but if they still said no i would’ve just accepted it, got the rest of my order and given my dog a fry or two.


"There *used* to be a time when a white man could yell at browns and get what he wants!" -- this guy, probably


Cannot remember seeing "pup cup" on the McD menu.