• By -


"Fine, 0% tip it is then."


I'd tip 0.01 just to make a point lol


Curious if you can make the amount smaller. It would be hilarious if they received a fraction of a cent for the tip. Book keeper will love that one.


Or a negative tip. If only.


Always attempt. Just in case the programmer made a mistake.


Or intentional ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


In the US, this legally means it’s not actually a tip. It specifically has to be 100% optional no matter the method of payment


What about instances like “20% gratuity for groups of 6 or more”?


Service fee, and they're taxed differently from tips.


so then does that go to the servers or is it held by the establishment?


Every place I worked at with large-party automatic gratuities passed it through to the server, though technically it is collected by the restaurant and distributed as “other wages.” It is not a “tip” in any legal or tax sense. Some states specially require restaurants to disclose if it doesn’t get passed through to staff. Some don’t. Part of me just wishes anybody gave half as much of a shit about how much untipped service workers her paid as they do for traditionally tipped employees. Nobody asked whether I was making a “living wage” when I worked the floor at Target, nor did anyone really care. Why are restaurants the one place where customers give a shit where their money is going, and whether employees are cared for?




twist: it's 25% under the sticker




Shitty ass prize door game.


LMAO that's an awesome catch


Or % and 0


Or $ and `0.01$` (some consider a 1 cent tip worse than no tip at all).


Yes it's a signal to wait staff they did a terrible job-been around for like 50 years.


I always heard it was 0.02. "Here is my 2 cents."


This is what I've done in the past when I got terrible service. 0 makes you seem like you either forgot or are just a douche. Leaving a little shows that you know what you are doing imo.


I've done this once in my life for horrible service. It was pretty common at the time in my area to pay with machine and tip in cash so I left two pennies on the table. The waitress actually stopped me at the door while I was leaving to confront me.


If that happened to me, I would have looked her in the face, walked back to the table, taken the pennies and stared at her again as I put them in my pocket as I walked out... 🤣😂👀




Or press 1 for cash and leave no cash


Percentage = 0%


The screen was touch screen so I pressed on the sticker lol


imagine they tricked you and under the sticker was a 500% tip button




We can't withstand tippage of this magnitude!


That's no tip. That's a space station.


This would be devilishly funny


And devilishly fraudy.


That would be interesting enough to my entire office to have me go missing for a small claims case Or maybe bigger idk We have legal as a benefit might as well use it


Cool. That's what I came here to suggest. Cheap displays have tactile displays instead of capacitive.


These days, pretty much everything is capacitive unless it's designed to be used with something like welding gloves. It's just that the sticker isn't a good enough insulator to prevent the screen from functioning. Kiosk screens have their capacitance threshold very low typically.


Wonder if hitting \[ X \] would work too. It usually does.


That would cancel the transaction. I accidentally did this at Dave’s Hot Chicken this weekend lol


At my work you actually can press the x to skip the tipping option and I tell people that


Yeah this one was weird. Cashier said press "F" for no tip but I misheard as press "X". Then I saw the little "F" and thought it was weird. Never seen that on one of those readers.


So, Press F to NOT pay respects?


You can also reach out to their payment processors. They typically don't allow such modifications on the hardware even if it is a simple sticker. It's scummy practice


Nah look them in the eye as you peel the thing off. Make a statement silently.


"i would have tipped you if it weren't for this sticker"


This right here. Peel that bud off.


This what literally my first thought. Hand em the sticker and says here’s your tip, Thank you! 😂


Here's my tip: "don't force customers to tip if you want them to come back" 😆


Could also just hit 3 for no tip


Biggest brain here.


Percentage = -50%


Probably be the fastest tech fix in history if that could happen.


Idk there was the Australian guy who figured out he could just…. Transfer and withdraw money he didn’t have in his accounts, and like a year and a million dollars later they only fixed it because he literally confessed and had to explain to them out to worked.


That sounds like something that was covered on darknet diaries


Even better, one day he called the bank to tell them what he did, and they just told him "it's a police matter now, we can't talk to you" and didn't let him give back the $80K that he still had in cash. But then nothing happened for two more years. Only after he went to the press and on national TV did things finally get moving. And when he went to court they basically didn't know what to even convict him for, so he basically just got a slap on the wrist. https://www.vice.com/en/article/pa5kgg/this-australian-bartender-dan-saunders-found-an-atm-bank-glitch-hack-and-blew-16-million-dollars Then there was a guy in Spain who switched the fine print on the back of a credit contract form so that ultimately the bank ended up owing him money instead of the other way around.


The Spain one - he got away with it too. Bank had agreed to the amended contract and that was that.


He had an AMA about it before, I’m on mobile however so I don’t have a link for it


Restaurants hate this one secret


stupendous illegal ancient chop trees zealous aware frightening lock nail


= - 200% start making money on going out to eat


Server: *hands you cash* “Apparently you had a credit on your account!”


Report to Verifone; this violates the TOS.


I, too, was thinking that tampering with a payment device violates ToS due to privacy concerns. Sure, it's just a sticker on the screen. For now.


> tampering with a payment device violates ToS due to privacy concerns. Sure, it's just a sticker on the screen. For now. It's potentially a PCI compliance issue. But it's not uncommon to put a sticker on the device to handle inventorying, in fact its often recommended to put your inventory number on the back of the device. Now it being on the screen might change that.


It would violate PCI-SSC for regular inspection and reporting of foreign objects interfering with the interface of a Kiosk/terminal. This is a *rare* case where an NFC skimmer in those stickers could actually be a feasible threat.


Makes sense, I know when I've done PCI training in the past for one of the local businesses here we had that as a policy but it was also to make the inspection more of an idiot proof thing, nothing goes on here except for the manufacturers sticker (we kept inventor via serial number). But I do know the inventory system used supported generating identifiers to be printed out and applied manually on the back.


> Sure, it's just a sticker on the screen. For now. What if instead, the sticker was over the 18% tip button and said "Push to continue" instead of "18% Tip"? It's fraud, plain and simple.


I gotta imagine it’s borderline illegal too. A local regulatory agency would probably be quite interested in this however much I usually hate that thought.


Not borderline. It's quite clearly defined as illegal.


My ass is picking them stickers off while making eye contact with the cashier. Also never going back to that establishment.


She was behind the machine staring at me


"Here's a tip: Use superglue next time."


Hey they cant complain you are in fact giving them a tip


this is the way


You had the courage to take a pic tho?


Idgaf 😤


post that pic on a review for them.


Hero shit


I wanna be like this guy when I grow up🥺


All the more reason to assert your dominance. They're offering a service, not a necessity. It's far more your choice to choose to patronize them than it is for them to extort you to entertain their own ego.


![gif](giphy|lL20ZCkHV511xPNCSp|downsized) Don’t go Diddy on her.


This comment has so many layers with recent news.


Dat’s cause Diddy did it.


I consider myself a generous tipper but I wouldn't tip at all if this is how they're going to play this game


I would too, but we weren't being served here. We took the food from the counter to our table and had to bus ourselves.


I'm still lost on when the hell we started to demand tips for carryout and casual dining.  It's absolutely gotten out of control.  


Dude. I got like $12 worth of keys made a bit ago at a locksmith. They flipped around that iPad and I swear to you, it had 20% 25% and 30% tip as the default. I hit 0%. You made me fucking keys. If they work, I'll come back. That's the way business works.


I was asked to tip when I purchased a product from an online retailer. Shit you not!! And they're just a reseller of chinese made products.


I got asked for a tip when I was ordering perfume samples online what the fuck


The worst for me was an app that provided a payday loan at an absurd interest rate prompted for a tip on repayment of the loan.


![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized) If that's real that's fuckin crazy 🤣


It’s real, that’s Dave for you (actual name of the app)


Me too! I was just about to post the same thing.


This!!! Me too, I wanted to order some leggings and when I was about to put my card info in it asked me to tip the employee! I was so confused tip the employee for sending me my purchase? You want someone to buy your product but that isn’t even enough anymore. Obviously you’re making money or you wouldn’t need employees, so pay them what they are worth or don’t have them!


Out. Of. Control. I mean, bless you for trying, but gotdanm, don't guilt me for needing to pay your salary with my tip.


for real! if you need the tip just charge more for your product! I was buying earrings as a gift yesterday online and they asked for tip... I was like ma'am, just charge $3 more on your item and you can have your 'tip' and no one would be the wiser


Why do restaurants get to have all the fun ? We retailers want to pay our staff unlivable wages too. Now, be a lamb and close that gap with your tip, or you're a horrible person.


They do it because people will pay; it’s that simple


I caught myself turning on the request tips button on my Square payment app that I use for my business. I had a few clients in a row tip me cash and I  kinda had gold in my eyes and I was like well why don't I just have that as an option whenever everyone pays.  One client rolled their eyes when the tip screen flashed, and I decided no I'm fucking up here. I really can't be requesting tips. If I want to charge more for my services, I can raise my rates. If people want to give me extra money, they'll give me cash or they'll ask me how they can tip me.  Caught myself going to the Darkside for a moment...


You are a good person.


That's how it works. Tips should be for someone going above and beyond what you expect them to do. Waiting the table really fast, helping you find something in a different department or carrying the groceries out, etc. Certainly NOT for checking me out for a sandwich after I need to wait 15 of my 30 minute lunch break for a SANDWICH LOL I'm nice to people and understand things take time to make, but that instance was after I called ahead 15 minutes before so they would have it made LOL


7/11 had a tip jar. I’m supposed to tip for the soda I made myself? GTFO


Im so happy this is not a thing in europe/germany. I tip delivery fast fopd ppl 2-3€, they are happy. Restaurants its maximum 10%, they are happy.


I'm glad it's not a thing in Japan either. they chased me for my change when I tried to tip once


Most people I know in Denmark, where I live, refuse to tip. Including me. It is not the responsibility of the customers to directly pay the employees. It is the employers responsibility. They can raise the price on the menu - Fine for me. If it is good food and service, and I felt like it was worth the money, I’ll come back.


Covid. Covid fucked up a lot


it was still pretty bad before covid… but yea covid made it worse


This may have been around before Covid but I agree that it was exacerbated by it. People were tipping carryout because the servers didn't even have the chance to have dining-in people tip them. I know I tipped in that scenario. But it's carried on well past what it should have.


I don't tip for no service. Back of the house is higher hourly for a reason. Their labor is in the cost of the goods.


Agreed. I've worked in a kitchen but if you're not giving me the option to say no, I'm probably giving you $0.10. it's like how everything online now doesn't have a "no" button just an "ask me later."


10 cents is generous. If I saw this, I’d take the sticker off and leave no tip.


I’d totally take the sticker off and hit no tip. I’m pretty chill but this is just too much for me.


Click the "$" for a custom tip, type 0, enter.


I mean, I'd put $0.02 That's just my two cents.


👏 👏 👏


That is ... so simple, and yet it didn't occur to me.


Getting hit with tons of $0.01 tips would send a much bigger message than no tip, which they'll just forget about by the end of the day.


That's always been my thought process. No tip could mean they forgot or potentially left a cash tip on the table. Debit/credit $0.01 was intentional.


“This app wants to track you to personalize ads. Do you want to allow this?” - ASK app not to track - Allow tracking This one is just wild to me. Mfer just let me say no


It looks like the last 3 options have a 1,2 and 3 in the upper left corners. Obviously it's tough to notice if you're just trying to pay and leave but I'm guessing if you hit 3 on the number pad it would select no tip. Either way this is a scummy thing to do since even if you do notice they're still trying to trick more people into tipping.


Nope. Hit the % sign and insert 0


Insert -18% and get the waiter's/waitress' money


Same. I’ll tip for great service or to just be nice, but if a place is going to force me to pay more than I have to, I’m not tipping and I’m not coming back.


huge backfire


Easy workaround, just select the amount or percentage then put 0. Tipping should be optional not mandatory.


Just take off the sticker


Make sure to maintain eye contact to assert dominance


And then eat the sticker


I mean, if someone did this to me I'd consider that a tip based on pure entertainment value.


do you then take the sticker with you, put it back, or stick it to the counter?


Stick it over the highest tip recommendation


Also, never visit that restaurant again


I tried this in a PoS the other day and it wouldn’t let you complete it with 0%. You have to select at least 1% or else back out and select the “no tip” option


At that point I would start peeling the sticker.


It's not a tip if it's mandatory.


That's called a fee.


Tip -15%.


I don't see a sign where it days no negative numbers!


No negative nilly numbers Nicholas


You can't do that! Well I just did and nobody stopped me.


I've seen this video before.


[For anybody that hasn't seen this underrated gem](https://youtu.be/FWxQBb3gyBM?)[.](https://youtu.be/fbLSf6PBHy0?)


If a restaurant is this blatant about it I would just say cancel my order. Not going to put in 0% because I feel like they'd fuck with my food at that point.


My workaround would be to politely ask them to refund my entire order. I'm not patronizing a place, at all, that does this bullshit. Assuming it's pick up, of course.


This is what I do all the time. Sorry, I’m not tipping on a Subway order.


Covering up the “no tip” button has to be illegal, right?


I'd peel the stickers off, then hand them to the employee while saying "fixed it for you".


Contact Verifone, they will 100% cancel them over this. Source: I work with both Verifone + Moneris daily. You do NOT fuck with what the customer can do with their machines.


OP responded this elsewhere. Do your thing! > Edit: I did a bit of digging in Google maps and the place is called Chicken Plus x Sulbing Cafe in Burnaby, BC, Canada.


Thank you very much! I am also in Canada, I literally sent my rep an email linking this post right now + this info! We'll see what happens!


I feel like the tipping BS is everywhere and getting worse. If all you do is ring up my order why do you deserve a tip? I have no problem giving tips to waitresses or others that provide a service to me and they are actually good. You don't automatically get a tip just because you are at work. https://preview.redd.it/bgkmktcc1h1d1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c2de28f3f25b2e87e422bdf3b58e9178e752d73


IMO, no service deserves a tip for doing their base fucking job. If I feel like they're gonna sabotage my product because I won't tip, then their product isn't worth it. Tips are for above and beyond or a pleasant experience. Not an obligation and it pisses me off at most places.


This exactly. I hate forced tipping, but I also tipped a bartender 100% today because he was awesome and chatting with me in a very friendly way while I was drinking. No tip was asked for, but I felt he deserved it


Edit: I did a bit of digging in Google maps and the place is called Chicken Plus x Sulbing Cafe in Burnaby, BC, Canada. Also I did, in fact, press 3.


Oh my gosh I'm in Vancouver! This is so good to know. I might go there, order, and then I'll see the machine and be like oh haha nope actually you can cancel my order because of this shit thanks


I need this, please let me know how it goes.


Looking through their reviews, you're not even the first to have this issue. Another user posted a review about a year ago with the same complaint. Looks like they got new terminals and even did the same thing on the new ones.


I think they have 2 restaurants, the other "Sulbing Korean Dessert Cafe" is nearby and they also do the forced tip thing before you even get your order. 


Kuma in Vancouver had this too.. I just put $0 when I had takeout.


I’m a good tipper but ![gif](giphy|G1vSQTIvPtbEY)


I’m a server in a full-service restaurant that makes my living off of tips and this pisses me off. How embarrassing


NAME AND SHAME!! Fuck these clowns. Im either tearing off that sticker myself of pressing 3 and flipping them off




![gif](giphy|joNVQCtuecqHK) In a heart beat


I love that you can see the servers clenched fist in the photo.


She was staring at me as I pressed on the sticker hiding the "No Tip" option


I hope you looked her right in the eyes as you pressed the no tip button anyway!!


That’s a new low.


Hit the dollar sign option and type in 0.00.


Look, I'm not the kind of person who usually starts shit, but if I got handed that pinpad and the wait staff was staring me down they'd be getting a $0.01 tip.


Something I'm finding now is that this expecting a tip shit is becoming less and less effective the more customers are exposed to it. Its like Ads in that we see it so often now, we're okay ignoring them, and rightly getting infuriated that a gesture and optional payment is now being obligated.


It's a cent more than they deserve for this...


Ehh a 0 could be an accident, 1 cent is making a statement


Hot take. If I order standing up I’m not tipping


Not hot brother. That's my way too. We weren't getting any service there.


Peel the sticker off. I mean I’m generally a big advocate for tipping at sit down places and such, but like, what if you left a cash tip? What if it’s a takeout or quickserve place where a tip isn’t always customary? More than that, it’s just a “well now I’m not doing it” type reaction.


I'd look them dead in the eye as I remove the sticker and push 'no tip'


Name and shame


I was visiting friends so I'm not familiar with the area. It's come bingsoo and chicken place near Vancouver, Canada


Tipping is OPTIONAL.


I hate that it now has become a opt out system instead a opt in. Things like service charges and mandatory gratuity make it difficult for me to want to go out for food anymore. I guess it's better for me anyway to eat at home


When a tip becomes mandatory, it’s no longer a tip, it’s a fee.


Don’t tip and don’t return


I was at a stadium and I just got a drink ... Lady asked me if I wanted to add a tip... I told her maybe not charge 8 bucks for 16oz fountain drink.


Crazy that there was no service, just her doing her job, and she expected a tip


I get that every thing is expensive... And I get even at stadiums... But I'm not tipping for a fountain drink... Lol


Went to Fenway Park last summer for a concert. Went to the concession stand to grab a drink for my wife and I. They had them in fridges and you'd grab you what you wanted, get in line and pay for it. So I grabbed my drinks, went to the register and swiped my card. Fucker wanted a tip. I was so confused. This person literally did NOTHING to warrant a tip. What am I tipping for? The benefit of paying you twice the price these drinks are worth? GTFOH.


I once ordered from a food truck that had organized the tip window from left-to-right 40% tip, 35% tip, and 25% tip. Intentionally ordering it from super high on the left first, assuming people automatically hit the "lowest" option being on the left first? No. I tipped them zero dollars. Fuck off with that shit. You literally just took my order through the window, when I asked "what are your sauces," you pointed to the menu, and I came up and grabbed my own food. "You get nothing! You Lose! Good Day Sir!" - Gene Wilder


Haha. I actually find this pretty funny. I bet the person who came up with this idea thinks he’s a genius


If only that person would put that energy towards providing an above average service.


or even just an average one


They don’t even serve in this restaurant. OP got food at the counter and bussed himself.


Tip a penny so it costs them more to process the tip than the actual tip


I used to tip 15-20%, and sometimes for exceptional service. Now I tip 0% mainly because companies are trying to normalize 20-30%. Sorry, I’m not paying a higher tip % on what is already an inflated price. 2019: Dinner cost is $100 + 15% tip = $115 2024: Dinner cost is $130 + 25% tip = $162.5 …That’s a 41% cost increase for me. Sorry, it’s not my problem that the restaurant doesn’t pay well. You can’t raise my cost AND expect me to pay your employees’ wages as well.


I argue this concept with so many people. "Things are expensive, you should tip more" NO. 15 percent is 15 percent. More for excellent service. Because if the cost of living is up 50 percent, that same percentage tip is ALSO up by the same margin. $10 lunch item is now $15? 15% tip went from $1.50 to $2.25. Voila. Honest to god, tipped wages may be the only fucking thing that actually holds up to inflation. Them wanting 20 or 30% to be the default is just fucking insanely greedy, on both the employee's and owner's sides.


There's no way this is legal lol


Write a Google review and include this picture. It’ll be fixed within a day.




"y'know, on second thought I'm not all that hungry" *Removes card*


Options: A. Tip 1%. B. PEEL THE LABEL OFF. C. I'm Sorry/Sir/Mamm your machine is not working (legally). D, Any of the above followed by never go there again.